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Mixed messaging politicians remain divided over the wearing of mosques in public even as the country reports another record high number of covered 900 cases. Also in the news regional leaders trying to mediate in mondays deepening political crisis says tributes are paid to those who died in recent protests. And an oasis of peace how Libyas Misrata holds out the promise for stability and growth amid the violence all around. Town and sport around with red coat shares in a things that and says his teams latest title win is extra special royal securing the spanish championship that 10th straight victory since the league resumed after the coronavirus lockdown. Facility. So more than 6 months after the 1st cases were reported and the resurgence of the corona virus is now such a threat with some nations seeing their worst spike in cases yet we start with india it has become the 3rd country not to record more the. A 1000000 cases infections are spreading in the smaller towns the places where Health Systems are far weaker and some states are now re imposing restrictions after the nationwide lockdown was lifted last month well look at brazil as well hospitals there struggling to cope with what is the worlds 2nd biggest break there are concerns a lack of testing is actually left many more infections unreported of course president himself continues to isolate after being infected thinking about the recovery to thinking ahead as well the e. U. Leaders meeting in brussels shaking hands as they do now with their elbows they 1st face to face over the blocks worst recession in history with major differences still over how an 858000000000. 00 Recovery Plan will be used and the United States well its shattered yet another record more than 77000. 00 cases in a single day even with those numbers politicians divided over Face Covering or does the governor of georgia is now urging residents to wear the masks only a day after suing the mayor of atlanta over its mask mandate so heres the team this hour 3 locations weve got to see a noumenon latin america editor in santiago chile weve got natasha in paris were starting though with our White House Correspondent kimberly how could outside the white house good afternoon or good morning actually she kimberly take us through the mask situation 1st of all georgia versus atlanta. Yes this is a new one debate ill try to keep it simple essentially what on its face looks like the governor or have. Been about face if you will one day after filing this lawsuit against the bottom the mayor of atlanta over her mandate that mast be warned today the republican governor saying i encourage everyone to wear a mask that doesnt mean the sound of his lawsuit not at all what hes saying is he encourages the residents of georgia to wear a mask but he doesnt want them to be forced and thats what his lawsuit says that essentially the mayor of atlanta the largest city in the u. S. State of georgia that her order was too restrictive it exceeded her authority and thats what Many Americans dont like so this is really emblematic of the debate thats going across the United States americans essentially want to in some cases where a mass but they dont want to be told they have to wear the mask this is a nation that is very strong state rights doesnt like the sort of strong federal system that doesnt exist in the United States so they dont like these top down orders so what being governor is saying essentially is hes defending his lawsuit hes urging people to wear masks but he also says that he doesnt believe residents in his state need a mandate in order to do the right thing. Its not the clearest instruction at all is it can be economic you about schools as well so many people wondering about what is going to happen with the next school year the white house sort of continuing to push this line that the benefits outweigh the risks. Yeah and the reason for that Election Year economy decimated this president was to open up the economy and you need to have schools back in order to continue to see that economic recovery but the problem is is that coronavirus cases in the United States continue to spike in about 41 of 50 states and this is not working in the president s favor when we talk about those strong states rights and even municipalities or county rights theyre the ones that are going to decide whether it is right to open their schools for guard lists of what the u. S. President has to say and in fact weve just heard from Kellyanne Conway the counselor to the president she says that theyre going to soon be releasing some guidelines for schools to reopen but again just like mass and so many of the other things when it comes to testing and dealing with cope with these are really optional because the white house can encourage but again it is the localities the governors that have the ultimate say of when these schools open i can tell you very quickly what a lot of states are looking at is potential hybrid systems knowing that many kids get Important Services there particularly communities of color who also dont always have access to why fi in the same ways that other communities might what there may be is kind of a hybrid system those parents that choose that and keep their kids at home may do so well other families may choose to seek support can be home thats a White House Correspondent which again later in the day kimberly right now across the atlantic. Leaders meeting for the 1st time face to face that thats a start at least its no more Video Conferencing water they trying to come up with today. Well on the table is the commissions proposal for a recovery fattened worth more than 800000000000. 00 now this is a Recovery Fund to help the economies in the you recover because after the current virus pandemic of course those economies absolutely battered by the pandemic which isnt over yet by any means now what e. U. Leaders are discussing is whether or not they want to sign off and agree on a deal for this fund but its going to be very difficult the negotiations are already fought because on one side you have countries like germany and france who say that such a Recovery Fund is absolutely essential its big but it is needed to help the e. U. Recover as a show solidarity to help we can Member States on the other hand you have some fiscally conservative nations including austria sweden denmark the netherlands who are very worried about what will be essentially a shed debt because the e. U. Commission will be boring this money off the Financial Markets and then distributing it as a series of grants and loans now what leaders want to try and really sort out in the next few days is whether or not they agree to such a big large amount of money for this fund or should it be a smaller fund and also how whether or not there should be conditions attached to the money so for example if a country is given a certain amount of money in a form of a grant should it then agree or promised as a condition to lets say reform its economy if theres a lot to talk about the german chancellor going into the summit as you say in person in brussels a little bit earlier she did say that look its going to be very difficult to reach a deal because so many Member States are divided. We are not sure if well be able to come to a solution yet although we are hopeful but we have to be realistic it will require a great deal of compromise from all of us if we are to achieve something thats good for europe and something thats an appropriate response to the economic difficulties were facing i expect negotiations to be very difficult for the message from the german chancellor from the french president s amount of markhor over the last few weeks has really been that unless the e. U. Manages to sign this deal and really press ahead with helping the e. U. Recover from the coronavirus pandemic then the very future of the e. U. Could be a stake in what president micro amount of macro has said of france is he said that you know if we dont help we can Member States of this time countries that have been really surveil hit by the pandemic in italy spain for example and that is going to fuel your skepticism in europe and that could lead to people simply turning their back on the e. U. Project and the end of the e. U. Itself and that is why the french president the german chancellor talked calling for unity and solidarity in a moment of such huge crisis massive situation there potentially isnt it mr butler in paris thank you and now finally a latin america editor of the soon human she is in chile sons eoghan 1st i want to see if we could start with the big story in brazil though which remains the big story of latin america just no sign of anything being brought under control there. No absolutely not the president as we know has been somewhat put under control because he is still carrying he still has coded 19 he tested for a 2nd time a couple of days ago and he still has it in his system so he is still under confinement but he says he is ready to go back to work at any time hes taking hydroxide chloroquine which as we all know has and he himself admits has not been proven to be effective he says it is though even though it may have long term harmful side effects but in the in the country itself the number of infections spreading more and more not only in or rather not so much in the cities like the Rio De Janeiro but in other cities and brazil is a huge continent continental size country with enormous cities with huge populations being yes which is just outside of south in the Amazon Region everywhere you look infections are spreading and the Hospital System simply cannot cope without for a while brazil was boasting that their hospitals had not were not overflowing with with patients and that there i. C. U. Units could deal with it but that is no longer the case at the rate that these infections are spreading and the death rate is is surging pretty soon we may see a very very dramatic situation like we saw at the beginning of this pandemic in countries like italy and spain everything youve just told us explains why brazil has dwarfed the rest of latin america maybe you can tell us about that weve really had too much about the situation there. Oh well thats a very sad situation indeed chile has a much smaller population 11 times less than that of brazil but the death rate from this the death toll from the cold at 19 in this country per 1000000 inhabitants is even higher than that of brazils and higher than that of mexico its number one in fact the good news is that the contagion mate is starting to lower it starting to to go down which would seem to indicate and this is a very cautious prediction according to Health Officials that it that they get the peak has been reached and is beginning to go down but thats because practically the whole country is on lockdown and it has been for months now there is a tremendous pressure to open up again theyve been demonstrations at night in many many poor neighborhoods in the city and it will the capital and in other cities for people demanding food help economic aid that is really the problem here the social pandemic that the president has been referring to has not been addressed properly and it could be a very explosive situation which might also explain why the government is being very reluctant to ease any more confinement measures running things out that is listen you may not last in america and in santiago i also mentioned india a little bit earlier which is seeing a rise in cases the 3rd worst affected country in fact with more than 25000 deaths and as cases 1000000 more states are now imposing lockdowns again to try to contain the outbreak and is a bit purana reports now from new delhi. Municipal workers spray disinfectant in a neighborhood and one of many areas of the state of west bank vault under lockdown im sure united in indeed administered in the north to do an on the puter been to south around a 3rd of indias 1300000000 population are facing some restrictions. While some places such as goa are only imposing a weekend lockdown indias 2nd most populous state be hot has ordered its nearly 130000000 residents to stay home for 2 weeks behind as one of indias poorest States Health experts are concerned about how rural and less developed areas are handling the outbreak now as it spreads its verdict. In the rural majority states the Health Infrastructure in the rural areas is far weaker and attesting so reliant on backtrace to get better are going to be a bigger challenge of india seeing around 35000. 00 new cases and 700 deaths every day even though its testing more than 300000 people daily that still one of the worlds lowest experts believe the actual number of infections could be much higher its almost certainly under cement and the question of what the noble abundance mission the me feel that it might be underestimated by a factor maybe even between Something Like going to try to win the number of cases or to get them oh if it crosses a 1000000 youre probably looking at something more like 20 to 30000000 in the population and maybe that number could be even but despite the rise in cases the Indian Government remains positive Health Minister hoshyar then says india has performed better than any other country in fighting quoted 19 adding that only 2. 5 percent of the factions have resulted in deaths but independent Health Experts say that number isnt actually not just because of indias low level of testing but the fact that most deaths in the country out to medically certified elizabeth purana aljazeera new delhi. Testing has been increased in australia state of victoria because of a record rise in daily infections their family all of the 428 new cases and 3 deaths were in melbourne despite the reimposition of lockdown in the city neighboring New South Wales has been singing and dancing at weddings as the state restricts large gatherings to curb the spread. In the philippines governments in forcing partial restrictions in manila for another 2 weeks theyre also set to reinstate stricter curbs if a rise in new cases and deaths does not slow down for the planes record in southeast asias biggest daily jump in corona virus deaths this week also putting the hospitals on the strain jamila island duggan has joined the Police Forces as they conduct their patrols in manila. Images like these are often seen in conflict zones but its of a chopper that in part of the philippines capital and seat of its government metro manila. For the past few months seems like these have become common using shock and awe to wage a war or what it describes as an unseen enemy the coronavirus. More than 300 security personnel have been deployed to implement another 2 week lockdown to people in the city of the booked us hoping it will be enough to keep number of infections down we joined the police as they conducted patrols they found this boy outside his home his mother says he just went out to buy sweets but children arent allowed to leave their homes and she was taken to a nearby center to be cautioned along with other residents. And they have been appealing for residents to simply stay at home to keep everybody safe some of them refused to leave or must there are still later in the streets the philippines as a ready implemented one of the worlds strongest and most strictest lockdowns in the world after almost 3 months the government started to ease restrictions but this fight that coronavirus cases in the country continue to go up forcing many local officials to put their cities on lockdown once again the philippines now has one of the highest number of 1000 cases in southeast asia. Epicenter in the capital manila based on the. Most you have to artist in transmission recovery by quarantine and you need of course uniform personal data then the 2nd one is about. You need to look for them by whos. Write them. Just looking just looking for a needle and hes. There for you need. The government says its actions are proving successful in slowing the spread of the virus but some experts say the country is lagging behind some of its asian counterparts and its response has been heavy handed and focused on using fear to fight a pandemic jim duggan al jazeera mandela. Lets have a look at whats coming up for you on this news hour new allegations that Indian Police were biased and failed to protect muslims during the riots in delhi in february details on that. And nicola gage at sydneys a solemn Sacred Center looking at how many people are struggling to cope here in the Global Pandemic after being left out of Government Support packages. And in sport into milan revive their hopes of winning the Italian League title and he will have that and the rest support a little later. Right now the sudan where people have fired police im sorry a 5 tear gas to disperse demonstrators opposed to a change in the law it will allow non muslims to drink alcohol hundreds of protesters rallied outside the great mosque in the capital hard turn the government ordered the closure of major mosques and 3 other cities as well to stop the similar demonstrations. A Memorial Service has been held in mali for victims of last weeks violence the ceremony took place at a mosque run by the influential cleric mahmoud decode who has been leading the antigovernment protests 11 people were killed nearly 200 injured in 3 days of unrest. Also. Members of the west african bloc aiko us are in mali to mediate an escalating political crisis there between the ruling party and the opposition that delegations met with whats known as the june 5 movement led by that influential in mom the co supporters of the protest Movement Want president abraham cater to resign saying hes been unable to solve mollies security and economic problems keep the has heated some of the demands he promised to form a National Unity government for example and to dissolve the Constitutional Court demonstrations began last month over the outcome of parliamentary polls that were held earlier in the here Nicholas Hawk is in dakar in neighboring senegal covering this one for us nicholas one tell us more about the zico us delegation and what theyre hoping to achieve. Well essentially theyre hoping to end this political crisis in a matter of 72 hours but it will take more than a delegation led by the former president of nigeria Goodluck Jonathan to make that happen although with him accompanying him is the head of the Constitutional Court of togo and been there to help out and to ease the deadlock that there is at the institutional level at the government level in mali because at stake here is also the outcome of the parliamentary election that happened in april an election that took place and the corona Virus Outbreak where there was a historic low turnout only 10 percent of the population came out and vote and voted and yet the ruling party won most of the vote 30 of those ballots have been contested by this demonstrators and this protest movement who are calling for the National Assembly all together to be dissolved because some of the members that were elected are close allies if not related to president his son karim kaita was elected in parliament the president of the National Assembly that was recently nominated is his son father in law and so what the demonstrators are denouncing is is is the way that. Is ruling the country the corruption that comes out of it and the fact that he has been so slow to reform the political system that he had promised to do so when he was brought into power so a lot at stake here with a meeting of the echo os but many commentators that weve spoken to say its too late its too late its too little too late. Lets not forget as well and they can see 11 People Killed and nearly 200 in the days of unrest in mali tell us about the memorials that were taking place today. Well yet today was a day of prayer and it is still day of National Civil disobedience as this movement calls it and so we saw crowds of people gathering inside of mosque and ive been to mosque it holds about 100 people there were thousands of people there paying tribute to some of the people that were killed during this this protest among them 15 year old who was shot in the head inside mahmoud ecos mosque or 24 year old house. Who was hit by a stray bullet these are live ammunitions that were shot against protesters that were demonstrating peacefully now the government deployed a Commando Force normally used against armed groups and used it to quell the demonstrators now the Prime Minister today went out to visit and pay to pay their respects of those that were injured because of the deployment of such force and he apologized to the nation for for for this and has called for an investigation of course during the talks that took place between echo was and the leaders of the demonstrators one of the demonstrators one of the leaders said for for us to have a discussion 1st and foremost there has to be an investigation put forward independently on the use of force against peaceful demonstrators so the situation here is still very much tense Goodluck Jonathan is expected to leave tomorrow and expected to give out his or make a recommendation not before meeting with you brian burke our kate just in time kemal because with the latest on the situation in mali thank you. Turkeys president has criticized about the u. A. E. And egypt for their role in supporting the libyan war after egypts president sisi has threatened to arm the tribal leaders who backed hasta which. Sisi says his country would support for says if tripolis government and its turkish allies renewed their assault on the city of sirte. The steps taken by egypt in libya and its support to half show that egypt is entering an illegal approach also the government in particular is behaving like a pirate through supporting the coup with large quantities of arms and and this indicates the position of the 2 countries in libya there is the legitimate government of iraq on one hand and on the other hand there is a regime while most libyans deal with the violence of war one city has found relative stability allowing the local economy there to thrive it is the mediterranean city of misrata east of the capital tripoli with the reputation of being the safest place in the be a right now trying to has our report these are the kind of images which 1st come to mind when people think about libya most western countries advise their citizens to stay away because of fighting and insecurity but. The city of misrata is unlike anywhere else in the country and is regarded as the safest city he rents out this beach to families looking to escape the stress of conflict. The safest city in the country many people are now moving here from outside who come to visit from tripoli to get away from the destruction have to live behind this government owned beach resort in misrata has been closed for years. The internationally recognized government in tripoli recently leased it to private investors. And after a year of renovations its now been reopened but. Todays or grand opening in all of our rooms are booked we have 205 rooms 5 restaurants people came from all over the country especially from tripoli. G. N. A. T. Officials say more than 125000 homes were destroyed and warlord Khalifa Haftar has failed attempt to capture the capital some people who have lost the roof over their heads are now moving to misrata creating a boost in the housing market. Is overseeing this residential project the company he works for is building 120 homes on the outskirts of misrata he says home buyers are already interested but there was. Misrata is growing and we believe theres an opportunity in the market that we can take advantage of this project is unlike others because we have wide streets a park and a supermarket for the residents of misrata so fierce fighting in the revolution that led to the fall of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 but since then the former rebel stronghold has been untouched by the warring sides enjoying relative stability and Economic Growth its a rare glimpse of the potential libya has if and when the fighting eventually ends traina aljazeera misrata police in southwest iran have dispersed protesters are angry at the ailing economy and death sentences for 3 demonstrators in similar unrest last year Security Forces fired tear gas in the city of. Internet access was disrupted as well as demonstrators shared videos of the rally online judges on tuesday up held the execution of 3 men arrested last year. Now a government appointed a commission in india says police failed to protect muslims during the riots earlier this year 53 people mostly muslim were killed and many injured during the worst violence in delhi for decades mosques and religious schools were attacked during protests against the citizenship law critics say the law is discriminatory and flouts indias secular constitution so its come from the delis Minority Commission report which is muslims and their homes their shops vehicles all selectively targeted during the rioting in northeast early in february and the State Government hasnt done enough to help victims the Minorities Commission says it collected multiple witness testimonies who described Police Failure to intervene or just not arriving at all despite being called repeatedly and its as Police Charged muslims for the violence even though they were the worst hit the delhi Police Reject the allegations of bias and they formed 3 special Investigation Teams remain open to receive complaints and to talk more about this with senior journalist and political commentator and saadi whos on skype from new delhi now. A i reports like this on the one hand it was commissioned by the government but i guess the government can decide what to do with it is one and it could decide just to ignore the findings. Well certainly they can do that they have preceded us where in the past Minorities Commissions have have filed a report in fact and quite a commissions ordered and instituted by the government have filed reports which have been ignored this is this do it is the mind of his commission is a statutory body its it can only recommend it to recommend its recommendations are not binding on the government and if the past is anything to go by i fear that this will just be ignored and after sometime consigned to the last the report is critical specifically of the police. Is that something the government does the police come directly under government control in india well certainly it does. The police in delhi comes under the control of the Central Government and the reports of zillion dykes to delhi police have been complicit of abetting in classes if losing to file f. I. O. S. Delaying finally goes for 5 hours and in certain cases abetting the rioters from going off to minorities and therefore it is hugely embarrassing to the Capitol Police and issues to be embarrassing to the government is run but its a its a 1000000. 00 question as to where the government will act on this my fear like i said earlier is that it will choose to ignore it is done sorry i think its actually worth just pulling back a little bit for viewers who may not remember the story or may not be familiar with the situation there and actually address the issue of why most people would have been attacked in the 1st place in india. Well the on the back from the back story to this is that the these riots happened soon after the delhi elections and in the aftermath of the protests launched largely by muslims but joined in by other communities as well against the citizenship Amendment Act which the government was very keen on which the government at the time was determined on promulgating large sections of people. Rose up in protest in delhi and across the country and after some time to be chippy cited the threat and it was given a Community Government was given into worse as muslim gullah which was not the case so one dead after delhi elections were held and the and the b. G. P. Was roundly defeated days after that these acts took place and as the report says diva these happened immediately after missed a couple mishra the ranking leader of the b. G. P. In delhi gave a fighting speech and a Delhi Police Commissioners office he no officer was standing by his side but did precious little to stop them and sorry a pleasure talking to you thank you for joining us my pleasure. Still ahead few on the we will hear the latest from beijing as the rhetoric with the United States is ramped up and the challenges increase for chinas president also a suspect in a major mexico criminal investigation is back to the country to face charges a level of support for mexico city and in sport the limping president says athletes may yet be allowed to flex their political muscles at next years tokyo games. Hello there yes more hot and dry weather throughout much of the middle east but to the south it is a bit of a different story lots of cloudy can see history being towards these coastal areas of oman and sure enough the rain is coming in with that area of low pressure in fact at times this rain today very widespread but also really quite heavy we could have some localized flash floods to the south of there wanted to showers across into yemen but the system is on its way but meanwhile on saturday the winds are fairly light not as much sons and sometimes has not quite as high however on sunday it has changed 50 celsius in baghdad the winds are stronger 40 and in fact the temperature is lower in doha but that could also make things feel a lot more humid that ray will begin to push away from amman in the south and work its way across into yemen so again here we could have some localized flash flooding then down into Southern Africa most secure a fine across into south africa want to see more showers continuing to impact these eastern areas of madagascar and a very strong. These rains really pushing up into mozambique but also across towards involve way and youll see the direction of the arrows and those showers they will take their showers all the way up towards the coast of somalia meanwhile very heavy rain across central areas the gulf of guinea and then to the fall south cooler imported. The politics of division have pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i am afraid to be closing on the minority of media afraid of where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more than news how much people try to send a close fitting into school a happy family or the only people to join me opticians us here on the final part of my journey when i to become a target of the hindu 1st policy in search of indias soul an aljazeera what is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor of chocolates hearts of darkness and counters unpatrolled labor is working in a 100000000000. 00 industry well over a huff of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line. Coming soon. This is the news are from aljazeera and these are the top stories a you leaders are meeting in brussels for the 1st time in months to negotiate some sort of covert 19 Recovery Plan the rescue package costs near to 860000000000 dollars but talks so far have ended in deadlock the governor of the u. S. State of georgia is urging people to wear a mask for 4 weeks to help stop the spread of coronavirus but he says he wont support making it mandatory because that is on and forcible the u. S. Has reported more than 70000. 00 cases in 24 hours which is unfortunately new records and hospitals in brazil are struggling to cope with the worlds 2nd biggest outbreak there are concerns a lack of testing is left many infections on or should be indias become the 3rd country to record more than a 1000000 cases. Want to look more at the situation in brazil weve got all of us dont go with us on skype from sao paulo. Want to talk to you about these developing countries and how they deal with the pandemic i should point out all of a professor of International Relations that from the south at the vatican in brazil so the challenges are that there are huge populations medical systems which were probably already under pressure or maybe not up to top sounded in the 1st place and then this swarm of cases that comes in and just keeps going i mean it was it was never going to be easy in these countries. Well absolutely i think brazil is actually a case that shows the difficulty despite having in urban areas a fairly developed Health System in rule areas it has been very very difficult large swaths of the country where it takes hours and hours to to reach an intensive care unit so and also a you know a system that makes it very difficult for people to stay at home a lot of people work in the informal economy so despite being aware of the risk of leaving a lot of people in brazil and across the developing world have to work during the day to be able to eat at night and you know debates about basic income etc are just ramping up but theres still not a structure in place to allow people to actually respect all the social distancing measures particularly in slums for example where people have to leave the house for example have access to water so do you think even if they had been stronger direction from the top if we look at brazils case where president both sonora said it was the sniffles basically and he ended up getting it ironically even if they had been Stronger Leadership it may not have changed the situation simply because well people have got to eat. Well certainly developing countries are struggling more because the Health System is weaker because you know poor people as youre saying they have to work but in particular in brazils case i think the response has been even less coordinated than in other places when you look at the number of deaths in brazil over 70000. 00 and many many more per capita than than in other countries like argentina peru which have taken a more scientific approach so i think bed still makes a difference to flatten the curve in brazil i think theres an aggravating factor that because the president doesnt want to take responsibility hes basically saying im against social distancing measures in order to be able to blame the economic crisis 6 months or a year from now and those who have defended the social distancing measures and because hes minimizing the crisis i think a lot of brazilians are unaware of the risk and theres a big debate about whether you know the president has uncovered a potential conspiracy against him and cetera so the idea of you know not having a minister of help in the midst of the crisis and this strategy of constant minimization certainly makes commenting on the crisis in brazil much more difficult than in other developing countries that have taken a more responsible approach on the stone from pot and we really appreciate your thoughts thank you for joining us thank you the restrictions of coming to force in israel because of a surgeon to run a virus infections Public Places moles tourist sites things that you know closed on the weekends and theres a limit on social gatherings but indoors and out Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is handling all of the emergency has provoked mass protests. British airways is immediately retiring its entire fleet of boeing 7470 as the coronavirus devastates travel to mound the Worlds Largest passenger operate out of the jumbo jet it has 31. 00 of them made the announcement 4 years earlier than planned the company says the decision comes with Great Sadness after more than 50 years in the air for the jet like many other airlines the b. A. Is switching to smaller fuel efficient jets with only 2 engines run on the 4. Refugee advocacy groups in australia warning of an impending crisis for Asylum Seekers many of lost their jobs and are finding it hard to make ends meet because of course the pandemic make it a gauge has a report from sydney its been a year of uncertainty for many people including jackie hadari an Asylum Seeker from the Ethnic Minority Group in afghanistan hes been a straight 2012 on a temporary protection visa but with government results is going mainly into the fight against coronavirus hes worried whether hell be able to stay in the country when hes beazer expires next year everything happens its just sort of adds up and. Stress that make you think will have an impact on my these hours or my visa process its going through that he is one of the lucky ones hes still working but just like many its trial ians migrants and Asylum Seekers also lost their job due to the pandemic and while citizens and permanent residents receive Financial Support from the Government People seeking asylum and temporary visa holders dont ultimately where leaving people to starve while leaving people to face destitution and homelessness unless the government steps in. With no Financial Support from the government has fallen on charities and sydneys Asylum Seekers Center Volunteers help pack everything from bread and milk to toiletries then use their own cars to deliver the items to families in the 1st week of the pandemic calls for help to the center tripled with many people saying they couldnt afford to buy many basic food. Bills at the moment volunteers here a saving about 1100 people every fortnight its prompted. To be included in the governments Coronavirus Program the Central Government has advised those who can no longer support themselves to consider going home that Rights Groups say thats not an option for many including those seeking. It is becoming a humanitarian crisis within a 1st country such as. What youre saying is that people with no income. And the impact of this crisis is not just limited to temporary visa holders. For its hardline approach to refugees and Asylum Seekers while from states including providing emergency financial packages advocates say Long Term Support is needed especially with a 2nd wave of quoted 19 cases approaching leaving many with an even more uncertain future weekly gauge aljazeera sydney. The former boss of mexicos state run oil company has been taken to hospital shortly after arriving home on an extradition fight spain. Is due in court to answer corruption charges from the time he was chief executive of the Company Pemex he also was a close aide of mexicos former president take opinion yet though his administration was plagued by allegations of fraud. In mexico city about the come to the politics in a moment but the actual illness ive heard or read descriptions of him being in a state of general weakness which is pretty generic isnt it when youre facing extradition. Thats about the same as weve heard from our and kemal theres been quite a bit of anticipation over the arrival of a medio aboard that extradition flight that arrived at around 600 hours local time on friday here in mexico city he was then taken to a private Medical Center here in the city as you mentioned he reported general weakness according to the report that was handed in to mexicos office of the presidency he was showing signs of anemia so thats about as much information as we have on the news of the of the hospitalization but theres the reason this is such a big story here in mexico and why theres been so much anticipation over the arrival of this extradition flight is precisely because its linked to one of the largest if not the biggest corruption political Corruption Scandals in the history of the latin american region as you mentioned immediately is a former chief executive of pemex mexicos state run oil company he is in simple terms charged with bribery with Money Laundering hes being accused of accepting millions of dollars in kickbacks and bribes from companies here in mexico as well as abroad including bread which is very much the company at the center of this International Political Corruption Scandal earlier today we did hear from mexican president and the discipline to elope is over in his Morning Press Conference where he spoke specifically about the case specifically about how the old bread scandal resulted in high level government officials in at least 3 continents being prosecuted including a former president going to jail but that didnt happen here the president says that impunity in mexico has protected those that participated that are responsible that are guilty of this International Political Corruption Scandal the president also said this morning that he believes that this case is quote continuing to cleanse the country of corruption now it was taken to a Medical Center earlier this morn. We dont believe that the condition is anything more serious than that in a general week this and anemia as was reported but little is expected in court at around noon on friday this is expected to take place behind closed doors officials here are saying or saying that this ongoing outbreak is the reason for that but has reportedly struck a deal with prosecutors where he will be turning over audio visual evidence so there is an expectation that this is just the beginning of a much larger political firestorm here in mexico come out money over a pillow in mexico city thank you beijing says the u. S. Officials of quote lost their minds and gone mad in their attacks on china shop words in response to reports the white house is considering a travel ban against members of the Chinese Communist party. I mean nobody in the United States has come out to officially clarify whether this is fake news or not but i think if this report is true then they are brazenly choosing to set themselves against 1400000000 Chinese People brazenly standing in opposition to the Chinese People who make up one 5th of the worlds population this is totally against the wishes of the people of both the United States and china so its that sort of language which demonstrates the worse than relations between china and the United States the worlds 2 largest economies are at loggerheads over so many issues trade hong kong also the ban on the Telecoms Company huawei all of that adds up to an especially challenging time for chinas president katrina your reports now from beijing. Well. From a distance chinese president xi jinping has been doing his best to make friends right now beijing needs them its facing growing International Pressure led by the u. S. Washington has imposed sanctions on chinese officials it says are committing human rights abuses in tibet its also stripped hong kong of its special economic status treating it like the rest of Mainland China a punishment says the trumpet ministration for the new National Security law it says crushes promised freedoms and autonomy. Chinas relationship with International Society and the whole was older effacing readjustment beijing is a very worry the hong kong is the most unpredictable front line in this new cold war or what chinas doing is turning hong kong into a central front lie by the naive freedom rights and democracy. The trumpet ministration is also considering barring chinas 90000000 communist Party Members from traveling to the u. S. It follows a toughening of its stance on the South China Sea ruling beijings claims to most of the territory are illegal tensions analysts warn could lead to all out confrontation china is being feels its being constantly criticized by the press by the international. Bodies by individual countries everything china does is wrong no matter what it is so this point they become less interested in why people say beijing has threatened to hit back at washington and impose sanctions on u. S. Officials and weapons company. Its called the trump administrations actions pathetic but apart from strong rhetoric has few options for retaliation. Chinas Foreign Ministry says it will fulfill its promises made under the 1st phase of a trade deal with the u. S. We will carry out the agreement but in the us some people are on reasonably and crazily pressing cornering bullying and imposing hedger monye on china and in the u. K. Beijing is calling on Chinese Companies to reconsider investments there after britain blocked chinese telecoms giant huawei from its 5 g. Network. And in chinas south millions of people have been battered by the worst flooding in decades while in the west new classes of the coronavirus have had their chest but there was one bright spot whats been a gloomy week for chinas leaders and apparent economic recovery from the pandemic with 3. 2 percent growth recorded 2022nd question between you aljazeera beijing. And while taiwans top representative in hong kong has returned home after facing whats described as unnecessary political obstacles time when hes media report the diplomat refused to sign a statement saying that taiwan is part of quote one china taiwan says its an independent democracy not part of the mainland taiwans condemned chinas imposition of the National Security law in hong kong which critics say further restricts freedom. Indias defense minister is visiting a disputed border region at the center of a disagreement with china are not saying is reviewing security in the indian administered region of ladakh it follows fighting last month between indian and chinese troops in the got one valley the 2 sides blame each other for the violence but have agreed to negotiations sports coming up in a moment and then all messi says its time for a change. After the clubs fiercest rivals when the spanish meet and he is here with that story. With the threat of richardson thank you very much come our way around madrid courage in against it and says the circumstances in which the same on the Spanish League title this season mike they achieve meant that bit extra special royal securing the title with its head straight win since the league regime after the coronavirus locked down israels 1st league title since Christian Arlo left to join you ventus a couple of seasons ago and the 1st since the down returned to manage the club. Which. Im very happy look at 1st the title was phenomenal but this ones got a special feeling after being locked up at home for 2 months and then we came back and we prepared ourselves in a different way we managed to win the Spanish League which in my opinion is the most difficult to win it but i think we did so successfully and thats based on you know a lot of sacrifices so look i dont know what to do now but im just very very happy i mean well barcelona style in all messi has reacted pretty angrily title win saying its time for change at his club if thats to be competitive next season earlier on we spoke to the spanish based football writer rick sharma. Yeah you know message reaction was really really big news because he doesnt often talk he doesnt come out and speak to the media especially after a defeat but thats what he did yesterday and when messi speak you have to listen and he wants big changes apart lona which shows you what impact it is at the club to lose the league title to real madrid who obviously theyre bitter bitter enemies especially given that when the league resumed after the 3 month break last loan were 2 points ahead it was in their hands and they threw it away they drew with severe they drew with celta vigo it drew the letter came into it and not let real madrid sweep into the lead because they have been a machine since its come back the right attitude in the right mindset was past learn as attitude as messi himself said yesterday has been very fragile he says that other teams clearly want it more than bottle only do and have more desire and passion in the way they play and that has been laid bare in the results well in seville and have revived their hopes of winning its least top division they capitalized on leaders events istra their last 2 games of beating south pole nil on thursday to win these incentives up to 2nd 6 points behind you they enter a new they have 5 games left in their seasons. Now fans may be allowed to return to watch premier league games in october test events involving other sports will start almost immediately and some spectators will be allowed to attend crickets nuc and horse racing events in england in the coming days the u. K. Government says social distancing must be observed in seating arrangements and fans may well be screened at entrances the economic also the vids and the passion so the view as includes all we so so happy to see people back to the stadium and if is impossible to have the food stay there was that we all dream we have at least difficult hope some some people will be will be able to. We have to be beijing now than we are all desperate to have our people back in the. Im a football the way it is again. Obviously we are able to. Assume the environment for everybody to come and join. My opportunity that we will be gradual olympic president thomas banks says athletes may be allowed to make political protests in next years tokyo games back insists the issue will not be discussed with competitors current rules mean athletes could be banned if they decide to for example take a knee in solidarity with the black gloves Matter Movement back also announcing hell be standing for a 2nd term as president in 2020. 4 surfings due to make its olympic debut next year but this season has officially been wiped out the World Surf League has Just Announced the cancellation of the 2020 championships or due to the covered 19 pandemic the league says its hoping to start the 2021 so in november of this year and for the 1st time will be an equal number of womens and mens events during scenes. Thank you andy. Just fine i want to go back to corona virus some of the grim statistics but we cant forget the faces of the victims mourned by their loved ones and one peruvian artist has made it his mission to immortalize their images in murals the latin American Country has the 5th highest number of covert 9000 infections in the world more than 11000 people have died daniel says hes trying to keep peoples memory alive many of the victims are difficult to say goodbye. Thanks for joining us for this news and were back in a couple of minutes time with more of the days news and. Setting the discussion we are live at times when were going to have to defend our democracies examining the headlines this is not the way to treat a my good work and its loaded with. Human explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform and motivate and inspire. The world is watching aljazeera. On counting the costs cold war true could the us bright calm calling spread to the dollar on the verge of another currency shock turkey at war in libya and syria and president putin hope to kick start the economy this year but how will you pay for his big plan. Counting the cost. In the conclusion of the 2 part series people in paris vesta gates allegations that Irish Catholic nuns facilitated the traffic of babies the church realized that babies in iowa could be sold to america a scouting quite they use and reveals shocking new evidence of how and where religious orders disposed of those who died breaking torn in the system like this one church and state are collude to keep the church from coming helps islands mother in baby scandal on aljazeera. If you want to help save the worlds. Sneeze and your own. Millions of people infected with corona virus in india and brazil again raising alarms about containing the pandemic in the developing world. Hello again im come all sons of maria here in doha with the world news from al jazeera but when you wear a mask you have more respect mixed messaging in the u. S. The issue of where the mosque should be mandatory and public takes center stage. Also were on a Security Patrol in the philippines the country work

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