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A pandemic South Koreans carefully head to the ballot box plus. This is a crisis like no other the International Monetary fund says the coronavirus of sending the world to was the worst financial downturn since the Great Depression. U. S. President donald trump has announced he will hold funding for the World Health Organization thats the top u. N. Body at the forefront of a Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic what trump is accusing the w. H. O. Of both a cover up of botching the initial response to the outbreak he says the group has been spreading this information from china where the virus was 1st detected which he says made things worse we have deep concerns whether americas generosity has been put to the best use possible. The reality is that the w. H. O. Failed to adequately obtain vet and share information in a timely and transparent fashion the world depends on the w. H. O. To work with countries to ensure that Accurate Information about International Health threats is shared in a timely manner and if its not to independently tell the world the truth about what is happening the w. H. O. Failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable but the u. N. Secretary general says now is not the time to reduce resources for the dollar which is on the front lines of what he called one of the most dangerous challenges the world has faced in our lifetime and as a dire forecast on the economic front the International Monetary fund says the world is heading towards the worst financial downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. The i. M. F. Chief Economist Says lock downs could cost the Global Economy more the 9 trillion dollars over the next 2 years well the World Health Organization is the u. N. Agency responsible for Global Public health last year the u. S. Contributed 15 percent of its funding the most of a single donor in total the u. S. Paid nearly 900000000. 00 and china contributed about 10 percent of that Lawrence Gostin is a professor at Georgetown University he says the u. S. Governments slow response to the pandemic is outrageous the United States had ample warning. To degrade show very early on said that the world had to brace itself. And to do confinement. Contact tracing testing quarantines. The World Health Organization. Similarly. Disclosed the genetic sequencing of the virus and the president and everybody in america could see as a tsunami of cases were sweeping across africa then east and a sorry not africa china and then east asia then to europe and then finally to the United States so we had so much time to prepare and we just didnt to be an american because at a time when were facing literally a once in a Century Global Health Crisis when tens of thousands of people are dying when this is the time more than ever. For our Global Health leadership and Global Solidarity to have the United States undercut the World Health Organization was indeed painful to watch i never thought i would see an american president. Undercut a vital u. N. Agency where the president tried did and i think it will do what will happen itll just the United States has now lost all voice all influence over. International relations and Global Health and affairs. I think that the world will be outraged by this act well the us president is still keen to lift social distancing restrictions and some states possibly by the beginning of may is at odds with some governors who want to make the decision themselves michaela has more from washington d. C. President trump also against the advice of his medical experts continues to press for an earlier opening of many u. S. States saying that its quite possible that a number of states could have restrictions lifted by the end of this month this is what he had to say there are numerous states that are in great shape right now theyre viewing the rest of the country like we dont even believe this is happening we have a lot of those states theyre set to open practically now i mean they would be open now were going to let them open sooner than the date were going to pick a date were going to get a date thats good but its going to be very very soon sooner than the end of the month but there are many states out there that are looking at this and theyre reviewing it and theyre saying we shouldnt be even included in this you know there are some that want to open up almost now now if we disagree with it were not going to let them open voting is on the way in south koreas parliamentary election as the worlds 1st National Election to be held during the pandemic the voters are required to wear masks and gloves plus maintain social distancing south korea has seen more than 10000. 00 infections and more than 220. 00 deaths as there is right mcbride joins us now from a polling station in the capital so rob so just talk us through what sort of special restrictions have been put in place to allow the vote to go ahead. Thats right polling here is well underway as it is across the country we are in a fairly well populated residential part of seoul city and weve been watching as varying numbers of people have been arriving here to cast their vote and as they do they have to go through these special precautions has been a bit of a lull at the moment but we have seen quite long lines at this polling station as people turn up they have to keep this one meter at least distance from the person in front of them or behind them and then as well as given Hand Sanitizer they have a Temperature Check and theyre also then given disposable gloves to wear throughout their visit here to handle the ballot papers interestingly if you get a temperature here you are not turned away but you are directed towards a special voting booth just reserved for people with a temperature they can vote but probably recommended to go and have checked out why they have a temperature but its all aimed at getting as many people here to vote and we know that from the voting figures being returned across the country that turnout is relatively high certainly higher than previous elections so people do not appear to have been deterred by this also special preparations have put in place special precautions to allow some of the thousands of people who are self quarantining here in south korea of course many people have to do the mandatory self quarantine in their homes or in a hotel for 15 days but for this one day if they are eligible to vote then they are allowed to leave their home attend a polling station like this one right at the very end of the regular polling and polling stations are being kept open an extra hour to allow those allowed those people who are quarantining to have their say in this ballot and rob just briefly what are the key issues for voters or has the virus dominated everything that. It is that the coronavirus people will talk about livelihood issues the state of the economy but theres no getting away that those are impacted and those are intertwined with the coronavirus and as people here have been telling us its really how the members of the National Assembly have responded to this will determine how they vote and there is a feeling that the president and his Approval Rating has gone up more than 50 percent approve of the way he has handled this crisis and that is likely to be reflected in the votes for the parties and the politicians who support him or at a robot drive down the south korean capital seoul rob thank you well as we mentioned the International Monetary fund is predicting a grim few years for the Global Economy due to the coronavirus alan fischer reports before we take from the International Monetary fund a stark warning this is a crisis like no other which means there is substantial uncertainty about the impact it will have on peoples lives and livelihoods as unemployment lines grow around the world is manufacturing growing to halt in many sectors as businesses are forced to close the Economic Impact of the covert crisis is biting the i. M. F. Issues regular reports on the Global Financial situation 3 months ago they were predicting widespread growth but on a virus has radically changed the landscape we are projecting Global Growth in 20224 to minus. 3 percent now this is a downgrade of 6. 3 Percentage Points from general 2020 a Major Division over a very short period of time this makes the Great Lockdown the worst recession since the Great Depression and far worse than the Global Financial crises. One of the biggest drops will come in the unit paean euro zone which is expected to take a hit of 7. 5 percent the u. S. Where the president is pushing to reopen the economy is looking at a contraction of nearly 6 percent japan 5. 2 percent down the same as latin america in china where the pandemic began and has begun to reopen its economy its expected to record growth of just over one percent the i. M. F. Is predicting that if things dont deteriorate there will be a rebound for the Global Economy in 2021 that one economist warns that might be short lived i think hes going to run into a lot of headwinds in terms of the kind of the draft thats going to come from all of that the big shock thats happened over the past quarter in terms of bankruptcies in terms of lost jobs and that is going to weigh quite heavily on demand and that is why governments and Central Banks in stepping up stimulus to try and give the economy this extra boost when it comes out of this shock this induced like this shutdowns one area seriously impacted the Airline Industry its seen as passenger numbers drop by half globally airlines no think theyll lose more than 300000000000 dollars this year much more than expected the i. M. F. Is urging countries to walk together to beat the pandemic saying there is no tradeoff between saving lives and saving livelihoods alan fischer aljazeera virginia. Time for short break here now is iraq when we come back no nation spared countries across latin america feel the devastating Economic Impact of the condiment plus. Virtual Birthday Party living according to you has forced people to come up with creative ways to get on with their lives more not status. Hello there finally we have got an improving weather picture across southern and eastern sections of the United States of course the last 2 days we have seen a wrath of a deadly tornadoes across the entire region and just have a look at this because the destruction has been so widespread 1st of all across into mississippi and then you move further east across into georgia and finally aap into South Carolina you could be looking at so many states of course with these tornadoes that swept through now as we go through wednesday a much clearer comma picture across much of the south the southeast still some rain to carry away from southern portions of georgia pushy its way down into more northern and central areas of florida and as you can see pretty good as well up into the northeast now where we have still got quite a bit of weather is across the Northern Plains rain sleet and snow on its way southwards over the next couple of days still that very cold air coming in just 7 celsius in calgary just a degree above freezing for you in winnipeg. In denver out across the west is fine and dry on a pretty good day really in l. A. With a high the of 23 degrees showery across those areas to say of florida and also really pushing into that west coast of mexico all coming from the same system and then for the next couple of days well see a fair amount of rain across into panama and up into costa rica. When diplomacy fails and fear sweeps then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists weve proven that barriers are built to impose division and its not effective instead of being an obstacle to a toll wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a 4 part series aljazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here this hour u. S. President donald trump has a spending funding for the World Health Organization he says the botched the initial response to the outbreak and spread what he called this information from china and secondly general says now is not the time to reduce resources. Voting is underway in south koreas parliamentary elections as the worlds 1st National Vote to be held during the pandemic voters are last to clubs must maintain social distancing and the International Monetary fund serves the world is heading towards the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. The i. M. F. Chief Economist Says lock downs aimed at stopping the outbreak could cost the Global Economy over 9. 00 trillion dollars over the next 2 years. While the i. M. F. Is also forecasting that latin america would plunge into recession that could set the clock back more than 50 years in terms of Economic Growth of the 635000000 people who live in latin america and the caribbean at least a 3rd could lose their livelihoods as a result of the pandemic the sea and human has more now from santiago. Alexander galavis is trying to make enough to cover one days expenses selling secondhand electrical goods on the street its illegal but he has little choice made and i thought the police many a city police are let us work because its going to get worse if we cant sell now well have to go to steal later. My pretty good i left it they say theres nothing worse than kicking someone when theyre down and thats exactly what colvin 1000 is doing to latin america. I was a white but all the restaurants closed so now im trying to survive doing this just to pay the rent and the the pandemic plot the region on an already poor 40. 00 with anemic Economic Growth rising crime and social and. Arrest than by severe inequality the forecast now is even more bleak. Greece in various standing we mean we extreme. To me and so and extreme. To 210000000 people in a. Very human these fears failure. The biggest problem is unemployment and many latin american countries are too insolvent to provide viable economic rescue plans for small and medium sized businesses. Venezuela ecuador argentina and most to Central America and deep in debt already but all without exception will have a hard time keeping their heads above water even after the pandemic subsides between 19952015 tens of millions of Latin Americans wos home poverty and into the lower middle class many of them were able to buy apartments like the ones you see here now these are precisely the people who stand to lose everything i mean the i. M. F. Predicts the region will suffer its worst recession in half a century a lot may depend on if and when latin americas main trading partners china the u. S. And europe recover nothing is certain to disappoint except the regions main weakness a structural inequality that will take much longer to cure than the pandemic you see in human aljazeera santiago. Well 3 European Countries have taken the 1st steps to partially open their economies after weeks of a lockdown but most shops and businesses in spain italy and austria continue to remain closed and social distancing measures are still being enforced is poor britain. After more than a month from the government imposed closure the shutters are starting to be raised europe is taking its 1st cautious steps out of lockdown many italian bookshops Stationary Stores and Childrens Clothing shops were allowed to reopen on tuesday albeit with strict conditions but in a country which has seen more than 20000 fatalities from the virus the relief is mixed with fear but. I think the right thing is to prevent every possibility of infection obviously one needs to balance this with the need for normal life to resume but always remembering that the risk is still very high. The. Better to be alive and poor if the shops that reopen are totally safe that both workers and customers then i am in favor i worry that there will be a lot to do to get to that stage though italy is not made up of just Large Companies with big space as they can easily be organized shops in austria are also reopening for the 1st time since mid march and over shoppers are being urged not to stampede the sales there is a sense of optimism among viennas retailers. Hoffnung spoiled yes actually were in good spirits the people have been locked up until now and we have already received some requests by phone and email or in the mood for some addresses yes were hopeful that. Our approach over the coming months is going to be very clear as much freedom as possible as much restriction that is necessary but let me add should the figures develop in the wrong direction that we will of course hold the emergency brake which we have in place should it become necessary. Accurate data is crucial in knowing how and when to apply that emergency break the virus is ripping through the continents care homes where elderly residents are particularly vulnerable to infection but in the u. K. The governments daily death and infection statistics only include hospital patients and new data suggest the real totals are much larger care home providers say the suggestion that u. K. Government statistics are under estimating coronavirus deaths by some 15 percent themselves underestimates hit c 11 of britains largest operating 329 homes including the one behind me said the virus is now present in 2 thirds of its residences and that the deaths of one 3rd of its residents in the past 3 weeks of involved coronavirus thats more than 300 people britains coronavirus restrictions are being reviewed this week with a decision by thursday on the Current Evidence there is no possibility that the u. K. Will be joining italy austria and spain in starting to lift its coronavirus confinement orders paul brennan aljazeera sorry for during this Global Health crisis countries led by women appear to have a better coordinated effort attacking the emergency Angela Merkel of germany warned earlier of a significant number of infections and impose strict measures a country has fewer deaths than many other european nations just into our journey new zealand imposed self isolation on people arriving from abroad when they were just 6 cases in the country she and her ministers are taking a pay cut for the next 6 months to deal with economic challenges in iceland Prime Minister country jakobs daughter is offering free testing to all its citizens the 1st leader to sound the alarm was taiwans sighing when because of fast action as early as the end of december theyve not had to impose lock downs norways Prime Minister. Well special News Conference was for kids to tell them how to stay safe. Well katherine asked because from the Harvard Kennedy school of government she says the female leaders all have something in common all of these women that you cited that have come to power by belief effective coalitions by creating different platforms and they have approached this crisis with the kind of honesty that Inspires Trust in government did not cast blame they have said they will build coalitions of the Scientific Community either their governor is or their underlying Government Entities to tackle this in a holistic way and so we see that in crises and we see this across the board corporate crazies acknowledge crazies women are off better sex to tackle these types of dilemma is because they are hurt people pulling together the kind of people that need to be dedicated to a very specific solution to other news now former u. S. President barack obama hasnt doors to his 2 term Vice President joe biden and his bid for the white house in a video message obama said he believes biden is the candidate that America Needs during the virus crisis he also praised his former running mates leadership skills and empathy the backing comes less than a week of the Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race for the democratic partys nomination leaving only biden. If theres one thing weve learned as a country for moments of great crisis its that the spirit of looking out for one another cant be restricted to our homes or our workplaces were neighborhoods or houses of worship it holds so has to be reflected in our National Government the kind of leadership thats guided by knowledge and experience honesty and humility empathy and grace that kind of leadership doesnt just belong in our state capitals and mayors offices it belongs in the white house. But joe biden is also facing further allegations of Sexual Assault a california woman previously accused biden of touching her neck and shoulders when she worked for him in the senate in 1903 now she says he also sexually assaulted her that same year bidens Campaign Team denies the allegations. Libyas u. N. Recognized government says its making gains in its fight against the wall orderly the have to officials in tripoli say their forces have taken control of 7 coastal towns and the Prime Minister insists theyll continue to move further after his fighters are pulled back to an air base in the southwest of libya the fighting has intensified between both sides in the last few weeks despite calls for a cease fire after launch the offensive to capture the capital tripoli last year egypts Public Prosecutor says a Security Officer was killed in a gun battle with a suspected group in the capital cairo. Several others were injured during the exchange which lasted for several hours in the area district thats their cairo city center state t. V. Said the Security Forces were battling against what it described as a terrorist group 7 gunmen were killed its alleged they were planning attacks during christian holidays turkeys president richard type erdogan has table the bill to free up 290000 prisoners as part of efforts to contain the pandemic the move has been criticized for excluding government opponents rights activists and journalists so impossible reports now from istanbul and you told me she caught some of the members of Turkeys Parliament have passed the Prison Reform bill it will reduce the sentences of thousands of prisoners to ease overcrowding in prevent the further suppression of coronavirus but those serving time for crimes including direct trafficking and rape as well as detainees under turkeys anti terror laws are not included in the new policy. What design them are they through criminality and it streamlines the judicial process reducing miscarriage of justice aloso tending to favor the person over the system the reforms seek to release minor offenders who have completed at these helpful things sentence and will release those who have already served 2 thirds of their sentence while toughening sentences on their rise financial crimes the reforms will also enable home confinement for some inmates prisoners over the age of 65 and whitman who have children under the age of 7 along with sick prisoners will be released on parole what point is that it leaves. Our eyes really. All over this increase how. Fast are excluded from release oh im sorry people like james youre not friends is ours this. Grandmother had some. Very good. Prosecution sometimes very nearly 90000 inmates are expected to benefit from this new legislation which was proposed by the governing party and its nationalist ally in parliament m. H. Be happy. If a court penalize a someone that person shouldnt enter from one door and exit without charge from the other that was the ideal when the bill reached the General Assembly but now it will have a negative impact on the society and the victims while encouraging the perpetrators. So reform would also bring measures for inmates with Communicable Diseases the turkish government says this new legislation is not an amnesty it is to oppress the overcrowding issues in prisons that the critics argue its neither. More full and interferes with the existing program or for the same sentences based on if the opposition is expected to challenge to the constitutional. Altus around. The biggest cycling race in the world the Tour De France has been postponed organizers say it isnt possible for the race to start as planned on june the 27th thats after the french government extended a ban on Mass Gatherings until mid july 2 bosses are still hoping the race can happen later in the 3 week event normally attracts more than 10000000 spectators now living in quarantine or under some sort of lockdown has meant weve had to make big changes to our daily lives but people around the world have been adapting to this new way of life and finding creative ways to pass the time so houston theres one mother in the u. S. Whos documented have familys experience is their story for so im. Pretty sure i dont want to its probably take me about 3 weeks to get into this on the block even with numbers you know just to can appreciate things like this. Science project together. Hes a leader hes been very helpful. So on a day after. Learning trying to get my son through the end of 6 very unhealthy. We should all be too occupied in one still doing college work and one doing music. Begins in. Fact presence virtual worth a party and incidentally thats going to be. A. Quick reminder you can catch up with all the news on our web site there what is on your screen address on to c. N. N. Dot com that sound is hearing all. Talk a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump is suspending funding for the World Health Organization he says the botched the National Response to the outbreak and spread what he called descent from asian from china the u. N. Secretary general says now is not the time to produce results its in the middle of a pandemic one of the most dangerous and costly decisions from the w. H. O. Was its disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from china and other nations they were very much opposed to what we did fortunately i was not convinced and suspended travel from china saving untold numbers of lives thousands and thousands of people would have died had other nations like was suspended travel from china countless more lives would have been saved instead look at the rest of the world look at parts of europe other nations in regions who follow w. H. O. Guidelines and kept their borders open to china excel aerated the pandemic all around the world. Voting is underway in south koreas parliamentary elections as the worlds 1st National Vote to be held during the pandemic voters are required to wear masks and gloves plus maintain social distancing south korea has more than 10000. 00 infections the International Monetary fund says the world is heading towards the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. The i. M. F. Chief Economist Says lockdowns aimed at stopping the outbreak could cost the Global Economy more than 9 trillion dollars over the next 2 years 3 months long containment measures in 3 European Countries are starting to ease spain italy and austria are letting some businesses reopen but social distancing rules are still being enforced and former u. S. President barack obama hasnt dorst his 2 term Vice President joe biden in his bid for the white house in a video message obama said he believes biden is the candidate that America Needs during the Coronavirus Crisis the backing comes less than a week after Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race for the democratic partys nomination leaving only biden well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after walls of shame state of thats what in fact that. As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the aisles. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Coronavirus pandemic special coverage on aljazeera. In 1998 the good friday agreement was signed brokering a peace deal between republicans and unionists in northern ireland. Nearly a decade later aljazeera visited belfast to explore ongoing divisions in the city. The film youre about to see was 1st broadcast in 2007. Theres no breed a lot

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