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Tore the city apart as a new report reveals the government was warned of the dangers only last month. Russia says its approved the worlds 1st Coronavirus Vaccine but there is concern over how quickly its been developed. Positioning just about on a taken off sky it takes refuge in lithuania as the government is accused of disproportionately violence against protesters. And with all the support 3 though it was makes the winning return to action in her. Core brands following her to cry on a virus that shut down. The mall hours has made history in the u. S. Becoming the 1st black woman and Asian American on a major president ial ticket a california senator has been chosen as democratic candidate joe bidens running mate in the race for the white house and if donald trump is voted out in November Harris will become the 1st woman of color to occupy the vice presidency the senate is a fierce advocate for Police Reform and social justice analysts say her selection is a sign of the vital role black voters could play in the upcoming election well i live for us at the white house now and i think actually there is some reaction now allen from commodity self saying that she is on ed to join joe biden the democratic ticket saying that biden can unify americans. Well you wouldnt expect to see anything else certainly there were a number of contenders joe biden said he would announce his Vice President ial pick before the Democratic National convention which is now going to be held. Virtually starting next week he had a number of names in the frame there where at least 10 hed said earlier this year that he was going to pick a woman after the black matter protests it seemed almost certain they would pick a woman of color so we came from 10 possible contenders dont have just one someone that joe biden noise someone that joe biden likes and someone that attacked joe biden during the primary campaign the v. P. Pick Kamala Harris have similar highnesses been the favorite to fill the democrats the piece look for some time. She brings a High National profile as a former president ial candidate a senator from california. And family connections to biden she was Close Friends with his late son bo but this is my belief child of a mother from india and father from jamaica she takes 2 important boxes as a woman of color. Search and a dynamic or and really good message and shes really good at talking about complicated subject and made a very clear to the audience in to the American People former attorney general of california shes used her skills as a prosecutor in Senate Hearings to pick apart arguments put forward by the come to but that all title has also brought criticism during her tenure as attorney general there are a lot of questions raised about her willingness to intervene in a variety of types of cases including Police Excessive use of force allegations as well as areas around drug policy that could really become a problem or. In the 1st democratic president ial candidate debate she had a Tense Exchange when she said joe bidens past few on the segregated schools was hurtful but in modern u. S. Politics it all seems a long time ago smart and charismatic shes been the front runner for a reason and 55 more than 20 years younger than the candidate shes seen as the next generation of democratic leaders. Well alan is obviously still with us and so are you mentioning there in your report that these are 2 people who have sparred before in the past and certainly hasnt been afraid to criticize joe biden on racial issues what is she going to bring to his campaign. You know i think that might be part of joe bidens attraction to her he doesnt want to be surrounded by people who will simply agree with them all the time when barack obama approached him to be Vice President he said i want you to help me govern and joe biden agreed as long as he was the last voice in the room that barack obama listen to that barack obama could make any decision and joe biden would go out and sell it to the American Public if thats what was required but he wanted to be the last voice that barack obama spoke to so the fact that campbell how this isnt scared to stand up to joe biden might have been something that he liked just looking through some of the tweets some of the social media reaction there seems to be universal praise for the decision among democrats that its a real contrast to 4 years ago you remember then that Hillary Clinton picked tim kaine the senator from virginia a very capable very accomplished politician but the overall reaction was met here theyre seeing Something Different and this might be what joe biden wants he wants to energize the Democratic Base he wants to make sure that people come out and vote because although hes ahead in the polls at the moment its august and the elections in november and theres a long way to go we know that has been essentially vetted to within an inch of our life we nor all the Opposition Research we know that the Biden Campaign has gone through everyones track record with a fine tooth comb and asked the question is there anything that could come out that will embarrass the campaign theyre clearly very happy that everything negative that can be said about count as out there in the open and that is why they have me to pick one very interesting reaction from jim clyburn a name not known by our International Audience hes a congressman in South Carolina he is the whip of the Democratic Party in the house of representatives and essentially hes the man who saved joe bidens campaign to give him his indorsement. That was enough for the overwhelmingly black voters in South Carolina to get behind george biden and give him their support that propelled him to victory in South Carolina and then on to bigger victories on super tuesday and beyond he thinks that this is a very smart choice by joe biden and that will play very well in several communities across the United States all right thank you for now alan fischer well joe biden has tweeted about his decision of running mate he said i have the great honor to announce that ive picked a lot of horace fearless fighter for the little guy one of the countrys finest Public Servants as my running mate so obviously joe biden making that announcement himself on twitter a bit earlier. Has also given her reaction about joining the race she saying that joe biden can unify the American People because he spent his life fighting for us and as president hell build an america that lives up to our ideals im on a to join him as our partys nominee for Vice President and do what it takes to make him our commander in chief that is a commodity says a recent tweet as a row brunells joins us now over the phone from los angeles actually and before she was elected to the senate in 2016 kilometers spent some 26 years as a prosecutor in her home state of california whats her whats been the reaction there to her selection as v. P. So far its been very positive as you mentioned and as you were discussing with with allen moments ago the democratic reaction is overwhelmingly positive different story from the republican side but the. Governor here Gavin Newsome a democrat of california praised the pick of the camel hair its in a tweet calling or on a principle and a Perfect Choice for joe biden there has been. The action also from President Trumps campaign. With Katrina Pierson trent senior adviser. Saying in a statement that the parents is proof that joe biden is an empty shell being filled with the extreme agenda of the radical left so then it didnt take very long for the Republican Campaign for President Trump do to respond i would think they had something ready a long before this and didnt trump is going to have one of his briefings later on today so well hear from him in person but in general shes a popular figure in california she had a rousing beginning of her president ial race. For the democratic nomination with a huge rally in Oakland California hometown. She was not able to sustain any momentum. In the race for the 2020 nomination perhaps because she was. Sort of the twixt and between between the more progressive side. Of the Democratic Party with Bernie Sanders and the more pragmatic or traditional side or lane that joe biden occupied its interesting since we have been talking about president ial politics political history in the United States theres an interesting parallel here. We talk about how Campbell Harris mounted a very effective attack on joe bidens history insofar as race and the segregation go its in one of the only debates and that definitely catapulted her up the ranks and it was a secular attack probably one of the most effective attacks during all of those many debates well in 1980 lets go back to 1980 Ronald Reagan was running against jimmy carter and the candidate thats mounted the most effective attack against reagan was bush sr. Who referred to reagan to do with a nomics reagan nonetheless the person who had attacked him in an effort to bring the Republican Party together i think you see some parallels here to that a candidate who despite the fact that you get attacked. Biden very effectively now on the ticket and perhaps too as an effort to solidify full democratic support behind biden especially for among women among black americans among people who support the black one madam movement and people who d see it as long overdue for a woman to be all acted Vice President and for black women as well. All right rob thank you for now rob reynolds in los angeles we just want to run through some of the key points from his background take a closer look at that now she is 55 years old she is the daughter of jamaican and indian immigrants the 1st time senator from california had endorsed biden when she dropped out of the president ial race earlier this year of course she was a candidate a self and shes been a fierce critic of President Trump as harris was the 1st black woman to serve as californias attorney general wesley served 2 terms in office i do joe castro joins us live now from maryland has that been what response you hearing to this news. Well sure were expecting a briefing from President Trump from the white house in about 20 minutes time and certainly hell be fielding many questions from reporters in response to the selection of harris as joe bidens running mate now we know the feud between these 2 has been running for a while at least on twitter when harris dropped out of the field of candidates for president back in december. We saw President Trump mocking her early exit from that because from that field weve also seen harris asking twitter to deactivate Donald Trumps twitter account and once she did drop out the vocal critic attacking President Trump on behalf of joe biden while supporting his candidacy of course now we know she is his Vice President running mate pick now as my colleague alan fisher was reporting come on harris certainly checks off many boxes as the partner to run on this ticket was joe biden for democrats one of those boxes is among the democratic establishment seeing kamel a harris as a relatively safe pick going along with her track record she never was really characterized as a progressive she wasnt exactly a moderate was somewhere in between and shes been said by many to have very pragmatic positions that can easily back up what joe bidens priorities are when it comes to policy so though she may character herself to rise herself leaning more towards the moderate side were seeing certainly the response from the g. O. P. As something very different trying to characterize kind of the harris as an extreme leftist the g. O. P. Chairwoman were mcdaniel tweeting minutes before that comma harriss extreme positions from raising taxes to abolishing private Health Insurance to comparing Law Enforcement officials to the k. K. K. Show that the left wing mobs. Controlling joe bidens candidacy just like they would control him as president running with that theme we saw president trans twitter account re tweeting attack a video that was obviously prepared well ahead of hand against comma harris also labeling her as a leftist extremist again thats something that she herself would say is untrue and that many looking at her record would also say is untrue as she does lean more towards the center of the aisle all right thanks very much heidi jocasta in maryland as heidi was saying trump is expected to speak in some 20 minutes so we dont have a reaction from the president trying just yet to come out of horaces selection is joe bidens running mate but im sure that he will be asked about that and well hear his reaction pretty soon for now we can speak to Simon Rosenberg a former adviser to president bill clinton he joins us via skype from washington and heidi was speaking about some of the initial reaction has been from republicans and for example ronald mcdonald. Betraying the someone with extremist positions comparing nor enforcement officials to the k. K. K. And showing that the left wing is controlling joe bidens candidacy i mean probably this is the sort of rhetoric we could expect regardless of who biden selected you know in the months leading up to the election but do you think there has to be some level of caution on the part of the Trump Campaign if these if we see this this sort of attacks could actually. Be counterproductive for the trunk campaign and out working to the advantage of joe biden. Well don trump isnt one of the worst electoral positions of any sitting president in the modern era of american arctics hes running one of the worst campaigns that weve ever seen hes trailing joe biden badly so i dont really put a lot of stock in the efficacy of these attacks and our harris is among the most inspiring and capable leaders that we have the Democratic Party shes a friend of mine i know her very very well and i think shes going to bring a lot of energy and passion and excitement to this ticket this is a this is a dark day for the truck you know paint theyre way behind and i think shes going to bring an incredible boost of energy to the campaign in the final days. And. Im just wondering though if we likely to see i mean is this something that the Trump Campaign will seize on and is it something that they you know will the ferocity of this sort of leftist takeover rhetoric i mean are they going to focus on attacking her on might they take a different approach. Listen at the end of the day this is going to be about joe biden and and and lets just be very clear as one of your other commentators said earlier theyve been making this leftist mob argument for months and its not working its all they have its because the economy is cratering the president has waved a white flag of surrender to cope that unlike any other modern country in the world i can go down the long list of his failed as well years as president and so they dont have a lot to run on in the in the initial attacks ive known come up for a long time she was known as a moderate crime fighter and for no i mean the idea that theyre trying to cast her as some left this is just its a joke right i mean she wasnt even on the list that was given to the to the Vice President from one of the most prominent left wing groups in the United States because she was considered to be too moderate or conservative i mean she i think it is it is not knowing that is thats a fair point she faced criticism to have record on clintons justice for not doing enough to prosecute police men that had been violent towards young black men and california during that time his attorney general. But so 2 just kind of go meeting on from that and theres some elements within the Democratic Party that will be disappointed by this election i dont think so and i and i think that look everyone will have a quibble with somebody right like no 100 percent and your book combo is 95 percent in everybodys book hate she is in credit she is very popular in the Democratic Party is the faster stronger and i mean there are a lot of different choices that he has and i think that its going to reinforce i think that one of bidens greatest challenges was to represent to create this contrast between Donald Trumps backward looking campaign that this all just a trump ism and sort of this the what had been a very modern Democratic Party because just because of his age right. I think this is going to be a real signal that the campaign is looking forward focusing on the challenges ahead of us and that the things that have come before and i think its going to really its going to help this issue and the democrats as a modern governing force its where weve been at our best when bill clinton and barack obama in recent times were modern leaders haggling tomorrows challenges we were very effective both in our campaigns and in our governing i think this is going to bring i cant i just my own is my gut instinct here i think that connell is going to bring more to the ticket than i think anybody could have imagined it reminds me a little bit like that and he 92. 00 when gore got hit there the sum was greater than the parts i think the sum is going to be greater in the arts and even if we just gain one or 2 more points out of this pick with the American People the election is going to be out of reach for the president and so this is a dangerous moment for the Republican Party and i think the real question is does the president respond by dumping mike pence and adding a woman to this tech to try to counter what i think was an inspiring pick by joe klein all right thank you for now signing rise of that phone adviser to president bill clinton thank you. With the news hour live from london want to bring you some other stories as well a surge in coronavirus cases in colombia and argentina puts the World Health Organization on alert and warnings about that and then the name is p. S. G. Teammates arrive in lisbon in search of european glory head to the Champions League mini tournament in sports. But its been a week since a massive blast in beirut killed more than 200. 00 people and destroyed much of an already suffering city today the Community United in their grief to honor the lives lost the service has been held a day off to lebanons government resigned under pressure from an angry public say the honda reports from beirut. Was. A moment of silence for the dead the wounded and the missing Church Bells Rang alongside the muslim call to prayer for a few moments at least this deeply divided and broken nation came together. I am lebannon remembered a moment that changed the lives of so many people its been a week since the explosion of beirut port destroyed lives and homes just meters from the blast site people gathered to demand justice and accountability so all those in power knew about the explosives at the ports on the wrist the law of the people the should be an International Investigation because we dont trust the lebanese investigations lebanese authorities including the president knew there was a large stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate after. Port. But the 10 firefighters who died in the blast were not aware of the risks when they were sent to put out the fire of unknown origin were up against a competence were all up against corruption were up against all that system that got us where we are today and its the whole system that is wrong its also a sin that is flawed we want bury our dead before we bury their corruption before we bury them in the blast deep in the already dire economic crisis which pushed half of lebanons 5000000 people into poverty aid agencies are distributing food and medicine filling the void left by a government that has long failed to provide basic services the state is close to bankruptcy this is also a quote from the doctor on the hospital floors of course. Thats why. I lost my job 1st and i lost my home and i lost my god from the explosive private hospitals were owed billions of dollars by successive governments which left the Public Sector ill equipped and underfunded i just want to say to the International Community if you want if you can hope the situations that really. Were substituting. The country and the governments role towards its people it will be very interesting step the government has now resigned though it will remain as a Caretaker Administration until a new cabinet is formed these people want what they call an independent salvation government but there are others who still support the sectarian system that they believe protects that they want a National Unity government that will bring back the same political elites. That is what people fighting for a new country fear they have the will but not the tools to bring change. French president. Is leading an International Initiative to solve the crisis he says lebanon needs fundamental change and a new political order he didnt elaborate. Beirut russia says its developed the worlds 1st vaccine against kovan 1000. 00 after less than 2 months of human trials there are concerns moscow might be putting National Pride before science and safety Charlie Rangel has. Its a race Everyone Wants to win but rushing it could prove fatal president putin says russia has approved a vaccine against covert 19 despite not completing crucial phase 3 Clinical Trials next week im using the sewer today in the morning the 1st vaccine against the new corona virus infection was registered although i know it works they effectively form stable immunity and i repeat it has gone through all the necessary checks dubbed sputnik 5 after the 1st satellite in space the vaccine has only been tested on 138 people one of them putins daughter based on a proven vaccine against add in a virus the common cold this vaccine allegedly gives immunity against kobe 1000. 00 for 2 years but the results of the limited trials have yet to be made public. Coronavirus has ripped through russia it has the 4th highest number of cases in the world the Health Ministry says doctors and teachers will receive the 1st doses before a Mass Vaccination Program starts in january 20 countries have rushed to preorder it read 1000000000 doses according to moscow but the World Health Organization says the vaccine has not got best on top of approval yet we are in a close contact with the russian how her car keys discussions are going to respect possible government truck requalification of democracy yeah prequalification of the new york scene. And the Scientific Community say the speed of development and lack of transparency is causing them concern we have no idea whether even the claims that are being made about the safety and the immune response of this virus are true or not i hope theyre true you know once there is a safe and effective vaccine personally i dont care where it comes from we need to Work Together to get this to everybody around the world one of the things that i worry about is that you know this is really more. About you know sort of geopolitics and being able to claim victory it may put pressure on other countries to cut corners on safety and effectiveness as well and that could put us all in danger. Until the w. H. O. Give the vaccine the green light this is not a race russia can claim to have one child and china there so we can now speak to dr craig spends hes the director of Global Health and emergency medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center how curious would you be for the results of those limited vaccine trials in russia to be made public how important is it that that information be disclosed its absolutely essential right now if i had access to the vaccine i certainly wouldnt give it and i wouldnt take it myself there are other vaccines that are farther along in this process and that we have more data for we dont have enough information about this vaccine and as we just mentioned this is more about posting than it is about sound Public Health principles we have vaccines like the moderna and i ates vaccine candidate and the Oxford Astra Zeneca candidate which is also an animal virus vaccine like the one in russia those have started phase 3 trials and were already in really people of those take many many months so we understand the implications whether they work whether theyre safe whether theyre going to be effective without that information its absolutely i would think wise to sue to make an announcement and boldly claim that that you achieve something that has not yet but board up i do that but i suppose given the fact that the information hasnt been made public it means that we we dont know the whole story and actually they might have his upon something groundbreaking potentially. Its certainly possible but even if you just look at the timeline the russian vaccine you know the stage that threat now has it was slower and it took more time than other vaccine candidates that are still undergoing the right rigorous process to get the information that we need theres no way to speed up you know getting tens of thousands of candidates to take the vaccine and to follow them and determine whether or not the vaccine itself is affected that preventing getting the virus theres just no other way to do it than to give it to a bunch of people and to watch them over a period of time many other steps in this process can be sped up the distribution you know creating and scaling up vaccine doing multiple things at once but theres no way to do this much faster than its already being done by other candidates that we actually have good information on no single vaccine is going to be suitable for everyone everywhere is it. Absolutely not no its quite possible that you know one hopefully we get a vaccine and im quite optimistic that well have at least one and probably many but the likelihood is that any vaccine that we do get is not going to be a 100 percent effective for all groups its going to be maybe 50 or 60 or 70 percent effective in decreasing the likelihood that you get this this virus that you get cold hit but even thats going to be helpful we need a lot of information to determine which what specs eans to what in what populations and that is a lot of work that takes a lot of time but then how do you manage it how do you even begin to develop a vaccine for a disease that you dont completely understand and were getting reports of people who have recovered from the 1000 then suffering symptoms further down the line we dont know enough about the chronic long term impact it can have on the human body so that all of this makes the emergence of any vaccine very challenging. It does but to be fair to say that we dont know anything about this its not necessarily true we know a lot about other similar coronaviruses and really over the past 8 months the amount that weve learned about this virus is absolutely incredible to go from sequencing its genome to having multiple over 100 vaccine candidates under study right now is an incredible feat of science we need to trust in the beauty and the process of science to get us through this and not the boasting of a political professional over really the public up results out of that are going to be necessary to save us and youre right were worried about long kogut we worry about people that have these chronic illnesses and we need to invest in research and support to understand more about more about that but again this just another thing that science in the Public Health community is going to have to do built on science built on data built on research to get more information not just on the posting in the hoping of a political professional right dr Craig Spencer thank you. Thank you so much well new zealand has announced its 1st Community Transmission of the corona virus in more than 100 days by Minnesota Center are done as ordered and into lockdown after 4 new cases were confirmed it leave all 3 your ass to stay at home in your bubble other than for essential movements such as going to the supermarket or local recreation if you are in oakland you must work from home unless you are an essential Service Worker or schools in childcare facilities in oakland are closed as of tomorrow morning except for the children of essential super sweet because and those who are who are involved will remember that it leave all 3 we allow you to x e schools and do a childhood for a level 3 for a scene sure super sweet his son lee or public facilities by 3 strong same businesses must close by mid day to morrow. It comes as a retirement village in christchurch has gone into lockdown after some residents showed flu like symptoms the facility told families that 8 residents were affected swabs to test for kovan 1000. 00 have been sent to a laboratory meanwhile the World Health Organization is saying there are some wires some spikes in virus cases in countries that have previously controlled outbreaks places like colombia in argentina colombia is close to reaching 400000 cases the mayor of the capital bug atar is expected to announce a new lockdown in parts of the city to control the spread and then there are concerns about rising infections in the Dominican Republic as well which has more cases than all of the other caribbean island nations combined alessandra b. S. E. Has more from bogota. Most likely the fact that more people have been out on the streets people than need to work to eat and also the fact that while. Officially the nation nationwide quarantine remains in place there have been growing number of exceptions that the National Government has put in place for the economy to restart so while during the 1st 3 months the situation seemed to be under control weve seen the number just going up for the last couple of months and really picking up the last 2 or 3 weeks and now colombia against the law is the country with the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases anywhere in the world and whats most concerning for all these here is the fact that in the last 7 days if you look at the number of confirmed beds for a 1000000 people colombia is among the highest if not the worst affected country anywhere in the world but this at a time when most strict restrictions were supposed to way and even in larger cities like here in the capital or in the 2nd city maybe a year and thats why thursday were now expecting the mayor of bogota to announce new restrictions possibly another 14 days of a Strict Lockdown in 3 sectors of the city that would affect the 3 to 4000000 people i guess the Silver Lining here though is the fact that authorities also believe were in a sort of the peak of infections and hopefully we might see these numbers going down in a couple of weeks. Now there is growing anger and accusations of electoral fraud after the victory of president Alexander Lukashenko and valorous thousands of opposition supporters were detained during the protests which erupted after sundays vote opposition candidates met on a ticket of skier has been given shelter in lithuania where she has now stepped lawson reports from minsk. After she suddenly disappeared from bello on monday night video of step plan at the count of sky emerged on Tuesday Morning of her in lithuania who deserves to. I made a very difficult decision its a decision i made absolutely independently so the my friends nor my family nor the Campaign Staff could influence it in any way the president ial challenger urged belorussians to stay safe and said she wanted to join her children abroad shortly after her 1st video appeared in nada showed her reading a statement urging belorussians to stop protesting Opposition Leader Maria Kolesnikov us asked the kind of guy i was locked in a room at the office of the Election Commission for 3 hours with 2 unknown men she went there to complain about the election result which gave a 6th term to president alexander look at shanker she was pressured because of cause. To present from. Authorities. Out for all these out internet news out here laura. Everybody understand what happened i the departure of the main opposition challenger happened while thousands of battle russians protests and for the 2nd consecutive night against what they say was a fraud alert and rick election. Because shankar was been in power for 26 years and he won more than 80 percent of the vote police and soldiers responded to protests with violence and detentions thousands were taken and many are missing. At Detention Centers around the country relatives are waiting for news this woman says her son was detained after the election on sunday night she hasnt heard from him since. My heart is breaking he had no molotov cocktail stick he wanted to say it because he wants to live in a free country but he was based in. For the past 3 days we dont know where our children are only a few of us know the children here yesterday one man was told that is relative wasnt here when he shouted his name he responded. Money yeah kolesnik over who can paint with the kind of sky and a not a wife of an opposition figure is now the only woman of the socalled 3 young for still in panel ruth she condemns the governments response to the protests its all form and its kind of. All right a president trying to speaking in speaking here lets just listen to this states and cities have an absolute duty to use all resources necessary to end the violence and all of the injury and death here except he has an army of great police i know them very well. And the Law Enforcement and the new yorks finest are as good as it gets and they should be allowed to do their job if they do their job or if theyre allowed to do their job the new york city problem will be solved in pieces of quickly. They do it well. The mayor bill de blasio should immediately hire back all of the police who were fired. Without justification they were fired because thats part of defund the police by the democrats they should hire new york citys finest back you have some incredible policemen doing specific jobs that nobody else can do actually when it comes to terrorism and other things. Together the city of chicago and the state of illinois have 25000 Police Officers sheriffs and guardsmen available to quell any violence they can do it very quickly very easily if allowed to do their jobs again if allowed to do their jobs our police our Law Enforcement is incredible but they have to be allowed to do the democrats or the radical left democrats are both because theyre becoming more in the same if you look at the election results. The democrats are being taken over by the radical left the city of portland in the state of oregon have 10000 fine officers and guardsmen available seattle washington. And washington d say have 10000 available so seattle city of seattle and Washington State itself they have great people they have to be allowed to do their job im urging them to deploy these resources to protect their citizens and to stop the violence. And all of the things that we watch on Television Going on although a lot of the unfortunately fake news dont like to put it on because it shows that the democrats are doing a very bad job of Law Enforcement they have to put it on have to be honest with the people of this country. But im offering all available federal support requested to stop the violence and arrest the criminals we have to be asked by the governors or the mayors and well be there very rapidly its a ready willing and able were all d ready willing and able to go to these jurisdictions and take care of them will do and very quickly you saw what happened in minneapolis they ripped the city apart when the National Guard went in it ended immediately it was immediate and lasted. These acts of destruction are not isolated incidents but demonstrate the pattern of violent left wing extremism that you get to see if youre watching the right news program. Under any rational definition the arson attack on the Police Precinct in portland would be considered an act of left wing domestic terrorism. They really are anarchistic is a left wing anarchist. They are and a kists and im directing the department of justice to stop these an artists immediately to stop them and to work with the city and the state to get the job done. Local authorities have to investigate and prosecute all of these crimes immediately will work with you and the local authorities know who they are they know where they come from they know a lot about whom they want to get their act together and get it done and were ready to help if you need that help you shouldnt need that help actually you should be able to do it yourselves and get it done very well again you have excellent. Police and Law Enforcement but you have to let them do their job. What youre seeing in portland and seattle new york chicago is really the democratic roadmap for america they want every city in america to resemble portland in a form they want to pass federal legislation gutting and hamstring in every Police Department in america they want to get rid of your 2nd amendment they want to end care close prisons to fund Police Departments or at least largely to fund you see that with new york a 1000000000. 00 they took out of their Police Department crime has gone through the roof and appoint far left prosecutors who side with the criminals and target law abiding citizens if the left gains power no city town or suburb in our country will be safe. On the vaccine front some very good news today i met with the leaders of operation warp speed or historic undertaking to produce a safe and effective vaccine in record time we heard an update from the top scientist in the government and the leaders of pharmaceutical companies which right now arent too thrilled with me theyre taking millions of dollars worth of ads because ive created a favored nation status for drugs which is going to reduce drug prices by 405060 and maybe even 70 percent in some cases numbers that have never been heard of a thought of so when you see those ads remember that means your drug prices are coming down and when you see ads attacking your president its very simple let me instruct prices are going to be falling very soon. This evening im pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with moderna to manufacture and deliver 100000000 doses of their Coronavirus Vaccine candidate the federal government will own these vaccine doses were buying them recently will also secured partnerships with johnson and johnson as well d as santa fe and g. S. X. To support the large scale manufacturing of their vaccines doing very well and those vaccines tremendous promise and every single one of them and we have many of them and their years ahead of schedule this would have been if it were in the Previous Administration or any of the Previous Administrations where we are now would have taken years 3 vaccine candidates are now in phase 3 trials already the final stage of Clinical Trials is the final stage. We are investing in the development and manufacture of the top 6 vaccine candidates to ensure a rapid delivery the military is ready to go there ready to deliver a vaccine. To americans as soon as one is fully approved by the f. D. A. And were moving very close to that approval were on track to rapidly produce 100000000 doses a soon as the vaccine is approved and up to 500000000 shortly thereafter so will have 600000000 doses operation warp speed is the largest and most advanced operation of its kind anywhere in the world and anywhere in history. Weve treated more than 86000 americans with convalescent plausible a recent real clinic study found that this treatment may produce. Results which are incredible we look to a reduction in reduced word tele rate by 50 percent. And possibly even more than 50 percent. Of recovered from the virus to go to colonel virus dot gov and sign up and delayed response obviously been listening to as President Donald Trump has touching on a number of issues including efforts to develop a Coronavirus Vaccine in the United States but really what were listening in for is reaction to this news that joe biden has selected to be his running mate she is the 1st black woman and actually the 1st person of indian asian descent to be nominated for National Office by a major party and that is obviously the story that weve been covering and of course it would make them all ours the 1st black woman on a major Party President ial ticket has been some reaction coming in from the republicans mcdaniel the g. O. P. Chat woman describing come on the having extreme positions and saying that a left wing mob is controlling joe bidens candor see it sort of rhetoric we have come to expect from the trunk campaign and though we have to have had no direct reaction to this from president trying though its likely that he will be obviously asked about this in in this press conference that hes giving here but of course alan fischer has been monitoring the story and in chinese us now and. I mean how how important was it then for joe biden to pick a woman which he had pledged to do some months ago and also to pick a woman of color. Of course that came from a moment in the debate when he was asked will you pledge to pick a woman and he said yes he would that was in response to Bernie Sanders essentially going fast and saying that he would do it and certainly as weve seen the black matter issue become much more important across the United States over the last few weeks since the death of george floyd then it became clear that it was more likely to be a woman of color and we had numerous black leaders over the last 24 hours are doing joe biden to pick a woman of color kamelot harris was always one of the front runners shes very close to joe biden she was particularly close to his son who died just before the election in 2016 and really informed by his decision not to run then she was one of the people who attacked joe biden during those betty debates. Particularly for his stance on race but that seems such a long time ago now i mean were talking what january february Something Like that it would be before New Hampshire certainly before iowa so it was probably in january the whole year has just kind of telescope hasnt it so i decision by the Biden Campaign which they think will win them votes when the votes geographically you can virtually you know its the old saying that you dont count the democratic votes in california you just wave them california it will go for the biden ticket but what she does bring is and then orgy shes 55 substantially younger than the candidate she is well liked she is very good at boiling down complex issues so that people can understand them there will be questions about her past as the attorney general and california but that is something obviously that the Biden Campaign thinks they can deal with and they think that she will be an asset to the ticket which is why she got the nords ahead of numerous people there were. At least 10 on the shortlist several of them women of color this is obviously someone joe biden believes that if anything were to happen to him and remember you will if you wins be the oldest president ever sworn into office in the United States but if anything happens to him he has already made replacement someone who can step into the job or do you want something that he said would be his primary concern when it comes to picking a running mate i mean could joe biden have afforded not to pick. Looking at women from a number of different backgrounds but just when you look at the context in which this election has been made the black lives Matter Movement the National Outcry over entrenched racism in the country i mean this is something that he it seemed as though there was a very big big push for biden to select a black woman as his running mate in light of all this. What when you look at the people who are possibly being mentioned val demings was mentioned shes a congresswoman from Florida Former Police chief that would seem to play well at the moment you would think but people were concerned about the way she run the police in orlando and whether or not the police in orlando targeted black men so that was a strike against her theres bottoms she is the mayor of atlanta seems to have handled the covert crisis fairly well seems to have handled the Police Crisis in the city pretty well but shes a farce terror mayor and not nationally known so that was a strike against her there was karen bass whose name came very much to the fore over the last particularly last 10 days she is the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus so had a lot of supporters but she was also on record as praising for theyll castro when he died now if you want to make florida a tossup state you dont go into some of the parts and so florida with someone on your ticket who is praised for dale kasler so that was really a strike against all of these things have to be weighed up when people are being vetted and of course one of the most important things when you come to pick a Vice President ial candidate is do nor harm and so the thing that campbell how this will do less harm to the ticket than any of the other forcible running mates its also interesting that the overall reaction on social media while there are certainly people who think that this is not a great choice if you think 4 years back tim kaine senator from virginia when he was selected by Hillary Clinton many people thought accomplished politician pretty good operator in the senate but. It didnt really grab anyones attention there wasnt any real enthusiasm about tim kaine no one stood up and said oh great shes picked tim kaine there is the opposite reaction this time around there are people who are very enthused by camelot hire us including one very important voice and thats president. Barack obama now he has said that hes doing this for a while and he thinks that this is an expression of good judgment on the part of joe biden so the fact that barack obama is endorsing Campbell Harris as well as joe biden endorsing camelot that is an important distinction to me so i think you will see people overall welcoming this pick to 2 for camelot hardest and itll be interesting to see the candidate and his v. P. Pick when they speak in wilmington in delaware joe bidens h. Q. At some point on wait and see ok thank you allan fisher now a media tycoon in hong kong who is a major critic of the Chinese Government has been released on bail jamie lyon 2 of his sons were arrested under a controversial new security law it was surrounded by supporters in the media as he left the Police Station people chanted fight till the end and have an apple a day referring to lies apple daily newspaper which has vowed to keep criticizing government early on tuesday the police paraded line handcuffs on his yacht as they searched for evidence andrew brown reports. Jimmy lie was once more paraded before the cameras on tuesday as Police Continue to build a case against a high profile businessman he suspected of colluding with foreign powers a crime punishable by life in prison but started his apple daily newspaper insists the tabloids often highly Critical Coverage of chinas government will go on its one of hong kongs most popular newspapers on Tuesday Morning it became the citys most sought after normally with a print run of 50000. 00 copies a day the figure was almost 10 times that investor activism has also seen the share price of the papers Parent Company increase 11. 00 fold in 2 days buying a copy now amounts to an act of defiance they know what the police did brutally interfered with press freedom all home college or home college with a conscience have to support hong kong today support apple daily support hong kong. Morning to hong kong i know its not like this suddenly the political persecution and white terror has become more apparent more blatant i think its out of line what an ordinary citizen can do is very little maybe i can just buy a newspaper acne is child whos 23 is another prominent prodemocracy leader facing a life sentence she was arrested late on monday many here now wonder who will be next in beijing officials from chinas highest political body were discussing what to do with hong kongs Legislative Assembly after the territories chief executive perspire own and next months planned election for another year citing the covert 1000. 00 outbreak the Standing Committee of the National Peoples congress decided to extend the current term of hong kongs Many Parliament by another year thus averting a possible vacuum it also pays away for position lawmakers whove been banned from seeking reelection to remain in the legislature adrian brown aljazeera hong kong. The ship which has an estimated 1000 tons of oil into the ocean just off the coast of mischas had been declared safe by a japanese inspection body those are some of the latest reports about the vessel the m. V. Walker show paused its annual checks in march but then struck a coral reef on the 25th of july and started leaking Oil Last Week the vessel is still carrying 2000 tons of oil and is expected to eventually break up the Prime Minister of malaysia says declared a state of emergency the japanese government is sending a team to assist in a massive cleanup operation. The u. K. And france a working on new measures to stop migrants from crossing the English Channel so far this year more than 4000 people have successfully made the journey on small boats and since thursday at least 600 people have been intercepted making the crossing you came the question minister chris phil is in paris for talks with french officials about this. He says the 2 nations work at pace to finalize and you plan for shutting down the migrant right will bring you that clip a bit later because now we want to return to President Trump city a lot of people call this a phony moment of passive francisco t. H. C. Oversaw the current mercury news by team country for washing machines but she was asked in an interview last year she had smoked marijuana and she appears to support some people lie and say that she was listening to see dog into power of all their music can come out in time well she said she was smoking pot listening to mark weiss right now that you see that is more evidence of a circus from here want liability. Well she lied a bit she said things that were untrue. And she is. A person thats told many many stories that werent true she is very big into raising taxes she wants to slash funds for a military at a level that nobodys can even believe that she is against Fracking Fracking is shes against Petroleum Products i mean how do you do that and go into pennsylvania or ohio or oklahoma or the great state of texas is against frack in fracking is a big deal. Shes in favor of socialized medicine where you can lose your doctors youre going to lose your plan she wants to take your Health Care Plans away from 180000000 americans 180000000 americans that are very happy with their Health Insurance and she wants to take that away so she was my number one pick. As they would say because hopefully youll Start College football she was right number one draft pick and well see how she works out she did very very poorly in the. Primaries as you know he was expected to do well. And she was headed up but right around 2 percent. Spent a lot of money he had a lot of things happening and so i was a little surprised that he picked her ive been watching her for a long time and i was a little surprised she was extraordinarily nasty to cabin or judge judge kavanaugh then now just as she was nasty to a level that was just a horrible thing the way she was doing she treated now just as kevin and i wont forget that soon so she did very poorly in the primaries and now shes chosen so lets see how that will work for sarah long people see some proof for you rather than her because she did so many people in the past. I cant tell you what shes voting for i dont think she knows what i think joe knows even less than she does but i was surprised that the pick a lot of people say that might be the pick i was more surprised than anything else because she did so poorly many people did much better than her in the primaries she did very poorly in the primaries and thats like a poll you know thats like a poll also a few policies doesnt trump card yes 5 is abuse on surveillance flight least thats the most republicans there was prices use tremendous goes or abuse or Justice Department i see scarlett with her ph mortification but off you were actually born to 2013 the Surveillance Court was allegedly wrote for stand disapproving surveillance house hearings i dont think i was present you commented off at snowden but you think you should be allowed to return without a present. So as far as pfizer abuses going to syria there was tremendous pfizer abuse its amazing that its taken this long and everyone knows it its been proven very substantially not only pfizer abuse changing documents and putting documents in front of

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