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Power. Coronavirus the precautions are being stepped up as new cases of confirmed around the world china is reporting a shop full in the number of new infections but doctors say its too early to draw any conclusions in iran a 5th death from corona virus was reported on saturday with 28 infections some border crossings with iraq have been closed to travelers from iran have been reported in canada lebanon and the us a 2nd virus death has been confirmed in northern italy 30 cases have been reported in the long body region where at least 10 towns are on lockdown and concern is growing in south korea coronavirus cases there more than doubled overnight to 430 a south korean government is urgently sending medical support to the south where many of those infected can be traced back to a Church Service or mcbride reports from google which has been declared a special care zone. The streets of daegu are eerily quiet fear of the disease means most people here are heeding warnings not to venture out those who do are careful about where they go and whom they meet. All more must as long as were a mask and wash our hands properly we can get through this i think i hate wearing a mask but now i have to wear it all the time its hard to go out and i avoid cafes business in this normally bustling city of 2 and a half 1000000 has been brought to a virtual standstill on the road to let us hope tonight i open my shop today just in case there might be some customers but theres been none so ill soon close up and go home nearly half of the infections are linked to a church in this building which is locked up and deserted Church Members have been told to quarantine themselves while medical teams are quickly testing them for the corona virus in daegu in the neighboring county of chung though more Testing Centers have been set up and hospital wards designated to treat the flurry of new cases who counted you know you and im wondering im worried its like the whole city is in lockdown and people are afraid of coming here a large number of the new cases have been at a hospital in chango that could be linked to the outbreak here in daegu the infection has spread rapidly among patients and staff prompting the authorities to lock it down. The government says the situation is still manageable and that while new cases are being detected across south korea they seem to be people with links to this part of the country rather than from new clusters and. Further investigation is needed and many of the cases confirmed today are links back to the clusters a hopeful sign for south korea as it races to contain the spread but not much comfort for the people in daegu wondering how bad this outbreak will get rob mcbride al jazeera they grew south korea. As a biogas live from tehran on the corona Virus Outbreak there are said so 5 deaths now reported in iran how prepared is the country to deal with this outbreak. Well the government has been announcing some measures to deal with this fire as now we know that all cultural events concerts including Film Screenings have been canceled from tomorrow in the cities of iraq the schools are closed for a week the religious schools in calm where the Health Ministry thinks that this virus started from again closed tomorrow now on state t. V. They have been showing videos on how to wear the face masks properly and how people can wash their hands properly but they are 28 cases 10 new cases 8 in the city of 2 here in the iran and we have had 5 deaths now iraq has also suspended flights between the 2 countries iran has closed its land borders between the 2 countries and thats only been only open for a week after they have been closed for 4 months because of the insecurity in the protests that were taking pace in iraq iran doesnt think it was safe for their programs to travel but now again those borders are closed we know that according to suspended flights between the 2 countries now there is concern out on the streets of that ron we saw people Wearing Masks resort people question the governments account and also asking how many people actually affected they dont really trust the government and partly due to when that ukrainian airliner was shut down the government spent 3 days deny again people are suspicious but yes the schools are closed the cemeteries are closed concerts Film Screenings everything has been closed now to stop large numbers of people congregating but a doctor from the Health Ministry did come out and say that they believe the virus originated from the city of qom and she speculated that it could have been from a chinese worker. Chinese workers that work in that city but we are expecting more announcement from the government and the ministries and how they will be dealing with this outbreak i said baghdad live for us from tehran thank you. The World Health Organization has warned the African Health systems would be ill equipped to deal with a potential our break Health Ministers have met in ethiopia to discuss developments with partners support we have gone from having only 2 countries with Laboratory Testing for covert 19 a few weeks ago to now 26 countries that have been confirmed in the afro region that have the capacities to test for this and we were building on an already established Influenza Laboratory network we anticipating that by the end of february or for the 7 Member States of the afro region will have this capacity south sudans president salva care has formed a new Coalition Government with opposition leader. Whos been sworn in as Vice President the former rivals will lead the government in an attempt to end years of conflicts just killed about 400000 people are expected to guide the country to elections within the next 3 years have been more than has more from geneva. Lets remember 1st of all that this Transitional Government has been sworn in just under an hour ago has been formed after 9 months of delay so people are looking up to this government to see what kind of change they can bring and weve seen this the newly sworn in vice for Vice President opposition the direct machar and the countrys president salva kiir holding several meetings over the past 2 days both saying clearly that there are still a lot of outstanding issues the most prominent being the issues of security arrangements but they said that after the swearing in and after the formation of the Transitional Government and appointment of cabinet ministers and they will tackle those issues so people on the street and countrywide are looking to this government to solve the issue of the economy how could i was facing high inflation as a result of the years of conflict in the country theres also the issue of the humanitarian crisis more than half of the country so really in population are in need of food aid to survive so these are the things or rather the challenges that this Transitional Government will have to tackle in the coming 3 years before they go on to elections the number one guarantee has to be basically the goodwill of the suicides but if youre looking at what kind of pressure this Transitional Government has just been for and will have to be spending to make sure that they implement the deal that has been coming to 18 then we can look at what happened over the past 2 weeks that led to this government being formed on the 22nd of february which was the final deadline that was passed by the working parties youve seen the u. S. Imposing sanctions weve seen the e. U. Imposing sanctions law so harsh words and language coming from regional and International Partners saying that if no Transitional Government is formed if the peace is not abided by if the details of the agreement that has been signed is not implemented then there will be no support for this government so most of the pressure that will force the were inside which are now effectively partners in government to implement the deal comes from what has happened over the past few weeks and there are concerns that if any part of the deal is not. Time were there any kind of delays basically. Part of the agreement. Basically implement more sanctions and that is something none of the. Opposition by i want to see happening in the coming years. Victims of recent attacks by an armed group in the eastern democratic republic of congo told al jazeera their assailants disguise themselves in military uniform and kill indiscriminately in a 1000 people have been killed since october catherine reports the 8 month old weve been there has been in this hospital in beni since december her mother was killed while running away from armed men with a baby on her back with you know was shot in the leg. Our grandmother says 7 relatives who he didnt have house were killed on the same day. They were wearing military uniform and boots some were speaking in ugandan dialect they were carrying guns and machetes. Come by these attackers shot him in the head doctors removed the bullet and one of his eyes this. Is a victim of the latest rebel attack at least 13 people were killed in his village this week he was brought to the hospital with deep machete cats on his head and neck. This is his village of how a day after the hour bush. Was still traumatized to talk to us so his friend. Who was working for. The top young men to carry what. Village on the hooch in the forests. And started hacking them with machetes pretended he was dead. There were. Dozens of people are recovering from serious injuries nearly everyone we talked to blame the Democratic Forces armed groups or. A. D. F. We just formed in western uganda in the 1990 s. To fight for the creation of an Islamic State its rebellion was crushed by ugandan Government Forces the fighters had crossed the border into neighboring democratic republic of congo where they remained for nearly 20 yes you have some recruits that come from other countries without mentioning which countries there are these Recruitment Network that bring them we are trying to work with different groups Different Countries different capitals to stop such recruitment but also you have to remember that not only they have these recruits coming from outside they do great deal of kidnapping. The Congolese Army is conducting an offensive against the a. D. F. Using 22000 soldiers but the group is still able to launch attacks and kill people in their homes nearly a 1000 civilians have died since the operation began in october many including those from this village that has been attacked multiple times have fled from their homes this is a highway a trading sent up of one of the busiest just a few months ago government that have now been deployed here and many people are still afraid to come back. Back at the hospital in beni doctors tell us those recovering are lucky to be alive many others brought in with Bullet Wounds and machete cats did not make it catherine saw jazeera many of the democratic republic of congo. Still ahead on aljazeera how democratic president ial contenders are trying to appeal to minority voters in nevada the 1st racially contest. Hello theres more snow to come for japan western slopes of honshu in the lower ground further north and this this system bringing it but despite the fact is bringing snow is coming from the environment is nothing like as cold as it should be harbin should be about minus 6 to minus 10 beijing prussic so in fact she virtual wall of china the Korean Peninsula and japan are warm they should be by about a months so a spring is going to count early knows more rain gathering this is monday coming out of Central China running up towards the northeast hong kongs 22. 00 is in the fine sunshine again you should be better 18 this time the the still plenty of showers right indonesia the rainy season continues been some big damp was reason these she may know in java but they look so next day or so they wont be as big as they were this is catching borneo and sort of way see a profound often sudden tug as well the breeze continues in same direction that means that the east and faces of the high ground in the philippines will also be covered fairly frequently as well fans to really and were seeing more in the way feel a few showers up in what is still fairly static in northern india maybe the northeast too and i see it was on the storms continue but air quality in new delhi is still not very good. Cal grounds of tell gun. Defenses against the winds have been on Different International marketplace. And political activist on a mission to establish a cooperative to make and sell chocolate on their own in times. Even a power plant a taste of independents on aljazeera. The in. The. Who. Youre watching on to sarah her binder of our top stories are the number of coronavirus cases in south korea has more than doubled taking its nationwide total to 433. 00 the government is restricting movement to big cities like seoul and i. Quote Health Organization says its concerned about a surge in corona virus cases with no clear link to china iran has reported another death bringing its total to 5. And a 2nd person in northern italy has died after catching coronavirus doctors there are struggling to contain the spread catherine stansell has more the liberty region of northern italy is in lockdown as more cases of the covert 19 coronavirus are confirmed could join you is effectively a ghost town after at least 3 people there tested positive for the virus the sudden spread has led local authorities to take swift action urging businesses schools and churches in several towns to close their doors. Several train stations are closed and tens of thousands of italians have been told to stay home as a precaution. There is a high level of panic now wearing a mask is the right thing to do but i think there is too much paranoia plays now in the 3 things going too far. That on a woman that there is a lot of panic the situation worries us all we can do is wait and see what happens doctors suspect a hospital near cafe have helped spread the virus and theyre trying to limit the outbreak. We are working to identify the people who came into direct contact with those who are confirmed to have the virus these tests weve done so far appear to show 3 more cases of the coronavirus the krona virus has spread to 8 countries in europe including germany france and the u. K. Catherine stansell. Falls and talk us president ial election have just closed president to 4 in a single day is expected to win a 4th term extending his 15 year rule and his familys dineh stick control the opposition hasnt been able to form a united front the president succeeded his late father who led togo for 38 years after seizing power in a coup well that it just is live for us in the capital loma. I believe polls are closing or have close whats the turnout thing like. Well basically Election Officials are saying that they impressed with the turnout so far however the figures calling stations have visited this morning. There are a lot of people who are staying home told aljazeera that theyre not. Our apologies there we had some technical issues that was a bit interests and love my with the latest on the togo president ial election we will speak to him a little later in the news hour if we can or next hour foud spain day one of a weeklong reduction of violence between the Afghan Taliban and the u. S. With a 1000 afghans dying every month the polls off as a glimmer of hope but john hendren a force from washington d. C. There are questions about whether it will hold. In kabul where bullets bombs and sirens often punctuate the soundtrack of daily life there is now an unaccustomed silence at midnight on saturday the taliban the United States in the Afghan Government of on shroff ghani begin a pause in hostilities if it lasts 7 days the parties plan to sign a peace deal in doha on february 29th that aims to end americas longest war we have to give peace a chance that the the best if not only way forward in afghanistan is through a political agreement and that means taking some risks that means enabling our diplomats its not a ceasefire its a test of trust you know who i am that you would be for security and Defense Forces would remain in a defensive position during the week of reduction of violence is Us Afghan Forces will continue operations against isis when alqaeda which are not part of the agreement none of the parties involved in the talks has publicly defined what constitutes a violation in the pause in hostilities is it one attack or is it 10 so its possible that if anything happens each side has an opportunity to call it off. I think that they the taliban leadership is genuinely committed to implementing this truce they very careful not to call it of course of the cease fire which is probably a good idea out there except that song by the us will happen even eventual cease fire holds that would open the door to 3000000 afghan refugees in pakistan to return to their homeland but some refugees ask to where the if we leave here we have no way to go back to i was born here about 32 years ago if we go where will we live we have nowhere to go if a Peace Agreement follows with the taliban still refusing to recognize the Afghan Government many in the us doha and afghanistan are asking what next john hendren aljazeera washington if i am dusty is a political analyst and he joins us now live from kabul thank you thomas to dusty do you think this reduction in violence will work and bring about those end goals a peace deal a Peace Agreement. Oh and there is no doubt that we have to give chance for peace people of afghanistan are looking for peace for a long time but of course peace will not come in overnight and there is time needed for that big machines all due stupid but as far as the. Reduction of violence is concerned there is a lot of sick uncertainties you know who knows how many incident happened yesterday. To be able to compare it with to be in to then to gauge if if if the violence of be reduced or not we have a proves that at least in 7 or 8 provinces there were clashes between. Taliban at the one run time attacks on the civilian target as well as many through time it is. If this goes this way if the promise is that all of them are make you is not fulfilled by the end in. It make peace a deal in danger lets just assume that a taliban u. S. Peace agreement is signed and then moves on to direct talks with the Afghan Government explain to our viewers what the challenges are with that. Oh dear a lot of challenges 1st off are less not clear when taliban will come around the table to negotiate peace with the Afghan Government do the negotiating 1000 Afghan Government are they are asking previously that Afghan Government could be part of the delegation which which go in talk peace with olive oil this is another uncertainty and then inside internally there is no consensus between elites politicians enough on the sun we know the election is all tough election you can turn on that on those results and then defend the announcement coming from different. Parties different size that do want to negotiate with taiwan but the dont want to negotiate to run the negotiation under the umbrella of the of the current government in leading by prisms i mean because they do not recognise president s i mean as president so there are a lot of challenges the taliban now holds more territory than it did when the americans and afghanistan 18 years ago has america achieved its objective still think it was this a figure. Not does not look taller one have more controlling multi then 2 toes and while the numbers are given by decided that the situations from inside afghanistan are on sun those numbers are are not what they did well of course taliban are control in some parts some some districts in some of the. Provinces but that doesnt mean that. It says that they are controlling 50 percent. Or even more than that thats not true but being in such a position why. Here this side is fragmented or not ive read are not in the same piece to go in negotiate with tawanda that will give a better position for all of one when youre coming around the table really good to get your analysis thanks for that thats fucking dusty there a political analyst live from kabul. Doctors in syrias in the province keep the location of their hospital secret fearing brain may be targeted next 70 hospitals have closed because of bombing by the governments air force a few field hospitals are still operating despite shortages of staff and supplies. Reports from goes on turkeys border with syria. And i have both worked in hospitals that were bombed rebel held areas their paths converged here at an underground clinic they want kept secret the u. N. Accuses syrian Government Forces and their russian allies of deliberately targeting medical facilities. Where we are constantly bombarded by Government Troops we work nonstop we have decided to operate with a minimum style just in case the hospital is bombarded if the situation doesnt improve in coming days and. When the syrian army stepped up its offensive in it dr his family to turkey and says he wont give up on his patients the very few field hospitals still operating in rural lip are desperately short of medical equipment and i mean we have volunteers here and we will continue offering assistance but weve decided to keep only basic equipment you never know when we may have to pack up and leave doctor and his family recently moved to it live city from the town. In italy province the family home there was destroyed in an airstrike a few months ago the family was pulled from the rubble. I have 5 children i have to say i thought about sending them to a safer location but im very attached to them we will continue moving from one place to another hoping for the better pull the time being doctors nurses and paramedics will continue their work of the last 9 years of the war treating the wounded and helping the traumatized doctors in worry they may not be able to cope with the growing number of patients when medical facilities are bombed theyre also frustrated described as the international communitys betrayal in the face of the worst humanitarian crisis since the start of the conflict in syria and to 1011 has to be. Delivered as a on Turkish Border with syria. The race for the democratic president ial nomination has shifted to nevada caucuses will be held in the state in the coming hours its the 1st racially diverse and urbanized region to take us rob reynolds reports from las vegas. Students at Eldorado High School in East Las Vegas are getting a lesson in political power in my knee so ill Community Organizer jasmine via gomez asks the Diverse Group of teenagers to stand if you are 0 one mean can you please said that on every you i after going to american down every you are latino can you please sit down at the end theres only one boy left standing yeah let us see the by the it gomez reminds them of the long struggle by women and people of color to win the right to vote so many people were not eligible to participate in our boarding process that its an apt lesson in nevada the most diverse of the early voting states its demographic makeup now foretells what the u. S. Will look like in the future if you project forward and you look at the share of africanamerican latino Asian Pacific islanders and you project out to you know mid 21st century the profile actually matches very closely tens of thousands of nevada residents have already cast ballots in early voting to get out in vote get out no matter how long the wait the lines are just do it im here just to vote the trauma caused this diverse electorate is the key to victory in the caucuses all of the Democratic Candidates are working hard to harvest votes from the vet as Diverse Communities some are doing better than others. Pete booted judge and amy close which are have so far attracted little interest among voters of color elizabeth. Warren is done somewhat Better Future president now states of america by the large Asian American voting bloc with a Campaign Event in las vegass chinatown we choose compassion over cruelty Bernie Sanders has made major inroads among latinos helped by a small army of enthusiastic volunteer. Sanders is leading in the polls my prediction is like quivers doing a better job on making sure that they latinos are engaged thats whats going to win their vote back at the eldorado high students are handing in completed Voter Registration forms an act of civil and gauge meant and perhaps a commitment that may last a lifetime robert oulds aljazeera las vegas. This is answers there and these are the top stories the number of coronavirus cases in south korea has more than doubled taking its nationwide total to 433. 00 the government is restricting movement in big cities like seoul and they. Well to Health Organization is concerned about a surge in corona virus cases with no clear link to china iran has reported another death bringing its total to 5 and a 2nd person has died and from the infection there are now 30 confirmed cases there 10 towns have been locked down and thousands have been asked to stay home although the total number of cases outside of China Remains relatively small we are concerned about the number of cases we know community did you know that you could link so i just travel history to jail or. We are really concerned about the increasing cases in the Islamic Republic of iran were going to know. For business in just a biased 2 days south sudans president salva care has formed a new Coalition Government with opposition they dont. Hes been sworn in as Vice President the former rivals will lead the government in an attempt to end years of conflicts which is killed around 400000. 00 people are expected to guide the country to elections within the next 3 years. Alls and togos president ial election have just closed president 4 in a single day is expected to win a 4th term extending his 15 year rule and his familys domestic control the opposition has not been able to form a united front the president succeeded his late father who led togo for 38 he is a seasoned power and a coons. The chief executive of punch line ryanair is facing criticism for suggesting muslim men should be singled out for extra scrutiny at airports Michael Oleary told the Times Newspaper bombers will quote generally be males of a muslim persuasion he also said families with Young Children should not have to go through extra checks because theres 0 chance of them being terrorists Muslim Council of britain called the comments racist and discriminatory those are the headlines stay with us here on aljazeera people and power is coming up next. Africa is rich with Natural Resources yet all too often the benefits of that abundance end up with International Finance the consequence of a postcolonial globalized economy in which the rich get richer and the poorest to captain property get some africans have long pushed back determined to find holes in the scraps the developed world leaves on the table says ghosts one such struggle and now comes covered in chocolate

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