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Patriotic slogans and lots of boys on scooters just kind of really taking this chance to take over the streets and theres you know just droves and droves of scooters young young people who really dont have a part in this government this country who dont have jobs who dont have education who are just fed up with the very miserable state of affairs in this country very hard living on without electricity without water with constant pollution without with now theyre raising taxes people are feeling very squeezed and this thing with the whatsapp putting a tax on whatsapp was kind of the last straw because. People whats up with the only thing working in the country some people say was one of the few things that you know poor kids and regular folks in lebanon you know rely on for their entertainment or their communication and so you know the government is seen as really overstepping and speaking of the government as we wait for the Prime Minister to come out and speak there are some demonstrators and some politicians as well as you know were calling for his resignation what do you expect him to say when he comes out i mean what are the options right now for assad and heidi. It was hard to say you know we never know predict what happened the top how did so many interesting things that happen in the past with his speeches so hes tried to resign in the past will he do that again i think there might be some idea that there must be some to salvage here i mean lebanon is a broken system lebanon is a very broken and chaotic state but it can always get worse and without any kind of alternative system alternative political system in this country youre leaving us with a complete and utter void as i said lebanon is very chaotic but it can always get more chaotic and today what i saw on the streets 18 year old boys running the streets if you want to have that or a corrupt government its a very tough tough call i think he probably might may try to stay on he may try to assure people he may try to offer some kind of boon to the public but this is not the case as it is and met many arab countries where you have one leader one rule assad how do you just one of many leaders who rule lebanon so if he resigns or not its kind of irrelevant and i know that youve certainly covered past protests in lebanon including the garbage crisis that took place a couple of years ago is there a comparison to be made here when you look at whats happening right now in lebanon with these protests is the country sort of at a point of no return where people are just simply absolutely fed up. Well its hard to say weve reached many points of no return in the last 10 or 15 years in lebannon theres always been some kind of crisis happening but the financial crisis right now with some pressure on the lebanese pound and fears that people will lose money is kind of a new specter of drama and lebannon it does feel similar to the protest in 201516 but there is Something Different about it in that these happen so quickly i mean these were just you know overnight everything change was a crazy wild night of all Night Protests and i mean its almost a 24 hour protest really hasnt had a break so the intensity of the anger on the streets is definitely a bit more and also theyre much more widespread this time i said every small street level on you have to go around i have to go the opposite way its very chaotic it feels like a complete vacuum of law even though we have very little on the bronze it can always feel worse and so cars driving the wrong way on the highway people it just seems like hospitals you cant get to hospital theyre all blocked there is fire is burning a part of hospitals so people can really move you know within 10 blocks of their house in some places or even less ok heavy but so we thank you very much for joining us from beirut. Coming up in the news hour. On the streets in mexico a Security Forces try to capture the drug lord. With a new deal in hands can Boris Johnson get the approval of a deeply divided british parliament. And the astros are one win away from other world series appearance peter reaction a little later. So Pro Independence marchers from all across catalonia have converged on barcelona tens of thousands filled the streets during the 5th day of demonstrations in the city taking place right now the massive show of support for 9 catalan separatist leaders jailed on monday they were sentenced for their part in the independence referendum deemed illegal by spains government 2 years ago sonia gago has the latest from barcelona. This is just one of the 5 marches thats going to be interested youre far from alone on a friday afternoon thousands of you having a good day testing against sentencing 100 k. Activists edition over the role of the up to 2017 and people referendum on independence however that is dire to hold a referendum on independence has not died down in fact that sentencing is talking in plain that theyre also calling for their release as well now while that has been taking place as well they will be joining other marches in the city of boston and i have also been other protests throughout the region as well anything else to go by that sentencing has not come down to a matter of Spanish Government would have it anything that close of motions to become even more empowered over this issue so that was sonia reporting just a short while ago lets in fact speak to her right now and bring her and shes joining us from barcelona so as were saying it seems that huge numbers of people have come out in support of this general strike thats going on just tell us what youre seeing and whats been happening. Where theres less so much about the strike itself which has to be a political but its more about the sentencing of those 9 but a titians and activists and also renewing coals for another referendum in the region as well thats what many people have been calling for they have also been calling for the release of of those politicians and activists as well its been actually quite extraordinary certainly the amounts of people that weve seen coming into the into the cities certainly more than the the other the. Celebration day that takes place in september which this year actually had a record low of 600000 people. So says a 1000 people so with this look set to take those numbers as well so many clothes so many roads to. City have been closed off its been very peaceful with families attending everyone just walking through and attending several protests that have been taking place at different points of the city throughout the day and of course giving a lot of support to those who came marching outside of wasilla to end up here right in the city said you know ok sonia thank you for that update from barcelona. Now in mexico the son of a notorious cocaine trafficker is on the run after a shootout with police and Security Forces a veto goes menace scapes arrest after drug Cartel Gunmen brought city streets to a standstill hama jumped on reports. Fierce gun battles in the city of clear calm in northwest mexico. The Security Forces and drug Cartel Gunmen fight it out after the short lived arrest was money. Hes the son of the notorious Drug Cartel Boss Joaquin Guzman also known as el chapo who is serving a life sentence after extradition to the United States. The gun battles went on for hours as army and Police Forces came under increasing attack vehicles were set ablaze for terrified residents panic set in bodies could be seen in the streets the capital of siena low a state brought to a standstill later in the day mexicos security minister laid out the sequence of events. Today at 1530 hours a patrol composed of 30 elements of the National Guard and sedan or were conducting a routine patrol in the tress rios neighborhood of the city of coolly accounts in a low and they were attacked from a home patrol personnel repelled the assault and took control of the house locating 4 occupants inside during this action one of them was identified as Oviedo Guzman lopez this led to several organized criminal groups surrounding the house with a force greater than that of the patrols likewise other related groups carried out violent actions against citizens in different parts of the city generating a situation out of. You is what was. Said a decision was ultimately made to release in order to protect lives the State Government said its working to restore calm and called on everyone to stay off the streets while guzman is on the run the latest fugitive in mexicos seemingly never ending war on cocaine traffickers. While mexican the president on the road or is defending the Security Forces decision to release the suspect. No. I backed the decision because considering protection of people is the most important thing the most important thing is to protect against loss of life the most important thing is peace lets bring in now hes joining us live from mexico city so are there many any more developments that you can speak of or has the government said anything further money while during as you can see from those images from from mohammeds report its a city today is in a state of shock after what transpired on thursday with gunmen opening fire on Police Officers the latest update that we can tell is what we heard from the president just now the president of mexico saying that he backs the decision by the security cabinet to allow for the release of the son of. Man and allow him to go free for quote protecting lives saying that this was basically the the Mexican Police retreating being outgunned by members of the cin aloa cartel who were using high caliber weapons against police who simply did not expect this they were carrying out a search in arrest warrant against the son of edge up a goose mine when they were confronted by members of the cartel and they were forced to retreat this is now being seen as a failed operation here in mexico by the police in the state of sinaloa through all this is the 3rd large scale violent incident this week alone in mexico what kind of presser is this putting on the Security Forces in the country. It is another violent incident and along with that gun fight that took place there were automobiles that were burned on the streets of guns have blocked access from Police Officers there was a separate incident involving a prison that where 39 inmates managed to escape and are still at large all of this combined with the incidents that took place in the state of new truck on where 14 Police Officers were killed another incident later in the week were 15 civilians were killed all of this putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the government a tremendous amount of pressure on the presidency of this Manuel Lopez Obrador who earlier this week it said that advances are being made in the area of security in the country but knowing that last year 2018 was a record setting your for homicides in mexico the expectation in the current statistical trend of homicides point to yet another record breaking year for homicides here in mexico 3. Thank you for that update from mexico city victims of airstrikes in libya say theyre too frightened to return to their homes because of the threat of further attacks the 6 month battle for tripoli has killed or wounded hundreds of civilians or the earth 24 have to out and his forces are accused of committing war crimes in their attempt to seize the capital from the un recognized government mahmoud ive been well had reports from chip any. Victims trying to fix whats on his china destroyed in the alpha nash district of the libyan capital. Many people here are reluctant to return home because of the threat of further attacks and it is strike by a half to his forces on october the 14th killed the mother and her 3 daughters many fled fearing that their homes near a military camp would be also targeted the family were among the injured in the move to a relatives house so i sister was wanted and her father remains traumatised by the except closure and. The explosion shattered windows and parts of the ceiling and her hosts before the attack happened weve been worried that her area could be targeted because theres a military camp nearby. Military camps have been in the residential areas for decades and are a long way from the front lines in southern tripoli have to his forces are blamed for killing and injuring hundreds of civilians since launching an offensive to seize tripoli in april. The government in tripoli and its forces have resisted the attempted takeover so far residents of this area live in constant fear of attacks by have those warplanes they say as long as there is no action against those conducting the airstrikes such attacks will go on the commander of tripoli military region under the u. N. Recognize the governments as have those forces are committing war crimes by attacking civilian areas. Military camps located near residential areas should not be a target most of those camps are old and active not operational but after his aim is to intimidate opponents whatever it takes. Over the past 6 months fighting has forces nearly 150000 people to flee their homes in southern tripoli. Have to says he wants to rid the capital of armored groups his opponents say he wants to impose military rule and he has been recruiting missionaries and loyalists of the former regime of a model good duffy. Until there is political stability and accountability to stop the case in libya many more innocent civilians will draw a. Pally among the stories ahead on the aljazeera news hour as the u. S. Imposes new tariffs on european goods we asked the white house opening a new front line in the trade war. And houston we have history its one small step for women during the 1st also email space walk. Or in the saddle of the Worlds Toughest Mountain Bike race peter has the details of the crocodile trophy thats coming up in sport. Hello that touches have been steadily coming down across areas of the middle east as quite a bit of travelers been streaming up from west to east in the last few hours and we will actually have a potential as we head through the weekend mostly dry on saturday but about 37 celsius in baghdad 27 m. B. Reis and we could see a few showers with this sort of mass here across into will central and southern areas of turkey but its really sunday that we see this a bank of cabbage coming in with that more extensive in pushing for the east with very widely scattered showers across much of turkey pushing across into areas of iraq iran as well right there down towards the south look at the temperature and baghdad 33. 00 on sunday so really feeling much better than it has done all the late in those temperatures again continuing to sort of calm down a steady across the mid thirtys throughout much of the Arabian Peninsula even a few showers reported thursday into doha as sunday is a similar sort of story again weve got temperatures in the mid thirtys and the humidity levels are beginning to come down and sort of stayed same time and then we have got the chance of you scott the thunderstorms in johannesburg over the next couple of days a stream of cloud just to work its way to east of cape town it be warm no chance of any rain showers there and very woman johannesburg at 35. On the legacy of south africas a n c whats the point made in the quality or these what is the power how does gold take us how will i build a team and how perceptions have changed of this former Liberation Movement turned government you think is appropriate for a man who went to prison for defrauding paul im an eruption to run your policies working group on corruption not the ha some goes head to head with my leg embedded to remove it seems not exactly be we add that i get integration. When the news breaks. When people need to be cut and the story needs to be told police to come out from the pop ups and stop with the exclusive interviews using that was a mistake you know and indepth reports taking on the environmental and Climate Crisis is a battle of many fronts not least bad of the ocean aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more road documentaries and life nice. Well again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour explosions during friday prayers at a mosque in eastern afghanistan have killed at least 60 people and injured many more its still not known who is behind the attack the talibans has it wasnt. The turkish president or a dictator bird on the offensive in northeast syria will resume within minutes if kurdish rebels dont abide by the terms of the cease fire live a truce is largely holding but there have been some unverified reports of sporadic fighting in gaza lying. Lebanon is in the grip of its biggest protest for years as people demand the governments resignation for the dire state of the economy tensions boiled over when new tax plans were announced Prime Minister saad heidi has cancelled fridays Cabinet Meeting and we are waiting to hear from the Prime Minister hes going to address the nation or well take you live to beirut as soon as that happens hes not sure if he has enough votes but britains Prime Minister is still confident hell get his breakfast deal through parliament on saturday or is johnson signed off with the thursday describing it as a fair and balanced deal for both sides and saying it will allow the u. K. To depart by october 31st as promised but many other politicians even some allies say the agreements are worse than the previous one they rejected 3 times so among the opponents is the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland britains foreign secretary dominic rob says their concerns are unfounded. With a message that the u. P. A. Is grandstanding concerns but we argue that dealt with the u. K. Know the law and stays within the u. K. Customs territory they also get seamless frictionless access to the Single Market in the e. U. Its a great deal for Northern Irish business theres no any interest no infrastructure at the border and there is a command consent mechanism which allows by majority in the Northern Ireland assembly for the people right across one of the communities to consent to staying in the limited number of rules and regulations on agra food industrialized products that are required for that seamless access to the e. U. Market lets bring it under simmons is joining us just outside parliament in london so how tight will this vote be the deal on saturday andrew. Well this is a tough situation its certainly no easy war for Boris Johnson its too close to cole when you look at the mathematics of it hes certainly going to look outside his party to get support and hes very much dependent it would seem the labor party and pays who favor brix it a major job is going on to get people into line 21 story m. P. s who were disciplined earlier this year being persuaded by every form possible its a vote for the government most of them are in line independents m. P. s also looking at them and furthermore all the die hard a pro brix it breaks it is has that no these m. P. s that coming round in the main but no one is sure of the numbers one person news thats when the numbers the most in dont the political analyst whats your money on does it does he do you think he can do this on a wouldnt want to put any money on this outcome either way im way too risky but if i had to put money in when their action i think he would probably fail we are talking very very close were talking Single Digits whichever way this thing go is looking to move 5 votes possibly and yeah but he did labor in that i mean probably i guess i mean you were laying out well theres basically fool groups that he needs to appeal to the brics the hardliners that could be jean the do you pay the Northern Irish party the tories were thrown out of the party for being against new deal and the labor pro deal guys its really complex now the d. P. Say theyre going to oppose him most of the package tories will support him but some of them will know gee hardliners will mostly support him one or 2 of them might know their labor produce probity 57. 00 maybe will great support him the rest something you probably werent whenever the numbers drop on any one of those groups the numbers go up on the other parts of holy complex but one thing that could actually really mess up. Everything that is all of the left leaning conservative m. P. And his alliance trying to put an amendment forward in fact the members going to go to the house of commons on saturday which will if you could explain to is upset the whole apple cart this is always how it goes with breaks and whenever you get these moments of high parliamentary drama someone comes in with an amendment which basically threes a grenade into the whole situation and changes with the variables in this case it says it attaches itself to the motion it basically says you know were going to make a call on this either way right now what we are going to say is if you want us to prospects it you need to show us the legislation or one of the details of what you plan to do not just the summary not just the broad idea but the details and that has major implications if that gets passed what it means is that another piece of legislation called the ban act its a century end piece parts forcing the government to extend article 50 and stammer of the e. U. For longer if you havent got it still by tomorrow 70 that would be activated so wed have to extend this situation if this is possible he would have to extend it which is something hes said he wont do it probably will die in a ditch rather than do this but if that thing passes tomorrow he will have to extend legally he will not have his deal and at the moment it looks like that amendment will part so look said Boris Johnson is going to a situation where he wont be defeated but his victory will be taken from him and that fundamental system underneath the bridge sort of forcing an extension suddenly takes hold and dont thank you very much for your analysis that that is a real possibility that all of the let when amendment that could actually put the situation in a very disciplined different sphere altogether with an a and a judgment. And that having the Prime Minister having to go back to the European Union to extend to january the 31st that is would be a major blow for him but it would give some breathing space ok back to you well see what happens on saturday anderson stank you. Well the barker has more on the border issue from Northern Irelands going to staunch the unionist parts of east belfast many people here would have shared some of the sentiments expressed by the Democratic Unionist Party but like all political affiliations unionism exists on a sliding scale from hardline loyalists of one end to moderates at the other but what unites the moral is the attitude towards boys johnsons brecks a plan is summed up on the front page of this unionist newspaper the newsletter describes the plan as a great betrayal but weve been speaking to some of the people here in east belfast as a lot of concern a lot of worry a lot of bewilderment a lot of pragmatism as well we even spoke to a woman who referred to Boyce Johnson as a clam pit which means useless is what people have to say here hes a competent hes a company yes hes a head. Yes he doesnt know what hes talking about so she dont compound that so seamy dont like the idea that you know. To make the idea of anybody by 10 year a see quarter here it makes logical sense i guess. Politically and culturally again. Its just a divided country still. 20 years on. And how do you think people are going to feel about the economic closeness between Northern Ireland or the republic of ireland i mean surely thats a bit of a poisonous topic too yeah he told poisonous bracks its probably the most poisonous thing thats happened. You can. Go into all those in the more hardline end of the spectrum loyalists have also been speaking to they believe that some of the threats that have been made by hardline dissident republicans like the new are raised to blow up and target infrastructure should it appear or a new hard border between Northern Ireland of the republic of ireland well that they have now been rewarded by Boris Johnsons plan the fear is that a border down the middle of the irish sea could well inspire violence from the other end of the political spectrum from the loyalist and to memories of groups like the u. D. A. And the youve shown on this mural behind me is still fresh in peoples minds here nobody wants to see the clock turn back as for politicians from the Democratic Unionist Party will they say that none of their 10 mpg sitting in westminster will support boys johnsons deal when it goes to a vote on saturday but the question is can johnson get his brakes a deal over the line without help and if he can what does that mean for the Democratic Unionist Party and what does that mean for Northern Irelands place in the United Kingdom the white house has acknowledged that President Trump held up military aid to ukraine partly to push kiev to hold investigations in connection with the 2016 president ial campaign but the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney soon backtracked on his statements and Donald Trumps lawyer has distanced the president from the remarks democrats say this is further evidence of wrongdoing bolstering the case for impeachment. Things have just gone from very very bad to much much worse. The idea that vital military assistance would be withheld for such a patently political reason for the reason of serving the president s reelection campaign. Is. A phenomenal breach of the president s duty to defend our National Security and i hope that every member democrat and republican will speak out and condemn this. Action by the president and his chief of staff a new u. S. Terrorist affecting 70000000000. 00 worth of european products have come into effect its in response to what washington calls illegal subsidies for aircraft manufacturer. Harvest time in spain should be a time to set up ration all of this yet its a time of anxiety as they shake down the trees the u. S. Is imposing a new 25 percent import tax on that tax that could decimate this 5th generation Family Business unable to compete with cheap imports. Given enough. The vessels that are carrying spanish on a voyage to the states havent even reached their destination so whats going to happen there was so default these tariffs were a threat so pushing a 25 percent margin on top of this will kill our competitiveness. If spain is the Worlds Largest producer of out of oil exports to the us 200. 00. We break out of the reports a take its roots where the Prime Minister sartor hadid is addressing the nation on the current economic crisis lets listen and difficult period. This hasnt happened before in our history. And i would like to speak directly to you and to listen carefully. Without any political. Ideas behind. What we see since your so the evening. The lebanese its a real pain. Im hearing that opinion and i and i with all the. Political. Political action. And we have to give solutions that is. What dylan is given expect of us. This just came. Exploded yesterday it was happening for the last 3 years trying to bring up all the solutions busy for over 3 years. We talk to each other that we have got christians are to find our identity were spending every year more than we. Gain from taxation. The National Debt is so high electricity costs the government to another 1000000000. 00. And the salaries are committed to. Is above what it ought to be but it cost the salaries of 100000000000. 00 to. And thats not. Only. The depth and servicing the debt but we decided. To make sure that. To bring together our incomes have said i know right expenses and he said was that the same time. I told everybody that the real solution is to increase the income from inside the country. To bring about growth internally and order to give jobs either for the young unemployed. Thats a solution. That is not the way we agreed with our road friend in the country regarding the phone and said. This is not the solution. And we took this is what we took this agreement to tell our friends in the International Community that. Ok so i dont know what to think about solutions through taxation as. Well and i. Think the 15 and regulations has to change by us. We cant be living 2019 m. R. Is that im using a regulation so in the sixtys you know its the kind of our friends in the International Community. We talk to them know. What i mean no and when you talk about you have to side. Ive asked for them to help us. Some Solutions Financial solution. Some money into the economy based on this proposed reforms. They should be. Giving us 11000000000. 00. I went back to. School here in the country and the government so i had their say if and when i leave here theres a solution yet in my head that a health thing that. We are in agreement there is no other plan came up out now ive decided to. Execute the plan. I said here. The government only among us must. Form of the Electricity Generation because the 100000000000. 00 needed took a long time so many meetings committees sat on the same solution. At the end i reached the scene along. This is going to. Try to decrease. The government expenditures try to find out also to increase its income. We have many meetings. We. Will reach an agreement. Somebody comes within the government and says i disagree. Regarding schools another. Should acquire some changes again we planned we agreed yes and then finally somebody would say i disagree and vetoes it. It. Looks as if. Internal quarrels. Over national consensus. Action. That is the scene from the lebanese capital beirut and that is the Prime Minister assad. Addressing the nation hes come out and said that the country is going through an unprecedented difficult time and the real solution is to increase the countrys income through the regrowth of the economy this of course all happening as protesters in lebanon are out on the streets theyre voicing their anger over a new tax funds as well as the states of the economy and theyre calling on the government and particularly the Prime Minister himself to resign lets bring in hobby but again hes an investigative journalist hes a blogger in beirut report is joining us from beirut and i think that the Prime Minister said how he stands out its you and is it going to appease the protesters in any way i know hes still speaking for him but from what youve heard so far i mean hes really been offering some platitudes so far some general talk he said were one family we should stay one family has never happened before so theyre trying to create jobs theyre trying to increase the governments money theyre kind of basically putting it out to the people that we dont have the money were trying to raise the money tax is 1. 00 way that we do that but you know theres nothing no special no magic bullet here hes not offering anything new hes just saying that were going to continue to follow the reform path of these reforms that are National Grid but people out there in the streets they want to hear something more significant they want to live substantial so i dont i doubt this speech will actually assuage anyone or comedy one down its just more of the same talk for most people what is it that the protesters though want to hear right now. If theyve got to say i mean they want to they want to better country they want to they they want jobs they want healthcare they want the Public Services to work they want they want to see resignations they want to see new faces they want to see the old guard of lebannon the dozen or so leaders who have ruled this country in there for far as a rule is country you know in feudal ways and tribal ways for years and years they want to see a big change they dont want to see just somebody telling us its going to be ok were working on it which is basically without how do you saying right now its ok were going to work on it weve got to stick together all right i will keep an eye out on what he has to say but for the time being but i thank you for your analysis from the roots thank you time for an update with the sports news with peter thank you very much the upcoming el classico clash between barcelona and real madrid has been called off due to the protests in catalonia the game was should hold for a week on saturday at the no camp but the Spanish Soccer Federation have ruled it must be rearranged due to security concerns also learn insisted they could stage the match safely clubs no need to agree on a new date for the fixture by monday i love it when certain issues than it was one of n. T. Says of almost a whole into what we want is for the people to be proud of us when ever we have to play this game thats all i know theres a huge debate around this and thats normal that my position as the rabbit ridge coach is this we will play whatever we have to play and we will be ready Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has been one of the most vocal voices in favor of cattle and independents guardiola who is a native of catalunya has called on the International Community to help resolve the situation the only thing is someone when they too want to help and to sit in an accident and talk so does arrive the situation right sometimes is incredible to think about that but the situation arrived in the us no it would happen in and. Personal friends that their 9 years in a jail will be 9 years and just 4 to bolt and hopefully you know europe make a step forward britain and help us get the result this country. Say 1100000000 people watched the womens world cup earlier this year the final which saw the u. S. Beat the netherlands to win the cup for a 2nd time in a row were seen in over 82000000 homes worldwide better rise of over 50 percent from the 2015 final according to the Research Released by footballs governing body japan is gearing up for one of the biggest weekends in its sporting history the Rugby World Cup hosts will play in the quarter finals for the 1st time a success has gripped the nation and their coach says he squad are rising to the challenge the players are really taken over its a really good sign its coach because when you feel a little bit redundant. You know that is real belief in your team in these real confidence in the team and its thats what im feeling is the coach. With the players weve grown in the last 4 to 6 weeks have grown and grown mentally the euston astros are on the verge of the 2nd appearance in 3 years in baseballs world series they opened up a 31 on the yankees in the American League championship series with a victory in new york city on tuesday George Springer and carlos cora socking the asters to an 83 victory both of them hitting a 3 run homer in the process of york will hope to make home advantage count in game 4 that was taking place later on friday the Washington Nationals await the winners in the world series and bet will start on tuesday. A south african cricket or has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for his role in a spot fixing scandal in 2015 colombo he was accused of offering money to players in local domestic cricket in return for certain illegal actions during matches he pleaded guilty to 8 counts of corruption but he represented south africa in 21 day internationals and won t 20 International Back in 2007 now hes won 15 goals majors but tiger woods has these eyes on a 2020 a limp gold medal the sport returned to the games in rio after a 112 year absence but woods was injured at the time he says playing in tokyo is a big goal for next season and that it will probably be his last chance to win an olympic medal the top 15 players in the World Rankings qualify for the tournament but there is a limit of 4 players from each country. Now its not sort of france but the conditions are just as harsh for the 80 cyclists competing in the crocodile trophy Mountain Biking race winning is a rite of passage Andrew Thomas has this report from the rebbe in australia. They. Dont like to call the crocodile trophy the toughest Mountain Bike race in the world they think that label scares riders off but with 8 stages and 8 days covering almost 700 kilometers and a combined vertical climb of more than 13 kilometers its hes very challenging after hit the heat is killing us my life and its of course i feel that ive been fighting for another time and more than 80 riders from 16 countries are taking part in this years event the race is 25th anniversary the crocodile trophy is the oldest Mountain Bike race in the world established by a veteran road cyclist who used to compete in the Tour De France the idea was. During a race like a stronger student and his ranch was at the bridge their car the race takes place in the scrubby hills and lush rainforests of North Queensland it is hot and humid but otherwise its ideal Mountain Bike territory. So very nice right. Beautiful roach theyre really very good. And youre feeling im feeling fine from my very far into. The rant actually many crocodiles around here at least not ones are visible from the tracks but there is plenty of other wildlife and more significant hazards silk a cross has been the race doctor 5 times injuries are common there were things broken hips broken collar bones are very common as well elbows me me and of course bruises and bruises and bruises every day Mountain Biking has been an olympic sport since 1906 yet still lives in the shadow of road cycling its that which attracts the big sponsors and the money this event costs around 200000. 00 to stage most riders have to pay entry fees and theres no prize for winning. An usually this is a sport im going to event where professionals people pay by sponsors who make a living from Mountain Biking compete with amateurs people who pay to take part but all right they want quite. This is a pretty big event but Mountain Bikers want their sport to grow with more or steep for their pedaling Andrew Thomas algis there are even stranger. Ok thats where well leave it for now ill be back again later with more very well see you later thank you very much peter while 2 women have made history in space Christina Koch just went on a space walk together at the International Space station this is the 1st time an all female pair has done this theyve been set to make the walk in march but there were enough functioning medium sized space suits on board. Thanks for watching that is our back in just a moment with much more news coming your way right here on aljazeera. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the rohinton demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you dont like i was so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho are among the most persecuted minorities in the world. An act of youthful defiance. Your turn next doctor also in the school they arrested me at home at 4 in the morning the electric shock treatment was the worse that triggered a revolution. The arrest of those children sparked it all of which became a battle without and that was the beginning of the Armed Struggle in syria. The boy who started the syrian war on al jazeera. Lebanons Prime Minister says others in his government have repeatedly blocked his economic Reform Efforts as the nation is gripped by violence on protests. Watch you know the 0 life from the headquarters in doha in delhi nowadays also ahead 2 blasts inside an afghan mosque during friday prayers killed more than 5060 people. Turkeys president warns the offensive in syria will resume and intensify if all the terms of a truce deal arent met. Hundreds of thousands converge on barcelona in another show of mass the center of the jailing of catalan separatist leaders. Hello lebanons Prime Minister saad how he has given rival groups and his government 72 hours to unite and get behind his economic reform plans hes just addressed the nation amid mass protest over Economic Conditions at least 2 people have died so far. The testers are demanding the resignation of the government they accuse their leaders of looting and bankrupting the country which is in a severe economic crisis the latest protests were triggered by new taxes including a fee to use whatsapp that was scrapped but people are still out on the streets thats because hes an investigative journalist and blogger beirut reporter whos joining us from beirut so the Prime Minister is blaming his Coalition Partners on not being able to enact any reforms and is now requesting 72 hours for talks to judge whether theyll be more forthcoming on these reforms doesnt sound like hes just buying time and what impact is that going to have on what were seeing happen on the streets on the protesters. Yeah i mean hes pretty much putting the ball in someone elses court which we see a lot of love on its politicians always blame somebody else and i was blaming his rivals for failing to to implement his reform plan that will apparently save the country money and create all these jobs if you would actually you know believe that and go on some actually concrete steps we havent really announced anything new at all in this speech or he could have used this time to offer something to the protests of these offer absolutely nothing and he just offered more blame game so 72 more hours what can happen lebanons been in this in this mess for for decades so will 72 hours make a difference some say hes just kind of setting the stage for a potential resignation he said or address the nation again after 72 hours so what will happen then with a wait and see but will people in the street actually react to this theyre out in the streets they havent moved there only growing in number and put this into context for us because it would be correct to say habib that the they were really sparked these protests at least were sparked by the introduction off a list of new taxes but but these protests and these grievances go much further back and many of the grievances in fact are pointed at politicians like heidi like the foreign minister who the protesters accuse of corruption and mismanagement. Yes i mean definitely there are so many problems in lebanon on the telecom is you know is is it is an outrage and i want to its robbery its one of the most expensive phone rates in the world so people have this last thing which is they could speak to each other you know whats up with the only thing working 11 on so you know thats why people have kind of let this boil over i think with an invasion of their personal space their most personal communication but beyond that we have the garbage crisis we have a Health Care Crisis we have a lot of cancer cases from the polluted rivers in lebanon because of this trash crisis we have people without jobs unemployment is an all time high people are worry about their money in the bank so theres really a Shopping List full of demands and problems in lebanon and he really didnt address any specifically he just said were going to Work Together and make this work and its their fault its not my fault so i imagine its going to actually cause more anger because we dont want just his resignation they want to whole new system they want a new leaders they want to actually fix problems in lebanon as if giving out contracts of their associates and friends which is the way that the modus operandi of lebanon its just constant going out contracts to cronies that never get completed infrastructure never gets completed so people are really in a desperate state and the anger ive seen in the streets is not matched by the tone of the Prime Minister by mr wasnt reacting to that really guttural visceral anger people have and i think if he doesnt address that then there will be you know be more of this protest going on it seems to be indefinite this point and what is really you know that call rates and seeing as there are a number of crises as you point out what do you make of the call by the protesters for the Prime Minister to resign as well as the government to resign a government thats less than than a year old is that a realistic demand at this point. Through well i mean i think you have to you have to ask yourself you know is there anything to replace these people is there any system alternative system in lebanon theyre playing people with ideas but theyre not organized. They have to have elections to get into power weve just had elections and people have just voted for these leaders again there wasnt a huge turnout but and then the day these leaders do represent people in love and on whether theyre angry at them or not is a separate story i think they were angry they want things to change but to replace the leadership you know we just had elections recently so you know lebanon has a very difficult situation these Political Parties these political machines have been in power for so long they have such great election machines and infrastructure of getting into power and Patronage Networks that these things cant be undone easily these people you know upright they have hospitals and schools that provide basic Public Service to people there are a lot of diehard supporters that even i think there might be anger in the streets night when the weeks ahead will probably eventually return to the way that things have worked in lebanon is kind of begging for crumbs from these leaders so i dont really see an alternative system at this point to replace whats happening you know since all the middle east that weve seen you know corrupt system is being torn down but vacuums of power resulting so lebanese are probably watching this probably some are excited right now but in the days to come it might be more fearful that there could be more chaos ive been through people have been killed so there have been bodyguards shooting at people from politicians so its really uncharted territory right now in lebanon ok honey but i will leave it there thank you for joining us on aljazeera the turkish president runs a time or 2 on says the offensive in northeast syria will resume within minutes if kurdish rebels dont abide by the terms of the cease fire the 5 day truce is largely holding so far but there have been some unverified reports of sporadic fighting smoke has been seen in the border town and also dying throughout friday. Is it that was theyve given a delegation proposed to us a 5 day deadline we have valuated it and reached an agreement according to your green meant the United States will make sure that the kurdish rebels will leave outside of the safe zone within 120 hours which is 5 days we have paused our operations for 120 hours the rebel groups will have to destroy arms leave defensive positions and go outside of the 30 kilometer zone within this timeframe after these terms are met the Turkish Operation will end. While speaking at the e. U. Summit in brussels the french president said on iraq all assess turkeys military operation in syria is madness it continues even with them or they could with very closely monitoring the situation and it shows how much responsibility too he has this is a potential accomplice to the revival of i still think its too early to know what the situation is on the ground but there are no flights from syrian camps to paris and unfortunately these people mainly intend to fight for the caliphate so its craziness what the turks have been doing in the past few days u. N. Officials believe there are still some fighting along the border in northeastern syria despite the announcement of the cease fire its called Different Things pauses by others. Shelling and intermittent clashes continue to be reported around russia and im as of this morning although the situation is reportedly calm elsewhere. Well the ceasefire announced by the us is supposed to allow kurdish led s. T. s fighters to leave the areas controlled by Turkish Forces turkey sees this as a victory in its campaign to control a strip of border territory hundreds of kilometers long and more than 30 kilometers deep it wants to establish what it calls a safe zone where 2000000 Syrian Refugees living in turkey can be resettled a kurdish commander says the s. D. F. Will accept the ceasefire but only between. And thats where most of the fighting has been going on political hayne is joining us from washington because the president has been tweeting about the cease fire whats he been saying. He has been tweeting 1st he responded to a tweet from the president early on where he urged wanted said more lives will be saved when we defeat terrorism in the president. Replied defeat terrorism and hes saying that he just spoke with earlier on of turkey told there was minor sniper and mortar fire but that its going to its quickly eliminated very much wants a ceasefire or pause to use are the ones terms the president s using likewise the kurds want it and the ultimate solution to happen to the u. N. And say too bad it hasnt happened over the years that there are these very weak bandaids in place and maybe we can get basically an ultimate solution and that point i think its important to point out how this move by the president the Vice President secretary of state is being received in washington and the broader United States weve seen republican and democrat Democratic Senators come out and say they think in essence the president got rolled that called up and said were going to go in whether your troops are there or not something that is we believe in a before to which president obama the president up until now just basically called their bluff said youre not going to attack u. S. Troops youre not going to attack a nato ally youre simply not going to do that so that i think is the bandaid that the president was referring to but was actually very effective in keeping this this invasion from happening then the president went on to say d in another tweet some european nations are now willing for the 1st time to take the isis fighters they came from their nations this is good news but we should have but should have been done after we captured them anyway big progress being made clearly absolutely no idea what information hes pointing to usually when theres a tweet that doesnt seem to be based in fact we will want to do is go back and look at what was on some of his favorite cable news channels around that time because thats usually where some of this information comes from so be looking at that in hours ahead but again the president saying in tweets another thing he said is the u. S. Has secured the oil and the isis fighters are double secured by turkey herds and turkey. So the bottom line here the president obviously still feeling under fire after the cease fire was announced which pretty much all of the analysts said really gave turkey every single thing that i had wanted he came out and said it was a great day for civilization his critics even his usual supporters came out and said no it is a you made a mistake you got rolled and now were have this mess so the president still trying to fight back against that criticism ok thank you for that update from washington. Well explosions inside a mosque in eastern afghanistan have killed at least 60 worshippers and injured many more the roof collapsed during friday prayers and hostile mania districts the governor of provinces warning the number of dead will rise and its still not known who was behind the attack the taliban has condemned it and says it had nothing to do with the a tough hes not sure if he has enough votes but britains Prime Minister is still called

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