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Criticism. With infection rates falling jamey says the outbreak is now manageable again. Plus Health Workers fighting coronavirus in chile report an increase in her assessment and discrimination. And im santa how much with all the sport including plans are in motion to complete it this season the European Champions League with all the 29th and 10th for the final. Alarming new numbers showing the strain of the coronavirus pandemic on the worlds 2 biggest economies there is increasing doubt about the u. S. President s 2 week deadline for getting businesses back up and running in 30 states 22000000 americans have made jobless claims over the last months numbers not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. And chinas Gross Domestic Product has plummeted by almost 7 percent in the 1st quarter thats the sharpest fall since it opened up to the world 40 years ago. Theres been a big rise in the death toll in the original epicenter of the outbreak will hand 50 percent more people die there than was previously reported now the total number of fatalities in the city is now said to be 3869 lets go to beijing where katrina you is live for us katrina lets talk about the economy 1st of all china had been seeing a period of sustained growth force for quite a few years before this and now these g. D. P. Figures are coming out this is bad news for china. Thats right the outlook is bleak indeed as you mentioned an interrupted growth of broome for nearly half a century and it took this coronavirus 10 demick to really put an end to all of that so weve seen year on year 6. 8 percent drop in chinas g. D. P. Which is really significant and quite in line with peoples expectations analyst expectations because the current virus control measures that the government put in place for a few weeks in february and march really saw the economy come to a standstill factories were closed businesses were closed hundreds of millions of people were stuck indoors and just to unpack that figure a bit more also manufacturing vestment in the 1st quarter was down 25 percent year on year Infrastructure Investment also down 20 percent retail sales down 19 percent so really at the mormon the government is doing all it can to get the economy restarted the National Bureau of statistics has said that the economy faces new difficulties and new challenges but the long term growth of the economy shouldnt be affected well at the moment there are questions as to whether that can be possible because this is really taking chinas economy is really taking a big hit not only from the slowing growth internally but also a kind of double hit from the drop in Global Demand so at the moment the government has resisted applying any major blanket stimulus its got gone instead photog did measures such as cutting Interest Rates making loans cheaper to lend out to businesses need in providing rental and wage subsidies for example but analysts say that this may not be enough and it may not be until 2021 that chinas economy is able to recover ok lets talk about the this big jump that theres been in the in the figures that are coming out of well what is the government saying about this 50 percent upward revision of those numbers. Well china has always defended its numbers i think i think the Chinese Government is well aware that there is a lot of suspicion about the transparency and accuracy of these figures and certainly this latest adjustment only feeds into that theyve said that there are actually more 1290 deaths that were not taken into account in the official tally previously and theyve said that the reason for this was because when the just the government was trying to deal with the epidemic they didnt have the resources to make sure that these not numbers were consistent for example a lot of medical Treatment Centers or hospitals were not reporting numbers consistently there was some people who passed away before they were formally diagnosed and at the height of the epidemic when the system was overloaded there were simply some people who couldnt get to a hospital or Treatment Center and they died at home so the government says theyve now taken into account all those numbers cases that were not previously take into account during a review that theyve now been able to to conduct now that the outbreak has eased into han and that is why theyve added these figures so that makes the National Death toll now 4632. 00 but of course this is only added fuel to these suspicions and many critics say that still these official numbers fall short of the real numbers on the ground in the real numbers of people affected here in china katrina you long for some bruising katrina thanks very much indeed. I want to bring in annie spiral shes a professor of Population Health science and policy at icon school of medicine at mun sign it which is a graduate training hospital in new york shes joining us on skype from london we appreciate your time thank you very much indeed lets talk about the numbers coming out of china the china has a secretary was saying being criticized for not being transparent enough about the figures that were coming out from particular from will one of the start of the spread of this virus but isnt it reasonable to think that given the confusion that its going to be very difficult to try to track down numbers like this. I think to more and then we can actually realize right now because even though it actually is not angry because it isnt easy its a small region ever did and they did what we think the numbers really are what do you still need to decrease in italy. And try to come to it became apparent to your increasing in. Terms of numbers were in now in meeting the mission has been done or that independent groups needed to return has no way to actually verify his existence hes our only bits and pieces and no none of that. And we dont have. A little so it is not correction not magic changing methodology as we know our time originally if you died of that anger against when you were in county cricket now china is not honoring him and got in a kind of methodology but given that it was a country that we are not particularly worried about because it was the type of coverage that and i work with mine is to spread and spread beyond the pandemic that we had today and you know not just within the hospitals but were going to keep something. With that any kind of ability to get independent verification in she didnt mean the announcement for example to. Human to human transmission in time there is no cannot be taken place that in we have not went there. The w. H. O. Has said from the outset of the break and indeed with others that the most important thing that they can get is information not just data but the actual information that you can derive from a but this seems to be a reticence between certain is on some Member States of the w. H. O. To put forward that information because theres a risk they might be missing perceived as being not in control of the situation how difficult does that make it in future to try to track the spread of pandemics like this well that is the real problem isnt it because we we had the means given reason why have you pulled up in one of them is because they want to cover up and trying to get in its not time its not learning what i mean its kind of one of those things we see with almost any and. Yeah reg and uniquely the bowl ad breaks last yet and even for that color and finally a tribute in mexico in 2009 will not have it after all and that may have a different slant you to control the letters will come right because they wont be any political repercussions and message lee made the n. B. A. Trade repercussion to its him and then on top of that we have a difference in measurement then at the depicting ability to kiss dont really have a record i must protest even that you have a willingness to report and im willing as it is to say as he said to so you may not be control you know straight for example reporting on you know he doesnt cases and yet in what ways are needed if its very not be ethical and every once in a dimes. Wrist which is true in one sense the better as if that happened in every single bit because because of these yes its so important and if were not counting is that out of the hospital which can be very hot at the peak of an epidemic and seeing that he might around as easily and it takes a while to catch those dense out where it is it makes our ability not to track it but also in no other part of us are like tracking everyone and were testing as many people as we can we get in my bed its in the degree of Community Media team so there should be a real incentive for governments to really crack on and test and report because the sooner we know what level of community it is in the sooner you can open the sounds that and the more we saw about you know how to have protected the population it is really good to get your thoughts on this on a spiral we appreciate your time thanks very much the u. S. President suggests some states could reopen for business within weeks but as covered in 1000 keeps spreading across the country than a crowded House Speaker nancy pelosi says more testing needs to be done and the golic of reports. Its what President Donald Trump calls a science based plan to get the United States back on its feet hes issued guidelines in 3 phases that advise each state when they can begin to reopen and what doctors say will be a new normal america wants to be open and americans want to be open as ive said for some time now a National Shutdown is not a sustainable long term solution. To preserve the health of our citizens we must also preserve the health and functioning of our economy over the long haul the 1st phase calls for social distancing and for schools and businesses to remain closed but some larger venues including restaurants and movie theaters could reopen if states see a steady decline in coronavirus cases they can move to phase 2 in which schools some businesses including bars could open big gatherings remain limited the 3rd phase will allow workers to go back to their jobs and for at risk people to continue to take precautions we took the greatest economy. In the history of the world and weve closed it in order to win this war and were in the process of winning it now our approach outlines 3 phases in restoring our Economic Life we are not opening all d at once but one careful step at a time democratic speaker of the house nancy pelosi called the plan vague an inconsistent citing concerns over the need for Rapid Testing oh the corona virus has taken a harsh toll on the u. S. More than 30000 people have died and there have been over 600000 confirmed cases 22000000 people are now out of work wiping out a decade of job growth President Trump says the u. S. Will be back and greater than ever but this is a delicate process that comes down to a state by state county by county basis some states manta phase one as early as friday others face a far longer slog Business Leaders governors and scientists warn a shortfall in testing could hamper efforts to reopen the country that decision now lies with each states governor in some States Coronavirus case is a yet to peak and as a risk of the virus making a comeback in the months ahead personal Protection Equipment for Health Workers is still in short supply but even if you are in phase 123 its not ok game over its not its going to be a way that we protect ourselves because as we know and as ive said from this podium it may very well be as we go the cycle around that theyll be this virus that once the compact to us i think were going to be able to handle this is a cautious approach to reopen the Worlds Largest economy something President Trump has long wanted to do the challenges for each state are huge the dangers of making the wrong decision now crucial and as yet theres still no vaccine and a gallica aljazeera. Bobo notes a medical doctor and a journalist and he says its risky to reopen the u. S. Economy without widespread testing if you look in china and will have problems their success was they came up they hit a peak and thats where they are right now they didnt succeed until they had a rigorous contact case tracey that is every single positive was traced and all their contacts they were then put into quarantine what they call these camps mobile camps and then they had to decline to 0 were taking a big chance at opening back up full flat out we still have you know massive numbers of infections many dead every single day so theres no question its a real risk to start back up that said you know ive worked with dr foushee since 983 and one of the very best Infectious Disease people on the planet theyve done a good job but the key point is this youve got to have the test its called an Antibody Test to show who has the virus or who had the virus and very rigorous contact case tracy so you have 25000 people from the u. S. Census and then others about 500 or so from the peace corps that theyre going to use to go door to door to door to find these cases theyll use Emergency Rooms so if for any upticks but its risky you know kids are the biggest carriers of the disease you know asymptomatic carriers are going to bring it to their parents and their grandparents and until we have the advent of what i would call a bio Security Industry much like we had a Security Industry after a 2001 with much more sophisticated testing in monitoring its really going to be trial and error and the errors are going to result unfortunately in more deaths. Leading Public Health professor in the u. K. Has told officials britain was too slow to act on the coronaVirus Outbreak speaking to a Parliamentary Committee Antony Castello questioned the adders that led to the slow response so far more than 13000. 00 people have died in hospitals meanwhile in germany the Health Minister has declared the pandemic is again manageable he says the success is the result of a month long lockdown as well as mass testing in response to an early surge in cases already chalons is live for us in london rory lets talk about this Committee Hearing thats going on at the moment very strong words coming out of there. Yeah this committee is a chance for m. P. s. Medical experts to questions of. The Health Secretary and some of the most probing of these questions as youve just outlined there from. A leading Public Health professor and he was saying that although this is not the time for a blame game the u. K. Appears to be heading for the worst death rates of any of the European Countries and he wants to know why this is war the system failure is that perhaps. The u. K. He says final death toll of perhaps some 40000. 00 people it certainly has laid bare some of the cracks in the u. K. S National Health Service and the policy response of the u. K. Government there is an immense the. Positive story thats going on at the moment which feeds into all this which is kept in more this 99 year old pensioner who has raised an astonishing amount of money. 18000000 pounds and counting for the n. H. S. Hes done this by walking 100 laps of his garden and he wants to do this in time for his 100. In april what hes done that hes absolutely smashed the amount of money that he was hoping to raise people have been donating from all over the country but that begs the question why is he having to do that for the n. H. S. Which should be an adequately funded National Health service. And rory lets just go back to the story about germany were talking about germany saying this Health Minister is saying that the spread of the virus is not manageable they are just give us some of the context about why germany feels that its got it to that stage. Germany certainly when you look at all the statistics and the way countries have responded does seem to have done better than many others certainly here in the u. K. People have been looking to germany been asking themselves what has germany done right that is basically kept the death toll relatively low. It seems the testing has been a key part of that. W. H. O. The World Health Organization from the beginning of this outbreak has been saying if you have to test you have to trace and you have to isolate and germany has been doing a lot more testing than than many other countries in the u. K. I think that that feeds into perhaps why the german Health Minister thinks that things are looking more manageable and it also were getting some pretty good information coming from the leadership itself we had Angela Merkel explaining quite clearly yesterday how the reproduction rates of the virus in germany seems to be about one that means that one person is infecting one other person. And she was saying that if you increase that to 1. 00 then germanys Health Service might be overburdened by it so you increase it to 1. 00 germanys Health Service will be overburdened by 1. 2 1. 00 and then it gets to sort of june that its reaching a breaking point so there is there does seem to be a way in which german politicians and the testing system is making the whole thing more understandable to the population or a challenge is bringing us up to date from london rory thanks very much indeed. Well russias reported 4000 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours bringing its total number close 228000 the government says 232 people have died theres a partial economic shutdown in place until the end of the month and a vote on amendments to the constitution has been postponed members of the Ultra Orthodox Jewish community in west jerusalem of hold objects at police over coronavirus restrictions but hes responded to the violence by throwing stun grenades one of which hit and injured a child Israeli Governments placed a ban on gatherings of more than 10 people and its banned calming all prayers. Palestinians are marking prisoners day to commemorate the plight of thousands being held in Israeli Military jails but this year a Detainees Commission is urging israel to release hundreds of sick inmates who are at high risk of contracting covered 19 him reports from the occupied west bank. All celebrations to welcome part of the holy home from an israeli prison were cancelled. He wont be meeting any relatives and will stay in quarantine for 2 weeks but he made one quick visit to his mothers grave. Palestinian medics this to them for the coronavirus immediately after his release his results came back negative but he says the last 2 weeks of his 18 years in prison were very stressful and what the situation inside israeli prisons is catastrophic we didnt have good medical care or serious precautions only lately Prison Guards started wearing gloves and masks when they entered our rooms but not everyone was cautious in the 1st days of the outbreak in palestine celebrations like these. Have angered many palestinians thousands gathering to welcome released prisoners from janine in the north of the occupied west bank. While this release prisoner wasnt infected. One. Of the 19 year old tested positive for the virus after spending days in israeli jails. Israeli media have reported that 5 Prison Guards and inter gaiters have been infected. With the i think i got it from the prison either from interrogators or Prison Guards spreading was easy inside the prison they didnt give us most clubs and disinfectants the Palestinian Prisoners Club a local Rights Organization says the tensions continue like usual. Its recorded more than 350 at least in the west bank last month. So highly but it was he says her husband or mother was arrested many times over the years but this one is the most worrying. Because each arrest was already difficult on us but this time were very concerned because of this virus omar is 67 years old and has heart issues high Blood Pressure and diabetes hes not a young man anymore the Israeli Prison Service till the bitter would know covered 19 infections among prisoners it says new arrivals are isolated and measures are taken to protect inmates and staff including banning family visit the need Human Rights Organisation say that is or it isnt taking enough precautions or conducting enough tests for prisoners theyre calling on the International Community to pressure the Israeli Government to release the prisoners specially those under the age of 18 the elderly. Female just. Bang there is a jerusalems alek some mosque are being suspended for the islamic holy month of ramadan the council that oversees the site says the compound will be closed to worship is because of the coronavirus theres been a ban on islamic prayers at the sites known to muslims as the noble sanctuary and to jews as the temple mount since late march. Resilient person in jeddah both so not only has fired his Health Minister the clash for weeks over how to handle the corona Virus Outbreak the president has repeatedly played down the risk calling it a little flu and opposing social distancing advice of the former Health Minister pushed for w. H. O. Guidelines to be put in place but still has latin americas worst outbreak with nearly 2000 reported deaths. On the soup is in sao paulo when he reports on the conflicting messages that have been coming from both and his former Health Minister. The president decided to move monday from his position and this is because of the disagreements between the president and the man there especially about socialization and quite entirely and here in brazil since the brazilian presidency was not a wants to return to life the normal life here in brazil he wants and support that idea of vertical isolation another has until is a lesion he think that the only and the people that they are in danger must stay at home at home must be isolated but all the other people must return to work normally here in brazil and this was the main issue that the former minister and recently came on that they didnt accept at all and he said the brazil must obey and follow what the h. Always said about the strategies that brazil and all of the countries must obey or many Health Workers on the front line of the pandemic are being applauded around the world others are becoming the target of abuse in chile there are increasing reports of discrimination and attacks by people afraid they might infect them and latin america to listen human reports from santiago. Health care workers are a godsend during a medical emergency but chilean ambulance driver say i didnt need it no longer seems to feel that way. Now and some people say yes they treat us as though you are contaminated they should realize we have families too and we are doing all we can to stay healthy at this hospital as in so many others medical personnel are working at their own peril without sufficient personal protection acquit but as this pandemic spreads so too did the cases of heresy and even assaults against them fanned by one of the most basic human instincts and that is fear. This circular says medical personnel living in our condominium often been from using the lifts and public areas failure to comply will result in having their electricity water and gas cut off in another building a Health Worker found this message we know you work for the red cross dont come home the state has special places for you dont come back again. Hospital nutritionist sonya farah has been harassed and threatened on the social networks ever since she was suspected of having called coronavirus 3 weeks ago. I dont know if i need to get a restraining order theres a person whos threatening to hit me if she sees me but the Health Ministry calls the ongoing cases of discrimination against Health Workers appalling that sort of thing that we should be grateful to them ive asked that this cases be reported as a breach of the law. And its not just in chile from argentina to mexico and way beyond cases of discrimination against medical personnel are on the rise xico City Hospital internist alan goodness has started wearing his street clothes rather than his uniform when he cant get a lift to work. When i try to take the bus the driver closes the door in my face when he sees im a doctor and there are even worse forms of aggression of. Reports of medical staff being attacked or having bleach thrown at them are becoming more common dr pamela felt she explains its not rational the hostility or the enmity anger really comes from its underlying fear and frustration because were fighting something we. Disability or not this pandemic is revealing not just the positives but also some of the more ugly aspects of human nature. You see in human aljazeera santy out. As time for the weather rob or getting a variety of spring weather in europe. But if we are and its not moving he seems the one place kid in the same thing again and again is a bit disappointing have to say when it may be not a big surprise on the coast the baltic it looks a bit more like winter and spring and its bracing at 9 degrees for example comedowns germany and its been consistently warm 18 degrees in the sunshine in berlin is more than it should be in down in switzerland warmest where from the high ground here a little lower than where this cyclist is in the middle of brightening right fields its right about middle twentys and thats been the story for a while youve had the cloud curling in the atlantic from barea western side of europe and weve had regular cold wind intrusions into Eastern Europe which means the middle bit is where the world has been its been fairly excessive wealth and it still is this color background which suggested a green is nice in the teens really and rez in the twentys doesnt give you comparisons averaged it just gives you that general shape of the current weather they siberias have the most disappointing reason there has been snowy couple of weeks ago rain now of course and temperatures surprisingly high and rain in porto but the mediterranean coast is about to get colder again does not ensure breeze and yet more rain and weve seen flooding on this coast surats the early part of the spring so its a bit of a disappointment in the middle of europe its still warm but in london for example were in the teens with an increasingly cold wind time marc to wrap up thanks very much indeed so i had on aljazeera racing to meet demand kenya steps up mass production after the government in introduces tougher rules to curb the spread of coronavirus plus. Ground control to many. Top tips from a former astronaut on how to come to grips with life in isolation. And one german club has come up with a way to fill empty stands once football can resume again details coming up later in the sport. A policy imposed decades ago pregnant woman thought that she would selectively goods and had only boys changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences for creating a pool of socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system where people at every level will be get being given money to agree to star as a ship or money to get other people to administer social. Examines the politics of population control Award Winning programming from International Film makers isnt it you really going to watch insect life if we carry on this work out just the arrest sets the stage that is no longer in your naivety is no longer an excuse giving voice to the voiceless so are we ready to go for a long pull expats and discussion that culture still exists and you are still full batting that today open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on aljazeera. Rule. Oh. You want your legacy a reminder of our top stories this hour chinas economy has suffered its sharpest fall in decades its g. D. P. Is down by nearly 7 percent in the 1st quarter of this year the government says 50 percent more people than previously reported died in one. President has unveiled guidelines to reopen the u. S. Economy but its going to be up to governors to decide when to ease lock downs and new states 22000000. 00 americans have made jobless claims in the past month. Germanys Health Minister has declared the pandemic is again manageable he says the success is the result of a month long long done in response to an early search in cases. Barely a quarter of me and most prisoners are being released as part of a traditional new year amnesty large crowds gathered outside this prison in young gone despite covert 19 restrictions a spokesman for the Prisons Department says the release of nearly 25000 inmates is not linked to concerns over the virus but Human Rights Watch has called on the government to reduce prison and numbers to prevent a spread of the outbreak i mean law has recorded at least 85 cases of the coronavirus and 4 patients have died and the governments been bracing for a major increase after one of thousands of migrants returning from thailand tested positive any of this month officials have taken a number of measures to stop the spread but that by the end of march only 517 people have been tested and theres been increasing concern that mean mars most vulnerable populations especially ethnic groups are going to be hardest hit by the pandemic Human Rights Watch says an estimated 350000 displaced people are facing a Health Catastrophe stuff and collins a resident representative of the International Committee of the red cross in myanmar hes joining us now from yang gone thank you very much indeed for your time so just give us an indication 1st of all of the kind of things that your teams on the ground are facing at the moment well good afternoon rob thank you for the question we have right now our team and its been really for several weeks working very hard to get prepared to whats maybe come at some point and if you dont make in the various conflict zones where we are working as you rightly said we have only 85 cases tested positive year in myanmar so far but of course its very important to get prepared to the scenario of potential if you dont meet you need right now as we are talking there is no official case declared in any of the conflict zones where the ice yes teams are working beat in shan in catching or in russia. As we mentioned earlier tens of thousands of prisoners are being released from prisoners from prisons in me about what kind of problems is that going to pose for your teams when theyre trying to deal with so many more people in society well our teams actually were preparing for these really is also its been only announced at the last minute for quite a while already because the release which is taking place right now is part of the annual president a mystique and its true that although we are now talking a lot about 19 hes measure should have been taken in any case as far as were concerned we are welcoming it because indeed we are passing right now from a total number of reason or is of around 100. 00 cells and 220325000 less which is of course good news for the prisons because in myanmar like in many other places we know that in 3 zones conditions of access to house access to ventilation access to fresh air is usually quite challenging and these release of prisoners comes at the right time in terms of preparation of course you had to side by the authorities and to ses them to be sure that the people are returning home in a safe way which is real freeze for themselves of course in those times of potential if you damage but also 3 for their families and 3 of risk for the communities that are going back the i. C. R. C. Like many other aid organizations in myanmar with of course been have been working on ongoing projects there how are those projects being maintained in the face of this upcoming possible epidemic and maam are. Well in fact since the reste often it be dimmick has appeared some weeks ago there is 3 priorities we had to work on the 1st one was really to get our teams on the field to get prepared because as you probably know here in the moloch in any theatrical permissions where the ice yes hes providing assistance to victims of conflict we of course very concerned by the possibility of the couldnt communicate effects of what the conflict generates for the population combined of course was the risk of an epidemic like over 1000 so our teams 1st and foremost especially those while working on the front line and those were helping several hundreds of thousands of people in need of humanitarian assistance at 1st and foremost to get prepared in terms of training in terms of equipment in terms of knowing how what that all our protocol was disease knock of in 1000 reality its definitely not business as usual for us but of course we need to respect the the very important principle of do no harm and to have our teams prepared to the best to be able to carry out their usual activities the 2 other priorities were of course to try to ensure what we call our business continues if i dare to say which is that we need to ensure that the vital and lifesaving assistance that we are carrying out for many people across the country in gulf big zones just go on we cannot afford having koehler and of iris disrupting the many programs on which many people are depending i just give you an example in rec i and we have at least 80 cells and people who are relying on monthly food distributions of place yasi we also have 65000 people displaced by the ongoing conflicts between the seas and and that i reckon on me and all those people needs to keep on receiving ice yes yes distance and protection and thats what we are fighting for the 3rd priority was of course to join our reforms to the one of the government of other you money to an organization of medical services of the country and of course to once years of the myanmar i trust because we had to basically plan and go for activities which were not initially foreseen for the year 2020. Serious accounting and we would appreciate your time thanks very much for joining us on aljazeera. Garment workers in bangladesh of how the protest over unpaid wages hundreds blocked a road outside a factory demanding their salaries manufacturers account for 85 percent of exports and employ or 1000000 people but International Orders have dried up because of the cover 1000. Textile factories in tailors in kenya scrambling to produce tens of millions of surgical masks after the government made it compulsory to wear them in Public Health and so it reports from nairobi. A few weeks ago 300 tailors at this factory in nairobi made clothes are now on enforced leave because of the corona virus pandemic was left to work a stitching around 20000 protective facemasks a day the government has ordered that everyone must wear proper masks when out in public or pay a fine of 200. 00 its a job of tailless across the country to make sure theres a constant supply at an affordable price the local authorities have only 35 the surgical ones but theyre not very comical if you have a few one before devote every day for what we came up with. A few textile companies have also been commissioned to make other past more protective equipment for health. But this young people in a neighborhood backyard on the outskirts of the city tell us they too can make protective 19 respond as they all recently lost their jobs as economy continues to suffer theyve already made body suits like this one which theyve distributed to a local Health Center here they tell us this is an extra layer of protection and with it and it all for her award. Different. And part of the country with groups. There and mark got a fridge for that occurring a girl standard awful warning of some of this product. For a 4th. Their walk is not yet approved by the governments bureau of standards but they hope it will be soon its just like having anything you. Can you has little experience in manufacturing medical supplies mostly realize and imports from countries like china and foreign aid hospitals have around 500 ventilators many like this a private Health Facility are preparing isolation units one pass and recently died of the disease here. Around 5000. 00 public Health Workers are to be employed in the special units and those on the front line will be regularly tested but some nasa say its not enough we have been raising the issue. Of help to be dusted after 14 hours to 14 days to ensure that. We have been raising the issues of Life Insurance from Health Care Workers that has not been responded by the minister for now its a race to have everything in place using all means available to deal with a pandemic that is causing so much distress across the walls catherine soy aljazeera nairobi kenya. Businesses in irans capital will begin reopening onside. Thats despite Health Authorities in the country warning of a 2nd wave of infections but the government has been scanning back the lockdown as it shifts its focus to saving the economy from complete collapse has more from tacked on. To france ancient bazaars are the beating heart of the city the coronavirus means its beating a little softer these days. With stay at home order still in effect the call to prayer comes from an empty mosque the citys bread makers carry on to make sure people have enough to eat not a good man and a work is easy were comfortable we have no problems but nobody brings us hanson a ties a disinfectant all mosques the government brought nothing we have to pay for it from our own pocket couvade 19. 00 has done what for years economic sanctions failed to bring irans economy to a near standstill irans government is looking to breathe life back into businesses as soon as possible the grand bazaar is the symbol of irans mercantile tradition really is strange to see this place so empty on any given day it bustling with people buy and sell some of the people who live in this neighborhood iranians that weve spoken to say that this was already working to indicate the health of the countrys economy probably hasnt been this empty in central. Iran is a land bridge connecting europe asia and the middle east merchant trade has been a part of the fabric of this country for millennia. If shocks dont reopen soon iranians worry some may never be able to open again but that. All these years that we have been doing business here weve never seen such a vast closure of the facade the reason is this fire is that you adopt disease is disease its not up to me or you it happens if im going to contract corona today ill get it if i dont contact it i wont it is up to. The coronavirus is still killing people but a nationwide travel ban will be lifted this month and shops will begin to reopen this week the grand bazaar with a narrow alleyways full of people would be the Perfect Place for a virus to spread so most markets like this will remain closed for now. President hasnt really honey has said people can begin to return to work safely the head of Tehran City Council disagrees we are concerned about another outbreak in tehran we expect the national count to corona toss for us to use the citys councils experience to make more realistic decisions traffic jams are already a common site once again Health Experts have warned relaxing control measures that took weeks to implement risks a 2nd outbreak but whatever the numbers whatever the warnings whatever the risk to save irans economy the government says roads and shops must reopen and whether people like it or not it is already happening saying bus ravi old 0. Is turning government is paying 2 of its Biggest Airlines to maintain their domestic flights over the next 8 weeks contests and Virgin Australia will receive 105000000. 00 to keep flying critical metropolitan and regional routes the airlines say the money equal to 165000000. 00 a stray and dollars is not enough. Todays 165000000. 00 announcement is going to mike the world of difference for those commuters whove come in from overseas done the 14 days of quarantine let me tell you if i landed in sydney and required to get back to perth with very limited Services Available its a long drop in a hot car over the knob or inside thats going to mike a difference for them its also of course going to have in those planes defense personal medical personnel but most importantly as will people and medical equipment theyre going to gauges in sydney and she explains why the funds are particularly important for Virgin Australia the genesis truly a suspended trading in its shares on thursday and it has only been running one fly around the country its a state because it hasnt been able to afford any more and the Australian Government has stepped in so it will be paying for it quantas and virgin astride leah up to 105000000. 00 to keep these essential flight routes always been across the country sorry work is. Essential jobs and so you need to be flying around can reach those jobs now this money will be in place to keep flights operating for the next 8 weeks the big question is what will happen after that surgeon a strong leader is no doubt in a lot of financial strife there have been reports that some private companies could be stepping in but of course a monopoly in the Airline Industry is something that no one wants the Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been very clear that 19 is a fight of the health side and also the economy so its hoping that if we open up some of these flights into the future we might be able to help bring some of those jobs back and help the economy in a stronger. Xor cautions were in place as a u. S. And russian crew arrived back from the International Space station to what they say is a very different planet they landed in kazakhstan after spending more than 200 days in orbit that Recovery Team assigned to help the crew has been under close medical observation for nearly a month. Well spending months at a time in isolation is not uncommon for us starts now millions have been looking to their experience for advice that i lack has more from toronto. Ground control to me. Famous for performing david bowies space oddity in space and for being perhaps the most social media savvy astronaut ever Chris Hadfield is reaching out to those of us grounded by social isolation. His 3 missions in earth orbit including command of the International Space station in 2013 turned him to cope with months and months of separation from almost everyone else on the planet while for the 1st time maybe in living memory for most we find ourselves globally in a position fear and isolation physical isolation. And thats thats not the way most people normally live but if you think about the life of an astronaut they live in a dangerous place that is extremely isolated and thrives and you know really do well succeed and love the life its all about being prepared mentally hadfield says thats what astronauts must do from the moment they start training for blastoff until fiery reentry and splash down or being stuck at home with a dangerous disease outside isnt all that different he says so give yourself a list of stuff to do understand your own constraints deal with the danger and then take action i think its a really productive and healthy way to fly a spaceship but its also a productive and healthy way to get through this with literally billions and many countries locked down in their homes hadfield is hoping his advice can help them through what could be months of separation from almost everyone else in an effort to avoid infection and especially protect the most vulnerable i think it helped so i prepared for danger and isolation most of my adult life and and its the same here if you just look at this is ok its just another day ive just got a different set of options and you know im still alive and theres stuff that do it lets lets just get at it you have to be an optimist for iraq but you also have to be a very practical realist and often those 2 things go together. As a man with many months in space behind him Chris Hadfield is urging us to think like astronauts on a mission to be hopeful helpful and well informed as this pandemic runs its course. Still ahead. Now. Theyre doing everything they can to catch drug cheats despite coronavirus restrictions. To start the sport here santa thank you very much a gravel without with football and plans are in motion to complete this seasons European Champions League with august 29th marked a for the final in istanbul european governing body will meet on thursday to discuss the matter with most major sports on hold because of the Global Pandemic the Champions League itself is yet to reach the call to final stage and you have reportedly considering turning the end of the competition into a week long mini tournament there are also still looking at the possibility of last 3 stages being paid over 2 legs in july and august but we spoke to a piece a Sports Writer rob harris earlier who explained why while completing the Champions League is so important. What you a few try to do in recent weeks is come up with continued see winds and tsunami completes in the season no not really fully in control of the process because they are having to follow the order of governments who can impose strict restrictions that have done now that could potentially reimpose some of the forms of lock down if there are concerns that the virus might be spreading the authorities keep on emphasizing its the health of players and fans and nations thats the most important thing thats being considered where and planning any resumption of football but set against that are these wider concerns about the financial landscape of european football the fact that clubs and leagues are experiencing same new difficulties with this cancellation of games in the last few weeks the income streams of dried up football clubs across europe and indeed other parts of the world and particularly around the Champions League there are television contracts worth billions of euros so these need to be completed these competitions to secure all that revenue still coming in to prevent broadcasters asking for on the funds that have already paid out and its all part of the wider football league. But fine it still needs to be. Premier league that are really determined to try to complete the season because they will have losses are 1000000000 pounds in the premier League Season cant be complete and the obviously has a massive knock on effect the Financial Health of football clubs and wine to communities clubs employing people so this is a really critical moment for football in general. Well with past to get terminus top division are back in action in may most likely behind closed doors fans of one club have been offered a unique way to show their support. Once and bloodbath supporters that were asked to sending photos of themselves to be transformed into a life size cardboard figures which will be placed in the stands in this davis costing fans about 20. 00 that with the proceeds going to charity. The head of all that lennox Sebastian Coe says theyre doing everything they can to catch drug cheats despite quanah fire a strict since hes been speaking to our Sports Correspondent Andy Richardson do some of the athletes you speak to have concerns that some of the cheats out there may see this as a window of opportunity where out of competition drug testing is obviously so restricted at the moment yes they do and weve been it was a ritual the work and the fact that its in so it. Is still flat out were still all they are still out there making sure that where possible they are going to provide that level playing field. Look theres no point in being coy and naive about it yes you know social distancing lockdown have made it difficult for our testing and our it is our big National Anti doping agencies d and organizations like the athletic its a its you that led us to be able to do what they were doing just a few weeks ago but no athlete should be sitting there thinking this is an ounce you go. Through freezer. As i mentioned earlier might just get to a finish to this seasons Champions League but while just lifting the trophy alone is a dream for many managers arsenals coach icky kiss it sounds desires are slightly different but of course still in this seasons competition having made it to the last 16 self are. Of course i have a dream to walk down the countryside among the cows in my hometown village with the Champions League trophy in my hands showing it to all of them simple man with a simple tree. Thanks very much indeed of course you can always find more on our website the address for that is going to be aljazeera dot com the stars it is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories including more on chinas economy suffering its sharpest fall in decades but also the government saying that 50 percent more people died in a war on them was originally assessed and robbed matheson. Join the global conversation off the bubble people get expand their brains maybe have a different view there is a dialogue with women in cambodia are in fact selling their hair we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to trace everyone has a voice tell us what you think i know conversation could be a law right here in this case we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progress and not perfect amount is iraq was a good thing to have been covering all of that america for most of my career but no country has alike and its my job to shed light on how and why i usually test treats and trace frank assessments its only struggling to cope with a number of her own virus approaches failure to take really aggressive action behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where there is one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the days global headlines india done enough to nip the spread of the one of ours in the inside story on aljazeera. China says theres been no cover up after revising its coronavirus death toll numbers by almost 50 percent in the original epicenter of. Hello there im the star and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a phase the lifting of the lockdown but the u. S. President s plan for getting the worlds biggest economy up and running faces criticism. Where with the sister system

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