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Inhumane conditions in migrant camps in bosnia. And calls grow louder for the release of texas death row inmate rodney read as new evidence comes to light in the case. And sport n. F. L. Player miles guarantees hit with an indefinite but the Cleveland Brown star attacked some opponents with helmets during a game and searched. Hello welcome to the news hour we begin in the United States where mary the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine has testified in the pietschmann inquiry into President Donald Trump ivanovich says she was shocked and devastated when she was removed as ambassador and said there was a Smear Campaign against her while she was giving her testimony the president launched a twitter attack criticizing her reputation and korea the current phase of the inquiry is set to wrap up by the end of this month after that its likely articles of impeachment the charge sheet against the president will be worse and there would then be a vote on whether to impeach public hearings though continue next week witnesses include Alexander Van men the National Security councils top. But he listened in on that telephone call between trump and ukraines president and also expecting to hear from Gordon Sunderland the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union following all of this for us castro live for us from capitol hill and i think the most extraordinary moment were all saying in this hearing came in that exchange between event of each and adam schiff when she was all still respond to twitter attacks from the president in real time thats right i mean talk about political theater mariyam this happened in americans living rooms and they were following along as this hearing was broadcast on Live Television and you know President Trump had said before hed be too busy to watch these impeachment inquiry hearings which really have his presidency at stake but today he apparently did have time to tune in at least for a little while and it was while maria juran of each was on the stand that trump on twitter wrote that wherever she went turned bad he was referencing the other ambassador post that she has had in somalia and other places prior to going to ukraine and that led to this very revealing an Interesting Exchange between the chairman of this impeachment inquiry hearing and you of on of it herself. Shown the courage to come forward today testified notwithstanding the fact you were a white house or state department not to notwithstanding the fact that as you testified earlier the president implicitly threatened you in that call record and now the president real time is attacking. What effect do you think that has an other witnesses willingness to come forward and expose wrongdoing. Its very intimidating its a dime designed to intimidate is it not. I mean i cant speak to what the president is trying to do but i think the effect is to be intimidating and of course heidi President Trump has said up until now that hes not paying any attention to these hearings that hes not going to be watching it but today he admitted that he did shoot in for the 1st time whats his response to what weve heard today right wont because we saw this play out in real time there was just immediate fallout from democrats who saw that Exchange Read the tweet from trump and accuse trump of witness intimidation and theres was even talk of this was evidence to draft another article of impeachment more charges against him the president came out defending himself. And ill tell you about what tampering is tampering is when a guy like shifty shift doesnt let us have lawyers tampering is one shift as it let us have witnesses doesnt let us speak ive been watching today for the 1st time i started watching and its really sad when you see people not allowed to ask questions its totally nobodys ever had such horrible due process there was no due process and i think its i think its considered a joke all over washington and all over the world the republicans are given no due process whatsoever were not allowed to do anything its a disgrace whats happening. And the president says further that he had no intention to intimidate the witness and that he was simply expressing his freedom of expression now you vonnegut her purpose on the witness stand today was to really lay the scene of what happened that led up to trump making the call to the linsky in july asking for political investigations into trumps opponents she said that trumps private attorney Rudy Giuliani had been meeting with correct corrupt ukrainian officials and that between those 2 parties they made these what she calls a Smear Campaign against her claiming that she was against the trunk of ministration which she denies and that led to her ousting in late may which she said came out of nowhere and that she was told later by the state department that she had simply done nothing wrong republicans though zeroed in on the fact that you have on a bitch had departed from the policy making scene by the time that the call between trump was and lindsey rolls around and by the time that trump made the decision to temporarily freeze the 400000000. 00 of u. S. Security aid that was meant for ukraine democrats are saying he froze that that aide in order to pressure ukraine to investigate his rivals which trump has denied but you vonage didnt have any information to share about one way or the other republicans continually say that these impeachment inquiry witnesses thus far who have been in the public hearings have been unable to pinpoint the president in taking the blame for any of this thanks very much for the latest from capitol hill heidi. Joining me now is susan block a professor of law at Georgetown University shes previously testified before the House Judiciary Committee and the senate on matters of constitutional joins me now from washington so you really have a unique perspective on this you know what it feels like to be in that chair and certainly we saw today that for a number of hours what is your assessment of her testimony and how she came across in the hearing. Well i think she came across as very believable a very dedicated Public Servant and someone who was truly frightened by what was going on around her and what are your thoughts on the republican crossexamination of you than of it that efforts to undermine her testimony well. I think that it was hard to undermine it i think the most they could do is try and make it try and make it irrelevant but she was painting a picture of a campaign to get rid of her and a campaign that led apparently by giuliani to. Look at the ukrainians to look into the biden matter. And show she was. She said he came across as you say as clear and credible in what she had to say what was your what were your thoughts on the strange that took place between evanovich and adam schiff when President Trump started to tweet in those tweets were read and read aloud in real time and adam schiff said he wanted to know for the record that this is witness intimidation well it was. Dramatic she had just said that one of the reasons she was concerned when she was asked to leave her post was that she would. Face a twitter stream if she didnt leave she would face a tradition stream of. Sort of criticism from the president and as almost as she was saying that he tweeted a disparaging remark and it was a high drama i dont know exactly why he did that it i dont think it helped his cause. Weve heard so far in the cessna and. In the hearings so far it sought to highlight u. S. Policy towards ukraine and how that allegedly relates to the president s personal political ambitions but is there yet direct evidence evidence i should say of the direct role of the president in this. Well its there are a number of things that involve the president obviously giuliani is the president s lawyer so he has. Made he has urged investigations of biden and trump also seems to have asked for that with the call with the president of ukraine so it does look like he was withholding the aid that had been authorized by the congress he was withholding it to try and get the president of ukraine to help him in his personal reelection how difficult that is and i just ask how difficult is your inquiry going to be given that President Trump himself has refused to testify and is also preventing staff at the white house from doing so how important is it for a nest next weeks witnesses to to move it on in terms of direct oval office involvement or that sort of thing. Well i think the kind of information that theyre eliciting now and perhaps and again i think next week is showing that. Trump wanted to withhold this a in order to get the ukrainians to investigate biden so the and the problem with that is we shouldnt we shouldnt on our president to withhold allocated money for personal reasons whose reelection is actually. A personal. Effort on his part not in the interest of the United States all right well thank you very much for sharing your perspective on this with the susan block professor of law at Georgetown University joining us that of course has been another big story out of washington former advisor to the us president roger stone has been found guilty of 7 offenses including lying to Congress Obstruction and witness tampering some was charged earlier this year during the house of representatives intelligence committees investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election witness tampering carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison so lets cross live to Patty Culhane who is in washington interesting character. Roger stone he does you were saying earlier that hes described himself as a trickster and all of that about that the nixon tattoo patti what was his reaction to this verdict. He showed no reaction in court and yes just to explain he does have a picture of Richard Nixons face tattooed onto his back he worked for nixon and hes been considered he calls himself a dirty tricks or says he likes to play dirty in politics but he didnt say anything as he left the courtroom partially because he cant hes still under the gag order what this is all about is during the campaign the wiki leaks released those emails from the democratic server that have been hacked the Intelligence Community says by the russians well he went on social media and sort of said things are coming in indicated he had sort of behind the scenes knowledge so when congress was investigating potential russian interference they called him to testify he went and he said wasnt me i was just going off what this other guy said public reports i didnt actually coordinate with wiki leaks wild then because of the special counsels investigation he was charged with these 7 counts including obstruction of justice obstructing official proceeding and intimidating a witness they throughout the course of a pretty short trial had all of these witnesses come forward these emails these tasks that show he in fact was trying to coordinate between the wiki leaks and the campaign in fact one witness said that he actually called President Trump to inform him of what was coming so in 7 hours this jury returned this verdict the most serious as you mentioned intimidating a witness and just to show how potentially clumsy this whole thing was for stone to go before congress and said no emails no texts no phone calls he sent a note to one of the potential witnesses he used language from the godfather movie about the mafia and then threaten to basically take away his dog so again facing potentially up to 50 years in prison but the way federal prison sentences are handed out theres sort of a formula because its a nonviolent crime because its a 1st offense unlikely hes going to face those 50 years of course the question is is the president going to spare him any jail time which he could thank you very much from washington. Here at the news hour live from london much more still ahead. More protests in lebanon over reports a former finance minister accused of corruption and could be the next Prime Minister. After more than 6 years in an australian Detention Camp refugee journalist back was but charlie arrives in new zealand a free man. And his boy hear from chinas most successful swimmer whos fighting to save his career at a legal hearing switch. Now on friday and politicians agreed on a plan that is seen as the beginning of the end to the countrys crisis the queen paves the way for a referendum next year on a new constitution placing one that dates back to dictate a augusta pinochet its a climb down to meet the demands of protesters who have brought violent scenes to the countrys streets and clashes with Security Forces markets have reacted positively positively to the move with the chilean peso recovering from some historic lows. But i latin america editor lucien human is live in santiago so how important is this agreement to have a referendum on a new constitution for the country. For maryam it is a historic agreement theres no doubt about that it will be the 1st time that the chilean people themselves will be able to decide on their own Constitution Forward on it decide what goes into it and how many of this is extremely important not just the just start but because expelled the end of the beginning of the end of the constitution that anybody you ask almost of the same reeks of dictatorship it was stillborn it was imposed under a dictatorship and for many chileans it is the root of all evil it is the cause of many of the of the of the ills that affect the society a society that they say pays more attention it gives more power to people who have money. Than than to the to the masses and a state that does not guarantee the basic needs of the peoples will that is what it will have already this is supposed to be and it was one of the main demands on the streets the people that you see here were demanding a new constitution and now theyre going to get it even though the president had been refusing to give in to the idea of a referendum hes had are i dont have a constitution but it has to be decided by the congress that has been scrapped and now 2 years will be will be allayed allowed sorry to decide on 2 things whether or not they want us to. Be assembling the words everyone warm and will draft this this new magna carta it will be elected by the people or whether all the half of congressmen and a half of people voted by the people so thats the mechanism that will have to be voted on in 4 months time it will be very very interesting to see if the referendum results as weve had interesting experience of the referendum in this country doesnt seem to have dampened the determination of people to protest. No absolutely not and you can see people are marching mind the thousands up to be italia plaza which was renamed by some of the dignity plaza on thursday and thats just a few blocks from here because some people are not happy with this agreement believe it or not they say that there was an agreement made amongst politicians that have no legitimacy and they dont like the fact that crude could be passed for the for the for the new constitution to be approved it has had 2 thirds approval of the delegates in it and they say that that is too much so thats going to continue to allow the old political the need to govern or to influence what happened so theyre going to say they going to be out on the streets and that they want some results and some reforms immediately they cant wait for a new constitution in education pensions better salaries shall remain see less. People out of the city but it certainly wont put an end to the crisis immediately now thank you very much our latin america editor only see and human joining us there from a lively and well enthusiastic scene in santiago chile thank you micio. Now israels military paged on friday 10 best again the death of civilians in gaza after a strike targeting Islamic Jihad group there is hard force it is falling story now from gaza. In the early hours of thursday morning 3 simple bedouin homes stood next to fields here in central gaza in an instant they were blown apart in an israeli airstrike 8 members of an extended family were killed as they slept. Abu mohammed rushed here from a nearby refugee camp one of the surviving children had raised the alarm after trying to pull his siblings from the rubble. I dont blame you we look for bodies under the rubble for body parts everywhere we were looking for individual members of the family searching my name by name. In the hours after the attack israel said it had killed me whos been identified as a rocket commander in the military wing of Islamic Jihad Israeli Media Company the story with this image this man on the Islamic Jihad says was not one of its members his neighbors tell us the same thing they passes photos of a different man who they say belong to the demobilised Palestinian Authority police force a muslim. Nobody could believe it is a simple man a p. R. Employee he lived a simple life as you can see here. A cousin takes us to a nearby house where the surviving children are being looked after incredibly 11 of them survived the blast. Including fara just 2 months old found covered in sand under a piece of metal sheeting. That for now the children are being kept busy with everyone around supporting them but tomorrow when people go home theyll start to realize the calamity thats happened. 5 of these children siblings and cousins were killed in the blast along with. One of his 3 wives of a man who says brother a farmer also survived his wife was killed more in a day on here one of the things that really strikes you is that this junk between the sheer flimsiness of the materials from which these structures were built and the power of the weaponry that came here to destroy them israel is now saying that it was targeting empty buildings it was unaware that they were occupied but one of the questions that is left open is why try to destroy improvised bedouin homes such as these at all. The israeli explanation has shifted from an assassination of an Islamic Jihad commander to an operation to destroy a structure that it didnt realize how what it called noncombatants in a statement to aljazeera the Israeli Military said yesterday thursday the i. D. F. Struck an Islamic Jihad military Infrastructure India according to the Information Available to the i. D. F. At the time of the strike no civilians were expected to be harmed as a result of a strike the i. D. F. Is investigating the harm caused to civilians by the strike a few streets away a steady flow of mourners still comes this attack on a sleeping family has aroused anger across gaza the Israeli Military has yet to give a full account of how and why it happened kerry force it out 00 gaza. Thousands of migrants come to long bosnias border with croatia are living in dangerous and injury main conditions according to Human Rights Group Doctors Without Borders it warns that people could die if theyre not given adequate shelter and basic services as the european winter approaches the northwestern town of behind is struggling with an influx of migrants and local authorities according on all the parts of the country to take them in or 100. 00 has mall. Near boston is northwest city of be hunch local Authorities Say makeshift camps like this hours breaking point with temperatures dropping people here are living in worsening conditions theres no electricity and not enough food or water inside tents its freezing and many are forced to make fires to keep warm there are no 1st is no toilets no place for sleeping its a very bad situation because its very cold the camps were set up in june after local residents protested against migrants being relocated from the city center so police bring your rivals here but now the camps are overflowing live like animals its a problem its raining every day theres a management problem here. Over the past few years this area has seen thousands of arriving from asia africa and the middle east seeking a better life in europe but their presence is raising security concerns and e. U. Officials fear a humanitarian crisis the e. U. Migration Commission Says the camp is close to mine fields laid during the bosnian war in the 1990 s. It does not fulfill the minimal requirements for. Not do your finances. All will be provided for eat. Local Authorities Say they will restrict access to the camps if the Central Government doesnt do more to read oh kate migrants but aid organizations warn that could have dire consequences as if we are going to force these people to eat for 7 to say doors that is going to lead to a lot of changes so they will need to survive in the only sort of student food do not have access to Health Care Centers they have access to health care so we make sure that their health is ok but there is their real dessicated and they also dont pose a health risk for the local population with no solution in sight people here say their future is uncertain and with winter approaching they can only think of survival mohammed al jazeera. Now also known as deputy feel coordinator for. Dr that borders she joins us now from belgrade and he was speaking about there being some 3000 people in camps which are reaching full capacity what can you tell us about the physical emotional mental condition that many of these these refugees are in and what youve witnessed. So if you were. Rich and we had a sense to living out the system you could actually have forgotten people in the camps and into squads. Into woods dylan and rick conditions. The i have to have carried out of the change through to what eric said. And of course the girl tried to close the border and they are back into gaza now and the. Blogger are up in arms arent you can wait around so they can buy and very difficult and critical physical and Psychological Conditions there is very important that you have 3000 people in official camps but you have as many if not more people i think you said about 4000 people 4000 People Living outside they have no access to basic Services Clean water or any sort of medical assistance now obviously we have winter fast approaching temperatures are going to plunge what is your fear for these people. We really ought. To go let it go in our. Studio to see if we dont increase. It by 38 its not closed. As you mentioned that was found by land mines in russia living there without any assets to as it says you had to assistance to get anyone to do it away from the space and are certain to see it is related to conditions so people will unfortunately die if. That is what is your message to the International Community about this is it is your organization trying to i mean im sure you are working hard to bring this to the attention of the relevant authorities but what would you like to see be done to help these people. Must be increased you know our beliefs from winter and. Most close this place is not fit for humans and what lasts. We are calling and want to issue and we should have a huge increase just a quick follow up to that mean whose responsibility do you where do you think that the burden of responsibility really lies obviously you you have the local government but then just within the region there is a complete lack of coordination or any carroty on having a policy for Asylum Seekers and refugees this is a serious challenge yes of course. Most wanted terrorists arent managed you will be one in tragedies thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us and for shedding some light on the story we do appreciate it now as my deputy feel coordinator for serbia and bosnia at the Doctors Without Borders organization. At the news hour live from london more coming up. Expels over venezuelan diplomats in the country for allegedly interfering with the countrys hands. And with france preparing to mark a year of the yellow vest protest just how has the movement changed. A transport home open champion having trouble in south africa and he will have that story and much more. Ahead of the still we have got this very wet on this very Stormy Weather general cross much of europe is out towards the west we are seeing the worst of it continuing to say it really because it has just been system off to system weve had flooding rains again through thursday and friday across Central Regions of the u. K. Over 140 floods are still in place more of that rain now heading east was across the navy and look at this another system working its way through the bow biscay this will also produce heavy amounts of rain snow to the mountains that is happening we have this system here lying through the central med so this does mean more rain across and so we could see more rain into venice for example to the east of here though it is fine and dry and it is still pretty warm particularly for this time of year temperatures and book arrest still about 8 to 9 degrees above the average but look on sunday that system working its way from the west of the med sitting again through the Central Region some pretty heavy accumulations of rain and also some snow to the mountain tops to the north it is mostly cloudy but there is still some showers working the way across much of the u. K. And again working their way into northern sections of a spy now as we head across into Northern Africa we will see some rain showers they could be heavy working the way through algeria on tools tunisia and then well be staying in the same place as we head on into sunday. A story 1400 years in the make. A story of succession and leadership. And jersey and post the story where the client of to must. Remember. The count of the results 3. 0. When the news breaks. When people who need to be heard. And the story needs to be told 145000. 00 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. And indepth reports are you getting them and then i dont think we protect them so aljazeera has teams on the ground and thats a story the thing right here to bring you more rewards winning documentaries and liveliness. Welcome back a look at the headlines now u. S. President donald trump has launched a twitter attack against impeachment inquiry witness as she was giving evidence for me u. S. Ambassador to ukraine marie of out of it she called his comments very intimidating other stations in chile have agreed on a plan for a new constitution and a climbdown to protest as demands being called the beginning of the end weeks of protests. And the israels military has pledged on friday to investigate the death of civilians in gaza after strikes targeting the Islamic Jihad but killed 34. 00 palestinians. We go to develop as in bolivia now where venezuelan diplomats are being expelled from the capital of pads for allegedly meddling in the countrys internal affairs thats the situation as it stands at the moment of course this off to some dramatic developments in the country where you have having left for mexico he says that he was forced to leave the country against his will he has described what has happened as a military coup but to has left the country deeply divided with supporters of morales out on the streets protesting and others saying that it is time to forge a new government and a new way forward but this now in this latest development you have venezuelan diplomats being expelled for the allegation is interfering in the countrys affairs of course we know that the government in venezuela and Nicolas Maduro in venezuela would be is very sympathetic to a vote. To raise a vote is in the pads and joins us now to what is the situation there now. Im sorry its extremely difficult to speak to me right now theres dozens of Police Officers here they just threw tear gas at it right in my house 1st passed through and through tear gas in my eyes theres been people protesting here trying to make it to the president ial palace and theres been ongoing clashes with those who are defending. The people are very very angry told the police they see him supporting what they say is a coup against the government of immortality many of them have even told us that theyd rather have a military government than have whats happening in libya right now with the police on the streets with the military on the streets but a woman that they believe is a race is this coming out some tweets that news published in the past where she talks about indians about what many of the people weve been seeing here protesting and talking about mamma the earth goddess and people here respect very much but we paleface live which is also the indigenous plug while people here are very very angry with whats happening in this country they say that this is a coup and theyre demanding democracy they want elections right now on the big question is and this is something that the government has not been able to happen is when election going to take place in this country i can hear you. All right thank you very much theresa really appreciate that. We will leave you for now thank you so much our correspondent to raise above. Bolivia she has just found herself in the midst of clashes between Security Forces and protesters and she has had well she was saying shes had tear gas thrown on so well obviously stay across whats happening there seems to be an escalating situation in bolivia you have the former president evo morales saying that he would like to return to participate. But he would like to return to the country but he has been threatened with arrest and there is now the prospect of elections being held without him but there you have. Clashes taking place in as well stay across whats happening there also want to bring you some of the stories hong kong has fallen into recession for the 1st time in a decade as it remains mired in increasingly violent antigovernment protests on friday activists defied a warning by chinas president xi jinping and returned to the streets again in a peaceful protest they held up their hands for their 5 demands to be met by the government on thursday a man died after being hit by a brick thrown by what Police Called a righto. A protest as well in lebanon demonstrators are blocked roads in protest against reports that a former finance minister accused of corruption might be appointed Prime Minister somewhat decent and had to be taken to hospital in the rights watch says theres an increase in violence from Security Services. Has more now from beirut. Friends and family come to visit friday night in hospital relieved that hes still alive but outraged at what happened to him 30 has been participating in the antigovernment protests in lebanon says he was attacked and beaten by soldiers early on friday morning he shows me his injuries telling me hes lucky to be alive stomach to use maximum force against me more than 20 soldiers were beating me with their batons the butts of our guns eventually i was knocked out unconscious i was then dragged along the floor and thrown onto the side of a street ferdi had gone out to protest shortly after it was reported that a former finance minister ahmed suffer the was being touted as lebanons next Prime Minister fellow demonstrators were angered that a man accused of corruption was being considered for the job so they blocked the road in protest the armys response was to beat some of them. The dam frame and what his friend had his head cut open when a soldier hit him over the head with a baton he was filmed on local t. V. Raising his hands shouting at the soldiers you might want blood but our protest is peaceful. There are concerns here that freedom of expression is being curtailed on friday Human Rights Watch issued a report which documents not just the physical crackdown on free speech but also how politicians are using laws to imprison those who criticize them politicians and other Public Officials have cited for it to the from the defamation laws to silence the critics over just the past week we saw 3 case 3 definition cases being filed to 5 the heads out letter to i had to pull it up. Proprieties and one by a public official the rights group sees theres a noticeable shift in how Security Forces are now dealing with protesters. Weve been very alarmed by the crackdown that has happened over the last few days every side and join in the 1st few weeks of the protests that of course have arrested protesters for protesting for you where they were present but they were limited by what we saw yesterday was a credibly alarming what started off as 110 years protests on october the 17th of transformed into a month long uprising that has all but power lies the country economically and politically throughout this time the government has failed to deal with the protesters demands in a way that pleases them now the apparent increase in the use of violence by sections of the Security Services will only increase the anger felt across several sections of Lebanese Society the army issued a statement on its troops or accounts late on friday saying it was its soldiers who came under attack from protesters and merely acted in self defense no mention was made of the demonstrators who were injured in the attack if the idea behind attacking protesters was to scare them off the streets for d. C. Its done the opposite. I love. That theyve now increased my strength tenfold im just waiting for the doctor to discharge me and i will go directly to protest that danny his 16 year old daughter should be in school because her father told her there is no future for her in a country that has no freedom or justice the school can wait he sees what the revolution cant its her future that hes fighting for. A lot. France is bracing for widespread antigovernment protests this weekend as tens of thousands of people are expected to mark a year since the Yellow Vests Movement last november demonstrators put on for arrest and jackets and took to the streets of a rising fuel taxes and what quickly became a broader revolt against president Economic Reforms sasha about reports. It started as a grassroots protest over high fuel prices but it rapidly turned into something much bigger. A social movement over the rising cost of living and against the french president accused by demonstrators of favoring the rich over the working poor at times violent the scale of the socalled yellow vests protests shook the french government but one year on the movement has lost momentum the number of demonstrators the weekly rallies has dwindled nevertheless some yellow fest say its not over. The universe the movement as change the police that used to be up to 1000. 00 people here on this run about to solve the end though we are less visible now we still committed not for who is not. Patrice felipe was blinded in one eye in a protest in paris he shows me the place where police fired rubber bullets at him and other demonstrators in a few seconds his life changed forever he partially lost his sight later his job but he didnt lose his determination to fight against what he calls the french system. Iraq must continue and. I will continue this fight until the bitter end for sure as a yellow vest and as an injured person because its clear that this Yellow Vests Movement have the power to shake the French Republic one year on it is clear that the Yellow Vest Movement succeeded in forcing the french presence among all microbes to change his approach and do more to help working people who struggle financially less to however is where the Movement Goes from here this analyst says yellow vests supporters of rarely agreed over the movements aims or who should be in charge it has failed to transform into a Political Movement it has. Been unorganized it has destroyed every spokesperson that has emerged and it has failed to go into elections so on one side its has a a huge impact on the Political Landscape and on the other side has failed to put its mark on that landscape you know for supporters hope protests planned to mark the movements 1st anniversary revive their cause but he wont be easy opinion polls suggest the strong public support of bolster the movement for so long has now fallen away the new french revolution that some have dreamed of is increasingly elusive. Aljazeera paris. To germany out in the lower house of the countrys parliament has approved a major package any time show the country will meet its 2030 target for choosing Greenhouse Gas emissions the deal was finally agreed after months of haggling between chance angle knuckles party and her social Democrat Coalition partners but as dominic cain explains from berlin is still faces a major hurdle. Getting this particular proposal through parliament is proving very difficult for the grand coalition because there are many elements of whats been proposed which many people in Parliament Just dont agree with the upshot of this is that this is going to cost somewhere around 60000000000. 00 in the next few years and it involves the government of missing but its previous aspirations its targets to reduce emissions are not going to hit the time frame they said that they would several years ago whats in this particular package well fines for companies that are particularly polluting in terms of c o 2 but incentives for those that are not the devil is in the details and those who oppose this particularly the opposition parties in the bundestag thats the lower house of Parliament Well they say on one side the greens say this is nowhere near protection enough for the environment whereas the free democrats and the liberal party well they say this is going to punish and penalize business but this is not the end of the story because the green party will be able to challenge these proposals in the other house of parliament the blunders and there if they choose to they can block a great deal of this potential legislation the question for them will be as a green party that prioritizes protecting the environment are they prepared to vote down something which on the face of it is teared and geared towards protecting the environment that is for the future for now im going to merkel and her colleagues will be breathing a sigh of relief that at least in this house most of the proposals have been passed. A refugee journalist who spent more than 6 years in an australian Detention Camp says he is now a free man but who has documented his journey and imprisonment in a book and a documentary it arrives in new zealand off to leaving the manis island camp in papa new guinea thomas reports now from sydney. This there he says is finally freedom after 6 years detained in Papua New Guinea for trying to seek asylum in australia the iranian journalist is in a country that has welcomed him i think its in the 1st time that they feel that sam happy was i thought by you know i think if you read more on. Who charlie fled iran in 2013 he got to indonesia and from there took a boat to australia as Christmas Island but australia to the refugees had a new policy of sending them to prison camps on remote Pacific Islands which was held on manna silent in Papua New Guinea conditions were poor some fellow detainees were murdered killed themselves or died through inadequate medical care but from behind high fences charney worked as a campaigner and as a journalist he became a spokesman for the refugees we. Knew. One to. 3 he gave many interviews including this one on talk to al jazeera he also wrote a book which won many awards and used his mobile phone to shoot clips for what became a successful Film Australia and Papua New Guinea have been quietly reducing the number of refugees in Papua New Guinea some have been brought to australia for medical treatment and state some have been resettled in the United States under a refugee swap deal agreed with barack obama before he left the presidency how those have been taken in by European Countries or canada everyone are innocent and what they were still young government is really. Not. Accept or who charlie is officially in new zealand temporarily for a book there but he says he has no intention of returning to Papua New Guinea 100 thomas out as a city. In the past few hours the texas parole board has recommended the lang execution of rodney reed following new evidence that could prove his innocence the 51 year old inmate is used to be executed in days for the murder of a woman 23 years ago john hendren reports no justice no peace in the heart of texas one life is lost one is in jeopardy and those attending this vigil say that on wednesday the state plans to execute an innocent man that this was one of my the yes i was the its a racially charged case a black man accused of the 1906 rape and murder of a white woman convicted by an all white jury and sentenced to die the main link police found rodney reids d. N. A. On the victim but new evidence casts doubt on reids guilt is this is what is solid bad justice are you confident youll get justice well with the support of what we have yet sam i just have to roll along to their ads as. Thats what i have to hold on to a coworker of the victim now corroborates reid story that he was having an affair with stacy stites and they had consensual sex hours before she was found raped and strangled on a texas road side forensic examiners have since admitted in affidavits that their estimates of the time of death could be wrong there is another bit of blockbuster new evidence thats been introduced and that is from a member of the arion brotherhood named arthur snow snow claims that wall in prison he spoke to the fiance of the victim a man named jimmy final in that final confessed that he had murdered stacy stites because she was having an affair with an africanamerican man read his always insisted he is not guilty i think a lot of people know the truth right now. People seeing the evidence has been of the develop over the years the victims cousin believes him that. You know that he is then even though mark the texas court of criminal appeals has consistently denied reids claims of innocence in Texas Governor greg abbott has so far declined to grant reid a reprieve stites sister believes reid is her killer too long weve been trying to fight for justice for ronnie who didnt as her justice at all any justice for stacy but a broader array of advocates are calling for a stay of the execution from texas senator ted cruz to celebrities like kim carr jesse in west see everyone around the. Family isnt just counting on the governor. To fade my brothers life because he is truly innocent and were not asking for anything special were not asking for any favors were asking for the right thing to be done in this case with just days to go they have asked the u. S. Supreme court to stay the execution and give time to hear the new evidence before rodney reids time runs out. In my john hendren aljazeera bastrop texas. Finishing the season at the top of the tennis. The old model. Business updates. Going places to get the. Odd. Odd. Odd. Business updates. Going places together. The odd. Ball. Thanks so much mara n. F. L. Player miles garrett has been suspended from the league indefinitely without pay the Cleveland Browns star attacked in apartments with a helmet during a game on thursday garrett was involved in a fight with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback mason it rudolph he ripped off rudolph helmets and then smashed him over the head with its errant suspension is at least for the rest of the season which will take in 6 regular season games and any involvement in the playoffs is the biggest band ever handed out by the n. F. L. For a single gang incident rudolph said he had never experienced anything like it before. I thought it was. Pretty cowardly kind of really bush league which you know the other to watch i havent seen a replay but yes i mean i really havent seen if theyre going to. Im embarrassed mahlers embarrassed. Tonight so he understands what he did what he did he understands its totally unacceptable. And were going to get through it. Well the league is already under scrutiny over its concussion policy but n. F. L. Writes about for our says this incident is in a class of it son. In the n. F. L. Theres a lot of shock about what miles did. So it doesnt look good in the n. F. L. So we have everyones talking about it and it brings up all the old issues of violence and head trauma and is this going to dangerous to a lot like kids playing it head trauma is going to happen and if you have large men who are athletically superior going at each other in in very small areas youre going to have hits that you would rather not happen. And as tragic as that is its sort of an accepted area of the game but when you have a specific level of agreed upon violence and then you go outside to this yeah i mean i get the. Desire to compare the 2 things i dont know how much one has to do with the other the n. F. L. Still has a lot to do in the area of actual head trauma in games but what miles did i mean i wouldnt call it football i call it assault. At least 11 and i felt sames have confirmed that attend cullen captain extracts and it lands are on saturday after 3 years on the sidelines the lakers set up an official workout for the former quarterback so he can prove he is ready for an n. F. L. Return during his time at the San Francisco 49. 00 ers captain it made global headlines for nailing during the pregame National Anthems of protest against racial injustice. You know i really hope this is serious in asar for him to be writing leaders i think he deserves to be moved through as 3 years. Unjustly or not had a job or. Base all things out of letters to this point would make you lose you know skeptical of the motivation behind a good thing like anybody whos done all we do see. Rafa nadal has been knocked out of the season ending a. T. P. Finals the world number one recovered from being a set down to beat stuff honest its a pass in his final great match in london but that wasnt enough to put nadal into the semifinals i was on this very big Downer Medvedev in fridays other match and that eliminated the doubt one big consolation for the spaniard who did receive the trophy for finishing the year at the top of the world right. Now chinas olympic swimming champion son yang is fighting to save his career the 27 year old is accused of refusing to cooperate with doping officials since hold a rare public hearing at the court of arbitration for sport that the drug testers had failed to prove their identity when they came to his home to collect an out of competition sample the 11 sam World Champion has already been cleared of any wrongdoing by swimmings governing body but the World Antidoping Agency is appealing against that decision. Because of the doping official i filed a complaint she came with her assistance without proving identification and also she wanted to film with her mobile phone she said im your fan so today im coming here to see you and i would like to take a picture but from my point of view this is really ridiculous i cannot trust or well the 3 time olympic Gold Medalist previously served a doping suspension in 2014 for using a banned stimulants and says he took that to treat a heart condition so hes now accused of smashing a vial of his own blood with a hammer to stop anti doping officials taking a sample from his home during a visit in september 28th seen the most successful swimmer in chinese history could be banned for up to 8 years if he loses this case a verdict is expected and still next year fill in the celebrates in reaching a major football tournament for the 1st time ever theyve booked their spot at euro 2020 thanks to a 3 nil win over liechtenstein the win seals progression from group j. Alongside italy marks a huge turnaround for them in 2016 they didnt manage to win a single competitive match and hung players under lombard as the halfway lead at south africas nedbank golf challenge one the open champion really stays in the lead after the 1st round but shots like this sort of drop in the 2nd place on 9 under par lombard hit a round of 65 to grab a 2 shortly after tournament known as africas my. Ok lets get back to marion in london thats great andy thank you so much that wraps up the new sound of the bulletin coming up in a couple of it sounds. On counting the cost with breaks it make America Great again to make it india are we seeing a backlash against globalization or is it just another economic war plus frances richest man is worth more than 100000000000 dollars we find out if france is an Unequal Society counting the cost on aljazeera. Culture a dance thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the idiot capital new delhi tibet so be refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up over businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. And inspiring quest for knowledge that led to remarkable achievements aljazeera wells meets the algerian entrepreneur. Who helped pioneer competing in the arabic language and the egyptian islamic scholar honored for his contribution to arab culture both building successful lives abroad but never forgetting their roots arabs abroad the translator and the innovator on aljazeera. I mean i cant speak to what the president is trying to do but i think the effect is to be interesting. As the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine testifies to the impeachment hearing President Trump launches an attack on her on social media. Hello im Maryam Namazie in london youre with aljazeera also coming up on the program how big chair lays political route is move closer to agreeing a plan for a new constitution a problem and a group warns people might die in dangerous and inhumane conditions in migrant camps in ball

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