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Communist run city were its people we subject to the party elites whims said indeed this is already happening Security Forces are already rounding up on callers for doing to speak and think freely through world war has been eviscerated and as always the Chinese Communist party fears its own people more than anything else the u. K. s Prime Minister condemned the new role as a serious breach of the u. K. China agreement on territory that if china continue down this path we would reach introduce a new route for those with british nationals overseas status to enter the u. K. Granting them limited leave to remain with the ability to live and work in the u. K. And thereafter to apply for citizenship and that is precisely what we will do now. Katrina u. Is in beijing and says china is sending a message to the people of hong kong. Chinas Foreign Ministry came out on wednesday afternoon justifying and defending this law explaining that this was crucial to host ability its crucial for its future prosperity and early a beijing government officials said that the west often misconstrues this idea of one country 2 systems its not about the Central Government having a hands off approach in hong kong its actually about the Central Government taking control when it needs to especially when it comes to issues so important as National Security Going Forward they jeans message to the people in hong kong is that the buck stops with beijing the highest authority in hong kong is the Chinese Government and we see this manifest in the way this National Security law is written Hong Kong Police the very much the public face of this there in force in this law in the ground but behind the scenes its chinese Intelligence Security agents who are pulling strings perhaps behind the scenes surveilling those suspected of violating the rules against kerry lamb when it comes to courts and cases presided over in hong kong she will select the judges but it is the mainland that has the last say when it comes to the more significant cases these cases will be heard by beijing behind closed doors and the effect of this is very clear beijing wants to send a strong message that this law is a deterrent and theyre going to be looking to Hong Kong Police to ruthlessly apply this law in order to set an example to the people of hong kong Going Forward russia could be on course to pass its most sweeping constitutional changes since the end of the soviet union and keep Dragomir Putin in power until hes 83 years old early results suggest an overwhelming number of people have approved the changes in the referendum well though there have been reports of widespread irregularities. Police say at least 80 people have been killed in 2 days of protests in ethiopia theres been widespread anger after the murder of a popular singer a child who was a leading voice for the countrys Largest Ethnic Group the aroma so. The u. S. State of california has reimposed grown a virus restrictions after a spike in cases including at a prison near San Francisco bars will be closed and indoor eating at restaurants banned after an increase in hospital admissions and deaths 110. 00 people died in the state in the past 24 hours spain and portugal have reopened their shared border 3 months after it closed at the height of the coronaVirus Outbreak in europe spains king and portugals president attended a ceremony in a Frontier Town it comes as the European Union began to reopen its external borders travelers from 14 nations deemed safe canary into the block to stay with us on to their witness is up next. Her dad. You are so youre going to find a group of young male revenue soldiers there. Are. You. See forces. Police. And this doesnt look bad lock up a team basically. If. I. Was holding a different day than. I. I. I. Now have a fixed commissioners voted to take the funds from the agency you made a mistake people are just certain things happening in a change always happen. If you. Get within the black it was always felt what would you ed. Im not going to talk about want to this because we all know that know what i am ok i think weve got a great question on the floor and that is how do we. How do we build the trust that will be necessary to go if there are an elected official i can respond to that question. May. Im very familiar with your neighborhood barry familiar with your neighborhood and i want to see your organization succeed were not trying to make you go away we want you to succeed and we want you to fulfill your potential. Is nearly have a coming. We need for you all to look at race. Big bad and a large part of our problem but i hope that you are saying. You know with all due respect this is not from me about racism i taught school i taught black children i taught white children i taught very very poor are poor black children when i taught school and every child no matter where they lived what their parents did what clothes they wear what they smelled like and some of them smelled not too good because they lived in homes without plumbing got my equal attention they lived in mill homes they were poor children rich show ren white children black children i am not going to stand here and have you excuse my actions as being racist is the only stop talking out. Please be quiet you me. On. This for dogs. Now i was going to say that there has not been racism in the community in their house and i think thats true. And im sorry that there has been but to simply say that our actions are racist is not correctness anyway and i will not let you accuse me of that im just thats thats all im going to say i want to say thank you big house the Sleeping Giant yet needed to wake up to what you have done is that the flying that got about you. Thats going to blow up more than just this situation because theres too much else going home and i want to merely thank. God there are carried me on your mobile a on how. For around the corner i have a copy of the designation report for the luckless died as a nation here for the ration community and i also have a flyer that i would like for you to give your mom about a meeting this week ok. Ok all right thank you. Just. Having your. Base there putting a mailbox were having a Community Meeting tomorrow at 7 berry just to talk about the Different Things that are long on in the community you know how they were torn down so if you have time please stop ok stop by. My mother lives here this is her home was my grandmothers home my mother was raised here are one of the homes that my mother was raised and my grandmothers. Grandparents lived in this home. Then of course you know we have a fraternity that theyre moving in right through mom and you think down here they have not found these 2 homes and the other is that. The homes where does the malitia. The basically leave my mothers house. And the k. House. The only thing left on the wall. Yes hi mr atkins i was calling because i want to order i guess about a 100 or 200 and custom fans all right all right thank you for. Weve been in business for. About 50 years if generation mortician. Ive only been in the forest 7 years now my young as i dont know who was supposed to run the business. When he was my age. Like their sister and that went bad after my grandfather passed and maybe hes on one far left. As the merely be in this business. Theres john j. Hurley lives julie. So theres my hood was he. Able for me it is where i was when john where this girls father and grandmother they sacrificed so much to be able to keep this business going and wanted to keep our legacy continuing. Not. Leave. Early. So let us. Say well that was close. To god. I am. So blah blah blah. Oh on the law the law law the law shall the. Law the law said he was so lucky as far as he was when al was growing up we were the 1st black. Church in the c. N. N. South. Tito de reese the school. That was when i went to high school in. Sa the luck. It was for you haskell. I am one with a they hate to be all in one with the home. And the other was where their fellows used to go. On believing. They had it in order to. And people would come down and they hate dances down there and with. The. When we finish task we want to cross the street to. Heal 1st Baptist Church. Thats where we had radiation right here for this baptist you. Know whites willie when they had a date with dylan and dan says the are the. Lot of. The. The Research Community is very valuable because its close to downtown and also close to the camp and. What do you do do you protect them to protect try to protect the people that are already there and the shock shoes that are already there and the history thats already there or do you just not. Whatever buys property willy nilly come in you know tear up the neighborhood that you know and you love. We got involved with the restraint when the k. Is 1st property there because the neighborhood got exercised and began to get organized and we started working with them and eventually the neighborhood decided that they wanted to try to get their de there in their neighborhood locally designated as a Historic District and the important thing about local historic designation is that it protects the neighborhood this is a map for the proposed re street local Historic District this is the hill 1st Baptist Church at the corner of reese and polk street and that is where we have our Community Meetings its a very old and and significant africanamerican church the property that the k. A. s bought is a a large l. Shaped lot here which is just south of hancock street so their house will be here theyve got a parking lot here they also bought these 2 lots here the 2 houses here they were roughly 100 years old a little more a little less but still they appeared to be pretty sound structures k. A. Said that they were not that they were about to fall down but i dont know if we can believe it or not. This to 37 Church Street this is the house that dr hurley lives there was hope by the hearts mother and her health was no the only historic residential house for many of the boys. If we dont get this well costarred in the nation for development for going to start popping up all over real place the 2 homes that were purchased by kay they are no longer standing as soon as we realized the houses were vacant im either now or are contacting amy. So and we started our goal with k. Theyre all came weve neighborhood meetings and he said in here and he you know when asked he was supportive we want to be part of the neighborhood we want to support the neighborhood and then to turn around and do that lack of cars in total number and i think ill commute i was given the cart of call but of course they didnt tell us that it was the houses were going to be demolished so at best kind of trickery sneaky kind of what you think ok it has a lot of power baby they get over everybody they do what they want you know its. In affects you and your family most of them affects mine because your mother is right but. But you know sometimes you think you find one of them that when i came to the 1st meeting out of recalls pat allen across maine and those return to boston do not sit up there tell us absolute last a lot i mean grin on his face and im not going to grin and his face hes not in a better than me and i guess that may be one of my downfalls i dont come to suck up to you just because you know you got out of authority on a track to make and fly a Confederate Flag from simonis. I remember at the church where they showed us the plans to do with the the architectural adia for the home that they were going to bill and i question that. One was different about this then it would be on the plantation you know this is the same confederate house confederate everything that that this picture shows us is a hurtful time africanamericans. Is hard to just bear that history of hate and dislike and you dont even know the people and now you want to live in the same neighborhood with us. Pretty much everyone has the you know we were exactly welcomed with open arms into the neighborhood and. We did while we didnt want to leave our 1st location in the 1st place either and told us we had to move. The guys that are in control the were in charge of. The leaders of the adult leaders. Made it possible for us to have a house closer to the school. My uncle my mothers brother was. Back in the glory days so. I ended up getting a bill through fraternity its been a wonderful wonderful experience for. Some 1st year i was 12 i shot him with the blue. Those are my 2 grandfathers beyond blue passed away in 2000. And he still. And this is our owl well he had a rebel flag on this account. And he was the thing that doesnt bother me for having a rebel flies because the the the reason the civil war was fall and was to keep slaves which he wasnt hurt black people because yeah they were not they were part of society and they were slaves it wasnt because the reason the way we fought the war was because we hated black he was because we wanted to keep an institution going of oppressing black people but it was a it was all about money is basically what im trying to say it wasnt about oh we hate white people lets make sure they dont ever have a real job in their whole it so to me having that little flag in my house on a whole host is really big. You know. Thats just our feel i think a lot of people would agree with that. Oh. Brother was in the list the other slower started saying only although it will probably fruit under the force the mention of selflove can see the only your presence at the command of only 7 over over 10 years was. In the close your. Eyes for the 1st that youre the dame a southern girl and so as for deal pleasanter it was in the us when dexys play center itself on the wound up the server is no. Jackson and davis and lord knows all those less fortunate unreconstructed that the south has truly risen the dear. Writers that we have yeah thats out. Of. 6 the whole reason that we have old south parade is. That period of time. A man like a gentle southern gentleman had to be a nice person and had it all he had was his reputation. I did some thinking about this and thought about you know why this is how it is you go you have was your reputation so being a gentleman was a necessity to me being a gentleman is seamless and its its just the way i was raised is just the way i was taught to be. I know nothing else but to be nice to everyone that i know and just do what i think right and that entails you know and you know Holding Doors for ladies at all times like you know having nice table manners yes maam no maam shaking hands looking people in the. Those are the things that come to mind you know. I tie myself in the mix from something people always thing in the morning a problem to me and then you know i work with in the middle of there trying to do the same thing to bring about change or i kind of take it on my cell. All right were ready now to move to our public hearing and deliberation on the recommendation from the Historic Preservation Commission Regarding the dozen nation of the restricted areas a local Historic District. Madam mayor and commission i stand before you today to ask you see approve a local historic designation for resale well for restraint we have worked really hard to see you see this come into fruition there are only 10 historically africanamerican districts across the state we would like to be a lead the 11th we the race Street Community want to say and what we what our Community Looks like and feels like we are passionate about our community and we will light positive Single Family growth so we are asking for the local historic designation thank you. All this labor saying thank you. Just like people napkins people sleep right now oh my mom is checking on somebody who is chicken to smoke ok what about the fraternities i think. Its much say hey i think we should think that. I mean at my mom when theyre really keen hi i. Just happen to come outside and there are like ghosts. Power bottles like right there in from our 1st day at my lawn so i dont know but i feel the tension in the air just when i drive through the neighborhood and theyre looking at me and im looking at them. But i dont want them to just say well no one ever approached us or we would exclude it was even though they are stakeholders in the community the only reason only way theyre going to act is if they are. I was a force but they were. Brought in to participating i dont know how its going to mesh but. We just dont see how a war this neighborhoods those organizations that theyre groomed to participate in Community Events no i think with a political courage you know i think they know that you know theres the side that leaves you know all of their beer bottles out on game day and then theres the side that you know will be very light and respectful so let me just go ahead and send them a copy of wire send them a. Copy of the donation sheet that way and weve done our part. People have come to expect a lot from aljazeera over the years its their reporting the commitment to on the reporter places the commitment to the human story. But its also the idea of challenging those in power and if a politician comes on this channel they will be challenged and thats what people expect of us they want the questions oncet. That is what weve always done and thats what we will continue to do. In a 2 part series. On g. s you know observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. Where insights into circumstances that shaped lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years it means continues with good morning groups in young on how to 0. From imprisoned dissident to inspirational leader. From founding the independent state to fiercely defending his people from ethnic cleansing in the conclusion of a 2 part documentary series i just see a world exposed the rise to power of the 1st movie of an independent bosnia herzegovina. Is a bigger bridge. From prisoner to president on a jazzier. War. And our entire london the top stories on our jazeera china has been condemned by several nations after a controversial new security law came into force in hong kong 10 people were arrested under the new law on wednesday when 300. 00 others were also held as thousands of protesters went on to the streets to mark the anniversary of britain handing the city back to china territories chief executive kerry says the law is essential for restoring stability but the u. S. Secretary of state said it destroyed hong kongs autonomy. Free hong kong was one of the worlds most stable prosperous and dynamic cities now now weve just another communist run city were its people we subject to the party elites whims said indeed this is already happening Security Forces are already rounding up on collars for daring to speak and think freely through world war has been eviscerated and as always the Chinese Communist party fears its own people more than anything else. Russia could be on course to pass its most sweeping constitutional changes since the end of the soviet union and keep that image putin in power until hes 83 years old early results suggest an overwhelming number of people have approved the changes in the referendum or they have been reports of widespread irregularities police say at least 80 people have been killed in 2 days of protests in ethiopia has been widespread anger after the murder of a popular singer a child who was a leading voice for the countrys Largest Ethnic Group the iran know. The us state of california has reimposed coronavirus restrictions after a spike in cases including at a prison near San Francisco bars will be closed and indoor eating at restaurants banned after an increase in hospital admissions and deaths 110 people died in the state in the past 24 hours. Spain and portugal have reopened their shared border 3 months after it closed at the height of the corona Virus Outbreak in europe spains king and portugals president attended a ceremony in a Frontier Town it comes as the European Union began to reopen its external borders travelers from 14 nations deemed safe canary into the belt to stay with us witness continues next about the news hour after that like 40. Regional. How care where you put it just where you might also. Want that alley i would like me to come and play in langley or. Think i would associate having our best people and they were the 1st historically africanamerican neighborhood to get a local who ordered the nation and only they were. To get people who are way to the place if you woke up to a war. If i were to put up. A. Jam only. White bear gave a little bit down there. Thank you appreciate. It but it would be. It would only one would be a breakthrough. Imo honor but if you get out were going to. The. And therefore we want to have all my faculties like her when im 82 high. Ok you definitely not be shamed. His taking a long time it would really really appreciate. Hes made me very tough. But she is definitely sacrificing given a lot for me to me. While he. Was. Going with. The kids it was the plan. Bowling and some other stuff but they are over there with it in them and their women and theyre here on the court play im. Constantly. Everybody out there can you hear me. And im very happy to be here today to celebrate the restraint neighborhood a group of organizations and individuals joined together to take the steps necessary to protect the Research District people such as hoe and her mother and grandmother but actually this journey started well over 100 years ago when people began to settle here doctors lawyers teachers Businessmen Community leaders there were churches and a vital vital cultural area now this area nobody can come in and tear down a house nobody can come in and make major changes to the Historic Properties here so yeah all right good idea. That. Was. Really. A pain. To. Play. With. I really love this community my husband ive been here for just about a year and i wanted to contribute something to the community and picking up trash is a way to make the Community Look nice on a daily basis. I know that there were some big parties last night as i thought the whole game. You could see in this last block that theres been a lot where trash the and the other blocks the other blocks are Single Family houses mostly or apartments with them maybe 2 to 3 people seem to 3 different apartments but to me to house of course has a lot more people on so it was a problem you know a lot of People Living together to manage have to manage your church. Which. People in the community told me so many interesting stories at the house just up the street with the help of the 1st africanamerican dentist and i can see and a doctor in African American doctor live right here on this route used to be a boarding house on the 2nd floor and the bottom floor was a place where people ate and drank and so when i started clearing out that corner i found more than 700 beer bottles. And people used to come and look at old bottles. And a lot of im really knowledgeable about the ecology here and they had a good laugh thinking that i was from colorado that i thought i could control this by now i think its called kudzu. And so i asked your advice about what kinds of plants and vegetables would grow well here and what people thought theyd like to harvest this is colored in kale and daily called had something called mystery plants nobody knew what they were there was and so i planted a whole bunch of those mustard solid has been sort of a community project. Thing some for today actually. Hart ok im given a lot of my free time to try to provide a quality of life for my community and everyone that i think that some in the community have appreciated some of not now do i. Still do a lot of activities within the community or do i give that up im pick and choose in my battle that that comes with wisdom and age so i. What. You and. I have germinated tons of seeds and were our gardens pretty much planted by now and i know a number of other gardeners in the community now so im transferring some plants so that they can come pick them up this is what my husband gave me to christmas this is what it looks like and december of the year ago it was completely full of how do. You hear a couple of weeks ago walking down here with bare feet. All right. I thought i said i bet those are kappa alpha guys but i didnt know if it was the barefoot one or not but im glad everything yeah why dont i look to be going right its a nice yeah its yours well no its you know its actually the Neighborhood Garden oh i do a lot of farming but the produce is for the neighborhood we have people planting some people digging some people bringing water we were hoping that would be a place where the community. I think one of the interesting things about Community Initiatives is you cant plan everything and you cant plan anything actually you start something and you see it falls with the needs of the community. But if people coming into the fraternity realize you know that theyre part of a community where could major go to meet. You know i mean in theory he could go a lot of places but it might just happen here. You know with somebody who is living right next to hopes house if they no hope to be if theyre just going to be a whole different dynamic in behavior i mean if if i just think its a wonderful idea and im convinced it will work. For me that i have not yet and im going to become a part of the. Group and also iraq you know we have service imo and i know theyre going to rough them. Back some dont come with us on more. Than and there are things that we. Noticed community in transition so we could not have done it you have to work to go. Go go by going away to leave to the south koreans were we were. Speaking on behalf. You know jahar and you know i think. If you all d have anything also mutual some mutual aid maybe you know if you have like once on a morning without it was time to start a movement well i know im not going to really a motel room. I might be all right to do it again if i could be really good to have me believe. It was nice to be hard i mean i know what. I think i got a bad knee so when i get up i want us all and well be around this afternoon ill see are it ok all right thank you. Karen had said you know well you know a lot of things we coul want to do with the garden and its hard to do a lot of these saying especially when you know you had to dig a trench like this. To do with just 2 people and get it accomplished in one day im like well you know every fall we have 4018 year old kids that are very well equipped to help out and they are required to do the series or is it something. I was going to do all right now were doing. A korean pipe from the gutter system and were putting in like 9 rain barrels on the side of a hill. And so the garden can get water and in summer it will be like a 75. 00 foot long trench about 8 inches the hope to get it all done today. I hope this all works out. And for me. To like a 3rd grade teacher to be on their best behavior. The only or best behavior today. I guess that is the rain barrels and were going to this corner right here at the church im going all over. Mart all. Everybody come i guess grab the shovel. Take a pic take him down there leaf or down here and then just right there. On the run and all the. Oh yeah awarded storyboarded it was doa war yeah im going to write it as a little bit what. Theyre going to write. You know. And you know youre not going to western white new no need for us now live by you know the old saying please just try to work to go. Thats ok. Well be fine. If you want to you can get it so you have you have more pressure. On that quite a few people just working in the garden. But honestly until i started work in the garden i didnt have it at all. That really no interaction with anyone in the neighborhood. Because when she came out about. Maybe 40 chicken in order to continue fish yes or ok our eyes open she said was ok and ill bring that ill bring you the money the more you check this out of spite make you feel the 1st that still 1st that is all right and thank you i thought it was nice to meet you did you. Ok and say see what you want i want a thing. Thank you is there anything that. You want to contribute. And. If you want to your doctor dr. Michael jackson ill just put. This is what i want to. We work so that we have monies to give. These so we we we get from the fruit of our labor and we live from the from the rock. So what you gear becomes the seed. We leave. From. The snow right here you sit with me like socrates and plato. How do. I know ok you know she didnt like. The make sure youre going to. Come on through and you bring back what she wants to be doing ok not you were going to do it and i want back i want my right nice were going to you all right im going to comment right there was a point of doing to me service and someone else is to me you are not going to do it in your own right a block away. We got a lot of work done quicker than i thought we would today i think somebody has going to go over the chair and so another to me are not sure where it is its telling brooks yeah thats all and im. Fine i think they might be all right hes really sweet and. Yeah were really appreciate it and. We hope that your car wash your butt to make sure you know the way on time with good fortune absolutely. You got to. Do it i mean my. Definitely learned a lot about people i myself. Initially i was a little you know like. Yeah they dont look at me funny but they. All right were getting ready to start of meeting if everybody would take the same plays. I want to welcome you all here today and wasnt necessarily about ok per se if so about the community. So its really a neat thing to be able to recognize these people if i had to change what i hope you know when how far from. What i can make of death. I can just not come on. Ive moved on im sad that what we need to do right now is just kind of introduce ourselves and students can talk about what they have what is what are they good. And what are they not so good because i think we all need to know each other in the sense of what areas we need to work on our goal thats our 1st. Take over. From looking at these very large and there was are you were you were serious right it was about that have to get your imagination read in my day we did our all we did all that so secure or is 3 still got a script to scientists to get right out there if you warriors live as. We once we have all. Of you to pay the price to go right on to your. 84060 so we have 6 to 10. All right seriously if theyre not what we have in the one spot that i disagree with how do you get it for good so that you get more secure as i say. Because those are the question ok at least yes. And nothing not as material climate i mean she will focus on what they back come out ok how do you know how common man get your hair out what your classes with all. Your child still. He is one of those who are just not. It. Its wall built the award for those that the top military logo on for younger t. V. Who knows myers youll see that the unit where the say it was i was staring at us they dont want us all to do what it is that they are sure it was was for they really are going to hear this they didnt say ok. As you create a relationship you learn each on their own we have to create relationships in order to make this thing more or stop with each other man in a bad way i say that horrendous contacted had. Someone help go this were going to jump and that we can look up to take them off their facilities with our guys so well see all their stories are really paint a very. Nice night. Out with a private hat it just to be things that we all of them seem to be theyve been guests that we are all without the baby the. Driver here anything that i could need to be sent to you my church the children of course i will anywhere you live have to become stakeholder its not mine youre not a part of the community and if youre not a part of what makes the Community Work and why youre there. New road trip this summer and sewing up a white truck or. Buying a smaller one put my cover on it yeah ill need some kind of campaign chivalry. Hopefully i can get somebody to go with me to but if i dont thats not a proud day im i will go do it when i go hit those states out and then today. Its worked i mean its its working. Say i know everybody on the street i know everybody on the block i know about everything they come and help me in the garden its just a good place. Hello windy then cold that is a good description of whats happening with this frontal system a spin through South Australia did some damage in the southwest is running through the southeast now 2nd is a rain with the winds being quite strong were not sure been damaging with a pretty strong following it the temperatures will drop youve got 23 in sydney on those sensors even a 14 in melbourne and sydney is forecast as it going down to 16 by saturday thursday being a windy day but its a windy day probably in the right direction for warms the northern but as you say temperatures do drop after that is a night time frost in a cetane probably were 2 rural areas in New South Wales as well more rain to come through victoria on friday the same time percy is nice and quiet and sunny at about 20 degrees that rain is going to head down to size island of due zealand for the start of the weekend directly north and rain is seasonal thing at the moment mostly wanted sometimes a bit too much of it in flood warnings in the middle of japan and well these landslides was because the amount of rain thats gone away now for certain friday at least be edging through honshu might catch tokyo the chinese and though is pretty well once again significant rate developing and will probably catch one hand and then skate off east was into the water. Chiles infamous dictator may be long gone but the inequality fueled by his new liberal Economic Reforms still plagues the nation. And dissent is still quashed by a heavy handed state apparatus. The people in power examines where the forging a new constitution can turn the page in the most unequal of the worlds 13 wealthiest nations chile in a chaise legacy on a just. Another Early Morning another ceremony to bed Health Workers by well. 29000 to cuban doctors and nurses working in 59 countries around the world as confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export while western commentators assume keep a sense doctor has mainly to expand influence experts on the on his Health System draw a different conclusion youre making a big sacrifice why are you willing to go look it up because there are other people that need many people that are sick and dying and not just and right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Al jazeera. This is the aljazeera news hour live from london coming up hundreds of protesters arrested in hong kong the 1st to be taken into custody under a contentious new security law. Partial results indicate russian voters have backed changes to the constitution including a possible extension of rain to 2036. More than 80 people confirmed dead in ethiopia over the

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