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There and dealing with specific protests all over the city this is incredibly difficult work and there will be critiques and there will be things that need to be investigated and it will need to be things improved and we expect to do better today than we did yesterday but i want to commend the restraint that we saw all over all from the n. Y. P. D. That is crucial to keeping the peace in the city and respecting the right to peacefully protest thats what the n. Y. P. D. Has done for years thats what they did yesterday with that i turn to commissioner government shall. Thank you mr mayor so give a brief summary of yesterdays events what we saw across new york city from the Police Department perspective and. Policing some of the demonstrations was similar to the 2 nights before yesterday began which seems like a long time ago with to protest in new york city 1st was that 120th precinct in Staten Island the 2nd one was 125th street up and up in harlem. Both went overwhelmingly well what we quickly identified though was a group within that used the 125th street peaceful demonstration i would liken it to hijacking a peaceful demonstration and quickly began a what turned out to be a long night for the men and women of this Police Department at the end of the night to summarize there were over 300. 00 arrests made closer to 350. 00. Primarily for minor offenses associated with the protests there were over 30 members of the department thankfully none none seriously but over 30 injuries suffered there was some Property Damage unfortunately that was a religious institution that was damaged as well as some private and public property if i could categorize it where we saw most of the activity yesterday was centralized in one area of brooklyn as well as southern manhattan i would categorize it probably below 23rd street in and around union square 14th street we have a number of protests that are scheduled for today we have an abundant number of men and women i thank them for their service their professionalism as the mayor said and with my colleagues here i welcome i welcome any outside law to look at how the men and women of this department. Holding up trying to keep new yorkers safe during this difficult time and i also want to add one more thank you to some of the elected officials that showed up. The mayor mentioned in brooklyn as well as manhattan to work with the police work with. Protesters try to engage try to make sure that these protests go on peacefully not what we saw in a couple incidents where they hijacked and Property Damage suit so hopefully its a safe day for new yorkers will get through this well get through it like we get through anything will get through it together. New York City Police commissioner before that new yorks mayor bill de blasio speaking now we get some analysis on that now from Al Jazeera Sasha Butler such a good name im sorry in in chicago for us right now its been a last couple of hours we had a lot of elected officials giving that take on on whats happened in the last 24. 00 across the country that session. Sorry we seem to have a few connection problems speaking to natasha in chicago come back to her in. A little while curfews are in place in more than 2 dozen u. S. States as they brace for another night of protests against Police Brutality well then 1400 arrests were made in 17 cities over the last 24 hours then rest was sparked by the death of george floyd who was black while in Police Custody in minneapolis on monday since then tensions boiled over from coast to coast against an demick racism and Police Brutality Minnesota State Governor Tim Walz addressed the protests a short time ago he called for protesters to say home so that order can be restored but he also acknowledged the systemic racism that they were responding to we dont just right near the top on Educational Attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we were ranked 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but if you take a deeper look and peel it back which this week its peeled back all of those statistics are true if youre white. If youre not we rank near the bottom and what this week is showing all of us is those 2 things cant operate at the same place or lets go back to what matushka dame who is in chicago one of the cities that has been under curfew in the United States i was saying i dont know whether you heard me a few minutes ago the tension of saying that weve seen it a series of elected officials over the past few hours coming out and talking about violence in their areas across the country of the last 24. 00. Yeah and also Governor Tim Walz of minnesota addressing the common link which is the systemic racism in the United States the governor was actually quite frank he said by most measures the sate of minnesota ranks quite high when it comes to Home Ownership when it comes to school when it comes to even a happiness quotient ranking 2nd being high and why eat however he says those things are not the case if you are a person of color believe he said if youre africanamerican specifically we rank towards the bottom and you know this is getting to the root of much of the anger of course these protests are about perceived Police Brutality against communities of color and the lack of accountability activists believe. With Police Departments across the country but there are also ice underlying issues which are systemic racism the gross income inequality there its well known but perhaps maybe people our viewers around the world dont know this but if you are an africanamerican person in this country you no matter where you fall on the income ladder use still have challenges you will make less than a white person who has the same education you will tend to face greater challenges with unemployment but with unemployment with Home Ownership with access to good education with access to health care and this is something that weve seen with the pandemic coded 1000 has disproportionately impacted africanamericans more africanamericans this case is true here in chicago have died from cove it 19 again this is because lack of access to Proper Health care it is been documented that often africanamericans are dot taken seriously when they go to the doctor or go to the emergency. Room theres a bias there or perceived racism so again youre getting to the broader issue of what is happening in this country we see these flare ups of violence i covered the Michael Brown case in ferguson missouri several years ago he was another africanamerican who was killed by the Police Department there but again at the root of it is the challenges that people in this country are facing in communities of color and their frustration that theyre not being heard that theres no political will to really change the status quo and we have seen in the United States a slow chipping away of social programs that help people get a leg up its a famous couple of montrose in the United States that you can pick yourself up by the bootstraps that the American Dream is achievable that is simply no longer the case many people cannot pick themselves up by the bootstrap in the social programs they once relied on to help give them at least some parity or a starting point to try to achieve the same goals as caucasians simply are no longer in place now does there is much i should going to im reporting live from chicago many thanks indeed sasha lets hear now from 0 as my current with more on what was a night of fun and fury from many across the United States. What started out as peaceful protests of dozens of cities a rush to violence in Los Angeles Police vehicles were set on fire sending plumes of black smoke over the area. Similar scenes in cities ranging from seattle where a 5 pm curfew has been set to miami where thousands gathered through the day and where like in so many other areas a standoff with police ended in clouds of tear gas in chicago where demonstrators held signs carrying messages of protest that were repeated throughout the nation. In new york a city that is still to emerge from the ravages of the pandemic a series of protests took place throughout the 5 boroughs and in minneapolis the city where george floyd was killed and where the National Wave of protests began. The president left the white house in the morning to attend the space x. Launch and afterwards expressed his sympathy for george floyd and his family but also had this to say about the protesters the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by riders looters and anarchists the violence and vandalism is being led by n. T. For and other radical left wing groups who were terrorizing the innocent destroying jobs. Hurting businesses and burning down buildings this in the wake of a tweet saying if protesters had broken the secret service ring outside the white house they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most are ministers weapons i have seen the reference to vicious dogs seen by washingtons mayor Muriel Bowser as a throwback to the police use of dogs on African American civil rights activists decades ago and in an extraordinary tweet often the mayor lashed out at the president in the white house saying and i quote while he hides behind his fence afraid alone i stand with people peacefully exercising their 1st amendment right after the murder of george floyd and hundreds of years of institutional racism there are no vicious dogs and ominous weapons there is just a scared man afraid alone. Into the night crowds continue to gather within sight and sound of the president s residence clashing with police and secret Service Agents on several occasions washington d. C. Became one of more than 11 cities where the National Guard has been mobilized and amidst a flickering of flames and swirling smoke curfews were declared in a number of areas the same a nation just emerging from a months long lockdown in the thesis of a pandemic mike hanna aljazeera washington. As weve been reporting moving 300 people have been arrested in new york Gabriel Ellis although thats more on the protests the. Chaotic scenes here in new york city late in the evening i mean Union Square Area of the city you can see that some of the protests turned out to be violent in a way this is where the real heart of the major conflict between police and protesters were was held after nightfall at one point more than 2 Police Vehicles were set ablaze we saw helicopters are still at this hour buzzing over the air and there are groups of protesters still roaming in certain areas but earlier in the day we saw tens of thousands of Peaceful Protesters take to the streets in new york to have their voices heard at one point they peacefully protested right in front of trump tower in front of a heavy Police Presence and then moved down the streets of broadway down to downtown new york city where one point they were greeted by applause by onlookers these were mostly young people all of whom said that they were out here for a reason im here for george floyd im here for all of those out lost their lives hes khalidi im here for black america im here for me im here for my family im here for all the america im here for those who cant be here today well i think that america is sick and we have to root out racism and i think that white people need to stand up and do something instead of sitting on their couch and posting on their Instagram Stories this is a manifestation of anger as one man just told me says this is what happens when people get fed up many are exactly that here in new york they Say Something like this is just property that can be replaced but the life of george floyd cant speak. For Vice President joe biden says the past few days made it clear that the u. S. Is a. Nation furious over injustice and Donald Trumps democratic rival for the white house said the violence cannot be tolerated the acts of protesting he said should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest it should not drive people away from a cause just cools the protest is meant to advance lets go live to the White House Correspondent can be held could is the president himself uncharacteristically quiet on social media so far today it can be but it is sunday in the meantime National Security adviser Robert Obrien has said that the trumpet ministration wont invoke federal authority over the National Guards for now yet good morning from the white house where things are very quiet right now there are no Public Events on the president s schedule after a very tense night get of protests here at the white house for the president s party again hes not been vocal on twitter and im characteristically so but his National Security adviser Robert Obrien has been speaking on National Television talking about the end rast that has gripped many cities across the United States and he denies that there is any systemic racism in Police Forces instead attributing it to a few bad apples hes also acco the position of President Trump that these peaceful protests are being hijacked by outside groups we stand with the protesters its the violent and tea father radical militants that are coming out under cover of night traveling across state lines using military styles tactics to burn down our cities and theyre especially targeting the most vulnerable parts of our cities georgia the minority sections africanamerican sections and hispanic areas and burning down businesses of people who are trying to get a leg up and and the presence outraged by that than we all are and and that has to stop and were calling on the f. B. I. To investigate anti fun and get to the bottom of these violent rioters. Now as President Trump has promised to stop mob violence Robert Obrian the National Security adviser speaking there has said that right now there are no plans to invoke control or federalize the National Guard for now that control will remain in the hands of governors and mayors. I was there as White House Correspondent kimberly how could reporting live from washington can believe any thinks President Trump has blamed the spreading unrest as the us his National Security adviser you just heard on an empty fascist protest movement and which is a collection of left wing groups which oppose naziism White Supremacists and racism some anti for groups can trace their origins to the fight against european fascists in the 1920 s. And thirtys like other protest movements from that era and activists often dress well in black the movement was dormant thing is for the scene a revival since President Trump selection most new members young voters lets bring in eric ham hes a political political analyst that is in washington d. C. Good to have you with us again erick is the president right to blame the violent elements of these protests all and. No in fact when you see a nation like this from across from for across the country from minneapolis to los angeles from philadelphia to lobel kentucky right now what the nation is looking for is the nation is looking for direction the nation is looking to heal the nation is looking for someone to understand their pain their frustration their outrage and fact when Many Americans and saw that video of george floyd on his belly with the Police Officers knee on his neck a many people did not see any teeth or liberal groups many people just saw an oppressive system actually continuing to be weaponized against people of color and so what americans and particularly africanamericans are looking for is they are looking to their political elected officials for leadership they are looking for someone who can understand their pain and offer solutions to the problem and what were continuing to see from the president much like with cold at night seeing is continued politicization of the problem and not actually tackling the issues that are continuing to grip the nation so this isnt a left or right issue as far as americans and particularly africanamericans are concerned. Absolutely not and now bring in one clear example to illustrate highlight that if you look at the u. S. Senator from minnesota amy clo bashar shes on the short list of potential running mates for Vice President joe biden well many africanamericans have deep concerns with her record as the county prosecutor for many apples and fact she served with that very Police Officer who is now charged with the death of george floyd and so many africanamericans believe that her record her closeness her unwillingness to charge this officer with shooting about 7 years ago many africanamericans have a problem with her record and so she has been criticized as a result of that in fact when her name was suggested that she was undergoing betting by joe biden many people criticized that and spoke out against that and so clearly what youre seeing here is not people looking at this issue as a a left or right issue but looking at it as a systemic issue that needs to be addressed from a holistic approach from the u. S. Government how do you explain then the violence that weve seen at these process if if theyre not being hijacked by political groups or and a kists whos responsible. I did not say they were not being hijacked and then and were and were not being taken over in terms of the violence that were seeing by an arkansas minute much of the reporting that we have heard on the ground in fact has suggested that there are people White Supremacists and others who are taking over and implementing violence on the streets in fact if you take a city of detroit michigan many of the people that were arrested friday night actually were not from the city and weve heard this both from the governor and the mayors of minnesota in minneapolis so clearly what we are seeing is people using this as an opportunity to continue to cement this score and destruction and chaos throughout the country but of course there are scores of people who are out protesting bringing. Highlighting the issue continue abuse by police of people of color always good still too many thanks did Eric Campbell live in washington. For decades incidents of Excessive Force being used against black people have led to talk of reform but little action in months 991 that he of rodney king being beaten in los angeles were broadcast around the world the acquittal of officers involved sparked days of riots in february 2012 Trayvon Martin was shot dead by a member of a Neighborhood Watch group the launch of the black lives Massive Movement of several high profile deaths involving Police Officers in 2014 including eric goanna Michael Brown and 12 year olds to mia rice in 2015 for the great died in a police van in baltimore one of the custody of 6 offices in just over a year lays off a lot of castiel was shot and killed during a traffic stop tricia rose is director of the center for the study of race and ethnicity in america of Brown University and she explains the groundswell of anger thats been unleashed by the death of george floyd. I think you know its very important when were thinking about the response to this incident where mr floyd was killed that we really understand how systematic and pervasive the deep violence that black people face at the hands of police have been all around the country and its impossible to speak to what the Community Feels in minneapolis if we only think about whats happened there in isolation its extremely important that we understand that this is a historical and ongoing factor and a nationwide fact and this is not wanting rogue cops is not want to 2 or 3 rogue cops across new york but in fact assisted a systematic relationship where black people are considered threatening and worthy of extreme violence and this is a common practice so to to begin to understand this we have to put it both in Historical Context and in terms of a collective black trauma around state sponsored violence that usually goes completely on punished this is what happened in ferguson right it was a full nearly a military response you know local Police Forces around the country have been rewarded with military grade equipment the kinds of equipment you would normally see only in an International War contests and there was extreme levels of containment and violence as if people exercising their civil rights to freedom of expression and to gather in public to protest were and were a threat to the nation rather than the very rights that the nation is designed to protect but thats the logic of what it means to face a state violence when youre a black Community Even if whites and others are participating its when its understood as a racial crime that you begin to see this kind of extreme violent response that said i did my understanding that there were also many instigators involved in minneapolis and perhaps. In other cities around the country as well and more data on that may come up as the weeks bear out but what that means is that you could have you know right extreme right wing violent groups who are infiltrating the protest community in the cities that are protesting and those infiltrators are stoking violence and encouraging a violent response for which black people will pay the highest price. Solidarity protests are being held in london hundreds of gathered in Trafalgar Square of sense marched towards number 10 downing street the Prime Ministers official residence some are Holding Signs that say the u. K. Is not innocent it was organized by the local chapter of black lives matter other events planned for elsewhere in the u. K. Lets go live now to london to our Correspondent Team barbara the country the team is supposed to be edging out of lockdown although this demonstration today was pretty well attended i suppose it shows just how important people regard this issue that theyre prepared to put their personal safety risk in order to to show solidarity. Definitely a. J. And i mean i should point out as you were saying there are other demonstrations like in the city of manchester in Northern England but here in london the biggest actually thousands of people took to the streets on sunday and they were passionate and as you said that passion overcame any worries about colleague 19 but to be fair to most of the protesters they did have face masks on and where possible they were trying to keep their distance but it wasnt always possible in a crowd of people a narrow street sometimes but certainly they made their way from to follow the square down whitehall some of them stopped outside downing street where otoh where the Prime Minister has his official residence of course that small section of the crowd shouting racist boris he has been accused of using racist language in the past denigrating black people and in particular people in africa then the crowds moved on past Parliament Square and made their way here to the u. S. Embassy there is some graffiti thats been sprayed on the perimeter fence and very echo the chance that were heard things like say his name george floyd black lives matter one of the charges that was popular was not. Justice no peace. When there were riots across london sparked by the death of a black man during a Police Operation his name was mark duggan not really. Alert people to the issue of discontent within the black population. And something thats been brought up again today the consistent death of black men in Police Custody over the last few decades. Of the about the reporting live from london many thanks to be. Here with the news to come on the program. A revival of the drive in back in fashion they cure. In the fights capital of the world and i will be here with details later. Hello the weather slushy dry across the levant down across a good part of the Arabian Peninsula but that is the south were still keeping a close eye on our circulation which has brought some flooding rains and some very strong winds into amman now pushing towards yemen i think this might be overplaying a little bit as it pushes across southern parts of the peninsula where you are you are looking at some wet windy weather from time to time a similar picture as we go on into choose day further north the humid weather around the gulf dry and hot up towards the levant will see temperatures in baghdad and kuwait getting up to around 4748 degrees celsius the open waters of the system there just swirling away towards india but it should stay off shore may want across Central Africa well the usual showers there rumbling away nicely now the seasonal rains extending across a good part of west africa course we have seen some flooding recently and got of the show is tending to cling on to the coastal fringes as we go through the next couple of days but they will of course edge further north woods from time to die in the heat of the day you can expect to see Thunder Showers just about anywhere in the region some parts of africa well here will actually fine and dry play a sunshine around but a few showers for eastern parts of tens and then. The. Information in the case do you have or. Doesnt Police Department it has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many opportunities for the computer to get wrong whos checking those offices who commit those data entry is wrong to be saying that your son the truth is wrong to. Kill becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination into preventative policing precrime on aljazeera one of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be for us as you know is that it tends to be but in this particular because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel in favor to the audience across the globe. Hello again this is that from Al Jazeera Adrian for the good with you here in doha the headlines curfews are imposed in more than 2 dozen u. S. States after another night of sometimes violent protests against Police Brutality more than 1400. 00 arrests were made in 17 cities within the last 24 hours the rest was sparked by the death of a black man george floyd wanted Police Custody in minneapolis and monday. President donald trump will not have vote federal authority over the National Guard for the moment thats been confirmed by National Security adviser Robert Obrien who said that Law Enforcement decisions should rest with governors of mess. And protesters in london but showing their solidarity for events in the u. S. With placards saying the u. K. Is not innocent similar black lives masses events are planned elsewhere in. China is using the racial unrest in American Cities to criticize u. S. Action on hong kong politicians and state media comparing the riots to the Antigovernment Movement in hong kong is what the editor of approved Chinese Government newspaper wrote u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once called the violent protests in hong kong a beautiful sight to behold all u. S. Politicians can now enjoy this sight from the road windows well just heroes to be a part of the port style from hong kong. Chinese state media has been giving blankets coverage to the events unfolding in the United States telling its viewers that this is what democracy looks like the global times seen as a mouthpiece for the communist government it prints in both english and in chinese and is a major source of news within the country and outside the country has been publishing some very pointed at a tory also attacking the politicians which had supported the hong kong protests now a lot of articles have also been drawing parallels between whats happening in the United States and the hong kong prodemocracy protests rich unfolded last year where there were many scenes of violent confrontations between the police and protesters and the editorials are asking the u. S. Politicians like microamp a nancy pelosi and even donald trump whether they stand with the violent protesters and writers of minneapolis as they stood with the protesters of hong kong using a very popular chant during the hong kong protest now theyre also asking whether you know pointing out that china did not send in any army or any threat of the army coming in so on kong while there were almost daily protests but you know within days of protests in the United States the president had said that they would be calling in the National Guard and even possibly the army so theyre trying to draw parallels between whats happening in the u. S. And what was happening in hong kong and pointing fingers saying that asking what kind of support there is and calling them hypocritical mexico plans to begin to reopening on monday 2 and a half months of the country went into lockdown but inspections there are still on the rise to hold them as joint permit extend mexico city. This is how me dorian so hell finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mexico city trying to find a hospital for their patient. Is just the latest case in a hectic 2 months give everything as they got to 20 years of working as a paramedic ive never seen anything like this i thought the west side sea was the earthquake of 27000 this beats it. They work in this world a packed mexico city suburb that code has hit hard. Many couldnt afford to stay home during the government decree quarantine meant a lot of patients. And so he was battling through it was mourning his own loss just 3 weeks ago it came back to him when he recently transferred a dying patient. And i like he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of covert to you and i was looking at this mans last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. Now they were on the last case of the day jose luis a big chill delivery man only 39 years old and if he doesnt then. You know were lucky that. The money. And then its time to go the paramedics hope this capsule will protect them. Its a tight fit. Once in the ambulance it gets very hot patients can get claustrophobic too and this could be a long ride. The 1st. Visit. Now its time to see if the hospital would take jose luis. The answer. Is yes. The majority insert here its a triumph an end to a hard shift. But for jose luis his family is just the start theyll join those waiting outside for hours or days to see if he comes back out to john home now does it or theres a work order to. Indias government is expanding the coronavirus locked out of what it does a great as high risk areas until the end of june another record daily increase of almost 8000 new infections reported on saturday local authorities have been asked to identify potential Containment Zones where large numbers of infections are being reported elsewhere restaurants malls and religious centers will be able to open for a week on monday. Now if youre feeling anxious or depressed in zimbabwe the go to person is called a go go the grandmothers waiting with a few words of comfort to help anyone in distress and theres no shortage of Mental Health problems during the coronavirus lockdown or metasearch as more from the city of cuero. I have here. Is whats known as a community grandmother a volunteer local culture psychiatrist she waits on a socalled friendship bench for anyone to come and talk to her about their problems. But with the coronavirus pandemic she cant be clients anymore you know i think as you can do. So she gets free therapy sessions using social media platforms such as perforation. At the friendship bench people come with many problems some are depressed because a Family Member has died or they are sick some talk about suicide for others its Domestic Violence abuse cases. Often cant leave home because of the nationwide lockdown when the young mother needs someone to talk to she records of voice message and seems a to helpline number. Then she waits for a reply from a community grandmother. In may frame told me that. This global we knew. We knew till we. Create this no one was going to know what opinion. The its only in the World Health Organization says in some countries Mental Health problems often go undiagnosed and something had been stigmatized and discriminated against i think maybe one of the Biggest Challenges is the cultural context in which we live in where most people havent really accepted Mental Health as a problem that they can actually face and secondly because they may not understand that theyre actually facing or experiencing a Mental Health Problem Health experts say globally there has been an increase in anxiety and depression as People Struggle to cope with kotak 19 and job losses most people in zimbabwe work in the Informal Sector selling in busy markets and on the streets thats no longer allowed because of the corona virus pandemic millions. African countries often dont have enough psychiatrists working in Public Health care these granny say they are trying to help as many people as possible at a time when lock downs and travel restrictions are a way of life. Aljazeera zimbabwe but number of confirmed corona virus infections in the democratic republic of congo has risen to nearly 3000 the country seeing its highest daily rise on friday but many people dont believe that covert 19 is a threat activists though are trying to change that attitude palace reports. Cases of corona virus in the democratic republic of congo are climbing fast activists have stepped up to educate people on how to stop the spirit all of the disease is among us it is killing people it is continuing to spread and the challenge is indeed to read again these doubts that ill be nurtured among our population was the volunteers are up against many who dont believe covered 1000 is in the congo and blame protective measures for a loss in income. But the baseless no longer works become a word seller but i make my money and we are told that the disease is in this country but we dont see that disease here where all of the body. I myself have been sick more than 4 times during this period of coronavirus but i treated myself and i assure you that corona virus has nothing to do with it. Public skepticism started with the 1st reported case in march which the Health Ministry attributed to abound in citizen linseed it was a congolese citizen who denied being sick politicians and Business Leaders have publicly accused the government of hyping carve it to get more International Funding for compounding skepticism is a lack of tasting in the 2 months since the 1st case listen 5000. 00 tests were conducted for a population of 84000000. 00 thats going to be the word here is that in that article but when you go of it as you can say it is a disease thats not knowing here and people think it doesnt exist so we must explain it does exist and also make people aware of the steps that need to be taken. A surgeon conflict is heightened concerns in the last 2 months nearly half a 1000000 people have fled fighting in east india see the biggest displacement in the wound is they sprayed so does the virus. Campaign is a coup to conquer a booth without a captain but the 1st challenge is to convince citizens the virus is dangerous and anonymous shall not balance and jazeera. A roadside bomb blast in somalia has killed at least 10 people who were aboard a minibus passengers mostly from the same family were traveling from the capital mogadishu to a funeral in a nearby town no group has claimed responsibility but many previous attacks have been blamed on al shabaab fighters. Del aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem is reopened and have been closed for 2 months in order to contain the coronavirus worshippers are being asked to wear face masks and bring their own premis to serious herefore sit in occupied East Jerusalem says the worshippers are just relieved to be back at the mosque for press. Just a few minutes before noon prayers and the last people are now starting to come in through the entrances here to the alex a mosque compound this is of course a hugely significant day after more than 70 days of closure since march the 15th this is a site that is of course hugely important in terms of religion but also in terms of the culture of this place this is a large open space inside the walls of the old city here in occupied East Jerusalem and its a space that is really somewhere that people can come to relax to congregate to mix and to breathe people have been saying this is a moment that they can breathe again the very 1st people in came in for dawn prayers very early this morning making the most of the fact that for the 1st time in more than 2 months gates like this were open but now im linda. Vision and selling them and we were feeling lost but today i can breathe again i felt like i couldnt breathe before the in the mosque thank god i can describe my feelings now there had been concerns about possible tensions between palestinian worshippers and Israeli Security forces particularly after what took place on saturday the shooting dead of an unarmed 32 year old man with special needs very close to this site here he was shot dead by Israeli Security forces having run away and hid in a rubbish bin area his parents saying about he didnt understand commands to stay still and to stop there were protests against that there is investigation going on into that killing as well as that there have been some arrests inside the compound itself there were. Hundreds of asli of Palestinian Muslim worshippers also hundreds of jewish israelis were allowed in as well under the preexisting system whereby they are allowed some limited access a bit really that the overwhelming feeling is one of festivity here and a quiet relief that this most important space inside the old city is now open again. The 1st commercial space ship with astronauts on board has successfully docked at the International Space station the 2 crew are in the space x. Dragon capsule which blasted off from florida on saturday that started a new era for privately run space flight 9 years after nasa retired the Space Shuttle fleet waiting for the have to open and greet them the 2 russian cosmonauts thats an american whos been in orbit since april lets bring in Francisco Diego from the department of physics and astronomy at the University College london good to have you with us francisco now this the dragon x. Capsule arrived at the space station and docked with it over an hour ago well why does it take so long before they can open the hatch well i was just watching just now on the Nasa Television images some they show the astronauts inside this space the day of the cuts youll make their space suits and theyre not backing away all the all the things that need to be ready by the time they come back and they will be ready to go out. And going to the space station mean about come from now where i was the last news they have its about another half an hour they have to wait there are a lot of things that need to be ready ok its been a Long Time Coming this 1st private spacecraft going into war but with crew on board its been a lot of hype around the launch of the last 24 hours or so what do you make of it how important is it is it. It is it is very important one of the things that i was amazed is the scope being the. Drug on the scene. It would eventually space for 7 astronauts. The moment this only because they are testing the test flight before that crew to go not got to come seen to operation like that on in the summer where he will be taking 4 astronauts at that time to the space station so its very spacious and then it will be the 1st steps for deeper going eat the deeper into space to mars and beyond talk to the moon and mars and beyond so they see somebody at least stages of the a new era in Space Exploration and were all doing something and were all used to seeing internal shots of well those of us like me who are spaced out of wrecks used to seeing shots of the inside of the soyuz capsule and of course the apollo capsules before it all buttons and dials this though. Is touchscreen its flown by the touch screen here and its up to that time it is very. User friendly and its very important because you need to have a quick reactions and you know how to find the sweet you just put your finger to that and on that and that actually says perform i think its much safer although i dont know that reliability maybe when he shot me in that state of lights which is more reliable sometimes the tell the Sophisticated Technology that we got but anyway here we go i think its working very well and weve got these beautiful these places like im flying an airplane in a way. I dont think theyre out and theyre like theyre having trying these new systems theyre hoping train for about 4 or 4 months and months and now we see that in one information ok so its a thoroughly modern spacecraft. Im assuming the getting back to earth will be done the Old Fashioned way. Well e. T. S yes they were planning to land these cops who also own land as the russians do in in there in the middle of siberia but they have a board to that and they now cant come tomorrow as the and the traditional way of the apollo or line the splash down in the ocean in this case it will be in front of florida with with parachutes. Thats the way its going to be done for now on a very very briefly do you think well ever see the day when the capture of itself can land the way that the that the main stage of the rocket did yesterday aboard the barge. And i dont think so it requires a lot of fuel and on bed heavy rockets and i think that capsule is very light has to be like the weight piece i dont think the cops would like that although landing on the moon and landing on mars it has to be something very similar to what you mention francisco always fascinating talking to you many thanks dave Francisco Diego there so pleasure part of physics and astronomy at University College london. Just ahead here on the news and sports this one is like a hip shows just why hes still the leagues most feared strike a. Plant. Gene on aunties in 3 years into the blockade we look at the future of the g. C. C. Crisis i did in part on life and caught up people in power is back with more investigative documentaries and indepth stories as the world battles the cologne a pandemic al jazeera brings you the latest from around the world and you too caught investigation asks whether water should be a fool a Natural Resource or a commodity traded for profit and how well the u. S. Elections shaping up as the country battles covert ninetys we look into whether donald trump can survive this historic set cuts to announce his era. To please someone you must be in the. Ill just deal personally journeys of people following their chosen. Witness on aljazeera. Theyre going to try to support his son thank you very much adrian all parties have completed the signing of the Argentinian International striker mario carty for 67000000. 00 he joins the french champions from into milan on a 4 year deal sealing the permanent move following a cardi having a highly successful loan spell at the club for league. Season down a 27 year old to have scored 20 goals and set your matches across all competitions. Have gone 3rd in the league table just beaten f. C. Union 41 at home on saturday leaders by munich thrashed the docile duff of 5 nil robert live in dusty scoring twice the leagues top scorer and now has 29. 00 goals this season in our temple is clear at the top of the table. Or the u. K. Government has given the green light for competitive sport to return from monday with horse racing set to be the 1st lives will to come back it will resume with an event in newcastle this will be the 1st meeting since racing was shut down in march less than a week after the conclusion of the festival races will be staged behind closed doors. Okama sports have returned to the fight capital of the World Las Vegas on saturday the ultimate fighting championship station event there. Tired woodley in what was the 1st fight night in the city since mid march show happened behind closed doors. While boxing will also make a return to Las Vegas Next month or with promotion the top put in on 6 empty venue events however according to ring magazines ryan. Who we spoke to earlier were unlikely to see any marquee matches that happen behind closed doors. There is a tremendous our appetite right now for live sporting events even that are under these different circumstances with the closed door events i think that people are hoping to have some new content to to watch dare will be some of the bigger names. Taking game back into the ring i think that the issue will be getting the big fights into empty arenas. Vents because when you talk about finances are a big portion of the big income stream the live gates that thats not available you cant sell tickets because cant sell tickets so i think the effort to say like a tyson jury versus Deonte Wilder rematch thats not going to happen probably in the a closed venue but we may see some of these bigger names socalled stay busy fights against lesser opponents on where they would take smaller paychecks than they would for some of those bigger fights this is going to be right now there is a honeymoon phase where the promoters may get away with some of these lesser quality matchups but after a certain period people are going to want to see better fights are going to see want to see you may not get the big marquee people you type fights but theyre going to want to see even match ups you know mostly good matchmaking francos National Team cricketers that will resume training on a monday a group of 13 players from across all 3 International Formats will participate to end a 12 day residential Training Camp at the Colombo Cricket Club has been no top level cricket that since mid march because of the Global Pandemic of us who lanka trying to convince india to tour the country for closed closed door limited over series in july. The start of the Major League Baseball season in north america may have been halted by the Global Pandemic but theres plenty of action happening south koreas baseball championship junior was in destructive form hits home as a consecutive innings to help the k. T. Was said to be the new warm heroes 12 to 8 in style. Thats it for me adrian so many thanks indeed going to watch a movie under the stars is back in fashion drivin fares as a seeing a revival of cinemas remain closed worldwide due to the coronavirus restrictions Priyanka Gupta reports. Longest capital colombo. A musical experiment under the open sky. Long can spot in hundreds of calls i do 1st ever live in concert. Due to our performance by the islands most popular Young Musicians was aimed at jumpstarting being to teach us to be tarred by the crow navar has come to make a new york dolls and. This is a good thing we must get up as a nation again and this is a good way to begin that process. And its not just music here but you know if you live in nigeria to such testing out such values just teach life shows so the from just an idea the idea is born out of the fact that you know there must be a solution you know we cannot just accept that you know things will just be the way it does when the past 3 months or so for us is reassuring very small is the show must go on cause in 1000 are not covered 19. Around the world open settings to cinema theatre are seen over slidell during the pandemic with most traditional into team and settings still close for fear of infections clogging venues such as here in spain are keeping families entertained from the safety of their cars. They dont go grocery often but when fed up in a place i love it were thankful because even though youre a bit locked inside at least you can open the window and get some fresh air at least to get to socialize a bit even if were separated its something. The worlds 1st why the Movie Theater was opened in the 1900 dont easily jersey and spread across the United States as the Auto Industry boomed and more americans built a car. But the arrival the t. V. And living room spans a rapid decline the wants cheaper option of going out for entertainment. Now to clive and so on making a comeback as an alternative to staying as well as a cure for boredom at best social distancing is guaranteed. To 0. But in a circle thats more years i was 0 in just a couple of years. And. Frank assessments tourism but income stream is dead in the water whats been the result is him pushing a lot more significantly and indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. As coronavirus maintains its stranglehold on the u. S. Campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat but with so much at stake when will the president ial candidates get the opportunity to hit the road and so very branch of american politics follow the us elections on a just. As bombs continue to rain down on of gonna snow civilians are paying the ultimate price they are completely forgotten and no 1. 00 is listening to these people while those responsible operate with impunity this is about owning our mistakes is about saying science and accountability in a largely unaccountable war has anyone from the u. S. Military been in touch with you since the night now not folk lines investigates afghanistan civilian loss in the u. S. Air war on a. Aljazeera. Where after the war. Calls for calm offer another side of fire and fury in the u. S. Over the killing of a black man in Police Custody. And solidarity across the atlantic hundreds rally essential london the modern justice for george floyd. But i made him forget this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up just a phone call away theres a bob we have greg

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