Stranded with no income no work. For shes millions of Migrant Workers out of a job. That families back home go hungry so who should look after them and will the crisis change the way wealthy countries views follow. This story. Hello welcome to the program. Farm workers are often the backbone of many societies they are doctors nurses shop assistants and manages all this take low skilled work the citizens of wealthy nations wont do they have families back home depending on the money they send but millions of Migrant Workers have seen their livelihoods evaporate as the corona virus spreads economies all over the world have been hit by the effects of lockdowns salaries are being cut or staff fired as business dries up the World Bank Says global remittances will drop by 20 percent this year the sharpest fall in recent history Migrant Workers sent home 554000000000 dollars last year a wreck or remittances overtalk Foreign Direct Investment as the biggest source of money flowing into low and middle Income Countries most came from the United States and the gulf much of it was sent to families in india china mexico and the philippines. But the World Bank Says europe and central asia will be most affected by the drop in remittances are expected to fall by 28 percent this year and africa will lose about 23 percent with somalia and south sudan likely hit the hardest. Lets introduce our panel in goa in india we have our own kumar a professor at the institute of social sciences in new delhi in london we have full scenario in a sami head of labor rights at the business and Human Rights Resource Center and in beirut in lebanon has an eunice a Business Management analyst thank you all for joining us and let me begin with you what will be the effect on the economies of countries like India Pakistan the ball nepal bangladesh egypt in the philippines if and when these remittances start drying up. So you know these people come from rather poor families would migrated because that incomes in india low in india we have a very large unorganized sector which employs 94 percent of the workforce so the chances of getting a good income from the organized sector very few and thats like people migrate in large numbers to the vest and to other countries also the employment of what we do have been drying up because the Indian Economy would be slowing down in the last 3 years was demonic ideation so now when these people have lost just a walk in the best asia you know because of the lockdown or what has happened is that the Global Economy has gone into a depression petrol prices have fallen crude oil price there fallen so therefore these countries are i think are not able to afford having these people so the remittances to india would drop roughly 8000000 indians that their invest in asia and a large number of them have applied to the Indian Government to return because they had no work but a month month and a half so when the remittances dry up and the families here in india who are dependent on these i meet and said they would be in trouble when these people return as its already started in the lights are bringing them back and there are navy ships also which are bringing them back when that happens then these people come back and they would not have well because work in india is also dried up in india according to a recent report from the center for monitoring Indian Economy roughly more than 140000000 people have lost employment in the last few months and you know the number is likely to be larger because that doesnt capture the knowledge number of people migrating from cities to lady on foot or otherwise so in other words getting a job for these people would be very difficult in india and therefore thered be a lot of psychological problems they would have returned without money without any earning without being able to support the family and not able to find god both in economic terms. I dont let you have i think thered be a crisis. To see how reliant all these developing world economies on remittances from from the gulf from the un from the us you know these are these economies like our own set of a hugely dependent on remittances but we also need to focus on on what the immediate concerns are for these workers themselves you know this pandemic really has exposed the structural inequalities that face Migrant Workers all over the world whether theyre in the Construction Industry working on Construction Projects like the world cup stadiums and in qatar or whether theyre apparel industry workers working in factories in places like India Bangladesh and cambodia many of these workers have already been the most vulnerable workers in the world and were always saying really now is a pos thing of the financial burden on to these workers so many of these workers they havent seen their wages for march april and theyre facing some of the worst kinds of destitution possible and whats very concerning is that so many of these industries a lot of the work is a women that far away from their homes theyre left with no fears no access to food and of course crucially there then in Living Conditions which are making them extremely vulnerable to this to this virus and were seeing that in places like qatar and the u. A. E. Where these work is ready to leave an incredibly cramped and unsanitary conditions these conditions preceded the onset of this pandemic 8 to 10 People Living in very cramped conditions sharing kitchens sharing bathrooms you know the lack of of access to food and wages is one thing but there are also now extremely worried and distressed at the prospect of of contract ing the coronavirus and not knowing what will happen to them so there is a huge number of elements to this end and of course crucially we need to consider whos responsible for these workers because again we see. The back is being passed so theyre defending country certain countries in south asia where a lot of the workers in the gulf from their own it has been put on their states to bring these records back home so we really say that theyre theyre falling through the cracks and its important to remember that they fell through the cracks before this pandemic kept and this is just really exacerbated the conditions for these records i promise you we will talk about those many of those issues that we raise the program goes on. In lebanon you or you have a banking crisis at the moment as well as you can even get dollars out of the bank there how reliant is lebanons economy on foreign remittances actually thankful hospital needed all of that and only has all of. Their support. Their support and that evidence is that for us 11 population is only 4500000 living. Alone who have maybe more dont 1000000 used indeed in the east in australia and the us and many other places with the least starting october 7th economic conditions. And this is dented even before the 1st case on the quantity of case of 120 between october and if you value or. Reduce the Developers House has become at its lowest value since made it 11 or the people dont have access to their money to banks to do to have a 1000000. 00 in the bank account you gotta have access to more than 12000. 00 the market you have in banking it says you have equality prices as well as well we havent with was this suburb just the month in 75. 00 a month and not much is it was under 2 years of 11 mused civil war. 2 and has. Mission in lebanon is going to consist of the lebanese in the dark and sad especially dont kill enemies were and why kill our white collar if i may. This description of a working man jesus is most needy sot of the income generated by telephone used is positive hardly any special those are hung needed as you really use it negative benteke nonsense which we are witnessing with the spread of god 90 and lot of which we havent witnessed and if all works in one month a fresh. 11 was. Unprecedented. Around the help us understand when the money is sent back to a country like india how does that money those remittances work their way through the economy. You know let me be very clear the Indian Economy roughly 2 trillion dollars and what we were getting was roughly about 50000000000. 00 so as far as the total economy is concerned its not very large but in terms of balance of payment of course it relies on because india has largely a trade deficit and therefore to cover that we depend on capital flows coming from abroad so one of the important capra flows is this so that helps to shore up our balance of payment thats the first d thing that is there for the Macro Economy part the 2nd thing is that you know there are certain pockets life to catalyze a state from bad roughly 1500000 people have gone to west isha and thats a substantial proportion of the population similarly from the north in the north the punjab state you know from there a large number of people have gone so in those places its a very significant role so therefore in those states then the last stop and the families that are bad the businesses that they run they would suffer from the problem another problem that comes up in the context of pandemic is that theres a lock down and the Indian Economy is tanking at this point of time not more than 25 percent of the output of the Indian Economy stays in place which means that of the 25 percent thats working the amount of them intense is a very High Percentage you know so if the remittances a country new to come in that would have helped india now as you also know export and import globally have come down very dramatically even china which recovered their exports and imports of come down dramatically and therefore you know maybe the balance of payments problem would be a bit less that Commodity Prices falling but you know as far as income generation in the economy is concerned this limit and so theyve been very important of the lot of you know g. D. P. That is being a generated the moment so all the stories you know there are things that happening earlier but i like that in the context of the Current Situation where the lock down in india does not. Down there in the world exported imports have come down dramatically balance of payment problems are going to continue and Commodity Prices are going to continue to fall so in that context i think you know the decline in the image instead would be very very important especially for years like punjab and similarly you know for the other countries of south issue from you know live reporting of the corporation that gone compared to india they also would have Significant Impact on the balance of payment so i think we need to look at it from the back group was as good as all the prospect of those dates from various people have gone out in large numbers of case so well see alpha understand the families at the other end from the from the Migrant Worker what are they reliant on not money for what are they using it on and how how important is it if its not too obvious a question to that daily lives. As our own was saying people all over the world have been impacted regardless of those families being impacted with remittances not coming through or those who have lost work locally but i think the real question is whats the real cost of their mission says for those who are still continuing to work under the pandemic and were really getting a sense that families are really concerned at this point particularly for the welfare of their family members who are far away who may not even at this point have enough money to be able to pay for a phone credit to keep in touch with their families so i think you know really the concern is for the wellbeing of the welfare of a family members especially in a situation where communication is now impacted on an unprecedented level if you cant tell your family back home if you cant speak to your children back home and tell them how youre going i think that the concerns around getting those remittances when theres already such a large impact on the economy become it becomes secondary and i think this is where we really need to be focusing on what happens to. Those people who west who economies like india are sorry reliant on these remittances what are these states doing for those people are they putting pressure on the host governments to ensure that not only these these people are getting paid the wages to ensure that those remittances are happening but also are they ensuring that those people have access to personal pitch protective equipment in there were if there is a wide outbreak of coronavirus among these populations its going to be very hard to stem that and weve seen that in the last couple of weeks happened in singapore where you know they largely had it under control then from Migrant Workers who were working in the Construction Industry continuing to work they not only have been unable to send remittances back home but then are facing really high levels of this virus and that of course is incredibly consenting for their families back home and house and when when that money sent back to the lebanon and it is possible it is possible to get it out of the bank one of the families on the receiving end spending it all what is that money used for in the main. You know if you guessed though us talking about the negative repercussions on the balance. When it comes to a little of this even more it might actually. Be cultural and. Thats why import most of our agricultural and dusty is all thats wrong hence was dollars want to make this kind of. What almost offset this this is a huge deficit and the balance of payment was a few 1000000000. 00 which used to be sent by the let me order now we dont have that lot of access. And what might have the problem of that is the. 1000. 00 sent used to be 1511. 00 ounce and now with the bone wish not to let me ask every 1000. 00 with 1500. 00 or so people are eager to run off east dollars. And was exchanging words with many of their lives that saw in our 450000. 00 pounds made it 100. 00 let people get that well so this is. A very negative month that is devoted to you 811. 00 is increasing for example at. The world bank and both will fall off and he will sell and the 44000. 00 families live in the lot of poverty line which is full of dollars to date now we want to send more than 75000 livy beyond this spot. And one half of the lebanese population is poor because. It wants to start new businesses and its this and then it can have access to their money. At an later in their Bank Accounts and being able if the senate is. Should have been has been their situation thats why we have this very night it must. And we will absolutely and one of the situation is worse we only have. Annual government but now it seems that there are stuck wasnt more bizarre and saw many many reasons silent. On our own sources even then we are happy that wars are written this region. And this route. If you meant going in and many that only these rely on lisa i dont is as all of nitty as he may sort of is it needs for a bit. Of the other relativity in the. Illustration. Are in the room the role of a Foreign Worker a Migrant Worker in say a gulf country or even in the us is often portrayed as one who takes from that country and sends them money to their home country but how important are they to the mechanism the mechanics of the host country that theyre in how do they make how important are they to the working of the economy. So you know there are different kinds of migration from india the skilled workers who go abroad they had a very samey skilled and unskilled workers the kind of jobs that say maybe the people invest ish i dont want to do like you know the menial job the construction jobs etc so theyre very important because they have a good vedova ages in fact as would be pointed out often the videos are not made to the end and now many of the workers are complaining that they havent received a just for many months and therefore that many less and then dont have the money to even return in the us for instance you know that all these kind of different kind of well because a lot of indians in the soft bed in dusty etc theyre not going to be affected its actually the lowest current people who are being affected because you know the businesses completely shut down off says upside down but those who can vote from home like in softening dust yet said theyre not getting affected so its the what has sections of the migrants who are being affected by the adversely and they just theyre kind of wandering sections in india also are getting affected many adversely so this is actually creating a problem for the wealthy families in india as i said you know about 200000000 people have lost theyre not able to go to work and therefore theyve stayed below the poverty line and when these people who are looking in the us are in their state and theyve us sending money back to them and then the poverty aggravates i said is that what being done and how important are these people do they come to me ill say best usa they did that kind of luck that you know that they said what a local population wasnt willing to do so i think thats fair it hurts the economy of the country is also bad these migrants have gone because now if these people start returning then to ramp up the economy again would be very difficult and the same thing is happening in india where a large number of Small Business itself were going up there these brought up people used to work funds did goes down then ramping up the economy very difficult so theyve been. Or in the u. S. You know audited of and these people come back and they work as an order of a little through an amp up production and then recovery would be very still you know people hoping that they