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Point we will want to leave because you value get out of your portfolio are you ready for this and the trial what are you reading from the senate trial yeah whatever it is its a hoax the impeachment is a big hoax its its become a laughingstock all over the world there was nothing done wrong the 2 articles that were sent are not even serious about the way theyre not a crime. The republicans voted approximately 196. 00 to nothing and this was not supposed to be partisan it was never meant that way by as they would say the founders so it was that its turned out to be a totally partisan hoax which i dont and frankly its been going on from before i came down the escalator with our great 1st lady i mean that this is gonna go on for 3 years and probably longer than that and itll be very interesting when the fall. An old tabulation is set and when the facts are released because a lot of people are working on those facts right now its a big deal. Its in many ways the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on our country its one of the great hoaxes ever it started with a with an illegal document that turned out to be false the fake document that you know so well the as they call it and it went on from there was set up by a bunch of dirty cups and others working with the d. N. C. Working with the democrats and from the day i ran from the day i was elected and probably before that substantially not probably if you look at the insurance policy the insurance policy was long before that so that means before i ever got elected they were working on something thats so illegal so i assume that will be announced at some point into the future and hopefully not too far into the future and the impeachment. Story is its just a continuation of the same it really is a shame that we cant focus on all of the things you know we talk today about iraq and we talk about iraq we talk about Economic Development we have the greatest stock market weve ever had in the history of our country were the greatest economy that weve ever had in the history of our country are setting records unemployment records employment records also were going to have almost 160000000 people working and that we have to work on this partisan scam is really a shame but we have to take time is a shame. Thats about it really does work to go ahead. The. People necessary in the borders itll be up to the senate and well see how they feel he would know nothing about what were talking about because you know. The Ukrainian Government came out with a very strong statement no pressure no anything and best from the boss thats from the president of ukraine the foreign minister came out with a statement that was equally as strong and frankly if you look at it and you look at everything all they have to do is read the transcripts you take a look down just that one you take a look at 2 transcripts they were absolutely perfect there was absolutely nothing to under all of it was no false statement and its crazy that its gotten to a point where you look ukraine the president of ukraine said there was no pressure whatsoever there was no pressure on his country whatsoever and by the way in terms of the money it got they had 2 or 3 weeks ahead of schedule long before it was supposed to be there it was absolutely nothing done wrong the one thing i look at is corruption and the other thing i look at is why isnt france and why isnt germany and maybe i could say why isnt greece why arent all of these countries why arent they paying why is it always the United States that has to pay and i said that very strong in fact its in the transcript but the press doesnt cover it why is it that the United States pays and it affects europe far more than it affects the United States so why is it that france germany and all of those countries of europe that are so strongly affected why arent they paying why is it always us thats one question and the other question is always about corruption were sending all of this money where is it going wheres it going and the president by the way got elected on Anti Corruption and i think hes going to do a great job but i appreciated a statement hes made it many times no pressure whatsoever thank you all for me it. Would be interesting to. See you. Yeah im going to get it right. And that was. President speaking a short while there at the white house where he has been hosting the greek Prime Minister in a secular state like compare was there as well the president really speaking as tensions of course with iran continued to escalate and very much for years rating that money was a legitimate target saying we saved a lot of lives by terminating his cross live now to our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett kimberly that was really a point that while speaking about customs and the money the president kept on making effectively how he had been planning an attack which the president described as a big and bad attack and how this strike was in effect retaliation. Thats right the u. S. President using that word exactly barbara but providing again no evidence and that is something seems to be hot in this administration weve just heard from the u. S. President prior to that and in that room in the oval office there as we were listening with the secretary of state mike compare who held his own briefing we also heard from the defense secretary all of them making the case that this was imminent and that there was a need to protect the lives of americans but not offering any evidence and we heard there in by the u. S. President that he was saying that this is a retaliate atory strike that took place to kill general saloon monny because they want to prevent further harm to americans but the question is of starting points you know the u. S. Has just sort of made these sort of vague arguments that iran has been responsible for malign activity in the broader middle east for decades but then when it comes to the timing of all of this really not providing any concrete answers and you also heard in there the discussion about impeachment because this is the week that we expected we would be talking in covering the details of an Impending Senate trial regarding the Impeachment Vote that took place in the house of representatives at the end of last year to impeach donald trump were not talking about that now so were talking about iran and there are accusations that this president may have even taken the strike to deliberately manipulate the headlines its hard to say but very quickly there are questions about transparency given the fact that weve just learned that there was a meeting between the u. S. President that occurred on monday but with the Saudi Arabian official it took place in the oval office that the white house never provided a readout there was no transparency this is so unusual the White House Correspondents association issued a readout saying that its disturbing to see the government of saudi arabia have more transparency than the white house about a meeting with the president the oval office transparency being we learned about this from the Saudi Arabian government when they released a. Out of that meeting so questions about transparency questions about intelligence not being answered there as we heard from the u. S. President and kimberly obviously a huge fallout from the tension between iran and the United States happens in iraq theres been this leaked a letter by a u. S. General effectively implying that the that the u. S. Was going to leave iraq u. S. Troops but now the president reiterating the u. S. Actually has no intention to leave the country. Yes and it just leaves again this impression that there is no concrete strategy which would come about because perhaps the strike was hasty again its not helping the administrations case when they have this vacillating position on whether or not the u. S. Troops are leaving or referring to just 24 hours ago when a leaked letter emerged from a Top Commander in iraq saying that the u. S. Forces would respect the sovereignty of iraq and they would be leaving but then you heard there in that meeting just moments ago the secretary of state calling that letter a mistake a really leaves people scratching their heads in the midst of all of this about whether there has been a proper discussion about steps forward and one other mind blowing fact that came out of that. Briefing that we just heard from the u. S. President the Oval Office Just moments ago is how he expects when ultimately u. S. Troops do leave iraq that iraq is expected to reimburse the United States for its costs with airports with the bases that are there and even its embassy this is baffling given the fact the United States is in iraq because it invaded back in 2003 based on flawed intelligence its like weve seen this movie before and certainly this is not going to be sitting well with many members of congress who are expecting a briefing on all of this in the coming hours when we have good at the white house can really for the moment think you. Kids take a look at some of the days other events because the assassination Iranian Military commander custom so the money has been buried but later than planned after a stampede broke out as the ceremony began more than 50 people were killed and nearly 200 injured in the crush as the funeral procession started in his home town of kerem on iran has continued to talk of revenge with the head of the revolutionary guard telling the crowds of the funeral that u. S. Allies would be set ablaze irans foreign minister jens itif says retaliation. So the man is this will bring an end to the american presence in the middle east meanwhile in washington secretary of state my home peo said the u. S. Would respond the size of lead to any bad choices by iran and maintain the country would never have Nuclear Weapons as said by reports them from tehran. This was the National District of news a family and friends people queue outside the hospital in the city of kut a man inside the injured filling hospital beds and being treated in its current course what had begun as a day with large numbers of people turning out to pay their respects to an assassinated commander ending with more death in the streets of his hometown several hours after the funeral of course and so the money began on Tuesday Morning there was a stampede among the crowds the procession turning into a crush and desperate efforts to save the lives of people where they felt. The small city unable to deal with the vast numbers that have converged on it rains from across the country had made their way to come on for what was supposed to be so the moneys final procession. I come here because i love general ceremony and theres theyve been done mom who i am a sunni from bandit a bass and we want to show that we are also here for him check he had a very Good Management this is something small i can do for gendered selema money just to come here and even though hes not with us his philosophy continues so the money had requested to be buried in his home city alongside those that had died fighting in the iran iraq war during the 1980 s. He was killed in a u. S. Airstrike in iraq last friday and people are still calling for revenge. The head of irans revolutionary guard made this promise more jam im saying the final word 1st we will avenge harshly be certain be calm we are telling the enemy we will avenge if you respond we will burn that place you love and they themselves know where it is the politicians gathered in parliament declaring death to america no compromise no surrender and revenge. And voting to designate the pentagon and u. S. Forces terrorist organizations. All those who ordered as well as the perpetrators of this crime who are with the pentagon and their military accounted as terrorists for 4 days crowds have taken to the streets to honor and pay their respects to cost and so the money and the tragic events of choosing kind of man have added even more grief before iran decides to take its next move i said big al jazeera to her eye. Well today the pentagon says it expects around to retaliate against the United States secretary of defense mark esper has called for the escalation but war that the u. S. Is prepared to end any war with iran let me reiterate that the United States is not seeking a war with iran but we are prepared to finish one we are seeking a diplomatic solution but 1st this will require iran to deescalate it will require the regime to come to the table with a goal preventing further bloodshed and it will require them to cease their malign activities throughout the region as ive said were open to having this discussion with them but were just as prepared to deliver a forceful response to defend our interests its go live now to alan fischer in washington d. C. Alan in the past hour weve heard from their mike has for the fence secretary and then also from the president himself it does seem that the top of ministration is very much waiting for the uranium but making clear that they will respond in kind. And certainly that seems to be the planning through the Defense Department but also through the state department who of course represents the embassies around the world what was interesting is that my caspar was marcus was asked when was this attack do you know there briefing people on the hill at the moment senior politicians of both parties and he said it was jus within days you had donald trump say that this was going to be a very big attack interestingly enough when asked about this just a couple of days after the attack the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff the senior general in the United States couldnt give a definitive time scale but then of course he doesnt make political decisions and so it seems that from white pompey oh we heard from just a few hours ago from the president and also from our esper they have hardened on this idea that there was an attack due within the next couple of days mark casper said that there was no question that far as he was concerned general cilla money was a legitimate target that there had been an investigation and evidence was presented to the president about various options it was his view that this was legal because in his words general silliman these was do he also give a bit of a contradiction as well because he said there is an off ramp for iran here they dont have to go down the road of retaliation but they could come to the table and he said we are ready to talk with no preconditions but he also added at some point iran has to stop its malign influence in the region america will get to define that if they wanted to see iran there but we know the iranians have already said that they have absolutely no intention of talking to the United States will sanctions are still in place they have said consistently that they have to be lifted before they would even sit down and talk to dont trump theyre also interested in perhaps waiting this out they believe that if there is a democrat in the white house after the election in november 2020 then perhaps the democrats will move back towards the nuclear deal that dont. Trump and his administration walked away from and you remember the Donald Trump Campaign for that during the last Election Campaign and also when it came to the question of whether or not there was an agreement to leave iraq we had donald trump talking about it marc espers said look there was no signed document to the best of my knowledge is what he said and so theyre not expecting to leave iraq any time soon what is interesting is that circulating on social media is what purports to be the agreement that the United States signed with iraq at the time they were creating bases and building imports and essentially theyre saying that they really sort of the iraqis agreed that the United States would just leave everything in place and they would take over and certainly not be peeing any money towards the United States which is kimberly says is actually in iraq in such numbers because of the invasion there over the idea of weapons of mass destruction but markets were very much no toy in the line saying there is nor legal impediment to tar targeting general silly money al official with the latest on those developments allan thank you well lets go to iraq where sauza is of mourners of packed the streets in the Southern City of basra to welcome home the body of paramilitary leader abu matisyahu hyundais it arrived in his hometown following several processions elsewhere in iraq and iran behind this was killed alongside castle slimline in fridays u. S. Airstrike he was the Deputy Commander of the iranian backed Popular Mobilisation forces whose fighters were involved in the siege on the u. S. Embassy in baghdad last week. Lets have a binge i joins us live now from baghdad well 1st of all lets focus on the developments in the u. S. And their impact i guess in iraq because weve just heard from President Trump about an hour ago saying that there is no question of the u. S. Pulling out of iraq now where is that is exactly what many members of the government in iraq asked for today it is quite interesting barbara because the more answers you hear from washington the more questions it raises here in baghdad. With both news conferences from the secretaries of defense and state to you heard direct quotes which are in contradiction to what the iraqi Prime Minister has been saying he told parliamentarians when it met on sunday that. Money was coming here with a mission to tell him and carry a message between iraq iran and saudi arabia something which was ongoing no details that he provided but it contradicts what paris said about how there was no there was no indication that there was a diplomatic mission. To cause im still in moneys of movement again when mark esper comes on to the podium he says that the letter was not no or no indication of a change in policy in the United States is not leaving iraq just a few hours before that the iraqi Prime Minister told his cabinet members that the only solution is for foreign troops to leave he was telling them that essentially that led to the last official communication which was conveyed to him from the United States and according to him this is where the Iraqi Government stands this is what they want this is what their parliament points and would and the majority of what their people want. How do you. Know we have suggested to the parliament that the Foreign Forces should leave the country we dont have many other options all the assassinations are made people angry and people are saying we dont want these forces to stay in our country there was no reason no option to quieten the people and the show safety except for this particular position i. E. Get on the phone forces to leave the country in the summer meanwhile in iraq there was the funeral of. Tell us about that and what it signifies about i guess the reaction in the country to this u. S. Assassination. Well very interesting leigh its the assassination of money has overshadowed everyone else who were killed in this attack. This was the 2nd in command one of the highest ranking commanders here off the Popular Mobilization forces a loosely knit group of militias who came together in the fight against isis he was seen as somebody who was bringing them all close together and making sure that they acted as a cohesive force he has been replaced by another commander of the brother militia but it goes to show that iraq is angry not just for qassam silly money but also of its own commanders these commanders gave under the command of iraqs Defense Ministry and the u. S. Short no regard for them this is something that iraqi and peace have been telling us that the United States essentially respects in on enough that it wants to send messages and wants to address them but all that theyve been hearing are threats and actions that the United States is taking on their soil without their consultation but it came to this is a funeral he was 1st taken to all the holy shia sites here in iraq and then with the customs of the monies body he was taken to iran and now the body is back and as you mentioned a number of perceptions of taken place with his body as it moves from buzzard towards niger where hundreds will be buried and some avenge of either the latest from the iraqi capital or some other thank you. Well meanwhile Global Oil Prices have started to fall after surging more than 5 percent since custom so the moneys assassination the price of crude has dropped to 68. 00 a barrel from 70 on monday its highest point since september economists say that it shows that investors are questioning how robust irans response to the u. S. Will actually be given the economic sanctions that washington has already placed on the country. Ok well in the last hour the u. S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has been talking about the impeachment trial which is due to take place thats get more now from high the castro who is on capitol hill of forest so our heidi whats Mitch Mcconnell been saying. Well he says that he has enough votes on in the Republican Controlled Senate to precede with the impeachment trial without 1st committing to calling more witnesses as democrats had wanted mcconnell was the Top Republican in the senate says that this would be following the example set 21 years ago when president bill clinton was impeached and what this basically means is that the desperate efforts of democrats in the last few days to try to convince at least 4 republican colleagues in the senate to side with them in establishing these troubles that according to mcconnell those efforts have failed thats despite yesterdays unexpected announcement from john bolton who was the former National Security advisor to trump when he announced that he would be willing to testify as part of the Senate Impeachment trial bolton has been thus far silenced by the white house and democrats have said that he may have key evidence that still been unheard by the public on exactly what trumps motives were when he withheld security aide to ukraine and of course the question at the center of the impeachment effort is whether or not the president did so in order to benefit personally Chuck Schumer who is the top democrat in the senate has said that if he doesnt have enough republicans to to commit to calling on witnesses now he does say that afterwards in the middle of the trial when this question undoubtedly comes up again hes hopeful that enough republicans will cross over then which could potentially introduce all these unknown factors to this impeachment trial of course you heard from President Trump who spoke just minutes ago once again calling this impeachment a sham he called of the biggest hoax ever in American History but now the ball remains in the democrats courts in fact its House Speaker nancy pelosi who has to transmit those. Articles of impeachment to the senate shes been holding on to them saying that she does not want to give them to the senate until she was convinced that this would be a fair trial democrats continue to say this isnt a fair trial and they say that the public will see through any effort if the republicans in the senate collaborate with the white house and that the public would then of knowledge that this is not a fair trial. Heidi i guess some cynics out there might say that the timing of the customs for the money attack was impartial so to try to take the limelight the spotlight away from this impeachment trial how much of a diversion has all of that actually be. Well we would not be talking about any other top headline in the u. S. Politically. Other than impeachment if it were not for the timing of the strike that killed soleimani and youve heard critics as you mentioned like the Democratic Candidates for president who have made that very accusation trump saying that political questions these political interests may have factored into his decision at least for the timing why are they filling in the rose gaps well because theres a lack of solid answers otherwise you know congress is still waiting for those intelligence briefs briefings on exactly what this imminent threat was that weve heard trump and weve heard the secretary of state talk about so until thats fully answered in a satisfactory manner to the members of congress there will continue to be doubts that swirl surrounding the motives of the president that is your caster live there on capitol hill heidi for the moment thank you. Now the u. N. Says more than 3000000. 00 syrian civilians are trapped in a war zone in syrias province and are completely dependent on cross border aid its urging the Security Council to extend the mandate for that aid which is due to expire in days after a resolution was blocked by russia and china meanwhile russias president Vladimir Putin is visited syria to meet president bashar assad according to the kremlin both leaders were discussing military strategy Russian Forces have been fighting alongside the Syrian Government since 2015 tipping the balance in assads favor. Students across india have been protesting for a 2nd day after pupils and academics were attacked at a Prestigious University they were strangers from different cities came out in solidarity with pupils from their rule university in delhi mass the salience raided the institution on sunday injuring at least 35. 00 people the raid has been blamed on the students which is closely linked to Prime Minister and the random of these party it comes as nationwide protests against the controversial new citizenship law continue. Thing in india for men convicted of the gang rape and murder of a female student in 2012 have been sentenced to death the brutal attack sparked a nationwide protests and led to new anti rape laws the 23 year old victim was attacked on a bus in the capital new delhi along with a male friend she was raped and beaten with a metal bar and then dumped on the roadside she died of her injuries 2 weeks later the Court Ordered the assailants to be hanged before the end of the month. More than a 1000 students and activists have been protesting at a Top University in bangladesh after one of its students was raped there were strangers gathered that Doctor University to demand that the perpetrator be arrested the victim was attacked on sunday was walking to a Friends Police say the she was grabbed from behind gagged to and taken to a deserted place nearby where she was attacked human rights organizations say that women regularly suffer different forms over osment and by that this including rape and torture. Firefighters in australia battling to contain the huge bushfires devastating the country are taking advantage of what is expected to be a brief drop in temperatures youre strelley a navys largest ship thats the h. M. A. S. Adelaide is helping the relief efforts off the coast of even in New South Wales which has seen some light rainfall the fires of so far burned an area of 80000 square kilometers and firefighters say that only a sustained period of rain will put them out or 25 people have been killed so far and some Wildlife Agencies estimate that 500000000 birds reptiles and mammals may have burned to death in the fires dozens of kangaroos are feared dead in this century in New South Wales the owner has just returned after being evacuated on new years eve i didnt think we were going to be excited that we were going to burn alive. And as we were looking actually has we were leaving the property. They area we were. The area we were sheltering in was on fire and we could see the property burning from the front and we already knew it was around the back of the saw its if we didnt have that revolver. Im not even sure we would. Kill so i dont have many tears left because its been a lot. And the other top stories on al jazeera more than 50 mourners have been killed in a stampede at the start of the funeral procession for assassinated Iranian Military commander Kasim Silliman around 200. 00 people were injured after the crush broke out in his hometown of kettle on and people had lined the streets as his remains were returned to the city in the southeast of the country the ceremony had to be delayed following the stand. Meanwhile iran has continued to talk of revenge against the u. S. For the attack the head of the revolutionary guard hosain. Told the crowds soliman his funeral that u. S. Allies in the middle east would be set ablaze irans foreign minister zarif has told al jazeera that the american act will be reciprocated by iran and its allies and that the days of american presence in the region are numbered iran would respond because it was an act of war. Act of war combined with an act of terrorism against a senior official of the stomach republic of iran and its citizens we dont and youre bound to protect our citizens. But United States had other much. Greater defeating so many people outside iran and so you know that will have consequences for the United States and i believe the most important consequence is that the days of the United States in this region are not. Well meanwhile the u. S. Secretary of state has insisted the assassination was legitimate by pompei all said the custom so the money was in baghdad the plan further attacks that he said would lead to the deaths of many more american soldiers u. S. Defense secretary mark asked for meanwhile says this country is not looking for a war with iran and insists that iran needed to escalate the situation to enable a diplomatic solution he also said that there were no plans for american troops to leave iraq despite confusion over a letter received by the Iraqi Government suggesting the forces it was good accurate well those are the top stories im going to have much more on this on the aljazeera news hour thats coming up in less than half an hour coming up next radicalised thank you for watching us you see by my. Order of. When i think it was im one of. Those they did a good thing you will then live with it and. Theyre doing other. Show a little may even get a little bit you know the. Feeling of having him out of one. Of the me im one of those if. Youre going to move in with. A government of. A. God with. Their money in the. Navy. Oh. The whole game should go. Well to most other thoughts on this. Issue most oh i think. Ill walk was a king. And. I just thought about misled and all of him and. You know when im home. Alone now its going to come. Along in my thought then of course i should high school no honey put on shining like an ocean im only in hock in place. And. I said oh no that is. Just. The political position its the reason its ive been working in the field of human rights here in israel palestine for about 23 years it can be in the courts it can be civil disobedience and. It can be accompanying farmers or shepherds to protect them from settlers. And settlers are a very very group some of them are not violent at all although they often nevertheless turn a blind eye when others are being violent but some of them are more violence and some of them are very violent the most violent perhaps are the socalled hilltop youth. I misspoke in a way that will most local have the 2nd at an. End but he leapt at the idea. I didnt hold could have been out the. Minority in michigan no i didnt i mean a j h o minute a short thought Moore Middleton i wish i could show the series into 31 a just im not psychic you know government commerce and kind of government almost see it. In more sit. And been romani able than coke with above it all i got im. Definitely such a god human terms thats. What i mean today we have a very right wing government which supports the settlers doesnt matter to them whether the israelis are acting legally or illegally peacefully or violently. The people that live out here. More thats the same population that attacked us very violently in april. 2017. The hilltop youth are young they are do wells who kind of drop out of every system they see themselves as being extremely religious so that the messiah will come and we gods kingdom here but they dont even respect the rabbis of the settlements who they are is a natural outgrowth of what weve created here most of the other settlers and the police and the army they owe all this own they all reject they all criticize these hilltop youth and its very in some ways come to a point for them to say well were not them. But they maybe were becoming. Just. On the other party for now they sometimes i dont know if they aim. When amish you know you have a one image loss oh. Theyre on the fence going to give up when he was there but then i think question earlier. In this saying. And he doing big wow quite often i say outing with asean the whole thing an income thing there live i must put him as a and my name with a. And i think if well but im going to show theyre going to say theyre going to sort of i would i mean i thought they probably was not going thing to give up i think maybe not stepping outside as a. Sequel or this off and say if i could give up. And. Am going about vain and fighting about it but im famous song for them enough voldemorts actual name was fake all of us are saying. And name calling the a lot because theyre very. Odd is a haitian danish a really kind of a man with a novel that the people who support some of these terrible actions can go to the bible they can go to the thomas they can find support for their their values as well. But what these people have done is theyve elevated. About any other value. The land of israel. Killing is not always is forbidden the core of the jewish tradition murder is and how do you draw that line but of course it is murder when you throw a firebomb into someones home. And we think that the omanis will have that i think some of the homes. He said i think in them but i dont know them like there is the key to. The mission which will lead a lot of them and. A senate that at the deadline the thing that i think needs can feel even be admitted to the commotion and the inside and within him can move. On to get on with. The i did because i did but then. Im sure that is that i mean in the truth they only. Thing just will make you to not. Have a. Side to the business. And then thats in the state with walker and then it does if you. Dont. Leave. The game. Can. Can the pub walk in the day i said you know my who most of the mean no ship you know at the inn what the goal of all share for any. I dont. Know how i want to. Whom it doesnt matter if you should buy them a little money from uprising or the other. Name i mean. A lot lower how. Long. They even leave the fare from home more going live at the booth in the aisle of your home. Or move to new who are literally in the home of the home of the local. I was typical american in the eightys that i have a to see a rabbi kahane came to our campus and he made me think that the Something Else i could do in my life other than just go to work and make money in Something Else there was a single fellow at 27 years old and now im with 8 children and with meaning in my life and im sure if i stayed america i would not have this kind of life rather god saw the problem and he that defy the problem and he had to give an answer the answer for him was to expel the arms from israel. After 2000 years of living under the gentiles we said thank you but no thanks weve come back to our country so now weve come back and we have a people inside us who want it who can turn it into palestine through the muck received with through babies and not bullets and who can protest that its democracy so theres a big contradiction between democracy and zionism because zionism says its going to be a jewish state no matter what. So and so you go out and do something against an arab i cant say its wrong i cant i cant blame them so if my girls dwell in this other way that. Im not going to condemn them there i taught them that they should selfsacrifice for their people and for their country so that they doing it and im proud of it. They wanted to harm to me. And she went on shes not gone honey mommy. And she home by. 10 its me find me you see my. Emails to me didnt call me on time it dont want me dont it dont mean now victoria and i come to someone. In the end money made them in fine finish and make it out of the among us out on. Any mish it only showed me how much i mean from oz. And the toughness im now all moderate and if they can bend it is that shalt not kill you shall not kill the other hand it says and in the talmud if one comes to slay you slay him 1st so its not like you never kill you dont kill if you believe that the kill but if one comes against you its a commandment to kill him 1st and now we have a plan we have an enemy and we have to get back to being the regional jew of the bible like david was that knows when to kill and when not to kill. My daughter rally got married the one who made the sure he was one of the fellows from doing so at the wedding there was a lot of what they call hilltop youth because my son was was in hook up youth friends of the guy introduced him hes the guy who was a suspect so we had a lot of filter people in the middle of the wedding and some built up kids they took a sign that happen to be one of the babies that were brought in. To. Cut i dont cry for. I dont cry for what happened recently. Well look at your mother a lot going to do fit in the moment only you know for the only source of income for us as will you be who we are move this again and this behind him in the north in this belief and i have been. I can climb a lot of unlimited tubmanburg again and i really i have had good in good fun i you know them. Both i mean i mean almost given them before well in the east with an approval from. Your. Eyes. Of the. Know can the hope of a thought you know. Can be me in it that i mean again and walk off with. This horn and the lead domino means any means on line. Of all of the and all of the even if you dont these 100. 100 people in a Palestinian Youth convicting of throwing stones. Can get a longer sentence than an israeli convicted of. Murdering about. She just said to myself to do are just not for that i am now you know standing i mean im exactly like that. I guess as a guy who should have a w. V. Envy. And the shit they are fresh if you know of a baby dont make not killers a long time friend is. Your name i think killer of women all of all of my meaning when im high even within my default im damn. Im happy with a lot of the norm now this mission is how close. We live. According to my question i am bits of a question i have lots of almost i work in relation to thought im so chill not. As. Generation i lost 5 machines the colors of them so long a command voice like mascaras everything was much more than i give you more benefit i initiative though i know this is i think of it as issue the issue im this on the ship it is shooting shoot me softly i leave them there must look mushroom until the they all to move a little is a shoeshine boy. Because its a lot to know shes not going to work no thing im sure at least programming him vanish on today and im sure by now you know its awesome and im shihab. This. Summit meeting. With the. Old simple man who was legitimately i misled one of the folks who didnt i give more lives in addition i was looking to session is only going to come up the only way i called severely disadvantaged children a spouse is up to 3 and if its such any ship of the work. Unlike any which of time is lives im ok one problem is Holding Hostages of what. I thought was awful emotion to do not to say the most equal at the mercy of a government that an image you know good as a fellow with another mccarthy to democrats yeah you know i have got to go to the to the to the motional good. To get the gun with the thought of those. Who dont think that is doing all the things are going to last through it do them both on the end of it and i see no listing in the end of the game when if she nothing as you point out then you must have had it up with a little queer imbedded in the consciousness of the jewish people is 2000 years of oppression for 2000 years. We crave power. We crave to return to our homeland. We prayed day after day to return to our homeland and finally we got what we asked for. The torah is telling us. Sunday youre going to have a state. And is warning us you must be different on the monitor than a government of. Psychologists tell us that if youre beaten as a child 2 or more likely to be your own children i dont know theres been anybody history thats been beaten as much as the jewish people so it is natural for us to repeat as others what weve done to us but the torah according to her us saying no you have to define human nature be different its not easy. Perhaps we have to have understanding how difficult that is but as a rabbi thats right i think our task is. These people can be extremely violent and of course the palestinians are alone and even worse we dont recognize International Law as applying in the occupied territories so this if im protected they neither have the protections of being part of the democracy that makes the decisions here nor do they have the protection of International Law designed to protect an occupied people and they are therefore totally dependent on our beneficence on our goodwill on our sense of morals. The very existence of their settlements is a violation of the individual in collective rights of some under collective the palestinian one and therefore it is violent. The war extreme you are the more violent you are we know that the more nationalistic extreme you are the more militia like you become this is one level the other level is the reason a deep not so hidden quite overt philosophical trend within religious mysie on exeunt ism that promotes violence. Israel is not a normal country with the only country in the west who has a permanent conflict with its region a permanent conflict with the western democracy and a permanent conflict when weve been in a situation like this that the political system fails people outside of the political system the off broadway of politics becomes more extreme an activist in trying to force the system. So all of the sudden every idiot at the top of the here thanks a flag. Stick it down and all of the sudden thats a no border of the country so you do not have a governmental top doll strategy you have here kids bottom up tactics and documentation of all of the tactics becomes of fortunately the National Strategy so that insignificant in numbers that are insignificant ideologically the insignificant even as a crime gag that a very significant by dictating Big Government a defacto policy which is wrong. To the man. He commands them sanction does not come up come up i mean this is something. Its not. Going to. Look at him and look at what took him home only. Thinking to come in with anything just. Insane. Here in this demure head. Of the ocean. Violence is pocket. Force is the political wild card that consummately shapes world order the structure that is defended at all cost. Be it with the support of the people fall through the crushing of their will. People in power exposes the use and abuse of power around the world. On aljazeera. Is notorious the creating Fake Passports that full flower seeds be used one of many makes the most a forger as he reveals the secrets of the strike on aljazeera. 0. Hello im Barbara Sarah this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes more than 50 mourners die in a stampede at the funeral for the uranian military chief killed by a u. S. Airstrike. We had tremendous and for a should weve been following him for a long time. President trying says more details about attacks so the money was planning will be revealed to congress on wednesday plus. The protests in cyprus says a british teenager who said

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