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A 6 week lockdown meld into a stay at home policy to limit the spread of the coronavirus. More storms forecasted for southwest to panic as the death toll hits 50 with many still missing. Plus rallying for reform villagers in sudans Central Darfur are demanding the government do more to protect them from. I dont people stand it with all your sports news Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahoney signs a deal to give him back i used to contract in the history of professional sports. Now the Worlds Largest social Media Companies are reviewing their operations in hong kong after beijing imposed its new National Security you know that theyre worried this new law will allow the Chinese State to access personal and Sensitive Data but chief executive carrie lamb says the legislation will protect and not undermine the citys freedoms and human rights our correspondents are has more from hong kong. A week after the introduction of the new National Security law in Hong Kong Kerry lamb was quick to respond to the International Condemnation of the legislation which is already being used to make recess the National Security law targets crimes of subversion suspicion terrorism and collusion with Foreign Forces the in guy. Compared with the national secure. City laws of other countries its a rather mild law its scope is not as broad as that in other countries and even china the National Security committee which lends his has unveiled the powers granted to police think through grades without a warrant in special circumstances ordering internet firms and social media to remove content considered a threat to National Security as well as a seizure of their equipment failure to comply with the law risks a 13000 dollars fine and 2 years in jail. This is completely constitutional legal and reasonable i do not understand why certain Foreign Countries a sorry came to comment on this the tech giant and social Media Companies are not convinced the video sharing app ticktock says it will stop operations in hong kong its owned by chinese internet giant by dance but isnt available on the mainland the company says its app will no longer be available in hong kong and social media platforms including Facebook Twitter linked in zoom and whatsapp have also announced they will suspend processing government and police requests for user data so i i think the work here ok to fear is already spread over. About the cyber expression freedom. In total i believe the government will take further actions towards these social media platforms i think i can foresee that we wont be able to use these applications in the future the us secretary of state has described chinas new legislation as being an assault on hong kongs freedoms and rights much compare like in the censorship to the totalitarian state in george always famous novel 984. 00 some fear the Chinese Communist Party Censorship enforced online and is fast coming into effect in the semi autonomous city the government has acknowledged that some people in hong kong are concerned the current am says its only been a week since the new no was introduced. An Education Program will reassure the people that the legislation protects not undermines the citys freedoms. Aljazeera home call. For the perspective from the us lets now go to our White House Correspondent came to help that hes in washington d. C. For us kimberly plenty of Rapid Reaction to all this what. Will the u. S. President to his secretary of state might pompei o considering a number of punitive actions over the hong kong National Security law including potentially badday the social media ticktock now it has about 30000000 users in the United States and the u. S. Secretary of state says that like other chinese technologies he accuses this application of mass surveillance of americans private information weve worked on this very issue for a long time where there was the problems of having well wait technology in your infrastructure weve gone all over the world and were making Real Progress get that out we declared a danger to American National scale weve done all these things with respect to chinese apps on peoples cell phones i can assure the United States i get this one right to laura i dont want to go down i do want him for the president but its something were looking at. Now the u. S. President is considering a number of other punitive actions already on his desk is legislation was passed in the u. S. Congress it was on his desk as of late last week it imposes not only sanctions on individuals as well as chinese banks but it has yet to be signed into law not clear why the president has not yet signed it he does have 10 days to do so but we know that there are other measures that are being discussed as well within the Top Administration including potentially revoking visas from some chinese officials not only because of the Hong Kong Security law but also because of covert 19 something that the u. S. President has once again on twitter called just the last few moments the chinese virus something he believes has decimated the u. S. Economy can be held at the White House Correspondent across all those latest developments thank you kimberly. Millions of people in a strain is 2nd largest city meldon going back into lockdown after a resurgence in corona virus infections that the government says the tough measures are the only way to keep the outbreak from spiraling out of control and you can gauge reports from the a strain in capital canberra. After 2 days of record high infections lockdown is returning to melbourne from midnight on wednesday everyone will have to stay at home except for essential reasons including some workers involved jobs to buy food and medical items and to exercise restaurants will close on the takeaways will be allowed there is simply no alternative other than thousands and thousands of cases. And potentially. Many many people in hospital and the inevitable tragedy that will come from that 191 people tested positive for corona virus in victoria on monday not the outcome hoped for after strict social distancing measures were already in forced in some suburbs to try and control the spread of the virus the high numbers leading to the closure of the border with the neighboring state of New South Wales a logistical nightmare with the Defense Force and Police Brought in to ensure no one crosses this is something entirely different this is going to affect the travel of my stuff because i have stopped. Living and working on both sides of the border the most concerning part for authorities is that very few of the new corona virus cases have been linked to other known infections making it near impossible to monitor and leaving premier Daniel Andrews with what he says was no choice but to bring back the tough measures even stricter measures are being enforced on 3000 residents in nonpublic housing towers in no been many from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds that our neighbor a is one of them she says they feel excluded and thinks the Huge Police Presence below is unnecessary and must be quiet and i think its time for her in the past state had some difficulties with the police and racial. And its like its being ultra left for some of the young people are safe because. So them in their perspective the police im here to police them until now australia has been successful in suppressing covert 19 infections but returning to lockdown is a major setback as a stray lions attempt to recover from the impending recession and rising unemployment become a gauge aljazeera cabral well as covered 1000. 00 cases in the United States continues a spike Health Officials are warning theyre running out of time to get the virus under control with few federal guidelines states have been left to make their own rules for reopening aljazeera as allen says it examines what it may mean for the u. S. If it cant get the pandemic contained. In texas theyre sitting up again as crew in a virus cases continue to rise its harder this time to cope with the break earlier this year are being asked to go again. Element mental and physical exhaustion specially if. We hardly have it weve got control to make but some are able to write it. States to close things down later in reopened earlier seeing the largest surge in cases no hitting record levels. Ill see more in the next couple of weeks if which is the explanation right now does not start you know many in the u. S. Spent the 1st 4 months in isolation staying at home social distancing staying away from loved ones but experts say that might all be for nothing if the country doesnt get a grip on the new cases and without a vaccine theres no plan b. I think were going to see a reversion to the types of stay at home policies that we had in place in many states previously which is going to be hope from an economic you know or a message to reach as well as social mental hell hell. On it since ration but you know go you know were acting like we have you know her and her and you know you know if theres a bright spot its that the death rate is not increasing even with the increased number of cases but theres no coordinated National Strategy for getting on top of this wave the virus is not out of control yet but its close very close in texas theyre planning for the days ahead making sure they have enough beds enough equipment and enough strength to get through whats to come out aljazeera well now brazils president is awaiting the results of his cravat 1000 test after again being checked for the virus after complaining of favor and dry of also emerge from a Military Hospital wearing a mask has been widely criticized for refusing to wear one in public as well as ignoring social distancing rules there will be no living im avoiding coming near because i just came from hospital i did a lung x. Ray and its clear im going to take a kind of a test now. As weve been saying brazil is the 2nd worst affected country in the wild despite this the largest city sao paolo is bowing to pressure from the business sector to lift restrictions on. America has any say in human reports. Theres something seriously disturbing about this picture at least according to a. P. Demi all exists few if any countries in the world have as many gyms per capita as does brazil with physical fitness is an obsession. But the permission to reopen gyms barras restaurants and Shopping Centers in Rio De Janeiro and sao paulo brazil 2 biggest cities comes just as the country surpasses 1600000 infections and more than 65000 deaths from code 19 the glass and metal technical director of this gym applauds the move before article 3 stand by im very optimistic because physical activity is part of the solution to the problem people have to exercise. But is this graph shows at the top of the list of places people should stay away from during the pandemic are bars gyms and cell Service Restaurants because of the high risk of contagion all sagittal have yet i asked epidemiology astutely valley badal if brazil was near the peak of the infection. In much of brazil not only has it not reached a peak but rather it is spreading to places that have far weaker Public Health services than in the main cities places that dont have Emergency Care units or other basics and in a country as large as brazil you can just move patients to places with better care. Not one of those remote places of course is the amazon rain forest 100 to the Indigenous People have already been infected. Brazils Public Prosecutor is investigating charges presented by indigenous rights advocates that last weeks visit to some of the most isolated tribes like the no money by members of the Defense Ministry has spread the virus. The ministry with thinks the charges. What is a thought how can an organization that is concerned about Indigenous People be upset by giving medical treatment and food to Indigenous Peoples. But world renowned brazilian photographer and amazon preservationists it all sounds algal says thats absurd as a dancer but as it is the brazilian authorities know have known and will see again that the Indigenous People dont have the antibodies to protect themselves from diseases that come from outside the forest so the penetration into indigenous territories promoted by president both the narrow is really genocide. Whether in prisons most remote areas or in its major cities the spread of corona virus remains out of control despite measures spurred by economic pressures that would make it seem that the pandemic is almost over. See in human 0 well now israels Public Health chief has resigned as the nation battles a recent surge in infections there in a Facebook Post siegel sadat ski warns that initial successes in handling their outbreak have now moved towards a dangerous place since he added the pandemic was 1st met with Ethical Leadership but now lacks with thorazine israel has more than 31000. 00 cases and over 335. 00 taliban well lets not speak to our correspondent harry for cities and westerners so im sorry there has been mounting pressure on the government on their Pandemic Response just how much more fallout could we see from this resignation. Well its certainly very damning the criticism that she put out in this very long Resignation Letter which she published on our own Facebook Page and just to put it in context she is very much at the heart of the fight against the pandemic especially in the early phase she was as director of Public Health in the Israeli Health ministry one of the major faces there in the televised press conferences and so the fact that shes walked out and done so in such high dudgeon is i think pretty explosive in terms of an assessment of the governments current handling of the crisis she says for example that the achievements that were made in the early phases have now banished because of the quick and wide reopening of the economy wider and more hasty than other western nations she says that some Decision Makers are in severe denial and the new restrictions which have been brought in this week amount to too little too late and she also says that she is leaving because she doesnt feel her opinions and advice are being listened to anymore and therefore she cannot be effective in trying to assist with stopping the spread of the virus now she is something of a controversial figure in her own right she was very much in favor of a complete and early shutdown of the economy but shes also reported to be against relaxing some of the restrictions around testing of some of the criteria by which people could get tests and she was criticized for not having spread testing widely enough early enough nonetheless this is a very Senior Member of israels pandemic fighting team at the heart of government that is resigning and dolling out very severe criticism of the people shes leaving behind harry as we saw yesterday restrictions are being reimposed bars clubs jens can you give us a sense of the overall situation there now. Well yes i mean largely many things are operating as normal you can still go to more or you can still shop in nonessential shops but restaurants have been pared down in terms of what theyre able to offer 20 diners on the inside 30 outside and as you say clubs bars pools gyms cultural events event halls they are all shut in their entirety synagogues are allowed to remain open but only with a maximum of 1000 people inside at any one time the hope for the government is that this will be enough to slow things down and get a handle on the current upsurge in cases there are over a 1000 in the last 24 hours but there are also people talking about the need for another lockdown high force affair correspondent in western for thank you very much terry. Saying in the region and iran has announced its highest single day death toll since the start of the cove in 1000 outbreak began there in february the Health Ministry says more than 200 people have died in the past 24 hours just last week iran started to reimpose some restrictions after a surge in new cases well we can now speak to our correspondent a setback he joins us live from tehran a 3rd with the death toll climbing whats the situation like there on the ballot specially in hospitals. Well hospital admissions of thats to be expected but whats worrying for the government is that one 3rd of those new hospital admissions lie here in the capital that run this city is the most populated city in the country but its also the Financial Hub so that could be very serious thats not only about the fact that 200 people have died in the last day but its a huge jump from the last figure that we had was just 164. 00 just a few days ago now the Health Minister has said that the country is now experienced experiencing its peak but we thought that peak was in mid march a month before the lockdown restrictions were eased and the Health Minister appeared on state t. V. Life he seemed very upset and subdued before he announced those latest figures but he said that hes warnings were taken seriously and the country is paying a huge price he said at the start of the pandemic around 80 percent of people would tear into social distancing and other guidelines and now thats down to about 10 percent its a very worrying for the government the fact that infections have gone up and the death rate has also gone up and i said what are we hearing from government officials i imagine theyre probably quite keen to shift the blame him. Well it was the government itself that eased those lockdown restrictions that opened up cities allowing people to travel around the country government offices were open to people went back to work and businesses were reopened another government has said that face must some wonderful gold is no penalty for not wearing one theyve been running campaigns on state t. V. Saying that corona virus is no joke and encouraging people to wear a mask but there is the sense of kroner fatigue that this virus has been in the country for for months and to give an example of the Health Ministry spokeswoman said that in one city alone in a matter of days there were 50 wedding ceremonies and they saw an increase of infections after that but as you said the asked some differences amongst officials now the Health Minister has said that he did not want to be eased so soon you want to some of those restrictions to stay in place and he wanted parts of society not to go back to normal as soon as they did but the government is in a difficult position going into this pandemic inflation was at 41 percent the currency has lost its value against the dollar and also the economies and the u. S. Sanctions so the government face a difficult decision reimpose lockdowns and stop the spread of this virus and excess deaths a hope that people will abide by the new laws and regulations something which hasnt worked so far back that for us in the iranian capital tehran thank you for that update asses when iranian media is also reporting that 2 people have been killed by an explosion at a factory near terror on 3 others were injured and local Officials Say it happened after ereka mishandled filling an oxygen tank and there have been a series of explosions in iran over the last 2 weeks on thursday a fire broke out at the Natanz Nuclear facility and last week 19 people were killed by an explosion at a Medical Clinic in northern tehran. Now the u. S. Drone strike in january that killed the top iranian general cousin so the money was illegal thats the conclusion of the United Nations expert on extrajudicial killings and its color maad says the killing was arbitrary and went against the u. N. Charter her report also says the u. S. Has not provided any information proving that iran was planning any attack on u. S. Interests when the targeted strike took place now a funeral has been held for iraqi political analyst. Who was killed in baghdad on monday night dozens of mourners pay their respects to the 47 year old who was a leading expert on iceland other groups he was shot near his home and died of his injuries in hospital his death has drawn International Condemnation and iraqs Prime Minister has vowed to hold the killers accountable when we cannot speak to renard months or hes the director of Iraq Initiative at Chatham House and he joins us now on skype from london to begin with i believe you know her show me and you have my condolences it seems that the gunmen were waiting for him outside his home why do you think he was targeted. I mean 1st of all this one is slow to do because we shot him with a very close friend and colleague of me and many others who have been trying to do Research Center understand iraq he was barry outspoken and i just by talking on the same day earlier point you know when he was constantly facing threats there were constant threats on him for his role in speaking out against for example some of these militias that were going around the world who are speaking out against the political speaking out against corruption and i knew him well for many years and he really wanted to raise awareness for what he saw to be some of the impediments for the country that he lived in the country born in new ways of the nationals trying to fix this country and i asked him yesterday are you scared and he said there is fear but duty is bigger so i mean its just very certain use and chance and he is what it is like in danger but politically literally for the past few months the u. S. Drone strike against that seems to me thats i say that no group has claimed responsibility for his killing but there has been a past and imagine here right of outspoken critics being attacked when the bat began. Well there was 2 elements to that what you seem for the last few years in the south of iraq. Is that a pattern of targeting Civil Society activists journalists and protesters especially those who are known i think you know and so theres even a word they use they call them all jokers and so. Sometimes when they lead growth thats where its you know many have been targeted killed similarly at gunpoint and shot harshly mees assassination is slightly different its big in terms of its political implications he was very close to the Prime Minister he was very close to the president he was seen as part of. That at least obviously in that regard although it was. So many would have fired and he himself at some point would have thought that he would be more untouchable than many of the other activists who had been targeted because of his network because of the connections that he had and how deep connections were crossed the iraqi state well iraqs government is valli very openly that there will be accountability do you have confidence in that. I mean just as we talk about all of the iraqis who have been killed assassinated over the last 2 years we still have yet to see accountability i think the Prime Minister president who both knew his who are you know working out some of them who are trying to find the perpetrators they have the video but its but in terms of the Bigger Picture you know there is there is the foot soldier and then there are those who are calling the shots can there be accountability to all of these world groups all of these criminal gangs and the militias well typically in the break that in recent times its hard to see the ability not to work at the ability particularly and to some extent the will of senior political elite to really make decisions and go out there all of the armed groups run out there are some complex dynamics playing out here and i want to ask you about some of them i mean you mentioned that the press increased after the ceremony killing we saw the recent arrest to have some members of qatar has been around that but then all but one or at least there been rocket attacks on the green zone can you talk us through whats shifting him. Its a its a challenge and you know i mean hes shown for a long time and there was a logic to the work but the logic that he made in relations work with all the sides you know he would have breakfast with one shia militia leader or paramilitary leader he would have lunch with us and the sort of islam is the would have to know who the president there was a logic to that system but to some extent who may be more than this who was killed alongside of them only was trying to centralize all of these moves trying to bring them together because he also realized that their strategy and then there is the right and so its not that he was against such assassinations but he would only do them if they were strategic and he would not want these kind of broad groups going around killing at the whim so i think the biggest challenge forward and something that he shot and others were trying to understand is what is the new nature of the game what are the new rules of engagement with all these smaller groups that dont even have the general accountability so thats not to say that its only the armed groups thats not who are there not just rogue agents as part of the system but its a lot more complicated so lets be clear whos calling the shots is a lot less clear where decisions are coming from and so he should have another its quite worrying to make it more scary today more dangerous today than it was when we were going to even when an isis existed. That the director of iraq and has to have a tougher house thank you so much sir for being with us thats what is clearly a difficult time thank you for your time now to pans government says its doubling rescue operations as floods and landslides continue to ravage its Southwest Island of kish or at least 50 people have died and over a dozen remain missing since heavy rain began on saturday and about half a 1000000 people have also been advised to evacuate their homes translate reports. Japans selfDefense Force police and coast guards are all pitching in to help relief and rescue efforts across cue shoe island in flooded towns and cities residents are being moved to safer areas. This is unimaginable its raining like a bucket of water over turned as we used to say in the old days. But floodwaters and continuing rain are hampering rescue operations the government says its doubling the number of Emergency Personnel and with more rain forecast for the next 2 days people are being warned to stay vigilant. The ground formation is weak and from the rain we fear there may be landslides even if it rains slightly i asked residents to please be alert for information released by local officials and watch out for flooding in rivers japans 3rd largest island hasnt reported many coronavirus cases local officials in q she say theyre taking every precaution to prevent the spread in Evacuation Centers across the East China Sea heavy rain has also battered several provinces in china with the worst flooding in 50 years reported in and the 2nd highest flood alerts have been issued in who bay and Hunan Province is with more rain forecast Florence Louis aljazeera. Well it is now time for an update on the weather and is there any kind of change in the rain forecast there is a high it is a temporary lull in the rain but its coming back on thursday if you look at the satellite picture you can see why signal is doing the cloud is following the line of the shoe is 1st in line. To say blue and orange flashing the orange is the heavier rain is going through tonight and tomorrow in the north of q shoe then headed for home sure then you got a day more as a day off. Is a major city in the side of the end and forgive you for cross that you can see the heavy rain by the larger and again by friday if it doesnt entirely go say wednesday will be a little bit better anyway you for the line back its the seasonal rain through china has been quite heavy in china in particular and you can see the strength of that water well water is about the 4th forceful powerful Natural Force weve got and thats what it does in china every year here theyve lifted the level of response to flood to 2 shes one below the maximum but the rain itself hed follow it back to the western side of china into wars in europe are the same system such as heavy rain in the northeast of india in bhutan and up in the north by delhi but your eyes might briefly look down here of circulation looks so official like a tropical depression it is indeed that its given a lot of rain in gujarat in the last 24 hours and its got 2 days still to go there will be flooding here. Thanks for the. Well still ahead for you here on aljazeera the billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is moved to another prison and well have details. Physical and mental health. And nascar driver. Of the Donald Trumps crash will have all the details. For thousands of years farmers and shepherds have lived to see what their traditional way of life has been for generations. As israel plans on the into the occupied west bank. World goes to the Jordan Valley where the illegal settlements have already expanded and asks what the future holds for these palestinians former shepherds of the Jordan Valley. In the us civil war slavery to an end all dated there is a strong possibility that the very truths that. Could have been brought to your table by in the brave in their hearts all right here in the land of the free. Because tricked into emigrating and trapped by un scrupulous profiteers. To cane slaves positive slavery and 21st century evil disease. The. The i. Kind of there i missed all the attack and lets remind you of our top stories this hour several companies are worried about the implications of hong kongs new National Security and on short video uptick talk has announced it will stop operations there on facebook and whatsapp of also said theyll deny government use of deja requests. A straightly a 2nd largest city in melbourne is going back into lockdown for 6 weeks the state governments admitted its lost control of rising infection numbers from wednesday its 5000000 residents can only leave their homes essential purpose. Underground has announced its highest single day death toll since the start of the cove in 1000 outbreak began in february the Health Ministry says more than 200 people have died in the past 24 hours its. Now the United Kingdom it can begin selling weapons to saudi arabia once again new export licenses were suspended last year and under review this follows a legal challenge by a campaign is concerned u. K. Exports were violating International Humanitarian law well lets get more on this from Charlie Angelo whos in london for us charlie the u. K. Appears to be admitting that the weapons its selling could be used to commit war crimes yet theyre going to resume those sales anyway. Yes just to give you a bit of background the court barred the issuing of new arms licenses early last year and asked them to review the decisions on existing licenses but what that meant is that fighter jet parts that were already in the pipeline could carry on now that review has been concluded and i quote this is the conclusion theyve come to that there were some credible incidents of concern relating to saudi forces conduct but theyve been classified as possible breaches of International Humanitarian law the government now views these as an isolated incident so theyre admitting there are examples of human rights abuses but they say that these are not part of a pattern its not clear how they made this assessment whether it was just done internally or had some independent oversight but what it means is that the government will now be working through the backlog of arms orders from saudi and that includes a multi 1000000. 00 deal for new typhoon fighter jets the International Section for trade list trust also admitted that the u. K. Have breached that ban while they were under the court order and some items like military radios and air coolers to be used in Armored Vehicles in saudi had slipped through the gap so to speak and they say that these licenses were issued inadvertently and in future itll be ministers that sign off of them on to not officials but the campaign against our trade who really spearheaded that initial case against the government have cooled this decision descry small and morally bankrupt and they say they are speaking to their lawyers and looking at how they can now challenge this next move but the timing is is certainly curious only yesterday the foreign secretary dominic robb stood up to say that a sanctions regime will be introduced by the u. K. To target people who have committed the grave human rights and 20 saudi individuals were perch on that sanctions list for their involvement. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi dummett robson very proud also he said that Global Britain will be an Even Stronger force for good in the world in the year is ahead so i think for many people this decision is exposing the hypocrisy in the u. K. s Foreign Policy charlie and therefore us with all the latest from london thank you very much johnny now middle east focused articles written on some well known news publications have been removed after an investigation revealed the authors were fake online newspaper the daily beast claims its uncovered examples of socalled experts writing for outlets including the Washington Examiner and the National Interest twitter has also suspended the profiles of several uses identified in that investigation well lets not speak to Mark Owen Jones he is an assistant professor at harvard been clear for university he joins us live via skype here in doha mark just how widespread could this practice be. I think weve only hit the tip of the i spoke with this investigation bear in mind that in this particular case we found almost 20 fake journalists who publish in almost 50 International News outlets up to 80 articles in the space about 5 or 6 months so this is a large scale operation and even until the publication of the article we were still finding one or 2 journalists or fake journalist brotherhood strip through the network and not all of the journalists were clearly connected so its in my opinion i think theres probably a lot more of these type of shady figures out there and this is going to be exacerbated by the fact that some of the journalists are using or probably using. Images that were generated by Artificial Intelligence to create their profile pictures which will make them harder to track down saw mark i magine constructing a whole persona online these days can be fairly time consuming especially in order to appear credible so how easy is this to do. I think actually it is relatively straightforward i think you know what it takes is to create a social media account like a linked in account of twitter accounts perhaps get published in some low profile outlets and then use that low price profile c. V. To approach other outlets that are more credible and Start Building up a portfolio of work i think whats happening here is that the big problem is an issue of vetting these outlets to publish these works which include very high profile outlets like the Washington Examiner spiked online asia times not doing sufficient checks of that contributes and i i sympathize with the ed its because theyre under a lot of pressure but really in an in the nature of fake news i think more scrutiny has to be done on people who are submitting opinion pieces. Has there been a dishonorable pats on hand tens of the information that these writers are trying to 2nd and i see this is happening on issues both related to east asia and the middle east. Yes i mean the focus of the work i think theres a tactic in order to build up the profile of the portfolio of each of these journalists a lot of them right filler content that is quite generic stuff about the Financial Markets maybe stuff about prodemocracy protests i think the thrust of the the articles concerns it seems to concern iranian expansionism turkish expansionism and the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world which would suggest to me that it puts in line with either so and us right wing think tanks or the Foreign Policy of say the United Arab Emirates or saudi arabia so i think if we if we look at all the discourse of these articles there is a very common theme running through them that would suggest that it was carried out on behalf of a state by a particular entity and in my sort of educated analysis i would wager that they could be someone that the United Arab Emirates or saudi arabia well actually this all also impacts the credibility of real journalists especially the ones who have chosen to leave publish some of this information just how damaging is this for the news media. I think its very damaging that i mean that damage the current a pocket we live in is one in which the news media is being relentlessly assaulted by the like to donald trump and other people i mean i think there is a bit of irony here or maybe a sweet irony depending on how you look at it that all these used outlets are a lot of the more right wing outlets and its usually the the sort of liberal bias of the media thats called out by the likes of donald trump and other populist so i think its interesting that the ones who got stung here are right wing outlets but at the same time i think it will be used to again bludgeon the media with and to some extent this is fair because these these outlets have dropped the ball and they should have done more Due Diligence but i do feel for real journalists who are struggling to to to get published when that when these outlets actually publishing content by people that dont even exist. Absolutely Mark Owen Jones an assistant professor at home of the 33 university here in doha thank you for being with us here on out is there a great new insight has now Guillen Maxwell the alleged accomplice of sex offender Geoffrey Epstein has been transferred to a prison in new york a number of have seen victims accuse maxwell of being instrumental in grooming young girls for abuse cable elizondo reports. The metropolitan Detention Center is a far cry from the lavish surroundings of the rich and famous hes accustomed to but this is now home for british socialite Elaine Maxwell now an accused criminal facing 6 federal charges including luring in transporting girls as young as 14 in desex maxwell is now awaiting a rain meant in a new york courtroom later this week. Maxwell arrested last week at this 1000000. 00 home in a rural part of New Hampshire is a longtime associate of Jeffrey Epstein who died by suicide last august he was awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges many of his alleged victims have long said maxwell was a key accomplice luring girls to him on monday one spoke out he had me come a little closer to him. Then he started touching my head. And then he lifted up my sir. I was in a skirt and he was touching my bare skin. I started to feel scared and to cry max well now sitting in jail is a fall not only for herself but also for her family legacy her father Robert Maxwell was a wealthy and well known british publishing executive an elite member of britains high social classes in 1901 he was buried in israel after his mysterious death in the Canary Islands on his yacht named league elaine. As for humane max well shes due in federal court later this week where prosecutors say they will argue against her getting bail saying shes a flight risk with access to 3 passports and tens of millions of dollars in more than a dozen Bank Accounts around the world linked to her name none of which will do her much good will she is confined here gabriels and oh how does it brooklyn new york. Now a protest against growing insecurity and sudan Central Darfur states is now in its 10th day the local demonstrators accuse the government a failing to protect them from attacks by armed groups our correspondents have the morgan reports. For a week and a half the administrates of headquarters of negativity in general mara in sudan central dar for has been the scene of a sit in thousands of protesters gathered to protest what they see is a rise in the number of violent incidents there demanding the government dismissed the administrative head of the area as well as the head of police the military and the paramilitary rapoport forces that. We have been suffering violations and injustice such as killings displacement and looting no one official wants to discuss these issues and solve them that is why we all regardless of our political affiliations have come out with clear demands we want justice peace we want security and stability. Some of the lemmas im a farmer and when i go to farm the arabs they try to rape us when we run back to talk to told the police they dont accept our request for help and those people who attack us are armed if we go to the farms they trust in us. Protesters the arab militias are targeting local people consider themselves africans and say theyve long been targeted and their needs and demands marginalized similar grievances contributed to the start of a civil war in the real. In 2003 and led to the deaths of nearly 300000 people and the displacement of almost 3000000 it around the country is then president all model bashir an arrest warrant for work crimes crimes against humanity and genocide from the International Criminal court. The worst yet to end despite a ceasefire as were in factions negotiate for a deal with the Transitional Government that came to power last year the government has responded by pledging to set up a new court and send prosecutors to the area to look into the issues and justice is important we have taken decisions and having a court and prosecutors we took some time in coming here because we didnt just want to come with words to offer to you to follow up on the issues we pledged and if theyre not implemented the executive committee of the area will be in touch with us until we can all guaranteed they are implementing the demands of the city and didnt go unheard by many in the capital how tomb once home to a certain that was violently raided last year doesnt stage protests in front of the Prime Ministers office to amplify the voices of those in their city for some who traveled hundreds of miles to join the sit in the issue of security is not just the darfur problem. The problems of the t. T. Other problems of sudan as a whole because the problem with the lack of security is everywhere in the country so we want security nationwide because if we cant have peace and security everywhere we cant have a country that will cater for us all. The people of narrative they hope the government listens to their demands and stop the violence he will morgan aljazeera khartoum. Conditions and her tells housing Asylum Seekers and scotlands biggest city being described as degrading and unsanitary. Residents at risk of contracting Coronavirus Police shot dead a sudanese Asylum Seeker at a hotel last month when he stabbed a policeman and others say reports. It isnt uncommon to see food parcels being to live or to refugees in places like the greek island of less force or the french port of cali but in the sense of scotlands biggest city outside a hotel organized by a company with a 1000000000 dollar contracts from the British Government to cater for these people has problems has a whole series of questions they dont have access to washing if lets say your room is dirty your bed sheet is dirty or protest dirty you dont have access to anything and you know the code on our office and their lucky did not catching it they throw away the food they given off in the chicken is wrong or they say its otherwise inedible the plastic containers are a coronavirus risk and these men a forced into a position where they cannot keep their distance from each other they arent allowed to work and are effectively locked in here when the food is being delivered they have to argue with the staff to be let outside to get it every day people are going crazy the order of the dead people are being sought sought some people are up the people months out issues riyad mental issues its Asylum Seekers every day the sorts of just you know study after all of the old says somebody went Prison Police are supermen are still he isnt exaggerating in the last few weeks one syrian man committed suicide after warning he was going to and a few days ago at a Different Hotel a sudanese man stabbed several people including a Police Officer before being shot dead the police have been there ever since what always happens here the National Media in the u. K. Got very excited indeed for almost an entire afternoon because they thought it might be what they described as a terrorist attack but as soon as the police said it wasnt interesting it vanished as quickly as it appeared since then has been almost no inspection whatsoever as to the reasons why Asylum Seekers might be suffering such Severe Mental Health problems so this then is what they think happened during the stabbing incident from all over the kinds. Is that he was driven basically literally body was left no room for 2020 days on his own with suspected coronavirus symptoms is what was reported to us and to others basically just to take it no longer i had said warn people that he was once to hearten self harm others he was and these images of the conditions people are being told to live in the me is group which has the 1000000000 dollar contracts directed us to the home office which gave the contract to them its denied the accommodation is substandard and said the Asylum Seekers are given 3 meals a day and a phone number to call if they have problems largely aljazeera. Hard to hear on aljazeera but hear from the west Indies Cricket legend on how the bronchitis masson wavelength isnt going away anytime soon and school. Business leaders just want to buy no brass paul. Business majors to buy no brass power. It is now time for sports in his case and the 1000 thank you so much super bowl winning quarterback Patrick Mahoney signed a 10 Year Contract extension that gives him the highest value deal in the history of professional sport depending on various bonuses more homes could earn just over half a 1000000000. 00 between now and 2031 earlier this year the homes help the Kansas City Chiefs to their 1st super bowl title in 50 years when they beat the San Francisco 49 ers and then all of this before his 25th birthday which comes up in september excuse me. Nascar driver Bubba Wallace has hit back at what he says were words of hate from the president of the United States wallace was targeted in a tweet by donald trump on monday the president calling the story of a noose found in the drivers garage a hoax and saying wallace should apologize wallace is the only black driver in the series and has been a vocal supporter of the black laws Matter Movement he also successfully campaign to have the Confederate Flag banned from races wallace has received support from sports stars from outside nascar and other drivers whove said he does not need to apologize. Black lives matter is also an important cause for west Indies Cricket is as they prepared to face england in the 1st test on wednesday the players along with their opponents will wear the logo of the movement on a shoot to show solidarity aljazeera spoke to former west indies fast bowler Michael Holding who says the onus should not be on sports stars to change society but for society to change 1st. The guys in the sports are not protesting they are supporting the be a limb they are supporting black lives i dont think they are protesting by taking a knee they are just showing support for sure that they can they can help to play more bring more black players through but there is no point in bringing a lot of black players through if when the black players do play for their country people are in the stunt show. That doesnt really help that particular person not to see the societys changing sport i dont think sport has a responsibility at all if you are low to play a sport where when you are finished with this work you feel the same thing on the outside in the society where you dont have equal opportunity treated equally in the society whole does not help the individual i dont think this time around its going to fall off the news agenda i think this time around its been taken a lot more seriously because you see Corporation Just you see corporate the corporate world getting in companies pledging to do differently you are investing money in trying to make a change so i dont think this is just something thats going to last few months and then just disappear. Wednesdays test will be the 1st International Cricket match played following the coronavirus shut down players have been kept in isolation in the build up and will not be allowed to shine the ball with saliva there will also be no spectators englands opening batsman says all the players will have to adjust. Will have to find energy within that same and create energy within the same schools. As it was. In the games are placing there are things about states and in there about. You know we very most states that after long great. Moments Major League Soccer set to get back underway with a tournament in florida on wednesday but it will be missing one of the teams f. C. Dallas has withdrawn after 10 players tested positive for corona virus while at Walt Disney World where the tournament is being held without them m. L. S. Is drawing up a new shared tool and they commissioner is confident the health and Safety Measures in place are good enough well you know we have 550 players that have already been tested 13 of them have tested positive so if we see were going to have more positives and if that happens well have to manage that as it occurs right now its an extremely low percentage of the dallas is not going to be participating in the tournament and will have to replace those regular season games that theyre in a mess and continue to monitor the rest of the arrivals very closely. The n. B. A. Teams are also getting ready to resume they season in orlando they hasnt been any action since march but on july 30th the players will be back on court including one of basketballs all time greats Le Bron James you can see him staying safe during training wearing a mask the brown will hope to be in action for the 1st game back when hes l. A. Lakers take on the los angeles rivals the clippers. Major League Baseball is also pushing ahead with plans to restart its season after a coronavirus suspension they took a big step on monday and announced the fixture list 2 games on the Opening Night including the famed new york yankees will be in action when the League Resumes on july 23rd the yankees will visit the current World Series Champions the Washington Nationals 4 time german champions vertebrae and have avoided really geishas from the bundesliga by the narrowest of margins of the finishing 16th in the 18 team league they were forced into a really geishas playoff match over 2 legs against hiden home the 1st leg finished goalless incredibly in the 2nd leg there were 3 goals in the final 12 minutes set including the 7 minutes of added time in the end a 22. 00 draw proved enough for vertebrae meant to win but only on away golds. Well leave it there for now ill see you again a little bit later for more sports news in a starter thanks so much pisa well thats it for me fair justice news out of the tank our way back in the chair in just a few minutes with more of the days news to stay with us here on out is there. Were talking about ivory poachers who have decimated populations of elephants in africa they almost always shipped the ivory out of a different country from where it was poached because thats where you start to search looking in the wrong place this radiocarbon dating method tell us their trade ivory is legal or not then we have a place who can focus Law Enforcement on take those out and perhaps choke the source of the ip from entering the network take no one else is the. Short films of hope. And inspiration a series of short personal stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. Aljazeera selects. Aljazeera. Downs. And the treasury killing a u. N. Report says the u. S. Drone strike that killed iranian general cousin solomonic was illegal and violated the u. N. Chops. Hello again im the stasi a tape this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up social Media Companies respond to hong kongs new National Security law to talk pulls out while zoom joined facebook and google by suspending data sharing with the police. Straightly a 2nd biggest city under a 6 week lockdown mode

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