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Again im peter dobby youre watching aljazeera live from our World Headquarters here in doha also coming up mali and together again to demand the resignation of the president after reports of a military mutiny. More protests and strikes him by the roots for pressure is mounting on the president Alexander Lukashenko over his disputed reelection. There we are lets get going a u. N. Back tribunals has convicted a member of hezbollah over the assassination of the former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri the 2005 killing set the stage for years of confrontation between rival Political Forces judges of the hague found. Guilty of committing terrorist acts and of homicide today they set a ball. The car used in the attack and coordinated surveillance of her riri beforehand the 3 other hezbollah members well they were acquitted because of a lack of evidence none were in court as denies involvement and has refused to hand the men over the judges while hezbollah as leaders and the Syrian Government might have motives to kill harry there was no direct evidence they done that but they say the nature of the killing was clear the attack was an act of terrorism that was designed to spread fear among lebanese population it was committed for political and not personal reasons the Trial Chamber is of the view that syria and hezbollah may have had motives to eliminate mr hariri and some of his political allies however there was no evidence that this hezbollah leadership had any involvement in mr hariri is murder and there is no direct evidence of syrian involvement in it well the former lebanese Prime Minister hariri says his family except the court ruling over his fathers killing but the punishment must still be served we had like many president s and many from the Prime Ministers were killed either in the office oh outside the office and we never had any truth of what happened i think today is. I mean everybodys expectation was much higher than what came out but i believe that that tribe came out with it d. That is satisfying we accepted. Saad hariri brother however is taking a tougher stance against hezbollah in a statement said the court was clear about the political background of those involved in the quote malign influence of hizbollah that hangs over our country like a dark cloud he added we must blow that dark cloud away if we ought to show you as a country is in beirut with more on the reaction to todays verdict that was a very different. From the back in 2018 when he made a statement during the Closing Argument of the tribunals at the time he was Prime Minister the Prime Minister of a unity government that included members of hezbollah today saddam heidi is a member of the opposition a man who is like a likely candidate to be the next Prime Minister very Strong Language when you compare it with previous speeches in the past when he says we will not rest until justice is served and he adds and the verdict is implemented and he said that twice the verdict is implemented and really there is a lack of practical means for this verdict to be implemented you have a country where hezbollah controls political power its highly unlikely that you will find them handing over. To the court theyve repeatedly said that will not happen in fact he even had a swipe at hezbollah secretary general hossam just a few days ago he. Addressed the nation and he said we are not concerned with the verdicts outcome we are not concerned with the courts what saddam had he says no one can claim that you are not concerned now whats the next step and how these 2 main political actors are going to Work Together were just going to have to wait to see how that pans out. Well a lawyer representing one of the 3 men acquitted says the trial was ill conceived sit the. Accusations against Hussein Hasan se should have never been made this should have never been approved and this process should have never taken place today we are obviously very happy for mr honestly but at the same time i am particularly very saddened that millions of dollars were spent on a file so empty and a verdict that was from the beginning said to be so mediocre ok lets bring in her again the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative he joins us live from paris nadim great to have you back again does this have not so much the short term impacts on lebanese politics but potentially a long term impact on lebanese politics. Its hard to predict the long term the 11 on but in many ways my answer would be no a few years ago clearly he tried to you know roll and the verdict was expected as the main dividing line in the country this is no longer the case and we have even seen hezbollah and how do you we go through of course more in the last few years and right now the real divisions are between the only garths and there hasnt muswell and somehow youre on the same side and those who want to change the entire system so in a way the verdict gives the different parties alone on what they want how you can say they convicted a member of hezbollah hezbollah can say look the others were found not guilty and they say there is no evidence that has butler as leadership was involved and in any case we dont trust this tribunal so you know i dont expect it will have such a long term impact on political life and love and not even of hezbollah one to 2 handover to say an Authority Figure or an Agency Within lebanon we know in a situation where hezbollah cant do that anyway theyre incapable of doing it because hezbollah is locked into being this construct and in the intervening 15 years they have got a real political footprint in the politics of lebanon. Well i mean hezbollah could if they wanted hand the accused over it would be a challenge because there would actually have to be a retrial under the procedures of the court. Which has been not do it probably not i mean has and thats what was very clear in the past that they will not only refuse to do that they will cut the heard of anyone who tries to bring these people to justice but i think secondly. You know the how do you the failure of the tribunal is that the popular push for accountability which is stronger today in lebanon in general people want to see an end to impunity but somehow over the years the tribunal has become that touch from the lebanese concerns so theres a sense this evening in lebanon that there isnt enough popular public pressure to and in ny people want justice but they want justice not just for this murder they want justice for the explosion that happened on august 4th they want justice for the 10s of thousands of lebanons many victims of the different wars and i think that plays to be advantage of hezbollah in the immediate term i think has been looking in a way now feel under huge pressure to hand that person over might that pressure increase given what the other hariri brother has been saying in the last hour or so hariri we have an interview with him coming up a little later here on aljazeera hes been kind of off the radar for the best part of 15 years living in london is he positioning himself or getting himself ready to be invited back into the the political spectrum in lebanon. It seems like it its been very interesting to watch that been reports last week that he was in the u. S. Visiting think tanks so about how do you he has been you know we position himself as a more hawkish version of saddam heavy and he may try to replay you know what weve seen over the last few years in lebanon between march 8th and march 14th using the tribunal as sort of a. You know something to attack hezbollah with. You know its interesting i think he will do it or is there a popular push to have about how even today i think with the not been either saying is we dont want we dont want somehow you we dont want to have some we are tired of these shenanigans we are tired of you raising demands for justice but then when it suits you going into a National Unity government with hezbollah that you have spent years accusing of actually having sas nate your father thats what i mean by the special tribute for a moment took so long that maybe love is in a different headspace today and the s. T. L. Is sort of ironic a confrontation that was very heavy very costly in the country between you know 2007201120 extension 12 but that to do just doesnt add quote in the same way and that there is a general fatigue and discuss with the entire Political Class and i think increasingly the lebanese are feeling look this has taken so long this has cost so much money it cannot stop. As a responsible you know this is you know the court basically says there was a conspiracy this was clearly permitted but the end of the day the only person named is a relatively low level member who we dont even know the exact ties to hezbollah other than the he was somehow affiliated with hezbollah for many lebanese that is just not enough today ok we mostly with that let him hurry there in paris great to talk to you and get your insight again let me thank you so much. Thank you. The judge in lebanon has issued a warrant for the arrest of the manager of the port in beirut whos already detained at home almost 3000 tons of highly explosive chemicals Ammonium Nitrate stored improperly the port blew up on august the 4th one and 200 people were killed hundreds of thousands homeless staff decker is in beirut she has more now about the and hes ations against the port manager. He is part of those 25. 00 people who were detained 10 days ago as part of investigation senior customs official ports officials and Security Officials he was questioned today for 4 hours we understand and now an official arrest warrant has been issued this means that he will now be officially arrested it comes after yesterday the judge also issued an official arrest warrant 1 for the customs the head of customs here at the port so what youre seeing now is the senior man the people in charge of this ports being officially arrested they have been detained theyve been the subject questioning there 21. 00 more have been detained was still subject to questioning Going Forward so were seeing some movement lets say when it comes to this investigation when it comes to officially arresting people but there are still a lot of questions to be answered i can tell you we just left interviewing a family their father a husband worked at those silence he still hasnt been found they were saying we want answers theres no one we can talk to and theyve apparently stopped looking for bodies so people very angry blaming the system wanting alters and they were saying particular they wanted an International Investigation they didnt trust the lebanese to be in charge of finding on here because they say that the system is responsible for what has happened there so yes the investigation is moving but i think certainly for now the aunts or is it going to be a long time off and whether the public will that accept them is another question. Developments to mali where the Prime Minister is calling on soldiers staging a mutiny to. Say is calling for dialogue after reports the troops have taken up arms in the tunnel katty. 15 kilometers from the capital bamako well people in the capital took to the streets to celebrate the mutiny were hearing senior ministers and Army Officials have been held but its not clear by whom the president. Has been taken to a safe location there are also reports of a heavy military presence near the Radio Station and near the airport with interest is following developments for us out of the nigerian capital of blood just so i see on twitter thats not a source that we can trust of course there are people posting pictures of what they say is mutiny soldiers being welcomed into the capital bamako not just this location 15 kilometers away. Exactly they have been some a protest inside the city of the independence choir for example has been the venue of similar protests led by the opposition and 5 movement and today there were reports of some youths gathering there expressing their support to support to the mutineers so basically thats the situation now already theres been some reactions the regional bloc because they can have a community of West African States asking the mutineers to lay down their arms and return to the barracks also was the Prime Minister of mali who said they should lay down their arms and return to the barracks and negotiate the situation it probably could get as we hear a swim be inside the compound of the United Nations mission in mali that is not confront by the United Nations yet but countries like follows and the United States also condemned what they call an attempt to change the government by force or unconstitutional change of government this situation is come of this evening when compared to what happened in the morning when. Gunfire was heard around inside the military zone at cutty and other areas outside the capital so thats the situation right now its not clear whether or not they significant military presence weve seen near the airport and the state broadcaster has now receded but there are evidence that some senior government officials and military officials have been detained by the Security Forces by the meatiness ok for the moment thank you do stay there though because its going to take 30 seconds just to drill down into some reports that were getting from various News Services in the region that we trust we have one report saying that molly and president mr keita and the Prime Minister have been arrested thats according to quotes that were seeing from the socalled mutiny leader the french president emanuel macron condemning the mutiny attempt on going in mali also according to the a. P. Wire service the mutinous soldiers have surrounded the private residence of the president and theyve been firing shots into the air and also according to the Reuters News Agency abraham but akita has been arrested by the mutinying soldiers thats according to 2 security sources talking to reuters lets go back to minute reese our correspondent joining us and putting that story together for us out of nigeria so if that is all true it looks like its picking up a pace and theyve had a plan and theyve stuck to it because if you are staging a coup you want the president and you want the Prime Minister. Absolutely and the moment they have these in one place then they are effectively in control of the country so. Right now what remains is an announcement if in fact these 2 with the Prime Minister the president in the. Ns of the meeting years earlier on d we heard the foreign minister the minister for internal security Senior Army Generals the minister for finance as well as speaker of parliament what reported to have been arrested by Security Forces and it was suspected that these that the mutineers who got hold of them if you have these individuals in your hands that effectively you are in charge and can dictate the terms already we know the position of the African Union on the Economic Community of West African States. Unconstitutional change of government situation is that which ever country or whichever organization or institution in a country that overthrows a democratically elected government will be expelled from regional bodies and sanctions will apply we leave to see whether we whether well see what action these organizations these countries will take on the muti has already as weve said. Froze their course and the United States have condemned the incident then probably the presence of french troops and International Forces in bali then a probably we may see some developments in the next few hours or in the next few days understood thanks very much a correspondent there in approach if youre just joining us here on aljazeera lets just take 30 seconds to get you right up to speed with what we think is happening in bamako mali in the capital we understand according to multiple sources coming to us out of the country and also with the Reuters News Agency in paris that the money and president abraham book a key has been arrested along with his Prime Minister in the capital city as i say. Looks like what is increasingly looks like a mutiny is taking place in the country spearheaded by several members we assume high ranking members of the countrys military it started off in a place called catty about 15 can. He says west southwest of the capital of mali the french president emanuel macro is saying as well hes being quoted out of paris as saying that he has had a conversation with mr key to presumably that conversation took place before mr keats it was arrested slash detained by the people i guess who would like to say theyre in charge of the country that story developing fast looking right across all the major ins and outs of that as soon as we can but still to come here on out to 02000000 people in gaza face power shortages after israel cuts fuel supplies to the territory plus. More freedom to move around quite south africas pulling back among its tough coronavirus long. Hello there more hearts and dry conditions across much of the middle east all the time of his nose as high as we have seen the still quite a bit of spending in across these areas neutrals into amman and down further to the southwest into Western Areas of yemen we could see one of those over the next couple of days across this same area and this is what i mean about temperatures 44. 00 in baghdad on wednesday and 42 endo also knows as high as we have seen to 23 weeks ago but the winds are still fairly strong and sound and dust being picked up certainly across iraq on wednesday thursday 7 a scenario that wins actually taking that us a little bit further south of the time which is a bit lower 38. 00 in doha but the winds will come from the north so it shouldnt feel too humid and then weve got no conditions really for the eastern end of the med 30 celsius in jerusalem and 29. 00 in beirut plenty of showers and thunderstorms across central areas of africa and to the south as well weve seen one after another storm system work its way along thats a south and south. Yes and youll see more of the same on wednesday the winds quite strong particularly pushing through portal is about not so bad wednesday were also heavy downpours into central areas of the day all say but reba thursday some very heavy downpours gathering around the gulf of guinea and the next storm system bringing showers and strong winds across the south. Frank assessments what are you seeing back in yemen. Like being suited to informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many cops or the only at region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate after the use of proxy does not represent the interest of the libyan people indepth analysis of the days clue who had lines inside story on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera welcome if youre just joining us your top stories a un backed court has convicted a member of the armed Group Hezbollah for the 2005 assassination of the lebanese former Prime Minister rafik hariri. Was one of 4 suspects tried in absentia the other 3 have been acquitted. Lebanese judge has now issued a warrant for the arrest of the the report manager of the explosion 2 weeks ago of course devastated the area the government says Ammonium Nitrate stored in a warehouse exploded killing more than 200 people. Money as president and Prime Minister have reportedly been arrested by soldiers who staged people in mali have taken to the streets to celebrate the army take over the troops have taken up arms in the town of county about 15 kilometers from the capital bamako. The government admits some police have resigned as pressure grows on the president Alexander Lukashenko to go as well more workers are also on strike to the delight of demonstrators. They say last weeks president ial election was rigged on the birthday of the jailed Opposition Leader surrogate to come out ski supporters rallied outside the prison where hes been held since may step vasant has more from minsk. Here at the k. G. B. Prison in the center of minsk. You cannot presumably be held but some reports say that he was brought away from this prison to another because some people have been gathering here for his birthday which is today. Is the husband of for the main opposition candidates for the planet the kind of guy who also had a message for his birthday but that message was directed at the government. This blatant injustice and lawlessness demonstrates how this decaying system works the system where one man controls everything one man has been holding this country in fear for 26 years already one man stole from belorussians their choice my husband asks me to pass you his words he and other Political Prisoners are wasting their time in jail he asks you not to waste your time not to sit still but to do Everything Possible in order to live in a country for life happy birthday sergey while protests and strikes are still ongoing and valorous is also increasing diplomatic russia. The european leaders. Are well mcallen have been in touch with the vladimir putin. Interesting lead they have been calling him and not shanker that means the putin is increasingly turning into a mediator and even possibly a kingmaker in the situation and the future in the balance of course for russia its very important that the bellows is not too much under the influence of the European Union or nato even so theres a key role for moscow here but its also very questionable if put in a still willing to to back a look at shanghai was on the increasing pressure to resign and who has lost so much support in the last couple of weeks so another solution could be in the making to look at a nod or a less toxic leader here in. To the European Union and also to moscow iraq Independence Day in afghanistan has killed at least 3 people including one child at least one missile landed near the main diplomatic district in the capital kabul its not yet known who fired them. Gazas only power station has shut down threatening further electricity counts for nearly 2000000. 00 Palestinians Israel closed the border cutting off imports of diesel which fuels the station and supplies a 3rd of gazas power needs the israeli restriction is one of several in response to a century balloon launches and rocket fire from the proceed strip run by hamas are a force that has more now from west jerusalem on the potential impact. That would mean that the amount of electricity being supplied would be reduced to just 3 or 4 hours on and then up to 16 hours off so that is something that affects of course the whole industry and society will affect some 2000000 people are also talking about the impact on Sewage Treatment but that will have to end and it will mean a return to pumping last amounts to rule sewage straight out into the mediterranean of the time of course in high summer when people do use garzas beaches as a bit of a respite from the heat and the immunity and this is all tied to the recent rise in tensions which is included rocket attacks which is included in those incendiary balloons and overnight a 7th straight night of israeli air strikes on gaza israel saying it targeted underground targets infrastructure belonging to hamas that has been attempts to mediate an egyptian delegation was inside gaza on monday they returned to israel with a series of demands from hamas including help with Infrastructure Projects allowing more material into the strip allowing workers once again to go out and work inside israel blows out of course been shut down by coronavirus addictions among other things and so much now depends on how that egyptian mediation goes south africa is easing coronavirus restrictions in an effort to revive its economy one survey found the outbreak cause more than 3000000 job losses only essential workers were allowed to leave their homes when one of the worlds strictest lock downs was imposed in march nationwide travel is allowed and the ban on alcohol and cigarettes is being lifted the police and militia severus didnt charge the captain of the japanese ball carrier that spilled oil on to coral reefs and beaches and appeared in court accused of endangering safe navigation the vessel ran aground last month and since broken up in heavy seas and foreign mentalists a is the worst ecological disaster ever to hit this indian ocean island. The former u. S. 1st Lady Michelle obama has delivered a passionate condemnation of President Donald Trump during the Opening Night of the Democratic National convention the party put on a show of unity as it prepares to officially named joe biden as his nominee to take on mr trump in the elections on november the 3rd the job is hard it requires clear headed judgment a mastery of complex and competing issues a devotion to facts and history a moral compass and an ability to listen and and abiding belief that each of the 330000000 lives in this country has meaning and worth and womens rights activist who played a pivotal role in the u. S. Suffrage movement in the 1800s is to be pardoned by donald trump susan b. Anthony was arrested for voting in 1872. 00 in violation of laws that allowed only men to cast a ballot she was fined 100 dollars for the case brought National Attention to the Womens Movement more news whenever you want it on our web site their top story our breaking story here on aljazeera news soldiers taking up arms as the mali crisis deepens. Updating your top stories here on aljazeera a u. N. Backed court has convicted a member of the armed Group Hezbollah for the 2005 assassination of lebanons former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri Saleem Jameel was one of 4 suspects tried in absentia the other 3 were acquitted the former lebanese Prime Minister saad hariri assesses family except the courts ruling over his fathers killing but the punishment must still be served. We had like many president s and many from the Prime Ministers were killed either in the office oh outside the office and we never had any truth of what happened i think todays. I mean everybodys expectations was much higher than what came out but i believe that that. Came out with it. That is satisfying we accepted a lebanese judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of the manager of the port in beirut the explosion 2 weeks ago devastated the area the government says Ammonium Nitrate stored in the warehouse exploded killing more than 200 people malis president and Prime Minister have reportedly been arrested by soldiers who staged a coup people in mali have taken to the streets to celebrate the Army Takeover the troops took up arms in the town of cotton but 15 kilometers from the capital bamako. The government and some police have resigned as pressure grows on president Alexander Lukashenko to go as well more workers are also on strike to the delight of the demonstrators. They say last weeks president ial election was rigged in the birthday of the jailed Opposition Leader. Supporters rallied outside the prison where hes been held since may. Garzas only power station has shut down threatening further electricity cuts for nearly 2000000. 00 Palestinians Israel closed the border cutting off imports of diesel which fuels the station it supplies a 3rd of gazas power needs the israeli restriction is one of several in response to a century balloon launches and rocket fire from the strip run by how much more news in 30 minutes up next inside story. The previously untouchable subject in thailand anger protest says break that openly criticizing the king and also demanded wholesale changes to the political system is a possible and why is the monarchy being targeted this is inside story. Oh it comes of the program. Theyve been running almost daily for the last month and 2 government protests is led by students of attracting different sectors of thai society

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