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Pushes some countries to reopen their borders to kick start the tourist season but not everyones sold on the idea plus. I robot bride in south korea with the Strawberry Farms looking ahead to a smart future in a post by ross world. The leader of the country worst affected by the corona virus is going against the advice of his Infectious Diseases experts President Donald Trump says that he wants the u. S. Economy up and running again as soon as possible his message comes a day after a covert 19 Task Force Member dr anthony felt she warned that rushing to open up could have serious consequences including needless deaths and suffering of zeros mike hanna reports from washington. The president met with the governors of colorado and north dakota and urged them to look into reopening schools as soon as possible the country is getting it back and its going to get back as soon as possible and i dont consider a country coming back and the schools are closed its a message at odds with that given by Dr Anthony Fauci who told a Senate Committee tuesday that there were real dangers in reopening states too soon making particular reference to schools we dont know everything about this virus and weve really got to be very careful particularly when it comes to children president ial candidate joe biden was quick to comment i would trust the guy whos one of our nations Top Public Health experts he tweeted not the one who pondered injecting disinfectant into the body and look directly at a Solar Eclipse there are federal guidelines for governors to consider among the recommendations that the rate of infection drops for 2 weeks before mitigating measures are eased that a proper tracing procedure be established and that testing protocols be in place none of the states that have begun to reopen meet all these criteria and in wisconsin another denial of the concerns of medical experts the Supreme Court has struck down the governors stay at home order siding with Republican Leaders who argue the administration had overstepped its Legal Authority its an argument that has received explicit support in tweets from the white house mike hanna aljazeera washington in a further sign that theres still much to learn about the Coronavirus Health officials are warning of a related condition thats affecting children in new york 3 have died from it kristen salumi has spoken to the mother of a child who recovered from the mysterious illness. Amber deen seen here with her son bobby thought she was one of the lucky ones the mother of 3 from her now in new york had a mild case of covert 19 in april and has since recovered but for bobby it was a different story started a what just seemed like a tummy bug so you know were treating it as such and then it had progressed to a low grade and a heavy amount bombarding and he couldnt keep anything down the 9 year old spent last week in the hospital one of more than 100 children in new york struck down by a mysterious condition thought to be related to the virus bobbie recovered but at least 3 children in the state have died and more than a dozen other states have reported cases similar to a rare condition known as callous saki disease or toxic shock syndrome it causes inflammation in the blood vessels from what we know or what we think we know at this time its something thats occurring probably a few weeks after the initial inspection so most likely a lot of these children were infected a few weeks ago and now there are immune system is kind of wrapping up and causing this inclination to the body the leading u. S. Public health body the centers for Disease Control and prevention is warning doctors to be on the lookout for the syndrome experts are also looking at a possible genetic predisposition but the man leading the u. S. Medical response cautions there is still a lot they dont know i think weve got to be careful if we are not cavalier thinking that children are completely abusing the deleterious effects with tens of thousands of People Killed and millions more out of work one saving grace of the coronavirus was supposed to be that children were spared the worse now as theres new evidence of this syndrome coming to light even that is being challenged kristen salumi aljazeera new york. Theres a warning that the corona virus may never be entirely wiped out its come from the World Health Organization which says that theres a long way to go in the fight against the virus its experts say that without an effective vaccine it could take years for the global population to develop sufficient levels of immunity this where as may become just another endemic virus in our communities and this why this may never go away hiv has not gone away weve come to terms with the virus and we have found the therapies and we found the prevention methods and people dont feel as scared. As they did before and were offering life to people with hiv long healthy lives to people every the European Union is urging leaders to reopen borders closed the pandemic tourism makes up 10 percent of the blocks economy and the e. U. Says that the industry is at risk of collapse and sascha battle reports from paris a glimpse of whats going on a holiday in some parts of europe will look like this summer barriers separating sun loungers on the greek island of santorini not the beach experience that most holiday makers a used to but one that complies with new social distancing rules we hope these barriers wont be the future for beaches we dont want this but if this is necessary and if People Safety depends on this sort of device then so be it we just want to work we want to get going in march boarders in the European Union were shot and needy all travel stopped because the coronavirus pandemic a huge blow to the Tourism Industry one of the blokes main economic sectors has some countries begin to ease the lockdowns the European Commission has presented a rescue plan for the Tourism Industry its recommending foul choose instead of refunds for Council Travel sanitary measures for hospitality and transport services and the reopening of some borders of course this is not going to be a normal summer not for any of us. When we all Work Together and we all do our part in the ways the commission is setting out today then we dont have to face a summer shock at home or a completely lost summer for the european tourists industry some countries say that they are already considering lifting some travel restrictions germany says that it wants to reopen its border with fraud switzerland and austria and britain and france say that they wont impose quarantine for now on people traveling between their 2 countries paris is one of the worlds most visited cities the lockdown has been eased but monuments Museums Hotels and restaurants remain closed the french government has advised people to holiday in france this year after 2 months at home some people cant wait to travel. Health risk and reward here to. Travel abroad and outside france will be a valid i have a holiday home in spain and want to go but for now there are restrictions but i want to go we cant stop living more than 6000000. 00 tourism jobs in need could be lost unless the industry is revived the European Commission says the challenge is to encourage the sectors recovery but prevent a resurgence of corona virus cases or risk is spreading even further across the bloke who talks about low ill just 0 hours. Thousands of former nurses doctors and care homes to offer on string an s. O. S. Call in germany an Online Initiative is allowing people to register and return to their former careers helping hospitals with much needed self a sherman east lockdown restrictions last month that sort of slight rise in infections i am going out of business we noticed that in this crisis situation the hospitals have problems to deal with the people they wanted to help for example make sure they ended up in the right place thats why we decided to use our processes where we always check with background of candidates to make sure they end up in the right hospital and use that invaded Poland Health in and then we can help the cost with tools and make sure their departments dont get overwhelmed. I wanted to make myself useful i wanted to help even just a little bit i can still do a lot of course im not up to date with the very latest but with many things its just a matter of learning the new procedures. New zealand has ended most of its strict coronavirus restrictions meaning that a lot of everyday activities can now resume restaurants businesses and shopping malls of reopened while schools go back on monday most gatherings will be limited to 10 people and social distancing remains in place he zealand has reported fewer than 1500 coronavirus cases wayne hay is in the north island town of cambridge and has borne the governments efforts to ease the countrys economic pain. The country is beginning to get back to some sort of Economic Activity but there is a sense that the worst could still be to come because of what the rest of the world is going through in terms of facing economic recessions this is a country that relies heavily on exports and tourism there is some estimates that say that in the Tourism Sector alone around 100000. 00 jobs could be lost so even though the country is opening up opening up economically there is a sense as a say that they could be more pain to come the government on thursday also unveiling its annual economic budget was planned some time ago but obviously had to be rewritten quite comprehensively because of coronavirus and its unveiled a 30000000000. 00 coronavirus economic Recovery Plan and that is the largest single spending package unveiled in new zealand history strayers Unemployment Rate has reached its highest level since 2015 hundreds of thousands of workers have been laid off since last month due to the nationwide shutdown from a Scott Morrison says that the government has plans to support the economy by helping boese who are now out of work but a key component of the plan is not just to have the support and fight the virus but to reopen our economy and that is happening and National Initiative states interior trees working together to reopen their economies to get a strategy and back into the jobs to get the arrows back to get the incomes back and to get the strain economy into our covert sayf environment. Away from the pandemic shelling by forces loyal to libyas war old Khalifa Haftar wounded at least 14 people in the capital tripoli shells landed near a hospital causing damage to the building forces also struck nearby residential areas. In southern yemen the fighting has continued for a 3rd day between Government Troops and the separatist group as they battle to control the port city of zinjibar up to saudi backed government soldiers and 10 separatist feiss supported by the u. A. E. Have been killed its the 1st major battle since the Southern Transitional council declared self rule of aden last month broke a power sharing agreement signed in november with the government. A weather update next here on aljazeera then accusations of Police Brutality more on the protests in guinea that have ended in bloodshed. Also ahead how the pandemic may have changed the way we work for ever. How the show how a hot shot has been blind on the gulf for a couple of days now it ought to ease a little bit and next day or so tempers are still high side 41 in the same baghdad and not much less running through for example cuts on the u. A. E. Mecca was at 45. 00 a drop in doubt a force to say you could say its a cooling trend but apart from that and the easing breeze its just open skies really dusty atmosphere is lose some cloud around which might generate a few showers of the nineteens in western saudi or yemen nothing much in iran or turkey dayana says were coming towards the summer heat maybe the tropical showers in africa should be regeneration a pulse a night and i think the next lot coming on to the coast of towns in a in the next day or so but every day you get pulsed showers out of Lake Victoria which drift west through under and into diaz sea theyre not as obvious as they have been in the start of the morning in those dark blue and then they tend to fade away tanzania and kenya less so somalia and the easier if you will see the showers in the next down so the south of that lot of clouds being coming across cape town and you see the streaking across the southern part of south africa the satellite picture but thats almost gone now and its still a mostly dry picture. 3rd venezuela colombia botha has become a Stomping Ground for trespasses. As desperate people transgress an illegal passage. To feed an emerging field trafficking markets. We follow that perilous journey unguarded through the line of fire. Risking it all. Venezuelan colombia. On aljazeera. Youre. A liar again this is al jazeera lets remind you of the main news this hour the us President Donald Trump has criticized his top Infectious Diseases expert and his warning against the reopening of the economy too quickly Dr Anthony Fauci said that rushing to open up could lead to needless deaths trampas again called on states to lift coronavirus restrictions some countries begin to ease longtime restrictions the World Health Organization is warning that the coronavirus may never be entirely wiped out without a vaccine it could take years for the global population to build sufficient levels of the meters hits us restaurants businesses and shopping malls have reopened in new zealand while schools resume on monday the post gatherings will still be limited to 10 people social distancing remains in place. Some britons a return to work for the 1st time in 7 weeks with figures showing the u. K. s economy shrinking by 2 percent in the 1st 3 months of the year the government is keen to get people back to work but the moves been rejected by leaders in scotland wales the island who say that its too early to relax the measures and zeros jonah hole reports now from london. Has been made of britain going back to work in the end not much came of it its only really england that he did Boris Johnsons call for those who cant do their jobs from home to return the devolved ministrations of scotland wales and Northern Ireland feel its too soon too risky and on londons still quiet streets some workers agreed. With. You dont know but there are. People to be going to work. The right time. Very very unsafe. Construction sites and factories are some of the places that saw more work taking place though many had been allowed to operate throughout the lock down among the big challenges they and other businesses will face is social distancing and transport. The government urged people to walk drive or cycle if possible. And if they have to use public transport to wear face coverings and stand back to back but it may be a while yet before tubes and trains experience a real rush hour you can still social distance on the tube on the victoria line is getting a bit more difficult so you have to switch between carriages if you. See. God is a consultant advising companies how to prepare for the return of busy times 60 percent of the spaces the work settings in offices cannot be due to social distancing so that means that a maximum of 40 percent can be brought back so we expect the numbers to be to be. Even below 40 percent which means that. More than 8000000 people still will have to work from home when social distancing measures are in place with damage mounting the need to restart the economy becomes more urgent every day official figures now point to 2 percent drop in. G. D. P. In the 1st quarter that would be painful enough in normal times but the bank of england is pointing to much worse to come a possible staggering further 25 percent drop in g. D. P. In this 2nd quarter of 2020. Thats the biggest economic decline in 300 years with no guarantee of a swift recovery so while you can now sunbathed to play golf visit a Garden Center and in some cases return to work what you cant easily do is relax and look forward to normal life after covert 19 because the effects will be felt for years to come jonah how aljazeera london. Police in guinea have open file protests an end to corrode virus lock down measures that at least 6 people were killed in towns there the capital conakry so high that reports. Have. Been seen in freedom of movement is what protesters in several cities in guinea are demanding. Angry its coronavirus knocked down measures restricting them from traveling in and out of the capital conakry and in living they blocked roads set fire to Police Vehicles at several checkpoints built to try and contain the spread of coded no insulin for the protesters no work means no food. And only. With fed up with this lockdown the government has abandoned us that killed 5 of their friends but we will continue to protest until they open up the roads again. The Security Forces responded to the violence on tuesday by firing at the protesters at least 6 people were killed across 3 towns near the capital conakry. When the madness started i lift the protest when i arrived home i got a call telling me my brothers been shot and went straight to the hospital but he was already did. To me. He is one of the worst hit countries by the virus in west africa the government says the emergency measures are necessary protesters those cues police of mistreating them and demanding brian to let them through the checkpoints they are. Tired of the government suffering it has no interest in its people in the chick points of causing too much traffic we stuck on your calling. Dealing with another disease is proving difficult following the Ebola Outbreak which killed soon a whole 1000 people a few years ago doctors fear the Poor Health System limited testing and a lack of sanitation will cause coated 19 to spread fast to try and stop that happening the government continues to extend nationwide states of emergency Human Rights Watch accuses the government of using it as an excuse to violently crackdown on Opposition Party members and protesters. The number of coronavirus cases has steadily increased since march despite that protesters say though can see need to speak out against the closures curfew and checkpoints. Set a hideouts aljazeera. Brazil is now the 6th worst affected country in the world after announcing more than 11000. 00 new cases the government is pushing ahead with controversial plans to reopen the economy despite the record daily numbers president jaya balsa morrow is also been heavily criticized for his handling of the pandemic but it was president says that new cases there have reached their peak authorities have been going door to door looking for infected people and have sent medical teams around the country to combat the virus or as one of latin americas worst affected patients with more than 76000 cases. Chinese capital will go into law down on friday after a suds in the number of corona virus cases the 8000000 people in santiago will no longer be allowed to go outside except for essential errands people over the age of 75. 00 across the country have been ordered to stay at home that have been 2660. 00 new cases taking the total to more than 34000. 00 last in america and its a new reports now from santiago the number of infections has just been going up and up and up and finally the government did what many people had been begging it to do now for the past few weeks and that is to declare a total lockdown here in the capital santiago just so you get an idea in the last 2 weeks the number of infected case of infected people went up 500 percent and that means that of course the hospitals are now practically full running at near capacity the government says that it will bring be bringing in more ventilators to morrow there are only about 550. 00 Still Available for patients but the thing the situation is looking quite dire not just in the capital but in other parts of the country as well another of the announcements that was made a short while ago by the Health Minister is that anyone over the age of 75. 00 will be quarantined indefinitely they must stay at home he says that that is because they are the most vulnerable sector of the population and would also its the highest death rate so far chile does have a fairly low death rate 300. 00 and nearly 350. 00 people as of now but if the situation continues to deteriorate as i just mentioned that death rate could go up much much faster. The u. S. Claims that hackers backed by the Chinese Government are trying to steal the work of coronavirus researchers the f. B. I. And the department of Homeland Security of want is to fusions and Companies Developing covert 900 vaccines and treatments to be alert for potential cyber attack the trumpet ministration blames china for being the source of the pandemic and exploiting its aftermath china dismisses the accusations as groundless employees of a popular social Media Company can now work from home permanently if they want to twitter says that most offices Business Travel were resumed before september and it says that once offices do reopen those who are able to work from home can continue to do so if they choose governments worldwide have urged businesses to shift to a remote work set up to help contain the coronavirus. Is an assistant professor of organizational behavior of all new university in australia she says there are benefits for both the employer and employee but the smaller businesses may struggle. One of the benefits of people being absent work from hiring is greater participation in the workforce so it gives organizations access to a greater talent pool that includes Older Workers people who do have caring responsibilities or childcare needs and so it opens up you know much more possibility for the organization in that white people are returning to the office then obviously they have to put those arrangements back in place or to be absent find workers who dont have restrictions to be able to attend the office so money is used where you can compile means that people do feel professionally and socially isolated if theyre there all of the time you dont have a chance to one again a card or you know get a coffee so the problem and come up with a new idea so there is a face to face encounters are really important and they do help organizational creativity so thats removed and people who work from home permanently do you feel that they can get overlooked for promotion and that they dont have a relationship with a colleague its not possible for every company are some Companies Already have Flexible Work arrangements where people can work from home but not all of them do and if you said not everyone has access to the technology to do that and it is a great cost intentionally Small Business he doesnt have that in place and he might be struggling to recover from their Current Situation pharma sense south korea being encouraged to adopt Smart Farm Technologies to deal with a shortage of workers in rural areas initiatives proving timely as the country recovers from the coronavirus pandemic as rob a bride discovered on a visit to the southern growing region of sango. In the quest to grow the perfect fruit this is one strawberry farm that is increasingly turning to Smart Technology every aspect of the growing environment is carefully regulated the amount of sunlight let in to the water in fertilizer is used its helping to compensate for the loss of young people not wanting to go into farming like their parents can do long ago and keep them we dont have enough workers in the rural areas but by using Smart Technology we can reduce the need for manpower. The farm is owned by a husband and wife team who gave up high powered jobs in large corporations to pursue their dream they are part of a growing trend of people with high tech backgrounds opting for a new life in the countryside and in the young people coming to rural areas these days are quite interested in Smart Farm Technology weve hired young koreans and are training them to share our know how to grow strawberries helping to spread the smart farm message to have a younger people this Pilot Project in seoul has been running in a subway station since the end of last year it takes a news base to create a vertical farm under artificial light that is cheap so much greater productivity than growing above ground. In the city can i hope that by exposing our children to High Tech Enterprises like this at an early age they can one day contribute to koreas future and Smart Farming excellent in fact more engineering students in agriculture students are being attracted to this life and farming got tougher when south korea lost its developing nation status at the end of last year that meant it could no longer use tariffs to protect its farmers it speeded up the governments efforts to Harness Technology in agriculture and initiative now given more urgency with the coronavirus Smart Technology means less face to face contact in how crops are grown and sold in the. After the coronavirus people need to practice social distancing and Smart Farm Technology helps and by achieving a uniform quality its easier to sail on mine. New smarter ways for a new post virus reality robin bride aljazeera saying to south korea. A huge chunk of a Chinese Space rocket has crashed into the Atlantic Ocean becoming one of the biggest bits of space junk its a freefall to earth was the core of a rocket that successfully launched a prototype spacecraft into orbit last week 18 ton piece was 30 meters long and 5 meters wide it landed off the coast of mauritania however it appears that some components also fell on a town in ivory coast its the heaviest objects to fall uncontrollably to earth since 1901 when a soviet space station reentered the atmosphere over argentina. It is good to have you with us hello adrian figure here in doha the headlines when i was a syrup u. S. President donald trump has criticized his top Infectious Disease experts warning against reopening the economy too quickly Dr Anthony Fauci said the rushing to open up could lead to needless deaths trump again called on the states to lift coronavirus restrictions mike hanna reports from washington trump has been sending out tweets encouraging states to open up directly saying as i mentioned to the governors in the course of the day that they should be opening schools as soon as possible now it must be made clear to that all federal guidelines on which governors can take a decision among these guidelines among the recommendations is that thered be a 2 week period in which infection rates drop before mitigating measures are ease that thered be a Contact Tracing program in place and that proper testing protocols be established. Some countries begin to ease lockdown restrictions the World Health Organization is warning that the corona virus may never be wiped out entirely without a vaccine it could take years for the global population to build sufficient levels of the unity it says restaurants businesses and shopping malls have reopened in new zealand while schools resumed on monday but most gatherings will still be limited to 10 people and social distancing remains in place straight is Unemployment Rate has reached its highest level since 2015 hundreds of thousands of workers have been laid off since last month tubes of the nation wide shut down promise to Scott Morrison says the government has plans to support the economy by helping those who are now out of work brazil is not a 6 worths worst affected country in the world after announcing more than 11000. 00 new cases the government there is pushing ahead with controversial plans to reopen the economy despite the recall daily novice shelling by forces loyal to libyas warlord Khalifa Haftar wounded at least 14 people in the capital tripoli shells landed near a hospital and damaged the building in southern yemen the fighting has continued for a 3rd day between Government Troops and the separatist group as they battle to control the port city of zinjibar of those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the stream thanks. Talk to old is there a we heard sort of let me ask you how worried you are about the increase in hostilities in yemen we listen this is the moment to stop all the 30 action this is the moment to concentrate on fighting of it like we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the ground 0. For me ok watching the string in the home edition because i dont need to tell you the coronavirus pandemic started in la had china but now china is just getting out for more of its lockdown mandates and its fascinating see what looked out real life lessons we can learn as the rest of us are coming out of those stay at home mandates how does china going to lead the way adam is akhil the station for today if youre in are you to chat hello welcome nice to see if you have a question you have a comment you have stories to share and go ahead jump them in the you tube chat and hopefully

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