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A watch for one minute thats donald trump dismissing the impeachment hearings as he meets his turkish counterpart for the 1st time since turkeys military operation in syria also in the news the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad off its terms of a cease fire has as ready as strikes killed dozens in gaza and a new ball of vaccine is all set to roll out but some congolese are worried if it will actually work. Hello everyone a top diplomats given evidence of how the u. S. President put pressure on ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden William Taylor was one of 2 foreign offices to appear for hours at the 1st televised hearing at the heart of the impeachment inquiry into donald trump we saw our coverage with this report from hydro castro in washington the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god William Taylor and george kent took the stand. Gather at the 1st public hearing in the impeachment inquiry career foreign officers called by democrats to tell a compelling story to the American Public taylor is the acting u. S. Ambassador to ukraine who upon assuming the post in june found himself dropped in the middle of a mystery once i arrived and gave discovered a weird combination of encouraging confusing and ultimately alarming circumstances taylor had begrudgingly agreed to come out of retirement to take over the u. S. Diplomatic mission at a critical time his predecessor. Had been ousted without explanation and President Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was meeting with ukraine officials to discuss debunked corruption allegations against political rivals that had taylor worried and countered an irregular informal channels of u. S. Policy making with respect to ukraine unaccountable to Congress Taylor began asking questions and learned the informal channel was aimed at getting ukraine to investigate joe biden potential opponent in the upcoming president ial election taylor says career diplomats were sidelined as trumps chosen aides pressed ukraine to publicly announce a biden investigation george kent a state department expert on ukraine says giuliani was getting more involved in u. S. Relations with kiev it became clear to me that giulianis efforts to gin up politically motivated investigations are now infecting u. S. Engagement with ukraine leveraging president selenski desire for a white house meeting but there was more ambassador taylor says he had a clear understanding that u. S. Security aid to ukraine worth 400000000 dollars was also on the line the money was essential for ukraine to fend off russias military advances to withhold that systems for no good reason other than help with the Political Campaign made no sense. It was it was counterproductive to all of what we had been trying to do. It was illogical it could not be explained it was crazy multiple witnesses have corroborated taylors testimony much of the facts are uncontested but there is a critical factor still missing from the democrats argument to impeach President Trump and that is evidence that trump was directly involved and therefore to be blamed the closest democrats have come is a july phone call between trump and the president of ukraine a lot of years olinsky tells trump his countrys ready to buy more weapons from the us for defense purposes trump sansar i would like you to do us a favor though then ask for investigations into democrats and the bidens this is extortion this is bribery and in any other instance people would go to jail for sure trump says hes innocent and republicans are stanch lee defending him but anyone from millionaire the democrat scorched earth war against President Trump would not be surprised to see all the typical signs that this is a carefully orchestrated Media Smear Campaign prior to the start of the public hearings americans were about evenly divided on whether to impeach trump and remove him from office now that theyre hearing directly from witnesses all eyes are on whether the publics opinion will change. Castro aljazeera washington. Will President Trump is once again claimed the impeachment inquiry against him is a witch hunt he made those comments during a meeting with turkeys president of the what else can we count that as this report it will come to water. As americans watched the 1st public hearings over the impeachment of the us president one person said he wasnt paying attention youre talking about the witch hunt is that what you mean is that what youre talking about i think i hear its a joke i havent watched but President Trumps own twitter feed suggested the opposite sending out a number of messages during the hearings that lasted all day still trumpeted promise to release the transcript of a 2nd phone call with ukrainian president vladimir is alecky and youll make a determination as to what you think there the release of the 1st transcript of a call in july in which trop asked for a favor from selenski is now the basis for the house impeachment inquiry a top diplomat testified on capitol hill on wednesday the trump wanted to withhold Security Assistance to Ukraine Exchange for an investigation into a political rival former Vice President joe biden trump also responded to reports hed pressed another top diplomat about the investigations into biden just a day after that july phone call where they know nothing about that 1st time ive heard it although President Trump wants the impeachment inquiry to go away his campaign is using it to raise money an email to supporters to call the hearings not just an attack on President Trump but on americans the goal to raise 3000000. 00 from just the 1st day of public hearings kimberly held at aljazeera the white house. So maybe donald trump isnt taking much notice but certainly a lot of america in the rest of the world is weve got victoria days and b. To have a look now at how this whole impeachment process actually works democrats alleged abused his president ial power when he spoke in july with ukraines lead to me is a lenski the call prompted a whistleblower complaint the foundation of the democrats impeachment inquiry so how does the impeachment process work well it begins in the house of representatives which has evidence from witnesses and then debates and votes on whether to bring charges against the president if that vote is successful a trial presided over by the chief justice of the u. S. Supreme Court John Roberts takes place in the senate a 2 thirds majority vote is needed in the 100 member upper house to convict and remove a president historically impeachments are rare out of 35 attempts only 2 president s have been impeached bill clinton in 1998 and Andrew Johnson in 868 neither were removed from office a 3rd president Richard Nixon resigned while proceedings were under way trump has described the impeachment inquiry as a scam hes released a transcript of his corps with the selenski which he says shows no wrongdoing now for the 1st time the world will hear publicly from some of the key witnesses in this investigation and American Voters will judge for themselves whos telling the truth. Victoria day should be there explaining the whole process of impeachment always important remember to remember that impeachment does not actually in the United States mean removal from office that is a whole other process so lets bring in im very pleased to introduce ambassador Nancy Soderberg now former Deputy National security adviser under president clinton of course the last president to be impeached shes with us from Jacksonville Florida thank you for your time ambassador what did you get out of today out of the fight pledge and sit and actually watch the process and see the partisan nature of this interaction well it was like going from black and white to a full living color on a big screen it brought to life the career Public Servants who are having their courage to stand up to what they believed was wrong to come forward against instructions from the president not to testify and to lay out the facts which are very clear that the president held up military aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation of the bidens. But of the fact that present the United States would use our Foreign Policy tools particularly one to a a at risk from russia for his own personal gain and thats the question thats going to be before the house and then eventually the senate in the trial the real piece of i think new news was more meat on the bones there was a little bit of news that ambassador bill taylor said when one of his staffers he had learned since his previous testimony had overheard trump and son when the ambassador to the e. U. Whos in the middle of all this talking to the president and its very clear that it was about the by and the investigation and they summed up the call saying that the president cared more about the investigation of the bidens than it did about ukraine that made headlines kind of a bombshell revelation today but it is very clear that the democrats are building a very methodical case and that the republicans will do anything to blow it up in mere the president s witchhunt phrases and is this not actually the whole i guess problem with the process you made the point that this is about laying out the facts and that is very much what bill tyler and george kent tried to do that you heard them saying it im just here to tell you what i know and to answer your questions but everything then actually gets skewed by both sides and its almost you can tell the story better or who can who can work the story better. Well i think the story tells itself the facts are very clear what happened i think whats not clear is whether or not the republicans will consider that an Impeachable Offense former u. N. Ambassador nikki haley has a new book out and shes on the talk circuit saying in the end nothing really happened the aid did go through and there was no investigation so thats not impeachable i think that will emerge as their line and then its going to be a very partisan vote i think i predict he will get impeached in the senate along partisan lines and then the case will go get impeached in the house and then the senate will take up the actual trial and he probably will get exonerated by this Republican Controlled Senate and this is always been the case as i pointed out removal from office only comes down to the senate and as you pointed out it likely wouldnt happen in this case does that mean its all potentially a wasted exercise for the democrats will do they still get something one year out from the election of the hits on donald trump by saying well he was impeached. I think what the democrats are trying to do is defend the constitution and they believe that having a president misuses power in Office Mandates that they hold him to task so it will call to the carpet the president for this type of behavior and i think theyre honest in trying to say this is not something we want to have as a norm for future president s i think it will be hard for the republicans to say actually yes its established that he did it but thats ok so theyre going to have to have some internal politics their own districts the very hardcore trump districts are going to vote to. Say well theres extenuating circumstances it was serious but not of the impeachable level and i think it probably pull off a couple of republicans who certainly those who are not running for reelection and mitt romney and others but i think its unlikely well get to the 20 needed the best and then see sort of book its been a pleasure talking to you thank you for joining us any time my pleasure. Well Donald Trumps threats to withhold military aid to ukraine is obviously a key part of the whole inquiry care of the actually received an estimated 1500000000. 00 from the United States in the past 5 years so fast with this report now from a Training Center in western ukraine where troops are getting specialist help from american soldiers. But it is. Laying low seems to be the message in ukraine after u. S. Military aid was temporarily suspended in july the country was suddenly at the center of an american political storm involving a phone call between the u. S. President and the newly elected ukrainian leader. Undeterred by whats going on in washington ukrainian soldiers are preparing boardgames with the u. S. Colleagues at the joint multinational Training Center in the west of the country tactics they can use in the ongoing war against russian backed separatists in the east where we Pay Attention to politics that doesnt affect our process will be heard tomorrow or as long as both governments agree that were needed here. Besides having ukraines back against russia the americans are getting ukraines troops ready to become part of nato. This is how u. S. Military aid to ukraine looks like an army which was said to be suffering from corruption and the lack of funds now weve got to face russia in the east but one threat to withhold this aid even though it was only temporarily has caused doubts about how much ukraine can rely on its most important ally. After the much debated phone call with trump ukraines president followed a mere zelinsky said he did not feel pressured by trumps threat to withhold military aid but analysts say it has affected the image of the United States and ukraine and could even push some towards moscow what were seeing in washington now that is under threat of unraveling completely as. Well i didnt put in the seas that for trump is not interested in any larger issues of democracy promotion state building and human rights in ukraine rather hes interested in using ukraine for his own political needs. But the us president still has some fans in this coffee shop only opened a few months ago i would say it would make ukraine more famous and more people aware of ukraine and its happening in ukraine about war in the middle of europe ok but it would be very ukraine for many Many Americans dont even know that ukraine is this juncture bios going to do that i dont feel any particular help from america so i think we have to rely on ourselves. Not the sort of message ukrainian soldiers fighting what is known as the forgotten war against russian backed separatists want to hear they hope the u. S. Will continue to support them step fasten aljazeera livy ukraine. Here here is what weve got coming up here on this news hour protests greeting bolivias interim leader on just her 1st day in office. Im alan fischer in linton north dakota remember the people who protested at Standing Rock in north dakota over plans to build an oil pipeline unitive American Land well theyre back this type protesting plans to expand that pipeline. And sport some last minute changes for footballs arab gulf cup as the 3 blockading nations say they will now compete in qatar. Palestinian armed Group Islamic jihad has now offered israel terms for a ceasefire after 2 days of cross border fighting egypts been helping broker a truce between the sides israel continued however to bomb gaza or in the early hours of thursday something she had fighters have also fired over 200 rock. Its in response 32. 00 palestinians have been killed in the past 2 days an escalation which began after israel killed a Senior Leader of Islamic Jihad. Firstly we want a stop to all the s. S. Nations inside the gaza strip and the west bank generally secondly to cease firing on all the protesters taking part in the great march of return thirdly for israel to abide by agreements discussed in cairo relating to measures that have to be taken to break the siege on the gaza strip. More now from our correspondent rob matheson reporting from western resulin. Gaza skys filled with smoke for a 2nd day as israels military continues to target what it says a rocket launch sites of the armed Group Islamic jihad meanwhile after an overnight low rockets are again fired from gaza into israel gaza city has all but shut down many of its people are hiding. I think the situation is going towards war like in 2014 still its not clear in the coming hours the situation will become more clear. On tuesday israeli fighter jets killed a senior Islamic Jihad leader by deliberately targeting his guys or hires israel blames. For dozens of attacks the Islamic Jihad responded by launching more than 200 rockets into israel now Israeli Armored vehicles are lined up at the gaza border and air strikes continue in the past israel has said that any attacks that originate in the side gaza are ultimately the responsibility of hamas the palestinian Political Group which is in control of gaza there are fears that if hamas joins forces with Islamic Jihad then this conflict could get much worse but hamas seems reluctant to get involved. Instead israel is making a point of blaming only Islamic Jihad fighters for the rocket attacks. We are responding to every attack against us with a very sharp attack and response i think there is law makes you had best understand that now rather than when its too late while the United Nations and egypt try to negotiate an end to the shelling of gazas Border Crossings have been closed a number of dead has been rising and the misery of people who cant escape is growing. Rob matheson aljazeera jerusalem. As you saw earlier donald trump has met the turkish president reject typer one of the white house despite opposition in congress to the visit turkeys offensive in Northern Syria and its purchase of a russian weapons system dominated the talks as mike hanna reports from washington. The president and 1st lady had town to welcome the turkish leader this the 1st face to face talks following weeks of strained relations between the 2 countries President Trump was quick to set a friendly we have a great relationship both personally and with the great country of turkey and we look forward to moving that forward and making it an even bigger and better relationship thank you for its apprenticeship that dates back 7 years to the opening of the trump towers in istanbul buttressed by a warm relationship between their sons in laws one is turkeys finance minister the other President Trumps close adviser jared cushion. Its a relationship that concerned many in congress the concern for the fueled by President Trumps opposition to a bipartisan sanctions bill passed in the house and being discussed in the senate the bill was in response to turkeys military operation in syria. Following President Trump surprise decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from the Region Congress has been angered by the u. S. President s apparent reluctance to impose sanctions on turkey following its decision to buy a russian weapons system yes 400 are already being deployed in the face of protest by all of turkeys nato allies including the u. S. Just outside the white house a small group of protesters expressing their opposition to the turkish president while the protests the. President. Group opera public and. An apparent attempt to persuade. Again a huge lead you want to start of the negotiation you know the president one senator had least agreed to look for the Silver Lining in the relationship with turkey the purpose of this meeting is to have an american civics lesson for france and turkey. And theres a pony in there somewhere if we can. And the hope expressed by president turner one that the relationship that the u. S. Congress will improve as turkey we are ready and committed to sustain a very constructive dialogue with the United States congress and this is an idea that ive shared with President Trump as well from President Trump a few circuits raised and the hope expressed of further arms sales we have a lot of trade with turkey but it could be many times larger and turkey would like to see that and it would also be good for the United States so we intend to bring it up to about 100000000000. 00 that would be 4 times were. It is right now for president one and was a successful meeting not only with the us leader but also with some members of the senate who had opposed him so fiercely in the past mike hanna aljazeera washington. Hong kong is very soon for another day of transport chaos with protesters planning to block more roads local authorities have already shut down a major tunnel as a precaution and primary and secondary schools are also closed for the day and we go with sarah clarke now in hong kong at the i believe central tunnel its called which connects to Hong Kong Island tell us more. Well this is probably one of the busiest tunnels that we have in hong kong as you mentioned it connects calhoun which is where we are now to hong kong and now its shot for the 1st time since these protests began 5 months ago one of the toll booths was set alight overnight this is unheard of to see this empty space where we are now and as you can see probably a couple streets away weve got very heavy traffic jams as a result of this particular tunnel being shut down during pick out i should add now its about 10 30 in the morning here the last couple of hours its been shot now we also have a number of empty as at least 15 of the train stations are closed and we also have a number of bus lines have been stopped and as you mentioned the school is canceled for the 1st time that is all schools are canceled last few days weve had some schools voluntarily closed themselves judy concerns about students safety and weve had the what they call the English Schools foundation they have had their school shop but today being thursday its the 1st time all schools have been shut as a result some universities have also finished their terms early simply because of the last few days of chaos that weve seen in hong kong now where we are as i mentioned at the cross city tunnel connecting calderon and Hong Kong Island and on my right we have the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and this particular university bertie had tear gas fired here on thursday morning where right. Place have been trying to kind of dispersal move some of those protesters who barricaded themselves up at the university over not true theyre trying to clear those those students and those protesters out but you might be able to see behind me in the overpasses theyre being blocked so these these universities this is one university where theyve almost become the battlegrounds now in hong kong as we enter the full day of week strikes a week by protests here in hong kong and on top of all those measures taken sara what else has been the government reaction to this sort of escalation or change in tactics if you like. Well interestingly overnight so on wednesday evening the government held a very light not meeting with senior government officials they arrived at Government House about 10 or 11 pm i have a not so this to speculation that this was some type of emergency meeting theres also been speculation they were going to declare potentially a state of emergency here in hong kong given the number of days of quite chaotic scenes that weve had this week in hong kong that hasnt happened yet we dont know what they discussed last night but certainly there was a high level meeting Government House overnight how the government has on been ongoing backing place but with regards to what is doing that its just simply condemned these protests is just driving them as the enemy of the public as i mentioned at the moment we have a number of protesters gathering but they gathering at these universities and these universities becoming the battlegrounds and ive not the high court rejected a bid by the Chinese University of hong kong to stop the police from entering the campus so the place can now enter these campuses and this is where a lot of the weapons are being built behind us one of the photographers i spoke to has been on the campus he mentioned that they are creating molotov cocktails and various weapons that theyll use in their defense against those plates when the event she do move in so certainly weve got a full day of general strike will transport chaos expected here in hong kong as these demonstrations enter the 5th month of protests good stuff from sarah clarke there in hong kong thank you. Now the 1st ever case of ebola has been reported in the Southern African nation. Its in the town of letter e bay of course the outbreak in democratic republic of congo much further north thats already claimed more than 2000 lives and in just a few hours Health Authorities in diyala say will begin testing a new ebola vaccine but the rollout is already facing criticism Catherine Sawyer has a report now from goma and democratic republic of congo. A new eyeball a vaccine for a major child santis the testing it on up to half a 1000000 congolese over the next 10 months to study the fact. The vaccine is safe it has already been tested on a small sample of people elsewhere according to both a symbol you would not have approved it if it was harmful to the people. But some people are concerned that the long term effects of the drug made by u. S. Multinational are not yet known and the fact that it needs to those this 8 weeks apart may not work on people who travel often to challenge to show grades between 2 to dorothys will be indication of the acceptance of his vaccine to population. We we will work with the communities we explain to the communities we believe know that if we explain simply things to the people say they are able to understand about 250000 people in this region are already being injected with another vaccine made by a German Company that has just been approved by european regulators those receiving the new a drug given areas that are considered at low risk of an outbreak this is a very busy Border Crossing between d. R. Congo and rwanda tens of thousands of people mostly traders use it every day Health Workers say vaccinating them is crucial feelings here over both vaccinations are mixed. Distraction is good it helps us go about our business without fear. Of them i can never do it i dont know what theyre injecting into us they didnt benny and people are still dying now goma. A ball about the nations in the democratic republic of congo have long been controversial and political one Health Minister is reported to have lost his job. For pows in the u. S. Study some congolese say they dont trust whats going on but Health Workers insist this is the best way of beating a disease that has killed many people catherine saw aljazeera comma. In the news ahead a helping hand for iraqs protesters from an unlikely souls will be telling all about that and a big scene in one of the worlds top Tourist Spots the water levels in venice are at their highest in half a century sports news after 3 years of the sporting wilderness calling cabinet is moving inside ever return to the n. F. L. How the smell of winter is definitely in the air and now its getting slowly cool a bit and a very slowly by day its mostly clear skies apart from this cloud streams out of the plateau the picture on thursday is one of 70 degrees in shanghai and 26. 00 in hong kong 2 examples with low surety its cold at night particularly in land thats exactly what you would expect all the action is taking place just east of luzon the philippines where another tropical cycle is attempting to develop at the moment thats some of the action that is the weather but the rains have grown so the size there has been some decent stuff down in java and safe and satellite picture and is that to be repeated in the forecast so western java good part of borneo that looks wet to the way he probably dry and then west papua west again sumatra is looking at a place and so still is a good part of thailand at least as far north as bangkok not as much as it was admitted the. Monsoon rains gone now of course so we talk about northeast monsoon a dry time the except for look at this from the northwest of india and stretching down through pakistan this is actually quite active weather a mess a cloud with rain and snow but the rain reaches a long way south possibly even into caracas. The weather sponsored by catalona is. Investigative journalism the world referred to by. Local experts in discussion 3 times youve got a deal and you disagree with that deal because of the terrible twos that were still it was brought to us were you watching the stories from other angles. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera the great programs to inspire you on aljazeera and investigation into the real powers that control the World Health Organization their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health can they be trusted with building a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable reason the people that are part of the h one n one push isnt getting much difficult like you know a w h o has just chaz who says down here in terms of trust that you trust who on aljazeera. And on the news here at aljazeera these are all top stories the 1st public hearing in the impeachment inquiry into u. S. President Donald Trumps come to an end because acting ambassador in ukraine says he was told trump cared more about an investigation into his rival joe biden than he did about ukraine trumps alleged to have pressured into investigating biden in exchange for military aid. Trouble so cold turkey a great nato ally during the turkish president s visit to the white house at the same time the 2 discussed turkeys offensive into an all in syria and i. Chris purchase of a Russian Missile Defense System and the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad that israel terms of for a cease fire after 2 days of fighting israel continue to bomb dogs are in the early hours of thursday 32 palestinians have been killed after a Fire Fighting began when israel killed a Senior Leader of the jihad. Now the United States has formally recognized believe he is interim leader as the countrys new president earlier on wednesday to protest as some believe you were killed on the 1st day in Office Security forces fired tear gas at hundreds of supporters of the former president evo morales who resigned on sunday over his disputed reelection demonstrations took place here the president ial palace where onions had proclaimed herself interim president has more from stories of oh shes been at a demonstration in support of even morales on the streets of the past. Were here just a few blocks away from the Bolivian Congress from last summer as you can see theres not far away from here supporters of evan with alice are trying to make it appear the Movement Toward socialist party has been trying to call for a session in order to reject whats been going on in this country which is basically calling and naming and into room precedent thats what happened here on tuesday and were here seeing able not only supporters vs men that you can see with the red Point Charles there are Indigenous Leaders that have come all the way from different parts of the libya theyre demanding the right to go inside congress theyre convinced that what happened in this country is a cool because they were more or less was asked to resign by the military which mean happening in bolivia has polarized the country theres lots of tension right here the interim president has said that pacifying the country is a priority she is calling on to the armed forces and the police in order to pacify the situation here but thats going to be extremely difficult if that this new administration does not consider the enormous amount of support that ever what alice continued to have here and hes a Movement Towards social is that there are Massive Party has been trying to go inside congress in order to hold a session as i said before in order to reject whats been happening in this country in the past few days when was. Sworn in her new cabinet as she moves to fill the power vacuum left by morales. Today we start on a peaceful and Democratic Path to return legality which i have entrusted the armed forces and the National Police with so that they can guarantee the pacification of the country the time has come for us to reunite an end to the confrontation to look at one another and accept peace and i assure everyone that the persecution and intimidation in bolivia has ended. Lets not surprisingly im around this is rejecting the legitimacy of believe us new president speaking from mexico where he was granted asylum morales says hes ready to return and quote pacify his country if thats what the people want he said he believes he was removed from power because of his indigenous roots. I tell you that my 1st participation in a National Election in 2002 we won it but they stole it from us i would say also in the last election we won and they again are stealing it from us it is in part the ideological political fight i want to tell you never in my life have i asked for institutions authorities to do anything illegal i come from a family that practices the morals of not lying not stealing and not being lazy. More on that side of the story now from mexico city with john homan. President rallies used his press conference in mexico city hes been granted asylum in mexico call for a National Dialogue in bolivia to try and sort out the mess thats happened after the bolivian elections he repeated that the him this is a military coup in the country again said that he was asked to leave by the military and he said the proof of that coup was senator and now interim president should name and years declaring itself interim president of bolivia he also spoke about the election process and in the vote count that led to the organization of american states saying that it was serious or regularities he said that there wasnt fraud he said that he felt that the organization of american states was acting in the interest basically of the United States so thats president morales is take on whats happening back home in his country bolivia the Organization American states did find serious regularities in the voting process there were serious doubts and that spurred the opposition a many people to take to the streets in a process that really hasnt stopped in bolivia now were looking at clashes also between the opposition and between the supporters of president morales the president the expresident now said that his sisters house was attacked in one of those confrontations so a very disturbing situation in bolivia and the president and the next president thats now many miles away here in mexico. A summit of the worlds 5 biggest emerging economies has begun brazils capital while the focus is on International Trade there are also disagreements within the group over recent developments in bolivia and the crisis in that as well are reports now from brasilia. Illian president greeted the leaders of russia china india and south africa for the 2900. 00 bricks summit the theme of what is now the 11th summit of the socalled brics nations is Economic Growth for an innovative future we for a country is going to send out a strong message to the International Community ziyad that we are defending strongly in multilateral system a more open free fair International Trade system one controversial topic at this years gathering is the question of venezuela which has put brazil at odds with russia and china but it was never on a wednesday fights broke out on the street in front of the Venezuelan Embassy in brasilia between supporters of venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro and supporters of Opposition Leader one military police were called to the embassy as rival factions fought over control of the diplomatic compound. It was assaulted it was irresponsibly attacked by criminal groups and it is currently under siege we havent recognized people inside the Facilities International law is being violated the Geneva Convention is being violated we call on the International Community to speak out. There were also other protests in the brazilian capital some were against the visit of chinese president xi jinping with demonstrators showing solidarity with the ongoing protests in hong kong the brics summit is taking place during an especially to time in latin america discussions over the ongoing crisis in venezuela as well as the recent resignation of bolivian president evo morales are likely to take place among brics leaders though not publicly. So despite the obvious differences in geo political agendas the focus of this years brics summit continues to be the strengthening of International Trade. Agreements you know china is a trading partner and to give it with my entire team as well as the brazilian Business Community we want not to just expand we want to diversify our trade relations. The bric countries represent more than 40 percent of the worlds population and almost a quarter of global g. D. P. But as. The uns special representative for iraq is meeting political leaders to try to bridge the gap between protesters and Government Parliament is discussing constitutional reforms aimed at satisfying the demands of the demonstrators thousands of people have been protesting against corruption and just a lack of basic services and at least 319 people have been killed since the demonstrations began last month but the protestors in iraq are being lent a helping hand by the elderly who sympathize with the calls jim has that story now from baghdad. But it has been one washes she also wishes for a Brighter Future and for a better present at 70 years old her kidneys give her trouble but her spirit remains strong arm said one tells me she volunteers out here for over 15 hours every day cleaning the clothes of protesters camped out in baghdad to her youre square yes i met john and we do this for free its all free even the detergent is from us if people bring us money we want to accept it if they give us to touch it they will take it thats fine. In a nearby garden sit but a year and her husband abu producing a homemade remedy they say combats the effects of tear gas. And if that were to go ahead we have 3 sons each one of them was injured twice in the protests and they refused to leave and go back home my sons say they cant leave their brothers hand go back so i decided to donate part of my pension so we could bring this water and yeast day and night they are here mixing the gradients bottling and distributing constant work left but that he has handed blistered but she pushes on. I not kill but im not just coming out to support my sons im him for everybody this is my country this is my rock this is my land all of these people are like my sons and my brothers and my father is my how he says but that he and our board aided him after he was tear gassed while protesting but that their presence has helped him even more. When we see these elderly people leaving their homes and their relative staying how could i leave how could i go home there are people here who are 405060 years old. And it was despite the tension in fear surrounding the protests in baghdad these days and to hear square the mood is often vibrant in this unprecedented Cross Generational demand for rights and reforms the sense of community thats taken root here is remarkable an atmosphere of family and familiarity its hard to miss yes these demonstrations have been led by the youth but look just beyond the youngsters and youll clearly see the multitude of grandparents parents aunts and uncles were standing behind these protesters both figuratively and literally. The old back and the young spurning politics shunning sectarianism and uniting as these mammoth. But that. Several countries have urged egypt to investigate alleged killings by its Security Forces and other rights abuses the United Nations Human Rights Council is reviewing egypts record as part of a regular examination of all member states. We recommend egypt to one address impunity by credibly investigating allegations of extra judicial killings torture and forced disappearances by Security Forces publicly release findings and prosecute those responsible to release detainees held for exercising their rights to freedom of expression or association and ensure a fair trial guarantees for those remaining in detention 3 commit to supporting a free and active Civil Society by ending case number 173 foreign funding investigations travel bans and asset freezes against Civil Society few stories in brief now a new report has raised concern over guineas human rights situation ahead of next years president ial election Amnesty International has detailed several red flags including rising Political Tension in the west african country and the killing of antigovernment protesters opposition groups have been demonstrating for weeks against proposed changes to the constitution they fear the changes could allow president alpha conde to stand for a 3rd president ial term 12 people including 3 children have been killed by a car bomb in afghanistans capital the interior Ministry Said the attack appeared to target a Canadian Security Company it happened in rush hour on wednesday morning and egypts Health Ministry says 6 people have been killed and 15 others injured after an oil pipeline court fire on wednesday the fire broke out in the thai alberto many locals had gathered to fill containers with the leaking fuel before the fire began. Now there is anger over plans to expand an Oil Pipeline Near the lands of Indigenous People in the u. S. State of north dakota a recent leak at another pipeline nearby is making activists even more anxious from linton alan fischer reports will begin the hearing some came a great distance some came to object and some were veterans of the fight to stop the pipeline in the 1st place you know. For months the student defiance of Standing Rock in north dakota determined to block the building of the Dakota Access pipeline when the courts gave the go ahead the protesters were forcibly removed from the land now the company that built the pipeline wants to expand it pumping twice as much oil through it environmentalist. But if you double the amount of oil going through a pipeline you do have a leak. Youre going to have twice as bad a leak so thats a real concern the state has been hearing the case for the expansion and the arguments against this is like for humans we cant eliminate all risk one of those objectives was to try the native americans from Standing Rock there what is heightened by a leak at the nearby Keystone Pipeline i think i was i hope definitely it was i would say was a blast and unfortunately probably some people are not going to feel that way but. It definitely opened some life the Company Behind the pipeline says the expansion is simply meeting consumer demand we need to expand the pipeline because the commercial need is there we have shippers who have oil that needs to get out to markets around the country and so being able to do this on that to kind of access pipeline by coming in and doing something thats really very common in the industry were basically adding mainline booster were not doing any mainline Construction Public consultation on the expansion plans and next week the commissioners will then look at the evidence before making a final to. If it gets to go ahead theres no guarantee that it will bring more protests to north dakota underStanding Rock island. North dakota. The merivale blaming Climate Change for floods overwhelming the italian city many of its historic squares and streets are now underwater and in the highest recorded level in over 50 years the support for. Streets and canals merged as the 2nd highest tide ever recorded swept through venice on tuesday undaunted most tourists took to touring the city on gangplanks but some chose to swim through st marks square the citys main pier as waters hit 1. 87 meters high the highest in half a century sirens sound. For residents the effects a devastating. Musks plates everything look at what were living with here i just want to cry. The citys mayor has declared a state of emergency blaming the rising waters on Climate Change meanwhile much needed off shore barriers designed to prevent floods remain under finished the project started in 2003 has been dogged by delays soaring costs and corruption scandals and venetians a demanding progress. Its been 10 years but they have done nothing its in total eclipse it does not work and i have stolen 6 and a half 1000000000. 00 our politicians are old they should be in jail. The damage is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars and there are concerns that this flood is the starkest warning yet that the city is drowning. But a sport coming up on the news. Of winning the season ending finals for the 1st time. With. Thank you very much all football fans from all countries are welcome those the words of cattle as organizers as they prepare to host an expanded gulf cup 3 of the nations county blockading cats are reversed a decision to boycott the tournament which means they will now be playing in doha ice from this month david stocks reports. The organizers of the gold cup have plenty to do with barely a week to go they need to reorganize the tournament to make room for 3 more countries and not just any 3 saudi arabia bahrain in the u. A. E. Who are all imposing a blockade on cats are not an easy decision and it has been working with i think the president and the visitors and what they want a card or 2 to give them to convince them to come and to really and that element is still a good sign from their side have to say i dont know. What the effort has been to come from this for division and their excepted and that is nonsense that they are going to the cups been put back 2 days he was due to be held at doha skilly for International Stadium but the blockading states u. Turn means a 2nd venue will be announced on thursday and a new draw will take place to a teams instead of 5 the land sea and air blockade of cats are has been in place since june 2017 preventing direct flights and land crossings from the blockading countries obviously this is a political decision its not a sports decision i think weve seen a number of broader moves in the region both to try and dial down tension between the gulf states Saudi Arabian the u. A. E. As well and god are on the one hand but also between saudi arabia and iran and so theres very much into it and what i think it suggests is that there really is an effort to see it. To be very complex from getting out of control when qatar won this years asian cup in the u. A. E. They had to make a 5 hour journey via kuwait and faced a hostile reception. The host block bought tickets to make sure only very supporters got in and they were sanctioned to shoes and Water Bottles were thrown it could tare players this time around Officials Say there will be a very different reception for visiting teams and fans in doha they are working. Their countries arent always done has all been thought about it the gulf cup has been played for the last 50 years but rarely has it been the focus of so much Global Political attention david stokes aljazeera on track to frankfurt counts in david i want to play in germany has been the league again this year hes been banned for 7 weeks the body checking an opposition coach during a match on sunday the argentinian defender sense off after this barge on fireworks christian strike ensued provoked an on field brawl which also saw one freiburg player being sent off our hands be fined 27000. 00 as well intend to appeal against the ruling. Cullen captain it looks to have been given the chance of making an n. F. L. Return of the league is to hold a private workout the captain echoed last played in 2060 the 32 year old schedule to try out the teams on saturday in atlanta all n. F. L. Teams have been invited to the session its highly unusual for the lead to arrange Something Like this for a Single Player or catholic you last played for the San Francisco 49. 00 ers began nailing during the Pregame National Anthem to protest against Racial Injustice in the United States he opted out of his contract after the 26th season became a free agent but hasnt played professionally since in 27. 00 seen cabinet filed a grievance case against team owners claiming they were colluding against him that case was settled in february for around 10000000. 00 or n. F. L. Analyst Michael Colson says this could well be the 1st step towards applying return for cap an egg. I think theres 2 things going on in n n one sense it is Public Relations and i think the fact that it takes place right after veterans day is certainly a key part of that but i think its also the leagues sending a signal to the teams that its ok with them to sign cap riddick not of course that there was any collusion going on but i think teams n. F. L. Teams have been reluctant to sign catholic because the league doesnt really want want them to honor on a more political level i think they see Donald Trumps influence waning in washington and trump made a huge deal about capra nikken eric reed taking the d. Protesting Police Violence against black people use that against the n. F. L. In the n. F. L. Of course is always very wary about their antitrust status and their tax breaks from from the government so they dont like to offend the government i think this is a sign that they day dont think thats going to be a problem any longer for them rafael nadal has kept his hopes of winning the season ending 83 finals alive nadal had lost his Opening Group match in london and was forced to save a match points in this encounter with russias Daniel Medvedev well the one coming back from a 51 deficit in the deciding set to eventually take the match in its high break with al has never won this title before. Honestly have been so far like that. Thats a real thing are sorry for the man. He was playing. But by that i mean the 3rd of course on this one off the day is one of these days that one out of 1000 you win. Major League Baseball is looking into allegations of cheating by former World Series Champions the Houston Astros former astros player mike fires claims that same used a camera to record hand signals being made by opponents during their 27 c. Championship winning season captures and pitches use the signals as a cult to discuss tactics says the astros use the recordings to crack the crowd and give their own bats an advantage ok that is how you sport is looking for not more lights. Thank you abbi and that is your news hour its all for me as well daryn jordan will be with you in just a few moments with the latest news right here on aljazeera. Mass protests forcing the government but are we seeing. Trying to clarify we follow journalists on the front line. Pretty committed to reporting the French Police officers pointing guns at john was saying dont make the hong kong fact and fiction list truth is in any way on aljazeera. Across the United States indigenous families are searching for their loved ones for relatives of people who go missing finding closure is often impossible people are meeting here to raise money for the search efforts of the young woman advocates and family members have started to raise awareness about the high rates of violence that disproportionately impact indigenous communities most Tribal Police departments are understaffed and under resourced another factor is that tribes dont have jurisdiction over nonnative americans for all crimes there but a lot of concerns that the federal agencies dont respond that they dont take these crimes seriously a lack of evidence is the main reason federal officials are declining to prosecute crimes on reservations that shouldnt be the end of the discussion. There should be then a ok lets see what were wrong in this case why the is no evidence or why the evidence isnt good enough and make sure that doesnt happen yet the us is a Tipping Point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 near us the worlds leaders fail to agree upon a solution. To taking matters into their own. Which by its actions to get people to understand that kills people and that it kills people now is critical to both sides were to the peoples doors on no just 0. Top diplomats deliver a damning revelations against the us president at the start of public hearings and unimpeachable to our withholding Security Assistance in exchange for help with a domestic Political Campaign in the United States would be crazy i believe that then and i believe without. Hello im daryn joe and this is our sara live from doha also coming up a Palestinian Group office terms for a cease fire as israeli airstrikes killed dozens of gaza. A new abode of fact

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