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A rally to Mark International womens day turns violent in kyrgyzstan off to protest as odd attacked and arrested. In School Friends all banned from Bahrain School to one race of a coronavirus at australia successfully defend the womens teams one who will come across against india in front of a packed mobile cricket ground. Hello welcome to the program out top story its only has suffered another shock shop spike in deaths from corona virus a day off to present a quarter of its population thats 16000000 people under lockdown 366 people are now known to have died from the virus an increase of 133 from saturday this makes it the country with the highest official death toll outs. China more than 7000 infections have been confirmed the lockdown includes the entire region where 267 of the deaths were recorded so they are mainly concentrated in that region so into 10000000 people and the Financial Capital milan no one can actually move in or out of the area now the lockdown has also been imposed on 14 other provinces including venice affecting another 6000000 people there those restrictions are set to remain until early april will austrias chancellor has been speaking out saying that its only a matter of time before more European Countries adopt the same aggressive measures as italy so negate a hospital. In padua in northern italy people rushed to the train station desperate to leave the city before it was put into lockdown because to talk i read 2 hours ago that they may be putting out an urgent decree putting in the red zone and because id like to return down south to my relatives i decided to go earlier. Prime minister just epic on to has signed a decree to impose an unprecedented large scale quarantine in the long body region home to 10000000 people to limit the spread of covert 19. Now we have restrictive measures for a much wider area because it wasnt making any sense to say a lot of small red zones while infections have spread all over a longer day and in the provinces we listed. This comes after italy reported more than 1200. 00 new infections in one day theres going to be. Many things that are going to be closed like jinns cultural centers. All sorts of areas where people get together in large groups restaurants and bars however appear it appears they will be kept in. The head of the Catholic Church pope francis is fighting a cult has cancelled public appearances he delivered his regular sunday prayer to crowds at the vatican by lifestream. And the leader of one of italys 2 ruling parties announced on saturday that he has coronavirus italy is the worst affected country in europe but france germany and the netherlands have all reported a rise in the number of cases while malta slovakia and serbia have confirmed their 1st infections. Or for more on whats happening not just in europe sonny is with me now so speaking about quite a significant jump in the death toll to 366 did the government release any more information about these figures well what we can see from this is that the incidence of these have proved to be quite havent quite havent quite a high faith rate in the affected so also noticing that the actual number of cases self has also jumped on saturday there were 585883 confirmed cases of coronavirus initially on sunday thats jumped up to more than 7370 cases thats an enormous number so really what youre seeing of the authorities struggling to really try and contain this as much as possible and in effect trying to provide these no go areas in these lockdowns is a way of not necessarily sort of trying to contain it which for some people is too late but also trying to slow the spread as has been attempted to been done in the areas in china which have been predominantly affected by that very important not just the death toll is jumping but crucially infection rate is on the rise were also seeing increasing number of cases in other parts of europe and anticipation that we could see similar tough measures being implemented elsewhere thats right in france for example again numbers have jumped you now have 1126 compared to cases and 19 deaths which have been confirmed from that as well now the virus the corona virus of a corner current of ours has infected every single region of france in particular the youve got new measures which are going to be introduced there as well closing schools which will be rolled out from monday germany again weve seen a spike in numbers there 795 was there werent any deaths that were reported in the country one German National has been reported as having died from corona via. Yes whilst he was on holiday in egypt so its really sort of still seeing those numbers coming up there no one has ruled out that those similar lockdown measures that have been seen in italy over this weekend will will be put in place elsewhere that its looks likely that they may be putting in those quarantine measures just simply once again to stem the flow of that spread relevant to sort of rule it out completely because it seems that already the spread ability of coronavirus is proving to be highly thank you very much Sonia Sana Gago and of course were hearing that colonel arses having a significant and disruptive impact on life in italy and earlier we spoke to francesca bar in Italian Journalist based in. One of the worst affected areas in a city that currently under lockdown and shes saying the hospitals in the region have been inundated to the point where sick residents are being told to stay at home. Now its sunday afternoon and this is the main square of of the county about 15000 people and this completely is that i read this zor not red zone in the last 3 days there were 16 dead. Im betting that everybody got infected everybody because it they are already sick and so they still call him because there are no more valuable beds in hospitals and actually the current hospital which serves about 500000 people in all the area not all your course in this little town doctors got infected saw there are nor more intensive care beds available and so basically italians are asked to stay a tall man when they get fever lets say that the front line is the current i mean these the is the pharmacy if you call or you know anybody that is a system also look because doctors saw the star one as 10 local doctors we called them shiny doctors and so actually you are asked to call your Family Doctor but the Family Doctor can tell you it dormant is for did the now. And so basically just by foreigner they can tell you try to understand if you got to strike you go or not because of course you can get you know see that just the normal. Well saudi arabia has placed one of its eastern regions on the low ground because of the outbreak state media saying that most public and private sector work is being suspended in a teeth this is the area that were talking about but Vital Services nonetheless will keep running in the region commercial supplies will continue to be delivered to the area with protective measures to keep people safe iran is the hardest hit country not just in the middle east but in the world its reports of a shop increase in infections on sunday saying that more than 6000. 00 people have the virus and 194. 00 have died single straw he is in town run forest where he says the government is hopeful the outbreak will soon be on to some control. Another massive spike in the number of corona virus related deaths 49. 00 in the last 24 hours bringing the total death toll closer and closer to 200. 00 specifically 194. 00 people have died of the corona virus since the outbreak was made public in iran 743. 00 new cases overall in the last 24 hours another large jump 6566. 00 is the total number of cases in this country now the highest level was in home when this outbreak began it is now into iran into one province in and around the capital of the country during the Health Ministry briefing earlier today the spokesman did say that the trend of the total number of cases does seem to be going down which is a positive step you also said the spike seen in the death toll the ongoing cases that we see today is a result of infections that have happened over the course of the last week to 10 days so he said if people take the precaution airy measures that the government is prescribing seriously then within the next 2 weeks or so they will begin to see the results they will begin to see the circumstances improve and they will begin to see the overall number of cases to go down and that is really the governments goal here to stop the spread to be able to contain it so as to be able to have confidence both in being able to let people continue to move around the country as they wish and being able to reopen the countrys many borders and airports that have been closed to the International Community since this outbreak began when asked the United States a Top Health Official there isnt met at the missteps that Virus Testing disease expert anthony found she says the government might consider shutting down sections of the country hit hardest by the virus and that can minute chance restricting travel to and from italy and south korea have been outbreaks despite the concerns president john says he will continue to help but its a nice. Lets get the latest from patty call his live in washington and so obviously concern about section of the country possibly being shut down and then also this delay in testing exactly Washington State governor says that that is something that they are considering he didnt seem like it was imminent but obviously looking across the globe that is something that americans have been told to prepare for as a possibility we have a new number now 469 cases in the United States and i want to point out that is not coming from the federal government this is a web site that Johns Hopkins the hospital is running information from the federal government has been really hard to get in the past the centers for Disease Control would tell people how many people have been tested they are not doing that this time and part of the reason could be because they made really big mistakes with this test at least thats a critics are saying they came up with the tests they held a press conference they bragged about how quickly they did it they sent it out to some state labs turns out the test didnt work so that a couple more weeks in the same time they werent letting private companies. Food and Drug Administration was letting private companies or hospitals or colleges come up with their own tests so theyve changed that the last couple of days and were seeing really mixed messages we saw the Vice President whos leading the effort come out and say there simply arent enough tests for those that are needed and then 24 hours later the president came out and said everybody who wants a test gets a test and hes continuing to do that hes defending his actions on twitter basically calling it perfectly coordinated and fine tuned but thats not exactly what were hearing from the very respected head of the National Institutes of health dr anthony fauci. The tester out there there was a misstep early on with regard to the test a technical difficulty but right now about 1100000. 00 tests are out there now will be an additional about 640000 on lets say monday and then at least another 4000000. 00 particularly now that were engaging the private sector now when you say that theyre out there if you go to a doctor its up to the doctor to order the test and if that happens a person should have a test available but its no doubt chris you have to be realistic early on there was some missteps that the late it. Passed the weve been speaking in this program about the coronavirus really causing a great deal of damage to an already fragile tally an economy what about concerns the effect it could have on Economic Activity that. Well i think thats part of the question the part of the reason why you see officials really sending these mixed messages because they dont want to see people panic because they are worried about the economy in america if you look at everything through the prism of this is an Election Year and that has been the president s main selling point he says look at the stock market look at the economy look at the jobs numbers the stock market has been absolutely tanking over the last couple of weeks so hes no longer talking about the stock market but we are seeing an issue in these communities for example seattles been particularly hard hit so theres been big employers who say work from home dont come in well 70 percent of the u. S. Economy is based on the Service Sector so if those workers arent going to the office theyre not going to lunch at the nearby cafe that cafe is experiencing half of their business being gone and then they have to pay their workers america is also going to face unique challenges this front because unlike most of the developed world this is not a country that has federal sick time meaning for most of the low income workers if they dont go to work they dont get paid they dont get paid sick time so essentially these are Food Service Workers and theyre going to work sick then they have a pretty strong ability to spread this pretty far and wide and so that is a concern also this is a country without universe universal Health Insurance 27500000 people dont have Health Insurance theyre unlikely to go to a doctor say not only am i going to pay a doctor but im going to pay for this rather expensive test again these are low income people the vast majority who simply dont have the disposable income to do that so this is going to pose very unique challenges for the United States thank you very much patty cohen in washington. Its a slightly shifting story in asia the Chinese Government reporting its lowest number of new virus infections since january but the positive news somewhat positive news comes after at least 10 people were killed when a hotel being used for quarantine collapse in the south of the country between you has the latest developments from beijing. Witnesses say it sounded like an explosion this hotel in chinas Southern Food jan province collapsed on saturday night trapping 70 people most with people being quarantined because of the corona virus the hotel was designated as a virus isolation ward as emergency teams freed people from the rubble authorities in beijing defended the strict quarantine measures who would not traditionally if there is a cluster infection workers have to go into families and communities 40 to help investigation to know every patients history of activities and track all of the people who had contact with the patient so they must be quarantined for 14 days. The government says tough measures have stopped the spread of the current a virus outside of the epicenter who day on sunday china recorded its lowest number of new cases since january or only 3 new cases were recorded outside the province and these patients were infected not in china but abroad state media are declaring victory in the countrys battle against the outbreak in a makeshift hospital known as the one her living room has suspended operations jus to a lack of patients. If you like we already one were so happy to see patients discharged one after one more than 80000 people have been infected nationwide some 50000 patients have recovered at least 5000 are in Critical Condition in phrygian authorities are investigating the cause of the Building Collapse the hotels are in a is being questioned katrina new aljazeera beijing. And watching the news hour live from london most of the head beaten but not defeated refugees and migrants describe the violence theyve been subjected to while trying to cross from turkey into greece. A fire ripped through a Refugee Center on the greek island of les paul says tensions flare over an influx of new arrivals. And then later in sport its a case of will they want to say in italian football after the sports minister calls for the season to be cancelled just before the 1st kickoff of the day. A 4th senior prince is believed to have been detained in saudi arabia according to u. S. Media reports the former head of ami intelligence prince nayef been a comment is among those now being held but there hasnt been any official response from the government alexey obrian reports. Saudi state media on sunday broadcast pictures of king solomon with the kingdoms new ambassadors to year ago why and ukraine the appearance of the monarch followed speculation about his health after the reported arrest of several princes and dozens of officials in recent days the kings younger brother prince Ahmed Abdul Aziz and the crown princes cousin mohammed bin nayef a said to be among those detained taken by masked men to an unknown location maybe they have. A man is that area rating or again has rumored in the past you might be considering. Basically have the case and the last thing been some men want to challenge there are reports of an attempted coup though some analysts believe crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon is further consolidating his power mohamed bin solomon known as m. B. A. s has a reputation for cracking down on anyone who opposes him he replaced been naive as to the throne and 27 tane forcing him into effective house arrest n. B. S. His uncle prince ahmed was said to be concerned by the crown princes grip on power one of a small group who voted against m. P. s taking over this is something extraordinary and politics. By the past rules of saudi politics should have enjoyed immunity even if he was publicly a little critical of some policy but that immunity is gone there is no immunity in saudi Arabia Mohammed bin solomon can get you no matter who you are thats the message. In 27. 00 tane dozens of senior members of the royal family and billionaire businessmen around our pen detained at a luxury hotel in riyadh the saudi government said it was an anticorruption drive Rights Groups disagreed one year later mohammed bin solomons International Profile was further tarnished after the killing of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the kingdoms consulate in istanbul the cia concluded that the crown prince must have known about the operation if not ordered it himself we know that he is the real power it was some people calling him anecdotally. The son of the king but a person who was actually in power in the southeast. Reports suggest those detained now face long term imprisonment or even death. Alexia brian al jazeera. Some news from libya now one civilian has been killed 3 more are in hospital in the capital tripoli after a rocket hit a house close to the International Airport the u. N. Recognized government is blaming forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar has been trying to capture the capital for almost a year with t. Get airport is the only operational airport in tripoli has been the target of frequent attacks since have to began his Campaign Last april. Well greek police have used a water cannon to fight off dozens of refugees and migrants who were hurling stones at them from the other side of the border with turkey thousands of migrants have been camping essence last week went into play at its borders but the open techies present. Open the gates and allow like winds to travel further into europe is due to meet you officials in brussels on monday to try to tackle the issue alive and refugees trying to cross from turkey into greece have been describing scenes at the border as something out of a horror movie as well they say natasha going to name has more from the border city of a day. We found home ed in an abandoned building tending to his wounds the iranian amputee says he crossed into greece twice since turkey opened its borders more than a week ago he returned with wounds all over his body. To use the wounded to you know they caught me and beat me while they took me to a car i back to them and said im handicapped dont beat me leave me alone but they wouldnt listen. To me on the 2nd floor a temporary family has formed bound by trauma and desperation want strangers now linked by the solidarity a feeling ostracized by other media. As we might have come from 3rd world countries but were not 3rd class citizens we also have the right to live and have a future for our children in. Afghan refugee nazir has become a kind of father figure he and his wife crossed into greece 3 times twice by climbing through a fence and once on a fishermans boat he says greek soldiers stripped the men to their underwear tasered them and when they collapsed beat them with the sticks 11 of them. Being cuffed him and took us to the river bank and kicked us into the river they said no leave. Some of us manage to cross like a fish some like a duck 2 of their friends couldnt get out of the river we told turkish fishermen that we left 2 people behind they went to search for our friends and we never saw them again. The greek government has not responded to the accusations it has stopped accepting asylum applications for one month and pledged to expel those entering illegally nazir describes whats happening to refugees and migrants who cross into greece as a horror movie. Yet he and tom ed plan to make another attempt clinging to the possibility like thousands others that the next time will have a more humane ending natasha going to name. A dern name on the Turkey Greece border. A fire hazard. Meanwhile on the greek island of. The 2nd facility for life went on the island in less than a week after unknown assailants torched a reception center. Has our report. The school of peace burned to the ground 3 years to the day after it opened that date and recent Political Tension caused by a far right faction of islanders targeting Refugee Charities has raised suspicions about how this fire started investigations into the cause are ongoing the school had been closed for 2 weeks because of the tense atmosphere on lesbos refugees living in the islands refugee camp and moria were told not to come it doesnt feel like the same place when i walk in the state of feel safe at the moment i love the. Places now we dont feel safe and. When we go when we drive around sometimes we get. Up and we get west and then there are some. That tension came after the greek government tried to build a Detention Center the islanders dont want to replace the overcrowded morea camp and became much worse after turkey opened its borders to refugees who want to go to europe greece sought to defend its borders and push the migrants and refugees back many greeks see the turkish policy as a deliberate assault hundreds of people on lesbos demonstrated against allowing turkish policy to convert a humanitarian issue into a National Security issue they used people they disband of people i guess i understand it we were not prepared to do that but we need to ask you know for here we need to find other kind of susan this. Is really. Hes not going to do what. Because we are dating these people do not not not. There are thousands of children among the 22000 Asylum Seekers that maurie a camp many of which have never been to school because of war and violence in their countries there is no formal school for them on the island and their only chance to have an education is in charity run institutions like this one the school is entirely ruined steel girders and sheet metal have buckled under the heat desks and benches reduced to ashes the school of peace which is privately funded says it will launch an International Fundraising campaign to help rebuild a much needed facility jumpstart openness aljazeera lesbos. And our stories are falling at least 6 people have died by avalanches in austria a group of walkers were swept away by falling slowly on the dash the Mountain Range 5 bodies have been recovered all the victims are believed to be from the Czech Republic and then further west a Police Officer on a Training Exercise was killed by an avalanche on the cross clocking epic. Youre watching the news hour live from london much more still to come fighting for their rights and uncertain future for women in afghanistan as the taliban looks to regain power at. 298 chairs for 298 victims families prepare for the long awaited m. H. 17 murder trial in the netherlands. And the winning team that got the gymnasts a step closer to had an impact. How the rain that fell all maturing coast 2 days ago is this thing here its circulating in western iran is disappearing fairly rapidly east was leaving fine weather behind in fact the result about turkey to get the significant runs as the sun is now anywhere from north need ships northwards to turkey and its quite warm and ankara and in beirut youll notice the a breeze is setting up down the gulf again so 26. 00 is the max in their heart for a day or so that breeze will push down through saudi arabia its usually a dusty one but if you see some mostly sunny picture with temperatures now on the rise the strong winds are further west remember we have had to drive into egypt theyre not going to drive more into places like tunisia western libya and now jiri which keeps the temperatures down here the coastal weather is cool and wet there are more showers showing up now on the back of this powder for north africa so for example gonna ring up towards here earlier in the showers and more and more frequent and they could produce flash floods this time the in contrast to the still dry weather which gives you attention like 40 in janina for example thats where the heat is we still got seas no rains running to rangoli east was but you can see the big clouds are increasingly further north. The. Perception is validation we believe what we see but in one life time we cannot see everything but we will lie experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. Of that testimony we let you know very little. Witness documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. A journey both dark. And theres a very forever theres a lot of corruption and beautiful like the beautiful lady you have to be very patient and wood is also the same as a cinder because i was introduced sure the one my father and my most or fall king for how the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven on aljazeera. Who was. The and. Ill come back and look at the headlines this hour italy has suffered another shop spike in deaths from corona virus a day after pushing quarter of its population under lockdown 366. 00 people are now known to have died an increase of 133 people from saturday. Iran has reported its highest number of coronavirus deaths within a 24 hour period bringing the total to 194. 00 are now more than 6 and a half 1000 infections across the country. And a top u. S. Health official says there was some missteps which delayed Virus Testing in the country. The u. S. Military is restricting travel to and from countries like italy and sounds korea. Lets discuss the situation in the u. S. Some more joining me via skype from washington is Lawrence Gostin a professor of Global Health floor at Georgetown University and an Infectious Disease of this nature really poses quite a dilemma for society particularly the most vulnerable tell me more about how it could impact those in the United States that might not have Health Insurance or access to decent food or affordable housing. Yeah i mean i think the large uninsured population in the United States is probably both the most striking. Inequality that we face. Currently but also the biggest vulnerability for the United States preparedness for covert 19. Because you know people who are uninsured underinsured undocumented. Immigrants and there are many millions of all of those in the United States there are not likely to. Go to clinics or hospitals to be tested in treated what does that mean can i ask you what that means then for the spread of the disease if you have people that are uninsured or underinsured and that worried about extortionate medical bills if they do try and get tested then presumably theyll try to avoid that kind of treatment well thats yes exactly what i was about say yes youre right. The you know if if somebody doesnt go in for testing in treatment theres no way to isolate them if there are. Sick or quarantine them if theyve been exposed and theyre likely to. Just stay in the communities brand of the infection among their family and their neighbors because if theyre poor theyre going to go to work because theyre on the option to telecommute. And so it this would you know with millions upon millions of people in that position on it could really have an amplifying effect on the epidemic in the United States and so what about the many yeah what about the many millions of people low wage workers who dont have Health Insurance or paid sick leave they dont have the option to necessarily stay at home and if they do self isolate they will be confronted with lost wages. Absolutely right i mean in 1st of all you know people who are living what we say in america paycheck to paycheck you know poor working class and even middle class people working in you know manufacturing in factories in other areas or in the Service Industry they have no choice but to go to work if they dont they wont be paid and so they dont they dont get sick leave they cant have the luxury of telecommuting. And if they self isolate they risk not just their income but they also you know may not have the essential medicine they need the food they need and were not planning for this iraq where you know were just assuming that everybody is middle upper income has the luxury of self quarantining or telecommuting to work and this is a huge gap in our preparedness but its also a huge unconscionable equity problem that is ongoing in the United States but its only magnified when you come to an epidemic of a Public Health emergency of this kind thank you very much. Professor Lawrence Gostin really interesting to get your thoughts on an important part of this story pleasure thank you. Also from when is iris to mexico women across latin americas biggest cities are taking to the streets to Mark International womens day in chile thousands of been marching through the capital in the wake of broader demonstrations over social inequality and demanding justice for those women hurt during the protest movement which began last year Chiles Institute for human rights says that more than 430. 00 women were injured over 3 months. Well lets go live now to latin america is in d. C. And human whos in santiago we sort of seen this combination of 2 protest movements if you like the existing unrest over social inequality and now women really turning out today. Hi there its been an extraordinarily large and passionate march which is still continuing here in santiago and in just about every major city and town of chile and you are right it is it is a combination i would say that the political unrest that erupted in october for social equality social demand to also include gender equality and that is what women are really focusing on theyre saying that there can be no social equality no no a social reform and no political reform that they could make that possible without the role of women that women can no longer be excluded excluded in the workplace excluded from the political agenda but also be being mistreated and abused in their homes so were seeing a huge range of women here from very very old to babies just newborns their mothers have painted feminist slogans on their faces little children with signs saying i dont want to grow up to be afraid when i walk outdoors and so were thinking people all over all walks of life the less the people from the lower income neighborhoods from the upper middle class and upper class neighborhoods women from all over are out here on this. It had been a very very tranquil jovial march but about an hour ago we could we began to smell tear gas and women began running up this avenue but you see here people are beginning to leave now but others are going to continue to arrive and are going to attempt to march past the president ial palace within the next half an hour or so and how much of a challenge is is gender inequality and gender based violence in the region are largely because we like seeing protests in other parts of latin america as well. Gender inequality and gender violence is a norm is its a huge problem all over latin america this is a part of the world thats famous and that used to boast about being my chief style or male chauvinist stick them a chill male came from latin america the concept and unfortunately that has meant a normal numbers of femicide women beat up mutilated by their partners by their boyfriends or even by complete strangers also sexual abuse is extremely extremely high one in 4 women in chile even higher rates in countries like mexico and in Central America had been sexually abused even by family members and so this is one of the reasons why so many women all over the region now are out on the streets demanding for these things to change not in there if they want to see the change in their lifetime and not generations from now thank you very much our latin america attitude you see in human following those protests today in santiago chile. Well also a rally to Mark International womens day in kyrgyzstan has turned violent after masked men attacked protesters demonstrators have gathered in the main square in the capital city bishkek when men Wearing Masks barged into the gathering started tearing banners apart but hes detained around 60 people including dozens of female activists. The patriarchy is like a judge with guilty of being poor you know the sentence to say out loud. We were attacked eggs with foreigners who physically attacked the police started intimidating and after it began the remaining radicals ran away. Well there are fears in afghanistan as well that the departure of u. S. Troops could mean the collapse of law and order and theres little hope in talks between the government and the taliban womens Rights Groups particularly are worried about whats going to happen if the taliban regains palla hold the abdelhamid reports from kabul. Its a little even tucked away in a basement in kabul away from prying eyes this was the 1st game for women only to open here sick you know mohamedi chose to name it no one but it or elite women in the local dialect with a. Foreigner the only its been 2 years now initially people had different views toward sports because were conservative society but those who came here have seen good results and felt the benefits of working out so no theyre encouraging us. Most of her clients are young women who are part of a new generation enjoying freedoms their mothers never had but they are the minority this is a country devastated by 40 years of war and women have always been the biggest victims not only of the taliban kidnapping and rape were rampant during the civil war 2 theres also the high number of afghan widows estimates vary from 600000 up to 2000000 cannot be lost her husband wouldnt 20 years ago when we arrived to interview her she told us that her 4 month old grandson had died that same morning but being the only breadwinner in a family of 8 she couldnt afford to take the day off she has to work hoping that every stroke of the broom will take a little of the grief away. Im really tired of life because i dont have a father or son or husband over a brother im alone and i have 8 daughters im upset because after i wake up i start sweeping i need medicine but when i cant feed my family when i feed my family i cant get treatment i really dont know what to do. Women gained equal rights in the 2004 constitution but nothing is guaranteed if you look at the political atmosphere now you see different groups are talking with each others about sharing of power and political arrangements women are not there actually we have inside afghanistan probably even inside the government but i see the government i mean the 2 institutions of government who would think and believe the same way as taliban do navigating through social restrictions is not easy for medina i met her family doesnt know about her workout schedule nor do they know shes a gifted artist aside. I dont blame them because of our society she worries what people will say but we think differently i was born here and need to rebuild my country women must be strong and contribute to society these are challenging times 500. 00 stand the prospect of peace is on the horizon again and there is fear that women could lose out but there is also a new generation willing to fight to protect their rights put up that hamid aljazeera kabul. The day before the trial of 4 men accused of murder for their roles in the downing of flight m. H. 17 over ukraine the victims families have been protesting outside the Russian Embassy in the hague 298 chairs symbolize the number killed when the Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down 6 years ago by a missile fired from territory held by pro russia separatists the families are angry about russias lack of cooperation with the investigation a step vos an explainer. For 6 years relatives of passengers on flight m. H. 17 have been waiting to find out who was responsible for bringing down the plane over Eastern Ukraine they hope to trial in the netherlands will give them answers it was the most deadly single incident in the war between Ukrainian Government forces and russian backed safra this that continues to this day up to 298 people on board 196 came from the netherlands many of them having for holiday in Southeast Asia 4 suspects are being charged with murder for allegedly helping transport a russian book and the air crash missile which investigators say brought down the plane russian former military and Intelligence Officers ego get in pull out of and surrogate dubin ski had high ranking positions in the separatist army in Eastern Ukraine theyve made it clear they wont attend the trial of will be replanted by a lawyer for moscow has denied any involvement and accuses the investigators of fabricating the evidence so you can phone recording is released by the Investigation Team afaik social media analysts say the socalled sin petersburg troll factory also accused of interfering in the u. S. 2016 elections send out tens of thousands of tweets in the hours and days after the plane came down promoting the russian narrative some researchers say it was a well organized this Information Campaign designed to create confusion. This goal everything is used and theyre not really bothered by the fact that they are contradicting themselves all the time that one day they say it was a training flight and today it is ukrainian that brought down the plane and tomorrow it will be craning fighter jet again russia has offered to hold a trial here in moscow but the dutch government has rejected that for some russians this proves that the trial wont be fair. Here that this is a politically motivated trial and from my point of view it wasnt right at the time to give away the black boxes to holland because from the very beginning it was clear that the black boxes will be used against russia. Asked if he would change his mind if the evidence presented in the dutch court is convincing he said there is very little chance of that during a recent poll shows that only 10 percent of russians believe that russia was responsible for the downing of im a traffic team but thats 5 times higher than what it was 6 years ago but many say that would trances of the russian government will change its position a very slim because it has always maintained that it was never involved in the war in Eastern Ukraine in the 1st place step process aljazeera must go. With the news hour live from london most still ahead members of an ethnic minority and may in mafia the military will encroach on a sanctuary in the jungle. And everyones favorite dog sled race is back well have that story and much more. A nation where corruption is endemic now embroiled in a battle to hold the power to account. Has this radical transformation occur though i mean nobody really knows what was going to shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people. On how the. News as it breaks the fostering service is supposed to start from early next year and the corona Virus Outbreak could put the brakes on the project and slow down construction with details coverage we know that people were killed in the violence and officially 350 people were injured from around the world they werent enough to create a logistical problem for the greeks but they were enough to make many of the people of lesbos arent yours. The youre the the the on. Welcome back the quran ethnic minority and me and mine has been fighting for greater autonomy for more than 4 decades now thousands of people have been displaced and so community to set up a century to help them escape from the ongoing violence but the military has started to encroach on it from yangon forest reports. The quran of a 2nd largest ethnic minority in myanmar theyve been fighting for an independent state since 949 before changing their demand in 1976 to one for greater autonomy despite a ceasefire agreed in 2012 fighting continues but in this part of state as its now called corrent Community Leaders have created a sanctuary this hour when peace park covers nearly 5500 square kilometers and includes villages forest and wildlife reserves here the quran continues that traditional way of life relying on nature for their deeds and practicing customary Land Management to preserve the environment so more hair and internally displaced quran has known war for most of his life. In the past we had to run and hide from the media. It was exhausting when soldiers attacked our village we had to run we took our food supply into the jungle but when soldiers found it they would steal it sometimes they would burn it. The village is remote but people here seem content. We live selfsufficient lives we plant rice grow vegetables rice pigs and chickens if me and my soldiers join to attack us we will continue this way. But elsewhere state peace hasnt held sporadic fighting still happens by the military has moved to upgrade previously used for military operations current Community Leaders say villagers are also concerned about the military bases dotted around the parks boundaries. Just. You know maybe a couple of camps allowing people to come back and reassess their livelihoods and you know. You know kind of projects come in and see how you know things you know moving forward and then you can replicate the park is the 1st of its kind in myanmar indigenous led its founders say its an alternative to top down development but protecting it from encroachment will be a challenge the park isnt recognized by the government. Democratic transition has opened the door to Foreign Investment that plans to develop the area around the park including 2 hydro power dam projects on the. In the quran struggle to protect their community and their way of life will have to be prepared to take on corporations to florence aljazeera. Now in doha is only a sport. Thank you so much after deciding to hold matches with no fans to stop the spread of coronavirus italy city are took another twist on sunday play was delayed for more than an hour in parma as officials consider a request to suspend the legal together players took the pitch for parma v spa in the early kick off but it soon turned into the late kick off as news came in that italys sports minister wanted the league holstered to protect players and stop fans gathering to watch games on t. V. But 75 minutes later said he our bosses decided to go ahead accusing the government of sending mixed messages and adding to confusion over the virus winning one. There are also reports in italy that the Players Union is considering a strike as they protest that games continue means that any brim of h. Seem to be conducting a personal protest against himself after missing the goal for ac milan they were to know the answer lowly genoa by the time he made up for it milan losing to. Manchester united have done the League Double over their neighbors Manchester City for the 1st time in 10 years and the knee marcio put united one up at old trafford on a full blooded mentions the darby was sealed right at the end when scott simon a scored in to an empty net from city keeper edisons mistake united go 5th in the table the 2 know when also puts liverpool just 6 points away from replacing city as champions barca genius fans have been celebrating their latest league title the burn outside his club beat him last one to clinch the origin time title on the last day of the season ahead of arch rivals river plate carlos tevez got the winning goal its parkers 3rd league title in 4 years. On International Womens day australia have again demonstrated their dominance in womens cricket they have successfully defended their t 20 world cup title crushing india by 85 runs in melbourne Kevin Calvert reports. Theres more than one winner in this family was lisa healey smashing a record half century of just 30 balls while her former world cup winning has been mitchells stock washed after cutting short his tour to south africa with the mens team. Healy sharing a night in stand a 115 before holing up to 75 in the player of the match performance. Was opening in the big money continued on to a number 8 and 78 with the strider a messy and imposing 194 for 4 i was. 5 and it just never got going and reply was losing wickets regularly especially to spin a just janessa and seem a make him short who claimed the final wicket to dismiss and give a 99 was a stranger lifting the trophy for the 1st time in front of more than 86000. 00 fans just short of the world record for a womans sporting spectacle given calvert how does it. There are just a few days to go before the start of the new formula one season the teams on their way to melbourne for the opening race but all the noises of the 2nd grand prix on the calendar are already taking drastic steps against coronavirus the bahrain grand prix will go ahead on march 22nd but fans will be shut out of the stands the country says its trying to balance the welfare of supporters and race goes. Despite the coronavirus threatening to postpone or even cancel the tokyo 2020 olympics boxing qualifiers for asia and oceania have gone ahead in jordans capital amman they were moved from the chinese city of will hand where they are break started indias bronze medalist mary combi tasman benning of new zealand in the womens flyweight last 16 on the mens side olympic champion shock will be the voice of of those becky stands through the quarter finals of the winning against indonesias albums. The run up to the circular lympics continues with some of the worlds best gymnasts competing at the american cup which is a qualifier for the games one of those in the running to make the u. S. Team is morgan who captured her 2nd all around title in 3 years the 18 year old putting in a stunning performance on the on even bars and on the floor exercises as she looks to secure her 1st olympic trip. Scotland a 3rd in rugby 6 nations championship wide open after a surprise 2817. 00 whenever france on sunday muhammad hours so was already guarded for punching a scots and the french never recovered scotland running in 3 tries to give themselves an outside chance of actually winning the title in the lead the standings while ireland of play the game less with the coronavirus affecting the competitions share dealing. Everyones favorite dog sled race is back the idea is a road race began with a ceremonial start in Anchorage Alaska on saturday this year 57 mushers are competing which is the 2nd smallest field in the past 2 decades the real race starts on sunday and will take teams 1600 kilometers through deep snow into Mountain Ranges to the bering sea and the old gold rush town of know the winner is expected in about 11 days. Later for another sports news bulletin marian back to you in london thats great thanks very much well that wraps up the news hour but i will be back with a full bonus and just just a couple of minutes time to stay with aljazeera i will see you very shortly. Talk to al jazeera we ask that we talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they all the endemic corruption the guard we listen so if you really put place china as an enemy of the world and thats really that yours we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter although just 0 when the news breaks the word awful was started with the ends of getting more police on the presentation and Economic Development when people who need to be heard the top leadership world where of the potential for verity of the virus weeks before the public were told of the dangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues advanced was this is a good day to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life needs. Join the global conversation to stop the bubble be able to expand their brains maybe have a different view this is a dialogue that women in cambodia are in fact selling theyre here we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and youll come to say he could be of the right here in this case we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progress and not perfection on aljazeera. That in america is a region of wonder joy tragedy and yes violence but it doesnt matter where you are you have to be able to relate to the human condition on this issue that is trying to break their way and. No concrete is alike and its my job to shed light on how and why. As a quarter of a chinese population is put under lockdown countrys coronavirus death toll jumps to 366. 00. Iranians have also been urged to stay at home after a sharp rise in deaths reported their. Low im Maryam Namazie and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program the saudi king makes a rare appearance after the reported arrests of 4 senior princes box room is about is else the it all started with a book and a rally to Mark International womens day turns violent and

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