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And feasting and cattle as war says why its the perfect time for the seas gentle giant. Now the British Government is blaming hackers associated with russias Intelligence Agency of targeting Coronavirus Vaccine research as well as its democratic process now britain and the United States and canada all say russian actors have attempted to steal information on covert 19 Vaccine Research in all 3 countries Canada Spy Agency has now warned Health Organizations to take action to prevent themselves from being hacked britain also says russia attempted to interfere in last years general election there by publicizing leaked documents related to a planned Free Trade Agreement with the u. S. They were in turn used by Jeremy Corbyn this campaign against parts. Onsen the kremlin is denying both those allegations is all is coming before a much delayed reports that britains government is expected to release next week on alleged russian interference in the brics that Referendum Campaign 4 years ago as well as the general election in 2017 well lets now speak to paul brennan hes in london for us paul as weve been saying plenty to cover his so lets start with this covert 19 hack this alleged hack what do we know about this at this stage. What happened is that the United Kingdoms National Cybersecurity Center has issued a 14 page advisory and thats an advisory that goes out to Companies Think tanks all kinds of different organizations as to how to protect themselves from the type of attack thats detailed in it but this advisory is very specific and it talks about a group called a p t 29. Otherwise known as either the jukes or cozy bet and i think most people probably recognize that the term cozy bet as a synonym for Russian Hackers what this advisory says is that a p t 29 is targeted various organizations diplomatic Governmental Energy organizations joining 2020 it has specifically targeted Health Care Organizations that are involved in trying to develop a vaccine for corona virus for covert 19 why well the conclusion of the united kingdoms Security Center is that it is highly likely that the reason why these specific organizations were targeted was with the intention of stealing information and intellectual property relating to the development d of that vaccine other reaction has been strong. The British Government has come out and the foreign secretary said this is completely unacceptable he described the actions as selfish interests behaving with reckless behavior elisa nnamdi his counterpart from the labor party has said these actions are wrong and should be condemned that said as you mentioned in the outset russias denying this because of the way that the advisory is turned you know highly likely there is that glimmer of not totally a 100 percent certain that has to be true peskov sorry a lot of it putins spokesperson the chance to say this weve got no information on who could be involved in these attacks we only say this russia has nothing to do with it we do not accept such accusations nor groundless allegations of interference. In the 2019 election so an outright denial from the russians that they were directly involved or indeed that this Hacking Group is in any way connected with the russian state and we have also heard a number of other things from dominic today i believe and now apparently more details coming out of the issues with the 2016201729 extension 000 votes in the u. K. Can you break that down for us thats right. Yeah thats very i mean its surely no coincidence that weve got a report a long overdue long anticipated report to next week from the u. K. s Intelligence Committee a Parliamentary Committee into allegations that there was russian interference in the 2016 blocks it votes on the 2017 general election that is now going to happen next week it was it could have happened last autumn but it wasnt published for a whole variety of reasons accusations whether the government sat on it it will now finally be published next week. At the same time as that announcement was being made donna grabbers coming out and saying look we have evidence now that its highly likely that russia was involved in at least trying to influence the 2019 general election in the u. K. As well and he said the following in a statement it is almost certain that russian actors sort interfere in that election through the online amplification of illicitly were acquired and leaked government documents or talking about the leaked u. S. U. K. Trade documents which the labor party leapt upon to show they said that the National Health service was up for sale under any post bracks it arrangement with that with the United States and the u. K. It now transpires though that those documents appeared on the internet some time earlier than that and reddit which is the internet aggregator appears to have rather says its done its own investigation shows that its found a link to russia in the problem in the leak of those documents so yes again the shadow of suspicion falls on russia paul brennan across all those developments for us from london thank you very much paul. I spoke to glenn kahl hes a former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for a transnational threats at the u. S. Central Intelligence Agency and he outlines the steps that countries should take in defense against these kinds of cyber attacks. We know its not a secret now that for decades. And since the russians intercepted literally every telephone call me in the United States and with computers you can process. Identify words that are of interest and so on so this is just routine we also know that even after the fall of the berlin wall of and because. The russians maintained as many Intelligence Officers operating in the United States as the cia employed globally so their their effort has not diminished whatsoever theres no surprise at all that they are there stealing things that they want you need a robust Counter Intelligence service in the case of the United States as the f. B. I. To do you need to have an aggressively informed and. Careful private sector you need to engage with google and amazon and choose the company and they need to have very robust in particular in todays world Cyber Protection measures and then the 3rd thing is that you also have to exact the cost you dont just say oh please stop this we have found your hand in the cookie jar you can cause them pain too and its a cool reality through mutually assured pain danger that other countries may have a 2nd thoughts well speaking of hacking and twice a vest a gating and major breach of its systems which allowed the posting of fake messages from some of its very famous uses they include u. S. President ial contender joe biden former president barack obama as well as amazon boss jeff bezos the social Media Company says hackers targeted employees to gain access to tory case and he has all the details. The fake tweets were only on screen for a few minutes but long enough for people to capture screenshots of several before they were removed which is confirmed and identified hackers broke into the accounts of high profile politicians tech company billionaires and celebrities in a scam apparently designed to leo people into sending money to an anonymous bitcoin account twitter followers were offered 2000. 00 for every 1000. 00 they sent this was an account all about opportunity and what youre seeing is you know very high profile people reach a lot of people very quickly because you know something that can be turned into cash very quickly anonymously so i think somebody found a very clever way to extract a lot of money from people in a very quick amount of talent that might also be a demonstration of twitters weak Security Control as campaigning steps up for the president ial election in november a contest in which twitter is likely to play an influential role u. S. President Donald Trumps account which has more than 83000000. 00 followers was not among those hacked chief executive jet doocy said tough day for us at twitter we all feel terrible this happened we diagnosing and well share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened i think were probably very lucky that people who took it over and chose to use it for such a crude scam really i think it could have been very much more impactful. I cant really imagine different ways they could have played out i think were quite lucky that responsibility has been surfaced in way that was relatively benign the bitcoin account mentioned in the fake tweets received 12. 9 bitcoins by the end of wednesday equivalent to around 114000. 00 roughly half that in bitcoin was withdrawn from the account the same day Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. Now facebook the e. U. And the us say theyre studying a ruling by europes top court which scraps a data sharing privacy agreement the ruling prevents Tech Companies from transferring european citizens material to the u. S. Brian reports. The case was called Facebook Ireland and shrimps for words that could have major Global Implications sram says all the and previously activist meke shrimps so were really really happy with his judgement he launched legal action against facebook and its European Headquarters in ireland arguing his data wasnt protected when it was transferred to the social media giant servers in the us. The case went from ireland to europes top cotton oxenberg where judges agreed with him 5 Commission Implementing decision e. U. 2016 well of a 150 is in valley. The court has ordered the scrapping of an agreement called the previous the shield which was supposed to keep the diameter of european customers safe when it was transmitted across the atlantic not because many u. S. Tech companies are obliged to give some access to government surveillance the court found that safety cant be ensured this has been seen as the way in which the European Commission has bowed down to us employer ends and the court of justice claims that this formally is not enough so what happens now with the Privacy Shield is that a lot of data transfers are going to have to be stopped. Max rahms has been here before this is the 2nd major data deal thats been spiked because of him the 1st was previously shields pretty serious and called safe harbor the case is steam from revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden that the u. S. Government was snooping on peoples online data and communications i think the only solution we can possibly see is serious surveillance reform in the u. S. Because that now becomes a business interest the Silicon Valley will simply realize that either in the us laws are going to be changed to a certain extent or they will literally have to move a lot of their operation to europe and even split their systems into 2 parts the Us Government says its deeply disappointed by the latest decision of facebook in the European Union a study in the ruling i know such as us and businesses are seeking surance today on both sides of the atlantic so let me be clear we will continue our work to ensure the continuity of safe state officials. Who do not hold another global data sharing mechanism you. By thousands of companies for things like Cloud Storage payroll and finance while the e. U. And the us must now work out a new way to show the court strace that all privacy watchdogs must do more to keep uses material safe elixir brian al jazeera. Now iranian justice or 30 is considering reexamining death sentences given to 3 protesters after a mass social Media Campaign demanding a reprieve the men were ordered to be executed following their arrests during antigovernment protests last november more than 7000000 tweets years in the hash tag do not execute a cent after that decision. Now still ahead here on aljazeera 25 years of allison we look at the rise from Gary Facebook set out to the wilds biggest marketplace. And of the civil right in the 4 call several small central and eastern areas of china plenty of clout as well in that also as streaming across japan there is some more rain in the fall calls today but we have some much better dry conditions across much of the Korean Peninsula now as we go through friday the rain heading towards japan will generally states that the could just see some heavier downpours through more eastern areas of honshu but of course the system charlie all the way back you can see its actually just a slight ridge that taking it slightly to the north it does mean areas in the south will get a bit of break finally from these torrential rains however the rain is still in the 4 calls in 3 suits us today is getting a case of very heavy rain all the way from sichuan towards some very heavy downpours and again this could well lead to more flooding at this time for that to the north and then across into india plenty of rain here again the monsoon rains that hearing what they should but at the same time again here there has been some recent flooding in the last day or 2 across into mumbai but the very heavy rain is not pushing away from go giraffe that eventually that system will head across towards him on the could be some heavy rain there across into coastal areas but weve got the usual widespread rains as we go through friday and saturday nothing particularly heavy but again the rains back in the 4 causton a pull on up to the northeast. Jump into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media and will online be part of the debate let me put some you tube comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic problems that people have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to need to transform lives the way we consume it where we do business if were going to adapt to climate breakdown this stream on out is there. The. The world. And again im a star and thats remind you of our top stories here this hour britains government says russian state sponsored hackers have been trying to steal covert 19 Vaccine Research data russia denies the allegations. Europes top quarter scrap the data sharing agreement with the us Senate Ruling that prevents Tech Companies from transferring data of european citizens to america the court says the Privacy Shield deals no longer valid because of us the veil and still its. A British Court of appeal has ruled that a schoolgirl who travel to syria to join eisel should be allowed to return to the u. K. Show me a bag of who is now 20 years old had her citizenship revoked in 2019 and she wants to return to challenge that decision or we can now speak to my fellow as she is the director of reprieve for Human Rights Charity organization and she joins us now from london my thank you for being with us i know that you are in support of the courts decision today can you talk us through why. Absolutely its not really none of that you decision am entirely appropriate we have a situation here where the British Government has failed categorically to deal with the hand although its a discrete number of british families who are currently detained in terms of syria you cannot deprive someone of best citizenship i meant deny them any access to any Court Process to charmes that its clearly armed and thats what it was that you know that youve said that a number of people are in similar situations or how many british citizens are we talking about all well former british citizens so the exact number is not know because the British Government has been transparent about that but our estimate is between 15. 00 to 20. 00 family units so barren mind that the majority of british nationals and and i would call them british children in these camps and prisons in northeast syria so then beyond the children you have women including rematch and then you have a few men i know that im a vegan has previously said that she doesnt have any regrets about how decisions will have behavior which didnt necessarily encourage sympathy for her in the u. K. What do you make of her statements. Well ive never spoken tertium him or herself and i dont know the context in which those comments were made when i think this large group this small group of families is that if we are to have in mind both National Security at the interests of Justice Justice for some of the people who may have been trafficked into syria if certain be justice for the large number of children who are out there who are without a doubt innocent if we are to have those principles in mind which are fundamental british that news justice and human rights then what we need to do is bring these families back to create it back to britain and then where appropriate adults can be prosecuted they can be interrogated there are a range of National Security measures that can be used to ensure that we keep the british what you mentioned 2nd and then for those others including the children youre innocent and should be given the support they deserve reintegrate jim. Bell back and i its my understanding today is decision doesnt necessarily mean that miss begum will be on her way back to the u. K. Soon and the home office has said that it will appeal so whats likely to happen now whats the process from here. Well the home office is a volunteer as you say its not clear that the Supreme Court will give permission to the appeal so thats what we want to hear what the court says if they do grant and that probably will be well that will be enough when hearing about someones not. So i think what were looking at from the British Government it looks to me to be a stalling tactic its very clear the Court Appeals decision is very clear and what it says is that she cannot. Bear an affected appeal from when she is so appealing to the court unless the circumstances change dramatically i cant see once you recall exam Something Different to that unanimous and very clear verdict of the you know my for there the director of reprieve thanks so much for joining us on out as there was great to get you for us as about johns foreign minister has been sacked for what the president calls meaningless negotiations with neighboring armenia both countries say villages are being shelled by Opposition Forces and now at least 16 people have been killed since sunday the former soviet republics went to war in the 1980 is over the disputed region of no god no care about him theres been sporadic cross border battles since our correspondent robin forester walker has covered this conflict extensively and is across all these developments for us from the capital of georgia tbilisi he has all the latest on the foreign minister sacking. Hes been replaced of course so there will be another foreign minister taking his state and thats a michael j. One but im of but i missed him at the out of had a lot of experience in the role hed been in it since 2004 thats 16 years he knew the insides and outs of the negotiating process the technicalities of course all the personalities. The reorganizing body that conducts and hold these talks is run by the oversee and chaired by the u. S. France and russia and then now that hes gone somebody else will have to be starting afresh of course he wasnt the policy maker that would have been president aliyev and its been mr lee as decision signaling his displeasure at the peace talks and negotiations not leading anywhere for azerbaijan not resolving the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh weve had this break out in fighting weve seen unprecedented scenes of aries. Entering the parliament in baku and calling for war and this looks like a step by mr they have towards placating the National Mood being seen to be doing something and finding a scapegoat perhaps in his foreign minister. The hours hes calling for the sides to come back to the negotiating table but weve had another confirmation now of the of another azeri servicemen losing his life and so for the time being. The fear is that therell be more of this kind of low level conflict and more more people dying in the coming in the coming hours and days and less. Cease fire can hold here. Well its now been 25 years since the amazon web site went online what started as a bookseller struggling to break into an emerging online marketplace has now grown into the Worlds Largest retailer with a market value of 1. 00 trillion dollars this year amazon became not just convenient but essential for millions of people surviving this coronavirus pandemic around 11000. 00 worth of goods sold on amazons ecommerce platform every 2nd 3 and a half 1000000000 packages were delivered last year thats one for every 2 people on the planet and Amazon Web Services its Cloud Computing division and abels more than 100000000 people to make zune calls every day and a similar number to watch netflix but the giant company is not without problems some politicians think its too big and too powerful and want to see it broken up questions are also being raised about welcome mistreatment there Mary Anderson ford is a retail specialist and also managing director at aqua retail she says that while amazon has been hugely successful the high street Shopping Experience isnt dead yet. I think ultimately what we have is a situation where amazon has been can be long reach. It has the ability to remain usable frankly just sit there and wait for it to walk over us and arrive on tuesday but what we do know that any cost Something Like 80. 00 Online Internet is the retail the its the experience so over going to the show we know its an incredible great pleasure to teach the order of our shops for any input of loved possibly even a lot of that is why the next thing you know youre making a purchased spending time chatting with friends and family wasnt around so it really is a bit of a downer that the person next to say the least back to coronavirus but as soon as thats passed you got the vaccine you can carry only get the going to see a resurgence of. Shocks again these things always come. And i think we will be. You know who will be around shops and banks have the experience because otherwise its just a 2 dimensional relationship its just transactional what were doing that. Is so much. Joy and the job of going to. A solemn ceremony in spain has paid tribute to coronavirus victims and also the Health Care Workers who risked their lives to care for patients the king and queen joined guests at the statement morial service in madrid there are also some relatives of the 28000 spaniards who have died during this pandemic and one of europes hardest hit countries. Cattle is waters host some of the largest gatherings of whale sharks in the wild they are the planets biggest fish and research has found that they come here to feed on the abundance of fish eggs on the waters stephanie to head got exclusive access to head out to sea and to swim with these gentle giants. Were scanning the waters but not for these playful visitors. Of this ng for the very heavy we ought to have are with still many of them. Weve traveled almost 2 hours off the qatari coast to find these majestic animals the whale shark the biggest fish in the world and they gather here in huge numbers how middle jaida the head of the Whale Shark Research project here explains the biggest myth are we recorded by a drone as 350 with one shot but in our database we have more than 600 record the. World record. A bucket list moment as they say. Our 1st glimpse of these enormous gentle giants. Its hard to describe the feeling of swimming alongside them watching them feed feeling like tiny insignificant yet privileged guests in their world. Ringback cameraman nick porter and i surface after swimming with them for the 1st time. Ever in a critical actually. Agrees a lot of. The scale of what we are witnessing only really becomes apparent once you take to the sky and why do they come here the main thing in this area is the temperature the what you see if you go 5 or 6 kilometers out of this the water temperature is about between 32 to 34 average 32 degrees centigrade in this area here. About 2728. 00 its the best or the ideal temperature for fish to bring in so when they breed or spawn here the shark comes with a protein you know they come specifically for the fish you know the caviar you know. Part of the shark family they are filter feeders and they are categorized as endangered and surprisingly mostly due to mans activities. Research had been going on into this population since 2010 together with some of the Major Energy Companies but has been put on hold in the last few years the local teams are keen to get things moving again back on the boat so how was it just unbelievable to see how many will sharks. And this area here also eager to join us on our trip. A qatari world traveler he has never seen such a gathering before and the maldives we were to go in and spend 4 hours to spot one will show one will sharks and the money and the nation and the it is like everywhere everywhere only miss will shock. The doctors as though there were the other one is coming that theyre not going i mean saying its not enough something you know you see now in the hurt them but its her 50 maybe degree and here the water is you know 30 feet im not in the country now we get back into the water its hard to end such a unique and special experience for now there is no way for the public to come here but were told its being looked into raising awareness could also be a way to ensure more protection and more research into this whale shark population. It is a privilege to host these graceful sea giants and we all have a jew cheat to play our part in protecting them Stephanie Decker aljazeera of the qatari coast. And again this is al jazeera and these are the headlines britains government says russian state sponsored hackers are involved in attempts to steal 1000 Vaccine Research data russia denies those allegations and targeting research in the u. S. And canada to paul brennan is in london with a copy of that british report among the organizations that have been targeted by this group according to this advisory are organizations that are involved in developing a vaccine for full coronavirus for covert 19 what it says in the advisories that are up 29. Organizations responsible for votes in development in both the u. K. The United States and in canada why well they say its highly likely with the intention of stealing information on intellectual property relating to the development and testing or of vaccines and now twitter is investigating a major breach of its systems which allow the posting of fake messages from some of its very famous uses the social Media Company says hackers targeted employees to gain access followers were asked to donate to a bitcoin account with the promise that their amount would be matched europes top corps has scrapped a data sharing agreement with the u. S. And a ruling that prevents Tech Companies from transferring data of european citizens to the u. S. The court says the Privacy Shield deals no longer valid because of u. S. Surveillance rules a British Court of appeal has ruled that a schoolgirl who travel to syria to join eisel should be allowed to return to the u. K. Some even begun had her citizenship revoked and 2019 and she wants to return to challenge that decision. As a by johns foreign minister has been sacked for what the president calls meaningless negotiations with neighboring on media but countries say villages are being shelled by Opposition Forces at least 16 people have now been killed since sunday the former soviet republics fast went to war in the 1990 s. Over the disputed region of neck on a car back iranian just us authorities considering reexamining death sentences given to 3 protest is after a massive social Media Campaign demanding a reprieve the men were ordered to be executed following their arrests during antigovernment protests last november well those are the headlines next outfits the bottom line. Hi im Steve Clements and i have a question will the coronavirus pandemic be the Tipping Point that takes us in to years of joblessness and poverty lets get to the bottom line. But we look around we see a lot of people who cant find work and a lot of businesses that have gone bust but there are some winners out there it seems like the Financial Markets are always winning at least from my Vantage Point economists usually say that they saw what was coming after the fact there are always rationalizations for the ups and downs of markets or of jobless rates of consumer and Business Confidence but lets take a look at the big picture my guest today is not afraid to go where many economists walt and to look at the key factors out there that predict a really serious financial and to

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