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A new global milestone. Saying its. The pandemic is feeling anti asian racism and the United States. And austria joins 3 other European Countries in making the wearing of masks outside the home compulsory. Fellow is growing numbers of people follow the advice of governments and stay home cities empty and businesses shut up saw the rapidly spreading coronavirus continues to yield a bleak string of statistics spain has marked another record high 864 more people dying in the past 24 hours while infections pasta 100000 its hope though that the peak might have been reached and the World Health Organization says the number of deaths internationally has doubled in the past week and in the next few days the 1000000 infections mark should be passed wall street slumped on the news that the u. S. Should be prepared for as many as 240000 deaths the jones closing down near the points or 4. 4 percent and a further 563 people have died here in the u. K. Its worse daily death figure and 2000 Frontline Health workers have also tested positive to the virus for a challenge begins our coverage from london. With the n. H. S. Nightingale hospital a few days from opening the u. K. Has recorded its 1st day of more than 500 deaths 563 died in the countrys hospitals in 24 hours more will have died elsewhere and the peak of the u. K. s epidemic is still 2 or 3 weeks off the need for this vast new coronavirus Field Hospital is clear managers say its open holes are an advantage when the work force is not absolute limits so we dont see whats right its nice and out tool to us which is if we can see that we absolutely can make sure that your site well cared for we have been our speech ready to open this week and we will be when its fully operational there could be 4000 beds here and other u. K. Field hospitals all to follow. The u. K. Showing that it can ramp up Hospital Capacity like with the mega projects and h. S. Nightingale london the government is facing increasing criticism for other aspects of its Coronavirus Response like the comparatively limited amount of testing that still being done. Fewer than 10000. 00 a day this week several times that amount to being done in Germany National Health Service staff queue would drive through Testing Centers but many are being turned away they said without confirmation any more. So the test off was also on the stand why would the problem is just the 1st you need to close the front lines of all sort of close to the front lines of all possible on the then section of a patient. On tuesday news broke of the u. K. s youngest known victim yet a 13 year old boy is male muhammed up to one hob who had no apparent Underlying Health conditions because of the need way that this virus itself is no one else is allowed to be around the individual and that means youre on your deathbed in your last moments alone and he was a young boy aged 13 without his mother without any sibling on his on his deathbed in the last moment and thats very hard to digest but largely covert 19 hits hardest older people and the already sick Prince Charles has released a video statement after recovering from his own encounter with the disease as a nation we are faced with who funded a challenging situation which we are really to witness returns that livelihoods businesses and wealth millions of citizens none of us can say when this will end but indeed we do and he praised the medical staff who he described as battling heroically to save lives in hospitals across the country rory shannons aljazeera London Health care systems across europe are under strain from the pandemic with hospitals in the french capital now 4 and 2 planes carrying supplies to restock spains hospitals have arrived while italy has extended its lockdown until mid april reports. Its been more than 3 weeks since italy became the 1st country and sayd china to introduce strict stay at home restrictions is growing signs of infection rates and deaths are starting to plateau the government announced that parents could take the children out for short walks but the government has also ordered the extension of restrictions to stay in place until april the 13th and probably for longer and the Health Minister has warned against complacency and will be a more conform daily premies we must not confuse the 1st positive signals that we are seeing in these hours happening all clear signal data and that is to call projections made by expert showed that we are under the right path and that the drastic decisions we have adopted so far are starting to bear fruit that. Quarantine has brought Financial Hardship and in some cases desperation and thats given rise to numerous gestures of kindness like these Food Bank Donations in naples many residents in the citys old quarter a hanging pastor and other items from solidarity baskets for the benefit of the jobless and poor people without enough to eat those who can give those who cannot take says aside shes very helpful as is the service is a bottle were all in the same boat and we will stall rope in the same direction as the organizer angelo becoming from his balcony with that sentiment in mind the European Union has weighed in with a new initiative to support short time working and avoid layoffs and redundancies in the e. U. s hardest hit economies millions of people cannot go to work but they still have to buy groceries and pay the bills companies are paying salaries to their employees even if right now theyre not making money europe is now coming to their support with a new initiative. It is called sure. Medical priority those finding enough beds and equipment to treat the ever growing numbers falling ill latest figures from france or a new record of 509 new fatalities and the authorities are transferring patients between regions to spread the pressure more evenly pariss hospitals are now 4 and 38 critically ill coronavirus patients were transferred by high speed train to the city of ren on wednesday in spain where yet another record of 864 new deaths were recorded in the previous 24 hours the temporary hospital creates what this Madrid Conference Center has been restocked with fresh supplies every bed can save a life in this crisis every minute matters paul brennan aljazeera. The World Health Organizations warned of a rapid escalation of the corona virus saying there will be a 1000000 confirmed cases in the days ahead. Over the past 5 weeks we have witnessed a near exponential grows in the number of new cases reaching almost every country to 33 an area the number of those has more than doubled in the past week in the next few days we will reach 1000000 confirmed cases and 50000 does well in iran 138 people have died there in the past 24 hours making it the 6th country to record more than 3000 coronavirus fatalities there are more than 47000 people infected iran has banned all intercity travel until at least april 8 and parks were closed on wednesday to prevent people from getting together to mark nature day a traditional festival that families usually celebrate with picnics. In general floridians are scrambling to trace people who attended a muslim gathering in the countrys capital after a spike in coronavirus cases tied to the event a police 2 and a half 1000 muslims from india and overseas visited the headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat 2 weeks ago about 130 infections have been linked to the gathering with 7 people dying elizabeth purana reports from new delhi Municipal Workers sanitize this mosque in new delhi which has become the epicenter of covering a virus cases in the indian capital that softer Health Authorities have read ok to 2300 people who was staying in the boss accommodation more than 500 had been taken to hospital but sometimes more than 1800. 00 and quarantine of self isolation its thought at least 2500. 00 muslims from around and over the seas took part in the gathering organized by the group. In case of the cyber some of the police will investigate the phone numbers of all the people who are present in the area in that meeting they will also trace where they went on whom they met they will also tries to location of the people whom they have met im asking all these people who attended the meeting to surrender themselves to the medical facilities or local authorities wherever they are. The music of islamic preachers was held in early march but many stayed behind at the mosques accommodation after it had finished 6 a donation attendees who travelled to the Southern State of telangana after the meeting tested positive for corona virus and have since died of. An indian administered kashmir who also attended the conference has also died from the virus delhis chief minister has ordered police to file a case of negligence against the Mosques Administration. In the Current Situation it was completely wrong to have held such a bigger gathering we are being told that many who participated in it is gathering have now traveled to other parts of the country it is scary to even think about how many people have come in contact with the disease because of. There are at least 130. 00 cases linked to the gathering in 7 states and Union Territories a 7 kilometer cordon has been created around a village in the state of tamil nadu after 21. 00 infections which all have links to the gathering in new delhi the Mosques Administration says people stranded after promised in the day had them already announced a National Curfew on march 22nd and suspended all bus and Train Services with just a few hours notice but delhi State Government says people stayed there despite the ban on gatherings of more than 200. 00 people which came into force on march 13th Health Officials have a big task of tracking down not just everyone who attended the gathering but everyone they had contact with and as the group had leakage of faces criticism for staying at the mosque despite the restrictions so too does the Police Station which didnt notice all report a meeting of thousands of people in a compound next door elisabeth prime al jazeera new day lets all speak to the Vice President on how to Program Delivery of the International Rescue committee shes joining us from new york thanks for joining us on the aljazeera news obviously this is a Global Pandemic and its affecting the focus is on countries like the u. S. Where you are in particular not in new york but when you look at other countries and weaker Health Systems how concerned are you about the spread of the virus baron are there particular regions or countries youre mostly concerned about. Thank you for having me yeah the pandemic has already been a powerful reminder of the worlds inequalities were seeing how even in relatively wealthy countries like where i am in the us how National Income inequality is sharing out how marginalised vulnerable disadvantaged communities are disproportionately impacted and as this now spreads to less wealthy countries and especially countries that are already crisis affected we really going to see how global inequalities show up in the crisis to were really concerned about the impact this pandemic is already having and certainly will have increasingly in countries like yemen where half of the Health Facilities are already close to 80 percent of the population are already in need of humanitarian assistance countries that have war and active conflict displacements of populations. Does the impact of this pandemic is going to be really significant and obviously a testing has been a major issue in developed countries including in the United States so the numbers were hearing out of yemen which as far as i know has not confirmed that it cases so far but in other countries how likely is it that the numbers are actually much higher of people who are actually infected with corona virus. Yeah its really its really likely i mean if we imagine that the testing is inadequate in which countries it barely exists in some of the countries im talking about so wed expect very much that the number of cases isnt underestimated number we also expect as weve seen already in countries that have been very dramatically impacted by the pandemic so far we expect to see escalation in less developed countries and crisis affected countries in the days weeks months to come and were doing everything we can to prepare. When we think about this pandemic hitting countries with extremely weak Health Systems with where populations live in overcrowded conditions without access to clean water sanitation. Often populations also that have Underlying Health conditions. Due to war and conflict and displacement so we started to prepare as much as we can for the. Disproportionate impact that this is going to have in those contacts here and what sort of preparations there are organizations like yours taking. So were Training Health care workers. In many countries where we where we are introducing screening and isolation units at Health Facilities were installing basic things like hand washing facilities across Program Sites and we communication campaigns as well as really important either through networks of Community Workers who are using our online platforms. Previously quite a bit of our programming through online capital is using social media and using other channels and so were leveraging that in expanding that and trying to get the word out as much as we can to prepare vulnerable communities for the impact of this were also looking at ways to adapt all of our programs because the other thing that were really concerned about is not just the direct impact of this kind demick but the secondary indirect impacts when we think about. The fact that. Displaced populations bonnell downward nations in crisis affected countries largely work in the Informal Sector they dont have social issues safety nets you know kids are out of school who. Are there are the Health Issues will suffer hugely from this reproductive health. Noncommunicable chronic diseases the list goes on were also worried about protection issues obviously we know from bitter experience that and rates of intimate Partner Violence increase right a crisis we know women and girls are going to be disproportionately impacted by this too so and looking at ways that we can. Prevent trying to continue our protection programs and keep the book groups safe during this period is also what isnt going to rex we thank you very much for speaking to us from new york. Thank you once more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including already grappling with an economic crisis lebanon stay at home order makes life harder for a struggling families pos. And poll recent sweden where a hands off approach to the coronavirus has made it the odd one out in western europe. But 1st the new York Governor Andrew Cuomo says hes closing down the playgrounds in new york city in an effort to limit the rising number of coronavirus deaths across the state he also had a stark warning for other u. S. Regions look at us today see yourself tomorrow were going to take more dramatic actions were going were going to close down the new york city playgrounds ive talked about this for weeks i warned people that if they didnt stop the density in the games in the playgrounds you cant play basketball you cant come in contact with each other so use the open space in a park walk around get some sun great no density no basketball games no close contact no violation of social distancing period thats the rule mike hanna joining us from washington so andrew cuomo new york one of the hardest hardest hit states in the u. S. Mike one more did he have to say. Well as you can see he was irate if not furious at the fact that people were still not following social distancing norms health hence the major step of closing all playgrounds in new york called the basketball courts in order to enforce social distancing norms within the city the city itself under siege hospitals continue to be overcrowded continue to struggle with the sheer mass of patients that they are receiving but the state of new york as well the wider state the serious situation getting even more serious fatalities there in the last 24 hours alone in the state as a whole and reaching 40391 at the latest count Governor Cuomo also made reference to the increasingly a zone between connecticut new jersey and new york in saying is that within these areas as well the death toll is now well over 2 and a half 1000 but making very clear to that this liaison is important is essential in effect because there is no clear lead from Central Government from the federal administration its up to governors to form some kind of alliance among themselves to combat this virus together and yet now weve heard tragic news mike off a 6 week old baby dying from coronavirus. Indeed yes that was in Hartford Connecticut and the governor tweeting are the incredibly sad news that this is the youngest person to die in the this pandemic at the age of 6 weeks but once again the this is for sizing the liaison between the various states in this particular point now another point to note very importantly is that florida has finally issued a stay at home order that the governor there run to santo said resisted imposing any form of controls even in the face of this mounting pandemic he finally ordered a shutdown of the area this is more than 20000000 people one must remember that the government came and immense criticism as well for keeping the beaches open during march so certainly the governor now is saying that he spoke to President Trump in the course of the morning and has taken this decision now to impose a lockdown a shutdown is now in effect in more than 30 states across the United States all right mike hanna thank you. At least 100. 00 sailors on board a u. S. Aircraft carrier have tested positive for covert 19 the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt or the pentagon the virus is spreading uncontrollably for defense secretary mark asper says its not the right time to move people from the ship victoria get be reports. The captain of the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt reported the 1st case of corona virus last week the Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier has since doctors reporting guam a u. S. Territory in the western pacific the pentagon says most of the 5000 sailors must stay on the ship its captain says it does not have enough quarantine and isolation facilities in a letter to Navy Commanders captain brett crazier wrote we are not at war sailors do not need to die if we do not act now we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset acela is the u. S. Navy says its testing everybody on board and the situation is under control and sailors who have been flown off the ship are currently doing fine and none of them have been required to be hospitalized because their symptoms are very mild than their x. And pains in those types of things sore throats but nothing that required hospitalization so they are in quarantine now on guam u. S. Defense secretary mark s. Best says now is not the time to evacuate the ship i dont think were at that point nor are we are moving a lot of supplies and assistance medical assistance out to the carrier in guam were providing additional medical medical personnel as they need it and im pleased to report that none of them are seriously ill. The u. S. Navy says it will take sailors off the Aircraft Carrier on a rotating basis its a plan that seems to fall short of the Decisive Action called for by the ships captain victoria gates and be out there she is monitoring developments from washington and says efforts to move the crew are making progress. There is no plan in action apparently to move as many saints as possible from the rose bowl in the next few days those who have not tested positive for creative fires will be moved into many empty hotel rooms those who do test positive we now understand have another press briefing will be moved to the naval base wound where they will be kept in isolation the sailors who are not positive will be kept for 14 days at a core group of soldiers will remain on the roosevelt room shore everythings not working and they will then be rotated out with the status who completed the 40 to quarantine a few days depending on where these actually transfer has actually occurred some other movement has happened just in the last few hours despite them appearing to be rather blas that attitude from the defense secretary just on tuesday night. Activists and researchers in the us are reporting a surge in the number of racist incidents in hate crimes targeting asian people because of the corona Virus Outbreak some Asian Community leaders accuse President Donald Trump of fanning the flames of prejudiced by labeling the disease the chinese fire as reports from los angeles. Not racism in the time of the pandemic a young woman wearing a mask is that attacked in the subway station a senate side. An elderly woman is chased by a bully trying to squirt and sanitizer on her. Harassment and assaults against Asian Americans are up sharply. So its the outbreak of covert 90 we have seen an incredibly disturbing skyrocketing increase the number of hate crimes racist attacks acts of discrimination against change americans cant just sense he was crossing a street in Madison Wisconsin when a woman began screaming at her made it i cant hack it and she called us like 30 cheney. She said go back to your asking country there are other people standing around watching her and i was listening but no one did anything professor russell june helped set up a database tracking hate incidents maybe 75 percent are name calling harassed and or just yelled at for saying you know get out of here you have the crime virus to 15 percent rational is call sauce President Trump has repeatedly identified coded 19 as chinese would like to begin by announcing some important developments in a war against the chinese virus Asian American Community Leaders say trump is whipping up hate and you can see it and our reporting is that when he makes a statement about. Chinese fire us mean only after theres an uptick anger and discrimination against americans reeses attacks and pestilence are linked in history when the black death ravaged europe in the 14th century mobs killed thousands of jews accused of spreading plague some of trumps fellow republicans like this texas senator blame the virus on chinese customs and china is to blame because theyre of the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that so many of these remarks are based in misunderstanding of the signs of east. And racism. A lack of tolerance coronavirus is not the only contagion stocking the u. S. The virus of hate is running rampant to rob reynolds Al Jazeera Los Angeles a lot of reputed as working remotely after the doctor who showed him around moscows main coronavirus hospital tested positive for a covered 19 dennis port sankoh hosted the tour a week ago where the 2 shook hands without wearing protective equipment kremlin Spokesman Says the president is regularly being tested and that there is no reason to be concerned about his Health Russell so far has registered nearly 3000 cases and 24 deaths in france the number of deaths due to corona virus have increased for the last 3 days as grim new records continue to be set residents grow more desperate for tests and any potential treatment medical experts there know the need is urgent but theyre warning that safety has to come 1st thats also about the reports from western fronts. In the southern french city of mass say hundreds of people queue outside a hospital specializing in Infectious Diseases off to doctors offer to test anyone worried that they have coronavirus. The test is very quick swab in the nose and its over will be contacted within 48 hours if we declare positive and if they dont contact you. We have fever burning sensations in our chest coughing and headaches french Health Authorities of only authorised testing critically ill patients but the head of this hospital says widespread testing can help stop the spread of the corona virus professor didio role is also leading the charge and from as for the use of chloroquine to treat patients he says the decades old drug commonly used against malaria can be effective in reducing symptoms when combined with an antibiotic we have result which are significant to show that iraqs interim in its clearing is a virus from the respiratory system probably makings that people on the more can tell yours. No more sick and dying as you try soon even. Increase efficiency the professors claims that curry queen can treat the corona virus have been widely publicized in france and as a result some pharmacists say that theyve been inundated with requests for the drug but frances Drug Safety Agency says that people should not self medicate the agency says at least 2 dozen patients reported undesirable side effects off to taking couric when. There are risks that apply to everyone so you have to be very wary of taking this product without a prescription and without strict medical supervision which would put the french governments position on the drug had been unclear until last week when the french Health Minister said only doctors in hospital should decide on whether to use it local say the high council of Public Health recommends that this treatment should not be used. Unless there is a decision to use it by doctors under strict medical supervision for seriously ill hospitalized patients the high council excludes any prescription for the general public or finance severe forms at this stage excludes 800 patients in france to taking paul to new european trials of experimental drugs to treat coronavirus including cora quinn as corona virus cases rising from finding a treatment is clearly urgent but medical experts warn the safety must not be compromised Natasha Butler aljazeera frauds you are the news hour on aljazeera coming up shot and killed for breaking the coronavirus curfew kenyas police are accused of using Excessive Force. And with garment factories in bangladesh forced to shut up shop how the coronavirus could cost 1000000. 00 workers their jobs. Hello their pens will Winter Weather across Northern Areas of europe theres more snow in the full cost as well Central Regions mostly skies and then to the southeast we got a mix of rain and also some very cold air in place a festival norway is the snow thats been coming down to the north there is some more as a say in of the 4 calls and then this is hungry now what youre looking at actually apricot grows and these torches have been lit to keep any frost from forming at all the stigma in these apricot trees so where that may well be in place for a few more days conditions remain clear and ill see cold in the nighttime hours well see the remnants of that rain and snow working its way across away from the balkans in greece pushing cross into turkey very unsettled to the north again more snow across areas a skull and heavy particularly the high ground as strong winds gusting winds across the u. K. Some areas of rain but the good news when it comes to stay in is that finally that rain is pulling away so friday should be a much dried day one. Rick out across mainland europe and still those winds pretty strong in areas all the north but it doesnt mean the system pushing away from spain it will be taking the right back again into morocco algeria and eventually end but look at this temperature here in libya 30 celsius in tripoli thats because the winds are coming from the interior they come from the north as a go through friday so cooling off 20 celsius the chance. To his supporters hungarys Prime Minister is a guardian of europes borders manning the ramparts against migrant told. To others viktor orban is an authoritarian demagogue whose far right agenda poses a significant threat to Democratic Values people in power investigates the leader taking his country to extremes hungary europes bad boy on. Award winning programming from international can make cause i think its yeah we are going to wind up in 2nd life if we carry on this one just the arrest sets the stage things not longer a good night even if he is no longer an excuse giving voice to the voiceless so are we ready to go for a long pull expats and discussion that cultures dont exist and theyre still combating that today open your eyes to an alternative view of the while today on aljazeera. Top stories to reduce our the u. K. Has experienced the deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic with 563 people dying in hospital more than 2000 Frontline Health care workers have also been infected. The number of Coronavirus Infections in spain has passed 100000 country to do so more than 860 people died in the past another record high for the country but there are hopes that. The World Health Organization says the number of deaths internationally has more than doubled in the past week and it expects the number of infections will reach 1000000 in the coming days. Were taking you live to the white house and the daily Task Force Corona virus Task Force Briefing by the u. S. President as well as his team we expect the u. S. President to come out momentarily and speak and well come back to the press conference as soon as we see the president walk outs. In lebanon large parts of the population are struggling financially after the government imposed a lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus almost half of the population live below the poverty line of the country is already in the midst off an economic crisis well get back to about story in just a moment but go back to the white house and listen to what the u. S. President has to say on the coronavirus. So america continues to wage all out war to defeat the viruses horrible horrible virus see how terrible it is especially when you look at the numbers from yesterday. And we explained. Why were extending our nationwide guidelines to slow the spread to 30 days together we have the power to save countless lives were attacking the virus in every front with social distancing economic support for our workers rapid medical intervention and very serious innovation and banning dangerous foreign travel the threat is the health of our people and we did that early far earlier than anyone would have thought. And way ahead of anybody else in this time of need i know that every american will do their patriotic duty and help us to achieve a total victory. As governments and nations focus on the coronavirus theres a growing threat that cartels criminals terrorists and other maligned actors will try to exploit this situation for their own gain and we must not let that happen we will never let that happen today the United States is launching enhanced counter narcotics operations in the western hemisphere to protect the American People from the Deadly School or church of illegal narcotics. We must not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten american lives in cooperation with the 22. 00 partner nations u. S. Southern command will increase surveillance disruption and seizures of drug shipments and provide Additional Support for eradication efforts which are going on right now at a record pace were deploying Additional Navy destroyers combat ships aircraft and helicopters coast guard cutters and air force Surveillance Aircraft doubling our capabilities in the region. Very importantly our forces are fully equipped with personnel protective equipment and weve taken additional Safety Measures to ensure our troops remain healthy. Secretary marc esper attorney general bill Barr National Security advisor Robert Obryant will provide more details in addition im going to have general milley who has done an incredible of so many with us say a few words and also with us or chief of Naval Operations admiral gilday will you know i think you know and commandant of the coast guard admiral shields so im going to ask mark to start and then we can go and after that were going to take questions as it pertains to this and then well go on to phase 2 which is a virus itself ok thank you please. Well thank you mr president and good afternoon everyone appreciate the opportunity to be here today as we make this very important announcement at a time when the nation and the Department Defense are focused on protecting the American People from the spread of the coronavirus we also remain vigilant to the many other threats our country faces today at the president s direction the Department Defense in close cooperation with our inner Agency Partners began enhanced counternarcotics operations in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea this initiative is part of the administrations whole of government approach to combat in the flow of illicit drugs into the United States and protecting the American People from their scourge i want to thank all of our partners in this effort to include the United States coast guard the department of Homeland Security the Drug Enforcement agency the department of justice and members of the Intelligence Community for the tremendous support and cooperation to get to conduct these enhanced operations the president has directed the deployment of additional ships aircraft and Security Forces to the United States Southern Command area of responsibility included in this force package our Navy Destroyers and a tour of combat ships coast guard cutters p. 8 patrol d aircraft and elements of an Army Security force a say. Its brigade these Additional Forces will nearly double our capacity to conduct counternarcotics operations in the region additionally 22. 00 partner nations have joined us in this fight with them a variety of intelligence and operations capabilities needed to defeat these criminal organizations last year alone United States other commands operations resulted in the seizure of over 280. 00 metric tons of drugs much of which was designated for shipment to america while this was an incredible achievement there is much more work to be done. Transnational criminal organizations continue to threaten our security by smuggling cocaine fentanyl methamphetamines and other narcotics across our borders these drug traffickers put our communities communities at risk and destroy lives every year tens of thousands of americans die from Drug Overdose and thousands more suffer the harmful effects of addiction furthermore corrupt actors like the illegitimate majority in venezuela rely on the profits derived from the self narcotics to maintain their oppressive hold on power the venezuelan people continue to suffer tremendously you dont adore as criminal control over the country drug traffickers are seizing on this lawlessness by increasing their illicit activities we must do more to prevent these drugs from arriving at our shores these enhanced counternarcotics operations that are now underway will further disrupt the flow of illicit drugs to america deny our adversaries the Financial Resources they depend on and build the capacity of our partner nations throughout the region i want to thank President Trump for his leadership and support to this Critical Mission this is particularly important time for this operation to begin as nations around the world shift our focus inward to deal with the coronavirus pandemic many criminal organizations are attempting to capitalize on this crisis the enhanced operations where announcing today will keep the pressure on these criminal groups and protect the American People from the devastation caused by the flow of Illegal Drugs into our country. Mr president thank you for your leadership as we begin this important operation where the men and women of the United States military work hard so there is the u. S. Defense secretary mark he was speaking at that briefing with the u. S. President donald trump and when donald trump announces that he says that there is a growing threat that cartels and criminals will try to take advantage of the pandemic and by the pandemic of course he means the coronavirus pandemic going on right now in the United States lets bring in mike hanna hes joining us from washington d. C. So mike at this there dont seem to be any Health Workers at this particular briefing which is what weve been used to over the past couple of days but seems to be talking about border narcotics operations. Indeed yes and the one person who is there hasnt been in the recent days is the attorney general william barr but it was surprised to see him in this particular podium and obviously this seems to be a slightly different briefing than weve seen which as you said was dominated by the medical professionals by the scientists here it appears with the presence of the attorney general there. Focusing immediately on drug related issues that certainly theres Something Else going on here thats a bit different from the briefings that weve seen in recent days which have focused almost intensely on the medical situation throughout the country on the rate of the coronavirus and on the need to continue to come back to using preventative mitigation measures such as social distancing but the fact that there are none of the scientists today would indicate that this briefing may be going in a slightly different direction ok michael i will let you go for now thank you for that from washington so of course well keep an eye out on that briefing and well bring you any information that comes out of its. Just before we crossed over to washington we were talking about lebanon because a large part of the population there is struggling financially after the government imposed a lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus almost half of the population lives below the poverty line the countrys already in the midst of an economic crisis and 12 people have been killed from the virus 470 cases have been confirmed heres and reporting from beirut its a desperate time for a growing number of lebanese those willing and able to help are stepping in by providing food to the poor a nationwide order to contain the coronavirus is putting further hardship on an already struggling population we have so many calls would imagine people starving there were no we were starving only food but people asking for medication people asking for milk for their children and diapers i wish that we can get all that done for them but we are so limited with raising money is hard in a country where according to the world bank 45 percent of the population live below the poverty line the pandemic could not have come at a worse time for this nation of 6000000 lebannon is bankrupt opponents of those in power blame them for decades of mismanagement. But the. Bonds of the government of the politicians they ought to be able to help the poor we need to play a role even if the limited capabilities. The government has promising to do all it can but Prime Minister has sandeep has acknowledged the state is struggling to deal with the fallout from the pandemic. In the ministry we are hoping in the m p t p project about 15000 households giving them food vouchers but as you know we have huge challenges in lebanon we have many many economic problems financial problems many warn businesses may permanently close tens of thousands have already lost their jobs in recent months the government says it prioritized Peoples Health over the economy when it ordered the lockdown and wants to prevent another crisis officials are trying to slow down the infection rate so as not to overwhelm underfunded hospitals. So far coronavirus cases have not been increasing at an alarming rate but keeping people at home is not easy especially in poor regions like tripoli this is lebanon 2nd largest city but more than half of its nearly 800000 people have been living in poverty for years. And if we are opening our shops because we survive on daily wages but people are only buying their basic needs we ask the rich to stand by the pool as the crisis continues needs are growing while more people sink into poverty. Beirut police in kenya have ordered an investigation into the death of a 13 year old boy his neighbors say he was shot dead when police opened fire to enforce a coronavirus curfew in the capital on monday its not the only example of Excessive Force by police during the outbreak markham web reports from nairobi. Yaseen moir was just 13 years old. His family say he was shot dead by police on monday evening. They were in forcing a curfew here in kenyas capital nairobi. The government and his uncle told us he was at home on his balcony with other children when a bullet hit him in the stomach. Would be it when he was abducted by that day to be what i did to my dignity the police. As we know even you know even exactly what i will do should double with the news of. The governments brought in restrictions to try and slow the spread of covert 19 the curfew killed yaseen before the virus yaseen has been laid to rest his family say they want justice and theyre not the enemy ones who arent happy with kenyas curfew. In the port city of Mombasa Police used tear gas to break up crowds before the curfew began Rights Groups say please and making things worse we believe that the cops who is necessary in order to flatten the car but we dont necessarily think that we do not believe that people at the same time actually helps the fight against corporate 19 to be really frank weve seen more deaths at the moment from violent policing than weve seen. In the western city of Kisumu Police also fired tear gas to close the markets in forcing another one of the new restrictions the people depend on markets for income and food restrictions are making life harder and as the virus spreads people are expecting a greater lock down in the weeks ahead the president has made a rare apology for Police Brutality police say some of its officers are being held to account. And the police chief who did an investigation into yaseen his death his family say theyll welcome justice but it wont bring him back malcolm webb aljazeera Nairobi Kenya cambodia has announced it will close 91 garment factories due to the coronavirus pandemic move that will affect more than 6000. 00 workers the pandemic is also threatening the jobs of more than a 1000000 factory workers in bangladesh more than 2000000000. 00 worth of orders have been cancelled and workers are worried time per child were reports from dhaka. In bangladesh more than 4100000 people are employed making clothes mostly woman but because of the coronavirus pandemic many now fear they could lose their jobs fatima cotton is a divorcee with 2 family members who depends on her income and she is worried if they got a visit back of the little mother if the factory closes would be very hard for me to manage things i take care of the rent my sons education and mothers treatment ok and to the government is that they should come up at some sort of solution for us in such a situation. The finance minister says bangladesh could lose 1 point one percent of its g. D. P. During the outbreak and then theyre still area of dhaka you can sense. The streets are empty and many of the factories up close their doors. A stewardess to come next Industry Leaders say the situation could worsen. Out of the 4200. 00 only 880. 00 factories and so far in order to losses a 2940000000. 00 so you can well imagine the impact will be stuck with the goods there will be no payment we have no certainty no what assurance from anybody or that theyre going to be taking it. All so all our lives for are that rig an accessory everythings. So the Immediate Impact is basically the workers lives the garmin manufacturers an export has objects members to consider shutting their factories to limit the spread of the corona virus but those who planned to make personal protective gear to fight the pandemic can remain open and showing workers stay safe im not going to want to go to the kind of the concept of we feel that as long as they are in the factory and safe our factories im intending safety in or aspects before entering that everyone has to go through all hygiene procedures and thats it from. Economics done Business Experts say the government must allocate funds to help those who becomes jobless specially if they are on low incomes Prime Minister shake us in has announced plans for a stimulus package of 589 1000000. 00 for the industry to overcome the fallout but for those who live from one paycheck to another that seems to offer little immediate relief tend to charge 3 Dhaka Bangladesh for the 1st time china has added covert 900 patients who show no symptoms to its daily count 130 such cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours 1500 others have been put in quarantine the Chinese Government has repeatedly changed its counting methodology leading to confusion over the exact number of cases reported katrina you has more from beijing. Beijing this week is very much on the defensive about its coronavirus datta because recently a local transmission seemed to have slowed to a trickle we were seeing 0 cases all single digit cases reported daily over the past week and the government all but declared victory but the public felt very differently they have been concerned for some time about these asymptomatic cases that is people with covered 1000 who do not present symptoms now china has never added these to its official tally against World Health Organization guideline saying well authorities maintain that they didnt have any solid evidence that these cases will infectious in the community but over the weekend in recent days in china there have been some very well publicized cases proving that people have caught korvin 1000 from from asymptomatic carriers and now the government really has changed its tune from today on wednesday theyve are going to start reporting daily new a cement asymptomatic cases so weve got 130. 00 bringing the total of these cases asymptomatic cases to 1367. 00 now in china the government has said that even though or they havent added these to the official tally previously they have been protecting the community saying that even that these cases have been quarantined for the requisite 2 weeks when they have been discovered but people still are quite angry and also its raised a lot of questions here because this isnt the 1st time china has changed the way that its counted coroner virus cases actually change the methods a number of times over the past few months and people really are critical and skeptical about these government figures now a city in germany is also leading the way in making it compulsory for people to wear masks in public several other countries are following suit but theres the bit about how effective it is a sort of reports. In this video we would like to tell you what we did differently and mayor i would like to help you to do the same choosing to wear a mask or not is no longer an option for those living in the Czech Republic because every citizen now has to wear surgical masks by law during the pandemic and across the country people have mobilized to make and distribute homemade moss for the entire population number of European Countries are also introducing similar measures on wednesday austria banned people from entering supermarkets without swearing a mass. For comment because its not part of our culture its going to be a big change but its necessary to take this step and further reduce the spread. While local authorities in the german city of hino also making it compulsory for shoppers the government in berlin warns it could give people a false sense of security the debates about masters happening also in other parts of the world on sunday czech Prime Minister on the ridge bobby shirred u. S. President donald trump to adopt the same approach and reduce the spread of coronavirus with the highest number of cases in the world u. S. Health officials are contemplating whether to recommend Wearing Masks in public. Physical overall shortage of critics again putting at risk doctors and nurses who are at the front line of fighting couvade 19 since the pandemic started the World Health Organization has advised against people Wearing Masks unless theyre infected with corona virus or caring for others who are but others in the medical field say the masks are needed since not everyone will show symptoms must remember that a certain numbers of. The nation is actually asymptomatic so they even dont know get infected and actually used to transmit it even for you to go well. So i think universal masking is or to. Be the number of confirmed cases rising in many parts of the world the need for medical protective gear is greater than ever but for now some Frontline Health workers have been forced to recycle the masts and gowns theyve already used. Aljazeera now Video Conferencing zoom has seen a surge in popularity as people work and socialize from home but there are serious concerns the platforms tens of millions of users could be at risk tech experts have reported user data leaks at risk installation techniques and vulnerabilities that let malicious websites access peoples webcams new yorks attorney general has written to the company about its weak security catalina go on to an assistant professor in private law at university and comanager of maastricht law and tech lab she says that many Security Experts are already treating the platform as malicious software. What we need to think about in terms of zoom is that were seeing this crisis bringing an end precedented amount of people online and theres a lot of concerns about their safety and also their privacy how how secure is doing a lot of security and privacy experts such as arvin there ryan and from Princeton University are actually calling malware and why is that because the way in which it gets installed on peoples computers is very similar to the way in which Malware Software operates so a lot of Security Experts have been calling it out as a rather dubious in the way in which it practices these installation packages so one thing that we can say is that there is an authentication protocol zoom authentication tool dad can be interpreted as a little bit of a backdoor so that zoom but also other actors such as militias actors can can really do some nasty things with computers that have installed. So watching the news hour on aljazeera were going to take a short break but well be back with much more of the days news coming your way see it and i. Thank her and her. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such to moms as a global power develop into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generation the brush passed by a neighboring future energy. The u. N. Fact finders accused of but i mean really if it genocide that political or if you think that. Do you believe that under modi is a fascist or a kid dont have all gone they. Would have both the recognize the both sides have legitimate grievances against the other lot make this is the foundation of climate back then and that is why the Customer Base hard hitting debate with up. On aljazeera. Explaining terms of policy towards africa its the Challenging Mission set his secretary of state mike pompei on a 5 day visit to the continent the visit comes after the white house an ounce to a travel ban on 4 african nations and a withdrawal of troops from west africa. I think it just demonstrates the 5. 100. 00 a us and for me station. Despite tribes travel ban being extended at the end of february to take in the 4 african countries including the continents biggest economy compare were insistent that the u. S. Is open for business. United kingdom records its worst day of the corona Virus Outbreak more than 500. 00 people have died in 24 hours. Watching al jazeera live from london im sorry not great also ahead. In the next few days we will reach 1000000 confirmed cases. A stark warning from the World Health Organization as the coronavirus pandemic closes in on a new global milestone. Sanitize. The pandemic is fueling anti asian racism in the United States. And austria sure

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