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In thailand. I bought near water here in the bottle. I have 7 years old where. Everything gone in a matter of seconds meet some more favorites residents whove lost everything have worked. A day after reaching out to russia for supports the president of the roosters accuse nato of deploying tanks and troops on the countrys western border alexander look schank is facing unprecedented public protests as more than 200000 people joined a demonstration in the capital minsk calling for his resignation a week after his disputed reelection evidence is mounting that look his critics are being arrested and beaten protesters want look at shanker to face justice for the alleged torture hes not backing down steadfast in reports. They went from fear to defiance and from sadness to anger in just one week. Never before have so many people in bellows taken to the streets to protest hundreds of thousands marched through the main avenues of minsk to demand the president look. Got to step down. We wont forgive you de chant the accounts of torture and abuse of thousands of detainees has also and good lookers shanker supporters and people who were never interested in politics were protesting here against the violence which is happening is the reason we acknowledge the people can have different political views and preference us but under no condition can people be beaten up and raised in the Police Station as in eyes and ears and he must go our way we dont need and as a blood with just me and peace and we. Want just honestly election last atlanta the kind of guy the woman many voted for in last weekends election has gone into exile Campaign Among kolesnik over addresses the crowd. She was she was the more we go on expressing our dissatisfaction the sooner change will come. For the 1st time in 26 years we feel that we are a free european nation and we are together together we shall when. I sense and see 7 mins silence has changed into one we find only fighting words im sorry im trying to be the fake im. In a desperate attempt to show he still has support because shankar organized a progovernment rally earlier in the day a few 1000 people were brought in on buses and trains i knew pretty much though they dont understand theyre tearing the country apart there will be no below rooms the embattled president sounded emotional and once again that Foreign Forces are trying to destabilize belarus one to somebody who dont know the tanks and jets are on standby within 15 minutes reachable border this is not for nothing. Nato forces are rattling tank tracks at odors military power is building up on the western border of our country his words were lost on these protesters they called for a strike and to continue demonstrating for as long as the president clings on to power step lassen al jazeera. Well dr alexander head is a researcher at all city looking at all thora tarion regimes social movements and social media he believes posing a will move to help look at secure his position well it looks like there are many options for him who puts in and can see that and it relates to the position of russia russian government that looks said belarus as its sphere for influence and it doesnt really its not really prepared to lead others go all decide and so on and the moment it looks like so putin has an option to have economically put anyhow politically it on in military terms or sends in for this Additional Police forces for he says to belarus to how to helps to control its quite difficult to be honest to find any politician in belarus who is prominent who is more progress. But the same time they see that he is getting we care every day and they might not rely on them all on him as much as they used to be so well they can concede in other candidates for full question because position there was a similar process similar but there was a process in their meaning which is also another part of kind of part of russian influence and in case of armenia russia really didnt interfere so it might be also the case was betters. The u. S. House of representatives is set to vote on legislation to protect the Postal Service with claims President Trump is using it to suppress mail in voting u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has confirmed she will recall the chamber later this week the postmaster general the trump ally has also been summoned to testify before a Congressional Committee demonstrators gathered outside louis de joys home for a 2nd day in him of trying to sabotage the mail network the Postal Service has warned that millions of mail in vote may not have arrived in time to be counted lets cross now to mike hanna whos in washington d. C. Mike so those are saying the house will reconvene to vote on the Postal Service legislation what is that legislation about and what does it mean. For the legislation has been drawn up by the chairperson of the House Oversight committee Carolyn Maloney who will be overseeing the hearing involving the postmaster general on monday next week but the bill assistance which states that the changes made by the postmaster general since he took over in may would be reversed effectively it says that the post office must go back to operating exactly as it did on the 1st of january 2020 can be no changes until january the 1st of next year this would effectively reverse all the changes that have been made by louis to joy in the months since he has been head of the Postal Service changes which many are arguing particularly democrats in congress could impact really heavily on the election later this year in particular on the mail in vote in which many people are going to turn in turn to because of the ongoing pandemic. Might just remind us of the accusations being leveled at lewis to joy and why that all matters. Well he has come in and said that he needs to create crosscutting within the Postal Service what this entails well in the last few months you severed overtime for all employees hes fired all reshuffled senior managers within the Postal Service hes decommissioned some 10 percent of the postal sorting machines the automatic machines and above all hes physically removed mail boxes from particular locations and put them into mothballs this has been an immense disruption to the Postal Service in some areas Postal Services operating as much as a week late theres been complaints from pensioners not receiving their pensions from veterans not receiving their meds on time so certainly this has been immensely disruptive and its for this reason that the postmaster general has been summoned to congress on monday next week to answer to these accusations im us also point out that the Inspector General of the Postal Service has confirmed that an investigation is underway into all these sweeping changes that have been made and must mention too that the president only saturday expressed his unbounded support and confidence for a man who is both a major donor to the Tram Campaign and a close friend to the president. Thank them mike hanna there live from washington d. C. Somali Security Forces have ended a 5 hour see a hotel in the capital mogadishu. A suspected car bomb and shoes out of the elite hotel and lido beach saw at least 6 People Killed and 40 others injured government officials are among the dead Group Alshabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack. On the feeling that i can buy a car full of explosives was rammed into the front gate of the hotel then attackers from alshabaab stormed into the hotel and started shooting at everyone they came across i saw many did bodies on the ground the situation in there is really miserable. New zealands Prime Minister has delayed its addiction by 4 weeks as the country looks to contain a 2nd coronavirus outbreak she said are burned says she made the decision to push back septembers election after consulting with rival Political Parties and the Electoral Commission comes after new zealands largest city oakland went back into lockdown following and new outbreak of cases says the election wont be delayed a 2nd time i have decided on balance to move the election by 4 weeks to the 17th of october. At the end of last week i was advised that this date is achievable and presents no gracious risk then had we retained the status quo ive also been advised that im moving to a 17 october day the commission will be able to leverage and draw on much of the already undertaken to deliver the election. South korea has reported its highest daily jump a new cause of 19 infections in march there are 279 new cases on sunday most of which were in the capital of Seoul South Korea has recorded more than 15000. 00 infections since its outbreak began and at least 300. 00 deaths are affairs this latest surge could grow into a larger break. Dorothy of souls new cases have been linked to a church and officials are accusing its leader of violating self isolation rules reverend jones who was at this antigovernment protest on saturday city Officials Say theyll be filing a complaint against him and the church is staff also accused of obstructing context tracing 249 infections have been connected to the church when you drop down or does this come into effect in bogota despite protests against 5 months of lockdown Business Owners rally then the colombian capital against 2 more weeks of strict measures and 7 districts they want lopez to find ways to revive the struggling local economy more than 14000 people have died from the virus in colombia where he was going to the retail trade diaries every day to quarantine is killing off retailers the retailers cant take it anymore we have to pay rent. Or put more than 80000 people depend directly and indirectly on our work many families depend on us. Still ahead on the. Food for thought we look at why iran has opened a huge supermarket. And a new. Take saves lives by its also our environment. Hello the United States is definitely a country of 2 hols at the moment across the north and through much of the east the southeast in particular some pretty strong thunderstorms some flash floods have certainly occurred as well particularly into the midwest and then out across the west it is dry and it is hot now of course the fire danger remains very extreme but of course down by the coast very pleasant helping starting to cool down the temperatures really are very high as much as 10 degrees above average and this is one particular very close to the to the border in california not far out and just look at the size of this in fact the 9000 hectares have been what youre looking at that is actually a fire nato which is exactly what it sounds like is a column of fire that twists and spins just like a tornado say some very extreme weather for fire for the next few days across the entire area it is dry the winds are gusting the humidity is low in the town which is all very high look at that 46. 00 in phoenix about 6 degrees above the average especially a shot across the south are really the bulk of the rains working the way through the midwest and through eastern as the kind of continues to work its way east was a to go through tuesday and still theres a rash of showers and thunderstorms across the southeast some heaviest cells like you crossed into florida as to say that all some flash flood warnings in place meanwhile its hot and dry out across the west. Sweat tears and sometimes blood but for them its what their dreams are made on. Jazeera world tells a story of a young moroccan boxes from humble backgrounds for training for the fights of their lives. And the former champion who gives his old for that success casablanca by cop on how to 0. Courtyards there are either of our top stories this hour others are saying the largest protest vs against alexander the 7 days after election in which he declared an overwhelming victory which the opposition says was rigged the longtime leader told supporters he would be calling in the u. S. Action and accuse nato of border lies and forces at the border. U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the chamber will vote later this week College Station to protect the Postal Service is amid claims President Trump is using it to suppress the mail and voting says the postmaster general the trouble ally is summoned to testify before a Congressional Committee. Somali Security Forces have ended a 5 hour siege of a hotel in the capital mogadishu a suspected car bomb the shit out of the elite hotel so at least 6 People Killed 40 others injured after barbour has claimed responsibility for the attacks. Thousands of people have joined a skewed led rallies in thailands capital calling for political reform and the biggest added government protest in the years a demanding a new election and an amended constitution this way hey reports from bangkok some thais are touching a sensitive subject with calls for reform of the monarchy. In big numbers they came to the center of bangkok to escalate their call for change protesters gathered around democracy monument a symbol of what they say thailand doesnt have. I can pick the fact that the government is so corrupt its been in power for far too long and things arent getting any better. After weeks of peaceful protests led mainly by students this was by far the largest and most diverse attracting thais from different sectors of society including other groups who staged mass rallies in the past. Im glad more people have come out today the pair of young people and students alone cant force change we need everyone to work together. The protesters say thailand entire political system needs to change including the monarchy its a dangerous and sensitive issue to take on because the royal family is protected by strict laws designed to prevent criticism. Demonstrators also want the government gone and on thursday thailands Prime Minister the army general who led the military coup in 2014 addressed the nation he urged unity at a time when the economy is being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Right now we must focus on the economic survival of the 10s of millions of people here lets get the economy going 1st get that done by working together then we can look at fixing the other issues collaboratively later but the protesters say the pen demick is proving and highlighting one of their points that thailand is an economically Unequal Society and must change ties that are well accustomed to political protests but there is a sense that this is Something Different a move being centered around a new generation making unprecedented demands and wanting something profoundly different for thailand. In recent weeks the government has warned the protesters to be careful what they say and arrested 3 protest leaders but if that was a tactic to try to scare them and bring an end to the movement it hasnt worked and judging by the size of this crowd it may be having the opposite effect when hey al jazeera bangkok was. Clever and has reported a record daily number of new crowd of ours and sections all still struggling with the aftermath of a massive explosion in beirut at least 439 new cases and 6 deaths were confirmed of the past 24 hours daily cases had already been on the rise in the blast made social distancing more difficult for many. United nations says its 200000000. 00 short of donations to help lebanon repair catastrophic damage today reports the lebanese are counting on International Aid to rebuilt many made homeless by the huge explosion of relying on volunteers charities and friends president michel aoun says all aid will go to people who need it. And in need it needs are really covering very specific. You know sectors the 1st one is about education because we dont want to undermine the future of cuba now and the children there really need to go back to school and to get the psychological support Food Security and obviously we dont want to have any interruption in terms of food in terms of availability of their wheat or a flower bed to make sure that we starve belies that nationally grain supply staff to the portion with the latest on the investigation into the explosion. Well theres 2 to pauls to lets say theres the forensic investigation weve been seeing going on behind us its led by the lebanese we are also going to have the f. B. I. The americans the federal bureau of investigation joining them also the french but this is all under the lebanese investigation theyre here to help in that capacity so theyre going to try and figure out what exactly happened to cools a 2700. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate to explode in such a catastrophic way then you have the other side of it which is you had arrest 25. 00 arrests that made these are officials in the board Customs Security officials they are due to be questioned tomorrow we understand but many people here will tell you that its not the smaller people involved that have to be held to account its the Bigger Picture its the bigger elite its those that they are sure that knew about this for years to have this amount of deadly highly explosive stored inside that any populated capital when people talk about the scale of this explosion they will say People Experts its down scale from a Nuclear Explosion it is that its one of the the worst most powerful nonNuclear Explosions in history and i can tell you weve been showing you this throughout the weeks even just looking behind every single building has been blown out apartments homes lost People Killed it is catastrophic and of course people one cers and theyre hoping that the investigation now without that the f. B. I. And the french will be just a monster. Before the blast the people of lebanon were already battling an economic crisis and many of those left homeless by the explosion simply cant afford to rebuilt burned smith reports from beirut. Like many other lebanese and want to seal has always managed to get by no matter what was thrown at him being a conflict or economic crisis but now its different measures should benefit all mad i walked around 8 kilometers he says as he describes trying to get medical treatment in the aftermath of the port explosion that sent a devastating shockwave through beirut. I think he has and he. Cant. And there are new. 70 year old antoine eventually found a hospital to treat the injuries to his head and arm now he relies on free help and volunteers stress that would after the explosion the whole story has changed ok as if the middle class has gone with explorers theres normally class at all so people are coming seeking medical support food clothes house cleanups whatever you think they need just got bigger the blast destroyed or damaged around 50000 homes affecting 300000 documents lebanons currency has lost 80 percent of its value against the dollar and there are tight restrictions on how much people can take out of the banks and inflation is running at almost 90 percent so what little money there is people need to spend it on daily necessities there is no spare cash rebuilding. Manana blood it from me from my head im gonna work 35 years in a bank he saved and bought his own home this is whats left of it a dream of a quiet retirement with his wife andrea and their 2 daughters is in tatters nobody. This time from the government do it today what happened in iraq what. Do you want what do you have what nothing i bought near here in lebanon. I have 70 years old where i go now to rebuild im 12 and tens of thousands of others need foreign donor help but cash will only likely be released when this country has a cabinet and Prime Minister acceptable to the International Community talks on who make up that government continues between the political elites who control this country burnitz with our jazeera beirut. A new iranian Supermarket Chain has opened and venezuelas capital its a symbol of the growing political and Economic Alliance between tehran and caracas latin america at its hadnt seen human reports. In a reunion tractor enhances the entrance of mc gases this spanking new mega supermarket in caracas is certainly. No created on the edge of caracas his largest the countrys 1st ever iranian supermarket offers products such as garlic shampoo and sweets flavored with date syrup all exotic items have been israel in slick indicator and chill and his wife american in a movie its the 1st time ive come its spacious and has a wide variety of products its a bit more expensive and i guess its because almost everything is imported. To make guys the Supermarket Chain says its a private company in that israel had to do business but the only person authorized to speak to us on its behalf was the 1st secretary of the remain an embassy who seems well versed on the subject but and their mother. Was one of the best sellers right now because of the pandemic is a vegetable based anti septic hand made from sweet beetroot also toilet paper napkins detergents and liquid soap also the typical things like past and reiss. Venezuelas close ties with iran date back to former president although chavis but under current president nicholas my little the 2 opec members have become even closer as both faced tough u. S. Economic and political sanctions in maine a fiver reining in gasoline tankers brought desperately needed fuel driven israela despite u. S. Threats to intervene. The u. S. State Department Says the iranian supermarket is the quote latest example of a growing alliance between 2 pariah states irans ambassador to the israel and tells aljazeera his country has every right to establish commercial ties with whom it pleases and both of them with a do so for the others not them of the american governments charges mean nothing to us theyre worried that were providing food and medicine to venezuela they want countries like iran from as well or in cuba to suffer from the sanctions all they want is that people to suffer until they are by washingtons orders. The ambassador denied us reports that the mccaskey Supermarket Chain is run by irans revolutionary guard iran is also providing Technical Support given israel has crippled oil industry its unclear what its getting in return except perhaps in israel and gold which is also subject to u. S. Sanctions but theres another explanation solidarity another way of demonstrating the ancient proverb that the enemy of my enemy is my friend you see in human aljazeera. Indias Main Opposition Party has called for a parliamentary investigation into facebook and whatsapp the Congress Party accuses the social media giant of favoring Prime Minister nuri under modis party the b j p yeah legation is based on a report by the wall street journal says facebook ignored its hate speech rules benefit b j p legislator known for anti muslim remarks Facebook Says it forces its ban on hate speech without regard to anyones political position or party affiliation. Environmentalists a warning that clear skies and Clean Waterways during the pandemic arent reasons for celebration a study in italy says despite 10 percent less rubbish being produced since the lock down the increased use of disposable covert 19 protective gear is adding to the mountain of waste sahar it explains. Its a scene weve all become familiar with no matter where we are in the world wearing a mask is our new normal. But while single use protective gear might be saving lives its also polluting our environment. Running up on them yet them obviously during the pandering racin an increase in the usage of individual protective gear such as face mask and gloves very often made out of plastic. The tiny an institute for Environmental Research found that in just 2 months of lockdown during march and april the amount of general waste fell by 10 percent to 500000. 00 tons thats the good news researches say there is bad news in what is now being thrown away so. We were there we started 6. 00 to 9. 00 glove models and more than 30 facemask models all very different from each other they have different structures some have false some have filters and therefore different weights we made an assumption on the average wage and they found out that at the end of 2020 this production will create 300000 tons of additional waste and thats just masks and gloves alone. By the end of the year the total amount of waste produce is likely to be similar to before the pandemic. Environmentalist are also concerned that the pandemic has rolled back global efforts to cope single use plastic. We have also seen an increase in consumption of packaged foods and ecommerce that uses a lot of single use Plastic Packaging we dont have an estimate yet of how much of those objects were dumped into the environment but what is sure is that all of those that have been abandoned sooner or later will reach the sea. Here in trade body u. N. C. T. A. D. S. To mates global marcels have doubled since last year. Plastic pollution was already one of the greatest threats to our planets before the outbreak now around 75 percent of use masks as well as other pandemic related waste will end up in landfills or floating in the seas. Sort of played at aljazeera. This is al jazeera and these the top stories the same the largest protests guess who gets to alexander look schenk up 7 days after an election in which he declared an overwhelming victory which the opposition says was rigged for the long time leader told supporters he wont be calling the new election and accuse nato of mobilizing forces at the border. U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the chamber will vote later this week on legislation to protect the Postal Service its made claims President Trump is using it to suppress mail in voting and says the postmaster general a trump ally is summoned to testify before a Congressional Committee mike hanna has more from washington d. C. This would effectively reverse all the changes that have been made by louis joy in the months since he has been head of the Postal Service changes which many are arguing particularly democrats in congress could impact really heavily on the election later this year in particular on the mail in voting which many people are going to turn in turn to because of the ongoing pandemic somali Security Forces have ended a 5 hour siege on a hotel in the capital mogadishu a suspected car bomb and shoot out of the elite hotel saw at least 6 People Killed and 40 others injured the group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Zealands Prime Minister has delayed septembers election by 4 weeks as the country moves to contain a 2nd coronavirus outbreak it comes after new zealands largest city off and went back into lockdown following a new outbreak of cases of bird says the election wont be delayed for a 2nd time. South korea reported its highest o. B. Jump a new code 900 section since march there were 279 new cases on sunday most of which were in the capital salt air fares this latest surge could grow into a larger outbreak new dog down orders have come into effect to bogota despite protests against 5 months of lockdown Business Owners rallied in the colombian capital against 2 more weeks of strict measures in 7 districts they want metro to low pass to find ways to revive the struggling local economy more than 40000 people have died from the virus in colombia those the headlines do stay with us more news here on aljazeera after a. J. Celek it began as a dream holiday been turned into a Public Health disaster one o one east investigates how a cruise ship became the source of one of the strain is not just coated 19 outbreaks on aljazeera. Was in the interview you. Will be able to. Work with the car i was. In one of them like an animal was going out about doing. What. Was going on. Was a method maker and i doubt anyone will. Look at the whole dubious as a normal me in a little bit with my discovering big

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