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Crabs thats so popular and expensive that the imitations in the market that story coming up. The white houses ukraine expert has testified that he felt a sense of duty to flag up a sound call thats at the center of impeachment proceedings against President Trump left and colonel alexander then man was among 4 people questioned on tuesday if the Trump Administration though has dismissed their testimony as personal opinion and conjecture and special reports from washington. This could be a pivotal week in the donald trump impeachment hearings many of the shuttle to give evidence were on the controversial july call with the ukrainian president that kills a key claim the hearings are based on 2nd hand reports giving evidence of tenet colonel alexander vigilant a career army officer and the ukraine expert on the National Security council he was concerned by the call by President Trump pushing for an investigation into Democrat Joe Biden and his son immediately took those concerns to a white house lawyer it is improper for the president of the United States to demand a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and a political opponent a decorated veteran of the war in iraq vidlin his see those actions in testifying under attack from President Trump supporters who questioned his loyalty this is america is the country ive served and defended that all of my brothers have served and here right matters. Thank you sir gilbert. And i. One a Vice President might pences Jennifer Williams also appeared before the committee saying she had the call and considered it political in nature republicans are insisting the president did nothing wrong and was fully entitled to demand an investigation into biden and his sons business dealings in ukraine as millions of americans are watching throughout the hysteria and frenzied Media Coverage 2 key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received the aid and 2 there was no investigation into the guidance then we had an appearance from kut volcker the former special representative to ukraine hes a witness called by republicans but he dismantled a key republican talking point that joe biden did something wrong as i previously testified i have known Vice President biden for 24 years is an honorable man and i hold him in the highest regard former National Security official Timothy Morrison admitted the ukrainians were told the u. S. Wanted something from ukraine to unfreeze the that had been allocated an actual quid pro quo that the ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general. Make a statement with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the ablest as democrats try to build a compelling case the republican leader of the senate where the definitive vote on action will be held says he doesnt see donald trump being removed from office it inconceivable to me to be 67 votes. To remove the president from office President Trump whos described some of those giving evidence as never trumpeters in the past actually acknowledged he doesnt know most of them but i dont know i never heard of him i dont know any of these people other than i have seen. Their investigation the white house is continuing to mount its defense issuing a statement from Keith Kellogg the National Security adviser to Vice President mike pence he says he was on the call to the ukrainian president and despite evidence from others on tuesday he insists president bush did nothing wrong alan fischer aljazeera washington. Exhausted but defiant a small number of protesters inside a Hong Kong University campus are refusing orders to surrender some have been trying to escape and avoid Police Officers who have surrounded the building the standoff began on sunday oppa some of the most intense violence more than 5 months of antigovernment protests meanwhile the u. S. Senate has approved a bill to support human rights in hong kong lets bring in sara clark with joins us live now from sara so just bring us up to date on the situation at the university and how many students are still left inside. We are at the university the public take the university encounter we can confirm in the last hour 3 of those protesters have been arrested a small group tried to skype through the drainage system in the underground drainage system on the campus the 3 were arrested the others have retreated and gone back inside now we believe there were between 60 and 100 of those students are mine holed up on this campus and as you mentioned the standoff has been going on for days when they 1st started dating themselves in there on friday and of course we had a large number who voluntarily surrendered yesterday the secretary for security said there were 800 people in serious and voluntarily surrendered and 300 of those were under 18 now we know that there are a large number of petrol bombs now that are still in there and as you can see this is the one of the main the passes that access is that particular university and right place and surrounded the entire campus trying to stop anyone from escaping now with regards to what else is happening schools resumed here in hong kong but they still major Traffic Congestion around this area simply because of the the lockdown thats happening at the University Campus in calgary and sara the u. S. Senate has just passed a human rights and democracy which aims to protect human rights in hong kong whats been the reaction there to that. Well that particular avoid that particular bill would see sanctions potentially threaten to be used on the hong kong if the u. S. Believes its on. Vining the one country 2 systems policy another reaction from the Hong Kong Government has been rejected were angrily rejected that particular bill being passive told the u. S. Not to interfere in hong kongs internal matters they described it as unnecessary and wanted now this is what it would yeah its a secretary for commerce and Economic Development had to say earlier. These rights are being protected by the basic law of hong kong article for peace it will protect human rights and we have seen that work all these rights including rights given to anybody working in hong kong reporting in hong kong so these are all self interest to do so i dont see there is only the reason for changing and thats explaining why you know stayman strongly sort of object to any attempt by any country try to sort of influence hong kongs own interests. The Hong Kong Government as well this morning it hasnt ruled out postponing or canceling this saturday or the sunday is a district elections that this is quite important but its a local election but those particular councillors a small group of those accounts those who will be elected in that District Council election could be a core group who used to vote for the next chief executive now the Hong Kong Government says if this violence continues it could potentially postpone that. Sarah clarke there in Hong Kong Sara thank you for that well Andrew Thomas is in beijing with the chinese governments reaction to that u. S. Senate bill. Beijing knew that this vote in the u. S. Senate was coming up a knew that it was likely to be passed as a result the Foreign Ministry had a statement pretty much prepared ready to go 1st thing on wednesday and its very long and its a very strong worth reading in some detail it starts by saying that this act passed by the u. S. Senate neglects facts and truth applies double standards and blatantly interferes in Hong Kong Affairs and chinas other internal affairs its a serious violation of International Law and basic norms governing International Relations china condemns and firmly opposes it the issue hong kong faces its not about human rights or democracy but about stopping violence and chaos and it accuses the u. S. Senate out of a hidden political agenda the act hates criminal moves as pursuit of human rights and democracy is to bolster and to china big stream is radicals and then it says hong kong is part of china we urge the u. S. To grasp the situation stop its wrongdoing before its too late and it ends with what can only be construed as a threat china will have to take strong Counter Measures defend our National Sovereignty security and development interests if the u. S. Insists on making the wrong decisions now beijing knows that this act has not become law it would need to go to the u. S. President donald trump he would need to get his consent for this to become law and china is trying to head that off through a mixture of condemnation and threats exactly what those Counter Measures will be well its very hard to say but a skepticism here about what china could actually do could they impose more trade restrictions more red tape for example imports that would probably hurt china more than it would hurt the u. S. Can they make it more difficult for example for n. G. O. S to operate here or put on travel bans against u. S. Citizens from coming here very unclear on the certainly no detail in this but that is a very strong and very swift statement by beijing into what they consider interference in something hong kong that is purely a domestic chinese affair. Israel says its fighter jets of launched attacks in syria the army says warplanes hit Syrian Military targets on irans could force in the early hours of wednesday syria says many of the rockets were shot down a day earlier israel intercepted 4 rockets launched towards the occupied Golan Heights from syria the pentagon is warning that eisel is getting stronger again because of the u. S. Withdrawal from syria and turkey is offensive that in a report it says those developments have allowed isel to rebuild its capabilities and resources but also warns the death of ice the leader of a black al baghdadi will do little to slow the resurgence and it says the group is likely to focus on freeing fighters held by kurdish led forces well not a hashimi is director of the center for middle east studies at the university of denver he says a stabilizing force is needed to fill the power vacuum in the region the short term challenge is to try and stabilize this area it was previously stabilized by american troop presence in alliance with Kurdish Forces so now that that arrangement has been. Changed i think thats the immediate i think pressing challenge is to find some alternative security arrangement that prevents this area from further destabilizing allowing isis to you know insert itself and to reorganize but of course the longer term challenge is still remain in these have to do with you know that the social economic and political conditions that produced isis to begin with to have to do with you know authoritarian regimes unemployed young people the lack of hope and also the ideological challenge that isis still poses as a as a movement that can still attract disgruntled young muslim men from around the world so i think those are the you know those are the 2. Immediate imperatives that i think need to be dealt with to u. S. Military personnel have been killed in a Helicopter Crash in afghanistan u. S. Officials say they dont believe the aircraft was shot down and are investigating what may have caused the crash. So its coming out just here including chiles president of mit Security Force of overstepped the mark promising to punish those guilty of abuse and sweden drops a rape investigation into june i saw as we look at his next big legal battle more that stay with us. Hello though we have had quite a wide range of weather across iran over the last few days we have more again michael snow in the cooler and we have got plenty of rain on offer as well as we go through wednesday can see quite a mix areas of rain to the north with some snow and again across the south some snow and rain mix pushing across into northern sections of afghanistan and it really does move in as we head into thursday that rain further to the south could push later in the day on tools karachi such as those Western Areas of pakistan on the eastern end of the mediterranean quite a bit of cloud coming your way so 22 celsius in beirut now heading to the south across the peninsula there is some more rain in the forecast here this as we go through wednesday quite a line of travelers showers in she will central and southern arrows a saudi also across into the emirates northern sections of oman and then by thursday this is when we could see some very heavy rain developing into the southern sections a saudi maybe northern yemen and also the fossil of north and west of oman this could lead to some flash floods and of the temperatures 24. 00 in doha 17 celsius in riyadh house around 10 degrees below the average for this time of year not a bad couple days ahead in capetown some scattered showers in john is that but not cold with a high of 24. And investigation into the real powers that control the World Health Organization their obligation to their share her. Completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health can they be trusted with building a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable reason a People Better h one n one push is it difficult thank you now a w h o has this child who says dont you trust that you trust on aljazeera. Welcome back you could come out of the top stories here on aljazeera more witnesses have been publicly questioned in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump one of them a white house ukraine expert described trumps phone calls with ukraines president as improper. Israel says its fighter jets have launched attacks in syria the army says more planes hit Syrian Military targets on irans quds force in the early hours of wednesday morning. And protesters holed up inside a Hong Kong University campus are refusing to surrender to police the u. S. Senate meanwhile has unanimously approved a bill supporting human rights in hong kong. And chile police say theyll stop firing pellets at protesters at least for now the suspension follows an admission by the president Sebastian Pinera that Security Forces have committed abuses hes promised to punish those who are guilty. As more from santiago. On monday thousands took to the streets in sheilas capital santiago protesters commemorated one month since the unrest began nationwide but demonstrations like these are taking place almost every day across cheap. So war incidents involving police using violent tactics to. Spurs crowds and their lives and it would seem to say the level of violence of the government with a president theres almost a pandemic of people who have lost their eyes or have been the one not only that there are people who have been tortured or have disappeared its almost like a dictatorship under democracy. This ongoing crackdown by Security Forces against demonstrators has become one of the biggest sources of anger among protesters were in plus i. Would see there were police just a ploy here yes once again against peaceful demonstrators and its these tactics that people are protesting against and reforming the countrys Security Forces is just one of the many constitutional changes that protesters are demanding. She lay in president. Has admitted to the use of Excessive Force by police. Unfortunately and despite the Firm Commitment and all the precautions we take not only the government but also our forces and police to protect the human rights of all in some cases the protocols were not respected there was excessive use of force abuses or crimes were committed. In an effort to calm the unrest Public Officials have announced that a referendum to establish a Constitutional Convention will be forthcoming. This is a historic opportunity for chileans who for the 1st time will have a chance to write their own constitution this is what the people want and they dont want Political Parties deciding what is written in essence this is nothing more and nothing less and the creation of a new chilean republic. Measures by the government to change the president s cabinet and hold a constitutional referendum have done little to calm dissent. Near the front lines of mondays protest the scene was chaotic protesters armed with slingshots and rocks were met with tear gas and rubber bullets several people were injured amidst the chaos. For the most part the protests marking for weeks upon rest were mostly a celebration although the consensus among chileans is that theres still a long way to go. Santiago chile. Boss johnson and Jeremy Corbin have faced each other in the 1st televised Leaders Debate of the u. K. General election the Prime Minister and the Labor Party Leader john stand on brags that the Health Service and even christmas or bottom fall of the event Prime Minister Boris Johnson came into this t. V. Debate with a double digit lead in the latest opinion polls with the possible disadvantage of being the incumbent in this race the Labor Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn came to solve it with the pressure of knowing that with less than 3 and a half weeks until polling day he needs a breakthrough soon 6 lots were drawn to call been spoke 1st on Public Services to many families without a proper home struggling to make ends meet while tax cuts are handed to the super rich johnson led on bracks it whether you voted for leave or remain people want to get bricks it done and to unleash the potential of this entire country the questions ranged widely from bracks it to government austerity to personal integrity how can we trust you. At times the moderator struggle to keep the debate on topic and on time this is. Interesting this is why this is quite interesting and i know you want to return to try to say mr johnson but in the specific moment we are talking about the n. H. S. On bricks it a labor government would really go see a to new deal with the e. U. And then put it to a 2nd u. K. Referendum johnson repeatedly demanded to know whether colvin will campaign for or against his own breakfast deal in that referendum but we dont know and ive asked this before we dont know which side mr corbin would campaign is he going to campaign for leave can remove come in from the other direction called impress the Prime Minister on the future of the national Health Service and emphasise the point with a personal anecdote about a friend whod recently died of cancer the nurses that were trying to help or were unable to get anyone to see her because they were under such strain and stress and so she recorded a video saying please in my memory make sure nobody else goes through this pain other Opposition Party leaders were excluded from the main debate and allocated to separate t. V. Interview programs the liberal democrats the Scottish National party the greens and the party i would revoke article 50 something the Prime Minister has the power to do and would do that on day one westminster governments can does a poor the direction of travel when a poor nurse and policies that we dont warrant upon us and therefore that really illustrates the importance of scotland to say then for our sales what kind of country we want to be here we really do need to transform our whole country in the next 10 years we know how to do it we just need to make sure weve got the well and the investment to make it happen the plan is to get some breaks it boyces into the house of commons to hold Boris Johnson to his promises political commentators will wrangle over which leader came out on top from this debate but there are several more televised encounters still to come in this Election Campaign plenty of time for voters to make up their mind before december 12th. Paul brennan aljazeera london israels Prime Minister has fast tracked a proposed law to annex the Jordan Valley it follows the u. S. Decision to no longer view israeli settlements in the occupied west bank as illegal or a force that reports on the occupied west bank. A short drive south of jerusalem into the occupied west bank of the red roofs of the etzion settlement block for decades recognized as illegal by the International Community including the United States the morning after the u. S. Reversed that stance Benjamin Netanyahu in the midst of a last ditch fight to stay in office made time to come here for a victory lap we now know here we are in a historic day with another huge achievement for the state of israel which weve been working on quite a bit the trumpet ministration has blighted a historic one here and stood with truth and justice i thank president from public and secretary of state pompei are serving a moment where the settlements are not per se illegal under International Law the u. S. Secretary of state said the declaration improved prospects for peace between israelis and palestinians an idea rejected by the palestinian leadership official translation is that this land is not quite and this land. And thats consistent with the idea called deal of the century or the next century because they dont see the palestinians as people they dont see us with rights of the technician shortly before septembers election netanyahu said he would annex the Jordan Valley if he won another term in office he has yet to secure that term nonetheless on wednesday he approved the fast tracking of an annexation bill or did reveal was among the settler leaders who met netanyahu he says the u. S. Declaration could be seen as a signal of support for such a plan i see that as a potential leading to it definitely it might be an indication for the palestinians listen if you carry on missing opportunities there might be nothing left for you. For decades settlement construction has continued unabated no matter the u. S. Or International Definition of its legality just last month 2300 new Housing Units were approved this is a major reversal of u. S. Foreign policy its a breach of International Consensus on the illegality of israeli settlement activity but for most israelis its entirely uncontroversial support for settlements has only grown in recent years and thats why Benjamin Netanyahu is main political rival benny gantz has also supported the u. S. Announcement. Just hours left of his officially a lot of time to try to form a government after septembers deadlocked election netanyahu is trying just as hard to remain in office hes already using this latest u. S. Announcement as part of his argument to stay on harry forsett aljazeera in the occupied west bank. 2 u. S. Prison guards have pleaded not guilty to charges that they falsified personal records on the right Jeffrey Epstein killed himself over noel and Michael Thomas are accused of failing to perform checks on it staying every half hour and fabricating log entries to suggest they had epstein was found dead in his cell in august as he awaited trial on sex trafficking charges. Swedish prosecutors have dropped an investigation into julian a songs over a Rape Allegations the decision ends efforts to extradite the wiki leaks founder to sweden is being held in a british prison and is wanted on in the u. S. On espionage charges but he has more now from london. 9 years old the quest to get Julian Assange before a swedish judge is definitively over this swedish Prosecutor Says she wont proceed with an investigation into a Rape Allegation made in 2010 after a review of the evidence members. After the complimentary investigation conducted over the summer and the beginning of autumn its now clear the testimony in support of a Statement Given by the plaintiffs has weakened this is primarily because a long time has passed since the event took place memories fade for natural reasons. The deputy chief prosecutor said the complainants evidence of was deemed credible and reliable but Julian Assange 48 has always denied the allegations back in 2012 when sweden was trying to get him extradited a son skipped bail in london and sort of solomon the Ecuadorian Embassy. All along he insisted hed cooperate with the swedish legal system but said he feared being sent on to the us where he might face the Death Penalty really is the most extraordinary compendium of war that has ever being released during the time of war. Hes been criticized by u. S. Officials of the wiki leaks published secret cables relating to the wars in iraq and afghanistan passed on by Chelsea Manning a former u. S. Soldier who spent 7 years in jail for the leak in may of this year Julian Assange was removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy and arrested he was later jailed for 50 weeks for breaching his original bail condition as hes now in this high security prison in london while the u. K. Government considers a u. S. Extradition warrant a sanch faces allegations of conspiring to hack into a classified computer at the pentagon and could potentially face a jail sentence of up to 175 years his legal team insists he simply acted as a journalist and say his health is seriously deteriorating in jail on tuesday assigns briefly appeared at a london court via video link but full extradition hearing starts in february nadine barber al jazeera. Now for a few months each year a lake in china bustles with activity during a season the hairy crabs but the chinese delicacy is a become so popular they spawn counterfeits Florence Lilly reports now from eastern china. Has been working the waters of young turn lake for more than 20 years hes one of thousands of crab thomas here autumn is harvest season for chinese mitten crabs also known as hairy crabs a delicacy prized puts which grows so the humor i sleep on my houseboat every day and i have to keep our eye on the crops or so they dont escape also how to look out for thieves. Hairy crabs are also reared in surrounding lakes but it is farms from youngstown lake that are believed to produce the best ones to preserve the quality of the water the local government has limited the number of farms allowed on the lake. It has created a whole business channel restaurants logistics and tourism every year we see more tourists coming. To enjoy the caracas which are of the highest quality the crabs are sold all over china and exported overseas last year the output from this area was a 1600 tons but what was marketed and sold as harry crabs from young chang amounted to 20000. 00 tons thats a lot of fake young crabs out there the Crab Association here has taken measures to protect its famed progeny theres a cure our code on each tag and once you scan it a screen comes up giving you information as a statement confirming that the scribe is from young lake as a serial number theres even a phone number you can call to make sure the crab youve got is the real deal connoisseurs insist they can tell the difference between crabs raised in younger lake from the rest. The quality of crap from a young child lake is much better than crap from anywhere else their shelves are also thinner. There will be in the not all of it so that i dont eat craps from anywhere else other than the young to lake to meet some how does flavor and the role its reach or was in the you know the being eating crabs for a long time i can tell the difference theyre more expensive but its worth it. As long as there are people willing to travel all the way here for genuine young gent harry crabs farmers like to wont have to worry about competition from counterfeits florence lee. Young gent lake eastern china. Time for a quick check of the headlines say on aljazeera the white house is ukraine next but has testified that a phone call President Trump had with his ukrainian counterpart in july was improper left and colonel Alexander Vinland was among the latest to be questioned at the impeachment inquiry the case against trump centers on allegations that he wrongly pressured ukraine to investigate a political rival on july 21st 2001000 presence on ski one a parliamentary election in another landslide victory and as he proposed that President Trump called president is ill its good to congratulate him on july 25th 2900 the college heard i listened on the in on the call in the situation room with white house colleagues i was concerned by the call what i heard was inappropriate and i reported my concerns to mr eisenberg is improper for the president of the United States to demand a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and a political opponent. Well testimony was also heard from former u. S. Special envoy to ukraine kurt volker he said he didnt knowingly take part in efforts to investigate trumps rival joe biden but admitted he should have realized what was going on for another news exhausted but defiant up to 100 protesters inside a Hong Kong University campus refusing to surrender to police some been trying to escape and avoid officers who surrounded the building. Standoff began on sunday after some the most intense violence and more than 5 months of Anti Government protests. Israel says its fighter jets have launched attacks in syria the army says the warplanes hit Syrian Military targets and positions of irans quds force in the early hours of wednesday morning syria says many of the rockets were shot down a day earlier israel intercepted 4 rockets launched towards the occupied Golan Heights from syria 3 ships seized in the red sea by hoofy rebels have now been released thats according to south korea to the vessels us south korea and the other is from saudi arabia they are being held in the port city of a data the saudi government condemned the seizure as a terrorist operation that the who the said the actions were justified the rebels have targeted vessels of yemen in the past. So those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera up to talk to our to sara statement thats a lot of. What kind of care does that provide in lives anyone willing to pick up the calls we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in so is it possible for trump to actually a later date be counting the cost on aljazeera. You mentioned warm. Water. Hes recognized by many as a symbol of left wing movements in Latin America Union leader and activist evermore ollies became bolivias 1st indigenous president of the his Party Movement to socialism won the 2005 election. During moraless almost 14 years in power bolivias economy grew one of the highest rates in latin america and poverty was almost home taking advantage of his popularity moralist decided not to complete his 1st 5 year term and called for an early election in 2009 easily secured a 2nd victory then a new

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