Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 2020 Ep 95 20240712 : vima

ALJAZ The Stream 2020 Ep 95 July 12, 2024

Hi anthony ok you are watching the stream and today we are going to delve into pandemic politics in brazil let me start here with an out a 0 dot com headline brazils coronavirus death toll now is the worlds 2nd highest that is behind the United States why is that many a pointing to the leadership on the streets of sao paolo in june the 40 got a little taste of why people are unhappy with their president so book god cooperate that they had by about 05 be about 5. 100 right. Now. So what hes busy dealing with right now a Health Crises an Economic Crises a political crisis as well we have just the right guests to help us on path the situation position right now my senate is great to have you welcome back to the string tell everybody who you are. Thank you very much thank you for having me femi but it is also a list of journalists from bloggers t. V. The biggest 20 for all is channel in brazil. Great to have you wanna tell everybody who you are introduce yourself to an International Audience. Now and planet. And thats a direct form of connectivity not right and youre. Looking forward to hearing more from you the antares a is no stranger to regular viewers of aljazeera english tunes that you just. Know my name is betty from or i give your correspondent bad name erica ive been covering you from here for many many years i am hoping happy to be in the show we are happy to have you ok let us start with miguel largo hes the executive director of the institute for Health Policy studies he kind of sums up whats happening in brazil right now lets have a listen. Whos on whos boss and to having worse 1st because of his incompetence the brutal out of capacity of using one of the largest Public Health systems in the world in order to fight this pandemic 2nd. Has been inflating all local governments well actually trying to flatten the curve by imposing quarantine measures and 3rd because his job be building demonstrations hes calling people out of the streets so hes basically incentivizing people to disrespect the grandparents so yes thanks to bush and others leadership were having to become one of the biggest victims of corporate muscle i see you nodding. Yes just taking from what i think its very tough to fight this disease no matter what your government does and if you have a president that from just beginning of this pen there was a radio and the now you know denier of the extension and severity of what was coming its even worse so now we have all this talk some odd turn the difference between. Health and the needs of the economy but at the same time we are facing both problems in a perfect storm so its basically everybody that wants to see and you cant really put your strength of the economy if you forget the Public Health crisis that we are in right now and frankly our president is betting very high in his reelection his political project you want to stay in power for 4 more years regardless of whats going on but the price we are already being used to high and the price resilient democracy can be in the near future can be even higher so thats why its a very difficult time that were living through right now. We already have some very strong opinions on you chief lucas plu lucas says spall son naro will destroy brazil with his egocentric and selfish. Ronna pick up on the. Yes when was highlighted in my. Presentation it seems that most owners calling the population to challenge them asher thank. You. So shes in the very small group but it will mean that the hungry me. Challenging the ones that get right. On instruction. On fear of using the operation he called people to want to the streets when the local towards its worst you dont call so all you when hes doing this well there is a Long Time Coming shes trying to night. Take numbers are added to that. Hes taking that. Even the wrong information challenging the ones that are on the right and hes even trying to hide them but i think this is will bring. Results in his popularity hes not part. Let me show you this series or this is a busy report after telling supporters to break the social isolation rules the brazilian president takes it to the next level and incites hospital invasions it is very difficult to understand what is going on here how would you sort of step back in explaining actions regarding dealing with the coronavirus and how that fits into his political strategy. From the very beginning and since latin american generals started to beef up efforts to fight the pandemic i mean what weve been seeing is the precedent clashing confronting with them that were trying to lock down religion nato help out our governors i like is in a way so what were seeing now is all the press and the people who go inside hospitals and take pictures inside because he believes that governors in many states in the country could think the numbers of the amount of people that have been effected so this shows you a little bit about the distrust that exist well tonight aside but also it way takes it to a level where i mean people who go inside out theres people that are all in it and many would say if youre from the opposition that its a crazy idea well this is the way hes been acting from the very beginning just challenging every reason a bullet or any advice that weve been seeing from the World Health Organization that all the other pieces we need to try to do hes the new thing were both some of the guests here that are saying you know yet how this going to play out politically for him he still has this 30 percent but something has to support him but also opposition has been on the rise weve been hearing for example of some groups that they call themselves the 70 percent that include former president s like im going to get out of also who are acknowledged politicians in this country respected politicians in the country that are trying to step up to control from the president so were going to have to see how it plays out. I feel that some of the 30 percent are in our chat right now he was revealing the truth how i was feeling to thank you for being part of the kind of ascension most narrow is making brazil great again you must set your efforts reminds us very well shove another president that you might know as well isnt it reviving a great as a result that nobody knows exactly when it happened what does it mean nobody knows but in his speeches you hold say they say that hes making wrestle great again as did his idol his mentor the tramp in the states but back to reality i think that the numbers and the figures say much more than whats happening and talking about pearl the political reaction to whats happening in the government side weve seen something which is really never seen before i think to our International Audience that we might know brazil from its soccer stars the football stars of. We have to tell you that last weekend again for the 2nd time we heard supporters from some of the biggest football clubs in brazil together united something unthinkable some weeks ago that they will be with the same words in the same streets sharing them racing each other for the same cause which is against the rule so that a government and for up a more proactive action against the bend area and also against racism and against Police Brutality because we have all this mixed up in the right moment in brazil so its quite a lot and when you see its very easy to see how broad that is. What we call opposition has grown is that we see the supporters from the football clubs that usually hate each other because they are so bashed and order the young. So legs lets say oh my goodness oh that that is a real indication of how strong that feeling is i feel one hour that you are in a giant experiment to see what happens if your Public Health leadership decides that coronaviruses just a little flu which is how your president described the current virus let me bring some other thoughts in here via twitter not enough each year to respond to them however bt said to us about dr. Who is a very important doctor and he says that. Is getting a perfect demonstration of how not to handle pandemic no attempt to handle the crises and minimize the number of casualties thousands of brazilian families are paying the price hes our against never thought very very simple the cost of politicizing a pandemic is more preventable deaths do you feel that you are in a giant experiment that any moment now everything could just get out of control. While i was deafening him in the previous comment where do you know breasts. We are competing with. Out that so. We will reach goals or to the number of the hat we have really had. Daily more. States probably will have the biggest number of ministers of your in that month that make them in the present change. The minute just so times are now we have a minute that is not necessary perhaps not shop here enough because that Previous Ministry is not green part of the project not that the president was pushing far sought you know yes we are in a kind of their experiment. But i think. This well this is our calls i at me i think hes not in support well marcella thank the parts of the streets people arent going to mistreat an abrupt. Halt to but that there are a lot more protect democracy in brazil so i cannot tell you if it is impeachment or not but the question being built we have. To the streets pregnant moms online money transfers this 7 to paris man someone who has lost his range for years now so that. This type of political opposition also and people are acting. In a small up. Because now still the challenge of rolling to the streets can be a danger to their health but this this then about experiment is taking the cause in punnets got temps also for the president well i know that youll youll singing about the political crisis but how you report on the how crises in brazil right now. So thats the thing the difficult thing is to disassociate the Health Crisis from the political crisis as they are in turn go lets say. While local and regional levels people are doing the best that people from our Emotional Health service. Health service is trying and working very hard to phase the spend there make we have this federal government giving mixed messages and putting confusions in the hands of people so thats very difficult to cover because you have to cover the political crisis and the Health Crisis at the same time whether seeing that having it we are managing to do quite a good job to the point where you know if youre very humble marcello. 010 was saying that the government trying to hide official figures distance from the public what did the media the biggest media groups rival groups in this universe of media of brazil what do they do they just got together and they decided that they would put out the lumber. That theyve chosen theyve taken from a distance and the cities of the country so every day we have the biggest media groups giving get this time of the day the of the new official figures as we cant trust what the government is saying anymore its crazy it sounds great and it is but thats what sort of things that we have to do covering this and then you hear oh now when you says share what you think even if you should shed its this cutting for as long as it sums up beautifully what marcello was saying about. Her sweeping the think is under the carpet have a look here my laptop and you can see it. So Civil Society journalists are actually doing their own reporting we got a small efficient fit as i said who are in a game. Yes i think months of the night we we can defiance of Health Crisis to the poets got pride and some content the usual transparency. In them that. This government did on their being a flow on the most impressive to patient the Little Things are very much leave. You have to be we started us didnt really come to the way that the political fence is taking then you can see that i went to may or may we all on this but not all together when they had the numbers they had no im not again an attack only after 3 information and that was a message the 1st day and going to be that he is in agreement that to the press and the independent media especially when he saw the Missile Launch and who was talking about the journalists especially the ones that. Comment so we are dealing with the with the government at that at that siegel full time see all the time that theyve tried to control through the titanic and a permanent high with independent Civil Society organizations he wont play in a court with investigating when. Shes in a permanent she doesnt tolerate dissent and does it mean to the. Nice woman i have seen it in the senate the independent you have. Them. When hes kind of the number he kind of science the knowledge that the universe is print yes science and culture but thats not that though we havent mentioned a lot have to mention that and the team during the. Minister meeting where the president said that he wanted to arm the population so i know that you heard in your. Presentation. Telling me you have to know that we are. Different now that the president trying to arm the population he says do that and he even mention the that the populations are to receive the measures that are like being implemented but theyre not there others so if they tell you they are wrong. You have to find a governor with an arm that britain is how allowing you to. Are i am going to get street sophistries i know i want to share rumors from twitter with you but but there was speculation going on in the press and also online. Andrea says are we going to have a military coup probably not the military present a restaurant democracy e. E. s that is her take we actually went to the embassy of brazil in washington d. C. To ask them about what is happening with the military and here is their response to media reports of overstated disagreements and frictions that unnatural in a vibrant democracy and ended up painting an exaggerated narrative who on your narrative is exaggerated according to the administration in brazil to raise a what do you know about the idea of posada and the military maybe just securing that position what would you say to that. Well. Of all of that talk about boyfriend i dont he says the man that was in the military and hes very very sick of the military but increased the put military in hes having it in the last few weeks we have seen people in brasilia that are gathering outside the convention. That have been fireworks against people but praise the military dictatorship so definitely. Talk about something like. That i think we can improve the right increasing. The pentagon had a lot of reading in the embers and reading. The can actually. In the press that im definitely not liking the idea that hes currently being investigated. By the most of the analysts we have spoken to say that this is not going to happen that this is likely but still it is a possibility to come from patients between the 2 for the president fix this and there are fears that the president could see to retreat even further and try. To carry out a film or something but most of the out of my open saying thats not a possibility right now so its moving so i want to add into this conversation and that is whats on his voice hes a senior lecturer in criminology and just have a listen to what she told us a little bit. Listen there is a response to the pandemic is irresponsible and has genocide or effects he is going to give us the advice of the world her for going to zation against advice of his own Health Ministers encouraging people not to isolate these will have the worst impacts for poor communities for people who live in housing thats shared with multiple generations people have been adequate access to health care especially in the north and the east of the country indigenous communities who dont have adequate access to healthcare and resources people who work informal jobs precarious job so for employing people who were not to be able to work from home and isolate the mastic workers for example i just want to bring in here at this distorts clovis one denarii silver. And he says the way that weve been talking he wants a more balanced view on what is happening in brazil for instance why dont you address the number of people who have wreaked that. We just erring on the side of being so negative what do you think. I dont think were being negative in our coverage were being realistic because this is the biggest crisis in more than a century in the health side and also a political one and economic and all the same time so we give the numbers of those who are recovering at the same time that we give the numbers of those who are dying and are contaminated we cant really run from that you just have to take these 2 narratives one is the from the government that doesnt want us to shill site is and figures the other ones from the press but take this through and try to make a balance to see whats going on in this country and the last thing they want to say this fear of a coup or not we have already had the most militarized government in the whole american atmosphere in the whole western hemisphere we have 9 militaries who are in the ministers here in this government so theres not much show for fear of a coup as we are already a such a military government thats what we are worried about thats whats whats worrying people dont really want this country to be the more crowded thats why were going to keep on covering and saying the truth to the people myself how. To raise their thank you so much for joining us and everybody on you tube as well for your comments and your questions we really appreciate it as we look closer into how brazil is handling pandemic politics thank you for watching everybody ill see you next time take. Business leaders is for to buy no brass paul. Business leaders is forced to by no brass paul. The brazilian journalist investigating a political establishment land grab all the farmers helped get those who are not elected and hes repay them thats empowering everyday people to profit from the destruction of the rain forest people are almost willing to give their life away and guarantee the occupation knowledge of the lands is journalism the last hope in the fights of the amazon the sis not only a land conflict but a conflict of narrative brazil the age of both n. R. O. Whose truth is it anyway on aljazeera. This is our 7. That. We only. Use the full moon there and we dont want to get inside the dangers. That exist now some. Ways the lord yes. Some of that are. Located here you see those stone c there are good. He built some houses and. You know they are also the. One. That was up on the. Lookout not. The. Pe

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