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Demand but partially also because of too much supply but you know the president is determined we want to maintain our Energy Independence and the president has asked me to look at all of our options and what were doing that obviously its a pretty extraordinary situation where you saw the front month of oil futures trade negative. On the issue on the 4th stimulus bill and agency in the whole government any thoughts on why there are odd that money should be proportionate to half the rate of infection in states and a growing dangerous thing but way too early to consider that whatever we do will do on a bipartisan basis the president has listened to the governors ive had the opportunity on multiple Video Conference calls with the president the Vice President reaching out to a lot of people theres a lot of states that have been impacted but way too early to figure out that level of design you. Know Large Company applies for one of these loans. Nane manipulator works the system works the whole thing is one of the consequences to a Large Company trying to get anything but what can you do well you used the word manipulate them to give people the benefit of the doubt it again were going to put up very clear guidance. So that people understand what the certification is what it means if youre a big company it again there is a provision for you know where there are multiple affiliates that people can access this but the intent was not for companies that have access to plenty of liquidity and other sources and again to the extent these companies didnt understand this and they repay the loans that will be ok and if not theyll be potentially other consequences can you talk about what the consequences of it and you can look at the certifications there are quite significant. Given how many jobs have been saved through all the money thats going to be so far what i can tell you the p. P. P. So far is over 30000000 jobs and again that doesnt account for all their money that weve sent out and again were very pleased the direct deposits have gone out weve started sending out the checks and again that doesnt account for all their money that weve sent out and again were very pleased the direct deposits have gone out weve started sending out the checks to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we must 1st take care of the American Worker take care of the American Worker this pause will be in effect for 60 days after which the need for an extension or modification will be evaluated by myself and a group of people based on Economic Conditions at the time. This order d was in their livelihoods therefore in order to protect American Workers i will be issuing a temporary suspension of immigration into the United States you heard about that last night by posing immigration will help put unemployed americans 1st in line for jobs as america reopens so important it would be wrong and unjust for americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labor flown in from abroad we must 1st take care of the American Worker take care of the American Worker this pause will be in effect for 60 days after which the need for any extension or modification will be evaluated by myself and a group of people based on Economic Conditions at the time this order will only apply to individuals seeking a permanent residency in other words those receiving green cards big factor will not apply to those entering on a temporary basis as we move forward d well examine what additional immigration related measures should be put in place to protect u. S. Workers we want to protect our u. S. Workers and i think as we move forward we will become more and more protective of them. This was a new immigration will also help to conserve vital medical resources for american citizens a short break from new immigration depending on the time were talking about will protect the solvency of our Health Care System and provide relief to jobless americans. Today Vice President pence visited the hard working men and women of General Electric health care in Madison Wisconsin working 3 shifts a day to quadruple their production of ventilators were way ahead of schedule on ventilators as you know thats why its never brought up by the media and i like to bring things up when were doing so well g. E. Is also working with ford to make 50000 ventilators in the next 100 days more than our entire country typically produces in a very long period of time doing that in a matter of a few weeks and a few days earlier today at a very productive meeting with Governor Cuomo as you probably saw to discuss his statewide testing strategy and how we can Work Together to help expand it with the goal of doubling testing in the next few weeks and in new york state will be continuing to control the testing of their citizens and well also manage a state and local laboratories have a lot of great laboratories there more than anybody would ever have known frankly the federal government will work along with the state on the National Manufacturers and distributors together will all Work Together to help them secure additional tests and we hope that this model will work with the other states as well i think it will for the most part new york has a lot of very exceptional laboratories but most of the states to see so the chart yesterday most of the states im proud of the relationship might ministration is forged with new york and i can say very. Honestly with new york state and new york city theyve been terrific to work with the new york metropolitan area has been the epicenter of the outbreak here in america and the federal government has spared no expense or resource to get new yorkers the care they need and the care they deserve weve sent over d 5000000 mask in 5000000000 masks and now that number as of about 2 days from now will be more than doubled. Thousands of ventilators fax so many ventilators that the governors going to be sending up some 2 to massachusetts and a couple of other locations we have a great deal of ventilators switch people thought would be impossible about a month ago thousands of hospital beds and the us as comfort was sent as you know to new york and it was originally for more of a normal medical purpose and we changed it over so that it could take care of people that had the unfortunate circumstance of going through the problem that we that we know so well unfortunately that we know so well i said from the beginning that no american who needs a ventilator would be denied a ventilator and we have kept that promise all over the United States think of that other countries are desperate for ventilators they have many deaths because they dont have a ventilator divest. Andrew if we could bring the comfort back to its base in virginia so that we can have it for other locations and he said we would be able to do that Javits Center has been a great help to them but well be bringing in the ship back and at the earliest time and well get it ready for its next mission which will im sure be a very important one also but it was. It was an honor. They reconverted it after it got there into the handling an event that they were not expecting to be handling the f. D. A. Has now authorize more than 50 diagnostic tests including as of late last night the 1st taste test that a patient can take home it can take it at home and. Its highly accurate lab corps intends to make the Home Collection kits available to consumers in most states with a doctors order in the coming weeks we also have 4 different antibody tests already authorized tests will help identify individuals who can donate convalescent plasma thus providing potentially lifesaving antibodies to american patients dr haan will be providing you with an update on these developments in a few moments hes done a great job at the f. D. A. We continue to gain ground in the war against the unseen enemy and. I see light at the end of the tunnel i regularly see a lot of light at the end of the tunnel and were starting the process was studying a very very powerful important process you see that people are getting very anxious they want to get going they want to get back to their jobs they want to make money they want to take care of their families so the light is getting brighter and brighter every day and with that if i could ill ask dr burks to come up and then dr hahn thank you very much. Thank you mr president so im looking at all of the information across the United States we do see and prove men across all the large metro as i know you know that weve been talking about the new York Metro Area new york city rhode island connecticut long island and really we do start to see improvement there and we see improvement even now in rhode island and connecticut the Detroit Metro is doing quite well with significant declines now new orleans is nearly backed to their baseline of where they started for new infections. We also are seeing improvements in chicago and boston and that spin a great concern for us over the last several weeks that they have here now to be flattening. Both also philadelphia. And houston atlanta nashville baltimore indianapolis and st louis also appear to be flattening the d. C. Metro area we dont see a decline yet so i hopefully all of us still social distancing and doing everything that you can i wanted to remind everybody of 2 points when we brought up and the president put out the guidelines for opening up america again it was very clear to use and to really Work Together to mitigate against any resurgence and i also critically to protect the vulnerable and what were seeing across Rural America and in some of the they were just listening there to deborah breaks and that is the Coronavirus Briefing held by President Trump we had from heard from him we also heard from steve chin the secretary of the treasury lets speak to al jazeera as kimberly how can he joins us now from the white house kimberly a lot there maybe if we can start with the secretary of the treasury and what he said he was speaking extensively about this new package that has been approved by the senate tell us a little bit more about what he what he said there. Yeah this is significant this is the Paycheck Protection Program essentially it was a very Successful Program so much so when it was 1st approved the money ran out and so the white house had to go back to congress and ask for more money and thats what hes celebrating there is the fact that the white house got it through the 1st chamber the u. S. Senate now we know it still has to go through the house of representatives before the president signs it into law but the deal has already been agreed across all the parties so its essentially ad done deal there may be some minor tweaks but what is significant about this is this provides hundreds of billions of dollars for Small Businesses to keep their employees on the payroll because already tens of millions of americans have lost their jobs this is preventing and theres no way to fact check this number but steve minissha the treasury secretary saying that at least 30000000 jobs have been saved as a result of this problem so you know well have to take the treasury secretarys word for it but this is why they felt it was so important because we have in the neighborhood of 40000000 americans who lost their job add 30000000 to that and its really getting into the astronomical in terms of the numbers of americans that are finding themselves without a paycheck so this alleviates that it also puts in place funding for a National Testing program something that would be the 1st step and you heard the president talking about that a little bit when he was talking about his meeting with the Governor Andrew Cuomo the fact that there has been this confusion among governors criticism that they havent been able to find what they need to do testing this is something the president pushed on the states without a whole lot of explanation or even supplies so that was the focus of a meeting with the Governor Andrew Cuomo and this is also something that that funding is going to provide for in that agreement thats taken place on capitol hill the other big thing in there that was a win for democrats was the fact they were pushing for money for hospital workers those front line workers. To get the protective equipment that they need 75000000000. 00 will be in there one other thing i should point out that now when theyve got this through congress theyre already talking about the next phase of congress because again its about saving jobs for this administration theyre talking about face for which would be an Infrastructure Program in order to create more jobs and repair some of the crumbling infrastructure important to note though that is a Campaign Promise that donald trump made in 2016 still hasnt been able to deliver maybe trying to sneak that one in in advance of the november election. What else do you think is likely to come out of the questions that i guess will be coming up quite soon in light of the more general approach that the u. S. Is having to the coronavirus and the increasing number all of the some contagion. One thing i think that is going to be a real focus of questions as the president does return to the podium is going to be that executive order that hes put in place this pas on immigration for about 60 days now usually this is a real flashpoint between liberals and conservatives in the United States and whats notable is right now were not seeing as much pushback from democrats in particular but more liberal americans that typically dont like donald trump theyre not saying a whole lot about this it was a bit of a shock to Many Americans but the polls seem to show that 2 thirds of americans support this pas on immigration right now given the fact that there are so Many Americans out of work you heard the president there talking a little bit more about that saying that it will be 60 days that this possible take place and then it will be evaluated again based on Economic Conditions in response to the coronavirus epidemic here in the United States so the president defending i can tell you though there are Many Democrats that dont like this to see this is as sort of a hysterical or xenophobic response even an attempt to advance an agenda and using the current virus crisis to do that but again this is the president the 1st details weve really got since he announced this program almost 24 hours ago on twitter ok kimberly were going to leave it there are for now see what else comes out of the News Conference were still keeping an eye on it for the moment kimberly how kind of the white house thank you. And just staying with us for another term President Trump was also pledged to bail out the u. S. Or oil industry after the u. S. Futures market plunged into negative territory for the 1st time ever on monday. Volatility over the price of oil so u. S. Stocks open and close in the red for a 2nd straight day that jones index closed more than 2. 5 percent down on tuesday. The crush of oil prices will have a. Overstating impact on many of the latin american economies that the penned heavily on fossil fuel exports it will contribute to a new un forecast for the region the worst recession in all of its history the c. N. N. Reports now from santiago in chile. Venezuela has the Worlds Largest oil reserves but youd never know it by looking at the endless patrol queues in the capital caracas. Any of them but weve been to q. C. s 11 last night and still there are more than 100 cars ahead. Oil industry was already in shambles unprecedented low production u. S. Economic sanctions and low prices made it hard to import chemicals needed to produce petrol now the little money that was coming in from oil exports is gone with the collapse of the market. Venezuela isnt alone neighboring colombia and ecuador which is already deep in debt depend heavily on oil exports as does mexico with the number of infections from cold with 19 is rising sharply admitting that the crash in oil prices will hit mexico very hard president and that is. Trying to comfort his compatriots. I want to go on t. V. And give you all the security that we mexicans will be able to feed this crisis. On the 42 the world country and of the mexican people. The crown jewel of Argentinas Oil Industry the vaca muerta the shale gas formation is now practically parallel its kind in the country needed most to offset a steep recession and debt commitments here in chile the problem is the plummeting price of its main export copper but along with the caribbean islands this is one of the seal latin american countries the practice of practically no fossil fuel which means that the drop in the price of oil is actually a bit of good. But not for long the u. N. Economic council celeb in america and the caribbean has just downgraded the forecast for the region even further everybodys going to be in the what we want to say is that this crisis will create the west for session in the region since 9141930 this is the magnitude of it the forecast the could be even worse if the price of key commodities like oil does not recover soon to see in human aljazeera centavo the carnivorous pandemic could lead to famines in dozens of countries pushing tens of millions more people to the brink of starvation a un report has highlighted the vast number of people who are now acutely food insecure or the World Food Program has requested 350000000 dollars to set up a network to keep humanitarian supply chains moving around the world there are no famines yet but i must warn you that if we dont prepare and act now to secure access avoid fundies shortfalls and disruptions to tree we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months the actions that we take will determine our success or failure and build a Sustainable Food systems as the basis of stable and peaceful societies the truth is we do not have time on our side so lets act wisely and elicits a i do believe that our expertise and our partnerships we can big we can bring together the teams and the programs necessary to make certain that night think pandemic is not become a human and food crisis catastrophe. Well the World Food Program says if it is unable to reach those in need to do so coronavirus restrictions at least a 300000. 00 people could starve to death every day for a 3 month period and thats not taking into account those affected by the outbreak which will push the number of people on the brink of starvation to more than a quarter of a 1000000000 unless they get help soon and theyre warning warning that in a worst Case Scenario there could be famines in more than 30 countries and in 10 of those more than 1000000. 00 people are already close to starvation the world bank is also cautioned the countries against hoarding food they say global Grain Production and stocks are near all time highs making us frictions unnecessary. Thank you back to the white house now with a Coronavirus Task force briefing and President Trump is taking questions lets listen in i age is actually now recommending against the use of a drug seeker who weve become an issue with which is something you took a deliberate is always willing to take a breath on the subject you are the exact who or when you plan to do that. The executive order will be its being written now as we speak probably tomorrow something will it have exemptions in there of certain exemptions because youre going to need certain exemptions but will be notify you tomorrow will side it most likely tomorrow being drawn now in tonight and its something we have to have in this country and we have some people who say doesnt track with opening up the country to shut down immigration possible for companies that and the pipeline its already in place would you say well i think it really does i think its very strong obviously and its countrywide is opposed to specifically like china or some of the other ones that have shut. Were going to see it youll see a very accurate definition tomorrow after its completed by the attorneys last thing for me to. North korea what do you. Were also going to stop us kim jong well these are reports that came out and. We dont know we dont know ive had a very Good Relationship with him i wouldnt. You know i can only say this i wish him well because. If he is in the kind of condition that the reports say that the news is saying there will be. Thats a very serious condition as you know but i wish him well that weve had a Good Relationship ive said and have said it many times if somebody else were in this position we would have been right now at war with north korea and were not at war and were nowhere close to war with north korea so i just have to say to kim jong un i wish him very you know good luck good luck we came out with very very serious medical reports nobodys confirmed that its. C. N. N. That came out so when c. N. N. Comes out with a report i dont place too much credence in it if you go to convince you of the need for expanded testing. On testing and we have an agreement and we have an understanding on testing they have the labs tremendous labs as you know and we are especially in the mary but all over the state and great great medical schools and federal labs so we have a very good understanding were going to do very significant testing you know not everybody wants to do such significant testing. Testing. Is good in some cases and in some cases its not you have governors that dont want to go all out on the testing because they think they can do it in a different manner and and do it better but we had a very good meeting today the governor and i had a very good federal aid that can be used to help doctors who want to expand testing because we keep hearing that although they are hungry want to 5000000000. 00 and thats a tremendous amount of money thats thats far more money than in my opinion that world lead. And again already were testing more by far than any country i think i read yesterday report that weve done more than everybody else every other country combined and i think our people should be getting a lot of credit for that weve done a lot more than everybody else combined and you never hear that in the news its unfortunate you have the sense for not step on the ticker side and you didnt need to do one of these things tensions were reporting right now the physical the last 20. Degree reports from what is enough the for Political Office that were going to be reporting on that later on might be tonight or tomorrow well give you an executive where he said people maybe more time to get people to do it for immediate family for the party i think its been covered pretty accurately in this case i think most people know what it is and some people will be able to get in we have to do that obviously even from your main standpoint but theyll be theyll be some people coming in but its a its a strong water its. A big big circle as you know please enter into our whole break in the country are there greater risk of deportation based on the sort of i dont think i dont think so than that supposed to be here youre saying theyre here illegally is it would you say for example if an immigrant is here for a court order right are there 1st people who are then you have to go to court so then the judge would make a determination as to whether or not theyre going to be staying but if they have a court order they want have to leave until they go through that process so well see what happens but with a court and there are some with court orders that means they have a trial coming up place if there were obviously on the immigration thank you mark youve raised concern for a long time even in good Economic Times about immigrants taking americans jobs so under what conditions would you consider lifting this halt on immigration and what would it sort of an opportunity to address what you see as a problem for a long time so i think look you know right now obviously theres never been we had the greatest economy in the world and then one day we had to shut it down. They said you have to shut it down we did the right thing because i think we would of had a 1000000 or maybe even 2000000 or maybe more than that death so we did the right thing but certainly this would pertain i mean when you look at it right now the last thing we want to do is take American Workers jobs thats one thing when we were essentially used to call it full employment and its another thing right now right now we have people that have lost their jobs and we hope theyre going to come back and come back fast and that we can have an even deeper discussion but right now we have to have jobs for americans that you have the sense of like to find employment gets to 4 percent or 5 percent you know what i love to see i mean i hope were in that position to have that debate right now were not in that position right now wed close down a the largest economy the greatest economy in the history of the world its the most successful economy when you look at the stock market breaking records virtually every week sometimes every day and the stock market still not doing badly consider what this country has been through which really tells you how strong it was in the 1st place but you know i hope were going to be able to have that discussion i hope were in a position thats like a good discussion to have but there will be a little bit later brett got a verse about the c. D. C. Director said to you that perhaps this 2nd wave across violence in the fall worse because it is time with the season. Just want to talk about the context of as youre opening up the country and these guidelines in place now so we were very clear that in the guidelines that we believe we can monitor again monitor communities at the Community Level 5 using the influenza like illness and the syndrome make respiratory and gastrointestinal components of this of this particular virus obviously when we have flu were going to and were working on an algorithm that you test for flu and then you test for cove it and making sure that we are. Are building the Testing Capacity to be able to do that because i think its very important that youre going to be able. On the surface a patient when they come in with early flu and early cove it can look very close to get a demichelis so we need to have testing in place to be able to separate and ensure those patients receive the best treatment raso hoping by that time that we have additional Treatment Options for people with copd at 19 said that there will be additional treatment available in the fall were going to the next. Time thinking that it will come together the president has made it clear that we have the emergency which we have been working on the opening up guidelines and just like he talks about phase 4 he has as a very much working on the next 6090 and 4 on with fall and thats why hes not stopped any of the ventilator orders its very important that we have a complete libra fresh out of and a comprehensive stockpile going into the fall and i think thats why weve continued to bring in those shipments and work on the ventilators so that those would be available not only for the United States but certainly if there were other partner countries have this to the level of tragedy there are those who disagree with me. On that trip so you agree this could come back actually worse in the fall you know worse i think this has been pretty bad. When you see what has happened in new york that was very bad i believe that well have Early Warning signals both from our surveillance that weve been talking about in these vulnerable populations were going to continue that surveillance from now all the way through the fall to be able to give us that Early Warning signal i think what weve learned is how good americans are about immediately reverting to all of those issues that they need to do in order to ensure that they are protected and their families mr president what do you see that certainly georgia is. So for your former. Wife and you saw Lindsey Graham is saying hes concerned the george will be going too far too fast or could affect people in South Carolina obviously people travel back and forth between states how do you protect the people of South Carolina for example from a potentially bad decision by a governor in georgia so its a very capable man he knows what hes doing hes done a very good job as governor of georgia and by the way and South Carolina. Governor mcmaster also so you have 2 very capable people were going to find out and in fact im scheduled to speak to the governor of georgia in a little while but well well find it rams concern is what happens in georgia is going to vary but i have a concern about what happens everywhere i mean weve got those concerns and as far as coming back if they do come back in they could come back together with heavy on the flu and much later on because i really believe well be able to put out the fires you know its like the fires and weve learned a lot you know weve become very good at this when you look at whats happening when you look at the numbers coming down a lot of states are in really great shape going to see a lot of openings but ill be speaking to the governor of georgia in a little while there is reason for the. Carrot for going back to social distancing even if things work you know blocks or summers for come fall just the person on the back you could see them and ill speak for the doctrine of if you like either of you to say but i would say to you keep away until this thing is got its going to be got at some point its going to be gun gun and i would say you keep away and you do the social distancing until such time as you know its going well know when that time is your executive orders last for 60 days how would you decide whether to extend this law look at the autonomy to see where we are with the economy basically and i think ill have a very easy decision to make i hope i hope that the economys going to be great by that time but well see but right now in light of the fact that americans are out of jobs i cant be have i cant be taken in. For another 60 days or more like her a good road for 30 days or i could roll it for much more than

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