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Government has shifted focus from saving lives to saving the economy. Counting the cost on aljazeera. I am fairly ok you are watching the stream home edition today or this happens i still groups around the world while the world has been tackling a Global Pandemic are they making a resurgence you can weigh in on the conversation via each in the comments section we would love to hear from war we can put your takes your questions your concerns very expert panel and you can be in the screen. Im going to say hello to the guess the guests will introduce themselves to you yogi it is good to see you can you tell everybody who you are. Hi good evening from manila philippines my name is curity ng abreast and i am Senior Analyst for the International Crisis group life in working in the southern philippines and mindanao for the last 7 years started my assignment was crisis group end of last year and im now very happy to be here with you and thanks for having happened to have you feel im welcome to the stream what we need to know about you for the purposes of this conversation introduce yourself good afternoon from pretoria in south africa from health i work with the institute for Security Studies where we focus in my section on siri either and also counterterrorism and we have a big increase in what is happening up moment in the northern parts of mozambique nice to have you looking for to hearing about mozambique and amman thank you for being on the stream what we need to know about you before we get the conversation its. Hello from swanzy in wales in the u. K. My names energy mimi i am dr research this year at Swans University focusing on the role of star of the American Islamic state propaganda and i am a fellow at George Washington universitys program and extremism where we focus on. Translation reduction and analysis of visited state documents recovered from iraq to answer my main focus has been on Islamic State within its adversaries its core as it were in iraq and syria. Yes a much expertise in this young if i way of i guess and also on tape as well as it can be a real think tank about what is happening with i still write a mint can you just give us your take on when there is a major of thing a big story that takes countries attention away from maybe dealing with issues where is groups except what happens with those groups and people are not paying attention to them. Well in the case of Islamic State take the case resigning state they themselves. Have commented on the corona virus pandemic and how its caught the attention of the world. But they themselves had their own view of it evolved over time it thursday actually they were quite cautious about about the coronavirus pandemic warning against the idea that it was necessarily a punishment from god against the norm most parents because they said its possible this could infect in fact muslims as well so precautions need be taken but then over time is the growing virus in increasingly to get the end epicenters of the end of the pandemic where in the west iran these kinds of countries they took is more the view that its a punishment against. Normas them and they called on their own fights and supporters tried to take advantage of this to wear step up attacks and take advantage of their own preoccupation in turning inwards and dealing with this pandemic and trying to contain it so. They generally sort is not seen. As actually really lead to a resurgence in operations i think its something that. Is a gradual thing that you see its very calm often whenever there is an apparent seriousness attacks on the ground in one place but it tends to overlook long tune trends in tends to be short sighted if you. I guess i want to show you this extraordinary headline its from india today and heres the headline Islamic State tells Indian Muslims to be coronavirus koreas and images could believe a stand to its time for coffee to for let me just bring you in here have you seen anything in your region where i sill is actually using the pandemic only as weaponize ing it what are you saying. Well in the philippines at least particularly in mindanao i think it was still a very ambiguous relationship between the pandemic and armed groups affiliated or at least linked to chew i sail basically we had some messaging on social media for instance when friday prayers were canceled because of the pandemic and then of course there was dismissed that this is not a good idea for muslims and that we should still go to the mosques and even you know trying to to conduct probably some recruitment but ultimately i do not think that it has really been employed a lot and you know members of these armed groups have been also struggling with the pandemic struggling with their livelihoods struggling with the ability to stage operations so i think they didnt really succeed that much and in that sense i would not really talk about a resurgence but rather a continuation of the very precarious situation theyve already been in the i want to catch up to whats happening in mozambique and unless youre in Southern Africa this may be a surprise to you that i still has a presence in Southern Africa but i want to go via chelsea de mint chelsea de mint is a Terrorism Research at American University we asked her whats been happening with i still recently and she gave us some figures some stats information. Its the beginning of the pandemic we see nice is teaching it as a state attention on a virus as well as the restrictions that the virus has placed on Security Forces to increase attacks u. S. Central command out often generates from a 2020 shows an increase in isis attacks in both syria and iraq was more attacks specifically in iraq unhappy or not their own Job Information center released a report today august 10th 2020 saying that in july isis attacks went down 24 percent in syria the majority of attacks in the day or else or recent. Civilian i want to say headline from april and this headline is mozambique in its presence of i still affiliated find it is whos going to ski down here can you update us on the situation or how i still got into mozambique. Thank you for asking. You know the situation in mozambique dates back to the 21st team with the insurgency started with attacks in muslim who had a prior that is a major turnaround in the coverdell got a province and whats happening there is they discovered liquid metro has vast vast. Deposits of it and that is that epicenter of where they try to to to to set up this so this response to to extract these gas and these guys moved in the and the town for the 1st time as we speak at this moment are they some measure assault and. Reports this afternoon was that they invaded they took the town hall took a town as well as the port so. The challenge with the bosun beacon government was that ever since. The invasion or the increase urgency in 2015 it was only with this report that you just noticed that they actually started to at mit that they are the citron that initially they said it was on fox induced robbery and they made it down a played it down as anything but terrorist that i mean they they they they never mentioned terrorist in official comment on the situation there and that the challenge in terms of responses so what is happening now at the moment is these groups use these are the period of a lapse in the period where they really effectively counter them and they become so strong that they are occupying swaths of land at the moment and they are dominating became areas we are going to displacement of over 270000 people at the moment we have weve had about 570 reported attacks since 2015. Crease so you have a 11 a to have a problem private people that are dead simple way just kind of nihilists playing in this situation dealing with amazing beatings dealing with right now and maybe not dealing doesnt have any defense does it doesnt make any difference to what i still would or would not have been doing right. I think i think theyre up again the coronavirus opin dimmick started to initiate it at the 2 tall. Platform in the area not muslims were prior and what we saw is you had a restriction on the movement of government you have a restriction on the movement of force issue a restriction on the movement of the of of the local population and with that your intelligence was was really hampered the Intelligence Officers could not move freely into the area gathering intelligence in order to to preempt any attacks and to to forewarn and all the things that because of intelligence so we saw a severe challenge in that in the area as i mentioned recent upsurge in c. Of the base of a sense since the start of the pandemic there is an escalation of attacks in the area i didnt win it because he you choose im going to solve a man im going to put this to your ralph is on the chin right now watching this conversation does it make sense to lump all the isis still affiliates into a unified entity a very different forces in my opinion its rough. Ok and i have in mind you know in my opinion it does make sense to speak of the Islamic State in different places i know sometimes theres a tendency to say well its their local groups and they have different agendas but i mean the fact is you know through Islamic State propaganda which comes out of databases thats clearly communication that goes on between the United States central media as it were and these if he gets operating in various parts are are parts of the world and sort of media side makes to be to through its propaganda tries to convey unit you know a unified vision as it were which is basically to say that. They hope that they can just keep wearing down their enemies through incessant operations and eventually they will achieve something called temp keane or relate enabling in the land which means to basically recreate the kind of success they had in 2014 and 15 when they took over swaths of territory in iraq and syria and you know display this is state project that they had. So no it doesnt mean i think you should speak of them you should speak of it as one while also recognizing that in different areas the local baghdad is all to no variations in fact is what drives a people to join. Join us i would say operating in various parts so of course you know its a no one solution so its all but same diversion downplay the ideological aspect of this and sort of these Islamic States insurgencies around the world. Who talk about i still operations are going to do that far more list stuff but i asked him what is real or what hes i still up to as far as the information that he has and your goal im going to come right off the back of that so look at mr best of all its governments grapple with the pandemics. Eisel is not so much as resurging as adapting its tactics and strategies using support groups and support bases on large and small platinums eisel is nontraditional pages groups and profiles shacked to various methods in the thousands in order to spread its propaganda is setting up new websites new positon reserve content that seed an online ecosystem that has been building over the past 8 months. You can remind us whats happening in the philippines where you concerns and of what sipping is running out. Well that comment by mr fowler certainly very interesting and i found it very also interesting to remark that actually a website of one of the early affiliates of the group in mindanao was actually existing around 2000 and 13. 00 to 2014 after that it was already blocked and not active anymore so this online ecosystem at least in Southeast Asia and was probably the philippines is of course developing through through other means of communication such as you know facebook telegram but i would still not say that it is so immense that isis central is really is the driving force behind it because the situation in the philippines is really driven by you know specific local factors and i think in that sense the global system of isis central also has to adapt because otherwise they wont have any success and i think thats still explains why in mindanao at least that group is still you know trying to communicate centrally but its not that successful because ultimately the conflict comes from very specific conditions in mindanao itself. And keep the kaufman high key for thank you for watching on each of highly chambers here because many hes based in the us and hes on the west coast in los angeles he wanted to know how do we best balance between western intervention which may often be counterproductive while not turning a blind eye to eye supply for ration throughout the middle east Southeast Asia and africa them do you want to handle how helpful is it to have the west looking at different parts of isis operations if its not in their region which is 8. We need to be very careful due to the sensitivity of the in of. Which of course is coming in to help you know the challenger to d. T. D. Place 2 parts the challenge is muslim because part of a region called by the Southern African diffuser Development Community thats subject and theyve got a defense pact and they they are they to look after each other but the reality on the ground is or with the covert 19 pandemic and other factors that we have the economies of these countries are not very strong at the moment they do not they do not have this resources to effectively mobilize their forces they have court as Standby Force that that is there in name they had some exercises but in order to deploy them even if these western forces can confront them maybe that will work and keep it local the moment youve got some external forces coming in from europe or appropriate other countries they tend to be sensitive or tissue around that in the region and not acceptable that well so maybe there should be a dollar stick approach also szell that one of the commanders of the African Forces of the very comes in mentioned that we should we should refrain from just looking at of a military force to come in and help even it out we have to look at the social economic we have to look at a building the country you have to look at at at the needs because why are these people there why is there care for them to be to be there is because we created the situation for them to thrive in and to lead rather look at those sectors and more holistic approach in dealing with it though i like the way you phrase sensitivities in the region is sounds like something in how they know things are happening all rich get out of control because of not understanding local culture do you want to give us an example you dont have to tell us exactly the story you have to mention names but that would be interesting reading. You know i remember africa come from the culture of our come from a history of being colonized so in many countries there are still some sentiments against that we are the challenges that are currently in west africa with france is moving in because theyre asked to do so and and theyre doing a great job they are funding a lot and without them i dont think they would have been able to counter the fringe of as it is at the moment we see the the other other side of the coin with the birken forces come in and they they have for instance the drone attacks and and sometimes they are this collateral they are its unavoidable in africa virtually cheap populated that you have that you have for civilians that also get in the line of fire a fire and sentiment is used turning against him in that change so the tactics that are being used are not always conducive so when we saw in countries like kenya with the americans and the british and some of the other European Countries as as an ally of the west kenya is working together with them there facilitating and then they help kenya to move in and to deal with the situation so theyre better dating the local forces to to to decant illustration rather than chilling and boots on the ground and countries that are a country in the Terrorism Forces telling us to talk about the coronavirus is that as a recruitment tool possible recruitment talk and look i can answer and noticing when he says its a professor at Queens University we asked him about recruiting and i still and this is what he told. I think it was inevitable that the Islamic State would use the virus in some form as a propaganda tool. That it was a punishment from god for western powers defeating the Islamic State on the ground and things like that but this added concern that many of us as young people spend more and more time online as they spend more time in potentially harmful spaces that it could lead to offline violence and offline radicalization largely hasnt happened and so while its important to stay vigilant and help young people through a lot of the social changes that were seeing its also important to not overreact when it comes to the potential this might pose for extremists violence. As we see it. Yes in tombs of. Course they. As i do you mentioned the view of it evolved over time so initially they didnt necessarily comes of it straight away to the conclusion that its a punishment from god against domiciles because. They said well like for example the plague in 7th century syria where many its profits companions died source i mean it could if it was theirs is just because the western countries turned out eventually to be the epicenter is that they then came the start more everything is fine its punishment from god but in terms of actual recruitment they told less about this and more about their hopes 3rd to preoccupation of say western countries with containing the virus but also in relation to broader crises that are facing say countries like the United States for example they leaped on the black knives massive protests that spread and they said well just as the the will got it wrong about coronavirus of didnt think it would spread around so people are potentially wrong about these protests you see in the instability not spreading say from the u. S. To other countries so its more like they they look for whatever they can find to try to say well this is on tuesday for us orders to seize their dinner seize the opportunity of their own preoccupation and no ones attacks in terms of recruitment and so on. They havent told much about that in that discourse of them they always constantly emphasize the obligation of taking up this cause to fight the islamic caliphate so in that regard i dont have very much doubt to america ass remarks. I feel like what weve done to end today show recently done a little confidence of counterterrorism experts is one more so i want to share with you does it and brown assistant professor of Political Science he talks about the risk of this moment this Global Pandemic this is what he told us a year. The Islamic State and its precursor organizations have claw their way back from the brink of oblivion before in 2012 for instance and when they have done so it is by highlighting the perceived corruption and ineptitude of the governments around theres a risk that they can do this again they can say the government has failed to get the Health Crisis under control the economy is flagging our way is a better way what do you have to lose by supporting us so i think this is a moment of risk the Islamic State could again exploit a crisis to call its way back you know the do you feel that there is this risk in the philippines. Well of course the risk is always there because the social tensions and the pressures that emerge on the population not only in mindanao but another person of the country is obviously there but interesting there would still highlight the fact that local factors matter a lot not only with respect to that most of the groups inside mindanao operate according to a logic of their own but also that even these smaller groups on their own have very big differences between themselves in terms of the city culture and also approach to you know exploiting or not exploiting this and that make in mindanao for instance most of the armed groups who have things to choose here they are rather on a defensive position they have to survive as well because the pandemic does not only hits the the police or the military but them you know and on a similar level so in that sense theyre playing a waiting game i think they try to reach out but sometimes its also very hard so selfpreservation comes 1st and then again it would not mean its actually a resurgence but rather staying alive and floating around the area to make sure that ok we can survive this crisis disband their mic and still continue with our agenda or after its because many trends have been happening before during and will certainly continue even after and the pandemic did not release shifting significantly. The iman thank you so much for talking about a story that is not in the headlines play doesnt mean it isnt happening as youve proved expert thank you cheapness we really appreciate you being in the conversation today that brought us out ill look at i still whips around the world and what they cannot teach in that level and say what you think of the show i was limits. In. The slums of manila home to an Extraordinary Community on the front line remy a selftaught midwife. Delivering new life into some of the toughest Living Conditions in the world. In a unique 6 part series aljazeera follows the lives of the remarkable people who work. And drive in the slum on aljazeera. Rewind returns with new scenery. And brand new updates on the past around to see documentaries. Rewind continues with proud to be an afghan citizen and im proud of that and this is the proudest day of my job my life that was a real turning point for goes dead give them a lot of confidence that they can beat any team in a share on aljazeera. Thousands of protesters are being freed on bail rusin a government minister apologizes but demonstrations over the disputed election are starting again. Hello and welcome im peter wu watching aljazeera live from our headquarters here in doha also coming up the u. S. Brokers a deal between israel and the u. A. E. To establish diplomatic ties palestinians say its a step in the back. New zealand extends the lockdown on its biggest city as it tries to work out how

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