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A skier with the sport so with 145. 00 days until take your host the olympics the japanese kept talking about scale down marathon with just 200. 00 runners in an effort to halt the spread of coronavirus. Welcome to the news greece is stepping up security at its border with turkey where thousands of refugees and migrants are continuing to gather local media is reporting that 10000 people have been prevented from entering over the past 24 hours now the surge in numbers follows turkeys decision to open its borders to europe Greek Police Say more than 500 refugees and migrants also arrived on the greek islands closest to turkey on sunday most of them landing on less boss or we have correspondents across those developments saying both greece and. Turkey in a few moments well hear from John Psaropoulos whos on lens possible 1st and speak to National Attention again then whos in on turkeys side of the border with greece i mean obviously a fast moving story in terms of the way that these migrants are moving natasha but what are you seeing and hearing from them. Migrants are on the move but were seeing and intermittent trickle thats how i would describe it were certainly not seeing thousands of people if you look behind me theres a road and that will lead to the checkpoint with turkey and greece weve seen groups of people maybe in id say 10121012 proceeding since we arrived several hours ago but not hundreds of people and certainly not thousands of people arriving the Turkish Interior Ministry is saying that more than 76000 people have left turkey via the northwest border with greece and ball garia since it opted to open its borders on friday the people were speaking to say theyre not convinced of those numbers simply because its been quite difficult for them to proceed any further then beyond the Turkish Border of course there are various entry points the checkpoint is a bit difficult for certain but there are entry points smugglers are involved and people are paying weve heard reports of up to thousands of dollars for them to be taken various routes that include land the river and the a. G. C. Some people have also been here for a couple of days now i spoke to an afghan man who spent the night in the woods freezing with no food he says he arrived here on saturday hoping that he would be able to cross the border instead he faced a tear gas he complained that there were no International Organization organizations to assist there are teams of humanitarian workers here on the ground now distributing food but its unclear what happens next because certainly at this checkpoint on the road behind me there doesnt appear to be any movement with the Greek Police Saying that it has thwarted the attempts of thousands of people trying to Cross Natasha youve been there for a few days now and obviously its still a middle of winter to europe and conditions that as youve just touched on cannot be any easier for young and old i mean what sort of condition have you seen people lay in you also just mentioned one of the gunmen but there are young people that you wont let. When we arrived this morning i have to say the scene for me was pretty heartbreaking i saw children a raft in blankets and crying those who are old enough to walk i describe it as kind of sleepwalking its what children do when theyre exhausted lots of families and children and yes imagine being stuck out in the elements overnight the International Organization for migration says that was the situation for more than 13000. 00 people bear in mind that here in a dern day the temperature dropped below freezing so again youre dealing with a very difficult situation and that is why were starting to see that picture shift a little bit ive spoken to a few people who are now turning back i spoke to a nigerian man who is quite angry he says turkey is using us we just want to improve our lives im unable to go any further so im going back to istanbul there are taxis here that are ferrying people to a bus stop so that they can head back to istanbul we also saw people negotiating individually with taxi drivers to take them directly back to the city will continue to monitor the situation with you the only turkey growing sport in the chester thank you lets cross over now to Jonesboro Police who joins me from the greek island of less balls and of course slowly by guns have been arriving that over the past 48 hours john what are you seeing and hearing certainly from where you are. Well we do have a rivals today that are above the ordinary for the 1st time 72 hours since the turkish president made his threat to open the floodgates to europe one of those arrivals is here behind me theres a rubber dinghy thats now been parked in the shallows here you may be able to see it 74 people arrived on this boat mostly afghans some of them have already been taken away to be recorded and identified. These 7 arrivals in the a. G. And so forth 5 of them here on this island of lesbos amount to about 360 people at 1st count theres a coast guard figures in there rough still and more boats possibly expected today but it isnt the deluge that was threatened and that is feared however these are still significant numbers of people they add to the already 22000. 00 strong backlog of asylum applications that have to be processed here on lesbos and we spent the last 24 hours looking at the practical problems and the humanitarian problems of that backlog here. A single boat load of refugees is escorted to the shores of less force high winds have likely prevented many others from crossing but they are forecast to die down and more boats are expected to come all who arrive and up here in moria camp there are 22000 people here 7 times what it was built for and many have to find space among the olive groves most are from afghanistan theyve escaped war and death but many say they havent found life here there are no formal schools so 14 year old for operates his family stand selling fruit and vegetables is morea good not good. Red. Home maybe a small maybe that people here have little to do but wait for their asylum applications to be decided upon and their wait has just become much longer a new asylum law took effect at the beginning of the year that fast tracks new applications so the trajectory applicants can be sent back to turkey as quickly as they arrive but that discriminates against people like these who arrived as a family 5 months ago we had in 2 years the smart. 26 to me and they did it but they dont take it to you they see you only take in tales from the people. And you have until 10 months in exile turkey agreed to take back your attorneys in a 2016 statement signed with the European Union and the greek government says it plans to return at least 10000 people this year but whether turkey will all of that agreement in the current Political Climate is an open question so the greek governments entire refugee strategy now hangs in the balance many local people say they have little faith in this new policy for you. Owns one of the olive groves next to moria. Year ago the refugees were chopping limbs of trees to cook with but we can still harvest a few olives this year was a bumper crop but we couldnt pick a single olive my land was burned twice then they pitched a few tens onto the burned patch and soon after the land just filled up with tents. The government is using lesbos as a holding area but many greeks fear that if turkish president had a chapter you threaten flood of refugees becomes a reality the European Union could try and use their country as a buffer zone for the rest of the continent. Now we have spoken with many of the people who arrived both here and at a separate arrival near the airport about an hour and a half south of here near the town of mytilene e. And its clear from our interviews with these people that these arrivals are the result of the turkish government trying to push them further west some of these people have paid money days or weeks ago to come here but 2 people that i spoke to at least said they werent asked for any money they were simply told to get in the boat and go its fine one man from sierra leone said he was walking along the beach he saw a boat load of people being prepared and he just joined in and another man from congo told me he was in church this morning with his wife and a turkish smuggler came into the church and said would you like to go theres a boat leaving very shortly he asked how much money the turkish mugler said nothing just go so indications clearly that the smugglers are being coopted. In a public effort to put pressure on europe to weaponize if you like these refugees but its questionable whats in it for the smugglers because they are a private sector interest so its not clear where the money is coming from also it isnt clear exactly how the greek authorities are preventing entries that see that theres a statement made by the migration minister this morning on Greek Television part from the 10000 entries attempted entries prevented at the land border he said there were also naval crossings that were prevented by the heloc coast guard and navy it is very difficult to prevent a boat crossing so there is an open question there also what the tactics are being used at sea or the moment because we will continue to monitor events with you john on the island of lesbos thanks very much. Lets move to our other top story and that is deal that was signed between the u. S. And the Afghan Taliban may have already hit a major stumbling block afghanistans president assured garney says the government did not commit to releasing 5000 taliban prisoners and it cannot be a precondition for talks with the group a prisoner swap was part of the accord signed in qatar here on saturday the agreement is meant to pave the way for the withdrawal of all american and nato troops from afghanistan and a long lasting peace though there are estimated to be 10000. 00 taliban prisoners being held in afghanistan the group says some of them arent actually combatants at all what are the media is our correspondent for us in kabul and joins us now i mean the incas hardly dried on the agreement. Harder and the spanner really has been thrown into the works by the afghan president. Yes absolutely a complete turnaround also from what he said yesterday during the joint declaration when he was standing flanked by the u. S. Defense secretary mark esper and the nato secretary general where he was basically saying that this was a good day for afghanistan and then this morning another press conference in which i was 7 and he says well hold on we did not sign that deal we did not commit to release any prisoner and that should not be a precondition for anything basically talking about the interim afghan negotiations that should start on march 10th could be delayed simply because of what we heard this morning about the president making the clear that this has nothing to do with him and certainly he would not going to be pressured in doing that now joining me is there would sultanzoy is a former president ial candidate among others that would thank you very much for joining me now what do you how can you read what do do the collaborations of the president are 71 days saying this is a good day for afghanistan the other day saying well we have nothing to do with this deal and we will be pressured well actually when you talk about 5000 prisoners it is not a turn key thing to release them in. These are Different Cases these are all people who have to go through a certain just lead of legal. Other processes the laws of the country the regions office our system the terms a system they all have to be involved in this and also afterwards even after their release theres a process because the accountability of the aftermath of the release is also something that needs to be discussed so its a long process in. Washington may be very eager to fulfill a certain type of timetable the afghan timetable. Here in kabul and washingtons timetable may not match but the actual thing is that it should be a realistic expectation that we should learn to live with that i guess the question is also why did the president say that she day and we weve known that detail its one of the leaks that came out to the media a few weeks ago do this prisoner swap so why today the day after yesterday was of course yesterday everybody was talking about the principle of the agreement in principle every everything is agreed to but when you come to the practice of the process the process is not as. I wish it was saw so summarized as the agreement itself the process is as the name implies its a process and it takes time and therefore as the president was reflecting that the expectation should be where it should be because the in trafton talks if they begin begin based on these conditions and these things will take longer and the as i said earlier the expectation and the timetable of washington in kabul or not. At this in this thing well and also before that could actually happen day is the issue of the integration of ash ever need that was supposed to be last week after pressure from the u. S. It was postponed to march 9th but still that nothing is really set in stone here in kabul u. S. Envoy. Is supposed to arrive in the coming hours or in the coming days he did say that his priority was to put together at the legation to go to does intra afghan talk and to make sure that the process. Of the prisoner swap is respected those are good to be very difficult tasks for. Many say that maybe this is the more difficult part is yet to start indeed Hoda Abdelhamid our correspondent karl thank you. Well plenty more ahead here on the aljazeera news hour including its back to the polls again for voters in israel as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries for a 3rd time to form a majority government and the race for the wall the bald spot in tennis is only between a winning pair of players are coming up with joe in schools. Now the u. S. Has tightened travel restrictions for countries most affected by coronavirus after recording its 1st death from the infection President Donald Trump called for calm after confirming a man died in Washington State the u. S. Is banning all travel to iran and blocking entry to any foreign citizens who visited iran in the past 2 weeks is also issued do not travel warnings to parts of italy and south korea trump is considering closing the border with mexico despite the southern neighbor having only 4 confirmed cases additional cases in the United States are likely but healthy individuals should be able to fully recover. And we think there will be statement that we can make with great surety that weve gotten from e. U. With this problem they should be able to recover should they contract a virus so Healthy People if youre healthy. You will probably. Go through a process and youll be fine. And jordan reports the 1st death in the u. S. Raises questions about how coronavirus is being transmitted. We dont know how this person was infected but Washington State officials did say that the man who was in his fiftys did have preexisting Health Conditions and Infectious Disease experts say those are the people who are most at risk of contracting the virus and having an adverse effect from it from becoming very very sick or possibly dying from coronavirus for everyone else people who are generally considered healthy they might develop worst a bad cold or a moderate cold but their immune systems are supposedly Strong Enough to withstand the virus now we dont know anything more about where this man had been before he was exposed to the virus and that is something which Infectious Disease experts are now trying to determine theyre particularly concerned because there have been at least 3 or 4 counties its now on the u. S. West coast where there wasnt any prior travel to a country where the disease has infected hundreds of people notably china or south korea or italy those are the 3 countries that have the largest numbers of cases right now. And elderly man the 1st australian to die of coronavirus of the he got sick on the diamond princess cruise ship the 78 year old evacuated from the ship to a hospital in perth where he died the mans wife is also being treated for the virus one of 25 people in quarantine and a 35 year old man has died from the virus in thailand the man was already in hospital after being admitted with dengue fever in late january time Health Authorities are looking into the case of to be initially tested negative for the virus the global death toll now stands at almost 3000. 00. The u. S. Though joe biden has won the South Carolina democratic primaries securing almost half of the votes with Bernie Sanders coming in a distant 2nd with about 20 percent by this victory bank of him the momentum he needs going into super tuesday when people in 14 states head to the polls and the teleports. He spent weeks fighting to keep his Campaign Alive but on saturday former Vice President joe biden was back in the race a few months ago victory in South Carolina was a foregone conclusion but both Bernie Sanders and Billionaire Tom Steyer made inroads that threaten bidens bid for the democratic ticket now though joe bidens campaign is alive and kicking thank you thank you thank you South Carolina. Was our thanks to all of your heart of the democratic primary we just won and we won big because it was bidens victory ends Bernie Sanders winning streak after he emerged as the front runner in the 1st 3 contests the senator from vermont finished 2nd and hes now looking to super tuesday when 14 states in American Samoa hold their primaries theyll account for a 3rd of the delegates a potentially Game Changing day in u. S. Politics tonight we did not win in South Carolina. It will not be the only defeat there are a lot of states in this country nobody wins them all joe biden downplayed his early losses instead focusing on more diverse state his campaign received a crucial endorsement when congressman James Clyburn the most powerful democratic politician in South Carolina endorsed him just 3 days before the vote that seal of approval may have pushed undecided africanamerican voters a crucial voting bloc here to back biden lets get back to our. All right right here people we cant believe again one of the time this problem were proud of this president so get our take back our country this is the United States of america theres nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together Elizabeth Warren and pete but a judge trial the park with disappointing results joe bidens referred to South Carolina and its Large Population of black democratic voters as his fire wall and its held steadfast for a campaign now renewed to say this was a. Understatement. States in the democratic primaries is giving the former Vice President the kind of legitimacy and. Now they may have found it. Columbia South Carolina. Obamas win in South Carolina was in last part due to his support amongst black voters the role of americas Jewish Community now take center stage at a major conference in washington d. C. Its an event where many high profile politicians assault support but senator Bernie Sanders who is jewish and self says he wont attend and explains. Every year the American Israel Public Affairs committee for a pack a huge conference in the Nations Capital almost 20000. 00 people in an audience highly polished production on stage the focus always the speakers many of whom are washingtons most powerful politicians are in both democratic and republican trouble they show up and it shows a pac is a Political Force and there will be powerful democrats there with one notable exception i am very proud to be jewish and look forward to being the 1st jewish president there was democratic president ial front runner senator Bernie Sanders is not only refusing to go hes slamming the. Organization on twitter writing i remain concerned about the platform apac provides for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic palestinian rights apec responded tweeting back in part that it was quote in a raid just comment about what they labeled a mainstream bipartisan event but American University professor guise of believe support for israel in the us is becoming a partisan issue and its on yahoo has a big role to play here because he in 2012 invited mitt romney during the president ial election to israel and hosted him as a way to endorse him over obama a few years later in 2015 in march that comes here and delivers that speech to a joint session of congress in which he tried to. Scuttle the Iran Nuclear Deal which was the president s signature Foreign Policy achievement and to some it seems even more so now given the close ties between the current republican President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The divide was on full display with this Television Ad bernies a great guy but he just cant run by a group of prominent democratic supporters of israel openly campaigning against sanders who could become the 1st jewish nominee for a major party the at stuff when he became the front runner and its who he appeals to the could be the greatest concern over the long term hes garner in the most support among young people who are well aware of this issue and his concerns although needing epstein editor in chief of moment magazine a publication focused on American Jews says that fear of turning young people could be overblown i see a lot of young people are very interested in war and then dont forget there are a lot of conservative young people and i see a lot of people talking about young people talking about. I see them talking about bloomberg most analysts say over the long term if apec is going to keep. The kind of influence it needs to have bipartisan support trying to strike a balance this year with elections looming in both countries will be more of a challenge than ever before paddy calling aljazeera washington. Now the promise of swift anticorruption measures has helped push slovakias center right opposition to victory in parliamentary elections the ordinary people Group Security around a quarter of the votes enough to beat the Ruling Center left party which is controlled vacuum politics for more than a decade the murder of a journalist who was looking into widespread corruption dominated much of the discussion leading up to the election. Well its time for the weather has rob been more Stormy Weather in europe rob is still jorge yes youre quite right and at the center of jorge is in the same place just about over scotland but the energy has been dispersed over a good part of the old man increasingly Central Europe so thats how the system looks the most multiple centers of low pressure the holes in the atmosphere and then the frontal system which changes the air and carries the rain in the snow with it has expanded further but here is the u. K. And 1st of all there was hit by it and the winds were quite strong gusts of 100120 Kilometers Per Hour so clean the coastal areas got hit one bit of amused if you like if you found out the water this much you tend to get foam from it this is just sea water it just looks like washing up liquid substance of the thing the winds are strong along the west coast as well now you see very little in the way of clothes of clyde although the heart of love is still there and rain has been of course the enduring problem with flooding from west to east north to south now for the rest of the day still very windy theres more snow to fall in the hills not to last as a warning or warnings but the warnings in scotland last into tomorrow as well but the Bigger Picture is were changing the weather throughout europe start mom shes going to be windy and wet in many places 1st of all look at this amount of wet snow. Northern italy and the alps and the rain with it and is just moving slowly eastwards so. Thanks so much rob well still ahead here on aljazeera well have more on the new illegal israeli settlement that will bring misery to palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem. And in india more children live on the streets than any other country in the world is education is the 1st step to breaking the cycle of poverty. And bizarre scenes in the german Football Game as top teams stop playing because of an offensive banner in the crowd thats coming up with joe in sport. The nature is news as it breaks the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues advance towards the city of idlib thats a red line for turkey with detailed coverage of the National Policy and some of Wild Elephants is yet to be fully implemented 14 years after it was introduced from around the world will this fight will be completely transformed over the next 6 years this will be the northern terminal for phase one of the project. As a weapon of war leaves the very deepest scars. Scars so rule that the victims men and women can barely talk about it. They are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice aljazeera follows human rights campaigners in libya investigating since the 2011 revolution. Libya unspeakable crime on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching the others their news of me still running a reminder of our top stories greece is stepping up security at its border with turkey where thousands of refugees and migrants are continuing to gather local media say 10000 people have been prevented from entering over the past 24 hours also a deal signed between the u. S. And the Afghan Taliban the house already hit a major stumbling block but got its hands 1st with god he says the government did not commit to releasing 5000. 00 taliban prisoners but that it cannot be a precondition for talks with the group a prisoner swap was part of the accord sided qatar and certain. Joe biden the secured lymphatic when the South Carolina democratic primary with Bernie Sanders a distant 2nd. By is hoping to win and can boost his campaign ahead of the upcoming super tuesday primaries. Israel is gearing up for its 3rd election of the year but there are fears that mondays vote will end in another inconclusive result the country has been run by an interim administration without powers to really passive nikken legislation or even a budget the main rival to the incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the blue and white parties Benny Gantz Hari for citizen west jerusalem and this place really hairy many israelis might be hoping for a clear a political direction and hoping that really it it is 3rd time lucky when it comes to the election. Yes. Indeed i think most israelis just one this ongoing grinding electoral might manage to finally come to some kind of conclusion that has been interesting in the last week or so weve seen Benjamin Netanyahu for the 1st time in a while his likud party taking even a narrow lead in the opinion polls but still those polls not showing enough of a decisive margin either way to get to the magic number and these are the problem in the knesset 61 required seats required to form a Coalition Government im joined by a bit of client list. Michel barak mitchell where are we in the political horse race at the moment any prospect that netanyahu might get over the line this time well theres a saying in a row weve been in this movie before and weve actually been in this movie twice before in a year so you know its not clear what is interesting about this election as opposed to last 2 is right before the election netanyahu looks like hes leading which may not be the best place for him he likes to scare people that hes going to lose hes losing the election if they dont get out and vote now they have a different tactic because they seem to be leading in the polls that they have some momentum going and now theyre fighting for people that either will stay home because they think his victory is assured or theyll vote for one of the smaller parties in the block because they believe hes hes going to be the Prime Minister he has the best chance anyway his his main rival benny gantz as well as being marginally behind in the last few days has suffered a bit of a blow to in the last couple of days extraordinary seeming dirty tricks tactics with one of his advisors having what he thought was a personal conversation with a rabbi who turned out to be recording that conversation in which this adviser said some pretty uncomplimentary things about benny gantz now its all got out i mean is this going to move things do you think i dont i think that people that have already decided they want to vote for benny gantz are much more focused on getting rid of netanya oh so you know why. There are guns is up for the job a lot of them are not convinced that hes really up for the job but under the circumstance of being a decade of rule by nuts and you know a decade as Prime Minister where hes just about to start a trial and he just cant form a government the last 2 times a day one change so its not going to put too much of a chink in his armor it will have some effect because any type of negative is there but it is seen as coming from the its and you know dirty camps trick. As for the the the situation off of the polls weve been in this twice before when my the side has had the majority not knows how to be able to assemble a Majority Coalition could we be looking at that again this time and if so does that mean a full flexion well probably a 3rd of the country believes that were actually going to go to a 4th election i was maybe im not the right guy to ask because i dont think were going to go to a 3rd election i thought the members of knesset would act responsibly i think that at this point that even if theres a deadlock now well actually see movement between the parties now will actually see a break away and if theres still a deadlock then the one thing i would say is the soup people least likely to be Prime Minister in that situation is spend your minutes an hour and benny guns in maybe that a 3rd candidate from either of the main parties or the mable main blocs has to come forward to unite in some kind of National Unity temporary government for a year until both parties can get their act together but i dont see a scenario going to the 4th election but i didnt see the 3rd one either but i think that members of knesset are realize that they are at the end of their rope here people dont have patience and the country the economy the budget cant keep functioning in this election mode ok well thanks for nominal and we wait to see exactly how things pan out the polls open on monday morning and well get some indication of the results late monday night thanks very much of course well continue to follow all of the events with you and see that full the election. Well the vote will be the 1st since the announcement of the u. S. Has proposed middle east peace plan that ibrahim finds out how the election could impact palestinians. We sam coerced ms apartment overlooks israel separation wall but he says this view could get worse the Israeli Housing Ministry has started the process to approve 9000 new houses they form part of a new illegal israeli settlement that would cut off the East Jerusalem neighborhoods north of the wall from those to its west that would prevent the development of the most central metropolis in any future palestinian state its our shot of us all of us is a lot in which i bought this apartment because there was some sort of an open air view and not a cramped neighborhood but if the open space is gone ill be forced to leave i also expect violent clashes if the settlement is built if approved the settlement would be built on this empty land in East Jerusalem it fell under Israeli Occupation in 1967 and used to be an airport until violence in the year 2000 that its closure now the areas isolated from its surrounding by the israeli separation wall but a new settlement could mean the demolition of nearby buildings including the one where we sam leaves the u. S. Mideast peace plan proposed by President Donald Trump in january so just this area would be a part of a future palestinian state palestinians rejected the plan saying it doesnt meet the minimum requirements for statehood and takes away an additional 30 percent of their lands under the plan illegal israeli settlements will stay in place in the weeks leading up to elections israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been announcing more units in israeli settlements in the occupied west Bank Including East Jerusalem both netanyahu and his rival benny gantz have promised to annex israeli settlements. Scholars say israeli politicians are trying to appeal to voters who are shifting increasingly to their right the 2nd with the map was this competition between blue and white party headed by benny gantz and the likud party by netanyahu one side small while incidents palestinians members of can sparty are not providing an alternative to netanyahu but theyre trying to be more radical than him when it comes to the palestinians and the arabs. With the u. S. And israel having the closest relations ever palestinian Officials Say theyre pushing European Countries to recognize the palestinians the president s feel lonely and alone in such a fight since everybody is there to please trump and everybody is there to please not and you know and obviously in the hype of these socalled normalization that arab countries are committing themselves to palestinians feel desperate for support palestinians say israeli plans on the ground including settlement expansions have been advancing for decades but what is wrong divil actions the main contenders rush to make new announcements that end up stripping palestinians of more lands and making their dream of statehood even more difficult is that a male jazeera yorkey a pied west bank more than your scene has been sworn in as malaysias Prime Minister by the king that follows a week of political cayle sparked by the resignation of the veteran leader Mahathir Mohamad but he says the move is illegal and is calling for an urgent session of Parliament Saying his allies have a majority to be reports a changing of the guard to malaysia that critics are calling the death of democracy waiting yasin swearing in his Prime Minister capping achieve this week in the countrys politics. The king announced my appointment on saturday in a move that sidelined formally. Whose Ruling Coalition collapsed last week mad to resign this premier after his bizarre tea party which is led by me signaled it could work with the United Malays National organization. That Party Government for more than 60 years until it was forced from power by my height is coalition in 2018 im no is the party of disgraced former leader. Whos on trial for corruption accused of looting millions of dollars from the state fund one m. V. P. Was kicked out of no in 2015 but it rallied behind him this week he was sacked for raising issues of corruption. But now in the sort of wrangling thats happened in the last week or so in malaysia hes joined forces with the same person in the same party that he was sacked from and issues he stood up for grip or now he seems to be making alliances with many believe the latest crisis was also part of a tussle for power between him and his longtime rival abraham analysts say the coalition was torn apart by infighting over who should succeed who at 94 was the worlds oldest premiers on earlier on saturday and was said hed back more had his return to power but now neither man is leader and the records for protests might hear boycotted the swearing in ceremony and is determined to fight back saying he has more support to lead victoria aljazeera. Remains returning home to spite the government saying its ready to receive them more than 700 crossed into neighboring bangladesh in 2017. Possible. It has been more than 2 years since rocky had begun fled me and mark to bangladesh but she says her heart and soul still cries for a village home in iraq kind she stays in touch with a nephew and his wife who live in tongues as our village in Northern Iraq kind state shes worried about their safety we had her face in the video on her request that our body got a little in the lesson and out of the city theyre burning houses and appeasing the mouse there those who are stuck there facing constant harassment just like they did to us they also can find im strict in the movement theyre living in a dangerous situation theyre doing or are caught in the middle of fighting between the army and rebels from but this Majority Ethnic Group in Rakhine State travel Restrictions Mean theyre less able to flee than there but this neighbors and in recent months some have been killed she makes a call to her nephew on our mobile phone d. There is frequent fighting between rakhine buddhist rebels and Security Forces at least 5 or hank is were killed caught in the crossfire there is no peace here when the buddhist rebels attacks the army then the Security Forces interrogate and harass us accusing us of helping the rebels and providing them shelter recently at least 20 shops were burned in our area. Despite a recent ruling by uns top coat ordering me on mark to protect growing a muslims theyre still confined in tough conditions and are unable to travel freely or Axis Health Care education and other basic services. And. Im not able to communicate with my friends but what i hear from the other side is that theyre living in difficult situations and a very unhappy they constantly monitor the movement is restricted periodically checked in her arrest by the Security Forces who have been extorted money from them. With more than half a 1000000 going up believed to be living in myanmar snore than. Province u. N. Investigators have warned theres a serious risk that genocide could again be carried out you can see me on my or over the horizon from quarter by long camp where im standing for being a ref it is all my peers to be so near they can practically walk back if they want but they dont want to go back without some sort of International Protection and guarantees of citizenship then richard very. Long coxs bizarre. Trip to india a few days ago included sightseeing at the taj mahal the us president was cheered by a 100000 indians in the Worlds Largest cricket stadium but he did meet some of the millions of indians trying to survive on the streets nationwide many of them children tony betty reports from the capital new delhi. Its not as picturesque as the famous taj mahal but this has become one of the images synonymous with india and not one that donald trump was taken to see these people are among the growing numbers of indias homeless aid agencies estimate that 3000000 people are living on the streets throughout the country 200000 of them in the capital delhi there is a world of poverty exploitation and abuse and india has the highest number of Street Children in the world life is very complex and difficult for them like. Particularly for children living in a Church Situation we have found that many of them have. Exposure to. This that will have an impact on them for life. By the time donald trump was 8 years old he was worth a 1000000. 00 most of these children around the same age some dont even own a pair of shoes but they have hopes i want to be a policemans a buddhist practice but. I want to be a doctor and buy a house maybe a car thats unlikely to happen without support they and their family survive by begging or working menial jobs. You know what when i think of the future i just want my daughter to grow up for her to be educated and one day that she will have her own home thats in some respects at least life for children in india is improving infant mortality rates for example have been drastically cut in the last 10 years but in terms of education its not so good and estimated 18000000 children dont go to school. Education is important to ending the cycle of poverty this is a free school set up under a busy delhi fly over by volunteer teachers its aimed at helping kids of poor families its good. People who are not educated are treated like animals by society but with education the learn about their rights and they can use them to benefit their lives. Its a small chance but better than nothing. Sisters home is a shack without water and electricity their parents work menial jobs they see the school as a way to a better world. I want to be a doctor when i grow up so i can help people i want to help my parents and sisters 300 children attend the school under the bridge most dont know about President Donald Trump the indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said its his dream that everyone in india will have a home by 2022 that seems impossible on the streets of new delhi the dreams are more basic so again is 9 years old shes lived on the streets most of her life and all she wants if she had money she says is to buy food the gas that. India has just spent 3000000000. 00 on u. S. Military helicopters it is a Nuclear Power with an expensive program for Space Exploration but many here say it is not yet been able to find a way to take care of its poor and helpless Tony Berkeley aljazeera delhi. If youre says a deal on its project to build a dam could still be a long way off after boycotting talks in washington its government says the relay souls dam project is essential for the countrys development but its caused a major dispute with egypt to depend on the river for Water Supplies the other 3 countries were expected to sign the deal after u. S. Brokered talks this week but egypt was the only want to do so. A ticket to ride on a train a tram or bus in luxembourg theres no free for all the time the e. U. Country is the 1st to abolish fares on public transport to tackle Traffic Congestion and pollution where you will travel pass used to cost almost 500. 00 us dollars 1st class Tickets Remain available to buy. Now the french government has you special powers to force contested Pension Reforms through Parliament Without a vote after the opposition filed more than 40000. 00 amendments Prime Minister and wide phillipe invoked a constitutional power that has been used than 100. 00 times since modern france was founded in 1958 is the latest twist in a pension shake up thats led to sustained protests and weeks of crippling strikes well still ahead on the news hour in support horsepower on skis the new winter sport taking hold in canada. You started as a modest man. Carry a soldier whod never imagined he might one day become president of egypt. He had an ambitious wife. He became an algebra and was imprisoned for the killing of protesters. The story of the rise and fall of Hosni Mubarak the family short one. Full of struggles full of pleasure. Very well done with it. And with it on t. V. She blew in with. An intimate look at life in cuba. Taught. Me when i came out of. Me hanging my cuba this time on aljazeera. Youre the all. Talk about tough sport or his failed thank you theres just 145 days to go until take care haris the olympics but the city was forced to hold a scaled down marathon on sunday because of coronavirus phase. 38000. 00 runners were expected but the race was limited to around 200. 00 elite athletes fans were also discouraged from lining the route in japans capital as part of a government crackdown on a large cultural and sporting gatherings but tokyo 2020 organizing the i. O. C. Insists that as things stand the olympics will go ahead as planned in july and august ethiopias are harder like a say one the mens race for the 2nd is straight. Corona virus has also seen thailand cancel Football Games in march and 5 games in italy setia have also been postponed this weekend mainly in the north of the country the same precautions are being applied in the south where fans were in the stands for that place game against to reno napoli 121 to base their chances of making the Champions League a coach genaro good to start doesnt agree with the way the 4 officials teaming with the virus. And you can tell he spent the better lead to make the liberal show 1st of all i want to pay my respects to all of victims and all the people suffering this huge problem which came about a month ago but i disagree with postponing some syria matches either you play all the matches or you hope the league delaying matches for a month or 2 means that the match will be totally different now to some bizarre scenes in the German Bundesliga game where players stopped playing compare. Stipulate for the last 30 minutes leaders by minute quest sixto up at hoffenheim when the referee stopped the game because some buy in fans unveiled an offensive. Oftentimes billionaire owner more hope hes been targeted by fans around germany who are unhappy hes bankrolling hoffenheim when most clubs on too loud a private majority stakeholder by its players and coach angrily protested with the fans to put the banner away and when the much did receive both teams decide to run down the clock passing the ball between themselves to show solidarity with hope by an seo call hines room a nigga called it the ugly face of his club. At the end of the day i have to look at the sign which by in munich which the players of my own unique to the players of often time and the spectators of hoffenheim send it out to the world today its a big sign of solidarity we dont let football going down by 50 or 100 idiots in in each support group. Theyve been beaten in the premier league for the 1st time this season they suffered a shock 3 no loss to what food snapping their 18 game winning streak in 44. 00 game unbeaten run it ends the hopes of matching all souls invincibles it when the whole season unbeaten in 2003 and 4 crop same still lead the league by 22 points. We dont think as well. Its the biggest catastrophe in the world of football we feel the defeat really its absolutely exactly opposite of what we wanted to have we have to feel that you know we have to chance to to show a reaction against not easy to explain why exactly united didnt happen for us but its and should not be in order to get sensation in World Football that happened. Now the new Major League Soccer season has begun the interior marie enjoyed a winning start as montreal impact coach is the 2nd managerial job for france as well cup winning legend after his disastrous spell at monaco last just 3 months but so far so good in the m. L. S. His team fought back to beat the new revelation many on a routine with a great finish to secure a 21 victory. And makes can start at nandos made his m. L. S. Debut for i lay galaxy the striker known as cheech and etoo has been brought in to replace slots enable him of it he had little impact with only one shot against the houston dynamo who fall from a goal down to draw 11. Rafael nadal has kept up the pressure while the one Novak Djokovic with victory in mexico just out was often joked that secures the title when into buying it out was celebrating a 3rd trophy in acapulco while the other 2 didnt drop a set all tournament and beat americas taylor for its in the final isnt 1st tournament win of 2020 came with the trophy of a golden it also means he has now won at least one title every season until for the last 17 years. Now to one of the wildest Winter Sports he possibly never heard of skin during which means ski driving in norwegian was once a popular mode of travel in scandinavia its ok to popularity in north america where aficionados have given it a new adrenaline filled twist aljazeera is david muscle has. Its build this one of the fastest sports on snow with horses pulling skiers and snowboarders around the course at speeds of up to 65 Kilometers Per Hour ski jorian started in scandinavia combining crosscountry skiing and dog sledding but here in western canada home to cowboys and trick skiers its all about the horse power and getting big hair its just about got the glory in going faster than having a good horse but you can ride. Into battle skeeter canada started in 2017 since then competitions have drawn metal skiers trick riders and championship cowboys and cowgirls riders and sliders to test their skills in events such as circuits sprints relays and the long jump winners take home a few 1000. 00 but nobody takes the competition too seriously were hoping for the best of times. I would draw. Down the strip and for all those people and hopefully not die joran has come a long way from its roots in scandinavia and organizers here say that its now the Fastest Growing winter sport in north america what started as a private event for a dozen people 4 years ago now attracts more than 150 competitors from across canada and the u. S. One of the crowd favorites came from much further afield we have our 1st ever irish team competing at this years skid your dear abby dont have snow in arlington so theyve been practicing using garbage bags and mud many of the 4000 spectators came out to cheer on family and friends and then there were those who were curious to see how to very different sports could be brought together i think its very unique and also i hear that these a classical training and made way for a new skill they are infectious is all we wanted to come and see those disappear into yellow skeeter canada is aiming to create a National Championship in the years to come blending together Mountain Culture with the cowboy lifestyle in an exhilarating sport its hard to forget david mercer aljazeera in millersville canada. Although school says might have some of these a run for their money saudi arabia has just hosted the worlds richest horse race for the 1st time the saudi cup the person 20000000. 02 of the 12000000 on offer at the dubai well cup this is when i was maximum security written by luis sayah is taking home a win as prime. 10000000. 00. Credible well that is all useful for now i have to thanks very much jay and you have you watching the aljazeera news with me as a whole rather can but also look to the full half hour but until then from jamie on the news on t. V. Thanks for your time at your company. Aljazeera goods beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the dough things we all share the same responsibility needed something to rebut that amazing using a variety of scientific techniques to study the behavior we can monitor them for their vocal photos and behavior were able to how theyre adapting to their new environment when they make science dolphin sanctuary on aljazeera. The consequence of war i got the pictures of rochelles he served in the marine corps for 9 she went to church not that just doesnt go away. For a living out of his truck for the last couple years. Hes homeless aljazeera follows a group of u. S. Army veterans much iced by war. As they struggle to get their lives back shelter on aljazeera. Explaining terms of policy towards africa its the Challenging Mission said his secretary of state mike pompei on a 5 day visit to the continent the visit comes after the white house announced a travel ban on 4 african nations and a withdrawal of troops from west africa. I think it just demonstrates the 5. Dollars for us and for ministration. Despite trucks travel ban being extended at the end of february to take in the 4 african countries including the continents biggest economy compare were insistent that the u. S. Is open for business. 3 says its box thousands of refugees and migrants from crossing the border with turkey. Im convinced all this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a potential stumbling block to peace and afghanistan president musharrafs ghani says he want to trace prisoners as a precondition to talks with the taleban. Yes on our way one big hug a boost for joe bidens bid to be president the democratic candidate enjoys an emphatic victory in South Carolina. The u. S. Issues a travel

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