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Takis president russia talk about iran has dismissed a proposal for a cease fire in northeast and syria insisting the operation will continue until his countrys objectives have been achieved aid agency Doctors Without Borders says its been forced to suspend the majority of its work in the region because of the offensive as that operation continues russia says its troops on now on patrol in Northern Syria then harder reports. The russians moved in after the americans moved out in a deliberate withdrawal the city of mumbai is moscows latest victory in syria its military police now patrols a front line that separates the turkish and syrian armys their presence stops a turkish led military advance towards the city which sits on the m 4 highway a main logistics and commercial route that runs to the iraqi border the city also connects the east of the euphrates with the rest of Northern Syria the russian move disrupts ankaras plan to create what it calls a safe zone to allow refugees who are afraid to live under president Bashar Assads rule to return home. We will liberate a few forman beach through rocky border and guaranteed a 1000000 in the 1st phase and 2000000 in the 2nd phase will return to syria. But it is the russian backed syrian army which returned to the north east restoring control for the 1st time since 2013 the abrupt pullout by the us military forced its longtime partners the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces to cede control of territory to damascus for protection the s d f is the target of the Turkish Military operation in northeast syria the armed group is largely made up of fighters from the Syrian Kurdish y p G Organization that turkey calls terrorists because of its links with the p k k turkey wants to push the group away from the border but it is fighting back so far the turkey led forces have not been able to complete the 1st phase of the operation that involves securing the 120 kilometer long and 30 kilometer deep pocket along the border. Turkey is also coming under diplomatic pressure the United States and the European Union have imposed sanctions washington is calling on turkey to stop what it calls an invasion and agree to a cease fire so far the reaction from turkish officials has been one of defiance they say the presence of the wife along turkeys border is a National Security threat sanctions may hurt but they feel the danger coming from syria is worse. He asked if once controlled 30 percent of syria where millions live an area rich in oil agriculture and water the u. N. Says 160000 of them are on the move in what was once a relatively peaceful and stable corner of syria russia and turkeys local allies are battling on several fronts russia says it doesnt approve turkeys military moves in syria and wont accept its permanent presence there seems to be serious differences between the 2 countries who are supposed to be working together in syria but diplomatic channels remain open. Could be leverage. On the turkish Syrian Border while u. S. Lawmakers have now introduced a resolution opposing president thomas decision to pull troops out of syria House Speaker nancy pelosi says the bill will also call the strongest sanctions against taki we would have a bipartisan bill to oppose the president s decision she shared lee dangerous decision and that we would have legislation with strong sanctions in it against turkey and the president gave the green light to turkey to go in and commit this humanitarian disaster order the kurds making us an untrustworthy ally and then had a wet noodle for. His sanctions which we just were not up to the task all that resolution comes as donald thompsons by his Vice President and secretary of state to turkey on wednesday to seek a cease fire even though the takesh president says he isnt willing to negotiate with Kurdish Forces. From washington d. C. Ever since announcing that u. S. Troops were heading out the us President Donald Trump has seemed pretty shocked by the criticism hes getting from all corners of the political spectrum saying that this was a bad decision so he has been doubling down almost daily on twitter but now hes trying to basically make it stop the straw decide his Vice President mike pence and the secretary of state mike pompei out to turkey and the white house is saying that theyre going to ask him for a cease fire that is something he hasnt seemed willing to do so this is a pretty high stakes gamble for the president in his supporters say they like him because he comes across as a strong leader that hes tough but he makes tough deals if he sends his Vice President to an ally and asks for something it is rejected comes home empty handed well this controversy only gets bigger at a potentially hurts the president as he looks to reelection because it would take away one of those things that his supporters see in him which is his ability to bend the other World Leaders to his will even after all this time they still believe he has that capacity this would prove it one way or the other to the people hes relying on to put him back in office. Caroline is facing disruption in the legislature has she tries to give her annual policy speech. About being the. You know make his head down twice forcing the meeting to be suspended and then as she left the chamber some even through objects asked her correspondents called highland joins me now live from Hong Kong Scott today was meant to restore confidence in kerry administration but it seems it was quite the opposite talk us through what happens. In the stocks absolutely yeah i know this is supposed to be the the annual policy address is posed to be the opportunity for kerry land for the leader of hong kong to tout their successes over the past year in the kind of map out the future clearly she was unable to even get beyond her introduction because she was shouted down by members of the Legislative Council the prodemocratic bloc of members if you will so she didnt even really get beyond maybe 2 or 3 minutes before she got shouted down she got shouted down she tried to start again got shouted down again and then they dismissed the the assembly and everyone exit and some of those 10 Democratic Bloc Party members had an opportunity to speak in front of cameras and one just flat out said she doesnt have the right to rule this territory anymore in a possible months home to home people have had a very difficult time very very tough time how rather allen chief executive mrs kerry lamb refuse to respond to resole of the problem. Our 5 months are very clear not one less and i really urge if she cant tell them hong kong and she has no determination to govern hong kong and she has no ability and even incapable in a ministration Hong Kong Police that down scope where to now from have heard ministration as we heard that her opponents a canny not backing down. Another definite backing down what were hearing is going to happen within the hour a plan b. If you will for that policy address and we knew going into this and were at the Legislative Council the government complex here in hong kong it is encircled by a very heavy Police Presence we were told us 1000 police were brought out for this event protesters outside obviously didnt prevent the protesters inside what happens next to plan b. If you will a video recording were not sure or maybe a live stream of kerry lamb delivering that policy address is supposed to happen within the next hour again its going to look at kind of the successes of the past year obviously the protests are a big black mark on that and then moving forward what she sees as whats going to be the future in hong kong her policies now really its really going to be interesting that said weve heard that shes called this her blue address shes saying that she wants there to be blue skies after the storm thats hanging over hong kong right now its really going to be difficult particularly when you see that she was even able to deliver that policy address without interruption scott highly watching all of that for us from hong kong thank you very much scott. While the democrats here want to replace donald trump in the white house have presented a united front calling for him to be impeached theyve just wrapped up their 4th debate is in ohio a battleground state thats backed the winner of the president ial vote for decades but several have warned that forcing trump from office cannot be the democrats are in a message they will also fiery exchanges about health care Foreign Policy and gun violence and our correspondent john hendren is in westerville ohio where that debate was held john the debate wrapped up not very long ago did any particular candidate stand out the singing. It was the 4th and final status of the debates and many of the candidates went after each other in particular Elizabeth Warren seemed to have a target painted on her back but all the candidates are out here in what they call the spin room right now talking about their performances standing right over there behind me is cory booker and you can see by those signs where the various other candidates are weve had many of them come out here joe biden has not made it here and. He was much more aggressive in this debate that he was in previous debates and he needed to be his poll numbers have gone down hes been repeatedly criticized by President Trump and that may be connected more and fired back at everyone that fired at her but perhaps it was Bernie Sanders who had a particularly good night this was 2 weeks to the day after he had a heart attack and stents implanted in he was aggressive in fighting for Health Medicare for all that is a government funded Health Program and over attacks on the wealthy he was very strong on all of those things what he needed to show was that he was physically and mentally Strong Enough not just to complete the campaign but also to act as commander in chief of the us so as we wait other candidates to come out here. The debate was really one in which many of the candidates in the top. Bridges jockeying for that 1st place position those in the 2nd tier and there are 12 of them total are jocking to be in the 1st place position those at the bottom are just fighting to survive and there are probably about 4 of them the only one whos not in that position and is low in the polls is billionaire philanthropist tom styer hes the guy if he drops out of this race all the others will be asking for contributions because hes running a self funded campaign from here these candidates as they went out it will be harder to get into the next debate the 5th debate in november. Those candidates are going to be on the road focusing on the early voting states iowa New Hampshire South Carolina and then theyre going to have to worry about taking on President Donald Trump and pivot toward him and i was just talking to cory booker up here and asked repeatedly mentioned civility one of the things he said was that he doesnt want what happened in 2016 to happen again whoever wins he says he wants that candidate not to be so damaged that when they go up against President Trump they lose these democrats want to remain in the 2020 and at least cory booker is hoping that after this feisty debate they can unify on a final candidate one of these days soon john hendren in westerville ohio for us thank you josh. Well still ahead on aljazeera. A family at the center of abuse accusations against the elderly and australia. Hello there is a message to picture across much of the middle east however weve seen a few showers and thunderstorms through the eastern end of the mat in the last few hours and we could see a few more as we head through wednesday this is sort of swathe of cloud work its way eastwards and that could bring want to showers too much as they leave it attitude 29 in beirut on wednesday 37 in baghdad and 26 degrees across into kabul very little change as we head into thursday perhaps more in the way of time and again as i say it could just bring a scottish or a nicely to the on the storm for the south across the raven peninsula we could see some coastal showers across into southern sections of oman that is where he has for the south again it could impact yemen as we go on into thursday touches of come down across much of the reagan peninsula but it is still feeling very humid say feeling worse than these temperatures actually suggest and then down into Southern Africa if you were all across into madagascar for the next couple of days and then weve got large to kick conditions 3 much as south africa up towards durban time which is not as high as they have been although infos say another warm day in johannesburg with a high of 30 celsius and that is where we could see if you shall just push across into northern malawi and continuing west across much of and go into. Sponsor tone and. What are you protesting about how does this impact whether online basements will see comes directly out of its lately or if you joined us on sunday this is an attack. On our ability to do research and. This is a dialogue myanmars not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice. And our solutions on aljazeera. Hello again im. Top stories this hour donald trump is sending a high level delegation to turkey on wednesday to seek a cease fire in northeast and syria even though president says he isnt willing to negotiate with Kurdish Forces meanwhile Russian Forces on moving towards Northern Syria in an effort to fill a security void left by american troops. Hongkong lead a carrier has faced disruption in the legislature as she tried to give her annual policy speech. Down twice forcing the meeting to be suspended and then as she left the chamber even flew objects. To the 12 democrats who want to replace donald trump in the white house have presented a unique and unified front calling for him to be impeached but they were also fiery exchanges during their 4th debate in ohio about health care Foreign Policy and gun violence. Now democrats are accusing the Top Administration of stonewalling the investigation into whether the president should be impeached. Vice president mike pence trumps really im Rudi Giuliani and the white house all refusing to submit documents to the inquiry as saying a state Department Official in charge of ukraine policy has become the latest to testify before the House Committee is george kents was questioned about his knowledge of times efforts to have ukraine investigates his peers who rival biden while the head of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff says evidence of obstruction of Congress Continues to announce we are running into what we expected in one aspect and that is a complete effort by the administration to stonewall. Today is long past due the date when the state department was subpoenaed to provide documents but the state department has thus far refused and were it not for the fact that at least some witnesses have given us documents we would not know that there is a paper record of efforts to condition this meeting and perhaps condition military support itself on these political investigations donald trump wanted. Protesters and police have clashed on a 2nd day of rallies in the spanish city of basra line on the demonstrations are against the jailing of 9 pro catalan leaders so again as i say the 2nd night in a row clashes commotion and angry protests i turned into an outburst a few reem barcelonas city center with police say some 40000 protesters have made their way here some even prepared for violence as if from bottles and set fire to rubbish containers what began as a peaceful vigil soon after turned into a riot so with the 2 main storify as in the city center quickly turned into a no go area. Regional leaders so often at odds with essential government to madrid have been calling for a campaign of civil disobedience. Protest at the 9 politicians and activists convicted of sedition on monday the goal they say safeguarding catalonia is right to selfdetermination. This is what know is this is the giving and to defend. The government of catalonia in the front of the defense of the rights but now after the sentences have been eliminated or repeated. This latest wave of protest organized by a Leaderless Movement known as the democratic tsunami is prepared to take a bow hardline approach but not everyone agrees with the strategy some cattle are nationalist have condemned the violent tactics from the Central Government to madrid promised to fully investigate who was behind the latest wave of disruption i was but this is a week where activists have promised to keep on protesting says this is session attempt to years ago. Both pro and anti independent starts as have hardened neither side is prepared to give way to dialogue just yet senator you have all aljazeera barcelona. The e. U. And the u. K. Have been holding last itched talks to work out a deal that can be discussed at a Leaders Summit in brussels on thursday negotiators from the u. K. And the e. U. Are attempting to reach an agreement by the end of the week ahead of britains official departure from the e. U. On october the 30 fast the. Obstacles remain between the 2 sides but theres still potential for a deal reaching agreement. Or. Obviously any agreement must work for everyone. Of the United Kingdom under former of the European Union riyadh or should i think you are you. For term good intentions in your league or to. The committee to protect journalists has added its voice to calls for the release of as whos been detained in egypt she is among the many journalists arrested following antigovernment protests which began last month there also calls to investigate accusations that shes been abused in custody. Hundreds of palestinian israelis in the city around protesting against Police Failure to tackle violence in their communities the demonstration is one of many across israel in recent days and more protests are planned for next week how a force that was at that rally in rwanda. Well every few days in israel there is a protest by palestinian israelis on this day its here in the town of romney just outside of tel aviv in these protests are about what has become the number one political issue for this community some 20 percent of israeli population in recent weeks thats the issue of Violent Crime at the we can do is the 74th killing so far this year what was described as a family dispute one man killed in that dispute and the the message is that as well as having to address this on a Community Level what is really crucial is that Israeli Police have to change their attitude there is a feeling there is a lack of will to intervene and investigate. This phenomenon called violence on the crime and then to do Everything Possible to correct all wrong things within our community they address our tool the 1st one we Community Leaders and community and the other goal at the of the other goal is the government itself we know that they can do a lot of collecting the illegal weapons and to make it to use and sold that crimes against arab women and men we know that 80 percent of the crimes against the arab population are not sold so nobody paying for this crime is a recent survey published by the israeli newspaper are its studied Police Investigations of killings and found that among jewish israelis indictments were nearly twice the rate of investigations into killings of palestinian Israeli Citizens the leaders of these of this Movement Among them the head the most senior arab israeli politician theyve had meetings with israeli go. Figures they say they have secured pledges and indeed Israeli Government is saying that it will deploy extra Police Officers to areas of northern israel where its required talking about other measures as well that lead to the most senior politician im annoyed a he says that what is really required is a comprehensive set of policies and measures and thats something that cant really happen until israel finally gets its way out of its political crisis it still has a caretaker administrator after a 2nd election and these people say they need a proper government in place to try and change the policies and change what is happening to their communities. Aged care centers in australia under scrutiny for the abuse and neglect of their residents and investigation has found the sick and. Often without their consent Andrew Thomas has more. After emigrating from spain to australia in her twentys moloch approach worked as a carer now with advanced dementia shes the one who needs looking after after her husband silvio had a stroke both needed full time care in a nursing home but in one staffer sponsored to produce behavior by sedating her with drugs lots of them physically she was losing a balance she was blank faced she was pretty much screaming a lot of the time i couldnt help her you know because of the drugs in her system she couldnt help herself or nobody could help her every day i was a struggle only after 2 years of slowly weaning her off the drugs and paying the extra private nursing staff to her son feel his mother is calm. So the mother that i see today when i hug her. Even though she has dementia i feel like shes my mother you know and i feel the strength and if you feel her pace monica pro his experience is far from unique Human Rights Watch has investigated Centers Across australia and found what they call chemical restraint is often the norm. Caring for people with dementia is labor intensive and that is expensive drugs are a cheaper alternative but often given without informed consent from the patient or their relatives Human Rights Watch says its a violation of their rights i do think that most people would be shocked to find that its a common practice to drug older people mostly people with dementia really makes no sense to say that there should be a lower standard for drugging someone you know order to control their behavior as compared to perhaps using some sort of physical restraint the issue is not unique to australia Human Rights Watch also investigated in the United States and found chemical restraint there was just as common but in australia at the moment a National Inquiry a Royal Commission is looking into issues right across the countrys aged care system cases of abuse neglect and a routine lack of respect for the elderly a rule being uncovered and exposed there is national contemplation of the way people are treated towards the ends of their lives Andrew Thomas aljazeera melbourne. Armed men have confronted soldiers in the mexican state of guerrero with at least 14 civilians killed in the gun battle the attack happened on monday but information is only just been released that same day suspected Cartel Gunmen killed more than a dozen Police Officers it was the worst attack on mexican Law Enforcement in years forcing the president and the us manual up as arbor door to defend his security strategy. Now peruvians are hoping that elections in january will restore faith and their political system and last week president was in his car a dissolve Congress Accusing the opposition controlled legislature of blocking corruption investigations Mariana Sanchez has more for. All that if scandal has rocked beating politicians businessmen and lawmakers were bribed with hundreds of millions of dollars the brazilian construction giant received infrastructure contract to outlet in america in return for were proven precedents are under investigation one committed suicide and top politicians are in jail because he did nothing discover this old Congress Last week i mean its investigations by prosecutors and reporters that exposed corruption journalists can start over he says lawmakers tried to stop the although ditching vista geishas and other corruption probes within the judiciary a us in the c. N. N. Move they tried harassing us and failed they also attempted sabotaging the prosecutors graft probes by doing that they discredited themselves as a result the disapproval by most peruvians intensified it was a very bad mistake in calculation. Nearly 90 percent of hoovens supported proceeded to this kind of decision to dissolve congress and say it was the most corrupt in the history of beating and mourning the daughter of a recent former dictator and bit of a more controlled it to her popular forced party analysts say legislators to control the judiciary to stop prosecutors from investigating corruption probes although it is see it i mean certainly though to bridge scandal contaminated prues political system with bribes and networks built by businessmen to win contracts by corrupting not only high profile Public Servants but authorities all over the country but former congressman carlos to be none too nice his party protected corrupt individuals because. Oh of course not never we werent looking to resolve the bottom line of the issues that was a matter of the judiciary but we had to protect the legislators immunity the press try to destroy us or you are a go criminal investigations. Preventive detention struction of justice and love to bring money all the rich allegedly paid for her Political Campaign in 2000 sting along with many other politicians involved in similar probes she can run again for legislative and president ial elections the law allows candidates who havent been sentenced in pending corruption investigations to campaign for election if they win a seat theyre also going immunity from prosecution all 24. 00 Political Parties including popular of course are now preparing to compete for januarys Congressional Elections are hoping the next congress will be a less corrupt one. Just a little see that we might be to. Hello again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines donald trump is sending a high level delegation to taki on wednesday to seek a ceasefire and ne in syria even though president at one says he isnt willing to negotiate with Kurdish Forces meanwhile Russian Forces are moving towards Northern Syria in an effort to fill a security void left by american troops on u. S. Lawmakers have introduced a resolution opposing president toms decision to pull troops out of syria House Speaker nancy pelosi says the bill will also call for strongest sanctions against taki. We would have a bipartisan bill to oppose the president s decision terribly dangerous decision and that we would have legislation with strong sanctions in it against turkey of the president gave a very unlike to turkey to go in and commit this humanitarian disaster or to the kurds making us an untrustworthy ally and then had a wet noodle for. His sanctions which just were not up to the task hongkong leader kerry delivering her annual policy speech by video link after she faced disruption in the legislature. Jorja candy bar somewhere you are with the lawmakers shouted down twice forcing the meeting to be suspended and as she left the chamber some even threw objects asked her the 12 democrats who want to replace donald trump in the white house have presented a united front calling for him to be impeached but they were also fiery exchanges during their 4th debate in our higher about health care Foreign Policy and gun violence while democrats are accusing the tomba ministration of stonewalling the investigation into whether the president should be impeached Vice President mike pence trumps lou air Rudy Giuliani and the white house refusing to submit documents to the inquiry the e. U. And the u. K. Have been holding a last ditch talks to work out a rexx a deal that can be discussed as a Leaders Summit in brussels on thursday that used exit negotiation michelle banja says obstacles remain between the 2 sides but theres still potential for a deal well those are the headlines join me for more news here on aljazeera after the stream. Where ever you. Have me i. K. O. People are taking to the streets and growing numbers across the hour and you can see just some of the pace these people being protesting is a few of the recent protests that weve been tracking like hail in the stream but today we want to ask you protests actually work. Now no matter where you are on this map tell us what you think by tweeting us e. J. Stream or joining us on our live chat and you too could be in the stream. I mean peace and climate activists and you are in the street

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