Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240713 :

ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 July 13, 2024

Respond to ambassador taylors concerns to go to President Trump apparently ambassador taylor had access to secretary pompei oh he did not have access to President Trump so i made the phone call i said what do you want President Trump responded with what i put in the text and then i strongly encouraged. Embassador taylor to take it up with the secretary and he responded i agree when i said that as far as the other part of your question relating to. Whether or not the prosecutor could make the statement or selenski could make the statement i dont recall who told me whether it was volcker or whether it was giuliani or whether it was President Trump its gotta be zaleski it cant be the prosecutor but thats what i relate whoever i got that information from i relayed that to i believe both mr or excuse me ambassador taylor and to mr morris but as of september 9th you understood did you not that President Trump either himself or through his agents required that president selenski make a public announcement of the 2 investigations that President Trump cared about in order to get both the white house meeting and to release the Security Assistance is that correct i believe that is correct as chairman are you about concludes our 45 minutes i now recognize mr noon as. Ok. When we take a 5 or 10 minute break thank you. This is the 5th day of the impeachment inquiry into us President Donald Trump you had just been listening to the embassador to the e. U. Gordon song when he made an Opening Statement and has just been question by adam schiff the leader of the House Intelligence Committee the democrats and also the counsel for the democrats as well. He made news he said basically there was a quid pro quo weve heard that phrase quite a bit he used that exact phrase in a statement he said it became clear to him that the only way you crane was going to get about 400000000. 00 in aid that had already been proved by both parties the only way to get that a was for ukraines new president selenski to make an announcement not necessarily do an investigation and make an announcement of an investigation into. A company that former Vice President joe bidens son was on the board so basically an investigation into the bidens he also made clear that everyone was in the loop another exact quote everyone was in the loop basically that meant he said secretary state pompei o at some point was aware of this he referenced repeatedly Rudy Giuliani the president s personal attorney who was in charge basically of the efforts. Of Energy Rick Perry as well chief of staff nick Mick Mulvaney that is former National Security advisor john bolton current volcker who also testified former special envoy to the ukraine he testified yesterday and he implied that at some point bice president mike pence also became aware so lets go ahead and play just a bit of the testimony of an ambassador horns on lets listen this is not my 1st time cooperating with this committee as you know ive already provided 10 hours of deposition testimony and i did so despite directives from the white house and the state department that i refused to appear as many others have done i agreed to testify because i respect. The gravity of the moment and i believe i have an obligation to account fully for my role in these events to let everyone know what things stand right now this is just a quick 5 minute break before the republicans get a chance to to question the ambassador kimberly helping us following the developments outside of the white house were going to speak to kimberly in just a moment birth is going to castro is just outside the chambers where this hearing is being held there on a quick 5 minute recess its been quite a quite a morning there in washington ivy. Thats right its been quite a morning with gordon solomon starting his testimony by saying yes there was absolutely an explicit quid pro quo referencing that there was a white house meeting dangled for president selenski an invitation for him to meet with trump and he and someone said that it was very clear that the president was not going to allow selenski to visit without launching investigation without ukraine announcing it wasnt launched investigations into joe biden but then it gets even more interesting when someone goes further and talks about the 2nd that broke while there has been alleged here that being that trump also was withholding the military aid to ukraine in exchange for the public announcement of those investigations and someone has very carefully worded testimony here i know you read some of his exact quotes out loud to others that struck me was someone said it was quote Common Knowledge that these 2 things were linked that the aide and the statement for the best occasions into the bidens were conditioned and he said that it was absolutely conditioned and this is how he explained his reasoning leading him to that conclusion. I was adamantly suppose adamantly opposed to any suspension of aid as the ukrainians needed those funds to fight against russian aggression. I tried diligently to ask why the aid was suspended but i never received a clear answer still havent to this day in the absence of any credible explanation for the suspension of aid i later came to believe that the resumption of security aid would not occur until there was a Public Statement from ukraine committing to the investigations of the 2016 elections and the recent as mr giuliani had demanded. You can really tell how hes trying to thread the needle there or shall because he also under questioning said something that appears to be supportive of the president another quote i never heard from President Trump that aide was condition on announcement of the investigations referencing at that point the phone conversations that saleh had with President Trump he was asked specifically about a conversation in Early September which occurred right after it was brought to his attention that there was a lot of among other u. S. Ambassadors saying that that was crazy that it appeared that this aide was linked to the political investigations will someone testified that he called trump in the middle of the night that he got a very sour traum who was in a bad mood and when solid ass trump what is it that you do want he said that the president s words were i want nothing i do not want to quit pro quo but selenski the president of ukraine should quote do the right thing so he song line is saying that thats affirmed what his and now us says of the situation was already at that point that the security aid and that the investigations into the bidens were tied. So heidi this is a lot of what someone is saying it is new information you could you could maybe depending on how you describe it you can say hes updating is testimony changing a bit as you said a lot of this is contradictory to the 10 hours of deposition that he already gave he tried to say or insinuate that some of that is because he was unable to get his documents from the state department because they wont allow him to can you talk a little bit more about that because thats something that out of out of shifts referenced as well that none of the documents that the committee has requested has the white house turned over. Thats right its interesting because someone has been sort of all over the place on his testimonies reversing himself 7 in the past but today we heard him lay the blame also at the feet of the u. S. Secretary of state mike pump aoe saying that the state department has not allowed him to access records of his conversations other documents that song lynn says he needs to refresh his apparently not great memory and further drawing pump ale into the mix someone testified that he got messages from pompei all throughout his dealings with ukraine encouraging him saying that he was doing a great job and that he should keep at it its interesting to us its interesting to think what the motivation here is for a song lind is he trying to shift some of this responsibility toward his superiors in order to dig himself out of the legal hit that he might find himself in its interesting he notably doesnt take the blame for any of what hes saying happened he blames Rudy Giuliani the private attorney of President Trump for what someone says has been this insidious campaign trying to get more trying to get those investigations out of ukraine and putting more and more as leverage from the u. S. 1st the white house meeting for the lewinsky and later the security aid destined for ukraine and then he blames pompei though for apparently not telling someone that he was doing anything wrong for rather encouraging him as someone was having these meetings with ukrainian officials and making those explicit demands say if you dont give up those the public announcement of the investigations you will not be getting the security aid from the u. S. The bigger question is how much how much blame does he put at the feet of president shrub and notably he seems to be the most tight lipped when hes asked that question. Ok heidi this post of there from capitol hill lets go now to the white house our White House Correspondent kimberly how get kimberly the key words. From ambassador solomon i followed the directions of the president talking about the man in the house right behind you. That seems to be the beginning and end of all of this what do we know about what the white house is is watching is paying attention to. Well the u. S. President is expected to leave the white house momentarily hes trying to shift directions away from the headlines on capitol hill to austin texas where hes headed to tout creation of jobs at an apple plant that he says is a direct benefit as a result of his policies but theres no question that what most people are going to be focusing on is this testimony that has just taken place on capitol hill and i should note the last few minutes as you were talking with our correspondent joe castro the chair of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff spoke to reporters very briefly i did manage to catch a feed of some of that coming from capitol hill and he said that essentially this testimony speaks to the heart of the issue of bribery high crimes and misdemeanors and theres no question that the sort of the allegations that have been put forward by gordon the ambassador to the European Union really has implicated not just the u. S. President but also the secretary of state by com pale and the Vice President of the United States mike pence and as a result adam schiff going on to say just moments ago that there is no question that this is why they do not want these documents public that they have been attempting to obstruct this investigation because of their firsthand knowledge of the scheme so given those statements its pretty unusual that the house intelligence chair was speaking in the midst of proceedings to reporters they seem to believe judging from that language that this is a Pivotal Moment as were on day 4 of these public hearing so now were watching very carefully to see what the president of the United States is going to say its notable that he is leaving his departure to later in the day perhaps watching these proceedings we do know that he watched them yesterday and before that in advance of a bass or sawmills testimony the president said in a tweet saying that there was a lot of confidence coming from the white house in fact during these proceedings the press secretary Stephanie Grisham all. Out attacks saying there is a stark difference between truth and opinion truth derive substance and sustenance from facts whereas opinion is a judgment influenced by predators prejudices apologies she goes on with the hash tag impeachment circus so the republicans defenders of the president seem to be trying to make the case that this is a circus that this is a statement not backed up by fact its going to be very very hard to do that moving forward given the testimony that weve just heard from the ambassador to the European Union and given the fact that so much of the testimony from various people can really it matches up it winds up and it seems that the white house in the past has tried to this question a lot of things question. Colonel vend men has tried to paint people as never trumper as. Ambassador gordon psalm one does doesnt fit and never never trump or tell us a little bit more about him. Well the fact of the matter is is that hes a major republican donor so that makes it pretty challenging given the fact that essentially hes one of the president s own so the fact that he is saying all of this makes it that much more difficult now for republicans to defend we heard the Opening Statement from devon newt is where he simply tried to characterize this even using some of the language that weve heard from democrats alleging them that they have a sort of. Conspiracy theory with regard to quid pro quo well the problem is is that its not a Conspiracy Theory if gordon someones actually testifying that thats exactly what it was quid pro quo so its going to make that defense very difficult given the fact that now this there has also been testimony that there was knowledge of the scheme that extended far and wide sort of to the outer corners of the white house the state department a Vice President s Office Despite denials in the past its going to be difficult to counter this now the reason the white house had been confident up to this point is they felt that they had gotten something very positive from the hearings on tuesday afternoon kurt volker for example. Was mentioned throughout this testimony had essentially done something positive for the president so there was no quid pro quo so now weve got these 2 statements that directly contradict one another its going to be up to the republicans now moving forward to try to dissect that but given the fact that we have new details from gordon given the fact that he is a republican donor to President Trump its going to be very difficult to accomplish that task ok kimberly hellcat following all of this from the white house ken really thank you well come back to you lets bring Steve Clements into the conversation the host the bottom line al jazeera as weekly political show he joins us live from washington d. C. Steve this feels like an Inflection Point today. Its a huge earthquake you know the hearing in part began with the Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee devon yunus warning and master sunline that the democrats were going to smear his reputation it didnt happen and now you want to have this was gordon simon moving and shifting just like kurt volker. Ambassador volker shifted yesterday these were 2 moves i think the republicans did not expect and you do feel as if the you know the teeter totter has now gone the other direction and so i think this is staggeringly important i think his testimony was electric and powerful and blunt and on the issue of the ecosystem around the president and what everyone thought was essentially a quid pro quo we now dont have any ambiguity is as far as this testimony is concerned so when you talk about the president s ecosystem yes coordinates on one side everyone was in the loop about what was going on he also does that this phrase is interesting it was a continuum insidiousness he said that back in may it started with the generic or quests on behalf of president perhaps through Rudy Giuliani to for there to be some sort of investigations into corruption generally speaking and then he says it became more and more clear that this was specifically about getting the president of ukraine to make an announcement not necessarily the investigation but an announcement of an investigation into. And into the biden so he said it became more and more clear and then he says eventually he started to realize that the release of the a 400000000. 00 was contingent upon upon all of this happening any made it clear that so many people knew about this what what does this say how much bigger is this steve if everything that i just said is something that the president s chief of staff was aware of the secretary of state was aware of secretary of energy was aware of the former National Security adviser was aware of what does it say that potentially all of these people knew this was happening. With Richard Nixon there some of the movies and books that followed that by woodward and bernstein recalled all the president s men in this case i think you could call all the president s people essentially around him were either trying to enact what the president wanted which was this quid pro quid pro quo a deal with selenski that he would make a public announcement of of this investigation into the bidens and bris milah and then the aide would be released or there were members in the Administration Like john bolton like fiona hill like colonel vidlin and others that were blowing the whistle and saying this was wrong inappropriate all of these people were not democrats challenging donald trump there is a divide thats very interesting between those who thought they were just carrying out the president s orders and those inside who said this is inappropriate behavior but they all belong to the president s team and that is what were seeing play out today and i think thats whats so interesting and will be interesting to see how the republicans defend this b

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