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Exploited in facing discrimination chiles Haitian Community is left feeling more vulnerable as fears circulate about corona virus infections. Israels new Coalition Government is being sworn in very shortly the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival benny gantz agreed last month to share the leadership it marks an end to more than a year and a half of failed elections diplomatic deal making and political paralysis harry force it is our correspondent keeping a close eye on this joining us live this hour from west jerusalem so harry 2 men Work Together for the good of the country. Well thats a question that has yet to be tested to its fullest it is an extremely strange agreement that they have drawn up at least in terms of a little israeli political history it is a huge government in those terms 36. 00 ministries all swelled to they will be evenly divided between the 2 some of the ministries being created to try to satisfy the demands for jobs on both sides includes such things as one person being given the ministry of Higher Education and Water Resources at the same time so theres been quite a lot of criticism about the expense of all of that its also required a change to israels fundamental basic laws to allow for both us and yahoo and guns to be sworn in civil tenuously as Prime Minister and alternate Prime Minister its part of all the safeguards that theyve tried to put in place to make sure that they arent betrayed by the other man further down the line and so netanyahu will serve for the 1st 18 months as Prime Minister and then under the terms of the deal gantz for the 2nd 18 months but he will already have an office of vice Prime Minister set up as part of this it will also potentially allow netanyahu to retain some status of that office even after he relinquishes power to natu gantz as he continues to try to fight off corruption charges his Corruption Case is due to start next week and there are significant policy differences as well gans wants to see a delay and consultation before theres any unilateral move to an ex parts of the occupied west bank some 30 percent of it under the terms of the trump peace plan announced in january netanyahu made it very clear in his speech the Israeli Parliament the knesset that he intends to press ahead. You know its time to apply israeli law and write a glorious chapter in the history of zionism the state doesnt delay peace it brings it closer because peace must be based on the truth and the truth is that there were hundreds of thousands of settlers and today and some miria brothers and sisters they will stay there as part of any Permanent Peace deal. We decided to take National Responsibility especially at this time israel needs a National Government that represents broad sections of the country after more than 10 years the era of government by one half of the nation is over we are here to represent those who felt they had no voice in leading this country i guess harry as well their 1st big test as they settle into power into being in office will be how they deal with the coronavirus and covert 19 i mean neither man can be seen to politicize that coming. World yes that is very much the story that they. Are telling and the message that theyre trying to put to the israeli people that this is an unprecedented time of crisis and that is why this totally new form of government was required to be set up to meet it is being called an emergency government whose 1st 6 months are supposed to be devoted entirely to dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis israel has relief brought the curve right down in terms of new cases that down to double figures in recent days and the Health System was tested but never overwhelmed there are concerns though of course about the Economic Impact of all of this the fact that the country remains all but shut down to incoming flights and tourists Small Businesses have been protesting and there are fears too about the prospect of a 2nd wave now that the that the restrictions are being eased somewhat there has been noticed a very quick change in the mentality of people in the way the behavior on the streets in the beaches and the parks so there are still concerns about that as well so yes thats one of several tests that are going to be put to this very new form of government in israel and these very significant political challenges as well exactly how will netanyahu has ambitions on onyx a sion play out against the backdrop where the United States seems to be signaling that it wants him to slow down where jordans king is talking about a massive conflict with israel if he presses ahead against doesnt have a veto but he made his feelings obviously pretty clear to the u. S. Secretary of state might pompei o in their meeting last week and behind it all we have Prime Minister netanyahu due to start his corruption trial just next sunday thats never happened before either harry thanks very much. Theres been a political breakthrough in afghanistan the president ashraf ghani has signed a power sharing deal with his rival mr gandhi and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah have been locked in a stalemate over last years disputed election result mr donald will now lead the council for peace talks and members of his team will form part of the cabinet. Is the leader of Afghanistan Research for a chance of some london he says outside pressures of forced political rivals to Work Together we have now like anywhere in the world the covert 19 of honest on for example a you know it has the potential to be unfortunately the epicenter in the region if its not content for instance secondly President Trump and trumpet ministration is an entirely different game of the us Foreign Policy compared to the Obama Administration and president jiang zemin very clear he does not want to be the policeman of the honest man as he puts it so i think the political elite do not want to one have come to the realisation that they have to Work Together in order to move forward even if that means that they are going to Work Together in circumstances that it don like to work with each other but it has to be done for their own survival but also for making sure that some kind of move forward happens and also the taleban process of of reconciliation with them which at the moment is stuck after the agreement was signed in doha in the end of february between the us and the taliban to which the Afghan Government was not a party so that has these are the 3 things and my view that are changed that isnt 14 and the political elite and. Tim bubblies government has promised an investigation into the alleged abduction of 3 opposition activists the women disappeared during a demonstration led by the movement for Democratic Change they say they were beaten and sexually assaulted by state security after being taken into Police Custody Opposition Party leaders say forces working for the president were behind the abductions zimbabwes ministry of information says an investigation is now under way Nelson Chamisa is leader of the m. D. C. He says the un should investigate the abductions. While i had the records act reports of a live youth league thats being arrested i rested after there was a demonstration in one of the i get there but. When there were a. Demonstrating are going to lock down without the necessary support on troop support on vulnerable groups. When this service was affected it was expected on day right here that people. Who. Are desperate in the demonstrations but what we then got was that there was an abduction of those people could not be accounted for particularly our youth leaders that 3 female youth leader there were only opponents the next day dumped by the roadside in the outskirts of cairo but they make an allegation that there were sexual abuse they were treated in an inhuman and degrading treatment they were also subjected to excessive torture during the night and that is the report we then. Put across and were given they made an appeal to the International Community in particular the United Nations to look into this matter because it had become a patent this Economic Trends of people being subjected to these abductions. The race for a vaccine is a global priority and will be discussed at a 2 day World Health Assembly beginning on monday as countries work around the clock the u. K. Has pledged over 100000000. 00 towards boosting their capacity to develop and mass produce vaccines or a challenge joins us live now from london rory tell us more about the announcement of further investment in vaccine development. Yeah its a big chunk of cash isnt it for the fast track completion of this facility. Boris johnson wants to put the u. K. Right at the front of this global effort to find and develop vaccines it to be coronavirus and this Research Development facility is a big part of that effort. The money is going to be put towards making sure that this place is called the Vaccines Manufacturing and Innovation Center its going to be out in a Science Complex in oxfordshire the moneys going to make sure that this is finished and up and running middle of next year so 2021. When it is operational they are hoping that its going to be able to manufacture enough vaccines to cover the whole u. K. Population in 6 months the big cap yes for all of this of course is that there is no vaccine that exists at the moment. Its part of what this facility will be doing looking into how this might be achieved and of course there are other parts of the worlds leading their own efforts but Boris Johnson in an article. In a british newspaper the mail on sunday today has acknowledged that there is still a long way to go in reaching a vaccine and tempering expectations considerably by saying that there. The possibility that we may never actually get to one and how is that going to go down with the british voters with the electorate rory after the concerns over the the stay at home messaging which is now a little bit confused because its become state alerts the lockdown is being eased will people feel reassured by this. Boris johnsons. Key traits i suppose ease his optimism hes always telling people to look on the bright side that things are going to be ok but corona virus is testing his ability to walk right in. The latest polls do suggest the supports in the governments eightys wavering i think the 1st month or 2 of the epidemic. The Public Opinion was broadly on his side they supported the law down etc but in the last week opinion which is the Polling Company has registered a drop of 9 Percentage Points in support for the government then support for the way the government is having the Coronavirus Crisis. 9 points down that puts it for the 1st time in negative territory meaning that more people think the governments took a bad job than think that its the thing that is doing a good job and its its not hard to see why that might be the case as he say there is this bosch rolling out of the easing of restrictions with stay at home being replaced by stay alert not many people realize or could understand what that actually meant what were they supposed to do then there was also in the last 5 days the. News that the u. K. Had gone through 40000 deaths a huge number but a get way out in front. In europe making it the worst hit country in europe there have been ongoing scandals deaths in care homes which thought they were going to be vulnerable and the government says it has been accused of not acting fast enough to protect them then theres the supply of p. Personal protective equipment and testing as well for the population all of these things combined and the generation of this crisis how long its been going on mean that yes support for the government does seem to be slipping. Thanks very much. Still to come here on aljazeera. Its a very young workforce with very little experience and thats dangerous under strain warnings that a lack of funding from the workers in the u. S. Could be costing the community. And a test of leadership by president s and Prime Ministers around the fire for the handling of the pandemic. And of their plans to rain across much of asia seeing some heavy rain pushing off the east coast of china on its way through there are pushing into western japan throughout monday and again another blast of heavy rain here working its way across the Korean Peninsula or this you can see this is the remnants of what wall street this gets caught up in that frontal system and the rain really try little bit down into southern areas of china sent a story really on cheesy but it does begin to improve across much of western japan and actually rain a little bit lysa across the Korean Peninsula meanwhile we got very heavy rain on his way across towards the taiwan but as a say that the trouble storm is out of the picture and that means well see plenty of scottish houses still across areas of the philippines but some particularly heavy rains on monday across much of borneo some really torrential downpours all of it east as we go into tuesday so clear skies into borneo the mill a peninsula and also down into so much of what we really watching now is this in the bay of bengal this is the 1st sign of the season ahead this is fun a very strong storm system on monday we look at winds sustained at about 150 kilometers now gusting to 185 it gets Even Stronger on cheezy its moving very slowly up towards the north it will begin to affect these eastern coast as very heavy amounts of rain and very strong damaging winds as well. But. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise of the looking at another side of this story are the information around the outbreak but the misinformation separating propaganda from fact its reality really has. Exposing. Their rhetoric and. They can. The listening post your insight guide to the media 0. Pictures coming to us out of israel because the new Coalition Government led by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival benny gantz has now been officially sworn in the deal to govern together came after 3 elections failed to determine one clear winner. Afghanistans Political Uncertainty has come to an end with the president and his rival signing a power sharing agreement. And his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah who control of the government zimbabwes government has promised an investigation into the alleged abduction of 3 opposition activists the women say they were beaten and sexually assaulted by state security personnel the police deny any involvement. Health officials in china are dealing with new clusters of the corona virus in the Northeastern Province of jilin the government is sending medical teams and hundreds of staff to the area chinas taking extraordinary measures to rid the country of the virus is the heart of. The people in this province have been battling the Novel Coronavirus longer than anyone else the virus started here in december last year and grew to Epic Proportions killing more than 4000 people in china alone after months of lockdown and move on the number of cases began to drop then this week there was a cluster of new infections a new Testing Campaign is underway to stop the spread the residents fear going to crowded Testing Centers could put them in danger but. I think some measures should have been taken for example people should be separated when there are many of them is not very good to have too many people covered in one place some paper where the mosques are not safety has become a hot topic especially on social media among the 11000000 residents of this latest campaign is voluntary i think its fine everyone to keep it a distance off one half meters from each of. You can pull it off says the epidemic people have have a great sense of responsibility to keep by this this from each other to reduce risks there are now nearly 5000000 cases of covert 1000 around the world more than 300000 have died what started in china may be returning for a 2nd wave leah harding aljazeera. Thailand has extended a ban on International Passenger flights until the end of june but its lifting some domestic restrictions shopping malls and Department Stores have reopened on its nightly curfew will now be one hour shorter a state of emergency will stay in place until the end of the month and a cinch on that a cool as thailands deputy Prime Minister and the minister for Public Health he says the communitys cooperation has helped to reduce the number of infections significantly we cannot say that we have 3 of korra now wireless and we cannot say that there will be those that can be had but what we can say is. Thailand is well prepared to undertake any situation circumstance what they would become because. Coronavirus travels with people so once we ease up the time we have to do is to make sure that everyone understands how to behave and how to live their lives were trying to bring them back to normalcy as soon as we can i think helen needs no different than other places in the road we cannot say that we back to normal as. Hiero to the call to 19 invitations but we have to get acquainted with the new normal way of living for a champ if you ever come to thailand at this moment all people leaving home we have to mask on all people. To keep themselves at least why men have to meet the stand see so ready. Little by little at all add up into momentum that people are giving very good cooperation and thats why the numbers of newly infected patients pass greatly reduced. Now haitians in chile the largest Migrant Community anywhere and less in america are underpaid and often live in dire conditions many are afraid to seek government or medical help fear of being deported and the pandemic is fueling racism the see in human reports now from something. They call them see it is Large Properties subdivided into small quarters where one or more families live cramped together often sharing a bathroom with up to a dozen other families theyre the only option for many haitian migrants in chile like Shawn Santa Fe they can see the kitchen doesnt work the bathroom too but its difficult for us to run to and hi to my children each have their own room i would never bring them here. To the history largest haitian Migrant Community outside of the United States and its Public Knowledge that theyre exploited by unscrupulous landlords and now with the coronavirus pandemic theyre being discriminated further. Out a few weeks ago this sit there with 88. 00 rooms became nationwide news Health Authorities moved the haitian residents to a special quarantine area with better facilities but 1st the results of their parole a virus test were published on the municipalitys web page violating a patients right to confidentiality the news spread like wildfire even before the cameras arrived the neighbors began throwing rocks and hurling insults at the haitians because a few of them had been confirmed to be carrying coronavirus now they tell us that they feel even more discriminated and vulnerable than ever. The fear of the virus is only increased to stigmatize ation of haitians says ralph gianbattista who works as a Community Translator there are only a 5th of the communitys very angry and upset if theyd been from europe from germany this would. Not have happened ralph is always dressed impeccably because he says it helps to counter the constant disrespect of blacks by chileans their reason for the very people say get out and blocky there is cruel discrimination here that we cant ignore. Its made worse because many haitian migrants dont speak spanish and dont know their rights and. With very precarious Living Conditions its even more difficult for them to survive in a pandemic they charged rents which many cant afford the virus doesnt discriminate but we do. The governor of santiagos metropolitan region agrees that many migrants are living in inhumane conditions. But when we asked why authorities havent stopped landlords from renting unsanitary and overcrowded living quarters he blamed the matters on which. The truth is that authorities have constantly turned a blind eye to a sanitary and human rights dilemma that is punishing those who came here for a better life as never before. You see in you mean aljazeera sent down. Some leaders and the worst hit countries initially dismissed the threat of the pandemic the death toll in the us is approaching 90000. 00 the worlds highest despite repeated warnings President Donald Trump insisted the virus would not take hold there the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson also played down the virus and shook hands with patients on a covert hospital ward he later became seriously ill the u. K. Was relatively late in imposing a lockdown and now has the highest death toll in europe brazil is latin americas worst affected country the president there. Saying the coronavirus is nothing but a fantasy and hes attacking governors who imposed restrictions blah to me putin in moscow was quick to close russias border with china but domestic lockdowns came late russia now has more than 270000 infections the 2nd highest in the world. Steve clements is an editor at large of the hill and host of program the bottom line he explains now why its taken some leaders more time to take action. All of these leaders in a sense ran against the establishment in their countries they ran against science they ran against universities they ran against the ministries and bureaucracies they were out there set up over generations to protect the public pulse and narrow has fired his last 2 Health Ministers so donald trump his critique anthony found it was world famous as one of the great carolla just who has helped knock back h i p aids and others i think that the reason they did this is that they thrive on the notion that they and their supporters are victims and theyve been victims from the educated in society from science that has left them behind in their view and it challenges their my cheese mo their their their boss nature and that they would have to listen to someone else and this is created a real problem so i think thats part of that your World Health Organization is a bit different because it least in the United States part of the nationalism that donald trump has tried to this pug nations now says im trying to assert is very disdainful of other countries of International Deals of International Institutions and they see the rest of the world as ripping off the United States as freewriting when the United States and theres a resentment and anger about anything attached to the United Nations so his critique of the w. H. O. Is part of this point nations nationalism and he does not understand the w. H. O. Plays a vital and Critical Role in setting up Health Models and Health Standards creating an antenna for other and future pandemics and helping particularly we have to remember that if we dont help lesser developed countries get through this and we see what its happened to developed countries this will come back with a vengeance everywhere. Well as Congress Debates Financial Aid to States New York the epicenter of the american outbreak is facing a 61000000000. 00 budget deficit and there are warnings that hitting essential services aljazeera is kristen salumi with more Emergency Medical Services station 18 the bronx at the peak of the cove in 1000 pandemic one of the busiest call centers in new york city. Ambulance crew saw their daily call volume more than double and the number of cardiac arrest skyrocket along with their stress levels anthony recalls responding to 13 cardiac arrests over the course of a 16 hour double shift youre going into the fray doing all your protocols and everything you can to be the people you think you should be able to get him back if youre not. Great this person was just talking to me. Like why are they dying says the strain has taken a toll on him and his colleagues most of whom have much less than his 17 years of experience the average age of a new york e. M. T. Just 25 its a very young workforce with very little experience. And thats dangerous its friends lives the union argues that low pay and high stress have led to high turnover and a less experienced workforce the people of the city a literally dying because of the lack of experience and the retention problem that. Antis are a part of the new York City Fire department but they dont receive similar pay or benefits to other 1st responders in fact they make tens of thousands of dollars a year less than Firefighters Police officers and sanitation workers with similar levels of experience while the mayor has heralded the work of e m ts and called for federal assistance to help frontline workers 200000000000. 00 nationally. To establish hazard pay for essential workers and their survivors the city does not formally recognize the m. T. S. As a Uniformed Emergency Service theyve been working without a contract for more than a year we go into dangerous situations all day long shooting stabbings what have you and now were going into situations where we still respond to all those calls and everybody is a potential covert patient so its its fighting a war against an invisible bullet he worries that strain has and will continue to cost lives and the department as well as the community it serves kristen salumi al jazeera new york. This is aljazeera these are the top stories israels new Coalition Government has been sworn in today led by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival benny gantz the deal to govern together came after 3 general elections failed to determine one clear winner perry force it has more from west jerusalem it is an extremely strange agreement that they have drawn up at least in terms of a little israeli political history it is a huge government in those terms 36. 00 ministries will swell to they will be evenly divided between the 2 some of the ministries being created to try to satisfy the demands for jobs on both sides includes such things as one person being given the ministry of Higher Education and Water Resources at the same time so theres been quite a lot of criticism about the expense of all of that and theres been a political breakthrough in afghanistan with the president signing a deal with his rival ashraf ghani and his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah will share control of the government. Zimbabwes government has promised an investigation into the alleged abduction of 3 opposition activists the women say they were beaten and sexually assaulted by state security personnel the police deny any involvement with the 500 medical personnel have been sent to chinas Jilin Province as it deals with a new coronavirus cluster at the same time chinas Mass Testing Program is now on the way to local Health Authorities says more than 220000 tests were carried out on saturday thailands extended the ban on International Passenger flights until the end of june but its lifting some domestic restrictions shopping malls are reopening and its nightly curfew will be one hour shorter. Democrats have launched an investigation into President Trumps firing of the state departments internal inspector theyve accused the president of further escalating the fight against oversight of his administration those are your headlines up next its the listening post i will see you very soon. I might be covering politics. From. Whats most important is talking to people understanding what they are going through. The headlines. We believe everyone has a story worth hearing. Giant. Cools off to stay separate usually to excite not for yes yes. Im going to retire president regular ted to ask. Never an opposition groups accuse him of targeting and media. Hello im richard gives birth and youre watching the listening post working from home here are the coronavirus stories the media elements that were looking at this week in the philippines the due Territory Government decides a pandemic is a good time to shut down the countrys biggest news outlet donald trump is that it again im saying it to anybody risk good news the question its not a nasty please go ahead confrontations with

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