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Are also highlighting one of americas darkest phases as confederate monuments come under attack. More than 7000000 people around the world on are known to have contracted coronavirus but a record surge is not stopping india from reopening. So libya 1st of all in this move from the leadership of one of its warring administrations again a solid is the speaker of the parliament basted to brooke in the east and hes arrived in moscow for talks he was seen in egypt over the weekend we his ally warlord Khalifa Haftar announced a cease fire one which was rejected by the other government the un recognized government in tripoli meanwhile on the ground in libya after forces continue to lose ground to that government which has been pushing ahead towards the strategic city of sirte malik china has more now from up the ground about 140 kilometers west of sirte. Our team was just in the western gate of sirte approximately 50 kilometers west of sirte of the road into search we we saw numerous a checkpoints that have been abandoned by forces loyal to police to have to sow g. N. A. S. The g. N. A. S. Forces the government of National Court forces are now inside the City Center City borders approximately 30 kilometers west of the tripoli west of the city there also and while the el jarrett a jar of his south of syria so the Southern Suburbs of sirte we spoke i spoke to military leaders here earlier and and they told me that we are going to go into sirte we would rather for the forces loyal to have to to withdraw so that the city doesnt see any destruction and civilians dont dont get caught up in this fight but they are adamant and they will enter the city regardless now when and how long it will take to enter certain pens really on how much resistance stays how much how much of a fight or have to force is going to take. When i asked when i asked the commander what happens after sirte you know he said weve sacrificed so much this fight isnt just about tripoli its not about sirte we want to liberate the country from have to stay so they they they are they want or they say that they want to continue on. So that is how its playing out on the ground i want to look a little closer at. All i mentioned earlier and how he actually fits into this conflict he is the speaker of the administration into broke as we said this is the one which rivals the internationally recognized government in tripoli and is allied to the world. He also attended saturdays talks in cairo with haftar and egypts president but there were major differences between sala and have to when the war declared himself the sole ruler of libya more recently again assad has been quoted as saying russia wants negotiations to resume with the tripoli government because it no longer sees a positive outcome to have to sense of afters been trying to take over tripoli for more than a year now more with our correspondent in tripoli mahmoud when i read that line there the warlord Khalifa Haftar declaring himself the sole ruler of libya i guess its that sort of talk which would prompt the russians to look elsewhere for their discussions. Well when he made that announcement the 1st result is that he created the enemies within his camp namely his allies the speaker on top of them the speaker of the to. Parliament remember that the speaker of the parliament he was the one hole in dorset the decree to move on tripoli in april last year he supported the Campaign Launch of but have to his forces are on tripoli in fact he was pushing towards a military the military seizure of the capital tripoli. And to drive out the internationally recognized government of National Court now but if you look at it on the other hand have to himself it has not been the the saw all the soul. For his the regional and International Allies to recapture the worst of the country recently we have been noticing get International Moves especially from our russia egypt. Invited to libya rivals. We discovered to have this could be this could be result. Of placing or of the reconsidering get that have to should be it a place to especially after he lost civil strategic locations including towns and cities in the west of libya and now after one year of heavy fighting his campaign has failed and and he is not to have to himself is not accepted as a partner in any future peace talks by his rivals in the west of the country namely the government of National Court thats why russia and egypt could possibly look into replace him with another personality that could be accepted by the western a camp namely the government of national accord. The why does our correspondent in tripoli libya thank you. Last hour we spoke to moustapha for toting an Award Winning journalist and a Libyan Affairs analyst who told us the tripoli government will never agree to any settlement with asta i dont really see much of her for him politically speaking i dont think the government in tripoli the Government National accord will be willing to in the future to set down with him around to devote to it and. After he lost so much and are gone so theres no incentive for the bieber in tripoli if you actually have him. Around the negotiating table thats one thing the 2nd thing the entire future of the faster and i would also added very well being in libya whether its the libya somewhere or is on the line now because he bet everything that has a future on the moon mostly and likely the future of the country on his gun ban to through body which has failed miserably so far im quite certain that the possibility of replacing mr hucker has already been discussed between the russians and the egyptians and the well read the embers as well as i said before hes not likely to be accepted on the negotiating table and one of this new that could lay out in the coming days and weeks is that role of the he will not give his eyes that i need a job but the letter i get is on the under bottom and beneath the libya could very well come up with some kind of a deputy for him and that will be accepted they face if you like for negotiations in the future. We move on to the protests in the us and city council is and many outlets are promising to dismantle and rebuild the Police Department in response to the death in custody of george floyd which sparked protests in the u. S. And around the world this report from patty kelly. A movement that shows no signs of abating across the United States another day of massive crowds demanding Police Reform and it appears in some places getting what they want in minneapolis where the killing of george bush an unarmed africanamerican sparked the protests the city council have pledged to disband the Police Department and try to figure out a new form of policing our commitment is to end our citys toxic relationship with the Media Outlets Police Departments to answer these things as we wait and wait for yet. A new york citys mayor says hes focusing on the funding we will be moving funding from the n. Y. P. D. To use initiatives and social services he didnt say how much but it is the latest sign that the demand to defund the police is gaining traction at least for Democratic Leaders the Trump Administration is defending the heavy Police Presence and it handling of mostly peaceful protests arguing there doesnt need to be widespread change i dont think you need to reduce them unity to go a step backwards because that would result certainly in Police Pulling back i do not think that we have a systemic racism problem with Law Enforcement officers across this country do i knowledge that there are some Law Enforcement officers that abuse their job yes and again we need to hold those accountable u. S. President donald trump is mocking the idea on twitter where he also announced the National Guard troops he sent into washington d. C. Will be returning home something the d. C. Mayor has been calling for and the president is facing more criticism. Leading republicans with reports former president george bush wont vote for him neither will mitt romney who took part in the protests we did a voice against racism we did many voices against racism and again were telling you to stand up and say the black lives matter and former top military leaders are also openly criticizing the president this is a moment as i said of moral clarity i think is very clear in the future whether we want to unify the country in a Political Division in the Political Division that has existed now for years or whether we want to continue to divide the country that is the choice that the American People have in front of them in the very near future on the streets calls for change with many wondering if it will result in big changes in the november election. Peaceful marches continue late into the night in los angeles where troops of the National Guard have now left the city as they have elsewhere violence and looting subsiding over the weekend Los Angeles Mayor said he also said he would seek to move millions of dollars from the Police Budget into social services as far as a patel now from the Brennan Center for justice which advocates for legal reform told us Police Funding is spent with little accountability. Police budget have by and large been sacrosanct in Many American cities rate so not only are the amounts of the legends increasing at a time it where crime is going down that you also have a great deal of a pass to the iraqis that is right i mean if you ever try to look at a Police Department i do have really only looked at the one and you are mostly you know its really hard to tell where the moneys going and frankly where the might come in from in some cases because they also get a lot of money. In federal government so theres theres a lot of issues around you know police know jason factor to continue to rise at a time when this exact crime is going down at a time now where you know many look at how these are they say you know huge budget deficits in the wake of the 90 so all of these things i think is that who will ask around this hall which is a really nice that you know we think about how we want to spend money as a city any city right we have to think about what we want to invest and obviously you know. Safety and security is a really important thing but there are ways of getting to. And simply finding a police force that is the old guns and other debate right a senior u. K. Cabinet minister meanwhile is condemning protesters who tore down a statue of a 17th century slave trade at home secretary pretty patel described it as utterly disgraceful and an act of vandalism crowds in bristol rips the 125 year old statue from the ground and then dumped it in the harbor. Well i think that is utterly disgraceful and that speaks to the acts of disorder public disorder that actually you have now become a distraction from the cause in which people are actually actively protest in about and trying to empathize and sympathize with. Thats something you kind of course but statues built after the American Civil War an order of those who fought to keep slavery have also been flashpoints during these protests are stocks and is an associate professor of African American studies at Georgetown University who we spoke to about this he says the sashes glorify rather financially tight no its not very easy or simple as this should just that is not now yes do we need more members of this black people need know remember. These things that they are everywhere we go let me give an example the white house. Left us where we are those demonstrations have been in washington was a slave trading for everywhere you go to capital was built with slaves in the United States theres 700 more than 31 states dedicated to a confederate i. Know they said oh come down they should put be put into a done history of course theyre the museum of africanamerican history and it started right in washington d. C. The most and if you go in sad you can see the demonstration they will show you the arms of the klan and what theyve done almost an africanamerican museum may have a rulebook landsman where you can go in street you can go to the museums and you can see the pictures in the backs of africanamerican men. Whove been beaten with no we dont try to had things we dont care about them and they must be so in context. It is coming up a quarter past 10 in the morning monday morning in washington where we are expecting nancy pelosi the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives to lead a moment of silence in memory of george floyd that in the next few minutes well of course bring you that when it happens but i want to start with our White House Correspondent. Kimberly how could 2 weeks exactly kimberly since george floyd died the protests carry on but then we are seeing some reform as well we talked about the Police Reform in minneapolis is that something on the agenda for those on capitol hill as well. Yeah were expecting House Speaker nancy pelosi at the bottom of the hour if it starts on time to unveil legislation that this would really build on the momentum of what weve seen on the streets so far and of course weve had nationwide protests and the goal of this by House Democrats is now to translate that into tangible change so this legislation that will be unveiled is going to be very symbolic at least at the start theres going to be an 8 minute and 46 seconds moment of silence for george floyd of course the victim that really sparked these nationwide protests the video of the Police Officer Derrick Chauvin with his knee on his neck is family in their autopsy saying that that was the cause of death that he essentially suffocated in front of bystanders who begged the Police Officers to stop the swelling of the groundswell that weve seen in the United States now translating into tangible action that would make sure that never happens again so what the House Democrats propose in this legislation is that there will be a couple of things number one there be a National Police registry that means that Police Officers like Derrick Chauvin who had misconduct on his record would not only be taken off the streets but wouldnt be allowed to train rookie officers which is what he was doing when that video was shot it would also boost accountability and it would ban practices like chokeholds for arrests and would also and racial profiling and this is what communities of color black lives matter say is particularly a problem that there is a disproportionate number of africanamericans people of color who are being roped up in these investigations in these accusations in these charges so this needs to change and one of the other big things that theyre advocating for in all of this would be to have a level of accountability in terms. Ending whats known as qualified immunity and what this means is that even if a family feels that there is something that the Police Officer has done wrong often they cannot sue in civil court because the Police Officers are protected by this blanket immunity that needs to change say a number of prominent democrats and we should point out also some very prominent republicans so this is really an effort to change that this is just the 1st level though we have to point out the wheels of justice turn and i am going to interrupt wheels of government on this slowly so sorry looks like nancy pelosi started speaking. Democratic leader of the senate mr schumer we are gathered here in a mancipation hall aptly named for those who built the capitol sadly last summer a number of us under the leadership of karen bass went to ghana to observe the 400th anniversary of the 1st slaves coming across the atlantic that tragedy that tragedy that horror of history and then slavery in our own country and then all of the consequences of that we are here to observe that pain we are here. To respect. The actions of the American People to speak out against that specifically manifested in Police Brutality we are here to honor george floyds. In a moment we will have a moment of silence actually 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence and honor of george floyd and so many others. Who lost their lives who were abused by Police Brutality. If you had that i want to yell to the distinguished leader of the senate mr sheehan oh thank you madam speaker and thank you for this profound and important moment before we go forward with our strong and comprehensive legislation now Senate Democrats held a similar moment of silence last week where we stood for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to mark the horrible death of george floyd to every one of us it was excruciating it seemed an unbearably long amount of time i felt so it felt so painful to get even an inkling of how this man and so many other black americans have suffered for so long every american should try to stand in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to acknowledge the pain of george floyd and the pain of racism when we gather in this grand hall for ceremonies we usually begin with the pledge of allegiance ending with those 3 words justice for all today as we stand in silence rather than in a spoken pledge let us reflect on those words justice for all and what we need to do to make those words actually true in our time for black americans and all americans that im speaking thank you very much mr nader. Before we have our moment of silence michel as you indicated is a very long time specially a someones name on your neck we gather and honor of those americans and so many others george floyd. We on taylor on our very bottom sean creature jordan davis oscar grant. Philander steele freddy gray Walter Scott Tamir rice Michael Brown eric garner Trayvon Martin and the other names members which you. Sean. One. Will now. Well do in the moment of silence im sure that those who have been. Hurt by all of this wont mind if you shout out names then for those who wish to we will now neil for our moment of silence. A powerful moment on capitol hill being led by the speaker of the house nancy pelosi on the left of your screen just now just going out of shot as members of the u. S. House of representatives hold not just a moments silence but 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence for the 8 minutes and 46 seconds that george floyd was pinned under the knees of a Police Officer in minneapolis it was 2 weeks ago that that happened george floyd a 46 year old black man accused of buying cigarettes with a 20. 00 bill a counterfeit 20. 00 bill squad cars were called after a 911 call he was pinned down by those offices some of his last words of course were i cant breathe and now members of the u. S. House of representatives taking a knee as it is known and marking this 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence before they move towards introducing a bill in the house. Kimberly how is our White House Correspondent watching these pictures with us its definitely a political moment it is led by the speaker of the house and by Chuck Schumer as well but this site its quite something in the emancipation whole socially distance masks on theres so much going on here. There is and its a very somber moment so it almost seems insensitive to be talking about how this is in some ways politicized but that is what has been happening in the United States as we look towards a u. S. Election we have 2 very different approaches to what has been happening in the United States right now we have the approach of democrats and of course the Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee joe biden who we should point out will be meeting with the family of george floyd today in houston his comments on the situation of whats been happening in the United States in recent weeks have been very strong he essentially said that this is a wake up call for the nation when george floyd said i cant breathe this was the country crying out for leadership to bring the country together now hes touching on the emotion of the moment but also saying that this calls for a need for change in the white house so this is the argument being made well at the same time we have a very different approach from the current president of the United States who is saying this is an issue of law and order that well there are instances of racism these are isolated instances and that the Police Overall are good people that want to do whats right for the community so we have a difference of opinion that ultimately appears it will be decided in november in terms of the ballot box the u. S. President for his part today is planning to meet and have a roundtable with Law Enforcement officers and it shows the sort of different approach to trying to combat the issue of what protesters across the United States have said is systemic racism in the Police Forces so see u. S. President who has the support of the police for the large part will be meeting with Law Enforcement officers he has alleged that democrats are weak on crime. Am in fact hes tweeted to that effect that law and order nod to funding and abolishing the police the radical left democrats have gone crazy really shows sort of the different tone that were seeing right now there has been arguments from the street level Grassroots Level to defund the police what does that mean it means dismantling Police Departments instead putting that money into addressing the social ills the economic ills of communities and these are 2 very different approaches and ultimately it will be the American People that decide and i can tell you looking at the latest poll numbers 2 thirds of americans believe that the president s approach the sort of tough on crime approach that has led to the military in the streets 2 thirds are reporting that theyre not comfortable with that 8 in 10 agree that the protests have been mostly peaceful or in support of that message so again the battle lines drawn as we deal with a very somber moment playing out on capitol hill thank you for now kimberly how could so White House Correspondent a reminder of the pictures were looking at on the screen now members of the u. S. House of representatives taking a knee and observing they are in the middle of 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence marking 2 weeks since the death of george floyd it is quite an extraordinary sight isnt it emancipation hole it is called announced there by nancy pelosi zooming into the nie that she is taking taking in these its one. Speaker of the house nancy pelosi alongside her colleagues we saw Chuck Schumer speaking earlier as well Jason Nichols is with us as well in baltimore and he is a senior lecturer in the africanamerican studies department of the university of Maryland College park. You know i have read and heard so much commentary about how its different this time how weve weve seen this sort of thing before weve seen the killing of black people and weve seen protests but that something is different this time and socially when you look at these pictures right now of politicians kneeling in silence in the u. S. Capitol building they say is different yes a big good there is a difference particularly more you know im saying i think weve seen symbolism before wire it seems like people are more unified around the subject. It doesnt seem to be the same fierce debate at least amongst democrats so i think that that is not and i also think that the fact that theyre actually put forth legislation not im not so sure that i would agree with Chuck Schumer that its strong and comprehensive but its a start and we are seeing legislation on on result object matter and that significant something we didnt see a 992. 00 after the rummaging incident and the rebellion that follows something that we didnt see in 2000. Exhibited we saw a lot of symbolic platitudes but now were actually getting to the nitty gritty no as we say you hear him talking about legislation and thats encouraging certainly enough to explain it to you jason sorry realistically how far do you think that prices can go i just think about were looking at members of the house of representatives controlled by the democrats but the senate still in republican hands and of course the white house to the republican ends. Yeah im really believe that there are even some republicans who are going to root with donald trump rick with the law and order a script really big given weve already seen i believe its recent murkowski who has said that shes having issues whether she will the National Journal in 2020 in the election in november so i think that you will see some people who are moved in particular by that since now was the incident with george florey any more religious than the ones that preceded it i dont believe it should we have done this 5 years ago maybe 20 maybe 25 years ago absolutely but it does seem my kids on some level a watershed moment jason i just pause for a 2nd again to remind viewers of what the same because the members of the house of representatives have now stood up. Again after their 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence it was led by speaker the house nancy pelosi and a number of other House Democrats there observing that minutes and 46 seconds of silence as we say. Marking the 8 minutes and 46 seconds that george floyd was pinned under the nays of the Minneapolis Police offices theyre all leaving that area now known as emancipation hall moving on to and again well talk to Jason Nichols about this you called it the nitty gritty trying to actually get down to some change now weve seen some movement in minneapolis itself talking about reforming the the Police Department there what do you make of how effective that can be and whether it can be replicated on any sort of national scale. Well i think that there are several Different Things we see going on and the changes that theyre trying to make in minneapolis i think are encouraging i think we need to restructure policing all together but not just policing i mean the conversation i think is broader than recent across the country its also just systemic racism and how do we actually dismantle some of these institute institutions in order to really build an implicit biases in policing our deadly but theyre also just the deadly if not more deadly and health care you know how do we train our doctors just like straight are we to know how to deal with people from different communities how to treat them with the same level of minority i dont understand that they are no different than other people and in some cases like youre doing in minneapolis you have to literally dismantle and we build people who want to completely abolish it i personally disagree i think that you know a force that helps people that are 1st responders who are supposed to do c. P. R. When they find somebody or where help people even you know protect property i think is is a good thing thats publicly funded and not controlled just by the wealthy i think that thats important but we need to make sure that they are serving the purpose that they are supposed to serve and thats something that hasnt happened i think theyre trying to make steps in minneapolis and thats occurred and if you had a correspondent little bit kambli how talking we were talking about how some of this moment was today and the fact that it has effectively been politicized as well and i guess we have to look at that in the context of an Election Year as well this could be i mean i was thinking coronavirus might have been the defining issue of this Election Year but perhaps this is certainly on an on a par with that well you know when we look at kobe 19 over 19 is maybe 8 months old you know. You situ

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