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Well our next well bring you planets s. O. S. From madrid in spain for the un climate talks for thousands of politicians and then to casey aging teams trying to agree on how to deal with the pressing issues of Climate Change. Principally altering the question how to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions and how to do it radically and fairly what assess whats been achieved and well look ahead to next year which is when the Paris Agreement that all nations signed up to 4 years ago kicks in. And well ask how much value there really is a huge coincidences of thousands of delegates all they. Especially when you consider the elephant in the ring the Carbon Footprint of this conference when nearly everyone flew in from across the world including. Welcome to planet says oh yes this is called 25 that is to say the 25th time in 25 years that thousands of scientists politicians n. G. O. S yes members of the press have congregated to grapple with this issue that threatens us all that is Climate Change things they move fast and climate politics on the agenda this time around some of the most politically charged leftovers from last time that theyre still trying to grapple with 1st up the rules on how the world trades in college and then theres the delivery of a climate fund to help the worlds poorest nations develop in a planet friendly way and then how to safeguard the worlds most vulnerable. People from the effects of Climate Change and finally and perhaps most importantly how to encourage nations to cut emissions that it driving up Global Warming theres a lot at stake here the last 5 years have been the hottest on record sea levels are the highest in human history. And a 1000000 species more than 12 percent of all known life on earth is on the brink of extinction. Weather patterns are changing very visibly floods in east africa have affected more than 3000000 people and it killed at least 280 well bizarrely 400 kilometers away the mighty Victoria Falls of dwindle to a trickle as intense drought bites well be hearing from our reporter nick hack on that in just a matter would prefer Sandra Thomas now reports on bushfires in australia and how theyre still burning. Its impossible to make a direct link between Climate Change and any particular sets of bushfires let alone the awful smoke that hit sydney for much of this week but what Scientists Say is that Climate Change is making bushfires more frequent and making them more intense australias government disagrees the Prime Minister has already downplayed any link between Climate Change and the bushfires he says to link the 2 would be to misconstrue the situation and he is called the smoke that hit sydney amir has something to be expected from time to time australias government is under real pressure over what many see as its lackluster approach to the environment and emissions reduction is Scott Morrison australias Prime Minister makes the point that overall australia only contributes perhaps one and a half percent to the global total of emissions theres little this country could do to make a practical difference to Climate Change but many say that really misses the point australia needs to show leadership in this area because as this week has showed this is a country affected by Climate Change in a pretty profound way. This is what remains of one of the waterways that lead to the zombies a river normally during this time of the year its overflowing with 8 metres of water above my head but look at it now a head is the Worlds Largest waterfalls Victoria Falls in some areas its a slow trickle this isnt just a tourist attraction its a lifeline for millions of people beyond zimbabwes border who depend on it for food and power. But Southern Africa is going through its worst drought in a century 14 countries and 45000000 people are need of help and are going hungry zimbabwe who depends on water and its hydroelectric plant to power it is going through sincere power blackouts in the traditional religious leaders gathered invoking. The spirit of the zombies the river calling for the rains to come again lets cross the murray on another for more on the issues facing the planet thanks nick our planet is heating up and fast what once took hundreds of thousands of years has happened in less than 200 most of it in just the last 50 levels of Carbon Dioxide have never been this high the Greenhouse Gases weve pumped into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution have lit the suns light in but stopped some of that he just skating and the global temperature has slowly ticked up around one degree celsius since 880 Scientists Say were on track to hit one and a half degrees and around 10 years 3 degrees by the end of the century many Scientists Say it could go much higher. Now those numbers may not seem like a lot but the consequences of just a half degree rise will for many of us be catastrophic for some parts of the globe it already is as the oceans hate they expand as they absorb more Carbon Dioxide the more citic they become underwater areas are becoming uninhabitable that hate is melting the worlds ice sheets and glassy is special like data shows losses from greenlands ice sheet have doubled each decade since the ninetys to an average now of 250000000000. 00 tons of ice lost each year that fresh water has to go somewhere and its pouring into our oceans the Greenland Ice sheet is today the single largest contributor to Sea Level Rise and thats why thats above the attention of the green and i said its a very dynamic ice contains the fastest glaciers and its the ice sheet that is melting the most. Sea levels have risen by at least 20 centimeters in the last 100 years if we do nothing that figure is expected to climb by around a meter by the end of the century or by worst Case Scenario a global Sea Level Rise above my heed coastal cities and communities will be swamped by the rising tide this is the city of miami as al planet warms even by conservative estimates many island nations will cease to exist our planets natural with the passions a shifting expected droughts floods hurricanes heat waves storms and wildfires to become more frequent and more intense all the while were burning through our planets resources and then there are the record levels of waste pollution and plastic that are choking our planet all of this makes a compelling case for action the most urgent being to have our Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2030 but in the years since every nation pledged in paris to do just that levels of Carbon Dioxide have effect gone up the years since paris have been volatile backtracking on climate pledges attacks on the Climate Science and resistance to climate action. But a Global Movement has also grown getting louder and more diverse 5 a day and calling on us all to think about tomorrow. Scientists say this is a Climate Emergency that there is still time to act but that window is closing record lee the consequences of doing nothing will be catastrophic for most of us this will happen in our lifetimes. So the next 12 months will be crucial in 2023 must deliver what the Scientific Community has the find as a must or we and every generation that follows will pay an unbearable price the head of the u. N. Antonio good taste there has been leading the charge for a new tougher climate pages that would slash emissions but i look at our data trekkie here and its clear that needs to happen quickly the World Meteorological Organization Says levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere have hit another record high this year the safe level is around 350. 00 parts of c o 2 for every 1000000 in molecules levels are currently well above that as a result you can see the average global temperature has continued to rise and sea levels to the question is will we rise to that challenge back to you nick. Lets take a look now where this conference is taking place this is the fema Exhibition Center it is a pool that was provided by the Spanish Government when chile had to pull out because of ongoing protests and when i say colossal i mean just that it is going to be a kilometer from one end to the other. And here 25000 delegates go about the business of cop which includes of course Endless Supply of coffee and food as negotiations go from morning to late tonight. On any given day there are all sorts of activities going on not just negotiations but also of people pushing businesses green solutions. Most countries have the National Pavilions some pretty extravagant affairs. As you walk around schools theres all sorts of side of and people look at this is a Barack Obamas former secretary of state john kerry were not holding the force of the tension. This is. Were still at 3. 0 degrees. But another way of achieving change you know traction like this weve seen a lot of protests going on this Climate Change conference in 2095 year 2900 being the year of. Right around the world but its 2020 when the president really comes to facts and always comes into focus. This is talk about providing a springboard for next years crucial Climate Summit in glasgow where National Commitments to cut emissions must match the science otherwise many believe we face runaway Climate Change but the divisions there are huge theres this absolute disconnect between the 2 the 1st is that he ality of the outside the reality of climate impacts that i dont think theres a single country that can sit here and not say that theres been huge impacts. And then also that he ality of the science. The science has been extremely clear about what needs to be done and this is just and you know a complete disconnect between those realities and this reality inside the venue and we need to Civil Society movement. And hold our governments accountable and already be in a position to ensure that there are consequences for the in action because really talking about survival. This is a time with an agency and they just bond is in this environment is not adding up there is room for solutions for sure and the odd part for me is an analyst who studies the issues what would it cost how can we do this is that we could make the transformation at a tiny tiny cost and huge benefits most of the politicians are just ignorant they have no idea what the alternatives are they have no idea that it almost no cost or even savings we have so much when so much solar so much hydro potential geothermal other solutions that once you look at the facts you say are you kidding were going to let the planet go to ruin because were not doing these obvious things thats the ultimate reason for optimism but i could put it this way this is not hard to solve but we have to get these dyspeptic politicians out of the way you are teach them something send them back to school so that they understand what this is about. Now then the problem is that the Carbon Footprint of this conference here in madrid with thousands upon thousands of delegates flying in is absolutely astronomical but no ones yet come up with a way of conference calling all these people they were a 2 week period say in they fly in fact to transport accounts for a huge percentage of the global c o 2 emissions the 3rd in the United States and a quarter in europe the distance between london and madrid is 1735 kilometers as the standard petrol powered car on this journey would pump 347 kilograms of carbon into the atmosphere with diesel that drops to been a 300. 00 but thats still significant travel well thats fast but its also costly to the planet not counting travel to and from the airport an airliner on that route adds almost 120 kilograms for each passenger as many tons of c o 2 into the atmosphere from one flight in a train is a good option provided its powered cleanly in europe some trains run on gasoline diesel some are electric. To get to madrid with current capabilities the train adds a 45. 00 kilos of carbon per passenger not train travel can be expensive a cleaner option again is the bus but the cleanest of the mall is the electric car but theres a catch youll need to charge up along the way and that electricity has to come from somewhere in the u. K. About a 3rd of electricity comes from 0 emission renewables in france around 3 quarters of the energy is from 0 Emission Nuclear and in spain about 40 percent comes from Renewable Energy particularly wind in europe only driving across iceland could you be certain that your battery is charged 100 percent from renewables but thats not going to help you get from london to madrid i have to say in covering the story we did attempt to take the train we bought rail tickets from london to madrid but then the french rail strike going in the way and we couldnt come by train we had to fly but it is something we have to consider more more as we travel around the world as a t. V. Channel covering this important story of Climate Change and damage to the environment we really do have to think what is our Carbon Footprint as we book those air tickets but there are some who can make it work and do make it work and have made the decision not to fly to. I. Im ben i live in bristol and i choose not to fly im a wood recycler we collect wood waste from half is throwing it away we bring it back to our yard we clean up and we sell it and we make stuff out there in the workshop. I dont fly because its probably the heaviest Carbon Footprint that we create as individuals. Global warming and biodiversity loss are exacerbated by flying so ive chosen to minimize my flying over the years the journey im about to take our leave bristol to ny on a train from Bristol Temple meads to london ill travel across london stay with my brother in brixton tomorrow morning i will take a bus to london from pancras and ill get on the 540 train to paris i will change it paris to paris montparnasse ill get on the t. G. V. To i will i will change or agile and i will go to oshkosh and i arrive or ocean in the south of france at about 4 in the afternoon i dont have a problem with a long journey as long as its comfortable flights are so cheap and that maddens me so much cheaper to fly places and take the train i have some remorse about the fact that japan seems like a long way away these are also products of a culture where by we think its some kind of entitlement that we should be able to see all these places. More people are aligning with me i feel less alone than i did say a year ago i also recognize that there is a bigger issue within society of no one wants to take a step forward unless everyone takes a step Forward Together the actions of individuals have impacts beyond what we might initially perceive. What do i miss about air travel very little. So back in the conference and toward is the status of the talks with the truth is theyve stalled weve been speaking to Jennifer Morgan of greenpeace whos been following the arguments through the night well we are in this these final hours where theres different little groups of negotiators optimally trying to strengthen a tax that was put on the table a couple of hours ago with which was completely unacceptable. And so whats going on is you have actually incredibly brazil and the United States trying to weaken these tax and then you have the island nations the European Union trying to strengthen them and for me its incredible that the u. S. And brazil are even being taken seriously here one step down the Paris Agreement the other one clearly has no interest in saving lives. Now signs on the pins all the geisha actions here and just demonstrates what needs to be done not least and perhaps the most threatened of the worlds buzz for is the oceans i recently joined an expedition to a new discovered area of reef off the coast of French Guiana in south america. 135 kilometers off the coast of french guyana the Greenpeace Campaign ship esperanza for now floating the pirate tree and expedition h. Q. To find out more about the newly discovered machinery so the amazon river and the amazon mouth here the amazon reef presence was 1st revealed. Years ago off the coast of brazil here with the 1st greenpeace expedition in the area and a 2nd when this expedition in the area last year identified the reef presence also into french we are no watchers. Alexy rosenfeld is dived all over the world but this is something new along with his team hes diving where no human has been before. Its a real challenge to diving conditions that no no no one has ever dived here before we have to go through a really thick layer of sediment from the amazon mouth this layer is about 20 meters deep and after that its pitch black until the bottom. So then i guess ill be heading down to a depth of 110 meters which is so deep that only have 15 minutes on the seabed and in that time theyve got to collect samples and send them back up to the surface and then they have to stay in the wall to submerge for 3 hours to decompress. They drop down. And told. Us the scene by their dive light. At the bottom they have to work fast collecting biological samples other divers scan the reef and film it for review revealing a rich biodiversity. The samples are sent up to the surface heads over to pick them up and we hold them on board. And they arrive back on the esperanza for initial analysis by the scientists theres all manner of life here including molluscs crustaceans sponges and starfish now you find the beaches if you dont recognize well fitted 20 because this is all easy stuff so very very few people over. Here if you let. These waters are full of life right on the my great tree roots of whales turtles and other marine species the expedition is gathering evidence to protect the area its not far from Prospective Oil drilling sites in brazilian waters is give much more argument to the global call for marine conserve ation and creating marine protected areas this is one of the kind of player tara we need to protect in the world because if you have economic species you have the rabbit ecosystem so thats a way to core the Global Leaders for Marine Protection now taking on the environmental and Climate Crisis is a battle on many fronts not least out of the ocean but the thing is where scientists want to explore and document Oil Companies want to come and drill and these polar extremes are replicated across the climate debate. Now 2019 has been the year of the Global Climate protests and just in the past week weve seen hundreds of thousands of people marching on the streets of madrid and in cities around the world well earlier i caught up with nessa nakata whos part of that Global Movement we 1st spoke to her back in september and this is what she had to say a few months old. So being part of this movement how does it make you feel when you get that sense of urgency and then you come here and we see how the Decision Making process its really really slow we had our full view tab because i leave escaped in telling us that he was happy about our chins and the fact that when creating awareness for Climate Change and then we come here and we get the opposite of what they say is so disappointing it almost feels like they laid to us and just failed us once again you must have learnt a lot on your travels on this this recent experience what are you going to do with box experience when you go back im planning to start an action that will be going on every week to try and involve people because many people have frayed of the strikes they country to go to the cease to say because of the police but im thinking of an action that will actually bring them together not just in uganda but out chris africa said they may be able to do something that will be time enough to chanticleer the future because not all of us can set the planet for strikes me can still save the planet through either actions or lesson because. The orany is how this conference has concluded is very different from the spirit of all those climate protests that weve seen throughout 2009 theme this conference was supposed to be about entering the sunlit uplands of International Cooperation in the fight against Climate Change what we got was something quite different here on planet s. O. S. Weve seen up close the very issues at stake. The growing threats of living in a warming world especially for the poor and most vulnerable who are being left to fight a battle most of them making then. When the gavel eventually came down here in madrid it laid bare the widening ties him between what science says needs to be done and what a hall of call group of countries like the United States brazil or australia are prepared to accept for them National Interest comes before and the existential threat to humanity and the planet we live in well well continue to keep the climate in the environment right at the top of the agenda. Thats it for this program of the day this series of class s. O. S. Were going to leave you would support system cools on the way forward and on the planet we are moving close by throughout. The day were going to get a tax cut out of a tough spot at a time is not a bad thing how we have agree on everything. Else we can have a dozen baby and into 6 years. That have passed since i was here the 1st time in and d. C. Here i have seen with my own eyes the dear facts to terri want to facts of Climate Change. Ok. Im right im right. You could have been mine i would pull you tonight in life the way were going to change our culture is through politics and through our economy and through investing in Different Industries besides oil. And if you did youd be happy if you had a healthy climate. And in fact if you get everybody. Involved in any of that i believe we thank you mans who didnt deserve to suffer a crises that if we didnt create it it is false people mobile home. Exciting things. After years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chile is being revised with one of the worlds biggest ever conservation projects. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians out if theyre plentiful and theyre calm like this one is then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no threats towards and thats why youre on your. Patagonia on aljazeera the fact. This morning place on the planet one that could soon be lost. Its an International Team of scientists is determined not to let that happen without intervention to give the big i would say here to about just now its a race against time to try and save a species take a crisis look its an emergency plan to stave off extinction techno. President dont trump will soon find out if hes to be impeached in the coming hours so well find out how that specific the world will go forward. Hello there im chilling with all this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a death sentence for pakistans former leader pair of isma charest now the nations army weighs in on that perfect. A surge in fighting across libya different factions square off against the assault by warlords fast. Forward to moves its capital we look at whether the ambitious transition will benefit its. A u. S. House committee is meeting to finalize the rules for the Impeachment Vote against president dilma chum members of the House Rules Committee will decide on how much time to allow for the debates before the vote which is likely to happen a way to stay now the democratic controlled house is expected to vote in save all the impeachment that would then lead to a trial in the Republican Controlled Senate the next year well donald trump has been tweeting our White House Correspondent kimberly how it will give us more on that shortly but 1st lets go to Heidi Joe Castro on capitol hill to heidi what are we expecting it to happen where you are today. Which really the debate is already raging before the House Rules Committee here at the capitol and in a so

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