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Officials say at least 300 inmates have escaped and 36 People Killed in our summer time on a high security prison. Back in business a bad way Stock Exchange reopens giving some hope the economys revival plus. I robot bride in south korea the countrys cultural heartland as it celebrates its World Heritage traditions. And in sports after hiatus lasting almost 5 months tennis is making its official return to palermo open as the 1st tour event to take place since the colorado virus a lockdown. The World Health Organization has issued a stark warning that there may never be a Silver Bullet and to end the crown a virus pandemic w. H. O. Has warned people against putting their hopes on a vaccine saying basic prevention measures remain crucial to finding a way out of the crisis. We all hope to have a number of effective vaccines that can help prevent people from infection however there is no Silver Bullet at the moment there might never be for now stopping outbreaks comes down to the basics of probably kill and it has gone through. Testing isolating and treating patients and tracing and quarantining their contacts on when i speak now to sunny gago who is outside St Thomas Hospital in london so sonia i mean the world is talking about vaccines what stage is there at getting excited about it all at the w h os chief theyre saying hang on a minute not so fast. Well thats right kim and this is really underlying the stark reality that there is a pandemic ongoing and even though there is this talk of vaccines in fact there are several vaccines which are being trialled right now you are still seeing you know death rates around the world spikes of new cases as well where in europe especially where it was deemed to have been squashed some time ago after the initial worst about solves of the infections but this is make no mistake care i mean this is really solid warning from the w. H. O. Even to the point where people are talking about you have governments which are talking about a 2nd way and this is really one long way but there are searches because this is still part of that same pattern of infections that rises and then sometimes then gets surprised now even though the vaccines are being trialled the ultimate test of whether its going to be success or not is the Public Health systems manage to use it to use controls for example maintaining social distancing. Encouraging with not enforcing mask wearing as well and personal hygiene really being underlined as being absolutely crucial to maintain that low level of infection rate which is going to be absolutely crucial especially in the Northern Hemisphere as the winter approaches autumn approaches and the winter of course it will coincide with the flu. Sort of rounds that will be down there as well which will likely complicate matters so you can you give us an update on the picture and europe and also this news about some quick tests coming to the u. K. Yes thats right the health secretary. Announced that there was going to be a quick test that would take 90 minutes really to be able to determine. If there would be a positive or negative results from that which is really quite a a step forward in terms of testing considering how again the u. K. Was in terms of rolling out efficient testing this would be about 5800000. 00 tests are expected to be rolled out over the coming months starting next week which will be a d. N. A. Based test that would coincide with the 450. 00 or so 1000 swop tests that will be occurring there as well again and not stringent methods to try and see where exactly those cases of popping up its going to be crucial so to also have in tandem with that a tracing system as well in order to be able to effectively deal with that at the something that is of concern to other European Countries as well germany for example seeing spikes not just in its own country but in other countries such as spain is now issuing out testing at border controls and train stations and airports in the from people who are coming from those high risk areas to get automatic test of those borders in order to try and control any infection rates in their own country thank you for that update there are just. How the philippines has reported more than 3200. 00 new Coronavirus Infections pushing close to overtaking indonesia as the worst hit country in Southeast Asia tougher restrictions are already being reimposed in and around there are addictions jumps to more than 100000 human a dog and has more. Our Health Care Workers are only as we take care of patients a distress call with a clear message thousands of Filipino Health workers are appealing to the government to impose tighter controls saying the country is losing the fight against the coronavirus. You need to hold the line were much stronger or Health Care Workers should not burden burden of the saving lives in todays youth mr understand. It is all they really are or the most current remains more than 5000 new infections were recorded on sunday the largest single to increase since the 1st case was recorded months ago the number of recorded cases is now over 100000 the 2nd highest number of Coronavirus Infections in Southeast Asia after indonesia. The philippines government has already implemented one of the most stringent lockdowns in the world more than 50000000 people were forced to stay at home in the entire region of luzon for more than 2 months it began easing restrictions in march hoping to soften the impact of the countrys economy now in one of its worst periods of recession in recent years millions of filipinos have lost their jobs since the pandemic broke out. I fully understand why your Health Workers would like to ask for such a timeout period they have been in front lines for months and are exhausted next time you can ask for an argument dont shell and ask for a revolution if you want the revolution the no lets kill all those with go with. That means metro manila and some nearby provinces will face further measures not a lockdown at least for now critics say although the months long so its all locked down had slowed down corona virus infections it was also a missed opportunity they say the government failed to conduct widespread various tests the would have helped contain hotspots early on that the government too should also start to reassess its priorities in the coming months the country last long struggled with an adequate resources and Health Experts are warning that this pandemic may bring the Public Health system closer to collapse jamelle alan duggan aljazeera manila. The israeli and states of victoria has ordered large parts of its economy to close as it battles a 2nd wave of cover 19 infections and follows the introduction but not because few and more restrictions on peoples movements in melbourne id like 8 reports from sydney. The heart of no been eerily empty and quiet as a 6 week citywide overnight curfew begins its near 5000000 residents work to a new normal and further restrictions the victorian State Government has ordered more parts of the economy to shut down including in retail manufacturing and construction. Never thought that i would be telling people not to go to work that is what we have to do in order to stop the spread of this wardley infectious virus on sunday the movement of people will spur the taj and with residents not allowed to move further than 5 kilometers away from their homes this is a little set up with schools again closed and millions stuck indoors many people including kate moulton are again juggling work on a fallacious and homeschooling. But definitely. This time around we feel like its really looked down regional victoria is also facing partial lockdown though not as strict as melbourne some say the new measures will trigger thousands of job losses and stand downs statewide it is hard to businesses now that it got through 6 weeks and then work out at a rest. Or some businesses. Financial grants will be available for businesses forced to close as well as workers who have exhausted sick leave what were dealing with here is i disaster and we need to respond on the bices of the why we provide support in the midst of design while border closures have largely kept the virus within the state of victoria there are clusters emerging within New South Wales in particular sydney and the federal government has warned the economic fallout will be nationwide victoria makes up about a quarter of the National Economy and with coated 19 cases remaining in the triple digits dileep many are wondering if its realistic that numbers can be driven down in 6 weeks nicola gage aljazeera sydney. Vietnam has placed a 2nd city into lockdown due to a rise in corona virus infections after being virus free some months than demick has spread across the country over the past 2 weeks or than 600 people are infected and 6 have died for him her it has more. In vietnams capital hanoi the streets a bustling but many people a war about a rise in corona virus infections. I am worried that the covert 1900 to the country i have always been reminding myself to wear a mask wash my hands frequently and avoid project places. After nearly 100 days with no local cases the country has reported the deaths of several people the 1st to die from the illness probably up the road but its very unfortunate that there have been people dying of cribbage 19 in vietnam but there are people who have been suffering severe illnesses for a long time and the virus was the fuel that further deteriorated their health condition. With pozen pubs ordered to close the usual nightlife in hanoi old quarter has come to a halt large gatherings have also been banned to prevent the spread of the virus. Im sad that the new wave of the pandemic has come but just the current situation. And stills we have to try our best to stabilise ourselves so our businesses can survive the outbreak began in the coastal city authorities knocked it down and stopped domestic flights but the infection has spread to other major cities like hanoi and what she meant to the Central Highlands region has also reported cases one city in the province is now on the lockdown. Health authorities a working to control the growing numbers around 52000 people have been tested more than 100 kinnocks have been set up throughout the capital. I want to be tested so i can stop boring if i have the virus or not it is for me and for the community in the early stages of the pandemic vietnams government acted fast by putting infected people under quarantine introducing strict Contact Tracing and barring foreign visitors but authorities fear this break could be us putting its population of 96000000 at greater risk. Aljazeera well dr andrea is a senior clinical lecturer at the university of Exeter Medical school in the u. K. He says not the only also to stopping the virus. What we have learned is that this infection is still generating cases weve got to be careful the virus has not gone away and really the Public Health message is dont drop your guard you can get infected dont get infected dont in fact others this is very important and if every Single Person took Infection Control precautions we would have less drastic restrictions or lock downs as we refer to it the 2nd lockdown will have to be very prolonged and and and that makes it difficult because we cannot have a very prolonged lockdown and this is why im very concerned that if you have a lockdown and then you have a premature lifting of the lockdown you undo the pain the cost and the expenses of the initial lock down very very quickly therefore speed is always of the essence and early speed allows you to regain control whereas later on its much harder so if you start from a high level its almost impossible to regain control and if you act fast act act farm hard like new zealand did you can then reduce your number of cases and regain control of so this is the game of chess that we have to apply and we have to play it with the science which is act fast act act hard and you regain control act slowly act reluctantly and you find it very difficult to maintain and regain control south korea acted very fast and very efficiently with regards to its testing and tracing and as a result of a super effort they released an army of people a large number of people to test and trace they were able to remove people from circulation i think lockdowns are a cost measure there is a more precise measure is to test and Contact Trace extensively. Place your head on the news hour including. Lebanons foreign minister steps down calling his country a failed state and issues a warning to those Still Holding on to power. The Israeli Army Says its killed 5 years of the occupied Golan Heights securing them of planting bombs along the border. And installed is a new day the top goal so World Rankings are is here with that story. Afghan Officials Say more than 300. 00 prisoners have escaped during a suicide bomb attack on a jail in eastern afghanistan. I still is claiming responsibility for the gun battle which killed at least 36. 00 people and injured dozens Afghan Security forces arrived after several explosions outside the prison in the city of jalalabad. Fighters linked to isolate afghanistan have claimed responsibility for many recent attacks one of the worst so far this year was the suicide bombing which killed 32. 00 morning is that a funeral for a Police Commander in may the United Nations latest estimate is that i still has around 2200. 00 fighters in afghanistan while i still is in territorial retreat with its leadership depleted the u. N. Says it remains capable of carrying out high profile attacks in various parts of the country un recorded 17 isolates hacks during the 1st 6 months of this year which caused civilian casualties. Well cape cod is the codirector of the Afghanistan Analysts Network thats a policy Research Think tank she says this year the situation in afghanistan has become more complex. The war is actually becoming more difficult to read and we had the agreement between the United States and the taliban right at the end of february which the on the back of that the u. S. Withdrew thousands of its troops it said that the taliban had also agreed to a reduction in violence the taliban said no absolutely not weve only agreed not to attack u. S. Forces and not to attack him in major cities in bases now sits and the taliban are really been probing to see how much violence they can get away with without drawing the us military back into the war and we know that both the taliban and the government have been under claiming attacks whereas before they would probably be exaggerating what they were doing on the battlefield now theyre then theyre not claiming so many so its actually quite difficult to read who is responsible for what anymore weve also had an a surge an unclaimed attacks or attacks that are difficult to pin down and the government protesters are back on the streets of malis capital demanding the resignation of president Abraham Boubacar cater the opposition stops the rallies for 8 i think 14 people have died during demonstrations over the past few reads these opposition has accused cater of failing to deal with insecurity and corruption the regional bloc echo office has been leading mediation efforts its given both sides a deadline that expires on thursday to implement its proposals including a unity government nicholas find developments from neighboring senegal he joins me now live from dhaka nicholas so some steps have apparently been taken by the government so why are the protesters back on the streets. Well kim these are really baby steps taken by the government essentially theres a new cabinet ministers that have been named but aside from that nothing has really changed theres no National Unity government the 31 members of parliament that were recently elected in these contested parliamentary elections well they refused to resign the judges in the constitutional 2 refuses to do a job to resign Prime Minister. Have made recommendations of a new Constitutional Court judge but these are not enough for the opposition who simply want president. To resign they say its a mixture of impunity corruption bad government. One of the leaders of the movement that compares president as a driver if the driver makes a mistake on the road we revoke his license and thats what theyre out there theyre asking for president to be removed from office and they also say that hes in breach of article 37 of the constitution when earlier this month he deployed. And to fight armed groups in the north in the center of the in the country against unarmed protesters in the capital bamako but kim while this political crisis is going on in bamako weve seen a multiplication of attacks in the north in the center of the country on sunday in soldiers were ambushed by an attack suspected being launched by the group Jemaah Islamiya with the mean an al qaeda affiliate in the region of russia who switches on the border with mauritania while a graphic video came out by saadawi who is the leader of the eisele if elite in the region him beheading a local official there and so all of this has just exacerbated this situation here in the political crisis in mali so is that why nicholas. Concerned with the crisis. Well yeah exactly i mean theres 4 elections happening this year one in ivory coast in ghana in asia air and in book enough aso where theres been armed groups that are inside mali that have been stepping up operations deploying across the border in bric enough so weve seen attacks in every single province of that country in asia as well in recently in i rico so there is fear that these attacks could really spread across the region and for the europeans that are present on the ground remember theres 14000 u. N. Forces theres 4000 French Forces well they say the stability of mali is also the guarantees security for the borders of the European Union member mali is used as a traffic area for Human Trafficking for for for migrants that want to cross to libya and then to the European Union its also used for Drug Trafficking that ends up to europe so there is a lot at stake in having a stable mali not just for the people of mali but for the region and also for for for europe as well. Thank that Nicholas Cross developments from senegal. Lebanons foreign minister has resigned says he couldnt continue because of the governments poor performance 11 on its close to bankruptcy and politicians accused of running the economy into the ground have shown no willingness to fund corruption to receive a bailout from the International Monetary fund said huldah has more from the capital. The Foreign Ministers resignation is being seen as a blow to Prime Minister has been his government so hes been trying really to gain credibility and legitimacy at home and abroad since taking office in january but he has largely failed to do so the Prime Minister made many many promises like to fight corruption to fix the Economic Situation nothing has changed in fact the situation is only getting worse and now criticism from within his own government the foreign minister saying that lebanon is becoming a failed state hes accusing those in power of not having a vision and saying that they are not carrying out the 4 reforms that are needed to be able to be eligible for much needed International Financial assistance in fact talks with the International Monetary fund to bailout the economy are now on hold and the statistics really are staggering more and more people are losing jobs businesses are closing in fact an agency recently said that 500000 children are growing hungry just in the beirut area alone so the situation is worsening the foreign minister saying that the government has done nothing and really raising the alarm saying that the sink the ship is sinking and if it is not saved everyone will drown in a clear reference that the government itself and those who hold power who are starving want to mentation power they too will drown if no solution is found. Protests have been ongoing in lebanon since last year the unrest eventually led to Prime Minister saad haitis resignation then a new cabinet was formed in january headed by current Prime Minister. But since then hes been telescope with reversing the worst economic downturn in decades nongovernmental organizations say at least 80000. 00 people have lost their jobs and recent months that brings the total number of unemployed to 430000 to 32 percent of the workforce is concerned that up to one in every 5 lebanese people could be jobless before the end of this year. Well patrick madine is president of the lebanese institute for Market Studies he joins us from beirut thank you for your time so ive been saying earlier reporting lebanon is close to bankruptcy can you just explain to our viewers what that means what happens if the country becomes bankrupt. To live in his government have been spending money in an endlessly for the past 20 were going to maybe 30 leaders and this is money a lot of them did not her they were going to get from that in many ways banks which ultimately means that they were blowing in from the live export relation those depositors and billions back out so they have been have been mounting are weve got to be increasing you know very high level one of the highest debt to g. D. P. That was in the word and a lot of men had no means to pay that back because the money that they borrowed was mostly spent on useless projects and with a lot of corruption suspicions that go around those projects and so the positives money has been wasted government cannot pay it back and thats why we currently have a government default the government actually and now is that they will stop being back at their bed at the time they figure out what to do and here we are in one or the largest economic recession that the country has ever seen and even the water around was not the end of the mission as you just mentioned in your report unemployment is Massive Companies are closing down people are unable to withdraw their life savings from the bank because basically there was a lot of this money has been spent by the government on that regard and its not available and you more so people lost their jobs they lost their income they also lost their life savings and at the same time live on is suffering from a hyper inflation so they dont have money and prices are are increasing in have any trace you wait and thats the situation ok so theres been a lot of talk about getting these reforms through these government reforms through to unlock International Monetary assists and what assistance whats the problem why arent these reforms getting through. Yes so that even this government this year im buying may be the total income of the government was on page 3. And the spending was 7. 9 trillion so we have a set of people 20000000000 events this is that the government is spending much more than that actual income traditionally that is thought all this money problem ends bank and from the International Community but now since you are in a default mode lend us the money any more which means that the government needs to more Structural Reforms meaning they need to guard their spending and use this project right today the new the new government is an example of this is the power bar just being there and they are not to be producing any more of its receipt i think they should go back on there are a lot of the forms that we buy an electricity in order in that regard and especially of the number of inspectors go east which was the source of the listing and the political hiring and nobody is amazingly and neither did a cleanup those are the legal structural reform in the demands government should be doing those in the for what under 3 is International Support and to learn on everyone the same guys need to have them if you will but you. Just cut those excessive spending that you do every year and color to the very end messed up the 1st place we were expecting the current government to do there unfortunately but i wouldnt have been wasting time for most of us these 4 have been bought and sold and now they have lost that foreign minister thank you for that to my d. D. Their president of the lebanese institutes for Market Studies. Well the time now for the way their hair is every time with news of a typhoon just about to hit eastern china yeah thats right kim its cold how you pay its effect name sounds familiar to you because this is the 4th time in things been used the last time 6 years ago when it comes to fair bit of damage across the philippines not looking quite as destructive this time but you can see if sized storm there just swirling away very close to taiwan moving up towards that eastern side of china im going to see it making landfall in about the next 5 or 6 hours its only just a time food it wont be a timeframe for long because once it does interact with the land it will lose strength so were more concerned about the rainfall and the strength of those winds itll pass up towards well it will stay to the to the west of shanghai over the next couple of days gradually punching out sometime on wednesday back out into the sea and then moving up towards the Korean Peninsula where we will see further spells of heavy rain coming in across well both north and south korea then it loses its strength even further still a fair bit of rain on that legacy of showers just dragging in behind across south christopher the problem flooding problems to come here now the same flooding problems across northeastern parts of india recently heavy rain there right up into what bangladesh and also into me amman over the next couple of days strongest winds the southwest the monsoon fitting some very heavy rain is to western parts of india through maharashtra and we can expect flooding up towards. Thank you that ever. So come on algis there. Will be going on for a couple of. A wildfire in Southern California threatens thousands of people and their homes. Signs of change and move faster down the aisle cafe is helping to inspire positive action for people disappear. And its for the sun stay alive the manhunt for a playoff spot will have the n. B. A. Action later in the program. 10 years ago a mining disaster in chile trapped 33 men the world watched as a 2 month rescue turned new tragedy into a miracle aljazeera revisits the men once celebrated as National Heroes and asks how this ordeal changed their lives chilean miners after the rescue on the jersey. Coast in 19 a scene a war of words escalate between the u. S. And china all challenge u. S. General Robert Spalding and british diplomat and also kerry brown on whether the west is entering into a new cold war with china in a special edition of head to head you want to travel ban on china for much of the muslim to quote stop proposal we need a strict vetting process is to tide finally turning against beijing we have a china centric world and then a world which is not china centric head to head on out his iraq. Bold and im told stories from asia and the pacific on aljazeera. The. There are a reminder of our top stories this hour the w. H. O. Has issued a warning that there may never be a Silver Bullet to end the coronavirus pandemic despite strong hopes for a vaccine hundreds are in development with some of the final stages of trials. The philippines has reported more than 3200 new coronavirus cases close to overtaking indonesia as the worst hit nation in Southeast Asia tougher restrictions of big reimposed in and around the capital and. Afghan officials have confirmed at least 36 people have been killed in an isolated at a prison in jalalabad the governor says more than 300 inmates have escaped. The Financial Security of millions of u. S. Citizens is hanging in the balance right now politicians are about to hold another heated debate on a coronavirus aid package for the unemployed for about 3 months a 600. 00 weekly payment has been a lifeline for the families of people whove lost their jobs democrats and republicans have so far failed to agree on whether the program can continue after it expired on friday republicans want to reduce funding but are divided on how far to go all democrats are pushing for additional benefits lets cross now to White House Correspondent kimberly help where things stand today as far as these negotiations. Now we know that the chief of staff mark meadows along with the treasury secretary steve minutia and are going to be working with lawmakers to try and strike some sort of deal now just to clarify the introduction there the republicans are actually looking to extend the 600. 00 a week at least in the short term well a larger deal is worked out so in terms of minimizing the benefits its not entirely accurate what is that accurate is that theyre looking for different ways to have benefits moving forward now thats the big problem in all of this they have very different visions of how to provide relief for americans moving forward to and they really is coming down to brinkmanship now who is going to blink 1st democrats are saying we want to very large comprehensive package republicans are saying lets get something worked out for these families that have lost their benefits in the short term until we can work on the larger deal so in the midst of all of this the number of cases of coronavirus are continue to rise in the United States 4600000 cases and 155000 deaths almost in the United States not quite there but ticking up very close so as a result were seeing shutdowns continuing in the United States and this is the reason for these job losses so this deal to work out is still not there yet the details have not been hammered out and heres the problem the clock is ticking as you mentioned those benefits for americans in many cases ran out friday and the earliest were hearing that well have votes on this legislation to bring about new benefits would be at the end of the week or early next week. Ok kimberly and roughly 3 months now until voting day whats the president been saying about all this. Well he continues to sort of take this criticism of the rising cases personally as a reflection on his presidency which many would argue it is in fact the president tweeting extensively monday morning including this tweet where he says cases are out because of big testing much of our country is doing very well opened the schools but i can tell you thats not sitting very well with Many Americans in fact trending right now in twitter is the president sons name bearer and theyre making the argument you say in your kid to school hes going to an elite private school we have to send our kids to Public Schools where many parents dont feel safe sending their kids into those classrooms so theres a lot of backlash for this president not what he wants as he continues to try and launch his campaign that we know that there are some ads that are going out to early voting states its looking a little messy and chaotic for the president s reelection effort of course he was hoping to cruise to reelection on a Strong Economy that is all been decimated as a result of covert 19 thanks them White House Correspondent can we help at their. Trading has resumed in zimbabwes Stock Exchange for a month long suspension to try and stabilize the currency and to suffer an 800 Percent Inflation and the worst financial crisis in more than a decade that is being worsened by coronavirus lockdown restrictions for these have arrested activists demanding before all of the ruling zanu p. F. Party in connection with corruption Allegations Congress also has more from. Government Officials Say some companies and some individuals are using more money platforms to buy good intel their shares and move their money out of a country which is fueling the black market and causing foreign currency shortages after the Investigations Companies are now allowed to trade except for 3 old neutral p p 3 and feed co but they still under investigation theyre also saying that the reason why they introduced the weekly auction system is because if you try and make sure that the rate of the us dollar and of the barbie dollar is determined on a weekly basis a thing this one hopes stabilize the economy and also stabilize the black market as a while so a lot of people are now wondering is this going to work ordinaries the barber the thing they re not seeing much different they saying that the salaries and they savings are being eroded by high inflation which is nearly 800 percent they complain when the going to keep market yes they see products on the shelf from zimbabwe so that other countries but they just too expensive to buy the government its introduced a cushioning allowance for Civil Servants and pensioners but because of logistical issues some people say they have been able to access that money and for the Vulnerable People in menu rural areas where they are struggling to do to feed themselves because of a prolonged drought for example they think the money the government promised them still hasnt come. Video conferencing talks are underway to try and break the deadlock over africas largest 100 electoral damage the ethiopians have celebrated the completion of the 1st stage of filling the dams reservoir the Ethiopian Government says the 5000000000 dollars project will boost the economy but sit down in egypt downstream on the nile river a worry about reduced more supplies. Hamas has described overnight israeli air strikes in gaza as a dangerous escalation the Israeli Military says it targeted several sites after a rocket was initially fired from gaza its the 1st such exchange in nearly a month. The Israeli Army Says its killed 4 feiss in the occupied Golan Heights its released this video accusing them of planting explosives along the border fence the military described them as a terrorist squad it says the Syrian Regime is ultimately responsible the Video Company verified and no group has claimed the attack carrefour said is in western asylum he says an investigation is now underway i mean to base it in the account friendly Israeli Military they say that what took place was this group of what they call terrorists coming into israeli controlled territory in the southern occupied Golan Heights they said they were trying to plant explosives at an unmanned Israeli Military outpost that they were tracked as they did so and they were fired upon by troops on the ground and from the as similar tenuously and all 4 of them were killed what we dont know and what the Israeli Military says they are investigating as to whether there is any link between this whether its an isolated incident or is connected to the already heightened security situation in israels north israel has been reinforcing its troops along the border with lebanon and in the occupied Golan Heights in anticipation of a potential hezbollah attack thought to be likely to come from lebanese territory that soft as butter fights was killed in an airstrike inside syria last month has a long standing promise to retaliate to any of its fighters being killed inside syrian territory and to be there was an incident a week ago on monday when israel fired upon and it says drove back a group of would be infiltrators into its controlled territory in the disputed shebaa farms area as well a sudden there was no attack carried out in that instance so the Israeli Military is saying that there is currently no known connection between what took place overnight but it is investigating the situation. The 1st major wildfire of the season in Southern California has forced nearly 8000 americans from their homes water bombing at craft in the sky and an army of firefighters on the ground are up against hot dry weather thats focused to continue or branch reports from los angeles. The fire in Riverside County east of los angeles has burned more than 8000 hectares and destroyed at least one home as well as numerous other structures approximately 7800 people have been evacuated from their homes this is a major foreign it will be going on for a couple of days more than 1300 firefighters from across the state assisted by helicopters and planes dropping fire retardant are battling the blaze there working in temperatures well above 37 degrees celsius amid dry gusty winds the fire is still out of control flames broke out late friday afternoon investigators suspect it may have been deliberately set by an arsonist Southern California has seen little rain for months and the dense brush is tinder dry the fire is burning its way into rugged hills that are hard for crews to reach authorities said ok thank you what i want to make sure. Everything youre saying people are going to think about repopulating due to code 19 the evacuees will not be housed overnight in large shelters instead the red cross is arranging accommodations at hotels which are largely empty due to the pandemic evacuees are getting their temperatures checked for fever and Evacuation Centers rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. U. K. Prime minister boss johnson has led tributes to john hume as a political giant after he passed away at the age of 83 he was a major influence in the Northern Ireland Peace Process the Catholic Leader won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping draft the good friday Peace Agreement in 1908 hes been described as the man who kept hope alive during fighting between catholic and protestant paramilitary groups. And chinas economy appears to have rebounded sharply from the corona Virus Outbreak of after an historic contraction many people are still unemployed job seekers have been encouraged to become Street Vendors to spur the countrys Economic Growth katrina you reports from chengdu. Food makes a living selling sunflowers to pedestrians in time to city in china southwest before they covered 1000 outbreak he worked as a security guard. By competent for a lot of people because of the epidemic 1st just to lower my salary but eventually they couldnt employ me anymore thats why im doing this. More than 20000000 Chinese Workers are estimated to have lost their jobs because of the pandemic like food many have taken up informal streets selling to make ends meet street markets are now putting up across cities and towns with many vendors selling their own handmade goods. Lead les decided to organize this market after losing his job as a hairdresser he says street vending is for many the only way to generate income but sales arent easy to come by. The fact is not managed sellers can make good money from new sellers even losing money it all depends on the products and the experience. The official data suggests strong recovery for chinas Economic Growth the emergence of legions of street sellers nationwide paints a bleak picture the Chinese Government says unemployment is at 6 percent but other estimates put it at closer to 20 Chinese Premier League to china last month encourage the development of the socalled street stall economy to help chinas Economic Growth get back on track but these vendors on 12 everywhere. Some local governments have banned unlicensed Street Vendors calling the stalls backward and unhygenic Chinese State media says the burgeoning street economy is only a temporary solution and not suitable for socalled 1st tier cities like shanghai and beijing but dong says he prefers this work to his old job but im not going to work. There the salary was too low. If you were. Very happy. Thats one bright spot at least for this new worker katrina. Still ahead on aljazeera and sports well hear from the players getting ready to compete in the 1st official tennis event almost 5 months. Business leaders just want to buy no bras paul. Business leaders want to buy no bras paul. The on. The 1st sign language cafe in North Macedonia has opened its doors in the capital its hoped the Business Venture will inspire thousands of other people with disabilities in the country her struggle to get work or rely heavily on the state for help carlip has more. Martin and brad mill a long wanted to start their own business and after meeting others like them with hearing and speech impediments while traveling abroad they came up with an idea a cafe that welcomes and caters to such people along with other customers yes both of us during my time abroad i saw many ideas and learned that many different people have started their own businesses this gave us an idea to do the same. They received a state grant to help them and after months of preparation were about to open the cafe in march but then the coronavirus pandemic broke out. The hardest thing was finding an interpreter that was the most difficult as time went by we thought we were going to make it the bank requires you to have an account but the law on the when some changes which was a shock for us we somehow managed to find an interpreter but the problem was how to pay him martin and i were struggling to make our own living we could not paid interpretation services. But the pair overcame the challenges and hope their success can be an example to others customers can use a digital menu to make orders and also learn sign language they and government officials hope they can help change peoples attitudes to those with disabilities and show others they dont need state aid to start their own business. He does like when the aim is to amend the law in this regard so theres as many people with disabilities as possible can join the open market rather than the particular one we have to raise awareness and consider people with disabilities as equal to all other workers in the country for now sign language is only used for ordering beverages but the couple intends to supplement that offer very soon with food car or leg aljazeera. Lets have a sport his fire thanks so much ken after a hiatus lasting almost 5 months tennis is making its official return the palermo open is a 1st tour event to take place since a coronavirus locked up and the richardson reports. The palermo open is normally a low key event but this year it has global significance it marks the official return of professional tennis after coronavirus forced the suspension of both the mens and womens tools in march. Strict Health Protocols are in place one n one player did test positive for cope with 19 with competitors being tested regularly before and after their arrival in italy and while limited numbers of spectators are being allowed in players can have just one member of their support team with them inside the venue i mean it feels pretty safe we have them are. Relieved or towel room i mean its pretty safe to be in the room to the takeaway food to get some room service but also on Court Coaching will be different. But i mean its up to the players also to figure out. Thanks time to. Adjust or figure out everything you need to do so youre going home i think i think we all need to do something that makes us makes us feel safe not all players are as keen to travel at this time wimbledon champion simona halep decided not to make the trip to poland and world number one ashley barty made an early decision to pull out of the u. S. Open what will be the years 2nd grand slam tournament is due to start at the end of this month behind closed doors hokum patrick nick curiosus also withdrawn from the event due to Health Concerns and even those who are committed to playing in new york except the risks are involved. I was thinking maybe of maybe trying to travel somewhere before im to get. Weather training but then its like then youre increasing your risk of potentially. You know catching the virus which then means. In our travel. Like playing a grand slam and. The Global Nature of the tennis calendar and its players has traditionally been a strength right now it looks to be sweetness and the richardson aljazeera lawyers representing footballs governing body feed says say the criminal investigation into its president giani and from tino is unfair and grotesque a case has been opened against inventin know in switzerland over secret meetings he had with the countrys attorney general nicholas slobber lubber had been leading a probe into football corruption both men have denied any wrongdoing. Minnesota wildes matt dubais says he plans to raise his fist during playing both the u. S. And Canadian National anthems for the rest of the n. H. L. Season. And. Timber was the only player to make the gesture ahead of the wild game against the Vancouver Canucks in edmonton on sunday comes a day after he became the sports 1st player to kneel in protest against Police Brutality and racism. Im a Colorado Avalanche clenched a thrilling win over a new stanley cup champion st louis blues 1000 calories buzzer beater with 110th of a 2nd left on the clock lifted colorado to a 21 win. In the n. B. A. The phoenix suns came back to stun the playoff bound Dallas Mavericks the suns trailed for most of the 1st half but dominated 3rd quarter Cameron Johnson had 19 points and 12 rebounds to help for you next 281172115 when this is dallas a 2nd Straight Loss in florida but they still managed to clinch a playoff spot. Americas Justin Thomas has claimed a title and golfs world number one spot thomas won his 13th tour title at the st jude invitational in memphis will now be among the favorites to win the opening major of the year the u. S. P. G. A. Championship which tees off on thursday thomas is back on top of the rankings for the 1st time since 28. 00 team. And i feel like im a more complete of a golfer now than i was that. I just may have been ive been working hard to really have that i. Feel like ive been point better than my results since we came back from the coroutine and i just know that if i keep myself there i feel like im going to get it done eventually and hopefully more often than not. And danielle k. Y. The 1st womens tournament to be held in the u. S. Since the coronavirus walk down american finished on 7 under par at the Inverness Club in ohio to secure their to reach a single stroke now its not just amateur golfers who will stop at nothing to find their ball heres swedens joel show home taking a boat ride during the European Tour event in england after his ball landed on an island in the middle of a pod his efforts were worth it and he did manage to avoid having to take a penalty stroke. Ok and that is all your sport for now back to you kim. Millions of South Koreans are finding holiday destinations closer to home because of the pandemic is good news for organizers of a cultural festival in the southeastern city of on the wrong thats where all reynolds reports. The Opening Event for a festival celebrating the essence of korean culture this one area can boast more unesco World Heritage sites than any other part of the country for many hundreds of years its been renowned as a center for buddhist and confucian learning and the home of korean ability its exemplified by the village of parkway meaning literally surrounded by water with every home lovingly preserved. This area is a place where values not just a korean are deeply ingrained in flori buddhism from india and confusion china they are perfectly used to with underlying values of local folk culture and its part of a National Effort to promote korean culture the rich Cultural Heritage of this area makes it famous throughout south korea but relatively unvisited the organizers of this festival are hoping to change that making the most out of a pandemic that means people have no choice but to seek out iconic treasures on their own doorstep nothing go ahead go ahead but normally go abroad but this year in evidently we had to take our vacation at home. Its very peaceful and relaxing it was a good decision to come it and i think. The main Temple Building here is beautiful its absolutely worthy of being a World Heritage site. A region that believes it has a unique set of spiritual values that World Heritage status will help it promote internationally. Global pandemic has come as a big shark but never least we shouldnt suspend culture activities its our duty as a society to carry on. Tapping into a rich cultural tradition as a source of comfort in Uncertain Times robert bridle jazeera and dong south korea. As the news hour be back in a moment with more news. Playing. Ogust on aljazeera at the u. S. Republican and Democratic National conventions delegates officially nominate their partys president ial candidates for the 2020 elections in india witness policy young conservationist tackling the deadly human elephant conflict with an unlikely strategy coexistence 10 years after the chilean mining disaster we revisit the victims of a story that captivated the world 1. 00 to 1. 00 east and has the violent arena of the mixed martial arts in russia and the police u. S. S. R. And the un special tribunal delivers its verdict on the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister rafik hariri focused on al jazeera. On counting the cost the wealth of banks Prime Ministers that perish because built on the backs of slaves become auctions birth now in reparations album pandemic could wipe out latin americas modern social and economic gains plus wild cards missing billions counting the cost of aljazeera. Where there is water there is life but finding it on australias arid desert is a skill few still possess they took us to a small wet spot in the sea in the desert and this was this is a very important place theyve been telling us about for the last 5 days who came in. And under orders against all odds an aging population is passing on its knowledge the rainmakers of the outback on a. There is an aussie load of bullet at the moment and that might never be. A grim warning from the World Health Organization has countries across the world announce renewed restrictions to halt the search and corona virus infections. And given how this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up

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