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Paramedics on the front lines of the pandemic. And space x. Successfully delivers to nasa astronauts to the International Space station after their historic lift off from florida. Hello thanks for joining us protests are beginning again in cities across the u. S. As anger continues to spread over Police Brutality towards black people people are already out in minneapolis to denounce Police Violence on George Floyds death there have been 5 nights when cars have been set fire to threw bottles at officers and broke storefront windows while others have started helping clearing up damaged business following 3 nights of violence so saturday nights violence the 5th in a row left us more streets scarred fires burning and at least 30 cities right across the United States including in minneapolis where the protests all began as well as new york and los angeles 25 cities in 16 states have now imposed curfews in an effort to ease tensions but the Police Presence has still lead to clashes at least 1700 people have been arrested thats as tens of thousands of members of the National Guard were brought in to back up officers in several States Morris said to be deployed in the coming hours mike hanna reports from washington on another night of violence. What started out as peaceful protests in dozens of cities around did violence in Los Angeles Police vehicles were set on fire sending plumes of black smoke over the area. Similar scenes in cities ranging from seattle where a 5 pm curfew has been set to miami where thousands gathered through the day and where like in so many other areas a standoff with police ended in clouds of tear gas in chicago where demonstrators held signs carrying messages of protest that were repeated throughout the nation. In new york a city that is still to emerge from the ravages of the pandemic a series of protests took place throughout the 5 boroughs and in minneapolis the city where george floyd was killed and where the National Wave of protests began. The president left the white house in the morning to attend the space 6 launch and afterwards expressed his sympathy for george floyd and his family but also had this to say about the protesters the memory of george floyd is being dishonored by rioters looters and anarchists the violence and vandalism is being led by n. T. For and the radical left wing groups who were terrorizing the innocent destroying jobs. Hurting businesses and burning down buildings this in the wake of a tweet saying if protesters had broken the secret service ring outside the white house they would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs and most are ministers weapons i have seen. Into the mind crowds continue to gather within sight and sound of the president s residence clashing with police and secret Service Agents on several occasions and amidst the flickering of flames and swirling smoke curfews were declared in a number of areas the sin a nation just emerging from a months long lockdown in the face of a pandemic mike hanna aljazeera Washington Well officials in minnesota say there are more aggressive approach led to a slighter calmer night in minneapolis john hendren was out on the streets of the city where the protests began. This is what a curfew is supposed to look like a few people on the street few cars in relative quiet but it was a far cry from that just hours ago. Police and demonstrators faced off in an area they have been trading control of a night ago the police controlled an intersection behind me and then demonstrators took it over in the day well in the evening the police came back in force marching toward the protesters shooting pellets and firing tear gas it all took about 15 minutes to disperse the crowd who spoke to some of the protesters and this is what they had to say she does date drawing gas so lets not. Have a bullet if you know me i got picked up in the yeah. Right there. We need to just use we need our justice the city will not rest until we get out just no justice no peace does that mean we out one officer has been arrested and charged with murder but there were 4 officers involved in the arrest of george floyd that ended in his death now the crowd says they want to stay out here in the streets of minneapolis despite the curfew despite the Police Presence until all 4 of those officers are arrested well Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has acknowledged that the protests so a life in his states is different if youre black or white we dont just right near the top on Educational Attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we the ranks 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but if you take a deeper look and peel it back which this week has peeled back all of those statistics are true if youre white if youre not we rank near the bottom. And what this week is showing all of us is those 2 things cant operate at the same place lets get an update from Allison Herrera whos a journalist in minneapolis alison set the scene for us tell us what you can say. Hi i am right here at 38 in chicago right where the officer who is accused of killing was george lloyd where the incident happened and there is a peaceful protest thats being organized behind me people are giving out food people are giving out groceries and im standing here with a Community Organizer named charles. Who will go and he is going to be leading a unity rally and i asked him you know i want to know from you charles what do you think needs to happen Going Forward you know the governor is talking about you know reconciliation and trying to heal some of these wounds tell me what you think needs to happen now i think we use the names that is coming out about you know so that we are meeting people are killed the its time bruce a truth and Reconciliation Commission that was able to heal the wounds of that which was then to cease and they have established a pretty good ive been government after that i think we need this type of a conversation but the income must subside 1st and then the healing can begin a type of a hybrid or a to the conservation of this means that its to do that much here goes. You lived in the city for you know over 30 years almost 30 years you know yes ive you seen anything like this before this has never happened in the last 30 years of the never do you think that this conversation needs. Alison if you can hear me well have to move away from that apologies to our viewers were having some audio connection issues with Allison Herrera in minneapolis but well tell you about other cities because police have been criticized for their response and some other cities including in new york thats where a Police Vehicle was seen in a video ramming protesters behind a barricade so footed shared online shows demonstrators blocking the path of 2 harras in the street before one lurched forward into the crowds new York Police Say 345 people were arrested while 33 officers were injured and 27 Police Vehicles damaged and the new york mayor bill de blasio says a full investigation will take place that is not the way things are supposed to be there will be a full investigation into discipline as necessary there will be but do not present only one side of the picture i looked at those videos i saw people converging on the Police Vehicle i saw people throwing things at the Police Vehicle that is not peaceful protests so lets not kid ourselves if you or anyone else was inside that Police Vehicle surrounded by people you would have had a really tough decision to make you cant stay there you cant get out of the vehicle you have to get yourself and the vehicle out of the situation safely for all while the mayor of washington d. C. Murray has blamed organized groups for the rioting many seemed organized and had tolls to break windows and tolls or is strategy to distribute materials among them so i would say the thing that were struck by is that it was the organized group that appeared more been on destruction been on protests lets bring in our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett so what do we read it whats your read into the mayors comments. Well she certainly is that going what weve heard from so many mayors and we should point out that these comments are somewhat muted for her sharp criticism of u. S. President donald trump there had been quite a bit of public tension between the 2 especially on full display on saturday as she was responding to accusations made by the u. S. President that the measure of police that exists here in washington d. C. Had not supported the u. S. Secret service in fact we can tell you that the secret service and out a statement saying they very much were in cooperation she was also very concerned about some of the tweets by the u. S. President where he threatened to unleash dogs an ominous weapons on protesters that may breach the white house she called this an attack on black america making the city less safe and that she stands with people protesting racism but as you heard in that sound bite there she makes a distinction about those who may be hijacking that effort and now she is saying very clearly that those who may want to silence the voices of peaceful protest with violence that the city will be cracking down vigorously on those individuals they will be pulling security footage from around washington d. C. Already arrests have been made and more are still to come you know and kimberly speaking of the u. S. President s ya son todd tweets in particular about this group. But just talk us through what he said. Yeah the u. S. President has been for a long time threatening to declare the group and tif as a terrorist organization but hes never come out and said hes going to do it lets take a look at the tweet this is what the us president had to say the usa will be designating at teeth as a terrorist organization for viewers who are clear what an teef it is essentially its a far left political protest movement that is in militant opposition to conservative or right wing ideology so the u. S. President has long had this group in its sights but what was unclear about this tweet because there were no specifics is that there isnt a mechanism or a domestic statute for declaring a group that is domestic of nature as a terrorist organization as weve for example seen the state department doing with International Terror groups weve since had clarification from the department of justice but we now know is that they are going to pursue in the existing joint Terrorism Task force any of these radical groups whether it be anti for or even on the right where weve also had reports stream right groups that may also be fomenting violent extremism within these peaceful protests that they will be investigated within the existing network of the joint Terrorism Task force the view of the u. S. Attorney general william barr is that these groups are pursuing extremists agendas and they are undercutting what he calls the legitimate grievances and also peaceful protests now we should point out just to give you a little atmosphere here at the white house we have in the last few moments started to hear some very loud protesting coming from outside the white house campus this is a campus that still remains on a very heightened state of alert still a heavy u. S. Secret service Police Presence they are prepared for a nother night of protests should that occur all right kimberly thank you very much for that update. Still to come on aljazeera. Clashes in brazil as rightful protests for and against president general sonera take place a day after the country reported another 33000 new corona virus infection. And covered 1000. 00 cases crime boss of the democratic republic of congo where many still dont believe the virus is a threat. And of the still plenty of cloud and rain showers across much of Eastern Europe here with us how much is a lot lower than we like to see this time of year but thats across much the west is fine and driving the latest the clouds the potting it into areas of portugal and spain boss away from that into germany you finally have seen some serious guys they keep on about enjoying the nice woman sunshine is getting warmer temperatures in the mid twentys as they go through the coming week and then up a disco in la claimants a beautiful clear blue skies had not quite as well known fact time does all the decline throughout the week into the low teens celsius but to me while down into london pretty good on monday same across into paris but that rain which is pushing across into areas of portugal spain that will work its way into all southern areas of france that should click to try much of the med so there all the unsettled picture throughout the balkans and across the degrees Western Areas of turkey still some or all the stubborn rain showers into more eastern areas of ukraine and still also impacting much of batteries that system really is very stubborn it doesnt really move much either on tuesday still some very heavy amounts of rain but theres a good case guys generally out tools the west and thats with the time which is on the rise that the into paris thats up 30 celsius on tuesday a little bit lower on wednesday not exactly cool at 27 and well above the june average however a very different story a moscow time which is here well below what we should be seeing. But the information indicates that you have or associated to it during the incident at least apartment it has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways there are too many are for sure for the computer to get. Those offices who commit those data entry is wrong to be saying that your son that you my is wrong to us might say you kill becoming a suspect before the actual crime and indepth examination into preventative policing precrime on aljazeera. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera more protests against Police Brutality are expected across the u. S. Again after clashes were seen in at least 30 cities overnight around 700 people have been arrested. Police have been accused of heavy handed responses including in new york where police cars were used to ram into protesters tens of thousands of National Guard troops have been called up. President trump is blaming much of the violence on anti fascist protesters and says he intends to designate the group a terrorist organization. Rosa clements is a Community Organizer with black lives matter thats a group formed after the death of black teenager Trayvon Martin 8 years ago in florida she says people are at breaking point. Every 28 hours in the United States of america an African American native person south asian person or brown person let the you know are killed by the police every 28 hours george floyd unfortunately was something we have to watch for 9 minutes but we could talk about Briana Taylor and teen who was working during the Global Pandemic where police entered her house while her and her boyfriend were sleep they thought they were being rot and her body was so riddled with bullets and this is last month in louisville kentucky that they had a hard time even putting her back together i can name you. Tony may day a black tranced man that was just killed 2 days ago by the police in men says and i could spend 5 hours with you all and i could not even answer we wouldnt even vote to the lists of multiple Police Killings this is a not only a Tipping Point its an explosion and within against this Global Pandemic until all those cops are respite until they go to trial until they get jail time and then serve that jail time i think were going to be seeing this a lot more for many many weeks here in the United States. Solidarity protests have also been held in london hundreds of people gathered for falls or square before marching past the prime ministers official residence in downing street and onto the u. S. Embassy some held signs saying the u. K. Is not innocent it was organized by a local black lives matter group other events are planned elsewhere in the u. K. 5 people were arrested 3 for breaching coronavirus distancing rules. In other news brazil has recorded a new record of more than 33000 new Coronavirus Infections and one day its now registered half a 1000000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and hasnt yet hit its predicted peak more than 28800. 00 people have died there giving it the worlds 4th highest death toll after the u. S. U. K. And italy president j. Are both in error has continued to resist Strict Lockdown measures implemented elsewhere to slow the spread of the virus. Meanwhile there have been scuffles between rival groups of demonstrators for and against president also narrow protests have been taking place in several cities including sao paulo and Rio De Janeiro some of the groups of antigovernment protesters were made up of local football supporters. Mexico is preparing to start reopening on monday 2 and a half months after it went into lockdown but infections there are still on the rise and hospitals in some areas are full to bursting out as heroes john holeman joined paramedics on the front line in a suburb of mexico city. This is how majority insert hell finish their shift racing down the highway on the outskirts of mexico city trying to find a hospital for their patient. Is just the latest case in a hectic 2 months giving thanks that got him 20 years of working as a paramedic ive never seen anything like this i thought the worst sightsee was the earthquake of 27000 this beats it. They work in this work with a packed mix crew city suburb code that has hit hard. Many couldnt afford to stay home during the government decree quarantine meant a lot of patients. And so he was battling through it was mourning his own loss just 3 weeks ago it came back to him when he recently transferred going patient. And i looked and he was elderly and it reminded me of my grandfather because he died of covert to you and i was looking at this mans last moments of life and i saw my granddad reflected there. Now they were on their last case of the day jose luis a big chill delivery man only 39 years old because he doesnt is in many cases he does you know were lucky that. The money. And then its time to go the paramedics hope this capsule will protect them. Its a tight fit. I want to be ambulance it gets very hot patients can get claustrophobic too and this could be a long ride. The 1st. One of. Those. Now its time to see if the hospital would take jose luis. The answer. Is yes. The majority insert here its a triumph an end to a hard shift. But for jose luis his family is just the start theyll join those waiting outside for hours or days to see if he comes back out to john home now does it or theres a work order to. The number of confirmed infections of the corona virus in the democratic republic of congo has risen to nearly 3000 and despite that many people dont believe its a threat but activists are trying to change that as charlotte dallas reports. Cases of coronavirus in the democratic republic of congo are climbing fast activists have stepped up to educate people on how to stop the spread all of the disease is among us it is killing people it is continuing to spread and the challenge is indeed to read again these doubts that ill be nurtured among our population was the volunteers are up against many who dont believe code 19 is in the congo and blame protective for a loss in income. The business no longer works become a good seller but i make my money and we are told that the disease is in this country but we dont see that disease here where all of the body. I myself have been sick more than 4 times during this period of corona virus but i treated myself and i assure you that corona virus has nothing to do with it. Public skepticism started with the 1st reported case in march which the Health Ministry attributed to a bounty on citizen linseed it was a congolese citizen who denied being sick and to politicians and Business Leaders have publicly accused the government of hyping kind of it to get more International Funding for compounding skepticism is a lack of tasting in the 2 months since the 1st case listen 5000 tests were conducted for a population of 84000000 thats going to be that one what year is it in that article but can you go of it as you can see it is a disease thats not knowing here and people think it doesnt exist so we must explain it does exist and also make people aware of the steps that need to be taken. A surge in conflict has heightened concerns in the last 2 months nearly half a 1000000 people have fled fighting in east india see the biggest displacement in the wound is they sprayed so does the virus. Campaigners of cool the congo a boat without a captain but the 1st challenge is to convince citizens the virus is dangerous and among china ballasts and jazeera. Their mosque in occupied East Jerusalem has reopened it had been closed for 2 months to help contain the virus worshippers are being asked to wear face masks and bring their own prayer mats as harry fossett reports. Was. After more than 2 months of closure muslim worshippers are once again allowed inside the mosque compound. Not the where. Is our life and it is the beat of our heart now we are breathing again. Inside the gates hundreds prayed spaced apart in the courtyards. And inside the mosque itself. I was counting every minute to come back to pray i hope all muslims feel good and hope for luxor to stay safe. The preparations have been underway for days but despite a recent increase in cases of covert 19 reported by the israeli Health Ministry islamic walk that manages the site put no limits on numbers allowed in we have the personal hygiene as a tradition in our religion and its half of the belief we depend on the awareness and the commitment of the people and also the committees of the guards and the walk a fork or is to organize the people and protect them. Also making preparations for a palestinian activist getting ready to hand out gifts to children but thats about it jim i missed the friday prayers this prayer was holy for me and i ignore everything for its friday for me is the day i go for alexa i meet my friends and we discuss our plans and projects. There had been concerns that the reopening could become a flashpoint after Israeli Security forces shot dead an unarmed palestinian man with special needs on saturday i had how locke was hiding in this refuse storage room when he was killed an investigation has begun. As well as muslim worshippers hundreds of jews were also allowed to access the site known to them as the temple mount on the preexisting agreements several palestinians were arrested Israeli Police said someone chanting nationalist slogans for the most part though this return to Something Like normal that islams 3rd holiest site has gone off remarkably smoothly the overwhelming of calm festivity and the quiet relief that this real heart of lies inside the walls of the old city is now accessible again and to families in occupied East Jerusalem the site is the closest thing to a city park as well as a place to pray its a place to play mingle and relax available again after weeks of lockdown are equals that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem there are reports of fierce fighting in southern yemen the army backed by saudi arabia is battling forces from the breakaway Southern Transitional government both sides in the region exchange artillery and missile fire theyre also calling in reinforcements after a 3 day cease fire last week the United Nations has repeatedly warned of catastrophe a fighting doesnt stop a corona virus spreads through the country. A rocket attack on a park in the center of libyas capital has killed 5 people including children the Health Ministry in tripoli says a market a nearby street were also heads the u. N. Recognized government blames warlords and if i have to add his forces have suffered a series of defeats recently in their 13 Month Campaign to capture the capital. Afghanistans government has released a further 710. 00 taliban prisoners president us from gandhi ordered a total of 2000 fighters to be freed in response to the taliban ceasefire 73. 00 were released on saturday the truce was called for that were you tallie day but since then there have been at least 3 its attacks on Afghan Forces and now another 1st from space we have bob behnken from space x. Demo 2 mission entering the International Space station. 2 nasa astronauts have arrived at the International Space station after the 1st trip on a private rocket doug hurley and bob behnken were slightly ahead of schedule when they arrived in the dragon capsule which blasted off from florida atop a space x. Rocket on saturday greeting them on the i assess are 2 russian cosmonauts and an american who have been in orbit since april and the astronauts bob behnken said it had been a rough ride we were surprised a little bit at how smooth things were off the pad the Space Shuttle is a pretty rough ride heading into orbit with those solid rocket boosters and our expectation was as we continued with the flight into 2nd stage that things would basically get a lot smoother than the Space Shuttle did but dragon was huffin and puffin all the way into orbit and we were definitely driving or riding a dragon all the way in so it was not quite the same ride the smoother ride as the Space Shuttle was well you can always had on line to aljazeera as a column for the days latest top stories and developments. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera where protests against Police Brutality are expected across the u. S. Again clashes were seen in at least 30 cities on saturday night from minneapolis where the protests began to new york and los angeles the anger stems from the death of george floyd an unarmed black man who died after a Police Officer knelt on his neck at least 1700 people were arrested overnight while tens of thousands of members of the National Guard have been brought in to back up officers in several states more are set to be deployed in the coming hours of the governor of minnesota has tried to dampen the protest saying he understands where the anger comes from. We dont just right near the top on Educational Attainment we rank near the top on personal incomes on homeownership on life expectancies things that make this and one that came out a while back we we rank 2nd in a survey of the 50 states 2nd in happiness behind hawaii but if you take a deeper look and peel it back which this week is peeled back all of those statistics are true if youre white if youre not we rank near the bottom and what this week is showing all of us is those 2 things cant operate at the same place police have been accused of heavy handed responses including in new york thats where 2 police cars were caught on video as you can see being driven into protesters the citys mayor bill de blasio says Police Conduct will be investigated and a separate video shows a protester being have her sprayed in the face. Protests have also been taking place for and against brazils president well these fired tear gas after scuffles in sao paulo and Rio De Janeiro between supporters of joy of also narrow and antigovernment protesters theres a growing anger at his handling of the corona Virus Outbreak in the country where 33000 more people were infected on saturday the country now has the worlds 4th highest number of deaths. In occupied East Jerusalem has reopened its stores the 3rd holiest site in islam have been closed for 2 months to contain the spread of the coronavirus those are the headlines on aljazeera will have more news for you thats right after talk to aljazeera thanks for watching. Where you from we often us but for many around the world the answer is not so simple. Especially when the country they call home doesnt look in the eyes them as citizens

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