Siege in a Hong Kong University surrender to the police. Palestinians are condemning the u. S. Move to reverse its decades old policy toward settlements washington as announced it will no longer consider them illegal and mocks the latest shift by the Trump Administration and its policy towards israel rosen jordan reports now from washington d. C. For 41 years the u. S. Has called israeli settlements built in the occupied west bank illegal under International Law that u. S. Policy changed on monday calling the establishing of civilian settlements inconsistent with International Law hasnt worked it hasnt invents the cause of peace this is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians pump ailes announcement is the latest in a string of culture. Herschel white house moves designed to support israel recognizing jerusalem as israels official capital moving the u. S. Embassy there from tel aviv in 2018 and forcing the palestinians to close their office in washington leaving them no diplomatic presence in the u. S. Apart from at the United Nations pompei o. Said the policy change had nothing to do with benny gantz as efforts to form a new Israeli Government so the timing of this was not tied to anything that had to do with domestic politics anywhere in israel or otherwise this was about we were done we finished we conducted our review and this was the appropriate time to move forward the current Israeli Government was thrilled to see this is a historic day and another great achievement after President Trump recognized jerusalem as the capital of recognize all sovereignty over Golan Heights and now put an end to the lie that settlements are illegal condemnation from jordan and from hamas we warned against dangerous consequences of the us change of position a continuation of u. S. Policy to support occupation from the palestinian leadership not just anger but also a call to action thats prole is that i was a compassion war crimes and this is constituent a major threat to International Peace and security and this is. International community from the orders of International Law that all wars of solving conflicts by facebook means into the horrors of the jungle the European Union and many other countries say the settlements violate u. N. Security Council Resolutions and undermine the chances of a 2 state solution but even with what the u. S. Says are the hopes of renewed peace talks the embassy has issued a security warning knowing some could target american interests in israel and the occupied territories in protest rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington. Aljazeera senior political analyst mark on bashara joins us live now from london one has this declaration by the u. S. Come as a surprise and why is president from doing this now do we think it doesnt come like a surprise at all of course because everyone whos been following the Trump Administration nor all too well that the various positions that were supposed to come through the socalled did of the century have already come through just last week daryn at the United Nations General Assembly 170 countries against 2 voted to renew the United Nations relief and works agency for the palestinians through 2023 and who are the 2 countries against a 170. 00 israel and while the United States so the Obama Administration has been taking the positions. On jerusalem as a capital of israel on the refugees as they have no rights and on the settlements as they are legal apparently under International Law basically the United States or rather the trump in this tradition has decided to back Prime Minister netanyahu the extremists Coalition Government in israel in every possible way even though israel is him selves have doubt about mr nothing now as you say marwan this is the latest in a series of pro israel moves by President Trump all right so what can the palestinians do and can they leverage any help from the International Community there that you were talking about. Look International Law and International Community are 2 phrases there are 2 key magical phrases that really are important for every week party or for every oppressed that oppressed and impoverished Party Anywhere in the world a weak mans best phrase is International Law International Community because thats what people expect from International Community International Law is to protect the unprotected and occupied people meaning the palestinians need protection need International Law International Community unfortunately the International Community is not forthcoming and International Law has been shaped and applied selectively according to the logic of the powerful and in this case the United States of america so the Trump Administration has applied international as it saw fit meaning oil is for america and syria its ok to pardon war criminals even though the pentagon even say they should and now the palestinian needs to conclude that no help is coming from the United States the United States is not an honest broker in the Peace Process and that they need to devise a strategy domestically one that to unite them over a vision for a free palestine marwan just a brief final thought from you so where does this leave any chance of peace then whether its the 2 state solution or trump socalled deal of the century what happens next. The 2 state solution is dead it was dying it is dead with this american position and with the expansion of the israeli settlements its going to be practically impossible to separate palestinians from israelis the one state the reality is upon us except the netanyahu government is deluding itself that apart it is still possible it is not eventually with the one state is going to have to be the solution for israelis and palestinians to live in peace together in the holiday modern bashar senior political analyst there in london marwan thank you. Protesters in lebanon have forced the postponement of parliament by blocking m. P. s from getting in because were near the Parliament Building in beirut more than half the m. P. s had already chosen to boycott what would have been parliaments 1st sitting since antigovernment demonstrations began a month ago in another Development Bank some reopened after a week long strike by stop nationwide senator joins us live now from the lebanese capital the protesters have succeeded in blocking this plan session of parliament tell us whats been happening there. Well yes protestors are declaring victory what they did is since the early hours of the morning they gathered in different locations around Parliament Building this was one of those locations basically blocking the roads leading to parliament preventing m. Fees from from reaching the building what we understand is a 5. 00 m. P. Is managed to reach parliament and you will need a quorum of 50 plus one which is a total of 65. 00 and peace in order for that session to go ahead so it has now been canceled and no date has been set so people here protesters are declaring victory theyre celebrating they have paralyzed parliament they believe the legislature is illegitimate and they believe that they were going to pass laws which benefit politicians and not the people so this movement which is now in its 2nd months really people are Still Standing ground even though they have it and. People here are chanting is. A liar is what they want is the ruling elites to resign and they want to governments of independent experts who do not have any affiliation to any Political Party to enact Economic Reforms and to prepare a new electoral law and hold early elections this is the demand from the street but the politicians remain defiant just a short while. Ago the president of the country said that any future cabinet will yes include independents and experts but Political Parties will be represented so it doesnt look like the politicians or the people are ready to make any concessions but what was really significant today is the fact that almost half of the 128 member of parliament youre talking 63 mpg is they boycotted the session these are opposition parties like the Lebanese Forces the Progressive Socialist Party and of the candidates they boycotted the session theyre riding the wave of popular anger are people here will say no they do not represent those they do not support us we want them to leave office just as much as we want the governing alliance to leave office but the opposition has thrown its weight behind the test. And the people remain very much they have an eye out there chanting revolution revolution theyre promising to remain in the streets for as long as it takes so people are celebrating what happened today with the political crisis is still there is far from over the government is a caretaker government no decisions can be taken to deal with the dire Economic Situation in the country. They know how to there live for us from the lebanese capital beirut say no thank you iranian media says protesters have stomped to death 3 members of the Security Forces days of nationwide demonstrations against petrol price rises have killed at least 11 people the cost of fuel soared when the Government Cut subsidies and amounts rationing irans leaders say they will stand by their decision on denouncing rioters as bandits and hooligans dosage bar has the latest from tehran. The number of deaths has gone up since the protestors began on friday according to official figures. 11 people have been killed 5 of those belong to the Security Forces 6 civilians that make up the arrests now these figures are coming to us from official state channels and officially weve heard the numbers to be much higher but we cannot verify that these demonstrations are being met with all the Security Forces inside the country since the Supreme Leader announced on sunday morning his views that he supported the governments decision to increase fuel prices the Intelligence Ministry the revolutionary guards have all issued statements saying that they will prevent any kind of gathering from taking place across the country and as a result of that over the past 24 hours there have been very few protests reported and weve seen a heavy security presence across the country now this is happening because president Hassan Rouhani said they have no choice but to increase the price of fuel to try and provide subsidies to nearly 60000000 iranians who are living close to the poverty line and thats because of economic sanctions that have been imposed on iran they are not able to sell their oil on the International Market since the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal last year this is something the iranian president said that they were not it was not an easy decision for them but it was necessary to try and help people deal with the economic crisis thats ongoing in the country. Our time for short break here now just iraq when we come back an admission by chiles president that Security Forces have gone too far. And Pacific Islanders dying from measles the latest in the state of emergency and some more more on that stay with us. Were in c were spell of its really cold weather across northeastern parts of china saving province has had major problems widespread travel disruption quite a bit of snowfall in that cold wave extends this way down into the beijing as well as we go on through the next couple of days the the wind she weather will start to pull out of the way but were still talking in some very cold air behind this area of low pressure and normally winds here so for sapporo for example temperatures will struggle to get anywhere near freezing to celsius a top temperature here still a chance of some snow but of all stuck to attempt to hear what is 4 degrees cold crisp sunshine as we go on into the next couple of days a sloshy try for a japan as you can see laci try to just around the yellow sea basing around 8 degrees celsius but a fair amount of cloud around here central southern parts of china actually thats because the main weather action is affecting the philippines more than parts of the philippines we have a typhoon sliding in across lose almost got to temperatures of hong kong around 27. 00 degrees celsius as that wetter whether she can see just making its way across northern parts of the philippines is a rush of showers across malaysia but its largely fine dry and sunny for get a bit in the. Story 1400 years in the making. A school. Oreos succession. Tells the story line of. The kind of result 3. Welcome back to the top stories here on the aljazeera the u. S. Has abandoned its longstanding position on israeli settlements in the occupied west bank saying it will no longer consider them illegal. President has condemned the move but has been welcomed by israels Prime Minister who says it writes an historic wrong protest as in lebanon have been attacking cars in the Parliament Building forcing n. P. s to postpone that planned session more than half of the politicians had already chosen to boycott what would have been parliaments 1st sitting since antigovernment demonstrations began a month ago. And 3 members of irans state Security Forces have been stabbed to death by protesters military run according to media least 11 people are now for to died during a nationwide demonstrations against fuel prices most didnt protest as in hong kong last surrendering to police have surrounded a university now for 4 days on khans leader has condemned students who threw petrol bombs and fired arrows at the police they responded with tear gas and water cannon the police are appealing to all students of the polytechnic to leave peacefully. Or east have been searching for peaceful resolution using force has always been the last resort in response to violence of the fighters. Over the past few days repeat it to the future divides is just a vendor there and if the campus however some. Warning and he feels pretty. Reports from hong kong. This is the aftermath of monday night street protests roads blocked with burnt out cars tables and chairs strewn across major briards in Hong Kong Central callen district at Polytechnic University protesters started to emerge from the campus after a not a violent confrontations with police the choice to surrender we just want to leave. Them out why did you personally. Call because i have a lot of political will also afraid of water police say on the air and because we dont know what will happen next some people have. A Common Knowledge because they are. Also enjoying some moves in the anti say or Something Like police set up a checkpoint to the campus for questioning those charged with brushing face up to 10 years in jail some students managed to escape on monday they were met by Police Firing tear gas and rubber bullets on tuesday university professes school teaches and principals negotiated a deal allowing students to leave the campus peacefully with those under age and they police agreed not to arrest them to be talking here. I detail the photos in the media but do things. Which rich the police would need based on the arresting them be flabby sure they are they dealt with people you. Meet these protesters have emerged voluntarily for the still hard core group of protesters holed up inside the campus despite attempts by police to negotiate their exit theyre facing to leave. Hong kongs chief executive kerry lam condemned the protests she says 600. 00 have been arrested 200. 00 of them are under the idea of biting she appealed to the remaining group to give themselves up we will use whatever means to continue to persuade and arrange for the. Remaining protesters to leave the campus as soon as possible so that this whole operation could be able to end in a peaceful manner and laid a basis for the subsequent work by the police to stop violence in hong kong this protest at the university might almost be over but the cleanup is still underway with the added Government Movement vowing to continue the demonstrations which is now entering this 6th month sirrah clark aljazeera hong kong. An ambush on an army patrol in northern mali has killed and injured both soldiers and their attackers at least 24. 00 troops and 17 fighters were killed in the town of town court no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. Leaders from countries in west africa calling on the United Nations to allow peacekeepers to be more aggressive against fighters in the sahara region meeting in dakar the capital of senegal the leaders of the tough a mandate following repeated attacks linked to isolate and alqaeda the Un Security Council renewed its mission in mali for 12 months in june to try and stabilize the largely lawless theres a area. There it is Defense Ministry it says soldiers have been attacked in a jungle ambush near the border with were under whats reported to be the largest attack in years up north of the commercial capital which in buda at least 8 soldiers were killed and dozens more are missing no armed group has claimed responsibility. Chiles president admits Security Forces have committed abuses during the past month about to government unrest Sebastian Pinera no impunity the police using Excessive Force on iraq has more now from the capital santiago. On monday thousands took to the streets in sheilas capital sent the agony protesters commemorated one month since the unrest began nationwide but demonstrations like these are taking place almost every day across. So more incidents involving police using violent tactics to disperse crowds and their lives and it would seem to say the level of violence of this government with our president theres almost a pandemic of people who have lost their eyes or have been the one not only that there are people who have been tortured or have disappeared its almost like a dictatorship under democracy. This ongoing crackdown by Security Forces against demonstrators has become one of the biggest sources of anger among protesters were in place a. Day i would say you know where police have just deployed here yes once again against peaceful demonstrators and its these tactics that people are protesting against and reforming the countrys Security Forces is just one of the many constitutional changes that protesters are demanding. She lay in president. Has admitted to the use of Excessive Force by police. Down in unfortunately and despite the Firm Commitment and all the precautions we take not only the government but also our forces and police to protect the human rights of all in some cases the protocols were not respected there was excessive use of force abuses or crimes were committed. In an effort to calm the unrest Public Officials have announced that a referendum to establish a Constitutional Convention will be forthcoming. This is a historic opportunity for chileans who for the 1st time will have a chance to write their own. Institution this is what the people want and they dont want Political Parties deciding what is written in essence this is nothing more and nothing less and the creation of a new chilean republic. Measures by the government to change the president s cabinet and hold a constitutional referendum have done little to calm dissent. But it is near the front lines of mondays protests the scene was chaotic protesters armed with slingshots and rocks were met with tear gas and rubber bullets several people were injured amidst the chaos. Was for the most part the protests marking 4 weeks of unrest were mostly a celebration although the consensus among chileans is that theres still a long way to go. To haiti now at least 4 people have been shot and wounded during the latest protests demanding a better standard of living hundreds marched in the capital Port Au Prince following the announcement by president juvenile maureens of talks to form a unity government hes resisting calls to resign following months of protests against high inflation poverty crime and corruption. Leaders of bolivias interim government say theyre doing their best to beat blockades and leaving city is critically short of food and fuel supporters of former president. Are blocking roads in protest of what they say was a coup to raise about reports and. Has been waiting for hours to buy chicken she came very early in the morning with her 2 children but 5 hours later she continues to wait. There shortages of everything weve been here since 7 oclock this morning for one chicken what are we going to do we buy it here because everything has become so expensive that i cant buy it anywhere else this is not alone hundreds of people in the past are lining up to do the same as the political crisis here starts to have an impact on peoples daily life protests are all going around the country against the interim government and that has made it difficult for some basic food items to reach the capital the prices of chicken beef and eggs have soared and thats why the local government is trying to distribute it affordable prices battle in a louder is a doctor she says road blocks. Those who are blocking roads please stop because continue like this there is no gas no field there are children here they want to make us look like venezuela. Protesters here are hoping to shut down and force the resignation of interim president anyone yes who stepped in after ever more or less left the country. More or less was exiled in mexico has been saying he wants to return. Was once able moralists lawyer when he was a coca leaf grower but now he thinks bolivia needs to recover after his time in office is usually the most pro now it was proven that he committed fraud through one body that he brought by if they thought that he would get away with it but it was so gross. That there was no option and that made him resign some of his strongest supporters asked him to leave. Iraq seen says the only way out of the crisis is through negotiation. The current government should only be seen as transitional it needs to call for clean elections and if you want to clean process you need more as a party we need mediation because theyre trying to destabilize the country. But more likely supporters say the problem is much deeper they say they do not trust in the interim precedent jenny 9 yes. We did trust that woman she doesnt respect us the Indigenous Women that wear skirts she wants to take everything away the rights that we got with either we know this. And thats why they vow to continue protesting they say they want to make sure the future generations wont suffer the discrimination they faced ever again. And. 3 taliban commanders have been released by the Afghan Government as part of a prisoner swap sources have told aljazeera theyve landed in qatar senior taliban leader among them in exchange 2 professors in the u. S. And australia have been released after spending 3 years in taliban custody afghan president ashraf ghani announced the swap last week well Michael Semple a visiting Research Professor at Queens University belfast says its difficult to tell if it lead to a resumption of peace talks. This is basically a prisoner for Hostage Exchange that we know that they the taliban were very keen extremely keen to get their people out and of course theres a big push by the leader who wanted his family home we know that the. Fate of american hostages in afghanistan has been a concern for the for the u. S. Administration for their families for a long time but then you get to the issue of the talks it is the policy of the Afghan Government and its president to push for direct talks with the taliban the trouble is that the taliban have never actually agreed to this in fact theyve made it absolutely clear that they you know they want to talk with the americans and they dont even formally recognize they the government it describe it as pockets so i suspect that there is some kind of figure here for the taliban must have given some kind of reassurance to allow the president to come on t. V. But theres nothing to indicate the taliban change their political refusal to negotiate with the government the war carries arent the fight here the way that the killing continues but at the moment we dont have any viable Peace Process and the taliban are adopting demands which guarantee that and the goes to remain to block for the moment an explosion in a coal mine in northern china has killed at least 15 people and injured others 35 miners are working on the ground and chancy province when the gas blast happened chinas Mining Industry has a poor Safety Record and accidents are common. I mean this epidemic has forced the closure of all schools in the banning of public gatherings in some more 6 people have died and hundreds in hospital in the South Pacific islands doctors blame the crisis partly on the low rate of vaccination the tour again reports. Schools in the samoan capital apia normally full of students at this time of year but since the government declared a state of emergency on saturday public gatherings are banned instead parents are being told to urgently vaccinate their children to protect them from a measles epidemic thats sweeping the Pacific Island nation so far more than 700 cases of measles have been reported out of a population of 200000 the records are now as we look forward. For us we really need to have new source cover its improved because this may not be the only outbreak theres been a resurgence of measles around the world cases more than doubled between 20172018 the World Health Organization blames the spread of misinformation on social media about Vaccines Health officials in samoa say only 66 percent of the population is immunized against measles that figure needs to increase to 95 percent to ensure herd immunity and to prevent the deaths of any more children Victoria Gate and b. Aljazeera. Tough a quick check of the headlines here in the south the u. S. Has abandoned its longstanding position on israeli settlements in the occupied west bank saying it will no longer consider them illegal palestines president has condemned the move but its been welcomed by israels Prime Minister who says it corrects an historic wrong. Protesters in lebanon have been attacking cars near the Parliament Building forcing m. P. s to postpone their planned session more than half the politicians had already chosen to boycott what would have been parliaments 1st sitting since antigovernment demonstrations began a month ago. A tense standoff in hong kong appears to be ending hundreds of antigovernment students who barricaded themselves inside the Polytechnic University for days are now surrendering to the police. Or east have been searching for a peaceful resolution using force has always been the last resort to respond to the violence of the writers over the past few days weve made it to the putative white is just a vendor there and if the campus however some still warnings and he feels to be 3 members of irans state Security Forces have been stabbed to death by protesters near toronto according to media there at least 11 people are now thought to have died during nationwide demonstrations against fuel prices they began on friday after the government announced gasoline rationing and a cost increase of up to 200 percent 3 taliban commanders have been released by the Afghan Government as part of a prisoner swap sources have told al jazeera theyve landed in qatar senior taliban leader and carneys among them in exchange 2 professors in the us and australia have been released up to spending 3 years in taliban custody afghan president ashraf ghani announced the swap last week. 8 soldiers in burundi have been killed in what the Defense Ministry is describing as the largest attack in years dozens more are missing after the jungle ambush near the border with the rwanda no armed group has yet claimed responsibility. An explosion in a coal mine in northern china has killed at least 15 people and injured 7 others 35 miners were working underground in shanshu province when the gas blast happened but those are the headlines the news continues on aljazeera after inside story station thats a watch. And a war criminal for those for long because a new president gets a buyout as a sworn in but is he the wise man to defuse ethnic divisions and fix the economy this is inside story. Hello welcome to the Program Obama sri lankas new president is positioning himself as the strong man who can fix the nations most challenging problems promises by a good job. To improve security and the struggling economy gain support of the ballot box

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