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Takes on added significance us tension between the us and china escalates over hong kong and the South China Sea and a major heart of twitter fake messages that here are some of the most followed accounts including bill gates of iraq obamas and even marks. Thank you very much for joining us china has become the 1st major economy to report growth since the start of the cove in 1000 pandemic official data shows its economy grew at an unexpected 3. 2 percent in the 2nd quarter after shrinking the most in nearly 50 years while some industries are nearly back to normal Consumer Spending is still down. Yes that question the epidemic is still spreading fast to seize the restart recovery of the World Economy and trade has been very difficult domestically the recovery have to monticello the pressures of stabilizing enterprises and safeguarding residential employment a huge our lets bring in katrina you in beijing for is so good trina growth slightly better in china much better compared to the rest of the world what is it been driven by thats right so we had 3. 2 percent g. D. P. Growth thats much more than analysts predicted they were predicting more along the 2 in 2 and a half percent mark and really i think it seems to be consumer generally people are confident that the corona Virus Outbreak does seem to be in hand and we had this last cluster in beijing where we had a number of cases at the end of may beginning of june and that was a big cause of concern a few late neighborhoods are put into lockdown and 11000000 people in the city were tested but the government measures seem to have worked and now were seeing 0 local transmissions in the last few days and because of that that perhaps that has contributed to this worth in g. D. P. Certainly a Chinese State media hailing it as a salute sell a time to celebrate as a sign of hope for other economies but we do also have to take this figure with a grain of salt its difficult or impossible to verify that figure of course but definitely if you go walk around to the major cities in china in beijing included. Shops and restaurants are open many people have returned to the office and travel restrictions have certainly also. We do have the groups now able to operate again domestically as well and theres still a lot of uncertainty as you see what about the tensions between the u. S. And china could that derail things for beijing. Absolutely and i think one example of this is that although we had this good news with this g. D. P. 3. 2 percent today the the stock markets here in china did not respond as positively we actually saw a dip lie about 4 percent in the shanghai and shenzhen stock market and a lot of analysts are attributing that to increased fears around this u. S. China relationship things that are happening in hong kong as well so because of that people are still you know being very cautious all are chinas National Bureau of statistics they have sent out some optimistic messages they say that this quarter that weve seen in the this recent quarters laying good groundwork for continued 4th and they expect up to 5 percent g. D. P. Growth in the 2nd half of the year now that is very optimistic but there are some other figures which seem to support this for example we had industrial output in june that was up 4. 8 percent year on year other figures cost sales for example doing really well car sales in june were up by 11. 9 percent compared to may have been unemployment also seems to be down 5. 7 percent from 5. 00 but its also an apache mixed picture we do know the retail sales are still struggling that was down by 1. 8 percent year on year in june and overall consumption is also still dragging its feet so Going Forward although we do have this optimistic figure from the government positive messaging people are still being quite cautious and we have to remember china chinas government did actually do way completely with the g. D. P. Target this year just because of that uncertainty Going Forward thank you very much for that katrina you live for us there in beijing. All right we want to show you some live pictures from spain where a state ceremony is underway to honor those who died during the coronavirus demick ceremonies being attended by the king of spain philippe of the 6 and top officials from the European Union and the World Health Organization spain is one of the worst affected countries in europe with over 28000 People Killed by the corona Virus Outbreak again live pictures from spain where a ceremony is underway today to honor the victims of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States meanwhile the pandemic is continuing to spike with over 67000 new cases reported on wednesday in the midst of this the white house is distancing itself from a senior advisers caving o. Pads attacking the countrys top Infectious Disease expert donald trump says the article targeting dr anthony found she was an acceptable mike hanna reports from washington. Weeks of failed white house criticism of dr anthony parky culminated in an all out attack by Peter Navarro President Trumps economics adviser in a newspaper column he accused the Infectious Diseases expert of being wrong all the time dr fox he responded in a magazine interview saying the country needs to stop this nonsense and focus on the surging virus rather than political games referring to the white house doctor said its only reflecting negatively on them President Trump insisted Peter Navarro was speaking only for himself were all in the same day including dr felt you have a very Good Relationship with dr g. And were all in the same team we want to get rid of this mess that china sent us so everybodys working at the same line it would doing very well this rosy view of the crisis has been one point of disagreement between the president and dr funky whos warned of grave consequences from the beginning of the pandemic i think if you talk to reasonable people in the white house they realize that was a major mistake on their part because it doesnt do anything but reflects poorly on them that there was also disagreement about the easing of mitigating measures as President Trump urged states to open up as quickly as possible and dr fox she advised against large gatherings of people President Trump went ahead with a Campaign Rally in tulsa last month thank you one of those who attended was oklahomas governor kevin stood and hes become the 1st u. S. Governor to test positive for the virus the latest point of disagreement is President Trumps insistence that schools open and should chill discounting doctor found she said vice that the metrics of the pandemic in each area should determine if or in what manner students should go back to school. Thats an opinion shared by many teachers concerned that their own safety is not being taken into account in the administrations desire to return to normal its not only dr fogey who no longer has the president s ear the administration has ordered hospitals to send all coronavirus data directly to the Health Department here in washington not the centers for Disease Control in atlanta effectively sidelining the body that has been at the forefront of the battle against every previous pandemic in an apparent bid to end public concern about dr fall trees diminished role the Vice President tweeted about the latest Coronavirus Task force meeting here at least still appears to be listening to what dr fox has to say mike hanna washington. In other world news ethiopia says it has not started filling africas largest dam on the blue nile denying earlier reports it says an increase in the dams water levels was due to heavy rain egypt has been seeking agent caliph occasion after ethiopian state media reported on wednesday that the failing of the grand renaissance dam had begun age of 10 sudan to reduce Water Supplies downstream and dont want the river dam then tell they reach an agreement with a has ring in algiers mohamed values covered this story extensively for us moderate theres been quite a lot of confusion and conflicting information about this and whats happening at the ground running down in the last 24 hours what do we know for right now thats right fully we would be listening to the conflicting reports coming from ethiopia since yesterday and the world has reacted clist sudan and the us and egypt tough reacted to the new as they came. Its difficult to know whats going on at the damaged because there was no access to it by International Media no experts are visiting all foreign delegations are visiting the damn site so we can only hear from the choppiness and they said something then they came back and said Something Different we can only analyze that particularly this this situation since yesterday a situation of confusion at least for people outside the chopper can benefit each opens they want probably to test not only the dams capacity if indeed they try to fill it they began to feel the lake thats a technical test for the dam itself whether it works or not this could be the biggest or the most important test because there were concerns technically speaking about whether the dam can really support this idea of you know holding up to 74000000000 cubic meters a test will be a good test or saw of the actions of the countries downstream sudan and egypt and the International Community in particular. The u. S. And the u. N. And the world bank who have been partners in the negotiations to resolve this dispute so they can gather a lot of. Conclusions from what happened yesterday and thats going to benefit them going ahead because they have to know what to do in these tough negotiations right anything up in government is saying that the discussions will continue remind us what the outstanding issues are and these 3 countries of course have been negotiating for nearly a decade now to reach an agreement on this dam is still a possibility the dispute can be resolved. While we have witnessed over the last. Decade ago stations progressed from a moment to an egypt refused to the idea itself the idea of a dam being built on the blue nile and then in 2015 we saw that meeting between the parties to the conflict and they agreed in principle that the get the dam should go ahead and the should be got is given by each opiah that egypt and sudan would be partners and parties to the operation not not exactly this but they were given some concessions by each european. Showing that if your book was willing to include them in the process of whats whats going to be done in the dam later on negotiations became more difficult because each opiah seemed to be more reluctant to you know go ahead with those understandings of 2015 and as the work progresses on the dam itself we see the 3 countries diverging in their views egypt panicking saying that this is a matter of survival for about 100000000 people who have relied on the nile for. Perhaps millions of years. Is this you know a matter of National Sovereignty they think the water that comes from its territory is its own water they dont recognize the the International Treaties that were you know signed during the time of british colonialism and they were not part of it so we see the parties to this conflict diverging more than ever before and the conflict getting more serious and nobody can predict the outcome of the negotiations because the egyptians are really really you know now you know very panicked of what may happen indeed thank you very much for that monica here in doha with us and still ahead on aljazeera a family celebration shattered by an as yemen the rebels say at least. Until 5 civilians have been killed its. Become specifically for the fish and you know. The seeing in contrast of water is why is the perfect home for the seas gentle giant. Hello that no also very inspiring picture across much of europe plenty of cloud it is cool there is rain as well as you can see here with all this cloud across the eastern regions its not too bad its clear now as well across into the southwest of russia however it wasnt really for 24 hours some torrential downpours have led to this flooding here right down there in the southwest of russia as you can see the underwater but it is actually a caring picture as we go through thursday not so the across the central areas theres just a lot of cloud and release them very widely scattered showers and some of these showers could be quite heavy at times well to about across much of the northwest the u. K. A much of france its cloudy but the term which is doing their best to actually come a little bit higher but as we go through friday again plenty of rain further to the south and again we could have some heavy downpours here particular also into the balkans and really is just a generally very unsettled picture now in terms of the weather and temperatures a moscow also has been saying quite a few showers and thunderstorms it will stay very unsettled for the next few days time which is really just whole ring close to the average for july is a similar scenario in london 10 inches actually cooling off a cloud and you had the weekend and then in paris it is warmer and weve got more as you can see in the west sunshine. But. An image can change the way we see the wu if we had not seen this week with me talking about it it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful he created this longing for a full opportunity it can obscure the truth this is a legitimate news story that is correct and talking points are pretty identical it can forge narratives or rewrite through the listening post gives you the full picture on a. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha a reminder of our top stories china has become the 1st major economy to report growth since the start of the cove in 1000 and make official data shows its economy grew 3. 2 percent in the 2nd quarter after shrinking the most in nearly 50 years. A state ceremonies being held in spain to honor those whove died during the korean a virus pandemic event is being held at the royal palace in madrid and is attended by King Philippe the 6 top officials from the European Union and the World Health Organization spain is one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic with over 20000. 00 deaths and ethiopia says it has not started filling out for it is not just down on the blue nile denying early every orse each of tents and on fear reduced water surprise downstream and dont want the downfield until they reach an agreement with the field. Now the news fighting has broken out again i on the azerbaijan armenia border despite both sides saying theyre trying to find a peaceful solution both countries say their villages are being shelled by Opposition Forces at least 16 people have been killed since border clashes erupted on sunday tension between the former soviet republics has been escalating for several years now as a fight over the disputed region of megara no. As mentioned earlier tension is escalating between the worlds 2 most powerful economies United States says it will place travel bans on employees of Chinese Technology giants huawei as well as companies that violates human rights and now the white house is getting involved in a contentious maritime dispute saying it will back countries who oppose chinas territorial claims in the South China Sea its not chinas maritime empire. If beijing violates International Law and free nations do nothing then history shows that the c. C. P. Will simply take more territory that happened in the last administration or statement give significant support to us in leaders who have declared that the South China Sea disputes must be resolved through International Law not might makes right what the c. C. P. Does to the Chinese People is bad enough but the free world shouldnt tolerate beijings abuses as well taiwans military meanwhile has carried out live fire drills to demonstrate its ability to fend off potential invasions helicopters launch missiles and jets dropped bombs on target at sea the annual exercises come as china has been increasing its military activity around the island it still considered it considers its territory. And wayne attended the drills and praised the combat power displayed shes vowed to fortify taiwans military mights to protect the nation and. We want the world to see our determination and efforts to protect our Country National security has never relied on bogged down or bending the knees to the enemy but relying on the most solid National Defense and all our military officers and soldiers are the core of the National Defense that speak to rob mcbride in seoul about this rob these exercises happen every year of course but obviously they come at a tense time in cross straight relations. Thats right and weve seen an increase in tensions recently these exercises are meant to test the readiness of taiwan to defend itself against obviously its much more powerful neighbor theyve been held since the 980. 00 s. But also they are intended to send a very strong signal to cross the straits to the mainland and we have seen in recent months there have been incursions by Chinese Military aircraft into where space close to the island of taiwan that has resulted in the scrambling of aircraft to intercept them so these exercises weve been seeing the these aircraft are being tested air defenses theyre ground to air missiles being tested also the testing for the 1st time in more than 10 years of a heavyweight torpedo which has been tested you have fired against an obsolete frigate obviously taiwan will be concerned about the build up of Mainland China as navy in recent years with the addition of aircraft carriers and so on and of course all overseen by saying when the president of taiwan who at the moment is riding on a wave of popularity given her defiance compared with previous taiwanese leaders to Mainland China she was reelected earlier this year are much increased a majority really securing her position in taiwan partly as a result of seeing whats happened in neighboring hong kong with concerns in taiwan that they have really have to keep Mainland China at an arms length and rob theres also the context of wider context. Relations between china and the United States with taiwan caught in the middle. That absolutely taiwan is a traditional ally of the United States it relies upon the u. S. For a lot of its military hardware and weve seen just this week a comment by mike pompei our u. S. Secretary of state talking about chinas claims to the South China Sea pushback from china against these freedom of navigation exercises by warships sailing through the South China Sea and of course when you look at the wider context again you have the trade dispute even the origins of the coronavirus and of course while all of these tensions exist between Mainland China and the United States then taiwan to some degree benefits it can always rely upon the support of the United States but given the shifting pace of geopolitics its always worth having the ability to defend yourself rather than relying on a much stronger ally to come to your defense hence the exercises this week thank you for that rob mcbrides reporting there from seoul. And as strike on a family celebration in northern gehman has killed at least 25 people many of them women and children who the rebels say the saudi air articulation carried out the attack in al chiles province warning you may find some of the images in south iraqs reports distressing. This little boy was mocking to survive the airstrike but suffered bad wounds. With a few medical supplies they have doctors trying to bandage his injured 30. Today we heard many people martyred some of them are 2 Young Children extremely pain then. This is the latest horror of a wall in its 6th year. The rebels accuse assad amorality coalition of deliberately targeting 2 homes in knowledge of us province during a family celebration. Coalition spokesman to demand he told reuters that it would be thoroughly investigated using an internationally approved independent process. This is the coalitions such attack since june just 4 days ago a family is 10 were killed in an airstrike on a city of homs which we see as a blatant disregard for the war thats why we use the region Refugee Council are calling for an immediate independent investigation those responsible to be held accountable both warring parties are stepped up their attacks on each other since a temporary ceasefire ended in may so 1000000 casualties have tripled despite this the coalition was last month removed from a un blacklist over the killing and injuring his children they did this many time devoted that so i think if the United Nation will not help so i would be responsible for this killing i believe that thats all they can continue. The earlier this month surgery be carried out air strikes and start on response is said to who see drone attacks in saudi soil. To mitchell Coalition Command center and the king of saudi arabia will cut the hands that target civilians in saudi Arabia Weather systems or residents of the kingdoms territories. The terrorist leaders from the who the militia will not be treated softly and they will be pursued and prosecute the war with each time the sides blame each other for striking 1st was in the middle are millions of yemenis cool to approach trying to do who in the midst of a pandemic. And the worlds worst humanitarian crisis sort of. Twitter is scrambling to fix a major hacking of its system that has seen fake messages polls said to some of the worlds most followed accounts they began appearing a few hours ago asking follow us to donate to a bit coin account with the promise their amount would be matched among those tough former u. S. President barack obama where the message donations will go to those affected by covert 19 also president ial contender joe biden amazon boss jeff jeff bezels microsoft founder bill gates over and tesla have also been hit twitters c. E. O. Jack dorsey has given a statement on the platform it says it was a tough day for everyone at twitter and they feel terrible about what happened they are diagnosing the cause of the problem and will share more information when they have a better understanding of how it happened. Waters hole some of the largest gatherings of whale sharks in the world whale sharks are the planets biggest fish and research that they come here to seed on the abundance of eggs in the waters 70 deca got exclusive access to head out to sea and swim with these gentle sea giants. For scanning the waters but not for these playful visitors. This is a rather low. Key element of. Weve traveled almost 2 hours off the qatari coast to find these majestic animals the whale shark the biggest fish in the world and they gather here in huge numbers Mohammed Al Jaida the head of the Whale Shark Research project here explains the biggest emitter we recorded by a drone is a 350 with one shot but in our database we have more than 600 record the. World record. A bucket list moment as they say. Our 1st glimpse of these enormous gentle giants. Its hard to describe the feeling of swimming alongside them watching them feed feeling like tiny insignificant yet privileged guests in their world. Ringback camera man nick porter and i surface after swimming with them for the 1st time. In a critical. Week for. The scale of what we are witnessing only really becomes apparent once you take to the sky. And why do they come here the main thing in this area is the temperature the well you see if you go 5 or 6 kilometers out of this the water temperature is about between 32 to 34 average 32 degrees centigrade in this area here with about 2728 its the best or the ideal temperature for fish to breed so when they breed or spawn here the shark comes with a protein you know they come specifically for the fish you know the caviar you know. Part of the shark family they are filter feeders and they are categorized as endangered and surprisingly mostly due to mans activities. Research had been going on into this population since 2010 together with some of the Major Energy Companies but has been put on hold in the last few years the local teams are keen to get things moving again back on the boat so how was it just unbelievable to see how many will sharks. And this area here also eager to join us on our trip. A qatari world traveler he has never seen such a gathering before and the maldives we were to go in and spend 4 hours to spot one will show one will sharks and the money and the nation and the it is like everywhere everywhere only miss will shock. The doctors as though there were the other one is coming that theyre not going i mean saying its not enough something you know you sleep now when theyre hurt them but its her 50 maybe degree and here the water is below 30 i feel im not in the country now we get back into the water its hard to end such a unique and special experience for now there is no way for the public to come here but were told its being looked into raising awareness could also be a way to ensure more protection and more research into this whale shark population. It is a privilege to host these graceful sea giants and we all have a juicy to play our part in protecting them Stephanie Decker aljazeera of the qatari coast. So again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera china has become the 1st major economy to report growth since the start of the coronavirus pandemic official data shows its economy grew 3. 2 percent in the 2nd quarter after shrinking the most in nearly 50 years katrine the e. U. Has more from beijing a Chinese State media handling it as a sole sell of time to celebrate as a sign of hope to other economies but we do also have to take this figure with a grain of salt its difficult or impossible to verify that figure of course but definitely if you go walk around into the major cities in china beijing included. Shops and restaurants are open many people have returned to the office and travel restrictions have certainly also. We do have the groups now able to operate again domestically as well. Safe ceremonies being held in spain to honor those who have died during the coronavirus spun demick event is being held at the royal palace in madrid and is attended by king felipe of the 6 and top officials from the European Union and the World Health Organization spain is one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic with over 28000 deaths corona virus infections in the u. S. A continuing to spike with over 67 new cases reported on wednesday the countrys Top Health Expert is edging the white house to stop attacks on him and focus on the virus in states if the o. P. s says it has not started filling africas largest dam on the blue nile denying earlier reports age of 10 sudan fear reduced Water Supplies downstream and dont want the dam field until they reach an agreement with ethiopia. Fighting has broken out again on the azerbaijan armenia border despite both sides saying theyre trying to find a peaceful solution both countries say their villages at being shelled by Opposition Forces at least 16 people have been killed since the border clashes erupted on sunday tension between the former soviet republics has been escalating for several years as a fight over the disputed region of nagano. And taiwans military has carried out live fire drills to demonstrate its ability to fend off potential invasions helicopters launch missiles and jets dropped bombs on targets sad to see the annual exercises comus china has been increasing its military activity around the island it still considers its territory those are the headlines on aljazeera coming up next its inside story as protests rejoinder Police Brutality and coronavirus grips the nation campaigning on the election trail has been forced to take a back seat will the president ial candidates ever hit the road and so their brand of politics to americans before the fall follow the u. S. Election on a just. Good taria line is be allowed to restart flights before blockading countries the uns top Court Rejected Appeal by saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt to keep their airspace closed while the verdict changed the course of the diplomatic dispute in the gulf this is a top story. 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