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Elections for a year with the blame laid on the pandemic. Zimbabwe sends out the military to enforce a ban on antigovernment protests in dozens of people around. Im catherine soy. And found the kenya where hundreds of thousands of depends on making that on your migration then more tourists to see them ill be telling you why. Im joining us trust her with the sports as more teens report positive current virus cases strain the Major League Baseball season into jeopardy. So once in a Century Health crisis thats how the head of the World Health Organization is now describing the coronavirus pandemic director general total scarborough yesus has told a meeting of its Emergency Committee that the effects will be felt for decades his comments were made as u. S. Health officials were facing congress over the response to the virus that the countrys top Infectious Disease expert says he is now hopeful that a vaccine by early next year well the pandemic has left the eurozone reeling from its largest economic drop on raw. Called despite the reduction affecting the entire blog Member States remain divided on how to address the crisis and restrictions have been reimposed in parts of Northern England after a rise in infections that scotland has even warned its citizens not to travel to parts of the country unless absolutely necessary or it will have more on the situation in europe in just a few minutes for instance towards mike hanna whos in washington d. C. And be monitoring. The Health Officials facing congress over the government response to the virus there so what have they been hearing. Welnick essentially right from the beginning it became a very political hearing indeed the chairman of the committee a democrat saying that the purpose of this hearing is to create a National Program that prior art of prioritizes science over politics immediately we heard from the ranking republican member insisting that President Trump has provided a program demonstrating a whole series of notes that were in fact guidelines issued by bodies like the centers for Disease Control so certainly it has been a contentious hearing to date and a dramatic moment when the chair of the committee. James why cliff produced a set of graphs which show the massive discrepancy between the level of infection in europe as opposed to the United States showing the massive peak in the United States while the trend in europe went dramatically down now clearly President Trump is watching this hearing in real time because as that graph went out and President Trump was treating out and this is what he had to say somebody please tell congressman clyburn who doesnt have a clue that the chart he put up indicating more cases for the u. S. And europe is because we do much more testing than any other country in the world if we had no testing or bad testing we would show a very few cases well dr to me fine. She was asked about those particular graphs and he said look at the conflicts. In terms of these different reactions or different developments in the in the spread of the disease but he said specifically that what happened right at the beginning of the pandemic europe shut down 95 percent the United States shut down some 50 percent of its capacity then he continued a number of the 50 states did not respond appropriately opened up too early so there are a myriad of details why the spike within the United States but certainly no reference whatsoever to the spike in the United States occurring because of more testing in fact Health Experts contending its very much the opposite theres not enough testing going on and also cautiously optimistic that a safe and as you put it effective vaccine could be available in the near future. Well dr quality spoke about 3 different platforms that are under development at the moment talking about how they are working together collaborating both in terms of the source data and in terms of their results he expressed optimism very cautious optimism about one of these platforms which is now in its final stage trials that too will now go to be tested among a group of some 30000. 00 people dr fox is saying that the initial 1st and 2nd phases of this particular vaccine were promising he says that there could be results within the next few months perhaps before the end of the year but touching it very very carefully this is what doctors had to say. The response that was induced was really quite favorable and as ive said often and ill repeat it for the record now theres never a guarantee that youre going to get a safe and effective vaccine but from everything weve seen now in the animal data as well as the early human data we feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021. Well dr poetry was also extensively grilled by republican congressman jim jordan who constantly awestruck to fox you with the protests should be outlawed given that crowds spread the virus dr fox he would not be drawn on this at all repeatedly on swearing that any form of crowd without a mosque is dangerous he is not going to apply in on the nature of the crowds but he would recommend generally against being careful in crowds that schildt the committee then came to talk to fire chiefs defense being put in an awkward position by congressman jordan saying that crowds are a generic jeanette general whether they are crowds of protesters or crowds of those who attend political rallies without mosques so certainly theres a lot of contention in this hearing and as i said right from the beginning it is already politically divided in terms of what is actually happening mike thanks very much indeed my kind in washington d. C. Well lets head east across the atlantic to europe and a closer look at how the pandemic has hurt the euro zones economy i can tell you its shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months thats the biggest drop on record for the bloc of 19 nations spain being the hardest hit its economy contracted by 18 and a half percent italy and portugal have also seen big downturns european leaders trying to counter the effects with massive stimulus packages at both national and e. U. Level and that includes an 850000000000. 00 Recovery Fund our economics editor abbott ali breaks it all down for us. They are terrible numbers i mean this has really crushed any. Reshape recovery which some people in the markets and some economists were kind of predicting so thats the at the at the window right now and much of the recovery really depends on governments now in the United States obviously you know that come to the end of one Stimulus Program which was it quickly to 3 trillion dollars and in your they have into it going to be to use in this new stimulus that you we just spoke about which is the 7 a 50000000000 euro and so that should help the economy in europe and base a lot of money shifting away from the u. S. Markets and going to once europe and that can be seen in the dollar euro. Comparison which shows that the dollar has formed by 6 percent in probably the last month or so so theres real theres theres real hope that europe will make a stronger recovery because its healthy response to the Health Crisis was a lot better than what the United States has done and the u. S. Now we has to step up and they have to come through with another stimulus package possibly one trillion to 2 trillion dollars to really help the u. S. Economy because u. S. Economy is really useful and helpful to the rest of the world because when it rises it lifts all other counties with it because it sucks in imports so if you take take a look at germany h. M. T. German exports supported by 16 percent to the United States so. You can see that the United States is really crucial to any kind of recovery your president rather well keeping the jobless numbers really low you and thats because they have these. Programs. In process right now which are keeping about 26000000 people in jobs who might otherwise have been made to any point so this its really important and Consumer Confidence all right lets across the general who joins us now from oldham which is near manchester and join absurd local lock downs a new measures have been announced by the Prime Minister to extend to these reflects concerns about a 2nd wave which could be about to hit. Yet local lock down instructions have come into place at midnight last night here in parts of Northern England where i am around the Greater Manchester area also parts of east lancashire West Yorkshire leicester and so on affecting some 4000000 people in this part of the country but also further measures announced by the Prime Minister expanded mandatory mask wearing a rollback reduced a freeze on further easing of restrictions that had been due to take place on saturday and he made those announcements in a press conference a couple of a couple of hours ago i think reflecting concern about the possible onset of a 2nd wave although careful to say that were not quite there yet but possibly not far behind countries like france and spain just across the water who are seek steep rises in their infection rates and he and the chief medical officer making the point that there is a delicate balance to be struck between reopening the economy while maintaining stable falling infection rates and the moment that balance tips in the other direction is the moment to put the brakes on the sea said in that moment it seems is now the Prime Minister warning that we cannot be complacent we have to act rapidly because what he had to sir. Our assessment is that we should now squeeze that brake pedal squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control on saturday the 1st of august you remember we had hoped to reopen in england a number of the higher risk settings that had remained closed and today im afraid were perspiring those changes for at least a fortnight i know that the steps that were taking will be a real blow to many people everyone obviously whose wedding plans have been disrupted or who cannot now celebrate ied in the way that they would wish and im really really sorry about that but we simply cannot take the risk. So general recall there was so much relief when restrictions were lifted so how are people now taking the new restrictions have been brought back in parts of Northern England where you are. Well you know youll appreciate were just beginning to look into that now but its very clear that the Muslim Community in particular is unduly affected by all of this as the ied weekend begins its their most important religious festival of the year the new measures that have been introduced up here announced rather chaotically at 2 hours to midnight last night via twitter took everybody here by quite some surprise cause a lot of confusion a lot of disappointment as well because what they centrally mean is that household groups car mixed together in homes in single homes or even in private gardens now this is an area with a High Percentage of black asian and minority ethnic groups within the population within those groups of course a High Percentage of multigenerational households a high number of muslim households as well during eden what would they do these families in need of course they would mix in their homes or in private gardens which they now cannot do and im very clearly getting the sense from people that i talked to up here that they are feeling unduly targeted by these measures at this time in particular as has been pointed out to me more than once today while cops are allowed to continue operating freely jenna thanks very much jenna hole reporting from oldham Greater Manchester lets take this on the bit further we can speak now to over broken up in athens hes a professor for European Studies at Stanford University in berlin nice to see that across europe now governments of scuttling about trying to prevent a 2nd wave gripping their populations im just wondering whether the individual governments and collectively or the europe can learn anything from the efforts of the 1st attempt to take on code. Well what we saw in the 1st wave for was a very mixed picture of shadow and liked what went well was how the European Union coordinated transfers within the Single Market like allowing Member States to who support companies which is against competition law so that all went quickly but some Member States got very nervous when they learned that they dont have enough heart and medical devices and and protection hardware and they stopped the transport from one country to another which sounded like a lack of solidarity so this is now much better coordinates. Travel restrictions towards 3rd countries it manages the Single Market what has been mentioned already is. Your Recovery Plan that helps countries to get back on the ground and theres a lot of coordination with research on. To help to get acts together and who are resources d to find ways out of the crisis right i guess in a sense is easier now isnt it because we know what to expect and nations up better provided with p. P. But what about different approaches to the needs of individual economies and in some countries determine to inject life into tourism others you know be a bit more restrictive. Exactly thats the flip side too on the one hand you can coordinate a lot brussels and have a federal essential approach towards a pandemic on the other hand each and every country is affected differently if we only look at Something Like that you pregnancy rate of tourism whether Different Countries than greece where i am right now has a dependency right now its more than the quarter of the National Economy that is directly or indirectly dependent on tourism so if no 1 may come or faces difficult conditions off the words and being sent to karen time and ruins the National Economy and thats fundamentally different from germany where i am like the situation with a much more industrial sector which still continues to produce under different conditions but its working and the unemployment rates typical message up its counted in. 100 thousands in a country of 82. 00 when there were young and happy times so on how countries are affected its difference a lot and that means that one size fits all policy it wouldnt work in a situation like that do you think when this is all over they will be some kind of a collective european review with you know and theyll develop some kind of mechanism with which they they can tackle future cable outbreaks like this pandemic a kind of collective response. Well it is already a permanent reflection on what have we done right and most importantly also how do we communicate what we have done right because in times of demick theres so much rules and coordinated actions to attack. Politicians and the European Union in charge and so a lot has been presented as a mis information come pain that also needed to be addressed and not only can we prepare for whatever form of demick because we are still in this trial and error updates what we do not know is this going to be a 2nd wave and what would be a better approach to keep the numbers slow. All right will even the great get a perspective this depreciate thats 100 percent not speaking to us from athens thank you it wont come. Well plenty more install ahead on the news including caught up in the battle for tripoli teenage prisoners in libya are really just after being recruited by a warlord plus. My name off the coast of normandy france 1st to break both deny them access to a war to destroy the livelihoods. There was. The n. B. A. Returns with social justice high on its agenda to use and officials nail in an anti racism protest thats coming up in support. Vietnam has its 1000. 00 related death as well as a record daily high of 45. 00 new cases after being virus free for a month vietnams Prime Minister is warning that outbreaks are possible nationwide the 1st fatality was a 70 year old man in denial well the 90 vietnamese infected with the virus in the past week in the city or connected to the same hospital for the straight in state of victoria is considering imposing a stricter lockdown as hundreds of infections continue to emerge every day more than 600 cases and 8 more deaths were reported on friday most of them in melbourne care facilities for the elderly and now at the center of the outbreak the state premier is warning the citys 5000000. 00 residents will be stuck in limbo unless infection rates come down the government is looking at the possibility of more rigorous measures like those imposed successfully in new zealand where laci clements is a professor of Infectious Diseases epidemiology at new university and he says applying the new zealand model on a bigger scale in australia will not be a problem. Government is using many of the same many of the sort of pressures that new Zealand Government use that i think that there is a degree of semantics. In differentiating what the new zealand is the compared to what the instruction jurisdictions are doing i think its really just a matter of the of the degree of. The scale of the activities were still using the same point where. Imposing social distancing where. We high risk areas like Council Housing areas. You know scalia has the tries that test im trying and im doing all the same things that have been tried and tested around the world every country is different i would say that stern here is most and went to places like japan. Where there was very early action. Was suppressed very quickly and now because of the transmission in other parts of the world with me inability to completely in 100 percent help or those countries like to start seeing incursions that are resulting in you know localized. An ongoing political crisis in hong kong is deepening the citys leader has invoked emergency laws to postpone septembers legislative election for one full year kerry lamb cited the rise in coronavirus cases as the reason she said that no political consideration went into that decision the move comes just a day after the territory disqualified 12 prodemocracy candidates from the poll one month ago beijing imposed a Controversial National security law on the territory which was seen as a move to quash dissent so you cannot get that thing the announcement that i have to make today is the most difficult decision ive made in the past 7 months the Legislative Council general election is held every 4 years it is really a tough decision to delay it but we want to ensure fairness we want to ensure Public Safety and health well lets bring in claudia mo who is the prodemocracy member of hong kong religious and of counsel claudia welcome to the program so kerry saying it was not a political decision what do you say to that. Im blunt believe that the for 2nd this is a very solid that its been a very chattily pillay to attempt a political act to try to shut down the loco opposition because the democrats as expected to be winning somewhat im not saying that to they with the thin a landslide victory now that we were about to score some victory in the region or election and now its all gone and they obviously think that by giving it one yes things will come down and everything will be forgotten and we can be a back to normal normal its not going to work i think the thought pent up anger frustration and in typical day there were it would make things even worse for kerry lam at this Time Next Year ok of course she cited the rise in corona virus cases as the reason it is true that hong kong has now been hit by another wave of infections in fact a Record Number of factions and probably on the verge of a large scale outbreak there is undoubtedly a health issue in the territory well i wouldnt say things are not bad here as far as the virus is concerned its just bad but its not that mad comparatively speaking especially when the the local population has been blaming mrs lamb for not conducting any law and the social justins in louis nowra down to or up to rather 2 persons many you see who go well with you cant go out really as a family except for so the whole thing its so forced that you cant know that its all meant to introduce. Shock and all and well doom and gloom on the political front to try to count down hong kong forcefully but. Thats not going to work you say things will get more difficult now for carla because of this but in what sense because its not even possible to express anger and frustration now without falling foul of the National Security law well thats true in that sense that she has the success that succeeded in that you know. Again going hong kongs voice because people will just one day to go out and as long as you have more than 3 persons together police will approach and either tell you to just go away or issue a fine wool or even the rescue ok but then the mouse faint print politicos at the mermen in hong kong is we never forgive no a lot trickier now especially with the complete with or the Police Brutality they have something in the last year this is not going to go away just like that this may have been a very political and mean very clever political scheme by carrying them with the support of danger in that its not going to work so as time goes on in the months ahead how do you think the anger and frustration that youre talking about will then manifest itself. Well the fires that there wouldnt be here forever and ever right things will get back to normal as fast baby lying so concerned and. I just dont know what to foresee the anger on the part of young its just unthinkable at the moment and they keep talking about. The news in force and so on and theres just not right bit they think being caused by 2 things that force what work and so i really dont know but i didnt think if things were just an account and said beijing or the hong kong governments which in hong kong or art will be following the story i told him i would appreciate that thanks very much indeed thank you for talking. Still ahead here on out there. Im wayne hay reporting from thailand where well tell you how rubbish washed up on beaches is being used to help fight the spread of coronavirus. And this formula one driver test positive for her and her image she travelled home to mexico thats coming up we spoke to. Her. Hello the middle of summer its surprisingly active in the middle east if youre in the mountains you know mama all saudi arabia or yemen expect fairly frequent thunderstorms but it is the heat of course that most people notice it was 53 in. The fish 2 on friday then we do see it cooled down a bit as a north westerly breeze brings in a bit of slightly less hot weather with it also brings the dust which itll feed downstream kuwait to eastern saudi its not a very strong wind as you can see it will start to cool things down a little bit i think in barrett was still talking about a fairly humid 31 degrees dropping just to 29 by sunday doha hovering around the low fortys nice thirtys probably mostly humid picture but not as bad as it could be for north africa of course you know the stories throughout the sorrow but look at whats coming right up into the sudden sounds of masses of clumps of thunderstorms that tend to go off shore theres one actually thats gone off towards cape that it could turn into a tropical cycle this is off from where they built but over land in africa you can see the orange dots and they suggest where the next significant rain is like to be as fall north asahel of course now i mean and were going to go and you mean all have got rain in the forecast for the next 3 days. For. The u. S. The richest country in the world yet it still doesnt have a universal Health Care System ill be asking why not to influential republican lonnie chan some Top Democrats say it in a special edition of head to head in 68500 miles a year we would save under medicare so on study this doesnt happen in canada or france or spain or australia people dont die because they cant afford insulin well they die because they cant get access to care head to head on algis iraq once welcomed now fear. And dividing a nation. Aljazeera explores germanys long Term Economic strategy of pursuing immigrants from the arab world i feel more gentle and syrian. How much money does a richer get those people put up thank god its been going on in german and im here at the new germans on aljazeera. Rule. But again youre watching out here remind of our top stories this hour and the head of the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus pandemic a once in a Century Health crisis and says the effects will be felt for decades comes as a top Infectious Disease expert of the United States testifies before congress about the response to the outbreak. Slowdowns have been a reimposed in parts of Northern England after a spike in infections elsewhere in the country plans to lift more restrictions have been halted the Prime Minister says its necessary to prevent another nation wide shut down. Hong kongs leader kerry lamb has postponed septembers Legislative Council election for you. She blamed the pandemic but opposition politicians say the decision is politically motivated. At least 4 people have been killed in an attack in northeastern nigeria rocket propelled explosives were fired into the city of might agree Officials Say fighters are trying to disrupt the. Festivities several 1000000 people live in what a curious city which has previously been targeted by iran in libya dozens of captured teenage fighters have been released as part of an instant for the evil of a they were among hundreds taken prisoner during holy for have to fail battle to seize the capital tripoli 41 young men have been set free as moment of what had reports from our zawiya. Is celebrating their release of her son mohammed from prison in a city west of tripoli she came from the libyan coastal city of to meet him. He had been detained along with other young fighters recruited by the warlords really for have to and i mean you know the ending up of his father and i never wanted him to join the forces but he did it behind our backs we will never allow that to happen again mohammed was among nearly 200 pro have to fight from amman cities they were captured by Government Forces in western tripoli in april last year. Some of them were only 17 years old. Says he had just finished high school and received a month and a half of military training in surprise. Before he was sent to the frontline. How do. I just need to live as a civilian and move on with my life i dont want to be part of any conflict i learned the lesson the hard way she see the holiday of aid is an occasion for forgiveness in muslim countries government officials here say they release the fighters because they are prisoners are the victims themselves. We have taken the initiative to let them reunite with their families on this holy occasion we hope we can exchange the rest of the prisoners with their fighters who are kicked and have to as prisons the release of the prisoners was achieved through reconciliation between cities in western libya. Other approach after inmates from other parts of libya along with foreign mercenaries will lay clear remain here in detention until the conflict is resolved nearly 350. 00 inmates including foreign nationals are kept here in this maximum security prison they were part of the failed military campaign to take control of tripoli some of these teens say they were deceived into joining the conflict others say financial incentives drove them to risk their lives. As. The Afghan Government has freed more about prisons their release current sides with a 3 day cease fire. A both sides have signaled that peace talks could start when the holiday ends talks originally scheduled for february were delayed because of disagreements about prisoner swaps. A prominent author and opposition spokeswoman are among dozens arrested in zimbabwe as police tried to put a stop to antigovernment protests opposition parties had called for demonstrations against food and fuel shortages as well as 700 Percent Inflation over corruption 2 with many targeting the ruling party online using the hash tag zone in p. F. Moscow the government banned the protests which president thomas in monaco says constitutes an insurrection by the opposition so says british Prime Minister Boris Johnsons selfimposed deadline to have the outline of a break that trade deal but no deal breaks it is still looming because britain and the European Union remain at loggerheads on various key issues the e. U. Wants so one comprehensive deal not just on trade britain sees that as an attempt to keep it tight more closely to europe and it wants and is seeking a series of separate agreements the e. U. Insists that if the u. K. Wants tariff free access to the European Market it must commit to a bangsa laws britain says those demands on reasonable fishing rights are a major Sticking Point in british fisherman want full access to the market and in return a u. Boats want to continue to fish in u. K. Waters british negotiators say that that is impossible well french fishermen are threatening to stop british fishermen from getting their catches in the shops and the 2nd of our series the tasa but the reports from normandy in northern france. Heading into the English Channel off the coast of normandy the picturesque cobber of poor aunt bessie receding into the distance the cloud has worked as a fisherman for 30 years hes passionate about his job but scared for his future because of breaks it he worries that if britain and the e. U. Fail to reach a deal by the end of the year french fishermen like him could be barred from fishing in waters off the u. K. Coast. Or were scared because u. K. Waters represent 40 to 60 percent of our revenue so for us it would be catastrophic its. For decades french fishermen have fished legally in waters off britain where fish are abundant british fishermen have the same rights off the french coast where they mainly gather shellfish drums father was a fisherman his brother runs a Seafood Restaurant fishing links generations being denied access to u. K. Waters would be particularly devastating to the fisherman from the normandy coast because so many of the boats like this one off family owned and run Small Businesses and that is why so many of the fishermen here say that they wont give up their livelihoods without a fight to curb record with the need to british export some 70 percent of their fish to the e. U. If we get to december 31st and they throws out of their waters then we will block our ports stop the ferries no british boats reach french soil the french and british fishermen have clashed before in 2018 around over scholarships flared up a sea his fishing representative says that the u. K. s reliance on the e. U. Is an export market and is a valuable bargaining card in briggss negotiations but hes not necessarily a winning hand. With the e. U. Market needs fish imports or france imports 80 percent of the seafood it consumes so we need u. K. Fish so although we can pressure the british and threaten tariffs on board. Controls is not a long Term Solution because proficient they need to fish. Ties between britain and france run deep on this coast where the d. Day landings took place in the 2nd world war the 2 countries were united against enemy powers few here want the fishing dispute to sour relations with an historic partner but unless britain and france can break the stalemate in the brigs it fishing dispute and reach a compromise that works for both sides frances fischman say theyll be forced to use whatever tactics they can to battle for their survival. Aljazeera put on best normandy were going to go back to that story on the antigovernment protests in zimbabwe several people arrested after the fire ban on demonstrations we can talk to from harare is a former m. D. C. Spokesman robert good to work on the program so the tensions rising in zimbabwe they are very high and the government responding with high security measures and arresting several people where do you think this is going from here. From though i look at really from my point of view you know that is it bob and i think this is demonstration has been a monumental flop at every level why i say so yes because fortunately for the organizers they have been sending out mixed signals initially when they came out proclaiming. That if as some july as that day for the demonstration they say that they would mean that demonstration as an Anti Corruption demonstration where this 8 we are going to call upon the people of zimbabwe to come out in their huge numbers go into the streets and basically demonstrate im going to say corruption but ukulele corruption in and government to cloudy days are going down on the issue to do with corruption in the procurement of 90 and b. P. Ease that steps up but then a few days after i was there organize us again came out and then they say not this demonstration is actually meant to drive is on a p. F. That doesnt get government out of power and theyre actually even calling their house tied and they called and asked at sunup it must go so id end of the day it was a mixed message ing mixed signalling some good but then got very apprehensive very disturbed when the demonstrations organizers then started talking about toppling a constitutionally elected government so im not surprised that most of the people went then that very apprehensive though im not comfortable with the idea of going on to the seats that you know what exactly was the end of that. And at the end of the day you know zimbabweans the bobbins imagine that it is a for people that they saw the presence of Security Forces on this show all over and it is then. That is what the law to decide about and in the identities of books and peoples thought is better they stay home so when you asked me about the impact of this demonstration outside it was him on the right and all sure he said its a small plane makes messaging and so forth and you know talk about corruption and. 1000 measures taken by the government but effectively its all criticism of the government to about the poor record that the government has that zanu p. F. Has and thats the cause of the high frustration and the high tensions that there are in the country is not yes you can deny the fact that the people arent happy because the cost of living is cairo contents i think inflation is conservatively estimated about 800 percent im numb as i speak but be that as its made what i think met this demonstration for up was because of the missed mixed messages if the idea was just a say look lets look at demonstrates im not going to corruption that babs was going to get by and also you look at that i mean this is actually people that could be 19 statistics in zimbabwe and looking too good we actually have spike in the cup in 1000 infection rights and that is actually the epicenter followed by the 2nd largest city which is what i want you so i dont have that it people who try to get to go out there and congregate in that number we have had many people you know unfortunately losing their lives that dont need to date a government minister was actually betty that national you know or and yeah unfortunately succumbed to the complete 1000 virus so at the end of the day looking at people who are literally not in shock because called. Asked in this country and right not just the end of people being must be televised and i brought up as and i mean national spokesperson. We see the one again that is on top of the computer virus so at the end of the day i believe the timing was also not very hot button and conceded that also with that mixed and confused and confusing message a little and thats. All right well leave it there thanks very much and. Former m. D. C. Spokesman this will. It is the 3rd day of the in saudi arabia coinciding with the. Festival theres unprecedented restrictions in mecca because of coronavirus more than 2000000. 00 muslims from around the world normally make the annual pilgrimage and this year pilgrims from abroad a band and i mean around a 1000 saudi nationals and Foreign Residents have been allowed. One of the natural wonders of the world is underway in africa that is the annual migration of hundreds of thousands will be but unlike normal times have few terraces seeing their journey from kenya to tanzania has come from so i reports now from the muslim our game reserve pandemic has already cost kenya 800000000. 00 and lost tourism revenue. Travelling from the serengeti in tanzania a heart of gold at least crosses the sunday into the messiah Mara Game Reserve in kenya and then next month nearly a 1000000 of this models will be yeah this is one of the nascars wonders of the blogs and on the back at least of many of us whats missing tourists because of call it 19 the must sign mara one of the top tourist destinations in the wilds is empty. Melton has been in the Tourism Industry for 3 decades he says hes never seen anything like this of north walk for the last 4 months this is my 1st job it was last year i mean for sure theres no way your love. I mean not even i mean this in general i was already booked for July August September at this time of the high Season Hotels and lodges at the mara would normally be booked to capacity going through this is a train but of more than 200 hotels only a few are open its a very big loss to us now because of the stuff lost their jobs at home. We have no idea when people will come back again to work the world of beasts come to kenya for pasture and to meet by october theyll be returning to tanzania this is part of the heart of world the best we saw crossing into kenya from tanzania and weve been told many others are on their way and people who know the masai mara well have also told us there right now would be among hundreds of other tourists eagerly waiting to witness this spectacular migration being here about ourselves is quite surreal government Officials Say the country has lost about 800000000. 00 in revenue and most of the 2000000. 00 employees in tourism have lost their jobs so there is now a big push to encourage kenyans and foreigners here to visit parks like the mara and coastal beaches we must prepare with us as government must develop some. Protocols with some of our traditional markets just to assure them of the safety of those closed. Assure them that as we know that theyre tested before they come and when they come here as government we must have all these people where. Kenya is preparing to reopen its airspace for International Travelers many communities are hoping this will mean more tourists but they also know with the threat of coronavirus it could take many months or even years for tourism here to fully recover catherine soy aljazeera masai mara southern kenya. Swarms of locusts threatening crops in argentina it is a 3rd invasion of formosa provinces year in double the size of the previous one pest control experts say the insects a difficult to kill despite available resources another swarm has been detected in neighboring the livia. So the head. May not be that great but the quality of the pulsing was and j. Will be here with action from major league soccer. Now parts of florida under harken watches desirous moves up the caribbean heading for the east coast of the United States and the harken is currently lashing the southeastern part of the bahamas and the turks and Caicos Islands could hit florida on friday the heavy rain is expected and there are warnings of flash floods has already under the rain flooding Power Outages and price rica. Going for a walk on a bridge in thailand means that you will see lots of loads of rubbish much of the washed out waste is plastic including fishing nets instead of dumping them overboard fishermen to be given the chance to make money by recycling them and help fight the coronavirus to the story. Many of thailands beaches are not the idyllic white sand slices of paradise sold to tourists instead littered with rubbish much of it coming from those who rely on the ocean for income and food thinking small fishing boats always sponsible for a lot of the garbage but large Fishing Vessels also do a lot into the ocean because of a lack of a proper Waste Management system tourists also done a lot of trust on the beaches were. Probably the most damaging debris are discarded fishing nets they can easily harm marine life now instead of throwing their broken or old nets overboard or leaving them on the beach fisherman are selling them for cash we actually train law officers to create and collect and adds and dan we link them up with recycling sectors like you know recycling company. Can make them into an exciting product its estimated around 8000000. 00 tonnes of plastic including nylon fishing nets into the worlds oceans each year and thailand is one of the largest contributors its clear thailand has a big problem with rubbish ending up in its oceans and on its beaches so much so that its highly likely some of the products that are being made from the fishing nets will end up back here again. One of the Companies Involved in the program has been recycling plastic for years and exporting its products among its latest lines protective equipment to help prevent the spread of corona virus made from old fishing nets the pandemic has seen a rise in single use plastic around the world but the owners of this company say they are trying to reduce waste not increase it if these are not infected. Trash we can always recycle them again and again anyway so i tried to convince people not to use the one time use plastic the need Collection Program is being conducted in 3 provinces but there are plans to expand it its a small but significant step towards cleaning up thailands beaches and oceans wayne hay aljazeera rayong thailand ok lets move on sport josie nick thank you or we start with more concerning news from Major League Baseball yet another game has been postponed because of positive coping 19 tests this time its multiple cases at the series cardinals the cardinals are in milwaukee to play the brewers but fridays game is off and the team is isolating at their hotel this could also jeopardize games for the Minnesota Twins who played the cardinals on thursday twins are playing the Cleveland Indians this weekend. Well this comes after the Philadelphia Phillies persones their series against the term type blue jays following 2 Staff Members testing positive the phillies say no players have a virus they havent played since sunday when they face the Miami Marlins who subsequently reported 19 cases among players and staff. The u. K. Government has blocked fans attending special Sports Events in the coming days small groups who are set to watch horse racing cricket and snoop but because of a rise in the National Infection rate or pilot schemes have been delayed until at least august the 15th now this is not affects the formula one british grand prix which is taking place with no fans with all drivers and teams in a protective bubble but one driver has tested positive sergio perez who will be replaced at the racing point team by nico Holcomb Burke for the next 2 weeks and paris is the 1st driver to test positive after the sport restarted earlier this month but is physically well and in good spirits all those emerged that perez did travel home after the last race in hungary without the knowledge of his team. For the all the structures from a player from my team after hungary to cover it all with mexico similar to it because she had other big accidents 1st and then she left was picked up i was there with all to see her there and then came back to europe. Same way with all the protocols in place. As part of their nowhere. And be a has returned to the courts and social justice is the top of the agenda. Plus. Players now together during the National Anthem in both of thursdays opening games at disney world in florida the antiracism protest marked the start of the 1st games in the league in 140. 00 days after the current virus halted play in march the players were joined by coaches and game officials all wearing black lives matter t. Shirts athletes like lebron james have increasingly use that platform to advance social justice issues and gala reports from miami. This is what basketball fans across the world have been waiting for. After the pandemic forced a 20 week break the seasons resumed but of course players like Le Bron James getting increasingly political are you willing to scream for these names out here. If you were in the pain and shame. What is the finish line which is out here through his Media Company uninterrupted Le Bron James is using his influence to amplify the voices of africanamericans another organization he recently started with other athletes is tackling Voting Rights Voter Suppression and encouraging a new generation to get involved i will not stop until i see real change for us as black america for africanamericans for people of color. And i also believe i can do both york an arc and bring happiness to a lot of homes with a way out by the game and the way the lakers game and i will continue to push the envelope continue to keep my feet on the gas or create real change for us as people of color. Those calls for a change of grown louder since the death of george floyd in police custody. And the nationwide protests that followed. In june Michael Jordan whos typically shied away from politics committed a 100000000. 00 to fight systemic racism over a 10 you. Period several National Basketball Association Teams are now offering their arenas as polling stations as cities struggle to find places large enough to keep social distancing rules in place in florida where eggs frogs have been prevented from voting until their legal fees are paid athletes and their organizations are helping pay off their debt so they can register to vote for the barrier that will come together and bring it out you know there for more than a boarder stepping up to their advantage these are political activism from athletes has a long history in the u. S. But todays stars may have more reach an influence than ever before sure as adults thats not enough for me but if youre some 11 year old in idaho and use your favorite players on stage say you know this isnt cool or thats all of those who are Going Forward beyond just whether or not some Police Officer knows that he should not be i dont know its a living situation on the street with the president ial election fast approaching theres a lot at stake here for africanamerican voters many of been calling for change for generations but powerful sports stars have the reach influence and cash to make those changes happen collectively the voices of those calling for things like the right to vote and now a little louder and gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida from a fee for president sepp blatter says his successor johnny and fenty no should be suspended after criminal proceedings were opened against him in switzerland a special prosecutor is looking into meetings in pantene i had with swiss attorney general Michael Lauper both men deny any wrongdoing 84 year old blatter who was president for 17 years was suspended and eventually banned by fee for n 2015 after he became the subject of criminal proceedings because Ethics Committee has not said whether in fact he no will face an internal investigation. The Philadelphia Union are the 1st team to reach the semifinals of the m. L. S. Is back tournament being played in a by a secure bubble at disney world jamir a montero puts philadelphia in the lead for sergio sun toss double the advantage against Sporting Kansas City on thursday in the quarterfinals not sure about that celebration though the quality of the pass to set santos up for his 2nd was considerably better 3 on the final score to union the route for this years euro to tell year has been revealed this will be the 103rd staging of the race that should dish and takes place around may and june but has been postponed because the coronavirus event was due to start in hungary but will now kick off in sicily on october the 3rd before finishing in milan just over 3 weeks later this year is one of cyclings 3 grand tours along with the Tour De France and well to. Full time agent gold champion and former world number one brooks kept jude invitational after the 1st round kept her as the defending champion at this tournament in memphis he carded an 8 under par 62 on thursday that puts him 2 shots clear a fellow americans Rickie Fowler and todd brandon. And that is all useful for now more later nick gerri great favor much for that is it for this news hour but i will be back in just a couple minutes with more the news personally the buffett. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Beyond going fight between donald trump and the golden state because of trans philosophy he used inevitably going to conflict with california exposes contrasting ideologies on immigration the environment economic and cultural issues trump is calling attention to the failure of the blue state model the battle grounds for the 20 twentieths action even impala reports on trump buses california on aljazeera. The health of humanity is its stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to lose supplies and training to help the worlds most Vulnerable People uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that seed keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the ward and in the lab now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. Making healthy a world for you. To everyone. Impacts that will be felt for decades the coronavirus warning from the w. H. O. As americas top disease expert offer some hope on a vaccine. We feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021. I dont acknowledge this is our desire life and also coming up the new test of democracy in hong kong emergency laws used to perspire in elections for a year the plane laid on the pandemic

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