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A legit state sponsored torture begins in germany. A standoff in the South China Sea the u. S. And a stray away into a dispute between china and malaysia. And in sports the n. F. L. Draft gets ready to go virtual the games best Young Players will be selected remotely millions of fans watching. Lets begin in the United States where figures released just hours ago paint a devastating picture of the economy in just 5 weeks tens of millions of jobs have been wiped out take a look at the numbers last week another 4400000 americans filed for Unemployment Benefits thats fewer than the week before when more than 5300000 registered for jobless support but the scale of these weekly figures is unprecedented in all more than 26000000 americans have now applied for Unemployment Benefits since the end of march that was when President Donald Trump made the 1st of his coded 19 outbreak declarations. I want house correspondent kimberly house joins us live from washington d. C. Rising unemployment kinley is a rising challenge for the trumpet ministration right absolutely all of those gains brought in with the us president s election in 2016 and taking office and 2017 all of those jobs created which were historic if it wiped out these numbers are also historic and they are going to continue to rise we are told because overnight we heard that at least upwards of 40000000 americans lost their jobs were really just a little more than half that in terms of these claims that have been filed and thats because they simply have so many claims the antiquated system of filing them is overwhelmed so weve seen this across all sectors whether its in the Hospitality Industry but weve also seen it in the white collar jobs as well sort of now adding to this as more and more employers realize that this is not going to be a short term stay at home order longer in terms of the way things operate now we have had these general guidelines in place till the end of the month but as states start to reopen effects of 20 states are looking at reopening this is going to be in a limited type of you know social distancing is going to continue people are still going to have abbreviated hours as they try to continue to make sure that cope with 19 doesnt spread and an even peak again so this is not the economy that was once in place 3 coronavirus here in the United States and that is a challenge for this president because he is trying to win reelection in november and its become quite clear that the economy he was hoping to win reelection on has ceased to exist the same time the house of representatives is you know the new Financial Aid package whos about to get some money kimberly. Well Small Businesses that are hoping to keep people on their payroll to alleviate these jobless claims the last package had about 350000000000. 00 in order to do just that to help Small Businesses keep people on their payroll as they adjust to this change in the u. S. Economy it was so successful the money ran out so now congress has asked for more money we know that theres going to be another 370000000000 in this package but in addition there is also going to be 75000000000 for hospitals thats something democrats insisted on to provide the proof personal protective equipment or peepee that people talk about that theres been a shortage of and also tucked into this is something that democrats have been pushing for that money for testing because of course you cant get your workforce back in the marketplace if you dont know if theyre going to spread it so you have to test people and this has been one of the persistent criticisms now there but 25000000000 for that all side show that weve already had this passed in the senate its going to pass the house of representatives the president hoping to sign this legislation by the end of the week i think so much can believe how could that. Aarons to jonah is a labor economist and professor at the university of minnesota he says despite the jobless figures rushing people banks work is not the answer. Im telling you theres no short cut around the public option around theres no way to get around it other than. To develop Public Health strategies that can preserve lives well people that get a long with their regular Economic Activity you can try to take a short cut her people back to work without being able to tell whos just. But it will provoke a worse Health Crisis than were economic crisis you know theres plenty of people who are working right now who are doing essential jobs karen. Groceries and Public Safety and they are taking additional risks than they used to and you know were all grateful for that what i would advise them is to invest every productive resource you can in meeting the Public Health challenge talk to the Public Health experts and give them everything they need to be successful. And at the same time i think that the important question is how do we support families and Small Businesses through this time when were asking them and we need them to stop doing their usual ways of supporting themselves and give up that income and we need to find alternative ways to support them so that they dont deteriorate economically and health wise. To europe where chance or anger merkel is issued a call for Greater Unity in the fight against the virus during a speech to Parliament Michael emphasized both the need for International Cooperation and also within the e. U. Saying success can only come if the bloc fights together that in mind she called for a bigger budget she said germany was ready to pay significantly more to help the economic recovery e. U. Leaders are beginning a Virtual Meeting to discuss their economic response as for germanys outbreak of the rate of new infections has risen now for a 3rd day merkels warned there nowhere near the end of the pandemic newman to the gallon nobody likes to hear it but its the truth were not living in the final phase of the pandemic but still at the beginning we will have to live with the virus for a long time lets talk about the Virtual Meeting of e. U. Leaders now attach a bottler joins us from the west of france whats on the virtual agenda then. Yes e. U. Leaders meeting by Video Conference to discuss a Recovery Plan for the European Union because what theyre looking at is the future that they are also expected to sign off on i 500000000. 00 that was ready agreed by euro zone finance ministers that would respond to emergency message measures so needed help that is needed right now for european European Union members but what theyre looking at is the long term how many 0 how is the European Union going to recover after the coronavirus pandemic and while it is still going to continue because we know that weve been told by many Health Experts we can expect the coronavirus to continue as a crisis of sorts for many months to come now the problem is there are real deficiencies among those leaders as to exactly how this Recovery Fund is financed you have frauds its silly and spain some of the countries that have been worst affected by infections who are calling for more solidarity they are calling for mutual eyes day they want all members to come together and perhaps join in for example corona bond schemes what countries like germany or the netherlands have been saying particularly the netherlands up until now as they are wealthy nations they are more fiscally conservative and they all worry that if they join in any kind of new so i state that they will be in the future shouldering the burden of financing this recovery so there are deep divisions once again a crisis dividing European Union members but weve heard a lot about this from the french president emmanuel macro and for the past few days he is saying solidarity is absolutely key because what he says is if they e. U. Cannot stand united and help each other during this crisis well they might not be and even the future because a politically you might have people in countries such as italy who feel let down and that may see you and sentiments and hes also saying you would have a huge impact on the euro zone if you have some economies that simply called survive so he is saying its absolutely necessary to stand together to show solidarity in this time of unprecedented crisis. All right thanks so much natasha. Oxford university has begun testing a possible covert 19 vaccine on humans Scientists Say theyll know in a few months if it works and if it does millions of doses could become available by autumn but experts are warning is going to take a lot longer to control the pandemic trial itself will take take at least a year because we want to monitor these volunteers after theyve been vaccinated and see what both what happens from a safety perspective whether the vaccine works and also to study their immune response to see how long it lasts so a lot of work has to now go into the process of upscaling to be able to make large amounts of vaccine and that process is already started its certainly possible if nothing goes wrong in that upscaling process that the could be millions of doses available in the autumn but to get to the scale that we really need to control this pandemic is going to take much longer than that. Lets get more from the u. K. Now rory chans joins us from london so how is the how are those trials kicking off. Well weve been told today that there is a very interesting study being launched tracking study essentially. Going speech trying to work out how to. Move through the u. K. Population and its being driven by the office of National Statistics which is the governments stats agency and the department of health and what theyre doing is contacting 25000. 00 households to get people to essentially buy into this. System where theyre going to be testing these people on a periodical basis most are going to have taken from their throats and their nose that will tell the scientists who ran lies in the states or. Whether these people do have covert 90. A further 1000 people are going to have blood tests taken to look for antibodies to look for immunity and that will give an idea of you know and in the u. K. Population what kind of i suppose the term that has been used so far is heard it. Might be in the population and this i think will give an extra platform of information for the governments to. Covert 19 response around. Workouts. And in whats order restrictions can be lifted. The same time weve got some discussion going on about face masks in public where is Public Policy heading on that. Yes i have stood to victoria train station in london which is one of the u. K. s Main Transport hubs its the sort of place that you see people quite frequently wearing mosques like this all the more light weights material versions they do that when they using public transport they also do that when theyre when theyre out shopping for groceries etc places where they might come in contact with other people now at the moment the u. K. Has not made face mosques matta treat the Scientific Advice Group for emergencies which is a group of scientists that is basically telling the government what they think the government should do in terms of policy or. Has considered this. Question should these be mandatory in the u. K. And has made a recommendation to the government now we dont know what that recommendation is at the moment argue that the government has received it and is thinking about it the expectation is that the u. K. Will probably not go the full step towards making mosques matta treat for a few reasons there is the worry of course that if everyone runs out and starts buying up then there wont be enough of people who do actually need them medics essentially people working on the front line but also the science around whether these do actually make much of a difference is questionable the w. H. O. Has said that yes they can make a small difference but if youre a healthy person wearing one of these is not going to make that much of an impact on whether or not you actually get the people who need it are the ones who actually have it already and stop in spreading it somewhere else and of course also people who are working on the front lines doctors nurses etc. All right roy chalons there updating us from london. Well there are warnings in the u. K. That more people are being pushed into poverty because of a pandemic charities are trying to provide for the growing number of families who need assistance lawrence really has that story from london. In an affluent part of one of the worlds richest city is a sense of how even before this new world the wealth will share so badly. All of this has been donated by people whose children no longer need it for those so poor they cant afford it themselves before the virus expects them to new mothers from the poorest demographic would come here to be told that things would be ok but now they cant and the worry is that if theyre at home theyre stranded families are already struggling with a broken system before this all started and what were seeing now is families struggling to get out of the stuff that they need struggling with incomes that are falling when they dont have a safety they dont have a safety net they dont have savings but also just the the social and emotional impact of being at home and often with small children often quite cramped spaces the human cost of all those closed shops is just becoming understood many businesses can and have now applied for the government to pay their staff but just as happened in spain in italy a few weeks ago well over a 1000000 people have suddenly now applied for government benefits in one of the worlds most expensive cities you could be from any social demographic with a baby due about now and be in a load of trouble its already the case in the earlier 3rd of children in the u. K. Live in some form of poverty and the expectation is that perhaps a 5th of all adults in this country will be forced to claim benefits through losing their jobs because of the virus that in turn means that even in traditionally middle class areas like this people are facing the prospects of bringing their children up on benefits. The key used to receive support from a Little Village charity when she was expecting now she has to get by on benefits she lives in a single room in a house with her daughter whos now 2 and a half the virus means theyre stuck in here together for most of the day its tough its expensive and its endless you know over things go up not just your rent on the farm bill cost of deliveries for packages that you need because its not always essential age need other things to keep your kids busy as well the u. K. Government program known as universal credit was already controversial as the money takes weeks to arrive and forces people to choose between things like rent and food some big players in the Charity World are now demanding the authorities go further to protect those most at risk it got lots of extra costs with food with extra Energy Particularly with into that time to be able to support the childrens learning at home and they just say that bit of extra support to be able to cover those costs and to be able to make ends meet. The Little Village charity now describes itself as virtual changing its model to deliver goods to the most desperate rather than hosting them but they have made that having to push hard to meet the fast growing demands the realisation is dawning that just as there was born out of the banking collapse more than a decade ago grew up in austerity so those born now are going to be raised by parents with no idea when their work might come back and potentially with years of hardships to follow largely aljazeera in london. Thank. You. Now 2 syrian suspected of being former Intelligence Officers are on trial in germany the men are accused of committing crimes against humanity during the early days of syrias revolution its the 1st court case linked to a legit state sponsored torture by president Bashar Al Assads government dominic cain is following the trial from berlin. The case against these individuals is that in different capacities at the start of the Syrian Civil War they were part of the intelligence and Security Apparatus of president Bashar Assads government and in those capacities they either carried out or were complicit in the carrying out of multiple murders of torture theres one allegation of rape and other serious Violent Attacks against the Syrian People as i say at the start of the Syrian Civil War whats interesting about this is these individuals came to germany at different times and presented themselves to the authorities as refugees and yet starting today for the course of the next few months theyre going to hear claims that they are anything but that they are guilty as i say of the crimes and the offenses which i just outlined outlined of course the presumption of innocence applies here they deny the charges there are other interesting elements about this the German Government is choosing to to implement the jurisdiction it claims that it has under the universal genet jurisdiction for serious crimes such as genocide and other serious crimes and that is whats being applied here and Many International human rights organizations and other Campaign Organization say that what is happening today and will be unfolding over the next few months represents a watershed the 1st chance for the victims of the sorts of offenses that are alleged to have taken place here to see justice being allowed to progress syrias uprising began after several teenagers were detained and tortured in march of 2011 for graffiti criticizing president bashar last that since then more than 14000 people have been killed are being tortured in government prisons thats according to the Syrian Network for human rights its an independent more group. Nearly 130000. 00 have never come out theyre still either detained or presumed dead Rights Groups journalists and monitoring groups have gathered evidence of systematic torture inside syrian prisons including Sexual Assault the government denies torturing prisoners Mohamad Abdalla is a prodemocracy activist and director of the syria justice and Accountability Center he was a political prisoner himself in syria and sought asylum in the United States he joins us via skype from washington d. C. Good to have you with us so is this trial of these trials in germany a breakthrough absolutely the australians are brick the straw they are the trials of ours to have a syrian official Intelligence Officer on a trial we look forward to see what the person will speak what they will say how theyre going to defend the charges and what kind of claims they will bring in where they forced to do all those speculations is of the nature of the system was never ever had any trials for a syrian official before and this is very important do you believe this is the beginning of a trend that there will be more or do you see this simply as a one off. Unfortunately that he ality is the number of former officials from that is email who lift syria and ended up in europe is very limited is very little number so thats why we see the more cases being brought by prosecutors in europe are related to extremist fighters foreign fighters or sometimes a position fighters will manage to make it to europe as refugees so i dont think it would be a big trend of having officials on trial as this is important to shed the light on the very latest on the possibility of bringing those people to justice but as we know theres a couple of cases as well being heard in germany and france and sweden against officials from the sea and government but those officials remain on their positions and damascus and syria and they are unable to travel any way to say you so the possibility of having them in that you are arrested in any european country and facing trial is very limited and fortunately i dont think its going to be a big trend its might be one off it might be a couple of other civil. Cases here and there but its never the list very important as you yourself were a political prisoner those just how routine is mistreatment abuse and torture of political detainees. I was a prisoner before the uprising it was a prison and 1500006 where the conditions where much better than after 2011 the uprising still abuses years of violence torture beating people hanging them to ceilings forcing them to sign a white paper sometimes just admitting committing very late editions level of violence the security agencies committed was astonishing and that was only a crazed after 2011 where the security agencies were given basically a green light to commit any crimes they want caesar photos the military photographer who smuggle thousands of photos of dead bodies showed us just the tip of the iceberg of what might be happening behind those closed doors and security. How what is happening to the political will is it you know to pursue justice in syria to see even peace in syria is simply dying out of. A mixture of being eclipsed by other events like coronavirus and the geo political the changing do you political reality on the ground. Unfortunately the geopolitical reality imposes itself thats the main thing too in order to have ceded a shirt to the International Criminal court or to establish a special tribunal for syria we need a Security Council resolution absolutely russia and china will veto that specifically russia after the russian engagement military and the war in syria the russians themselves committed lots of war crimes and they will not allow a tribunal to be starting or i. C. C. Affair and nevertheless this political or geopolitics dimensions could change and it has changed a lot of other conflict where that time the political atmosphere blocked from having a tribunal or justice but then things changed the last tribunal started later so i dont think we should lose by thinks cases like anwar aslan in germany case is just a 1st step to continue the fight for justice and accountability all right thank you very much for your thoughts and analysis on that mohammed a lot dumber thank you china is building stockpiles of crude oil d as global prices plunged because of the corona Virus Outbreak imports rose by 4. 5 percent in march compared to the Previous Year and overall in the 1st quarter imports were up by 5 percent chinese importers reportedly sent 84. 00 tankers to saudi arabia last month each to carry 2000000. 00 barrels of crude china is the worlds Biggest Energy consumer. And this mounting pressure in the u. S. To stop Saudi Crude Oil imports in an effort to save the American Oil Industry 40000000. 00 barrels of saudi oil is already on its way to the United States shipping data shows 900. 00 super tankers are sailing towards terminals of the gulf of mexico president of trump is facing pressure to stop all crude imports from the kingdom there are reports the saudis are exploring options to redirect the cargo elsewhere possibly europe or asia and he is the director of energy at alyse advises an energy and Mining Research advisory he says the wheels are already in motion for a dramatic reduction in the amount of Saudi Oil Exports the saudis already committed to producing less they the the the impact youre seeing in april is that the saudis are actually producing 2000000. 00 more exports in 2000000. 00 barrels a day more than they are exporting at the beginning of this year and as you go into may they are going to be reducing their production pretty dramatically and them taking. Those exports theyre going into the u. S. Elsewhere should be pretty easy given the scale of the overall reduction thats coming from. The head of irans revolutionary guard says his ordered his naval forces to destroy any american vessels that threaten the security of military or nonmilitary ships the threat comes a day after president all trump issued a warning to iran over harassment of u. S. Ships in the gulf to run and summon the swiss ambassador in protest so its a law and is the representative of american interests in iran. Taiwans Defense Ministry says a chinese Aircraft Carrier group has now ended its mission in the destructive waters off the South China Sea tensions were increased when 2 u. S. Warships entered the waters this week amid a standoff between a chinese vessel and a vessel operated by malaysias state oil company the u. S. Accuses china of bullying countries in the region which prompted this response from the Foreign Ministry 292 dodgy of chinas sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and its adjacent waters has sufficient historical and legal basis meanwhile we also insist on resolving differences with the parties directly concerned through dialogue and consultation individuals on the us side of confused right and wrong and so discord on these issues such attempts will not succeed. Well still ahead on aljazeera. Why are our current wars down. South africa results to its biggest military deployment in modern history to enforce its lockdown. Plus were told from the rickshaw capital of the world on bipolar zone staying home during the time devon. And installed culture in saudi arabia go head to head in the race to host the 2030 asian games. I know there are plenty of inside the weather cools northern sections of the middle east finally a bit of a break the across much of the Arabian Peninsula but you will of course remember we have just recently had the flooding into yemen and just look at this now this is literally the day off to say this is what is left in the streets all this rubble this mud or of which of course has got to be cleared away but the power of that water as you can see has done a lot of damage to the roads but the good news is through friday and saturday we might just say nothing as heavy as we have seen lately the heavy rain is across those attack he pushes across into northern sections of iran and itll stay in the focal says ago through saturday some showers back your forecast through the eastern end of the med some fairly strong winds as well into those coastal areas now the rains across central and Southern Africa certainly troels the deal kongo these have really eased off we go through the next couple days well they will ease off theyve really the last 24 hours that fairly widespread across towns near across into kenya again and also plenty of rain friday throughout much of madagascar up some heavy rain back in the forecasts are essential and eastern areas of south africa so if you shot along these coastal areas by saturday a very heavy rain is generally around the gulf of guinea on saturday. The oppression of an ethnic minority and man mine goes back many decades the intention was to make sure that rangers were no longer entitled to either basic rights or citizenship brunch in a new documentary aljazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution of their a him and me and mom. Exiled on aljazeera. One half scottish and half lebanese so diversity is really important to me and aljazeera is the most diverse place i have ever worked we have so many different nationalities and this is east put together in this one News Organization and this diversity of perspective is reflected in our coverage giving a more accurate representation of the world we report on and thats a key strength of aljazeera. Whos. The only. Youre watching out your mind in our top stories this hour another 4 and a half 1000000 people in the u. S. Have filed for Unemployment Benefits that means in just 5 weeks the more jobs have been lost them will gain since the end of the 2009 recession have been wiped out. European Union Leaders are holding a Virtual Conference to discuss the blocks economic response to the pandemic seeking a joint Financial Fund of up to 2 trillion dollars to help with cover and avoid economic collapse and poor countries. To syrians accused of committing crimes against humanity during the early days of the revolution are on trial in germany its the 1st called case linked to a legit state sponsored torture by president Bashar Al Assads government. United nations says israels plan to annex parts of the occupied west bank violates International Law deals a devastating blow to the 2 state solution u. N. Special coordinator for the middle east Peace Process made the comments to the Security Council comes after u. S. Secretary of state said it was up to israels new government to decide whether or not to make such a move more on this lets cross over to our diplomatic editor james basie joins us from the United Nations so what other statements are we getting out of the u. S. At this point. Well clearly the new Coalition Government in israel makes the prospect of the annexation of parts of the west bank much more likely that means that areas currently seen as occupied under International Law will be brought under israels sovereignty at least thats how israel would see it the un on these issues particularly on this subject is always very very careful not to upset any side particularly about something that hasnt happened yet and yet in the Security Council meeting the special coordinator mcnichol im allowed enough was very strong mr president. The dangerous prospect of an accession israel parts of the uk but most bank is a growing threat that such a home were implemented it would constitute a serious violation of International Law deal a devastating blow to the 2 state solution close that not over your will of negotiations and threaten efforts for dance Regional Peace we also heard from the Palestinian Ambassador to the u. N. Riyadh munns or i quote while World Leaders call for negotiations with certain they didnt mean negotiations between netanyahu and gans to determine what Palestinian Land they would steal and illegally and next the israeli ambassador danny gentleman said israel was helping the palestinians with code 19 yet at the same time the palestinians were using hate and and hes met ik incitement against israel its worth pointing out as the other members of the Security Council being speaking that apart from the us none of the other 14 members would tolerate the annexation of Palestinian Land in the west bank but as a Security Council there is very little they can do because the us is a permanent member and it has a veto on any action they might plan or i thank so much shame space our diplomatic editor there. A group of people in a lab in syria have stepped up to build homemade equipment to fight the coronavirus the technicians and engineers are hoping to produce hundreds of ventilators doctors why they wont be able to protect people in overcrowded camps if theres an outbreak but its not a sort of fear to get any even if there are very few ventilators much less than what we need of the corona virus spreads god forbid i will not go into the numbers because they are always changing in this head us very worried you know there is war in the regime most of the infrastructure we risk having many deaths in these no preparation we put forth all their energy in teams up with the medical engineering students and other Group Members we came up with the smarts and developed a ventilation machine the South African army has now called up its reserve forces to help in force the National Long down 170000 soldiers almost the entire Standing Army are already being deployed leaders in cities like cape town say theyve seen a surge in looting since the restrictions were imposed lets bring in for me in a minute she joins us now live from johannesburg so what does 70000 soldiers on the street look like right now. Well at this stage sammy that isnt the case yet until there is an official deployment of that significant number of soldiers as you said which is you know almost the entire military so father about 7000 soldiers on the South African streets to enforce the law down South Africans are now approaching the 5th the week of a very Strict Lockdown one of the harshest we understand certainly in africa where only essential Services People who work in essential services are allowed out millions of South Africans remaining home and they are questions being raised about this massive deployment is they are there concerns of social unrest it also mentioned there that theyve been incidents of looting in some parts of the country people do say they dont have jobs or theyve lost their jobs theyre pretty been prevented from going to to their jobs and so theyre hungry they say theres no option but we government would also say that what weve seen so far is also you know down to criminality south africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world and an almost 30 percent Unemployment Rate and thats prior to the lock down but certainly this very Strict Lockdown is already is making in a really struggling economy making those conditions even more difficult but the army we understand and that continued deployment would be one that would relieve the existing soldiers on the streets we do know that some have complained about exhaustion they are hundreds of roadblocks and patrols around the country to make sure that people out here to the lockdown conditions the deployments that the president has to pilate in the letter to parliament is one that would continue until at least the 26th of june so that africans really raising many questions around how long this lockdown will continue and what it would entail given the number of soldiers out on the streets already in from the from all of them the president was speaking was really is his message. We are waiting for that address from the president in the next couple of hours and its expected that hes going to deal with the lockdown and perhaps an easing of the restrictions if they hasnt been official word on what will happen and when but speculation based on a leaked government papers and reports would indicate that perhaps the government is looking at a 2nd phase of a lockdown that would allow some industries to begin to reopen to Begin Operating of but certainly industries and businesses with a is a high risk of infection for the coronavirus to spread such as Hotels Restaurants certainly sporting events wouldnt take place cinemas would remain closed so many of these businesses would remain closed but perhaps looking at Industries Like mining to begin picking up at least their operations we expect the president to give South Africans a better idea of whats going to happen in the 2nd phase they certainly are a number of concerns around balancing the the weights of the coronavirus and Public Health concerns with an economy thats already devastated as the lockdown came into effect south africa had 1 it been announced as of africa was not just entering a nother technical recession i think the 2nd or 3rd in the last decade and also south africas credit that had been downgraded by the 3rd of 3 ratings agencies making the economic interest conditions in south africa really wiring and also unsustainable so this is really the pressure the president and the government is facing is trying to balance the concerns around the covert virus with the very difficult Economic Conditions in south africa only worsened by this lockdown thanks so much i mean the military. The people of somalia have struggled through years of conflict local swarms and now covered 19 Health Workers are facing the prospect of treating patients without adequate medical resources. Explains. Mogadishus martini hospital which dates back to the italian era is somalia only a medical facility dedicated to treating its growing number of corn up patients. Due to its limited capacity the hospital only caters for the sickest of patients this doctor runs the schools that is leading somalia as a response to the pandemic even a little bit at least 218 patients of krajina have come to martini hospital since the outbreak 21 of those were admitted to the few beads available 17 people are still here while 3 patients died at the hospital. Its hard to tell the severity and spread of the virus in somalia until recently the nation like the capability to test for the new virus meaning some pulse was sent abroad and results delayed for more than a week also limited capacity by the government to trace people the 1st victims of the virus came into contact with. The good news however is that 4 people have so far recovered from the virus but she is one of them. I was provided good care by the doctors and the nurses from the day it was confirmed i had the virus they also gave me good consul and when they broke the news to me and so i was mentally prepared for everything i went through. All international and domestic flights except for emergency medical and food have been suspended the borders have also been closed as part of an all out government effort to stop the spread of the disease and. A Massive Public Awareness Campaign has also been mounted in the capital and in the media really for the 1st of the film that were encouraging people to practice social. Distancing were also alerting them about what the viruses and the effect it can have as well as the importance of washing their hands and disinfecting any equipment theyre using beyond the capital for fighters hold sway in many parts of rural somalia this means theres little access for medical and humanitarian workers to carry out lifesaving work alshabaab fighters also carry out frequent attacks in the capital one of the major cities Something Else that hinders a proper response to the outbreak there now increasing fears that the disease will spread through comes housing displaced families who huddle on the hearts built from sticks and all drugs many of the 2400000 somalis displaced by conflict and other disasters over the years live in comes like this one a critical shortage of medical supplies and personnel also continues to creep hospitals across the nation. With some doctors and nurses now same thing being forced to choose between the health of their patients and their own. Ill just. In europe quite some schools in rural areas are reopening have to being closed for a month theres been a decline in the number of confirmed infections in the country but attendance at school wont be mandatory your inquiry has 500 cases and 12 deaths in bangladesh nearly a 1000000 rickshaw polars in the capital dhaka have next to no income with the streets now lying empty and the situation is getting desperate by the day someday a child who reports. Dhaka is often called the rickshaw capital of the world a colorful scene on any given day but now the streets of dhaka are largely empty due to the lockdown order since march 26th to carve coronavirus. Sure the islam is worried as he waits hours in the scorching heat. There is no income anymore we are going through much hardship condie when paid the rent it is getting difficult to get by there is not enough food at home by 2 pm everything is closed cant even get out of the home low wage earners and those working in the Informal Sector the hardest hit. Would be. Nearly a 1000000 rich in the city are now struggling to make ends meet thousands of Small Enterprises like this regard here in dhaka have shut down due to their logged on to fight coronavirus this has dealt a devastating blow to their livelihood many of the rich are now on the brink of starvation. For many Small Business owners this is an uncertain time and. Business is badly hit rich pullers are placing a lot of hardship as owners we are also suffering many of the rickshaw pullers are facing hunger they cant get any passengers right now. Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has announced a cash aid package for daily wage earners unable to work because of the logjam. But many are not getting any relief and in recent days thousands of underprivileged people have taken to the streets demanding food. And i could use and. I havent received any help from anyone else even from the government not a single piece of grain or money is of no. For many where the next meal will come from remains a main concern. Dhaka bangladesh. Joining the lack of tourists in thailand this gongs was seen cruising slowly in shallow waters south of the country and shy mammals are close to extinction and are rarely seen because of increasing boat traffic and pollution coastal regions are now mostly undisturbed due to travel restrictions still ahead of al jazeera the n. F. L. Draft may be virtual the. Prospect looks like the real thing details coming up in sport. Pool. Now independent booksellers are feeling the pinch on World Book Day with millions staying at home stores are adopting creative ways to stay engaged with regis how much of june finds out. In 2015 it was greeces financial crisis keeping customers away from the freethinking zone bookstore and cafe at the time pages werent being turned coffees werent being served and the overall situation looked bleak owner at the your yearly worried her small athens business might not make it despite all that what she called the free thinking zone survived now though its the coronavirus pandemic that threatens to switch the shops lights off for good its been very hard because. The per biggest problem right now. Really doesnt actually. These days independent booksellers around the world are finding it increasingly difficult to stay in business hi everyone this is my own at the bookstore i was on reiner owns and operates the run for cover bookstore in San Diego California its doors are temporarily shut and its future is uncertain but customers are still ordering titles actually really hard. Business Book Business were all to get our hands on books everyone hard. Business mariani who fulfilled a lifelong dream by opening her store a year and a half ago has turned increasingly to social media to keep book buyers in gaged alerting them to works that have come in and orders that have gone out shes even started digital mother daughter story Time Sessions but she says nothing will ever replace face to face interactions with fellow book lovers having the connection the reader. Greatest gift. And not being able to do this. Its not just booksellers getting more creative in engaging readers in the era of code 19 authors or 2 such as sonam are in pakistan who along with a friend started the stay home stay reading series as she worked from her home in karachi i wanted to create something that there is to put their work order in as public spaces or to just readers from all over the world to access their work to just check it out see if theyre interested to be able to be from their work and also with me to have a moment when they could share great writers speaking directly to readers offering stories as a way to escape even if just for a few moments the seemingly constant barrage of bad news. All right from reading to sports now and he said to bring us all up to speed thank you so much summing all the n. F. L. Draft is getting ready to go the games best Young Players be selected remotely with millions of fans watching on course about joe baro is widely expected to be the top pick the 23 year old and wheezy on a State University plan led them to the championship in 29. 00 seem a hugely popular event was set to take place in las vegas before the pandemic intervened and said players and same of the shills will be at their homes or the draft will see more than 650. 00 of the best College Players selected by the n. F. L. s 32 teams theyll submit their picks to n. F. L. Officials either online or by phone picks will be announced by n. F. L. Commissioner Roger Goodell hes set to be on coal in his basements the players have all received video kits so as to recall their reactions the Cincinnati Bengals he finished bottom of the standings last season will have the 1st pick well he was drafted by the new England Patriots back in 2010 he went on so when 3 super bowl championships with the patriots before its hard and 28 seen from counsel he has been talking about his decision to return to the game and rejoin form and see mates home brady at some pervade back and hes playing with thomas special i mean hes one of the greatest quarterbacks all crimea so build a connection with a quarterback drew is Something Special i mean you see you know many times with many other players they can switch teams and they might not have the same chemistry as with one of their other quarterbacks so we have a we have a great chemistry out there and every time we get together its just like you know the old days it doesnt matter if we take a month or 6 months are we just go out there and work on the bar just like its a normal practice. The Boston Red Sox have been punished for their role in Major League Baseballs sign stealing scandal theyve been stripped of their 2nd round draft pick for breaking league rules during the 2018 season the team were found to have used Illegal Technology to steal signs from rival players. Now the German Bundesliga could return to action as early as may 9th if politicians agree to its plan large events with crowds have been banned in germany until the end of august so it seems would play in empty stadiums but even at games without fans around 300. 00 people would be needed at every venue the Football Federation also estimates in that 25000. 00 coronavirus test will be needed to check each player or at least a weekly basis a man in charge of african football faces a decisive few weeks in his bid to keep his job ahmed ahmed is hoping to be reelected as cath president next year he won a vote to take on the role in 27. 00 scene but hes currently the subject of an ethics investigation by footballs world governing body faith and last year fee for some sort of charge of african football to try and speak out reforms the confident now faces the challenge of coronavirus of course all domestic leagues in africa have been suspended in march qualifiers for next years after cup of nations in cameroon were postponed the cup of nations absolutely crucial to the Financial Health of african football the 2920 minutes in egypt generated revenue of more than 80000000. 00 and african countries may soon face a fine for the services of their players with many based in europe likely to be allowed to prioritise club games over International Fixtures when football does return as well african football rights he says its vital for ahmed ahmed the next years cup of nations does take place. This regime a cafe under the leadership of. President i met and that has been really under fire for the last 3 years during the 2100 cup of nations he actually works that a coup of sorts where his own executive committee had actually just pushed through a good of no confidence which would effectively have rendered him powerless and so these 2021 will actually managing really this did not approve of iris i know its its a test and really a stress for all but off the ball in governing bodies around the world but for countless going to be really really crucial these next 8 to 9 months as the football counters be constricted and he forgot lines have been sent out we see that actually if european football leagues. Return resume and go on into the summer months and throw International Breaks people will not force the players to leave their clubs and come play with their countries and so that could have you know huge effects for a nation like object for example in 2001008 was reported that cap had made more than 80000000. 00. With that with the 21000. 00 after cup of nations so if they do not pay the 2021 tournament in thailand and it starts to rack up some debts and they dont have the you know. Their tournaments to sort of fill the coffers its another its another reason why this kaffir regime could be really under so much pressure the premier league chief executive richard masters has said rigorous checks will be carried out before the saudi left its funny Council United has given the green lights on wednesday castles been sports channel said the deal should be blocked because the saudi government allows only games to be broadcast on an illegal channel and Human Rights Group is also asking the premier league to stop the takeover. We are clear that they are using us all as a way to improve their reputation and actually to grow different narrative about what saudi arabia is all about move away from elaines human rights violation be about or in the reflected glory the back brain and cats are in saudi arabia going head to head in the race to host the 2013 asian games 2030 even the Capital Cities of di horror and riyadh are the only see but as for what is the 2nd largest multisport events after the olympics doha hosted in 2006 while saudi has never stage the events. Ok that is useful simon thanks so much and the well thats it for this news out im back in a moment with more of the days news so stay with us. May only aljazeera will president rhodri go to tuts a succeed in shutting down t. V. Giant a. B. S. E piano by may the full will have special coverage aljazeera world selection of the best Network Documentaries includes the story of on sunday gyptian composer and musician i leave a smile despite the coronavirus pandemic honan crisis ahead with the president ial elections by postal ballots the Emmy Award Winning full license is back investigating the United States and its role in the world and in the u. S. Election primaries Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden strives to reach the official delicate threshold made on al jazeera. As the world fights the corona pandemic were learning more about this every day its a new adventure and join our global community. How we come to be able to fight im sorry your questions can i just honestly think this is me directly thats coming on on you tube as you were saying im concerned about the front line oh nothing very quiet and not keeping you up to date and weve seen countries beaten back and beaten back successfully the street on 00. Talk to al jazeera what will force will when you saw that document for the post or what we listen to after the war. Saying you would be in to go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter. More than 26000000 americans now filed for unemployment the pandemic devastates the global economy. Im sorry this is al jazeera live also coming up a warning from germanys leader that our country is only at the start of the crisis infections rise for a day. Also 9 years of war

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