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Justice for the families and friends of the dead has more from the university that last 60 didnt and that crash. Well there were easily more than 2000 people both inside the building and lined up around the outside it was over capacity very quickly and inside emotional scenes as the names of victims were read out occasionally with their pictures shown in occasionally little stories were told about them people were weeping openly in the audience the people reading the names were choked up and could hardly get the names out childrens names used evoked waves of emotion in the audience now tens of thousands of people in the philippines are fleeing their homes as scientists warn of ok no corrupt within days or even hours tell volcano in targeted thats about 66 kilometers south of manila started spewing ash and lava on sunday 6000 people have already been evacuated from one island with thousands more leaving coastal towns the ash grounded all flights from Manila Airport on sunday night but operations have partially resumes now our correspondent melinda going to has more from tal lake. According to the government when they raise the alert level to 4 it actually means that a major hazardous eruption is to happen within hours or days that alert level 4 was announced sunday evening we left manila the capital about very early in the morning and you know usually this is just a 2 hour drive from manila it actually took us about 5 hours to get here im going to step aside to show you where we are and what were seeing this is our volcano now on alert level 4 it sits on an island surrounded by a lake which is known to be a very popular Tourist Destination not just for filipinos but those coming from abroad when it when the initial eruption happened basically it happened on a sunday afternoon just when a lot of people are driving through weve seen the pictures come in just you know within hours of that initial eruption but what we saw today was even more devastating because weve seen families residents struggling to flee we were on the road weve seen roads covered with ash making it very difficult and a difficult and perilous journeys for vehicles weve weve spoken to people who are marching on forth with their families really hoping to say that theyre just going to make their way downtown hoping to bump into those who can give them a vehicle to pass through or to stay in an evacuation center. As government has confirmed 89 soldiers were killed in an attack on an army base on thursday and stick led to 3 days of mourning from monday 77 rebel fighters were also killed. Haitians have been paying tribute to victims of the earthquake 10 years ago which killed at least 300000 people president german on noise attended the official Memorial Service at the science of the mass grave he left the ceremony after a small group of protesters arrived reconstruction has been slow a problem that most claim on government corruption. Colombian police say they foiled a plot to assassinate the former leader of the now demobilized fark rebels police say they killed 2 men who were planning to attack better known as to police say the attempted assassination was ordered by dissident rebels who took up arms once again last year well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after europes forbid in colony do stay with us. 2 2 so when did you see stuff like yeah so that by the way you can put it on the audience wanted to enter. Im organizing a big event that the biggest theater in this part of europe and we are marking the 4th anniversary of Julian Assange as political as i dont know like what was happening at the same day today in berlin brussels belgrade paris naples madrid said i well i these are all the all the all the venues all our people think this case is not just about Julian Assange its about transparency its about democracy in europe. Are you nervous about speaking on stage how does this fit in with your normal life this is normal life. They should wish. For time philosophers to sit in the room and write for some of them tell me what you do sometimes they write books i dont say but they also do this also go through refugee bans and so if you think youre a new kind of some. I dont have time to think about myself. And was the 1st the world believe me a speaker im going to will focus people. There do we get in from this side were going to thank you so as you know we are going to listen and to have a conversation with you major intellectual. Way here. So please welcome them both on stage very hard thank you what they learnt from truly understand is that you have to be consistent maybe sometimes you have these temptation to feeling that youre not important that the powers are spiraling at the last and last thing going to occupy us fair that they are laughing when we are in a public space but hello we have 2000 people here tonight in 8 cities at the same time hundreds of thousands watching the lifestream and i think that they cannot just sit in their room and write books even if you want to write about the refugee crisis you cannot do it if you didnt speak to a refugee for instance or if you are writing about the crisis of europe or solutions for europe i think you can do it if you dont speak with the people and i think we dont have time only to sit in the room and write about would it be nice to work because this continent is collapsing thank you thank. You very. The financial pressure of 2008 starts at the in americas Housing Market but there were stay did your rope as it lurch from solvent that cries his to economic stagnation unemployment off 25 percent it some countries lets to social on wrist and the continent suffered the warse terrorist at takes he yours and that horse before over 1000000 refugees decided to walk to balcom rule to into your say often all this is this cuss as forces of nature beyond our control but theres a philosopher i look for the root cause what if they can only call ups refugees and terrorism are actually all caused by something more fundamental. 2 im going on a journey across europe in search of what for next the crazies tearing our continent apart. To saloniki norton greece if you just visited Central Square youd never guess this small charming city is at the epicenter of europes problems. In 2015 refugees fleeing war and poverty walked into europe should the nearby village of evil mean. Germany said they would accept syrians but after more than a 1000000 people came europe panicked and sealed the border trip and those who continue to come in for. Greece finally cleared the domine camp in may 2015 citing sanitation and safety. But thats not the whole story. Were heading towards a new refugee camp for the refugees from the many who are more and were going to meet most of their. Most a face from aleppo and reached into many just as the border was closed he spent 3 months there hoping and trying to cross before deltora this clear to camp and would you say are the conditions better here than in the domine like what were told what was better there and what is better here. Yeah actually. Here is very plausible this. Its what tech tool from the song from from. For the 10th years a big. Nobody knows how long were going to stay and we get information on. How long it takes for the. They said nobody else. To face taking us back to domine to explain why the camp was clear. And this is something i wasnt expecting. A Motorway Service station transformed by those refusing the government camps. The services allow them to stay but at the same time doing Good Business charging them for showers. Now is 100 persons change the player to still be full of dance and no no one now only me. Can you show us a bit how it looked like at the trucks. So refugees tense all this place here right this one event here. Full of dance. These tracks are the most important rule from greece seaports a crucial way for local companies and multinationals to get their goods into the heart of fuel. Theres a train coming. So when the tents were here at this place there were no trains coming but yeah because. There is not. To try many times to bring the train as. The refugees represented the problem. Free of and. There is a ministry. And you see there. The tribes with many. More on board our children we. Are blocking the trains deliberately you knew that if you were blocking the way. Europe and the greek state they will start to react. The greek Train Company ois he told us they couldnt move goods for 75. 00 days costing them 1000000. 00 he lost shipping. I think is the best metaphor for whats happening in europe today in the sense that people refugees who are fleeing from war and from war zones such as syria but also going to stand in iraq became a problem. Because were at the train track and they were blocking the train trip. So it became a problem for for the for peroration for also other countries not only greece because this way was blocked so on the one you can see is. Refugees dont have the right to move freely on the other hand goods can move freely as far and as much as they want. But greece is subject to forces beyond its control. The Global Financial crash reveals that greece has taken out a mountain of loans from european banks. At the urging of european leaders europes Financial Institutions gave greece the biggest loan in history. And most of that money flowed straight back to the mainly french and german banks who had encouraged them to borrow. But the loan conditions required extreme osteria to state spending cuts so severe that the economy shrunk by a quarter of unemployment reached 27 percent prompting a huge rises was. Another condition was passed privatisation of 3 s. Including the strategically important port of p. J. It is one of the most important ports in the mediterranean and recently digne government has sold 67 percent of the shares to a Chinese Company called costco. The ducks are quiet today the sell off has prompted a better with the unions they say the troika of the International Monetary fund the European Central bank and the European Commission are experimenting with a new kind of privatization. You would strike over the coming of the 20 days today and if they strike. Very going where going to trade unionists and me thinking since its an International Trade to us we think they very much interested thing the paper they say sure then that is news stream and these 2 ports go to sky here and you should since theyre private i say even the Port Authority or at least city its fish features on the part of your knowing all of this is that the envelope already there for a passPort Authority headquarters and it will be privatized the day after and this building weve been given to the costco. Because costco doesnt recognize unions the doctors feared they will go from being skilled employees with secure jobs to temporary workers with no rights. Can you explain of what is the difference between the working conditions if the part of paedos which is still old by the greek state and the parts which is already old they are using a complex system of suffering so there is no direct employment by costco. And precarious employment that means they work. 1215. 00 days a month so there is no stable job for them and there is no. Skin show for a trained professional trained show thats why there are frequent. Action and saying mr we know this may be also this more that we subcontracting expanded to other ports in europe the last 6 years. An experiment for a droid kind nor a liberal policies. What they are thinking here they try to export it in other countries in the European Union. What we have seen in court today was that the biggest historical achievements of the european project. Such as collective bargaining such trade Union Organizing minimal wages all of this is actually disintegrating. Many blame the Chinese Company cost but im meeting former greek finance minister. Punishing inside information about europes part in the deal. Seems this is not working. Yeah. Amongst the 1st things they did in the ministry they one day to was to embark upon a. Kind of silent negotiation with the chinese authorities and with the costco c. E. O. And we agreed to collective bargaining and were allowing trade unions to present workers for other port if they were given the rest of the port secondly they agreed on a spectacular Investment Program of anything between 25300000000. 00 euros within 18 months that would have been a fantastic injection of capital of activity of jobs in the part of the us and finally most importantly they would prepared the Chinese Government to contribute to contribute to purchase a bond a new bond that we would issue as a minister of finance up to 10000000000 so effectively that would help us return to the markets and create effective a signal to the rest of the world that this is back now i thought that there was a very good deal and guess what happened there was a telephone call from berlin to beijing saying keep of greece while you were negotiating with them and all deals were off because of course china is not going to jeopardize its relationship with the heart of europe. In order to seal a deal with us. Currently the greek government is selling 67 percent of the part of the nose and under your deal it was supposed to be 51. 00 right yes all those things that we had negotiated the dragon made sure that were not part of the deal just not want any european body from a country to be even be to begin to imagine that if they voted People Like Us in they would get a better deal even for one person. Although hugely important for greece is only a tiny part of the 35 year program of privatization across europe. Sectors like railways energy cost banking and airlines were all part of the 1. 00 trillion dollars of public assets privatized since 1008. 00. Because the United Kingdom under Margaret Thatcher that led the charge for privatisation in europe. David hall has been studying the impact of it for over 30 years privatisation supposedly reduces prizes improve service and so on what has your experience and your studies it doesnt reduce prices and it usually doesnt improve services and in many cases it services worse. Thats the basis on which prostrations always sold but immediately people have experience a product as almost the 1st thing that happens is that prices go up prices go up because the private companies are taken over or in the business of restructuring it to generate. Returns that the Public Company didnt get. Which might explain why its usually made it Popular Resistance but its almost always forced through when you tell us wont it be the referendum where clause promoting water privatization. The government tried to reintroduce that i left that Water Utilities in private. By the thing that most of the governments in europe but also in latin america and the states still stick to this kind of economic model protozoa actions are seen as an easy way of getting large amounts of money into government so you can use it either true or to reduce taxes and that self actually used it and thats how again the going governments do it and thats how for example countries like greece are being instructed to use it by the i. M. F. This is this is this is the core purpose of proposition a great concept system generate revenue to reduce the debt. And once something is in private hands it is at the risk of takeover by larger often foreign companies. I mean romania there recently protested against water and held privatization but nothing seems to get them as worked up as their forests. Being handed back to private owners theyve been heavily exploited by International Investment firms and european would processing companies. On the border to be transferred when hes one of the forest that has been decimated. Its be replaceable according to the lawyer representing forest owners who may now have the last intact through a forest landscape where the man has nothing to vent least for a start. Today are they are not protected. How far away is it actually one hour or depend on. Their old one hour and a half the legal clear cutting mainly happens in remote places high up in the mountains. Romania was a colony of the get real name and now. In forest country that you did with you again it would appear if youre for just. A relative poverty means cutting gangs can exploit forest that country cant afford to protect. You see well hes known for it oh yeah you see it. Here we can walk so this is it finally. From here we dont see it. Its bigger and its what we can see here is completely illegal. Usually you are not allowed to card to more than 300. 00 or forests. And how big is this approximately. 15200 pictures of forest and tired of guns and you we need it now they are still cutting it they cut to every day since when did this start and what is the scale of this clear cutting in romania the big one its beginning after 20022003. That was the moment when theres oil for kompany or ponder 1st factory in. The Austrian Company whole stench 543 are now romanias largest wood processor they dont cut the wood themselves but they are able to offer a relative fortune to those who will mostly this clear cut down by you know many empty parks the gang cool. These forests forged the documents and when they reached the revolver factory they had some documents to show them that into the respect any law. But at the factory some didnt even need forged documents. Their own mental Investigation Agency posed as a cutting gang willing to ignore the law something that didnt present a problem for michael a little bit concerns me use the rigidity devalued in that we have to reduce or be your piece not what we get it from from our side. You decide what you want to say and. We ask her for an interview but they declined so we turn to chance a green activist who has been sued by schmeichel. One of their employees a manager has admitted that if theyre on at full capacity theres no place for other processes on the market can you tell us once they end up in this factory where do they go this sawmill is actually slicing up the logs to make banks out of it and then they exported worldwide be to china japan arab countries even usa its a world market a main problem is the fact that theres not much left for us to add to devalue what happens somewhere else the jobs happen so to say some white house all of these exploitation of nature is happening in romania but nothing stays here it actually goes to other countries right yeah you stay in this in this vicious circle ok of selling more and more resources at the price that is being. Created or fake somewhere out us outside of your country and yet you stay in a dependency of those wants to buy your resources and you destroy your nature and you destroy your livelihood. This makes me wonder whether we can speak about a new kind of relationship which is very similar to the relationship which we had during dollars through gagnon one of. You have the empire you have western europe also in companies German Companies French Companies who are cutting forests all around remaining in the parable of the European Union and then they are importing them back to europe. And the empire is using the Natural Resources not only for us but Health Care System education water and they are expecting to well you in order to sort this and. So could we say that europe is actually polarizing itself. From tool to aljazeera we were told to go to the ministry of information hasnt this been addressed by tookie we listen what hes the proposal office spain for a couple anya we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter just 0. Across europe immigration is high on the agenda and in hungary its presented as a pressing issue we didnt have immigrants at all 0 immigration but this is the one political topic to anybody and everybody is this message the far right is preparing for battle and their opponents or anyone who is different. Prejudice some pride in hungary on aljazeera. The u. S. Is always of interest to people all right the world this has been going on for a number of the tear gas being you have to report the recent International Perspective to try to explain for mobile audience how this could impact their life this is an important part of the world now does it is very good news to the world from here. The all. The all. Hello again im just. With the headlines on aljazeera there have been protests across iran for a 2nd day increasing pressure on its leaders after they had misread the military accidentally shot down a ukrainian airliner others rallied against the u. K. Accusing its government of trying to stir up chaos and cause a man a riot and tear on pushing for talks to resolve the crisis with the u. S. Geology 30 feet walked has this visit comes as a very critical time in the region weve agreed that the only solution is to fuse a skill ations among all posses and weve also a great that dialogue and only dialogue is the only route to any solution to any crisis. And a vigil has been held in edmonton for the 57. 00 canadian victims of that downed ukrainian airplane and iran Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised answers and justice for the families and friends of the dead daniel lak has more from a university that lost 62 in that crash. Of the easily more than 2000 people both inside the building and lined up around the outside it was over capacity very quickly and inside emotional scenes as the names of victims were read out occasionally with their pictures shown in occasionally little stories were told about them people were weeping openly in the audience the people reading the names were choked up and could hardly get the names out childrens names used evolved waves of emotion in the audience now tens of thousands of people in the philippines are fleeing their homes as scientists warn a volcano could erupt within hours or days tell volcano and targeted a thats about 66 kilometers south of manila started spewing ash and lava on sunday 6000 people have already been evacuated from one island with thousands more leaving coastal towns the ash grounded all flights from Manila Airport on sunday night but operations have now partially resumed news as government has confirmed 89. 00 soldiers were killed in an attack on an army base on thursday and stick led to 3 days of mourning from monday 77. 00 rebel fighters were also killed haitians have been paying tribute to victims of the earthquake 10 years ago which killed at least 300000. 00 people present overall noise attended the official Memorial Service he left after a small group of protesters arrived reconstruction has been slow most to blame it on government corruption or those are the headlines now its back to europes for that and colony. 2 2 2 2 2 in part one we saw how the richest countries of europe are extracting the resources of smaller period for countries like greece and romania in what could be described as a colonial when. Its quite interesting to look back the 1st globalization the 8090 s. The late 19th century. Where you got a very similar picture of british french german. Companies. Investing around the world in. Some time with the same concept as christine was just as a starting not. Just as then the Companies Buying up the sectors have close links to the state like Energy Giants e. D. F. Owned by the french government and white and fall on by sweden but its not limited to just European Companies and governments europe is also facilitating a colonization by larger forces. Sociologists and says fine and the abstract idea of making money from money is the real power in the world today. One way in which i would put it is said were really dealing with with a period that is dominated by a large of extract that is not the language they use it sounds much better if you say privatization and deregulation thats sounds like such a intelligent and and sober way to go about it when you say finance google and all kinds of other sectors are extract sect. That doesnt feel so good it feels like something is getting taken out of the Financial System it might as well be mining it has to go into other sectors and extract what makes it particularly dangerous unlike say more traditional forms of investment and corporate is that it can extract not just from the very rich but from anything including very modest to effort. Even dollars who once reported the free market are worried. You know centuries old the old also from gary an emperor former politician gosh but Thomas Campaign for hunger is transition from communism to the free market. But he was 40 fight when that led to millions losing their jobs he puts this recent trend into Historical Context but. The service is the same colonialism without responsibility without the political project without the royal navy without the redish raj without introducing this and that this is just sheer economic and barley growth force being applied. Without any kind of responsibility and any kind of. Idea about economy future whatever to the weak a conscience so basically i mean this is even worse than only listen because clearly ways in many ways through the support of thinks of totally responsible treating everything and everybody in the same manner maximizing profits and neglecting strategy. And you know this is not the road me you know corrupt company or a little General Motors or the old standard oil that had some sort of policy that had some sort of construction that has been you know fresh out of the political for it is and so on so forth these companies today didnt have any policy not even a wrong one not even an evil one they just want they just want the money. Much of that money flows through the city of london europes biggest financial center. But how long london will retain that position is our noses britain wall today in the referendum to leave that you enjoy in 2016. This utterly stunned the british and european establishment who blamed it on the economic laws or who they say are also xenophobic. But britain was also the pioneer of privatization in europe especially in places like poor tolbert in wales. The last surviving Blast Furnace of britains once mighty Steel Industry this facility was sold off in the eightys and is now owned by the indian giant. Periodical trade into pose so i wonder is it really immigration or economics behind briggs. You know immigration is not just a case of thank heaven i would say can i want jobs are jobs that theyve taken because people dont want to him anymore farmers will tell you our farmers cannot get people to go into a field and pick pick sprouts or whatever it might be just because we come out of europe doesnt mean to say you know solve the problem because if you still cant get people to pick the stripes or to pick the fruits then you know that people into doing. What is the importance and significance of the steel factory. And how it all could change if those be their fix on ordinary citizens or families and so i want well paul told bush to risk all the other downstream suppliers that weve got you know we dont trust which is 50 mile down the road that has every single heinz team in this country origination ports over and is then tinned in the effect in the economy if you will of some where this would be severely out of if anything happened here the knock on effect would be incredible you call it shops headdresses petrol stations self employed people you builders you carpenters all these people rely on the steel works because the people who work if you feed them in the field your water to remain on the referendum. Youre going to. Be on it i am very disillusioned with. The. Harlem entry processes that go on stage where. The closely just turn me off completely off i walk into walked. Into t. T. To play and we know i think. Shop a great show thats where i. Am for change as much as and there are deprived areas around here. And people have nothing to lose. So it isnt the immigration theyre angry about but the colonial style extraction britain has practiced on itself for 35 years the efforts of which are all of us in marks hometown of tredegar which lost its steel mill in 2013. And all of this is now both permanent film like this one what was it before. It was fantasy to farai into things you know on track. And how is this connected with the steel works because this is sansa i mean last 2 years people cant afford to buy the product so use the same system because now if you look around you see if i take away the trash that. This is the kind of place supposedly full of hatred for immigrants but it seems that resentment of foreigners has little to do with their anger at the e. U. In the pub i find out what the issue really is prepared for an economics lesson well styled. In short a new low in the liberal economic model full employment is not not of vital importance its fatal to communities like this where full employment and and industry were so important and the result is poverty crime. And the only issue in inequalities which nearly new your liberal new. Has caused one major issue which is youve got companies who are bigger than countries so weve got a choice for that crossroads jew except that were going down a road of this neo liberalism the neo liberalism lism of Global Corporations which then start to rule the world or were going to start going well actually no i cant be allowed to what we got to get back to is assets of a British Assets that the french assets the german a controlled by those states you know the biggest freight. Company in this country is german or Water Companies or electrical cars in the east are all foreign surely the company right there finger after break ok want to be open to the dangers of globalization nearly burst a wall or Big Companies will still be hearing you have the opportunity for exploitation thats the way same with the arena well right this would really make a big big difference because they control it whatever. How can this colonial process of dispossession be taking place in such a massive scale without becoming headline news. Well this 21st century colonialism doesnt ride into town waving a National Flag he just seems to happen. But its actually the result of institutions and rules designed to be shipped and. Im going to try and unravel this beginning at the port of color youre going to hurt. The socalled. Chango. Which is a refugee camp in. Jungle is home to those trying to cross the 20 miles of sea between here and britain i was sitting between the french governments regular attempts to clear it at a time when its still growing you can still see 3000 people here who are in a kind of limbo. People from syria afghanistan africa iraq and all those countries from war souls on the other hand everything is being done to preserve the fleet floating off towards. The euro tunnel connects britain to europe and covers over 100000000000. 00 of trade a year. Junkie is the director of public affairs. So well the channel tunnel carries a loss high value of the perishable the just in time components for manufacturing express deliveries to internet retail so companies can actually manage their stock in a constantly moving process that saves them from having warehousing saves them enormous costs and it means that they can have these integrated businesses that operate across the whole of europe. The call area after to 5 kilometers is like this. Previously we had to the boundary fence sort of thing you see around any factory or any Industrial Site then. People started to try and break down the fences so the answer was increased the only difference is these are the standard high security fences a very difficult cut very different crime so we now have a very sophisticated fencing and surveillance operation. And since october last year weve had no disruption from the migrant crisis so what about the refugees who came from syria from either mainly from greece who are actually also trying just to find a better life their future problem is something which is a geopolitical issue so we were Company Business that operates between folks and incoming were not we dont have a role a major role in solving the refugee crisis thats for Governments International institutions to to manage we have a role a responsibility to our customers to our shareholders to our own staff and to anybody. Whos on our side. Your eternal security is now a seamless operation involving french and u. K. Forces a relationship established only after the company sued the government in a special for putting forth over questions as to exactly where that responsibility cutting and what how much response from security on a shelf. And so. There was a case in the international trouble tradition. In 2000 and that the president has set the record for the state of that responsibility. Obviously from the perspective of the company youre a title it makes sense to ask the course to be covered from the state because in the 1st place the state was responsible for the refugee crisis but its very interesting to see what is precisely the mechanism which is being used here in order to get the course being covered by the state. Court of arbitration or to britain and france to pay your account of 25000000. 00 for the cost of securing against migrants in the late ninetys. This is highly controversial so im going to the heart of the e. U. Brussels to talk to someone who knows how the secret process this war. That court is part of the investor state dispute settlement mechanism known as the ice d. S. Which allows companies to sue states when their profits are dreadful. The whole point about the investor state dispute mechanism is that it runs outside the court system its about a special sort of law for big corporations i. Z. s is part of that if the right i stay at is part of the t. T. Ip so for most of the ordinary people if you mention something such as t. T. They will not understand what it is about ok i would say tip is the transatlantic trade and Investment Partnership and its a major trade deal on the board being discussed now between the European Union and the United States it has all sorts of implications you know from the food you ate the medicines you take the vehicles that you drive the energy that you have Animal Welfare whether you want to keep genetically modified organisms out of your crops you know if the worst comes to the worst and some of the big corporations get what they want this really is a could be a potential real rollback of a lot of the very valuable legislation that a lot of people who over the years to get in the european. Public. Supporters on the other hand say that harmonization of regulations will grow the european economy by tens of billions of dollars a year. So i thought it would be sensible to see the document and gene agreed to take me to the reading room for members of the European Parliament its not open to the public in any sort of way. You only get access to the documents if the institution has documents they are gives you permission. Going. So if the United States says were not willing to let you see our documents you dont going to see that. Its taken a massive european wide Grassroots Campaign for a me piece to be allowed to see the text of the t. T. P. Agreement. And even now it was pulling hard to find. Thats thats the number that i was going to blow up there may be no where is that if youre already the living room yeah because what we were told was forcing some things that. You know now ok. I came. Back they only got half instructions its opposite force the 17 ok lets show you that you get to go to the over there was. No its not that one line up at the top and in that case then its you want to. Go. Because the who. Know she says we cant film here just as for the money what is this that if you. Know. He confirms it is there all the huge trade agreement is behind and find a bill unmarked door with a security keypad. Thanks as a minister of finance of greece of one of the Member States who was affected by these negotiations i had to sign a nondisclosure agreement promising that i would not reveal to my constituents to my voters that which i read if i was allowed to have a look at those negotiating documents this is preposterous and this is this is this is a v another moment of the democratic process representatives in a Representative Democracy keeping the de most of the position that they represent in complete darkness about what theyre saying on their behalf. So why all the secrecy we can leaks has exposed the t. T. P. And its siblings the Transpacific Partnership and a similar deal covering services so youre going to wrest control in terms. Idiot for dorian embassy in london he explains why we only know about disagreements from leaks. These big teeth 3 agreements hes a teacher i think and p. P. P. Kept secret because otherwise there were injuries democratic opposition in the population and i wont be possible to negotiate you can come to conclusion that its pretty obvious what do they tell us about the new global order and what their deaths on democracy these are the most significant. Plan to reorder the legal and economic structure of the west and friends. At least since the construction of europe the nature of the agreements is a construction of a new legal and economic block or ultra neoliberal system which will which will cement alter near liberalism within your and a wide range of other countries in treaty form and treaties are very very hard to change because you need agreement of all the countries participating in treated change it so it is that the end of any other political project is only by violating the rule of law by tearing up these treaties that youve agreed to that in fact you can proceed in a different political direction. I dont think this process could be described as colonialism as a new kind in a way of colonialism yes its a new multinational colonialism heinies free. Trade agreements reveal hidden mechanisms to which europe is on the one hand colonized by Multinational Companies and Financial Institutions and on the other hand colonizing itself. However these very same forces are behind a more traditional style of colonization which is not through trade agreements but for bombs and wars. The us british and french air strikes against president at half in libya in 2011 swept away a regime that was controlling migrant fulls from africa into least huge amounts of weapons into an already unstable region. The females suggest the real reasons for francis involvement were less than humanitarian. Gadaffi had accumulated more than 143 tons of gold and was planning to use this to introduce. An african dyna as an alternative currency to the franc in francophone africa so this was a threat to French Colonial worst. Desires within the francophone countries. This reveals precisely how the refugees are linked to europes economic crisis part from being some kind of a Natural Disaster as for or a flood it is europes colonial behavior brought that forces them to make that dangerous journey. And carry a philosopher agnes heller has lived through a lot of european history including losing her father in auschwitz. She says the refugees challenge europes core idea of itself in the 18th century already and of 1st constitution of france to our right to rights became lexx lot of hurt in the constitution the right of man and dog gone and the right of the citizen drug to sit so i am the program yes now does that add in a conflict situation in europe to do other men. And right would the basic goal of blind trust to take order to future yes because they are indeed the men like us they are like us the are we born with reason and conscience and he cut right to liberty and to free him and to all kind of freedoms and to live just like us so we have to lead them in and they are the hand the inventors also the right of citizens in their country and his dear citizens should decide who can and that their territory or not this is the right told us it is at the 1st time in our history short of his started 200 years has learned it occurred that the right of man and the right of his insisted or out of the charter of course you Good Government can persuade a citizen to give priority to human rights a better government like us where is who is the citizen not to. Forget of are 2 of my mates general. So maybe the danger they pose is not that one or even 2000000 people. Or 500000000. But because admitting we should provide for these fellow humans would reveals how europes own citizens have been stripped of their resources and democracy by this financial colonization. And that is a. Look at how the anger and frustration this generates is manifesting itself political on both sides of the spectrum. And search out some hope for europes future. We dont want the states involved because this is a. Movement of people in fact in charge of one here not from the right to do. 2 what went wrong in society that opened up the space for m p immigrant ratio is the European Parliament its not accountable and its impossible for the people to bear that is for link up our people d dont want to take more of that lead on the forefront of strongman our song women who are getting the growth of rejectionism of this world because the model doesnt work europes forbidden colony episode 2 on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the term Mission Information ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique a moment is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a nail fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to in spying. On aljazeera. Hello there some of the very active weather has really cleared away from the Arabian Peninsula and also carrying away from iran you can see that massive cloud of course in that cold as the north the has been plenty of snow and this is people out there enjoying this very funny fine covering of snow now more of that snow will head on sunday towards the kabul as we go through monday the rain will continue his journey east was pushing across into pakistan and eventually into the northwest of india we also want to show pushing into northern sections of iraq but look at this elsewhere it really is a fairly quiet picture still fairly cool weve got these strong winds coming through the gulf but the temperatures beginning to pick up over the next couple of days although the winds will stay strong so 21 the high end party feeding cooler than that as a say with those winds coming from the north and down into southern areas of africa again some active systems here things have certainly quieted down though across into madagascar that is some good news of course have had flooding there recently that all still some fairly widespread scattered thunderstorms and the old one could be heavy but nothing particularly prolonged what we have got is quite a rash of the thunderstorms across most central and eastern areas of south africa that 3 monday chooses generally dry and very warm into cape town 31 degrees celsius under sunny skies. But. Its the journey took. All of our means i mean. I prefer to lie down because then i get the captain to johnson like im going to dress jenny the jungle. Down on to the real i mean really done. Our children go to school and live because of the prank risking you know the democratic republic of congo on aljazeera. When you see big groups of people walking through youre the ruling to challenge to children the low lifes you have to believe in to treat the mission to get him respect. The rule. Libyas Prime Minister is expected in moscow soon his wife a warlord 24 have taught is already there as a ceasefire raises holds for a political settlement to the conflict. Harmfully back to boyer watching aljazeera live from our Global Headquarters in doha also coming up more protests in iran hundreds rally against the government over the downing of a ukrainian airliner. Tens of thousands of people are forced to leave their homes in the philippines as the town volcano spews out

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