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Special rapporteur for man mark pulls out the nations leader aung sun so much. Of the continued persecution of Rohingya Muslims. The Economic Impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues to reveal itself in the last few hours the Worlds Largest economy the us reported a 1st quarter g. D. P. Loss of nearly 5 percent thats worst thats the worst result since the 2008 financial crisis airplane make a boeing suffered a 640000000. 00 loss in the 1st quarter an abcess was also reported a loss of half a 1000000000. 00 we have 2 correspondents covering these developments john hendren is standing by for us in chicago to tell us more about the flaws of the Aviation Industry but 1st lets go to a white house forest correspondent kimberly hellcats. Kimberly these quarter one g. D. P. Figures today suggest that the slowdown was beginning before the lockdown began. Yeah you know theres no question that there is a suggestion of that but well there were stay at home or is going into effect at the tail end of that quarter what we know is that the next quarter is going to be particularly dismal so this is kind of a snapshot the numbers that we have right now for the projection of things to come because thats when we will see the full brunt of a quarter where there have been almost across the board some impact on every single industry in the United States as a result of operational shutdowns people staying at home and also just simply the poll back in Consumer Spending which is particularly hard hitting given the fact that this is a mostly Service Based economy so well this administer a sion has been optimistic saying this is only a short term pain things will bounce back in the summer many business analysts here in the United States are not looking so rosy in terms of the prospects for the future even projecting adrian that things could be in terms of a crowd recovery could take 2 to 3 years now were watching very carefully to see what the u. S. President has to say about all of this hes been meeting in the last hour with louisianas governor of course thats a big tourism spot down in new orleans and they were of course hard hit with corona virus that is starting to improve and then later the president will be meeting with Industry Leaders at 20 g. M. T. From the Hospitality Industry also particularly hard hit looking to see what the president has to say in the midst of these very dire numbers White House Correspondent Kelly Holcomb reporting live from washington lets bring in john hendren then whos live for us in chicago a dreadful year these figures couple for boeing but its main rival is hurting badly too. Thats right adrian for boeing these numbers were worse even than analysts expected it was hit by a double whammy 1st the company has been trying for a year to get its 737 max plane back up in the air thats its new most lucrative plane in that happen after 2 crashes the killed nearly 350 people it is now hoping to get that plane back at midyear but meanwhile its losing revenue from that and then along came the coronavirus and the Global Pandemic just wiped out traffic the c. E. O. Of boeing dave calhoun says traffic passenger traffic in commercial airplanes is down 95 percent and that has just wallop the company and youre right airbus is down to half a 1000000000. 00 in losses the c. E. O. Of that company says this is the grave as crisis in the Aerospace Industry has ever seen and it hasnt just hit them Southwest Airlines posted its 1st loss since 2011 analysts are saying this could hit the aerospace and Airline Industry for 5 years to come it could take them that long to recover and here in the United States boeing is the largest manufacturing export or so its said that when boeing sneezes america catches cold and now foundations of highly skilled highly paid workers are going to be joining workers from the Service Industry waiters and others who are in that 1st wave of coronavirus layoffs this is going to be devastating not just to boeing not just to the aerospace and Airlines Industry but to the u. S. And global economies i was there as john had written live for us in chicago many thanks indeed joe job at a europes economic powerhouse is expected to plunge into its deepest recession in 50 is your numbers released by the government of the countrys g. D. P. Shrinking by more than 6 percent this year of 0 is still the case as above in. Before the coronavirus pandemic really took hold here people thought that the economy of germany would grow by just over one percent this year and now in the full flood of d the statistics coming through every day about corona one really gruesome statistic economically for this country that it is going to go into recession will shrink by 6. 3 percent and theres no way of sugarcoating that from a governmental perspective the economy minister peter meyer a key ally of angloamerican who works in that building behind me in the chancery building she and mr my are having to deal with this very serious economic shock that everyone in this country is experiencing they say they project that germany will rebound from this recession the worst in 50 years that they expect the economy to rebound next year in the next calendar year but of course those are projections those are based on an interpretation of how this pandemic might unfold if there is a 2nd wave of infections if they need to be more lockdowns if restrictions cant be eased so much then of course that means theyll be even more economic pain the International Monetary fund is approved emergency funding of 3400000000 dollars to help nigeria tackle the economic fallout of the pandemic the country relies heavily on oil which has been hard hit by the unprecedented drop in demand that address reports now from abroad. Hours before the International Monetary fund and now the 3400000000. 00 loan grant to nigeria the National Parliament approved 2100000000. 00 for going out there in government following a request by the president for such an amount to be borrowed from domestic market to finance the 2020 by the it may interest you to know that already the country is reviewing its budget by nearly 40 percent down want and this is a country that has seen a lot of borrowing in recent times in march early march 2020 the government at the parliament approved more than 22000000000. 00 as for for the Nigerian Government to borrow externally so this is also coming at a time when the external results of this country has seen a significant drop from more than 40000000000. 00 just a few years ago to only 33000000000. 00 the grant from the i. M. F. Is seen by economists and government officials here as a Welcome Development it could help stimulate growth and also cushion the effect of the covered 19 impact on the economy but a lot of economists also fear that this country may need much more than what it has already gotten from the i. M. F. External other external and internal voice at the at the moment the uns outgoing human rights envoy for me says of the countrys leader Aung San Suu Kyi has failed to live up to her reputation as a humanitarian a time in the role of spend specially dominated by the amas crackdown in Rakhine State and 2017750000 people mostly Rohingya Muslims fled across the border to bangladesh now yet he was told i was there that she believes me and my army conducted ethnic cleansing and that suit cheese and action was and still a disappointing. We all knew that she was put on a pedestal were trade as the icon of democracy and human rights but ever since the n l d has taken office and ever since she took the oath as a mistake to counselor all of her actions and her words statements height other wines and recently when the pandemic of cole that 19 how she is supporting him giving more power to tell my tale in containing the greatest whites right and also end corentin as that of managing college 19 that really scares me and and how she had pretty straight. Tech my jaw in the hay during the i. C. J. Is also very alarming and is very indicative. Of how she has changed her stance or maybe i know i still would like to relieve she cant change what how shes been doing now. Perhaps the world didnt really know who she was she really wasnt. Libyas u. N. Recognized government has complained to france of allegations that french warplanes have been operating over the city of misrata or is there a support of the war had explained why that significant. This city of misrata is the major stronghold for the Government Forces fighting against forces loyal to the warlord could be for have that belief that. As you know that france is one of the major allies for the warlord have to so theyre very messy here in tripoli says that its a waiting get it spawns from the French Foreign ministry and the foot French Foreign ministry also sad that its checking with the French Defense ministry so that it can respond to that complain from the libyan Foreign Ministry the internationally recognized government says that a person has been killed in an attack on a Health Complex near tripoli 6 other people were injured during shelling on the military medical authorities headquarters the building is reportedly next to a Medical Center the treats coronavirus cases the attack has been linked to forces loyal to the warlord or the 4 huffed off. A weather update on al jazeera then one of indias best known actors has died well hear more about the life and work of a phone call plus. Im rob reynolds in san piedro california where a fleet of dozens of oil triggers are anchored off shore with no place to go will have our report coming up. However weve got some rather hot weather into northern parts of china at the moment pleasantly warm for the Korean Peninsula and also for japan a little bit of cloud there just spilling out some of the sea of japan thatll just flood overthrows more the pos of honshu nor the sections of the kid just catch for the most part it will be fine and dry thats certainly the case across a good part of japan 2324 celsius here so the temperature there for so less that heat in beijing 33. 00 degrees pretty warm too into shanghai for time a little colder as we go on into fridays cloud and rain spills its way across central and southern parts of china to the south of that it is lousy fine and try to hong kong getting up to around 20 celsius over the next couple of days try weather stretches its way down across a good part of india china but still a few showers here we see some wet weather pushing towards the gulf of thailand central and southern parts of tata could see a little bit of wet weather and the usual rush if showers right through Southeast Asia and i shall is actually join up with the wet weather we have around the adamancy pushing over towards southern parts of india be some live showers there for a time into western parts of india over the next couple of days still looking rather disturbed into the northeast with big shot was done with us. But. They say to really know someone you must walk a mile in their shoes. Follow in their footsteps the state forge their way in the wild. Aljazeera shares these personal journeys. Inspiring stories of people persevering on their chosen path. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. Rule. The. Color again this is al jazeera the 2nd mother to provide you the main news this hour the u. S. Economy has shrunk by 4. 8 percent in the 1st quarter of this year thats the worst economic decline since the 2008 recession President Trump has been pushing for some states to ease coronavirus restrictions in order to get the economy moving again. Evasion industries also reeling from the pandemic plain make a boeing reported losses of at least 600000000000. 00 it says that it will cut 10 percent of its workforce and european rival airbus says that its lost more than half a 1000000000. 00 in the 1st course. Libyas internationally recognized government says the one person has been killed in an attack on the Health Complex to tripoli 6 others were injured in the shelling on the military medical authorities have courses. U. S. Secretary of state mike pump aoe has urged beijing to cooperate with an investigation into its handling of the pandemic he said the china must allow access to its Research Labs including one inside will han the outbreak epicenter we need partners we can rely on that when they tell us something it is accurate in that we dont think theyre hiding anything look we still havent gained access the world hasnt gained access to the. Institute there we dont know precisely where this virus originated from the arse multiple labs that are continuing to conduct work we think continue on contagious pathogens inside of china today and we dont know if they are operating at a level of security to prevent this from happening again the u. K. Government to started to include nonhospital deaths and its coronavirus figures and staley updates which is still going on as we speak foreign secretary dominic robb announced that the total has now risen past 26000. 00 lets go live now to oxford and speak without a serious jonah how that figure puts the u. K. A 2nd place in a league that it would rather not be in. Rather not be in and one that it looks quite likely i think to win if anything at the moment adrian this is a new tally of the numbers as you say todays Daily Briefing no longer just a figure an official figure that reflects deaths in hospital settings but one which looks at the community as a whole and reflects death taking place inside homes and particularly inside care homes housing some of societys most Vulnerable People as a result of. Concerns that were raised over official statistics released over the past 2 weeks that have shown a big gap between the official figures being put out and the cumulative figure taking into account all of those other settings so deaths in all settings being released today and every day from now on the cumulative total at the moment standing at 26097 and that is a very instant jump of some 3811 from the picture that was being put out yesterday and as you say that is a number of our that puts the u. K. 2nd only to italy and with italy really rather closer to the end of its epidemic one assumes than the u. K. If hes quite likely either but the u. K. Will at some point not far from now or leave it to 1st place. And they say steve jobs is trying to help reporting live from oxford anything extra. Saudi arabias oil revenues have fallen by 24 percent since the start of this year the Worlds Largest oil exporter suffered a deficit of 9000000000. 00 in the 1st quarter Global Demand has collapsed and Storage Units on any full us factories stay shots and cars remain pox due to the pandemic of Global Oil Supplies the fact that the u. S. Economy as weve been hearing but its also creating a strange spectacle off the coast of california i was there as rob reynolds reports from los angeles. A sign of Global Economic breakdown floating offshore dozens of huge oil tankers sit it anchor outside the port of los angeles each vessel up to 365 meters long is brimming with tons of crude oil but theres no place to put it or what we have right now is a significant imbalance in supply and demand in the oil markets be asleep driven by significant demand contraction as a result of the economic slowdown translated from corporate economic speak that means that in the global lockdown fewer people are driving to work or anywhere else as evident in these shots of near empty streets in los angeles with so many out of work people are buying less so fewer goods are being trucked from place to place and check out this near empty airport hardly anyone is flying so needs jet fuel u. S. Consumption of petrol diesel and Aviation Fuel plummeted 31 percent since mid march with the price of benchmark texas crude dow 90 percent for the year in normal times we use about 100000000. 00 barrels of oil per day globally and in the month of april experts are estimating that that number is going to be around 75 or 80000000. Barrels a day which is about the amount that was used globally 20 years ago storage tanks on land are chock full so well companies are using ships as expensive storage bins the price charged by shippers for doing so is up to more than 150000. 00 per day and there is more oil on the way a flotilla of 20 Saudi Arabian super tankers is steaming toward the gulf of mexico u. S. Purchasers bought the saudi crude earlier when prices were higher as the ships keep on coming the u. S. Government plans to store millions of barrels worth in the Strategic Petroleum reserve a series of gigantic underground caverns below louisiana and texas as seen here from above and meanwhile back off shore from the port of los angeles the u. S. Coast guard is monitoring and adapting its procedures to make sure the mammoth ships remain safe and that the maritime traffic jam doesnt pose a hazard to navigation or the environment ending the oil glop depends on reviving the economy which in turn depends on beating back coronavirus Industry Experts say it may be months before those oil tankers get unload their cargo rob reynolds al jazeera and piedro california the governor of Lebanons Central Bank has defended his organizations role during the economic crisis that protests against lebanons deepening financial problems of time violence for the 2nd bites in a row in the open city of tripoli demonstrations targeted banks and set fire to a. T. M. The Central Bank Governor says that its only it only finances the government that is not responsible for how any of the money is spent and thats the model that to me we hide nothing in the central bank of lebanon nothing is being done unilaterally and the central bank expenditure belongs to the Financial System in lebanon other than that it is an attack that im not telling the truth to the public of lebanon in order to increase the campaign i keeps the governor of the central bank. One hour from observers at a halt in beirut at the end of the day many lebanese are blaming both the central by the banks the Financial Sector as well as the government the political elite tribe in governing this country for over 30 years for the collapse of the economy the state this close to bankruptcy the local love unease the currency the euro it has devalued 60 percent in the past few days that it has lost value inflation rising more than 50 percent so people are angry what those in power whether those who hold financial power or political power how been doing is really blaming each other for the crisis the Central Bank Governor defending himself saying we fund the states we do not spend money it is the state that spends money and that the state failed to carry out much needed reforms to reduce the budget deficit a few days ago the lebanese Prime Minister has yet insinuate that the Central Bank Governor in one way or another was tampering with Financial Stability in order to topple his government so there is a power struggle underway in this country as the economy worsens on a daily basis more and more people lose their jobs those in power believe the opposition along with the Financial Sector is trying to topple them using using the currency collapse fueling anger in the streets and then you have the opposition who are accusing the ruling elite headed by the iranian backed hezbollah and their allies of trying to take over the Financial Sector in the country so power politics at play as the lebanese become poorer. Human rights activists say that the Philippine Government strict enforcement of lockdowns is led to serious violations committed by police the u. N. Describes the countrys response as highly militarized general allen duggan reports from. These were the last few moments of winston ragas his life before he was shot dead by police they say the former soldier refused to follow their orders and was threatening to shoot them so they fired detained. Twice. But witnesses deny this they say he posed no threat to anyone in the movies who spoke to the islamic he says rug was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder and his death is a huge loss for them and. He was very thoughtful especially to his nieces and nephews here remember there were birthdays and he was a very generous man. Other videos that critics say show excessive use of force by police have gone viral to. Prevent in this one a Police Officer forcefully tries to arrest a Foreign National jury a dispute over quarantine measures imposed by the government. And here another officer appears to break into a private condominium before threatening to arrest people using areas like a Swimming Pool the Philippine Government displays around 50000000. 00 people under lockdown across the region designed to clamp down on the spread of the coronavirus thats nearly half of the countrys population just a few weeks ago president with the go to tear to or there de mille it she and police to shoot dead anyone who creates trouble. Police have denied allegations of wrongdoing and say they have arrested more than 100000 people since the lockdown was implemented. More than a month ago Human Rights Watch has issued a statement urging the government to investigate reports of abuses and hold officers have committed Rights Violations accountable. I mean its really been subjected to very harsh regulations rebel regard the realities of basic to asia. And that she is going to do so in a lot of anger and frustration on the part of the government says its policies are necessary to fight the spread of the coronavirus but people here tell us the use of what they say easy heavy handed and violent response by police is creating fear and anxiety. To melun dog and al jazeera mandela. In south korea a fire has killed at least 37 construction workers they were building a warehouse in the city of airshow south of the capital so its thought that the fire began following an explosion that involved flammable insulation. A well known actor worldwide has died a fun car passed away in mumbai after suffering from cancer he was 53 when michael soon looks back at his life. There where he was one of indias most recognize faces treading red carpets around the world but his success was gained after many years of struggle born in 1967 and rajastan shabbes other it finally han switched from chasing a korean cricket to one and acting and graduated from indias most prestigious school. In 1988 he made his debut in the acclaimed salaam bombay produced by Indian American filmmaker mira nair the small role one little praise that changed in 2001 when he starred in british movie maker us of the warrior. The low budget film went on to win several International Awards including a buff the for best british film in an interview with aljazeera the actor said despite acting in many bollywood and hollywood films it was his role in the 2008 oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire the transformed his life doctors lawyers and they would get beyond 60. Foot act the main thing is to enter into mass audience psyche and that you wrote. Fortunately it happened with me because of consecutive firms you know i did my behind in. Names. Dieting limited and certainly after that you know when this film came in a lot of people who didnt see my id heard of names in the this or my from the song in some dog then the research about me in the store the earlier films so thats important you know where it leads you know you know nobody can see you know that success led found to more phones and greater recognition at home and abroad including a National Film award and indias 4th highest civilian award the pub mistry then he shot finance the dissonance meant on twitter in 2018 if iran had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer after nearly 2 years of treatment in london informant returned home to shoot on crazy media that would turn out to be his last film it was released last month the news of a farm khans dead has brought tributes pouring in from across the world with his fans remembering the legacy of an actor who wasnt interested in his fame living on i dont want to be with you no no i just want to know where what whats going to happen after im gone after you believe your body what if i can feel that for a moment that will be my my what were they being alive i dont want to be remembered in any which way. It is good terry whether celebrate or if they get here in the headlines and out of syria the u. S. Economy shrank by 4. 8 percent in the 1st quarter of this year thats the worst economic decline since the 2008 recession President Trump has been pushing for some states to is coronavirus restrictions in order to get the economy moving again. The Aviation Industry is also reeling from the pandemic plane make a boeing has reported losses of at least 600000000. 00 it says that it will cut 10 percent of its workforce its european rival says it lost more than half a 1000000000. 00 in the 1st quarter to libyas internationally recognized government says that one person has been killed in an attack on a Health Complex to tripoli 6 others were injured during shelling on the military medical authorities have courses the uns outgoing human rights envoy for me and maher says the countrys leader Aung San Suu Kyi has failed to live up to her reputation as a humanitarian a time in the rose but especially dominated by a man was locked down a crackdown rather in Rakhine State in 2017750000 people mostly Rohingya Muslims fled across the border to bangladesh now yanni leave the start of aljazeera she believes the army conducted ethnic cleansing and that suit shes in action was utterly disappointing. News that she was. Put on how to still. Trade as the icon democracy and human rights well ever since yan l. D. Has taken on an ever since she is a state. All actions and her words statements point otherwise the governor of Lebanons Central Bank has defended his organizations role during the economic crisis the protests against lebanons deepening financial problems of turn violent the 2 nights in a row in the Northern City of tripoli demonstrators targeted banks and set fire to a. T. M. s and south korea a fire has killed at least 37. 00 construction workers who are building a warehouse in the city official south of the capital solar sort the fire began following an explosion that involved from a book flammable insulation. One is fair here and i was here after witness next. Always make sure that the story that im telling is impactful its always unser in the simple question why should people care d. Lets call a killings its. Its a reflection of the post of society thats boys and. Shutting down

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