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The government is on the pressure to do more to protect small businesses. And 3 weeks after running aground memory a japanese ship begins to break apart spilling even more fuel into the pristine coastline. Is far too far stories for me no one rivals yet again. In doha and all of that installed plus powell did he dog them a little escape for another of motor sports biggest names not once but twice. But we begin the news hour in baton rouge far to mulch most week of protests and the government crackdown has now culminated in the largest demonstrations yet against president Alexander Lukashenko a week after he declared an overwhelming victory in the president ial election his government is facing its greatest challenge since he came to power nearly 3 decades ago speaking at a progovernment rally looking shanker rejected calls for his resignation or a rerun of the vote you queues nato sending tanks and planes to the countrys western border claim probably rejected by the military alliance and then across minsk today a larger crowd gathered for what they call. The a day of freedom longstanding grievances over the economy and the governments response to the coronavirus have contributed to a growing sense of anger over last weeks vote which the opposition says was riggs and now calls for you to step down coming from within his own government the ambassador to slovakia has become the 1st high level official to publicly back the opposition protests or a challenge has our report now. 7 days after the contentious election and finally the embattled president of the roost organized a rally of support state employees were brought by bus and train to the capital minsk from all over the country the intention to show that alexander because shanker still has a popular base after a week of antigovernment protests unprecedented in their size in the august heat told the crowd better or is being threatened from outside. The tanks that jets are on standby within 15 minutes reachable border this is not for nothing and nato forces are rattling tank tracks at our doors military power is building up on the western border of our country lithuania latvia poland and unfortunately our brother ukraine its leadership are telling us to hold a new election. Nato has denied the accusations of a military buildup in the region. Just a short distance across the capital a much bigger demonstration followed perhaps the largest of the Antigovernment Movement so far better russians repeating the call theyve been making since what they say was the rigged election on august the 9th that the man whos ruled batteries for 26 years has no legitimacy he should leave and there should be a new and free vote. I was earlier that the Russian Ambassador to slovakia became the 1st senior official to back the protests in a video posted online. I stand in solidarity with those who have taken to the streets of belorussian cities would peaceful marches so that their voices could be heard yes. I sincerely hope that the future of my country will be based on the positions of all sectors of society in representatives of various political forces. Have suffered for this right since his plea on saturday that russian president Vladimir Putin should help him quell the protests theyve had to phone calls the kremlin says its willing to assist batteries militarily in accordance with a collective security pact. For the moment the protesters arent much concerned with possible russian intervention nor are they obviously pro western this is an emotional uprising spurred on by the beatings and alleged torture inflicted by state security their focus is getting out and writing a new chapter for batteries. Aljazeera. Lawson has been at the opposition protests today and sent us this. Well arose as a different country than it was just a week ago when the elections took place and people took to the streets in protest against these elections then there was fighting to Police Crackdown thousands of thinking and that led to enormous anger and this are now unprecedented scenes here in the capital of humans up to 100000 people are here at the Independence Square angry about the torture and abuse what happened today is the denise but also very angry at the elections that are we going to take they say history is in the making were not going to leave until the president us. But joining me now is dr Alexander Harrison from Oxford University he specializes in far tarion regimes social movements and social media he joins us over skype from london and so today we saw people taking to the streets in massive numbers does it mark a turning point. In is there any why were they feeling but emboldened enough to to to mobilize it on this scale well indeed it seems to be a turning point it seems to be that this country has changed and there is no way back and the people changed and they definitely demands are what are those kids in mind there is ignition of a new election. And clearly at least 3 percent of the whole population has joined him on the protests across the country in at least 22. 00 locations that was perhaps the largest ever process of this movement indeed. Of course outwardly president lukashenko is defiant he says the opposition are traitors he says that foreign interference is to blame for this on rest but privately does he acknowledged that it might be very difficult now for him to to restore the control that he once had. A year perhaps perhaps kubica guys the some changes his position but it doesnt look hes going to step back at the moment. You know the really huge huge this this morning and it means cause really and use you know in general he is his language. Didnt change that much you know. When you say it didnt change that much but at the same time he might be considering his position what do you what do you mean by that would he ever consider negotiations for example with the with taken off sky whos obviously not in the country right now but has formed this this Transitional Council you know well it doesnt look like hes considering any negotiations of the moment that it doesnt look that hes that man that few want to just step back. What hes doing right now is talk him intensively to get him a potent president of russia perhaps thats the way hes looking for help at the moment. Why do you suppose the government has been a bit more lax in recent days obviously its been a very difficult week has been violence detentions live ammunition used against protesters why then have they been able to to protest without the threat of violence today well. The 1st few days of the movement was very violent and then something changed and perhaps if it relates to the to several things. On the one hand they realize its very difficult to continue like that but the same time its actually been used before by the region to 1st give some concession to the protesters and than actually repress some part of them who would remain protests and but this this time it seems doesnt work so we might see more violence and portion italy in the future you say that hes trying to draw the kremlin in somehow obviously have been these conversations between looking shanker and putin but really its president bush and co that has been much more vocal about that communication than than president putin or the kremlin now what what a president putins options in this situation can look at trying to really count on on his support well it looks like there are many options for team for putin and to consider and it relates to the position of russia russian government that looks at bellerose as its sphere for influence and it doesnt really its not really prepared to lead others goal or decide and so on at the moment it looks like so putin has an option to how economically or help or anyhow politically on in military terms or sends in for this Additional Police forces for he says to belarus to how to helps to control the movements i mean he might not i mean obviously russia might not be willing isnt going to be willing to allow batterys to leave it there of influence but might president putin be willing to cut like a shank ellis. Well if they if they see that there is another option for russia that would be more progress than the look of shock and its quite difficult to be honest to find any politician in belarus whos prominent who is more progress. But the same time they see that hes getting we care every day and they might not rely on them all on human as much as they used to be so well they can consider another candidate for because position there was a similar process not similar but there was precious new meaning which is also another part of kind of part of russian influence and in case of armenia russia really didnt interfere so it might be also the case was belarus thank you dr Alexander Harrison manker from Oxford University thank you of course our other top story that been protests in thailand as well thousands of people joining student led rallies in the capital calling for political reform these are the biggest protests the countrys seen in recent months theyre demanding a new election and an amended constitution is wayne hale reports just from bangkok some ties are even broaching a taboo subject with calls for reform of the monarchy. In big numbers they came to the center of bangkok to escalate their call to change protesters gathered around democracy monument a symbol of what they say thailand doesnt have or i can pick the fact that the government is so corrupt its been in power for far too long and things arent getting any better after weeks of peaceful protests led mainly by students this was by far the largest and most diverse attracting thais from different sectors of society including other groups who have staged mass rallies in the past. But that a lot more people have come out today the pair of young people and students alone cant force change we need everyone to work together. The protesters say thailands entire political system needs to change including the monarchy its a dangerous and sensitive issue to take on because the royal family is protected by strict laws designed to prevent criticism demonstrators also want the government gone and on thursday thailands Prime Minister the army general who led the military coup in 2014 addressed the nation he urged unity at a time when the economy is being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Right now we must focus on the economic survival of the 10s of millions of people here lets get the economy going 1st get that done by working together then we can look at fixing the other issues collaboratively later but the protesters say the pen demick is proving and highlighting one of their points that thailand is an economically Unequal Society and must change tires that are well accustomed to political protests but there is a sense this is Something Different a movement centered around a new generation making unprecedented demands and wanting something profoundly different for thailand the law in recent weeks the government has warned the protesters to be careful what they say and arrested 3 protest leaders but if that was a tactic to try to scare them and bring an end to the movement it hasnt worked and judging by the size of this crowd it may be having the opposite effect when hey al jazeera bangkok. Or Somali Security forces have now ended a 5 hour siege on a hotel in the Capital Market issue. A suspected car bomb and shootout at the elite hotel beach sore at least 6 People Killed and 40 others injured Security Forces say 2 gunmen are among the dead government officials often stay at that facility. Has claimed to be behind the attack. On the feeling that i can buy a car full of explosives was rammed into the front gate of the hotel then attack is from alshabaab stormed into the hotel and started shooting at everyone they came across i saw many did bodies on the ground the situation in there is really miserable it was the news our life from london much more still ahead the restrictions are eased in south africa as the country passes the peak of its coronavirus outbreak. P. P. And the planets environmentalists warn of a rising tide of pandemic driven plastic wastes. And in sport after a 6 month wait simona halep wins a 2nd straight tennis like peta will have known that its possible. The head of the u. S. Postal service has been summoned to testify at a Congressional Committee later this month listed joy he was appointed postmaster general by President Donald Trump and now facing accusations of trying to sabotage the mail network ahead of novembers election by withholding funding and limiting its operations on saturday the Postal Service when millions of mail in ballots might not arrive in time to be counted on election day or lets across to my county hes following this story now and so it looks as though the pressure is increasing on the joy with now this call for an Emergency Oversight Committee hearing what do the democrats hope to achieve from this. But they want clarity this is an emergency meeting hes been summoned to appear before the house Oversight Committee a month from tomorrow along with him the chairman of the board of governors of the Postal Service has also been summoned now the postmaster general is actually appointed by the board of governors one of the questions the Oversight Committee is going to ask is how did they come to choose a man who was in opposition to the United States Postal Service for much of his career he ran a Logistics Company which operated against u. S. P. S. So thats one of the questions but theyre also going to demand and have already asked for documents pertaining to the changes that detroit has made within the Postal Service took he took over in may he has reduced overtime hours he has slashed the number of available mailboxes he has shuffled all fired a number of senior figures within the service and he has also decommissioned at least 10 percent of the automatic mail sorting machines so congress has now asked for documents pertaining to all these decisions to come and he must bring them with him when he appears before them so what the house Oversight Committee is doing very clearly is bringing pressure to bear on the postmaster general with an eye perhaps to introducing a bill which would 3 all operations within the post office from the 1st of january this year retrospectively to all the 1st of january next year so a lot of movement happening within congress that one must remember that the house is on autumn recess at present so obviously theres been this warning from the Postal Service like it then are any measures being taken to to expedite the delivery of these nailon ballots in time for counting. Well at this stage no and this is what the house Oversight Committee wants to address and its not only in the house Oversight Committee a number of governors have knowledge made moves to bring legal action against the Postal Service to actually get them to go back to the way they operated before this is the basis of the bill that the chair of the house Oversight Committee Carolyn Maloney has actually drawn up and wants to push through the house this bill as i said freezes operations retrospectively to the 1st of january effectively putting the Postal Service back on the 14 that it was now its important to note as well other developments the white house seems to be backtracking on its original position that it would not accept a bailout for the post office only on thursday president trumps stated absolutely plenty that he did not want to give a cash injection to the Postal Service because that would encourage mail in votes which the president actively opposes now theres been a slight backtracking from this position the chief of staff mark meadows today said that the white house would be prepared to consider a stand alone bill providing an emergency funding for the Postal Service whether the democrats accept that they still want to push through a 2 trillion to 3 trillion dollar coronavirus reese bill of which the Postal Service 25000000000 dollars would be part so these are ongoing discussion these are ongoing moves and its not only limited as i said to congress you have got governors in a number of states now coming in youve got some private organizations who are beginning to take legal action essentially what all parties want those that want change in the post office is for it to a retrospective really change back to the way it was operating on the 1st of january and before louis to joy a Republican National Committee Chairman of the past and a close friend of president took over banking like like hannah in washington. Now the japanese ship that ran onto a coral reef off the coast of moorish last month has broken up the ship had already leaked around a 1000 tons of fuel into the water over the past 3 weeks well now there are fears about how the rich and fragile ecosystem can recover from the spill whether it can recover and what it could mean for an economy that relies heavily on tourism or bad money has mol. Seawater flooding in oil boosting out the japanese owned vessel m b rock a share has split apart and the oil is though spreading along the pristine coastline of east and richest. The ballcarrier running to refit pointis the 3 weeks ago a 1000 tons of oil spilled into the ocean presenting a huge danger to Marine Wildlife some unique to the country the area boosts colorful reefs mangrove forests protected wetlands and pristine beaches. An environmental emergency was declared last week we are facing another threat of an over 50 tons of fuel against building in the logo and in the long term were also looking at the in the longer term impact of toxic elements containing the ship like the batteries toxic paints and other elements going to the ship which we see been to see and contaminate further. So the damage of the work actually is not a short term damage its a very long term damage japan and other fronts responded to calls for assistance joining thousands of local volunteers who are bracing against the clock to protect the wildlife and some have got creative. Using booms made from human hair and husks from sugarcane to soak up as much of the oil and sludge as possible the island of 1300000 people relies heavily on tourism many are angry the government did not act quickly enough it blamed bad weather for the slow response and is a vest case why the ship came so close to the shore it was supposed to stay at least 16 kilometers away many there fear the spill could impact the local economy for decades i do irreversible damage to the local wildlife nervous about the aljazeera. But need coronavirus measures have come into effect in the colombian capital despite protests against the countrys 5 month lockdown Business Owners rallied in bogota of the 2 weeks of strict measures were imposed in 7 of the citys neighborhoods protest as want the mayor Claudia Lopez to find ways to revive the struggling local economy colombia has more than 450000 confirmed cases of covert 1000 and almost 15000 people have died. The retail trade dies every day the corn team is killing off retailers the retailers cant take it anymore we have to pay rent. More than 80000 people depend directly and indirectly on our work many families depend on us lets go live now to alexandra and patty in bogota and the crown of ice restrictions a going to result in the worst economic decline colombia has experienced 3 years how has it been hows it been impacting people there. Well the numbers came in this week you were saying the worst figures the country has g. D. P. Figures the country has seen b ever really since they started. Counting them the way they do since 1007 the 8th and this is of course affecting people both who work formally and those who work informally on the streets who live. They buy day selling products on the streets 6 these people had a very hard time adapting to these restrictions and a lot of shops have already closed that is true here in the capital good time is true across the country now the government has promised a number of measures. And so far though. Shop owners are saying they havent received the much relief for the mayor of bogota also called for a Marshall Plan to jumpstart the economy of the city but that needs to go through city council through the city council to be approved so in the meantime we see people increasingly angry that once the citys economy to reopen completely and seriously coming out to protest against the continues the lockdown in restrictions well the number of infections continue to be quite high though the problem for many of these economies in latin america is that theyre driven by Commodity Prices and there has been much less demand for those commodities what are we seeing elsewhere in the region how how countries trying to balance the Health Restrictions with the economic crisis. Well it has been extremely difficult most of these countries thanks to the commodity boom that pretty much went on from the beginning of the 2002000 to 2003 until at least 2012 have been able to grow steadily bring millions of people out of poverty and into the middle class here in colombia according to government figures at least 5000000 people were able to enter the middle class in there now many of them are now slipping back and this is all beautifully a big big warry for many of these countries that dont really have the economy muscle to kind of put in place the big big stimulus sprog programs to to get out of this situation so we expect very very hard years once we get through this pandemic however most governments right now are just trying to get through the 1st peak of the outbreak and were still probably a couple of weeks away from that happening in most countries across latin america thank you alexandra. Well were seeing clearer skies and cleaner water since the pandemic started but environmentalist a warning that it too soon to celebrate that a new study in italy has found the country produce 10 percent less rubbish since the lockdown started but the increased use of disposable protective gear will wipe out gains made curbing Single Use Plastics sour hieratic spines. Its a scene weve all become familiar with no matter where in the world wearing a mask is a new normal. But all single use protective gear might be saving lives theyre also polluting our environment granted up on the beach or in the pandering receive an increase in the usage of individual protective gear such as face mask and gloves very often made out of plastic. The Italian Institute for Environmental Research found that in just 2 months of lockdown during march and april. The amount of general waste fell by 10 percent thats 500000. 00 tons. Research is also looked at the increased use of personal protective gear during this time. We were there we started 6. 00 to 9. 00 glove models and more than 30 facemask models all very different from each other they have different structures some have false some have filters and therefore different weights we made an assumption on the average wage and they found that at the end of 2020 this production will create 300000 tons of additional waste and thats just masks and gloves alone. Researches say that means the totals will balance each other out by the end of the year and the amount of waste produced is likely to be similar to before the pandemic. Environmentalist are also concerned that the pandemic has rolled back global efforts to curb single use plastic. We have also seen an increase in consumption of packaged foods and ecommerce so you. Uses a lot of single use Plastic Packaging we dont have an estimate yet of how much of those objects were dumped into the environment but what is sure is that all of those that have been abandoned sooner or later will reach the sea. The un trade body un c t 80 estimates global mass sales have doubled since last year with a trade worth 166000000000. 00 plastic pollution was already one of the greatest threats to our planet before the outbreak and around 75 percent of use mosques as well as other pandemic related waste will end up in landfills or floating in the seas. Sort of height at aljazeera. Still ahead on the program battling to rebuild beiruts devastating explosion leaves more and more people relying on handouts than ever before. We meet the kenyan tribal elders who are the last speakers of their traditional language. And shots even he couldnt quite believe and its helped the south korean coast set the pace for. Hello there are still plenty of woman sunshine across much of europe but the clouds and those showers and thunderstorms becoming a little bit more widespread in the next couple days plenty of cloud here the last and those flashes of yellow indicating the funnel still very nice still up into northern germany along the baltic sea coast as you can see that people flocking to the beaches not quite as warm across into belgium but even so that sea is inviting and so you know its a good day the 3rd day of course the test match the 2nd test match and in pakistan and england fall down into south has once again of course had it rain delays aplenty mores ago through monday becoming quite widespread through much of the u. K. Still to warnings in place for a thunderstorms which will be quite heavy at times plenty of rain through france low countries pushing on into germany and sunny train right there down into more Northern Areas of but also fairly heavy amounts of rain the beginning just to slide in into Northern Areas of portugal and spain this again will continue to go through tuesday and as you can see really quite a lot of rain cloud and it will extend further east is through areas of poland down across into the balkans when it comes to the actual conditions for the next few days in london but a bad couple of days shall is like you say temperatures not too bad of paris meanwhile well see showers for the next 2 days on a sunny day. Bottles in cameroons rivers. On englands street. Plastic is everywhere. But if bottles can be fishing boats. And bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of polymers. Earthrise reimagining plastic. On aljazeera. When the news breaks and the story builds violence has been terrorized whether they are explosion when people who need to be hurt. We would lie and the story needs to be told aljazeera has teams on the ground and major talent are giving it away under control to bring you more rewards when in documentaries and live news. On air and online. Combine a look at headlines better rusa seen its largest protests yet against president Alexander Lukashenko 7 days after an election in which he declared an overwhelming victory but which the opposition says was raped a long time leader told his supporters that a different rally that he wont be calling for a new election and he accuse nato of mobilizing forces at the western border. Thousands of people have joined a student led rally in thailands capital calling for political reform and curbs to the monarchy protest in bangkok was the largest antigovernment demonstration since the coup in 2014. When the head of the u. S. Postal service has been summoned to testify in front of a Congressional Committee over widespread cost cuts who is to joy is accused of trying to sabotage the mail network head of novembers election. Well now south africa is easing its coronavirus restrictions because a few new infections president Cyril Ramaphosa says the country has passed the peak of its outbreak you cases of fall into around 5000. 00 per day from a high of 12000 for monday travel will be allowed between provinces and a ban on the sale of alcohol and cigarettes will be lifted but south africas borders will still remain closed to visitors for me to miller sent us this update from johannesburg. So both rico has had one of the worlds longest and most strict lockdowns and while some of the restrictions have been eased very slowly over recent weeks its Industries Like the us the hospitality and the restaurants that has suffered theres been concern that up 2400000 jobs could be lost and now that restrictions are being eased further this hope that this will bring change in general it is being carted misstating to see what damage it has done but you know what weve done is weve. Had to stick to very strict protocols on what were allowed to do social distancing at least 1. 5 everybody that comes into our a stance has to be monitored with temperature and they have to readjust page of our Health Department contacting us it has had a quite a different sphere like theres been a bit of fear from the customer side of portland parts as well so people have actually stopped coming out but in the recent week probably enough that odyssey in the recent weeks people have started to come out and start enjoying the old way of life with the new restrictions that weve got the experts say south africa may have reached the peak in the number of covert 19 infections in fact numbers are now dropping from an average of about 12000 new infections every day to 5000 and this is a renewed confidence that the economy can be reopened but the relief well may have come a little too late for some. Lebanon as reported a wreck or daily number of new corona virus infections while still struggling with the aftermath of a massive explosion in beirut at least 439 new cases and 6 deaths were confirmed over the past 24 hours daily cases are already been on the rise in the blast made social distancing that much more difficult the countrys Health Sector has been challenged by the pandemic which hit the cheering and economic crisis its now more than it now has more than 8000 cases and 56 deaths. Meanwhile the United Nations says its 200000000. 00 short of donations to help lebanon repair catastrophic catastrophic damage to the ports the lebanese are counting on International Aid for that many made homeless by the huge explosion are also relying on volunteers charities and friends present michel aoun says all the aid will go to the people who need it Stephanie Decker is at the port in the capital beirut with the latest on how the investigation is going. Well theres 2 pauls to it lets say theres the forensic investigation weve been seeing that going on behind us its led by the lebanese we are also going to have the f. B. I. The americans the federal bureau of investigation joining them also the french but this is all under the lebanese investigation theyre here to help in that capacity so theyre going to try and figure out what exactly happened to cause the 2700. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate to explode in such a catastrophic way then you have the other side of it which is you had arrest 25 arrests that made these are officials in the board Customs Security officials they are due to be questioned tomorrow we understand but many people here will tell you that its not the smaller people involved that have to be held to account its the Bigger Picture its the bigger elite its those that they are sure that you about this for years to have this amount of deadly highly explosive stored inside that really populated capitol when people talk about the scale of this explosion they will say People Experts its downscaled from a Nuclear Explosion it is that its one of the the worst most powerful nonNuclear Explosions in history and i can tell you weve been showing you this throughout the weeks even just looking behind every single building has been blown out apartments homes lost People Killed it is catastrophic and of course people one cers and theyre hoping that that investigation now without that the f. B. I. And the french will lead to some officers. Meanwhile lebanons political elite is to go in a new Prime Minister and cabinet normal people falling into policy some are lying on handouts from charities for the 1st time in their lives as we were hearing but its miss reports on that now from beirut. Like many other lebanese and one by seal has always managed to get by no matter what was thrown at him be a conflict or economic crisis but now its different measures should benefit all mad i walked around 8 kilometers he says as he describes trying to get medical treatment in the aftermath of the port explosion that sent a devastating shockwave through beirut. I think he has something he. Cant. And there are new areas eyeing a 70 year old antoine eventually found a hospital to treat the injuries to his hand and arm now he relies on free help and volunteers to address the woods after the explosion the whole story has changed ok as if the middle class has gone with explorers theres normally a class at all so people are coming seeking what they can support food clothes house cleanups whatever you think they need just got bigger the blast destroyed or damaged around 50000. 00 homes affecting 300000 documents lebanons currency has lost 80 percent of its value against the dollar and there are tight restrictions on how much people can take out of the banks and inflation is running at almost 90 percent so what little money there is people need to spend it on daily necessities there is no spare cash rebuilding. Manana blood if from me on my head im gonna work 35 years in a bank he saved and bought his own home this is whats left of it a dream of a quiet retirement with his wife andrea and their 2 daughters is in tatters nobody. This time from the government do it today what happened in iraq what. Do you want what do you have what nothing i but i bought near. Here in lebanon on. I have 7 years old where i go in 0 to rebuild on 12 and tens of thousands of others need foreign donor help but cash will only likely be released when this country has a cabinet of Prime Minister acceptable to the International Community talks on who make up but government continues to in the political elites who control this country burn its with aljazeera. Zimbabwes government is accusing the head of an Influential Group of catholic clergy of trying to create genocide that follows senior clerics condemning last months crackdown on antigovernment protesters in a strongly worded letter government leaders are facing more and more anger at a decade long economic crisis including hyperinflation and fuel shortages well the bishops denounced a crackdown on dissent that stopped antigovernment protests from going ahead in late july at least 20 people were arrested for organizing demonstrations against alleged state corruption and Economic Hardship all of been charged with inciting public violence and released on bail government has denied there is even a crisis the official says it showed inflation soaring to almost 840 percent. Aubut good to is a former spokesman for the Opposition Movement of Democratic Change party thinks its unlikely the chechens and bob way well let the issue escalate. He is one of the key christian players in zimbabwe and i know i know from experience that it would mean born and bred in this country that the end of the day the change your coupons even a central role in the lives of more sick people in zimbabwe can i give please say that at this 80 to 90 percent of zimbabweans that practising christians or this somehow believe in christianity so the end of the day the church is a very important board deep in the lives of the majority of the people of the public and the provider and not the couple it touches some of the most you know not prominent peacemakers i can mention him by now is the father then it will go on henri is up to a point later a very huge role in the lead but its not this country and i believe that theres also the people youve been with blame the media telling. Them back 27 to transition from the mugabe government to their muslim government so i believe that people like for them cannot be and for them under the badal and they have let me know it is in their own right and i dont see them lifting this thing getting out of control thats why im personally very confident that at the end of the day theres going to be a proselyte of sorts. And his Main Opposition Party has called for a parliamentary investigation into facebook and Whatsapp Congress party he says the session Media Company of providing favorable treatment towards Prime Minister Narendra Modis b j p party the allegation is based on report published by the wall street journal which says facebook did not apply its hate speech censorship rules to one b j p politician and other hindu nationalist individuals. A new iranian scene from market chinas a and in venezuelas capital for residents in caracas it means access to a wider variety of day. But its also an indication of a growing alliance between the 2 countries which are subject to strict u. S. Sanctions america at its alice in human reports. In the rain in tractor enhances the entrance of magasin this spanking new mega supermarket in caracas is certainly an eye opening. Notated on the edge of caracas his largest the countrys 1st ever iranian supermarket offers products such as garlic shampoo and sweets flavored with date syrup all exotic items have been israel in Silicon Valley given chill and his wife. Its the 1st time ive come its spacious and has a wide variety of products its a bit more expensive but i guess its because almost everything is imported. Demagogues the Supermarket Chain says its a private company in that israel had to do business. But the only person authorized to speak to us on its behalf was the 1st secretary of the remain an embassy who seems well versed on the subject but and their mother. Was one of the best sellers right now because of the pandemic is a vegetable based on the septic hand made from sweet beetroot also toilet paper napkins detergents and liquid soap also the typical things like past and reiss. Venezuelas close ties with iran date back to former president although chavis but under current president Nicolas Maduro the 2 opec members have become even closer as both faced tough u. S. Economic and political sanctions in may 5 rein in gasoline tankers brought desperately needed fuel driven israela despite u. S. Threats to intervene. The u. S. State Department Says the arabian supermarket is the quote latest example of a growing alliance between 2 pariah states irans ambassador to israel and tells aljazeera his country has every right to establish commercial ties with whom it pleases and both of them with a do so rather than a thumb of the american governments charges mean nothing to us theyre worried that were providing food and medicine to venezuela they want countries like iran for this while or in cuba to suffer from the sanctions all they want is that people to suffer until they are by washingtons orders. The ambassador denied us reports that the mccaskey Supermarket Chain is run by irans revolutionary guard iran is also providing Technical Support given israel is crippled oil industry its unclear what its getting in return except perhaps in israel and gold which is also subject to u. S. Sanctions but theres another explanation solidarity another way of demonstrating the ancient proverb that the enemy of my enemy is my friend you see in human aljazeera. Now the United Nations as one as many as 200 languages folk in africa might disappear within the next century one of them is your content its already classified as extinct but its still spoken by a small number of people in kenya and what went to dull dull to meet some of the last surviving speak of. Or about the robot or about there are fewer than 10 people in the world who can speak the language. To reduce one of them he doesnt know exactly how old he is but when we met him before the Global Pandemic all of the remaining speakers were over 70. Where were you. Now. In the. Language of the yaki an ethnic group of about 4000 people most now speak other languages they live in the hills of Central Kenya near the town of tall tall. This nearby building used to be a center for york culture and language it was built about 20 years ago with charitable donations people used to sit around the fire here and sing songs but about 7 years ago it was abandoned during a conflict between some blue and messiah a neighboring ethnic groups both more populous and both with their own language still in use so the cultural artifacts and books that were kept inside were taken away and put in storage and the gathering stopped but about the arche people who used to be hunter gatherers living in a nearby forest to redo now herds livestock instead the messiah i a larger ethnic group of herders moved into the area about a 100 years ago these people realized if we embrace masai we able. To transact easily with these people we can all look cattle and the core of me came with the language the rest of to reduce family dont know how to speak. They speak the messiah language my home his daughter when i do speak swahili with her friends. I would like to speak at school she cant learn it at home because i dont know it if she learned in school then she can teach us. But when school so that we can see its mostly english its been the language of education and business in kenya ever since british colonize asian and it was White British settlers who displaced the messiah into the ark is homeland. This traditional yaku song about living in caves and hunting in the forests. Its a way of life thats long gone. And soon the language and the culture and identity that come with it gone to. d malcolm webb aljazeera dog kenya. Now endangered sea turtles in turkey have been experiencing a nesting speeches usually full of tourists are left empty because of chrono virus popular resort city of antalya usually welcomes up to 15000000. 00 people each year but these little guys will be happy about the lack of human activity because its meant that nesting loggerhead turtles have been undisturbed and the number of nests has almost tripled. So there is all the support coming up after a quick break hailing hamilton the formula one World Champion set a record and closes in on another peter will have those details. And the disease count 50 days of only dads children and. A whole. Lot of. Things and likely to receive every Child Education wanted. To. Be released leave to. Try. To seize. The remaining. Sport now with peter. Thank you mariam Lewis Hamilton is fast approaching a formula one milestone the british drivers erector beads 88th career when putting in just 3 behind Michael Schumacher record Kevin Calvert with the action from the spanish grand prix. Its become a familiar prerace move kneeling for the black lives medic cause but once on the start line Lewis Hamilton wasnt bowing to anybody. The 6 times World Champion streaking away leaving his rivals bent going for the minor placings. Hamilton had a couple of concerns before the rice the speed of red bulls mix to stop him and how was own tires would hold up in the searing summer heat after wilting last week at silverstone left him happy to get the tires to eat a turkey at this time it was the stop and having time trouble and clearly getting in the weeds. And there was more frustration for ferrari. Sebastian vettel finishing 7th while Charles Leclerc had to abandon the rice or to give up that step back up at the top of the top. But hamilton was in a race of design even if a little dazed and confused if its. Such that. For. The mercedes driver a whopping 24 seconds ahead of the stop and to extend his championship lead to 37 points up to 6 races but they are ready to doubt that todays it is a real surprise because they had this problem with the tires. Management was. Was very very good at this understanding of what happened last week but what is this weekend is never too late they would have to do it today. And hamilton is accustomed to getting a little weird afterwards his 156th podium finish as a formula one record given Calvert County 0. Now through a spectacular feat of voiding serious injury featuring the biggest name in moto g. P. Valentino rossi the italian and fellow rider maverick venial is somehow dodging carnage in the latest events in austria they were travelling around 320 kilometers an hour when 2 crashed bikes passed them you can see from the different camera angles what a close call it was for rossi is one of 7 times ross was delayed for 20 minutes in the italian was clearly shaken but he got back on his bike and finished 4th the 2 riders who crashed received treatment but escaped serious injury. At the same event the charitable leader has bruising after a crash in the 2nd remote g. P. To race and their best any meet wasnt the one who lost control of his bike but he couldnt avoid the wreckage strewn across the track. Another who steered clear of serious injuries strange driver trauma lower all else hes caught ending up in pieces in treacherous conditions at the world and championship in belgium a 22 year old clearly frustrated by his early exit. And at the indy 500 american brother Marco Andretti heads into the top line shoot out for qualifying later the grandson of racing great Mario Andretti was fastest on saturday another big name Fernando Alonso will start 26th out of 33. 00 in a weeks time he wants to add this title to the Monaco Grand Prix and among 24 hour to complete racings triple crown. Theres been severe punishment for the last English Football Club in European Competition than just the United States strike 1st in cologne it was the 22nd penalty of the season struck by Bruno Fernandez on this occasion but severe have won the European Europa League record 5 times and level for suso the spanish club consigning united to their 3rd semifinal defeat of the season with luke to youngs a winger. Now face either interval and all shakhtar the near in the final. 2 time grand slam singles champion won a 2nd tennis title in a row but she has had to wait 6 months between victories because of a coronavirus related shutdown on sunday the world number 2 faced belgiums elease mertons in the final of the prague open the romanian beating mertons 62 and 75. Is a great open into a tourist have to play against her because shes fast she takes the ball very quick but you know i just thought the end 2nd set was a little bit tougher but i was mentally i was strong and thats why i quit when i could win this match and over in kentucky american Jennifer Brady has won her 1st title the world number 49 taking the lexington open with a 6364 win over switzerlands Jewell Tyson Brady did not drop a 6 all week. That sort of france is just 2 weeks away and a 24 year old colombian has warmed up in style Danielle Martinez has won the 2020 criterion did offer a martin is over took a t. Bo pino for the title on sundays a final stage earlier but then race leader 3 miles each withdrew after sustaining cuts and bruises in a crash on saturday stage overnight wyndham championship leader see kim has fallen 3 shots behind during the final round of the Golf Tournament in North Carolina but the south korean had a day to remember in the 3rd round the highlight of which was this hole in one of the food which he didnt even know had gone in until the t. V. Crew told him thats all of us sports is from our marion back to you in london. Thanks peter well thats it for the news hour but ill be back actually with another full but its in for you today of course all the latest on those incredible scenes from batteries. In late August Joe Biden and donald trump will finally become the official president ial candidate but the own going coronavirus pandemic sees the Democratic National Convention Going virtual and the republicans being forced to rethink grand plans for a big celebration follow the u. S. Conventions on aljazeera. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Fishel intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our love. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary ill just 0 explores the impact of accessing vast amounts of our personal data data land on aljazeera i care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world i cover Foreign Policy National Security this is a political impounds heres the public are we telling a good story. Were really interested in taking you into a place that you might not visit otherwise and to actually feel that you were there the 21st century began with extraordinary Economic Growth across much of latin america. But since this halted in 2008 theres been a political shift to the right on a continent where socialism once thrived. A chilean politician goes on a journey to me leading left wing figures to understand why that politics have lost ground so dramatically. In latin america a giant in turmoil on aljazeera. Unprecedented popular pressure on the government in batteries as crowds gather for the largest demonstration the country has seen president lukashenko call them traitors. Blow i Maryam Namazie a watching aljazeera live from london also coming out demanding a new ad out

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