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Flooding and landslides. Lets begin with the increasing number of covered 1000 cases worldwide saturday saw the biggest single day rise since the pandemic began with more than 212000 new infections globally the majority of those were in latin america which is now got more cases than europe mexico has been reporting record new infections its now got the 5th highest death toll in the world in israel officials have ordered thousands of people back into quarantine as they deal with the worst surge in new cases since the outbreak began the government has also resumed its controversial phone Surveillance Program to track cases and theres a Record Number of new cases in the philippines its government has been easing quadrantid restrictions well for more on the situation in latin america lets go to our sandals im p. F. C. Whos live for us in bogota so mexico now the 5th highest death toll in the world whats going on there at all the central. Yes rob saturday was another record day in the number of confirmed cases in mexico 6914 bringing the total number to more than 252000 cases the numbers keep going up in mexico also a very high number of deaths more than 500 new day its pretty much every day there is a. Picture given the fact that the government also already said that the real numbers of both cases is probably quite higher given the fact that in many cases the people who die there are not being tested for the cold 19 in this situation is starting to take a toll on both the president Lopez Obrador and the secretary of health who have repeatedly said in past weeks that the country had already reached the peak or was very close to reaching the peak that hasnt been the case and people are wary very worried about the increase in both the capital mexico cities and in the northern states on the border with states inside the United States of america also been the center of new hotspots infections like a result. And again in california because of all this of the openings that were expected to happen in mexico this week and have been reversed him particularly in the downtown section of mexico city where a number of stores had reopened given the big numbers of people going there crowd stores not respecting the gene measures that have been put in place and the mayor of mexico city had this site its. To reverse the opening at least temporarily on saturday also a number of informal people in mexico and across latin america there are big numbers of the population working formally who need to be on the streets at staged protests you know blocking some of the main roads into downtown mexico sitting asking for the government to work so a very complicated situation there the numbers are going up but at the same time the government of mexico insisting that the economy needs to reopen youre talking to us from bogota of course whats the situation in colombia. Well colombia like other countries that have imposed a trick to lock down at the beginning. Here had had relative success in slowing down the spread of the virus that has been changing as it has reopened and we have seen an acceleration from around me the june that has been increasing and become particularly complicated this last week with the number of intensive care Units Available to the people that need this because of an increase in the number of moderate and severe cases of the 19 have been filling up in particular here in the capital and in some cities along the caribbean coast. And that this situation has become quite problematic the National Government has been able to buy more ventilators mcnalley issue here in bogota from what we stand is that there is a lack of doctors that have been trained to operate in these intensive care units imported the government is very worried of whats happening in this city key health tory there said that they have seen an increase in that said not all of them are being tested for the covina 19 so its unclear the real picture of what is happening in the country and also its unclear when the country will reach a peak now most experts are saying that somewhere between the end of july beginning of august it depends on the curve in the different cities been affected that in the country whats clear is that were still weeks away from reaching that peak and that the situation will probably get worse before we get there and so on and so on the m. P. s and giving us that update from bogota colombia i was on to thank you very much indeed in australia 3000 People Living in social housing have been ordered to stay indoors comes as the Southeastern State of victoria saw a rise in covert 19 infections interior gate b. Has more. People who live in these tower blocks in a poor area of melbourne are some of the most vulnerable in society many have Underlying Health conditions that makes the street look down they now have to endure a complex logistical task pull the authorities that orders it for 5 days which began on saturday 3000 people are banned from leaving their homes 500 Police Officers are patrolling the tower blocks during each shift to make sure no one breaks the law food and medical supplies are being sent in and Mental Health as well as drug and alcohol addiction support his own hand the state governments also offering financial help at 1st things 1st there will be no rates charged for those tenants for the next 2 weeks secondly those who are employed and because of the hard luck theyre in cannot go to work by was saved by 1500. 00 hardship i meant for those households where there is not one employment i was saved by 750. 00 hardship the lockdown was ordered after 30 cases of covert 19 were linked to 12 households but the fear is the virus has spread to many more people through lifts and walkways this is not just a matter of 23 to 30 armed people this is a matter of many hundreds who have already been exposed and who may already be incubating while most of australia is opening back up the state of victoria as recorded in increasing cope with 1000 cases since last week in 12 suburbs people are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work exercise see a doctor or buy food in the last 10 days weve been averaging over all over 50 cases that day now compared to some parts of the well that seems to be miniscule but compared to what we were having that is a big jump and as you know this is can become an uncontrollable surge if we dont control it in the 9 tower blocks where people face the severest restrictions doctors say it will take around 5 days to test all 3000. 00 residents the tory gates and be aljazeera. South africa now has the most number of corona virus cases on the african continent the daily tally from saturday showed more than 10000 new infections thats the highest jump in 24 hours so far hospitals across the country have come under pressure as beds quickly fill up theres been a steady increase in cases since restrictions gradually ease in may Health Care Workers who criticize the governments handling of the pandemic saying their safety has not been the priority air strikes have targeted a libyan air base that was recaptured in may by the u. N. Recognize government the backing of Turkish Forces attacked by unknown aircraft in the al what is the base happened overnight the loss of the facility was among a string of recent defeats for walt. Pushing him out of large parts of western libya the warhead has more from tripoli. 5 air strikes are targeted by an identified warplanes but the government here in tripoli especially the defense minister just stated saying that. Foreign fighter jets carried out the attacks on Turkish Military facilities in a little. Air base that includes an air Defense System according to. Media outlets we have not. Reported any comment from the Turkish Military as of yet but only the approach. Media outlets that reported that among the Turkish Military facilities in other words targeted by a poor health or fighter jet is an air Defense System units no casualties have been reported but the ministry of defense at the government of national called in tripoli here says that this attack by pro hafter will planes is trying to send a message to try to disrupt what it calls the victory that has been achieved by the Government Forces it helped by the military in specially taken control of western libya from forces loyal to the world for have to irans foreign minister has been heckled by members of parliament and called a liar during a speech outlining the president president s fought on and economic policies. Zarif was interrupted frequently during his speech with one politician even chanting death to the liar 200 m. P. s of table to motion to question president hostile honey on issues ranging from the pandemic to climbing inflation i said big syntax crime he says lawmakers were particularly unhappy with their lives briefing on the nuclear deal negotiations. Now this is a conservative parliament that was voted in earlier this year in an election that saw the lowest turnout since the revolution and returned to parliament with the most conservative parliament weve seen since the revolution 41 years ago now conservatives havent made any secret of the fact that they dont like the 2050 nuclear deal and they dont think president rouhani the moderate president rouhani and his cabinet have done a good job in fact they think that iran hasnt benefited in fact they think that iran is worse off and thats why foreign minister javad zarif had such a hostile reception in his defense. Said that iran was winning on the diplomatic front he said that the United States was increasingly isolated at the United Nations and the Security Council back to 2015 nuclear deal and try to preserve it and in his defense of being called a liar. Farmers to divulge recent that the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei himself have called give us the courageous brave and frank now the parliament has put forward a letter asking president rouhani to come to parliament to answer questions. There is growing suspicion about a string of fires and explosions in iran the latest a fire power station and knocked out electricity in the city. In the past week a number of sensitive sites have been hit by suspicious fires including a patch of Chemical Plant a Weapons Development base and a Nuclear Facility a black lives matter activist has died in the u. S. City of seattle after a man drove his car into a crowd of protesters one woman is also critically injured the driver fled the scene but witnesses drove after him and he was arrested but he said trying to establish the motive is just one of 50 vehicle running incidents reported in the u. S. In the last few months. And still ahead on aljazeera gains exclusive access to a group accused by the Iraqi Government of attacking u. S. Forces. Hello there more heavy rain across central areas of china but also these Western Areas of japan the cloud is being streaming into lossie as its all tied to this very stationary my you buy you front now you see in these pictures of course the fighting has been really quite devastation across this is really taking the brunt of these rains and these french rains have led to scenes like this that cause widespread areas of must lies and also landslides down fortunately through monday and she say the rain will stay very much in the forecast working its way across into most central and southern areas of home she would trading back all the time and to the central areas of china this is a say as a stationary front so really 3 cheese day theres very Little Movement instead we just got these heavy areas of rain really just working their way along this front so against entrenched poles in fact we could pick up as much as 400. 00 millimeters of rain in some areas a cue show and also the central areas a china over the next 2 or 3 days meanwhile in india the monsoon rains have been very active for the last few days they will stay very active this is what has led to in mumbai the streets on the water very heavy rain monday across much of maharashtra but in particular see this area of yellow here this is going to produce very heavy rain to take you to southern areas a good and we could hear accumulate about hof a meter of rain. In the times against colby 19 malaysian authorities are targeting margaret. But i want to east if this is the fictive bars control discriminate on aljazeera. If you want to help save the world. Heres a. Sneeze into your own. We want to go to 0 a reminder of our top stories this Hour Saturday still the biggest single day rising coronavirus cases since the pandemic began more than 212000 infections have been recorded globally the majority are in latin america. Several densely populated apartment buildings in the australian city of melbourne have been put into lockdown after a rise in covert 19 cases thousands of people will be forced to stay at home for at least 5 days. Strikes have targeted a libyan airbase recaptured in may by the un recognized government with the backing of Turkish Forces but also the base has been among a string of recent defeats for wall to flee for half the. South as in iraq a rallied outside the green zone over a cartoon published in a saudi arabia newspaper demonstrators in baghdad were stopped from marching to the Saudi Embassy before the crowd was broken up by security with water cannon theyre angry about a cartoon of this top shia cleric in iraq grand ayatollah al sistani which they say is offensive. On june 25th Iraqi Government carried out a raid on qatari pas bala the group linked to iran queues of attacking u. S. Forces there was a test for a new Prime Minister and most of all hard to me was promised to crack down on groups that operate outside the law but days later those detained had walked free aljazeera simona 14 gained exclusive access to the base that was raided. Were about to get a rare glimpse into the most secretive armed group under Iraqs Popular Mobilization forces brigade 45 better known as. This is the 1st time journalists have been allowed into one of its military bases. Is nominally incorporated into iraqs Security Apparatus but has been accused of acting outside the formal chain of command aljazeera gained exclusive access to dislocation in southern baghdad after it was raided by iraqs counterterrorism forces. The Iraqi Government says it had been tipped off that a rocket was about to be launched from dismissal of it towards the green zone where u. S. And other Diplomatic Missions are based 14 people were arrested and several weapons seized but the group says the raid was illegal carried out without an arrest warrant. On which they have evidence for the segregation they can show it to the people but here there are no missiles and launching pads the space has been here since 2015 and we have a formal letter from Baghdad Operations command this base is used for Logistical Support this was once a farm that belonged to saddam husseins government after 2003 it was taken over by al qaida and bombed during the sectarian conflict during our visit we didnt see flags or signs marking it as an official facility belonging to the Popular Mobilization forces and none of the soldiers were insignia or as it was. The pm if is being targeted so we didnt keep the flags because the Surveillance Drones are always flying around here our visit was tightly controlled free fighters were allowed to speak on camera and the condition they hide their faces and withhold their names they admitted theyre not just part of the Popular Mobilization forces but also the socalled Islamic Resistance which fought u. S. Troops in the wake of the 2003 invasion they still regard americas presence in iraq today as an occupation and aggressive we are both at the same time the resistance and the Popular Mobilization forces the resistance was formed before the Popular Mobilization forces it for the occupiers after 2003 and expelled them and 2011 to this day the resistance groups standing against occupation. The u. S. Has previously bombed positions in iraq and has pressured the Iraqi Government to take action the raid on this base was an unprecedented move by the Iraqi Government against groups that the u. S. Has accused of targeting its forces Prime Minister. Has promised to restrict weapons in the hands of the state but the backlash against this operation shows just how difficult it is to deliver on those promises. The night of the raid a convoy of pickup trucks with heavily armed men breached a fortified green zone to demand the release of the 14 people detained hours earlier the government yielded handing them over to the Popular Mobilisation forces which equated them days later to type hezbollah released images showing its fighters as they stepped on the Prime Ministers picture and burned the american and israeli flags their interviews were broadcast on. Own channel it was all to deliver a stern message to iraqs Prime Minister or she left us with a very on word of it and. The Prime Minister has totally failed and he has to understand if the reliance on the americans rather than the iraqi people he will fail and if he continues this way he will show his cards as an agent of the americans and that he serves the americans more than his homeland a Government Spokesperson says one of the 14 detainees remains in custody but has not provided details the governments substitute response has left many questions on answered and has raised doubts on whether the Prime Minister is able to confront powerful groups like. Some Wonderful Team al jazeera but that. 2 palestinians have been shot and wounded by Israeli Settlers in the occupied west Bank Emergency crews took the victims to a hospital in the town of video israel has built nearly 250 illegal settlements in various occupied parts of Palestinian Land its announced plans to annex parts of the west Bank Although its unclear when that will happen and that in confrontations between Palestinian Protesters and the israeli army during protests against those antics ation plans demonstrators threw rocks at Israeli Forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas. The number of people who died in ethiopia since the killing of a popular singer and activist has nearly doubled to 256 officials blame the deaths on both the response to the unrest by Security Forces and on into ethnic violence. Was a member of ethiopias largest ethnic group. It was shot dead in addis ababa on monday night. At least 34 people are believed to have been killed in the southern japan to wrenshaw rain and severe flooding continues across several Asian Countries and a half of the victims in the coma mortal region were living in a nursing home reports. Its a challenging toll. Japan the risk of is high on the island. A trail of destruction can be seen from the yeah theres no rain in the flooding in the next few days. Where the conditions are hampering rescue efforts areas. They had been living in l. V. Can. Best its banks transporting people. Its a difficult and dangerous job. On sunday Prime Minister sets up a special toss force to tackle the crisis and is deployed 40000 military personnel to help with the rescue efforts to the title you know people in the area are required to continue to be on maximum alert with regards to Self Defense Forces police prepared to dispatch 10000 personnel for further Emergency Support please do this or that you are able to respond swiftly and adequately. 75000 people have been want to leave their homes ahead of the floods Japans Meteorological Agency says the rainfall is the west it has ever recorded in the region. In china people are bracing themselves for more flooding weeks some of the heaviest rain seen in decades has killed more than 100 people millions of lives homes and businesses have all been affected especially in the south so. We have disposable 50 people to help clean water we have also dispatched. Severely affected by the floods we are now making all over force to prevent further flooding from water draining into our belief. In these times along the water in indias Financial Capital mumbai all dangerously close to being flooded. The wettest month during the monsoon season but this year nearly a months worth of rain is falling in just the past 5 days. More than a 1000000 people have been affected by flooding in northeastern india many of them have lost their homes why is that not allowed to be the water level is increasing over here fishing is also there and so we dont want any loss of life that is why we request the authorities to come here and see what is going on and most is not. Across asia and the Agency Service is overstretched while also dealing with a coronavirus pandemic and with more rain expected in some areas the coming few days maybe even more difficult set of. Voting will close in on an hour in croatia as parliamentary elections people are choosing a new government during a recession triggered by coronavirus pandemic the governing center right h d z party only has a slight lead against its main rival the social Democratic Party that could force the Prime Minister into an alliance with a far right nationalist blog voters are being advised to wear masks. As the u. S. Election approaches a new dynamic is playing out President Donald Trump is not just fending off attacks by members of the opposing party but also from his own some prominent republicans have stated publicly they will vote for former Vice President joe biden and theyre working to help him get elected i think ill hand has that story. Theres morning in america this viral ad put a new group called the Lincoln Project on the political map not because it has been viewed almost 3000000 times under the leadership of donald trump our countrys weaker and sicker. This was an attack from members of the president s own party and he responded by attacking them well after midnight on twitter their reaction. Republican operative rick wilson is one of the founders of the group he says the ad did exactly what they wanted every day donald trump is distracted every day dont i was running around like a crazy person doing the things that he does what a tweet gets in his head already that says this campaign is not focusing on beating joe biden every day hes thinking about us is nothing about him with surprising speed the group turns around ads meant to get inside the president s head somethings wrong with donald trump he shakes. Trouble speaking. Hitting him on issues that hes made clear bother him like crowd size turnout in tulsa. His physical health we seen it youre shaking cant keep your palms up and its getting worse and his handling of the coronavirus i dont think he was. But the group is also airing ads praising former Vice President joe biden and Democratic Senate candidates will also attacking republican senators up for reelection richmond has a nice ring thats drawing criticism from other republicans but theyre doing it not only opposed to real action but just to flip the senate to democrat. Majority control to say that you have to you know give the democrats control of the senate because you oppose trump that makes no sense thank you very good wilson says its a kind of insurance policy you know we dont want to have a situation where donald trump if he does win a 2nd term has an easy route to continue to do things in this nationalist populous way that we think is a danger to the country and more republicans are joining his cause hundreds of alumni from the George Bush Administration have formed a group to try to help biden get elected. To trim Campaign Says its further proof the establishment is working against them this is highly unusual members of a Political Party turning against its old leader openly and in public. Imagine how big the crowds will be when hes gone actively raising and spending money to see him defeated and their own Political Party completely out of power pedicle hayne aljazeera and hong kong online records appear to suggest books written by high profile prodemocracy authors have disappeared from Public Libraries it follows the introduction of a controversial security law imposed by china because protests last week Rights Groups fear the law will give authorities greater power to arrest and imprison anyone who expresses dissent against beijing. People across the u. K. Have clapping to mark the 72nd anniversary of the creation of the National Health service. Prime minister about his johnson joined the crowds in a show of support that comes as the confirmed death toll from corona virus in the u. K. Reached 44220. 00 the 3rd highest in the world the n. H. S. Chief Simon Stevens said the pandemic represents the biggest challenge in the history of Britains Health service. And this is knowledge as it were these are the top stories saturday saw the biggest single day rise in coronavirus cases since the pandemic began with more than 212000 infections recorded globally the majority were not in america mexico now has the 2nd highest death toll in the region behind brazil. He has more from colombias capital bogota. There was another record day in the number of confirmed cases in mexico 6914 bringing the total number to more than 252 towers in cases the numbers keep going up in mexico also a very high number of deaths more than 500 day its pretty much every day several densely populated apartment buildings in these turning the city of melbourne have been put into lockdown after rising covered 1000 cases thousands of people will be forced to stay at home for at least 5 days so i thought vic and now has the most number of coronavirus cases on the african continent the daily tally from saturday showed more than 10000 new infections thats the highest 24 hour jump so far has been a steady increase in cases since restrictions gradually eased in may. Airstrikes have targeted a libyan air base recaptured in may by the un recognized government with the backing of Turkish Forces the loss of the base was among a string of recent defeats for wallet. Pushing him out of large parts of western libya. Irans foreign minister zarif has been heckled by members of parliament and called a liar jury in a speech outlining the president s fault on an economic policies 200 m. P. s have tabled a motion to question president Haasan Rouhani on issues ranging from pandemic to claiming inflation. But testers in iraq have rallied outside the green zone over a cartoon published in a Saudi Arabian newspaper demonstrators in baghdad were stopped from watching to the Saudi Embassy before the crowd was broken up by security with water cannon and angry about a cartoon of the top shia cleric in iraq grand ayatollah sistani which they say is offensive those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after 101. 00 east reply. As malaysia counsels to contain the code 19 barks coulthard she said been carrying out military style operations across the capital kuala lumpur. In the name of Public Health and safety theyve rounded up illegal foreign workers. When you look at these riots you cant help but think is the practical reality of dealing with a pandemic or is it racism. Were treating them like animals this is not the way to treat a Migrant Worker hes a little. Human. But you know he didnt break the window but i didnt need to go to get that i know my so

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