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On Katherine Floyd and the messiah is out in south in kenya and lives of thousands would have been on making the annual migration of the new tourist to see them ill be telling you why. Thank you for joining us we begin in hong kong where an ongoing political crisis is deepening further the territorys leader has invoked emergency loss to postpone Septembers Legislative Council election by a full year kerry lamb cited coronavirus size of reason for the d. N. A. This comes after beijing imposed a Controversial National security law on hong kong and is a major blow to the citys prodemocracy movement the opposition had said such a move would amount to a power grab so youre gonna get your thing the announcement i have to make today is the most difficult decision ive made in the past 7 months the Legislative Council general election is held every 4 years which is really a tough decision to deliberate but we want to ensure fairness we want to ensure Public Safety and health. As for individual pollen in hong kong for as diddy as expected carry lamb announcing a delay in Septembers Legislative Council vote tell us more about how shes justifying this decision and whens of all going to happen now thats right she hasnt fixed particularly said when that vote is going to happen yet but they had been building up to this announcement over the past week or so saying that the hong kongs increase in corona virus infections would be. Irresponsible to hold these elections under the Current Situation but opposite the opposition says some critics say that hong kong has always been quite successfully been able to contain its coronavirus outbreaks its been successfully able to keep the city going up until recently and also you know more than 40 countries of the world have held elections jury a pandemic far worse than hong kong has been facing so there are many questions as to why this issue was made and why it was made right now she justified it by saying that its been a very tough position to make and that the citys safety was her 1st and foremost priority and that the Central Government gave her the full backing she said that you know she had the support of the Central Government in beijing for making this decision and this is not going down well with the opposition i imagine some of them had already been disqualified from the voting coding joshua wang were they what are they likely to do next. Thats right and that part of the issue here is any delay more than 2 weeks it is against hong kongs constitution which means that it would require beijing to step in and supersede the workings of hong kongs government and so that is causing a lot of concern and also in the run up to these elections as he had said are all right up to today in fact yesterday 12. d candidates prodemocracy candidates a very popular project mark as the candidates were disqualified and that includes joshua one hes one of hong kongs best known prodemocracy activist he expressed his anger and dismay at the delay his disqualifications and said that this is this is being politically motivated and has little to do with the governments concern for the city heres what he had to say beyond and it is the most scandalous Election Fraud ever in hong kong history they could this qualify us they could arrest every was into jail they could even call of the election create a Puppet Parliament elsewhere just gather with beijing loyalists however long of this overturn the strong mandate for modest 600000 hong kong has passed the bill its the citys 1st ever primaries early this month i will voice is clear allowed to the world by over. Now the prodemocracy can say that in the run up to these elections and particularly after last years protests there gained a lot of traction and support and for the 1st time they could have won a majority in these elections and that would be a huge concern for the current Hong Kong Government and also for beijing because that means that they would have undue influence in the inner workings of hong kong and activists like joshua wang and the other candidates say this was their primary reason for not only their disqualifications but also the delay of these elections thank you for that diego palin in hong kong less discussed is further now with emily lizzy chairperson of the International Affairs committee of the Democratic Party of hong kong and joins us via skype now thank you so much mr for speaking to us whats your reaction to the election being delayed. Well i guess its expected because it has been floating around in the media for quite a while but of course i. Carry lamb she said its done on Health Grounds but only yesterday the government had appointed for medical doctors and go francis as experts and yesterday one of the experts said they have not met with the administration for 3 weeks so if they make such an important decision on medical and Health Grounds how come the medical and Health Experts have not been consulted i find thats a rages and need only people that she quoted was the electro Affairs Commission the people who helped to organize the election and they expressed concern which is fair enough but where are the go and carry lamb is the press conferences still going on now and she kept saying its a medical health and health issue nothing political but who is she trying to full. Hour delay is not unprecedented globally weve seen at least some 60 countries and territories around the wall postponing elections because of coronavirus what makes you think that this is politically motivated is there Something Else you think. Well because the Political Parties associated with jane and their people have been saying for quite a number of weeks that they dont saying that you lection should be held because they have strayed at the balloon because. Last year we had a district count so election which is a local election and they lost it was a landslide a complete landslide by the pen democrats so they afraid it will happen again in september so they were all saying oh yeah then the pandemic is very bad a cancel the election the election thats what theyve been saying people always saying its not hence the reason its political reasons right and now kerry lamb came out and said no not political its held i think its quite laughable the Hong Kong Government is reportedly considering asking chinas fundament now to extend current lawmakers terms for a year to allow for an election would that be something acceptable to you well we are inviting beijing to interfere again because we are unable to have to solve the problem that the government has created and so if they extend it for one year where is the parliament with the Legislative Council in the coming 13 months will be only meet when they are someone who they actually can act as a legislator to have their own proposal and not you know and then what about that the next Legislative Council which will be elected in september next year because our constitution set it should so 4 years so raging is not changing all the rule is changing all of that lois turning everything on its head its a big assault on the rule of mole. Sometimes prodemocracy candidates had already been disqualified from the voting today in joshua one of course for reasons including perceived service of intentions opposition to the National Security law and. You know a number of other issues if and when this vote is held in a year how confident are you that the process will be a fair one well of course if these people are still in charge that means carry laws so then i guess the situation will only get worse but as we speak i see the news flash on the screen that the director of Public Prosecution of the Justice Department has resigned because he cannot agree with the secretary with justice i think thats a good sign i hope the good people working in the administration if they see things are going too far i think they should pack up and they should tell the hong kong people and the world that they will not then they will not could loot with this administration to suppress the peoples right to democracy to human rights and the rule of law thank you very much for talking to us miss emily lau chairperson of the International Affairs committee for the Democratic Party of hong kong and indeed breaking news just now or it is news agency reporting that hong kongs director of Public Prosecutions david long has resigned from his post thank you for speaking to us thank you. In other world news vietnam which hadnt reported a single covered 1000. 00 related deaths now has its 1st a 70 year old man in denying city vietnam has reported a daily high of 45. 00 new cases to being virus free for a month more than 90 people have been infected with the virus in the past week all have been connected to the same hospital into non minister has warned that outbreaks are now possible across the country is in bangkok in neighboring thailand and has more on how vietnam has handled this latest outbreak. The nagging was the site of this new wave theyre calling it the 3rd wave of vietnamese officials last weekend and what weve been seeing since then has been really kind of the way vietnam has handled has been looked at as a Success Story in this situation with covidien containing covert 1900 because what they have done is they have they quickly shut down denying as quickly as they could and they evacuated tens of thousands of vacationers they were really kind of encouraging Domestic Tourism because of the ailing economy there like many countries here in Southeast Asia and around the world so what they did 1st was to evacuate tens of thousands and then they shut down effectively shut down the nagging at they sent in a special team and a 1000 Additional Health care workers to demand to control the spread of where we see have seen the beginning of this new wave it was unfortunate there was the 1st death related to covert 19 announced but what some good news coming in after and this goes to what i was saying 21000 people in one ois who were in the neighing have already been tested and tested negative they will still have to self quarantine for the next 2 weeks but that is actually a good news at the beginning of some good news because theyve already done some testing very quickly and they were able to determine that some of those people coming out of the neighing didnt take infected in taking it to other parts of vietnam we do know that there have been at least one or 2 cases in one way theres concern about who cimon city the 2nd largest city in vietnam because a lot of people were in dining went back to him and so right now theyre really focused on Contact Tracing and try to contain any section of possibly came out as an egg. The u. K. Meanwhile has imposed new restrictions in parts of Northern England and infections under the new measures people from different households are being asks not to meet indoors it will affect more than 4000000 people the area has a large Muslim Population and the restrictions coincide with the. Holiday. Have a full impact of months of cold in 1000 knockdowns and limitations on trade in euro zone countries is being revealed figures just really show the eurozone has shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months thats the biggest drop on record for the block of 1000. 00 nations spain is the hardest hit its economy shrinking by 18 and a half percent italy and portugal have also seen big downturns european leaders are trying to counter the effects with massive stimulus packages that both national and e. U. Level that includes an 850000000000. 00 Recovery Fund our economics editor breaks it down for us. They are terrible numbers i mean this has really crushed any. Reshape recovery which some people in the markets and some economists were kind of predicting so thats the at the window right now and much of the recovery really depends on governments now in the United States obviously you know the come to the end dont want to miss craven which was quickly top 3 trillion dollars and in new york they have into it going to be to use in this new stings that you we just spoke about which is the 750000000000 euro and so that should help the economy in europe and theres a lot of money shifting away from the u. S. Markets im going to want europe and that can be seen in the dollar euro. Comparison which shows that the dollar has formed by 6 percent in probably the last month or so so theres real theres theres real hope that europe will make a stronger recovery because its healthy response to the Health Crisis was a lot better than what the United States has done and the u. S. Now we has to step up and they have to come through with another stimulus package possibly one trillion to 2 trillion dollars to really help the u. S. Economy because u. S. Economy is really useful and helpful to the rest of the world because when it rises it lifts all other counties with it because it sucks in imports so if you take take a look at germany h. M. T. German exports are poor and priced 16 percent to the United States so. You can see that the United States is really crucial to any kind of recovery youre president of the well being jobless numbers really low and thats because they have these. Programs. In process right now which are keeping about 26000000 people in jobs you might otherwise have made on point so this seems less its really important and Consumer Confidence still ahead on aljazeera. Money as it has about a lot of the cost of nobody will read this and then worry that breaks it will deny them access to water has destroyed our livelihoods. How low the rains the seasonal rains about as far north as theyre going to get was significant and how and this is larry of cloud here is going to be the next development over the yellow sea spreading across into the Korean Peninsula giving as you can see from the our in chart a spell again the fairly heavy rain not so much for the sas certainly for the north and that means the part for a few showers japan is a largely dry paced place and back in china although there are plenty of showers around its nothing like as intense as it was along the yangtze or even the yellow river basin but its still wet however look further south and come into Southern China part of big circulation sas china sea there is right its going to be a wet couple of days in hong kong but go beyond that to be honest. Equally we still got fairly frequent showers in the far north of india nepal bhutan back up to northern pakistan feeding the head waters of the still flooded braga as an example but all the rivers that come out through bangladesh are still full or over full monsoon rain is still showing itself all the way down the Western Ghats and right up to raja stan as well so we are in full flow of the monsoon rains the story in the middle east although went in southwest saudi and western yemen is off the heat it was 53. 00 yesterday in iraq. But. Kidnappings and murders in crimea says russias forced an extension of the black sea finnish. I dont understand why its called now. Scores of crimean to toss have been arrested tortured and killed. Most believe by Russian Security forces. Crimea russias dark secret on aljazeera. The end of the war. And watching al jazeera live from doha with me for the back to a reminder of our top stories hong kongs leader carrier has postponed Septembers Legislative Council election for a year in a major blow to the prodemocracy count she described it as the hardest decision shes made in months and cited coronavirus as a reason that opposition politicians say the decision is politically motivated. Yet noms now reported its 1st quote of our staff after being virus free for months the victim was an elderly man in demand city where the fire is screaming in Melbourne Australia hundreds more cases where recorded on friday despite 3 weeks of long down. And the eurozone has shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months because of the pandemic as the biggest drop on record for the block of 19 nations spain is the hardest hit country. By july 31st says british Prime Minister Boris Johnson selfimposed deadline to have the outline of a break sit trade deal but a no deal breaks it is still looming because britain and the e. U. Remain at loggerheads on various key issues the e. U. Wants one comprehensive deal not just on trade britain sees that as an attempt to keep it tied more closely to europe than it wants and is seeking a series of separate agreements the e. U. Insists that if the u. K. Wants to carry free access to the European Market it must commit to obeying certain even laws britain says those demands are unreasonable fishing rights is a major Sticking Point british fishermen want full access to the. Get in return boats want to continue to fish in u. K. Waters british negotiators say that same possible while french fishermen are threatening to stop british fisherman from getting their catches into shops in the 2nd in our series on tasha butler reports from normandy in northern france. Heading into the English Channel off the coast of normandy the picturesque cobber of poor all receding into the distance the cloud has worked as a fisherman for 30 years hes passionate about his job but scared for his future because of breaks it he worries that if britain and the e. U. Fail to reach a deal by the end of the year french fishermen like him could be barred from fishing in waters off the u. K. Coast. Or were scared because u. K. Waters represent 40 to 60 percent of our revenue so for us it would be catastrophic its. For decades french fishermen have fished legally in waters off britain where fish are abundant british fishermen have the same rights off the french coast where they mainly gather shellfish drums father was a fisherman his brother runs a Seafood Restaurant fishing links generations being denied access to u. K. Waters would be particularly devastating to the fisherman from the normandy coast because so many of the boats like this one off family owned and run Small Businesses and that is why so many of the fishermen here say that they wont give up their livelihoods without a fight to curb record with the need to british export some 70 percent of their fish to the e. U. Well if we get to december 31st and they throws out of their waters then we will block our ports stop the ferries no british boats reach french soil the french and british fishermen have clashed before in 2018 around over scholarships flared up a c. Is fishy representative says of the u. K. s reliance on the e. U. As an export market and is a valuable bargaining card in brics in negotiations but hes not necessarily a winning hand. With the e. U. Market needs fish imports or france imports 80 percent of the seafood it consumes so we need u. K. Fish so although we can pressure the british and threaten tariffs on board. Controls is not a long Term Solution because. They need to finish. Ties between britain and france run deep on this coast where the d. Day landings took place in the 2nd world war the 2 countries were united against enemy powers few here want the fishing dispute to sour relations with an historic partner but unless britain and france can break the stalemate in the brigs it fishing dispute and reach a compromise that works for both sides frances fisherman say theyll be forced to use whatever tactics they can to battle for their survival natasha aljazeera. Normandy the u. S. State of florida is reporting a Record Number of covered 19 deaths for the 3rd straight day and the other 253 people have died with nearly 10000 new cases florida is one of the worst hit states but its republican governor refuses to impose widespread lockdowns. To chile now where long queues are forming outside banks says millions of customers withdraw billions of dollars now dipping into their Pension Funds to help them get through the tough times of the pandemic a lot of america at its embassy in human reports from santiago. On the 1st day the chileans were allowed to withdraw up to 10 percent of their Retirement Savings and flown to a spinor south wasted no time queuing outside of his private Pension Fund Office get the money i dont like to dip into my pension but we cant depend on the government for everything so i want to access my own money especially since the private Pension Funds have filled their pockets at our expense for decades but nothing is more unpopular in chile than the mandatory a. F. P. s or private Retirement Funds which with rare exceptions deliver what most describe a starvation pensions. The a. F. P. s were untouchable to last week when Congress Approved a landmark constitutional amendment allowing people to access some of their contributions for the next year but if they did my 5 been on medical leave since march and i havent received any government benefits im not getting my full wages to pay for my medicine and my upcoming surgery so this is very necessary for me. Outside of this fund mainly migrants queued for hours to ask for a password to access their accounts many of them a haitians out of work and desperate for cash. I have no work anymore but after keeping the rent eating and buying necessities without money youre conscious of i think the moment the process is supposed to be totally online so that people wont have to queue especially under the lockdown thats still in force in most of the country but with more than a 1000000 people trying to access their money simultaneously on just the 1st day the process is painfully slow as im finding out right here in some cases the funds web pages have crashed completely or in this case it says. There are more than a 1065000 people ahead of me. Whether its in line or on line people are being told to be patient something not so easy when resorting to your life savings has become your only option and see a new bin al jazeera sent out. Now one of the natural wonders of the world is underway in east africa the annual migration of hundreds of thousands of wild beasts but im like normally few tourists are seeing the journey from kenya tanzania this years Katherine Sawyer reports on the game reserve the pandemic is already costing kenya 800000000. 00 in lost tourism revenue. Travelling from the serengeti in tanzania a heart of gold at least crosses the sunday we buy into the messiah Mara Game Reserve in kenya and the next month nearly a 1000000 of this moment will be here this is one of unescos wonders of the world and on the back at least of many lovers whats missing tourists because of khalid 19 the must sign mara one of the top tourist destinations of the world is empty this. Has been in the Tourism Industry for 3 decades he says his never seen anything like this of north walk for the last 4 months this is my 4th year it was last year i mean for sure theres no. I mean not even i mean this in general i was already booked for July August September at this time of the high Season Hotels and lodges at the mara would normally be booked to capacity going through this is a twin but of more than 200 hotels only a few are open its a very big loss to us now because of the stuff lost their jobs. And we have no idea when people will come back again to work the world the beasts come to kenya for pasture and to meet by october theyll be returning to tanzania this is part of the heart of world the best we saw crossing into kenya from tanzania and weve been told many others are on their way and people who know the masai mara well have also told us there right now would be among hundreds of other tourists eagerly waiting to witness the spectacular migration being here about ourselves is quite surreal government Officials Say the country has lost about 800000000. 00 in revenue and most of the 2000000. 00 employees in tourism have lost their jobs so there is now a big push to encourage kenyans and foreigners here to visit parks like the mara and coastal beaches we must prepare with us as government must see develop some. Protocols with some of our traditional markets just to assure them of the safety of those closed. Assure them that as we know they are tested before they come and when they come here as government we must have all these people where. Kenya is preparing to reopen its airspace for International Travelers many communities are hoping this will mean more tories but they also know with the threat of coronavirus it could take many months or even years for tourism here to fully recover catherine soy oil jazeera masai mara southern kenya. Its a 3rd day of the hygiene saudi arabia coinciding with the festival there have been unprecedented restrictions in mecca because of the coronavirus more than 2000000. 00 muslims from around the world normally make the annual pilgrimage this year pilgrims from abroad are banned then only around a 1000 saudi nationals and Foreign Residents are allowed to attend. And hundreds of muslims have been attending each prayers in turkey is higher sophia which has just been converted back from a museum to a mosque landmark was built as a cathedral 1500 years ago almost a 1000 years later it was turned into a mosque then a museum in 1904 a court ruling over all that changed though the decision has sparked Widespread International criticism. So again im 40 battle with the headlines on al jazeera hong kongs leader carry law has postponed Septembers Legislative Council election for a year dealing a major blow to the prodemocracy camp opposition politicians had been expecting the move which they say amounts to a power grab from beijing so you cannot get your thing the annoyance i have to make today is the most difficult decision ive made in the past 7 months the Legislative Council general election is held every 4 years it is really a tough decision to deliver it but we want to ensure fairness we want to ensure Public Safety and health. Palin has more from hong kong. They had been building up to this announcement over the past week or so saying that hong kongs increase in corona virus infections would be. Irresponsible to hold these elections under the Current Situation but opposite the opposition says and critics say that hong kong has always been quite successfully been able to contain its coronavirus outbreaks its been successfully able to keep the city going up until recently and also you know more than 40 countries of the world have held elections jury a pandemic far worse than hong kong has been facing vietnam which hadnt reported a single 1000. 00 related deaths now has its 1st a 70 year old man in the non more than 1000 people have been infected with the virus in the past week or have been connected to the same hospital in demand city. The u. K. Has imposed new restrictions in parts of Northern England after a surgeon called 1000 infections under the new measures people from different households have being asked not to me to endorse it so affects more than 4000000 people the euro zone has shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months because of the pandemic thats the biggest drop on record for the bloc of 1000 nations spain is the hottest state those on the headlines coming up next the bottom line stay with us. Hi im Steve Clements and i have a question are china and the United States headed for a new cold war or is it going to be a hot war lets get to the bottom line. The downward spiral began years ago but in the last few days it has really sunk to new lows following a pattern of kneejerk tip for tat ism washington just shut down chinas consulate in texas last week and in response beijing shutdown americas consulate in chengdu thousands of chinese watched as the u. S. Flag was lowered from that former diplomatic post as part of americas full court press secretary of state mike pompei it gave a speech ask

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