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A rebel leader. The impeachment inquiry into donald trump is stepping up again televised hearings starting next week washingtons top diplomat in ukraine William Taylor will be one of the 1st to appear well in earlier testimony taylor said it was his clear understanding trump would withhold Critical Military aid to ukraine unless kiev investigated his political rivals well that testimony also supports what other witnesses have said i think you will see throughout the course of the test when not only their testimony but many others the. Most important facts are largely not contested we are getting an increasing appreciation for just what took place during the course of the last year and the degree to which the president and listed the whole departments of government in the illicit aim of trying to get ukraine to dig up dirt on a political opponent as well as further Conspiracy Theory about the 26000 election that he believed would be beneficial to his reelection campaign. Castro has more from washington. Bill taylor is the acting ambassador to ukraine and for impeachment investigators he served as a guide giving the road map with conversations dates and people connecting the dots to make this case to investigators that trump use the power of his office to try to get ukraine to help him with his Political Campaign for reelection now taylor testified behind closed doors 2 weeks ago but according to the transcript that was just released he said he had a clear understanding that there was a quid pro quo and he said the idea for this came from trumps private attorney who was empowered by the president to circumvent regular diplomatic channels in order to carry out this Foreign Policy in ukraine that prioritize trumps political interests above that of National Security now moving forward investigators have announced that public hearings will begin taking place next week which is at the key of what democrats who are trying to impeach President Trump want to accomplish they want more members of the American Public to hear the case for impeaching the president from these witnesses themselves up until this point all of the hearings have happened behind closed doors so the information to americans have has come kill tour through hundreds of journalists but even up to this point theres a growing number of americans who according to polls do support impeaching him even removing trump from office that number is hovering right around 50 percent democrats are hoping that if they can get a clear majority of the public to support them to impeach the president then perhaps they can make a convincing argument to their republican colleagues in the senate who ultimately will be deciding the president s guilt or innocence and perhaps remove him from office. John marshall is an assistant professor at Northwestern University he says the public inquiries marking significant new phase in the investigation what i think were going to see happen is the inquiry turned from an investigation stage primarily to more of a performance stage now that we have some of the transcripts coming out people are so seeing it with with their eyes the words that the witnesses have been saying and then what next week when the live hearings start which will be televised and im sure streamed all over social media people are going to see for themselves the witnesses and hear for themselves the words and whether the chairman shift and chairman navl or i can run hearings that are persuasive to the public and perform in a way that makes the impeachment inquiry seem like its a fair and thorough process that could really sway Public Opinion in contrast if the House Republicans are able to perform in a way to try to make the impeachment process seem like its chaotic and unfair and im sure theyre going to call it a circus then that is going to probably stop Public Opinion shifting enough to persuade enough republicans to vote in favor of impeachment. Now 2 former twitter employees have been charged in the u. S. With spying for saudi arabia theyre accused of accessing the personal account information of more than 6000. 00 twitter users they include prominent critics of the saudi royal family prosecutors say an american and the Saudi National were rewarded with tens of thousands of dollars and a designer watch been charged with acting as agents of riyadh without registering with the u. S. Government a 3rd man the saudis also been charged rob reynolds has the details. The Justice Department announced in San Francisco that it had arrested 2 former engineers for twitter they were charged with spying for the Saudi Arabian government and passing on information about dissidents and people who made true critical remarks on twitter about the saudi regime a 3rd person who was a Saudi National was also arrested he is believed or alleged to have been the go between between the passing on the information those engineers gathered and the sending it to the saudi officials the defacto ruler of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince mohammed bin samana is actually mentioned in this criminal complaint although he is only referred to as royal Family Member number one it is believed that one of the twitter engineers flew to washington d. C. In 2015 right around the time that crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon was rapidly rising to his powerful status that he enjoys today and met with a member of the royal family and shortly after that the spying commenced the spies gather all sorts of information about people making critical comments about the saudi government including their email addresses their ip addresses their dates of birth and so forth among the thousands of accounts that were breached was one belonging to a prominent saudi dissident Omar Abdel Aziz he was close to the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi who of course as we know was murdered in the saudi consulate in istanbul a little over d a year ago by saudi state agents according to multiple intelligence agencies. A hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders in yemen has been forced to shut after a missile and drone attack a nearby warehouse in the red sea the city of macho was used by Government Allied force it was also hit killing 8 people yemens military is accusing who the rebels of carrying out strike. French police are now all started this mantling migrant camps as part of a new crackdown started in northeast paris nearly 3000 people have been living there for years without any sanitation critics say the move is political and the attempt to win over voters from the far right many many always know unfortunately these large scale operations have taken place before every time were told it wont happen again but we need proper processing procedures when people arrive in france in order for them to have their rights respected in camps like these about 20 percent of people refugees who are here illegally but have not been offered any kind of housing there are also homeless families. Well has more from paris. After french capital meeting in paris frances Prime Minister edouard felipe announced a raft of new measures aimed at tightening the countrys immigration policy. We must take by control of immigration taking back control making clear choices about asylum and integration granting the right stay years actively based on our principles and goals rather than passively carried out as long as the case. The government wants to introduce immigration quotas for workers and attempt to address the countrys Skilled Labor shortage in industries such as construction there are also plans to tighten rules for Asylum Seekers access to health care would be limited and benefits more rigorously controlled the number of asylum applications has increased in france in recent years and the government says it must crack down on those who abuse the system rights campaigners say that Asylum Seekers already face very difficult conditions in france many of them end up sleeping rough in makeshift camps like this one in paris and the thing is the governments new measures will only make the situation worse. The Prime Minister say says france most regain its sovereignty well before contra wants to be more southern which will start by getting rid of this undignified camps in our cities then we can talk about sovereignty and humanity. Halfway through his president ial term emanuel macro is taking a tougher line on immigration but its a gamble he may succeed in wooing voters away from his main political opponents the far right and stem the rise of what he calls dangerous populism but he also risks alienating some supporters who say that hes failing to uphold frances humanitarian values and sasha butler aljazeera paris. People in some of the rocks may just since hes a struggling with access to the internet off the weeks of antigovernment protests that has more from baghdad. Each day since the protests began hider raw it has been working this stretch near Tahrir Square selling iraqi flags good less than a dollar each the teenager dropped out of school when he was 8 to help support his family he says typically he would stand on a main street in the capital all day selling water but with iraqis he tree out it fervor flags have become big business is what we want a new country better than this one room. He killed young men every time young people come to buy flags and go back they start shooting live ammunition suffa else serai is one of the nearly 280 protesters killed in iraq since october 1st protesters say theyre fed up with corruption and a lack of jobs and theyre demanding the governments resignation a surprise friends say a tear gas canister hit his head last week while he was trying to protect other protesters under attack on a nearby bridge and at that idea. It has affected us greatly he was an irreplaceable person because he was educated and had a strong impact on the street especially among young people the protesters have started a Radio Station and are publishing at this newspaper is on top after the automated rickshaws that are transporting the wounded medics and supplies in and out of time are square with the internet blackout the last few days theyve been forced offline and are now printing these Old Fashioned newspapers its a way for iraq ease to create a document of their experiences. Blocking the internet is a catastrophe its equal to oppressing shooting and killing your thirties have totally isolated us from the world and start killing us. A spokesman with the Iraqi Military says social media sites are showing killing and hatred that are poisoning the minds of youth almost daily men intact rear stopped to tell us if they die during these protests at least they would have achieved something greater than the dead end existence theyve been living in tashi to name aljazeera baghdad. Also ahead on aljazeera. I slipped and instead of me then backed away moving towards the policeman. A paper loss stabbed in an attack in the ancient city of jeddah which one has told me its well known to his sites and police until a challenge with using heavy handed tactics against protesters. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast well as promised we have seen some very heavy rain leading to some flooding here a month today grow all due to an air of low pressure take a look at the video that has come in across this area we have seen roads that have been closed off as well as fields be inundated by some very heavy rain as rivers have overflowed their banks about 125 millimeters of rain have fallen over the last few days across this area we do expect to see more rain all dealing with this area of low pressure that is slowly moving across the area take a look at forecast map here on thursday more rain across this region as well as down towards albania well out here towards the west though a big area of low pressure is spinning across much of the u. K. Brings a very gusty winds as well as heavy rain now we do expect to see that system slowly make its way a little bit more towards the south heavy rain as well as some snow in the Higher Elevations for the alps we could be seeing 60 centimeters or. More across the region rome it is going to be a rainy day here on friday with a temperature of about 17 degrees also some cloudy conditions and some rain pushing across parts of algeria as well as tunisia over the next day things are Getting Better there but for algiers it is going to be a windy and cloudy day with a touch of 21 in tunis 21 degrees for you. Who was a sponsor. For you. How does this in their online life basement directly translate explain for joining us this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice Climate Change is real the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera. Come back youre watching aljazeera time to recap the headlines now the impeachment inquiry into President Trump is to begin televised hearings next week washingtons top diplomat in ukraine is due to appear he previously said trump tried to pressure him to investigate his rival a Major Military aide depend on. 2 former twitter employees have been charged in the u. S. With spying for saudi arabia theyre accused of accessing the accounts of thousands of users including prominent critics of the saudi government. French police have started dismantling migrant camps as part of a new crackdown the government says it wants to limit the number of undocumented immigrants critics say its an attempt to win over a far right vote. In the coming hours judges at the International Criminal court a jew to sentence a congolese former rebel leader nicknamed the terminator bosco and has been convicted of 18 counts of war crimes and crimes again. Humanity for atrocities committed by rebel fighters he led 2 decades ago prosecutors in the hague have called for a 30 year prison term Catherine Sawyer reports from. In eastern the r. C. Remove both kentucky and i has been nicknamed by the people of eastern democratic republic of congo as the terminator hes a former rebel leader queues of human rights abuses in several parts of the region judges at the International Criminal court found him guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes including murder child soldiers and sexual slavery. The crimes are committed to a province between 200220035 the patchy arctic force for the liberation of congo rebel group. Led the military wing thomas who bangle was the head of the group and they serving 14 years in jail at the i. C. C. This man says his 2 brothers were killed by the fighters. We lost many Family Members Sisters Brothers uncles we also lost a lot of property. It turi might be the focus of this case but you now have a town more than 800 kilometers south victims of a moscow a 150 people were killed in one day in 2006 have been falling Court Proceedings kinley they sent a gun to was one of the leaders of rebel fighters who attacked their villages he says to have been passed in and in charge of the q one to killings almost everyone here in. One of those we talked to said. And. Off protecting a rival rebel they also say they want justice. Shows us has cause she says her husband and one year old son were killed in. Whats happening with the entire gonda should be a deterrent to all those who want to come and terrorize us in the villages those people destroyed all lives. This part of the country has been embroiled in Armed Conflict for decades dozens of rebel groups control remote villages and towns campaigners wonder government and regional bodies to deal with human rights abuses. We need a proper court here with proper investigators and Justice System people want to have their day in court and looked at perpetrators in the cities too far away and disconnected from victims in the villages. And that is the 4th person to be convicted by the i. C. C. Turi face he deserves to be in jail for life or death can you link one is still waiting for Justice Catherine sorry al jazeera q one just eastern democratic republic of congo at least 47 people have been killed in an attack on mining employees in booking a faster a convoy carrying staff from a canadian known mind was targeted in the east they were being a score to by the military no one has claimed responsibility but groups linked to iceland the either have staged dozens of attacks in the region in recent years france has announced it will deploy more troops iran has resumed enriching uranium at an underground facility the process of injecting iranian gas into centrifuges at its fordo plant was observed by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency the iran has been scaling back its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal after the us pulled out and we impose sanctions and iran has cancelled the accreditation of a u. N. Nuclear watchdog inspector on wednesday it briefly detained one of the International Atomic Energy Agencys staff and seized her travel documents its believed its the 1st such incident since the nuclear deal was signed in 2015. 3 african countries at odds over a multibillion dollar down project on the blue nile say they hope to resolve the dispute within weeks the u. S. Is mediating the talks and Foreign Ministers from egypt ethiopia and sudan are in washington for talks egypt fears the construction of the renaissance dam in ethiopia will restrict the supply of water to the nile river but ethiopia says the hydroelectric dam is crucial to its Economic Development mike hanna has the latest from washington d. C. Well it came as a surprise when the Foreign Ministers arrived in the white house for talks with President Trump thered be no prior notification whatsoever and news of the meeting was only confirmed when the president himself tweeted a photograph with the Foreign Ministers after the talks had taken place he said that the meeting went well and that discussions would continue the 3 Foreign Ministers are in d. C. For talks under the mediation of the treasury secretary steve this is a curious choice by president to head talks given that this would normally be a function fulfilled by the department of state however the talks continue through the day very low profile no media access whatsoever in fact was never confirmed where the meeting was taking place how long it took there has been promise of a written statement when the talks conclude however this is a significant shift forward in terms of the fact that the talks between the 3 parties have broken down 3 times since 2014 the important point would appear to be ethiopias willingness to come to d. C. For a long period of time it insisted there can be no outside mediation if the situation has to be resolved between the 3 parties themselves however the fact that the foreign minister was here in d. C. Was speaking to the other 2 Foreign Ministers under the mediation of the u. S. Treasury secretary a very strong indication that they could be movement that after years of argument there is a possibility of some kind of agreement in the months to come. New delhi is air pollution is add a very unhealthy level according to the u. S. Embassy thats a slight drop from its peak on monday a car rationing scheme and light wind and rain have helped improve the citys quality but the river is covered in thick foam signaling high pollution in the water 8 people have been injured in a knife attack in the jordanian city of jarrah 3 mexicans and the Swiss National were among those stabbed in the popular tourist sites but smith reports from a man. As one tourist lies face down apparently bleeding heavily another tries to stop the blood flow. Of woman screams in spanish hes got a dagger. Witnesses say a man jumped over a fence at the roman city in general and randomly slashed and stopped at people around. You he was heading towards the care for tear and i was standing by the door behind me were all the tourists a little men to the cafeteria passed in front of me and a link towards them slipped in instead me then backed away moving towards the policeman he gave the policeman a slight try to attack him from behind and i pushed him to the ground afterwards all the policemen came and took. 3 mexicans swiss and 4 jordanians were injured 2 described as in a serious condition although everyone is now stable according to Jordans Health Ministry the. People who are admitted to the operation room of the doctors at the Public Hospital in georgia still working the bleeding has stopped the situation is under control and both people are stable 2 cases were transferred by helicopter to king has seen medical city one was a mexican tourist and the other one was a jordanian guide we pray for them to recover the roman city it is one of jordans most important tourism attractions more than 300000 people visited last year. Attacks on. One of the most stable countries in the region helped boost tourism which generated revenues of around 5000000000 dollars last year. Income for a country facing an economic crisis and with youth unemployment at around 40 percent Bernard Smith aljazeera a man chiles chief prosecutor has charged 14 Police Officers with torturing protesters thats as demonstrations against the government enter this week 2 days one of latin americas richest nations but many people are angry over wealth inequality and latin america and its illicit and human faults from santiago. The charges against 14 police accused of torture are seen as a positive sign but the institute of human rights hearing today says that there are least another 120 who are being investigated for sure and that they hope authorities will follow through in those investigations in the meantime president. Is approving or trying to fast track proposals reforms to try to appease the protest the latest bill sent to quell wish raising the minimum wage by 16. 7 percent that would be subsidized by the state by the taxpayers not by employees employers rather but that has certainly not satisfied both the protesters who came out in force yet again including to this neighborhood this is the upper class neighborhood if you like more affluent part of the protests continued in this area and some of them asked people who have been causing violence and becoming more bold some of them attacked the headquarters of the would be party thats one of the most conservative parties that belongs to the ruling Government Coalition while another group attacked a Police Station and at least 3 officers were seriously injured and taken to hospital. Bolivians angry at an election they see is fraudulent have been protesting since the vote last month they want president evo morales to step down because people wait for the results of an International Orders of the election divisions of the country. Explains. In sendai. The heart of bolivias Agricultural Industry a move is underway to disregard the presidency is the most. We are symbolically taking over Public Institutions because it meetings nationally we have decided or not in agreement with the frog this fraud that is being seen internationally we want the vote to be respected by all citizens from bolivia last month it will more or less won the presidency with a 10 point difference hes opponent denounce fraud when the vote count was halted for at least 24 hours when the vote showed a shift that favored abel morales and thats why people are demanding a new election. He should resign that is what the people are demanding and he owes that to the people that is why we are radicalizing our methods and we are in permanent peaceful protests to recover our democracy and our freedom. On wednesday violent clashes broke out between protesters and those who support him an example of the deep divisions in the sand in nation. First indigenous precedent continues to enjoy support mostly in rural areas hes followers say morales opponents are racists and they vowed to defend their president. Calling for justice prison for someone needs to pay for their crimes. Hes the leader of the. Group that has consistently challenge to us since he won the presidency in 2006. This would be moralists 4th term in office his critics say he has ignored a referendum in which one voted to restrict precedence to 2 times. The organization of american states is auditing the vote and it is expected to be completed before the middle of the month but until then tension is unlikely to end anytime soon it is how will. South africas world cup winning rugby team as a rise in pretoria ahead of a victory parade the springboks squad was greeted by president s. And social ceremonies the team won the trophy for a 3rd time thrashing in saturdays final in japan. This is al jazeera time take a look at the headlines the impeachment inquiry into President Trump is to begin televised hearings next week washingtons top diplomat in ukraine is due to appear hes previously said the us president made military aid to kiev dependent on whether he would have vested gate ukraine would have best to gauge his political rivals i think you will see throughout the course of the testimony not only their testimony but many others the. Most important facts are largely not contested we are getting increasing appreciation for just what took place during the course of the last year and the degree to which the president and listed the whole departments of government in an illicit aim of trying to get you framed to dig up dirt on a political opponent as well as further Conspiracy Theory about the 2016 election that he believed would be beneficial to his reelection campaign. 2 former twitter employees have been charged in the u. S. With spying for saudi arabia theyre accused of accessing the accounts of thousands of users including prominent critics of the saudi government saudi arabia hasnt commented French Police started dismantling migrant camps as part of a new crackdown the government says it wants to limit the number of undocumented immigrants critics say its an attempt to win over far right voters. Congolese warlord bosco and is due to be sentenced for war crimes at the International Criminal court in the hague in july he was convicted of leading rebel forces which committed atrocities against civilians in 2002 he faces life in prison its the stream now. The Prime Minister. Should introduce the critics on the 3rd try and make this country the greatest place on the british departure is the. Follow drama bricks it on aljazeera. Treating cancer can be incredibly painful expensive and ineffective is it time that we changed our approach. Here in the stream if cancer has affected your life or that of someone you know we want to hear from you join us on twitter or in our live chat with your story. Today were joined by a leading american oncologist who says our current approach to treating cancer isnt working and needs a radical overhaul but 1st 3 of our Community Members share with us what surprised them about fighting cancer

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