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With. Welcome to the program more than 40000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the philippines as an erupting volcano spews ash and lava into the air several new cracks of opened in the ground nearby and Scientists Say a bigger option could be on the way when the top of the ok now is 60 kilometers from the capital manila more than 350 earthquakes have been recorded since sunday indicating magma is rising well scientists are calling for the area to be evacuated and say up to a 1000000 people should leave well government buildings and schools have been closed in several towns and cities including manila because of falling ash hundreds of flights have also been cancelled or delayed bribes sent this report. Well well be able to talk to rob a bit later in the program but in pakistan winter storms have killed at least 39 people. Rescue teams rescue workers are battling harsh conditions weather conditions to reach those trapped in the snow. Right on come on how to joins us now from islamabad we have been problems with some of the pictures that you sent in earlier but lets talk 1st about this avalanche in pakistan administered kashmir thats killed dozens of people what more can you tell us. Where lynndie most of the launchers took place and pakistani administered kashmir near the line of control where most of the population. Live on steep slopes and a fag that so much snow came in such a short duration actually caused a real problem although people tell you that they did not unusual to see this kind of snow but it normally comes in and takes about 4. 00 to 5. 00 days to accumulate this accumulated this kind of snow however within that 24 hour period. The snow came down quite heavy and that caused all the. Notwithstanding the fact that there are very poor infrastructure when it comes to d poor populations most of the how we get it made out of and would not stand a chance against heavy rain or heavy snow. And come on several severe Winter Weather killed over 130 people across just on and afghanistan just talk us through what sort of weather were expecting in the days ahead. Well as far as the weather radar concerned what weve been able to see we dont expect heavy downpour all day maybe a light winter showered in the coming days which may have. Some of the efforts because the biggest problem that happened every day the fact that most of the housing for the poor religion today more. Than order able to stand up to the rain or snow whenever that is said norman or you always have roof days. Or be the biggest casualty doll from died so the government needs to go and sit in trade on how to mitigate the fake. By reinforcing and rebuilding some of those homes great job below standards and poor the rich do its all keep paying. For it to come out of their lives for us in islamabad come out thank you for that. Now sudans government says its put down unarmed revolt by members of i had to standard Intelligence Units who were al re of the terms theyve been offered for their dismissal 2 soldiers were killed on for injured its a 1st major challenge from within the security or ranks for the Transitional Government which to pile an organist even will going to ports from the capital cartoon tuesday in hot it soon started like this members of the operation to units of sudans general Intelligence Services opening fire in the capital theyre rejecting a severance package offer to them after they unit was dissolves month ago and they opted to a tire rather ben joined the military tensions were high as people and remember the sum up close are firing their weapons for what are we waiting for where are the Security Forces to stop this sudans government only months old deployed soldiers to try and contain the situation tanks patrolled the streets wild military choppers flew over ha to tom skies as the main airport was shut down the Operations Unit in the Intelligence Services was dissolved as parts of reforms by that then military council which alstad the countrys president already bashir an april following months of protests protesters had demanded the Intelligence Service has be restructured accusing them of corruption and committing crimes against civilians Big Government describe to you did event at the me to me and called on the members of the unit to lay down their guns its accuse their former leader who resign days after bashir was ousted of being behind the shootings my finest good how we will no longer remain silent what happen today shes behind it this force operates under his command his ordering this force and his commanders a plotting against the country in secret they are trying to incite internal strife there are protests planned in the coming days they want to start problems in the country but gun battles played out in residential neighborhoods with people reporting stray bullets landing in their homes and to billions entered people are on high alert and not only because of the event but because of what they may signify theyre worried that this would set the revolution back and that the military will try to tighten its grip on power to restore security in the capital and elsewhere. Some analysts are blaming the government for the outbreak of violence and if they couldnt. There was a mistake in how the issues were run after the sting of bashir and especially in dealing with a pair ations unit in the Intelligence Services and how they were integrated were no talking about at least 3000 people who are well armed well trained indeed Intelligence Forces and they werent properly released and didnt hand their weapons. Tuesday in how to end it the way it started with the sound of gunshots filling the air the latest bout of violence is a reminder to sudanese that they Transitional Government remains fragile and there are still many Security Issues to be resolved people morgan all just their own how to. What. Is an activist on protest organizer in sudan who joins us via skype from khartoum the Sudan Government now says its put down this revolt by former members of the Intelligence Service how significant was this incident and why do you think it happened. I think its super significant i think this is a turning point a really important turning point in the power structure of sudan whats happening right now like we have different power structures between the government and the army that split into the raptors sponsor wars and the actual army and now they found a common enemy and this finding a common enemy for whatever reason the enemy came out all whats being said the person who gave us the most information was hit so theres this trust step and thats appearing there is that we saw that Prime Minister coming out of the army and being maybe united and them talking as if theyre like cooling the country together so theres this split and change thats happening and it is very significant and i think them finding this common enemy is bringing them closer together and this street that is just really organized this is the most weve ever been organized people what im going to be for and there is like glad that were being set in place so theres this like power structure thats whats happening and i feel like running a common enemy is super significant as we know the Prime Minister and the head of the Sovereign Council of both reassured the sudanese people that life is now back to normal but i mean all the sublists people want to believe that their democracy is not. I mean we heard them say that but we also heard hannity talk about there was a real attack and this was closer to a planned long planned crew and this was up and to take over the country and destroy it so truthfully hannity is closer to the reality that this and you people are listening to not the Prime Minister and the president of the southern consul and that is what we all take and thats what were basing our the nation on what timothy said which was more of this bigger plot to going over power and instability but we actually were treaty was shown and all those that actually need democracy and broadcasters are actually closer and more stable than what we all thought because people were all in one hand all right fighting for our democracy and more than democracy for that. They should 1000000 rule so were all about how can this you know the real cause is just a final thought from you so whats luck to them to happen to these former members of the spy service because clearly many of them are still of a angry about the terms the government offered them. I mean this was an excuse it was an excuse. To have a this attack happened and it was nothing that made it all start at this point there are going to be attacked and they theres already there was a lot of shooting yesterday at night and their Main Building was destroyed so its obviously that theyre going to be theyre going to suffer the consequences of what happened and theyre going to be used as their reason tonight everybody against them so i really think that theyre just going to face justice for real all right thank you very much indeed for talking to aljazeera on just about top story now the devastation from the tal volcano in the philippines rob mcbride joins us on the from the from the tongass thats where the volcano is situated rob so how seriously then are people that taking the threat of a major eruption from the volcano. Well i think a lot of anxious eyes directed to the tale and just what it might do next especially after sundays a massive eruptions it has to be said since d through monday into tuesday the amount of the size of the plumes of gas and steam thats been seeing coming out seem to be reducing but you know weve been talking and visiting the with the still but this is the vulcanologist who work here in the philippines that have a lot of experience with volcanoes and they say yes all right maybe there might be less of these large earthquakes and there might be less visible signs of plumes coming out of the volcano but he indicated that theyre looking at things like the amount of sulfur in the air etc all seem to indicate that they are right to keep this alert level at a low level for this is on a scale of one to 5 so 4 says that there still could be an imminent volcano so there is still concerns thousands of people have left the area they have heeded government warnings they are now in temporary shelters but the government put in place a 14 kilometer radius danger zone telling people within that to leave now thats an awful lot of people a good half 1000000 people there havent been signs that. Things like the thousands of people the government would want to see leaving are actually leaving and so you do get a sense that the government is. Here are now getting tougher to try to get people to leave in fact just in the last hour or so all of the hotel the guest houses around the perimeter around the sure the base lake b has been closed people have been told to leave so thats where were at we are still looking at a smoldering volcano and wondering whats going to happen next rob us so thousands of people on the move then heeding those warnings what are the bokeh knowledge to say about the dangers posed by the particular volcano. It is an interesting volcano in vein vulcanology it is a relatively small volcano but it is one of the most active here in the philippines and indeed in the its up there in the World Rankings and the problem with it is its the proximity to this large lakes the lake itself was formed inside a massive crater of an ancient volcano from prehistory. Much smaller volcano in the middle of that is very much interacting with the water around it as the threat of a tsunami is a big explosion also. When you have larger interacting with water like this the explosions are far more violent you get a far more violent reaction or becomes a far more dynamic thing you get. Dust being sent. Into the atmosphere which then could travel much the distance so were looking at the fact d a benign seeing here at times it is almost picturesque doesnt seem to be that much gas is coming out of a volcano at the moment certainly vulcanologists and people who live alongside this volcano very concerned about 3 what might happen here next to rob mcbride there in baton gusts reporting from that volcano there rob thank you live in how wet its a broad based government aligned with warner and he for have taught us that the russian brokered cease fire is over the u. N. Recognized government of National Accord said it responded to the tanks and artillery fire on monday to g. M. A. And hopped off the candles in moscow to end the 9 month conflict but after left without a deal being agreed Russian Defense Ministry Said half the needed time to discuss the deal with his allies. Breaker aljazeera when we come back u. S. And china are set to the ongoing trade war but there are questions over whats been agreed and whats the result. As well as president revealed his plans to bring the nation together but the opposition has a different idea. Had the fine Clear Conditions across much of sundry up i say clear the has actually been a fair amount of fog really of the last a week or 2 because we got High Pressure in control very light winds and so the ad becomes really pretty stagnant underneath all of that and so much so theyve got this problem in belgrade a very high pollution levels and this really is a say mixed in with the folks so not good after all it will stay that way as you go through wednesday meanwhile out across the northwest we see the next system come through some very heavy amounts of rain wednesday really is the clear out day across much of the u. K. And ireland those showers pushing across into the low countries opt into as a democrat across into scandinavia and then elsewhere to say we have got this low clouds and also a fair amount of fog in the Morning Hours now by thursday theres another system working its way out from the southwest and were going to see some very heavy amounts of rain paul supporter you could pick up about 125 millimeters of rain up into western france areas of the u. K. About 50 millimeters of rain this could certainly some flooding and elsewhere we have still got those Clear Conditions but as a side remember we could see some morning fog now in terms of accumulation of rain we will see plenty of these coastal areas of libya really for the next couple of days some areas could pick up 65 millimeters uncool in benghazi at 15. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really well going to the politics of Climate Change informed opinion the economy i think is actually whats keeping damo trouble float right now critical debate sequel on those do schoolchildren know what the law is on about the stock human is astonishingly patronize their indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here on aljazeera 40000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the philippines as the taal volcano spews into the year but Scientists Say a large eruption could be imminent and want to complete the occupation of the area. Winter storms that killed at least 93 people in pakistan rescue workers are battling harsh conditions to reach those who are stranded avalanches of killed 16 people in pakistan administered kashmir. And sudans government says its an armed revolt by members of a disbanded Intelligence Unit who were angry at the terms theyve been offered on their dismissal 2 soldiers were killed and 4 injured. But the u. S. And china are set to sign a phase one trade deal with aims to boost chinese purchases of American Farm energy and money thought to goods and in return washington will suspend extra planned tariffs on chinese imports but the u. S. Treasury says existing towers will stay in place at least until theres a phase to deal contribute reports from beijing. 2 years chinese exporters have been hoping for a trade deal with the United States this week chinese negotiators are in washington to sign one the socalled phase one deal to spend additional u. S. Targets on nearly 160 1000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods the agreement also seeks to expand u. S. Access to Chinese Markets strengthen intellectual Property Protection and marilee u. S. Trade deficit with china according to washington beijing has promised to almost double u. S. Imports to china over the next 2 years increasing purchases of Agricultural Energy and manufactured goods by 200000000000. 00 the chinese analysts say that figure is unrealistic if china does come into 200000000000. 00 and that means china is making big compromise but it also means that a later stage the enforcement can be a very difficult thing to do. U. S. President dont trump says the agreement includes china buying 40000000000. 00 worth of American Farm goods but the Chinese Government says it wont raise its quotas on grain imports to meet u. S. Demands beijing is reluctant to divert trade from europe and south america and has some remained silent on how far its prepared to commit itself by signing this agreement they jane is treading a fine line between preserving relations with washington and not wanting to appear weak chinas leaders say this is an opportunity to set aside tensions the u. S. But now focused on the slowing economy and toppling obviously and officials here expect all routes and great hopes to last us. A phase 2 deal has been planned but there are other sticking points including beijings plan to dominate global High Tech Industries under its made in china 2025 initiative growing anti China Sentiment ahead of the elections in the u. S. May also influence any upcoming negotiations we also took the toughest ever actually. Eyes are. We just received a breakthrough its just really hard to predict the next move. On but one thing we can be certain is that odd a trade relation will get worse over time since the competition began to contras or will persist. For now many chinese manufacturer is probably feeling relieved over the deal may not be a long Term Solution if it does deliver enough for some optimism. Aljazeera aging. Prominent kumba an opposition politicians due to stand trial on charges of treason himself who was arrested in 2017 is accused of collaborating with the us to overthrow the government of longtime Prime Minister hun sen so he was banned ahead of the 2018 election as it began to win more support the guilty he could face up to 30 years in prison. Term so were going to try. To have been concerns about this case from the very outset that us the e. U. Members of parliament can somehow these days and countries have urged the cambodian government to drop charges against cancer and now there are concerns about whether or not this hearing is going to be transparent the court did not issue a process to media or civil Rights Groups instead it issued passes to embassies and their representatives some of whom then gave these concerts to a couple of reports and now theres no life into the proceedings so members of the public cons of the trial and one cambodian opposition supporter what i angry about that he told aljazeera that it says a lot about this government that it gets to decide who is able to trial and who is a known Amnesty International has accused the cambodian government of weapon i think its permanent Justice System as a way to eliminate its main political rival and Human Rights Watch said will be the victim of a sham trial on bogus charges of treason remember i can focus is being tried in 2024 remarked that he made in 20137 years ago now he is recorded thing at a Public Meeting that he cant buy from us experts on how to win an election that is the basis of Treason Charges against him and civil rights activists are both appointed to how youve been treated the trial there was no presumption of innocence they say. Its taken more than 2 years for the government to bring can go to trial he has been more than again in prison and then he spent more than a good. Under house arrest and even when he was released that was conditions one of which was that hes not allowed to participate in politics now those are the 3 that would have led many to conclude that not only the charges against him have been trumped up but that its going to be a struggle for him to get back hearing now venezuelas president has delivered his annual state of the nation speech to another 12 months of political upheaval and economic crisis a lot of america. Reports in the capital on whether the deep political divisions and. Traditional open ceremonies now still rival of me going. To deliver the annual president s state of the nation address you know but for the 5th year in a row the ceremony didnt take place in the legislature but in the chamber next door the Constitutional Assembly a super body created by model to bypass the until now opposition controlled parliament. We invite European Union the United Nations the African Union and all the organizations of the community of latin american state and all world organizations to come and see how the people of venezuela choose their National Assembly this year 2020 doors are open to International Company most welcome welcome. Outside supporters danced and celebrated but opponents and at least 60 countries accused of rigging the polls including his 2001000 reelection kiln assembly Strong International criticism and economic sanctions he said he was open to providing more guarantees of transparency model is raising the stakes by summoning the mainstream opposition to a socalled dialogue table just days after their leader. Said that negotiations were out of the question because there are no conditions for them and making those conditions even more difficult to swallow mother. Suggesting that even deputies who the opposition considers traitors to their cause sit down at the same table were going to listen but i thought told us opponents we caught elections unless theyre saying even playing that field. A fake election is a placebo its not a real approximation towards an alternative because you could end up validating a dictatorship and it would be very dangerous. And as the political standoff heats up ordinary venezuelans continue struggling just to survive in what was once latin americas most prosperous country you see in you an aljazeera us now Police Officers in croatia being accused of attacking refugees and migrants on the border with bosnia and herzegovina people say theyve been assaulted or robbed by Border Guards and illegally ejected croatia has recently taken on the presidency of the European Union and critics say its trying to show it can protect the borders of the e. U. Lawrence League Reports the bosnia croatia border. But the disused factory they by their time over 2000 of them desperate to get into europe for either asylum or work but how maids is going to have to wait a bit longer before breaking cover again the Croatian Police broke his arm in 3 places a few days ago if you are in the in the daytime you know they dont be too large but if its the night shift they beat you as much as they can and do a lot of people in here to do they will say the same thing yes some of them got beaten some of them not beaten you know it depends on how many times you try to game we call it a game i dont know if you know if you lose it you come back again here strange if you want to get into the European Union from both means crossing the mountains and the game involves dodging the Croatian Police they are now widely accused in a brutal assault routine theft of money and phones occasionally shooting migrants a group of officers raised the stakes recently writing a joint anonymous letter admitting it and claiming they were being told to do it theyre using. Illegal. Ways of communicating like to stop or viber or to private phone says so known of this is. Being. Nothing is controlled and nobody knows what the content of this exchanges were. Then they use civill clothes they use civil cars. Journalists have also accused the creations of attacking them so he got the bosnians to his court as the track the migrants take this is also the external border of the European Union croatia which just became president s of the e. U. Wants to join the Free Movement schenkkan zone that means signing up to fortress europe last year nearly 50000. 00 people left bosnia and entered the European Union here illegally and once the done so croatia was full happiness let them carry on through italy or wherever than here their asylum claims in that sense many people think that croatia is tough guy act towards the refugees and migrants is really a game of its own designs approves of the European Union how good he sees it security. Over the last few days the great in the good from the European Union have been in croatia and the Prime Minister has spends every News Conference stressing how committed his country is to border enforcement he always glosses over questions about Police Brutality from a legal perspective is at the borders is Never Acceptable its acceptable to which it is illegal isnt it illegal yes a nice of course acceptable for a country to protect its borders to monitor and to prevent people from coming in. In accordance with International Standards but it is not acceptable to use violence the apparent tolerance of Police Violence towards Asylum Seekers here is the starkest illustration of how the e. U. Now regards security as the only game in town migration flows are not what they were a few years ago but nor human rights horsley aljazeera on the croatian told. By traffic to check the headlines on aljazeera 40000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the philippines as the town volcano spews ash and lava. Into the air but Scientists Say a large eruption could be imminent and wants a complete evacuation of the area. Is in batangas near the volcano with more details. And hundreds of thousands of people potentially have been told that they really should think about leaving but as we know many of them are staying put but see what happens next at the moment to this volcano remains at a category 4 thats all a scale of 1. 00 to 5. 00 with the possibility of an imminent eruption that the Scientists Say could come in days could come in hours or we could remain at this level for several weeks in pakistan winter storms have killed at least 93 people rescue workers are battling harsh conditions to reach those who are stranded pakistan administered kashmir as one of the worst hit areas in snowfall in avalanches have caused the deaths of 6 to 2 people 39 of also died over the border in afghanistan forecasters suggest the harsh weather will continue. Saddams government says its put down an armed revolt by members of a despondent Intelligence Unit who are angry at the terms theyve been offered on their dismissal 2 soldiers were killed and 4 were injured. In libya they had to brook banks government aligned with the warlord ali for have to have said the russian brokered cease fire is over the un recognized government in tripoli says the fighting has broken out south of the capital on monday government and have to began talks in moscow to end the 9 month conflict the general have to are left without a deal being agreed. Not prominent cambodian opposition politician is standing trial on Treason Charges them so there was arrested in 2017 hes accused of collaborating with the u. S. To overthrow the government of long time ruler one send. And thousands of venezuelans of marched in caracas to show support for president Nicolas Maduro doing his unusual state of the union speech majeure invited the opposition for dialogue as the country continues to grapple with political and Economic Crises he said his proud to his unity and he also urged action on the economy and promised to revive plans for a christian presidency so those were the headlines the news continues on aljazeera of the inside story stage and time to watch it but for. Some rise to some say across asia and the pacific exploding on tome and fascinating stories one on one east on aljazeera. A dire warning about the state of our planet our oceans a hotter than theyve ever been and that spells trouble for us old with more floods droughts and fears of storms as well as a greater loss of marine life the alarm bells are ringing while the biggest polluters listening this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. That were becoming quite used to getting bad news on Climate Change the latest warning oceans a warming that will bring fast sea temperatures last year with the highest

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