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A hollywood movie a critic of rwandas president is now arrested on terror charges. Thanks for joining us venezuelas president is pardoning more than 100 of his political opponents ahead of parliamentary elections in december the government says this is a goodwill gesture but Nicolas Maduro his move is widely seen as an attempt to boost participation in the vote u. S. Backed Opposition Leader one of my dog has already said hes boycotting the elections because of concerns about cheating human Rights Groups in venezuela say around 330 Political Prisoners are being held in the country Arline America editor the c. E. O. Newman has more from santiago chile. Well everything about this has to do with the upcoming parliamentary elections which are due to be held in december the opposition to a lawyer who was recognized as the interim president by over 50 countries has announced that he and most of his supporters will boycott that election and he has called on all of the opposition parties to join him in a united front to do that so clearly the response from president model is to make one is to agree to one of the main demands of the opposition and as long been one and that is the release of the Political Prisoners however this is not enough to convince certainly why the law and probably many of the other opposition parties to to actually take part in this election which is incredibly important for president legal last mughal he needs it so that he could it could be recognized as legitimate theres no point in having an election that you win but with no opponents taking part so that is what this is about even even russia and china are pressuring me to hold elections that will at least bring on board some of the internationally recognized mainstream opposition and not just those who are called opponents but who are really under the pay or the control of the government itself lets bring in sonia shops shes a vote as well and political analyst is joining us from washington thanks for your time on aljazeera so if the idea. To have the opposition take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections is the strategy by maduro going to work. Actually i dont think so. Is trying to wean. Not just only in minnesota but outside there in the soil but this is not going to work most of the Opposition Leaders on there are the umbrella of one way though they are the narco but this abate in the election but we have some other leaders. In the company lou who are the ones who are so maybe willing to part of this though or give to my daughter the chancellor. And the bill but this it made these elections but the way they are among or that either they consider these is not going to go anywhere soon these elections are not going to be transferred him but as a good strategy by god oh and those politicians those Opposition Leaders who you say are not going to take part in the election i wish better for them to participate in the elections now because they consider this elections they are going to be if fake elections they are not going to be drowned so thats why its not point on but this abate thing in their election that theyre they know. Is going to wean so they want to be different conditions. Elected ill doughty these and are actually asking my who dont believe their pro evasion door or their politically there still but this is. In the elections so they are trying to push for different conditions so. Youre a willing to concede do you think. No because the mother was always trying to win time and he doesnt have. Because the situation menace is really very clean not just finally we got off. The coast with their 90 but. Also the social they believe in the Economic Situation business was dropped and of course he needs. Time. To speak to us from the u. S. Of course where the American Administration has recognized as the legitimate president of venezuela so how do you think of the u. S. As looking at this Development Well actually the u. S. Theyve promised it charm but the least they promise dogged or blocked or do extend more sanctions. Against the oil industry minister. Because. They are a people come. Against or government officials but right now there were some way were. Going to see more of there to buy some oil from venezuela but now they u. S. Administration announced they are considered to leave these say way worse. And more sanctions aimed at sanctions against venezuela and actually the u. S. Administration use against. These coming elections against them but this is the opposition in this coming election. So this move by to pardon some of his political opponents or is that a message for the International Community or is that a message for a domestic audience. Both actually mother what is trying to gain. In the current 3 in benefit or in outside and because you know they are almost 60 going to stay are backing up or to support the one way the horse and hes trying to gain legitimacy because by this one is having a difficult time on the out of the sun shipments imposed by the us and actually us is calling all the quantities International Community to put more of pretty sure on their mother. All right sonia short then q. For your time and thanks for joining us from washington and i thank you hamas says its reach an agreement with israel to end the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar comes as gaza struggles under a ban on fuel deliveries which have led to power cuts harry foster has more details from west jerusalem. Well its all coming from the hamas side which is typical in these sorts of situations israel tends not to say anything about these announcements of deescalation zor or cease fires but according to israeli media there are Israeli Defense sources who are confirming what hamas is saying at least to the extent that there is an agreement what hamas says about this agreement is that it will stop its in century balloon launches an explosive balloon launches as well as that the what it calls its night time confusion operations where groups go along the border fence and throw explosives and cause disruption and in return it says that israel is undertaking to go back to the previous collation situation which means allowing fisherman out into the mediterranean again from gazas ports easing the restrictions of goods coming in which had been closed down just to humanitarian goods and food and medicine and also presumably the recent restoration of fuel supplies to gaza only power station which has been lying idle for some 10 days now since the fuel supplies were cut off meaning that gaza only has about 3 to 4 hours of electricity per day and as you say they are also battling this corona Virus Outbreak the 1st community coronaVirus Outbreak since the start of the pandemic so these various things seem to have conspired to try to quell the situation as it stands with the mediation of the qatari envoy the question is whether the Infrastructure Projects that hamas also says have been agreed to with some qatari funding whether they will now get off the ground. The 2 u. S. President ial candidates are blaming each other for violence at recent protests across the country donald trump has accused the left wing protesters for the unrest and claimed his democratic rival joe biden had given moral aid to vandals but the president s critics say trump is creating an atmosphere of hate and division i can i was following the latest developments from washington so whats been the president s reaction to those who criticize him including joe biden. Well President Trump dues to insists that he is the law and order president hes been typing out or tweeting out law and order in all caps for a long period of time now he has been holding a News Conference at which he made clear his belief that joe biden his president ial opponent is a soft on crime here q says joe biden off siding with what President Trump calls these left wing protesters that are the times President Trump is also labeled them anarchists and looters this is what president trying to say is a writers these are dangerous people these are killers they kill other people and they dont even think about it they wake up the next morning girl even think about it this is the extreme left agenda for america they want to appoint radical prosecutors judges in vero visuals who will say that criminals freed and mike what more do we know about this joint Operation Center that the president has been speaking of will be set up to investigate some of the unrest taking place. Well it was something that was rather clumsily expressed by President Trump during that News Conference what he was actually talking about was something that was established way back in the middle of july an operation called operation legend this was set by the attorney general and its essentially a federal Law Enforcement operation drawing resources resources from various federal branches aimed at identifying protesters finding ways in which to cut down on the ongoing violence at a number of the protests so this is something that has been longstanding it is not a something new President Trump did refer to it as though it was some kind of new idea but it is an operation that has been in force for a long period of time but joe biden himself is absolutely insistent that President Trump far from seeking ways to end the violence is in fact fermenting it in his speech today joe biden made very clear his belief that by calling on his followers to stage counterdemonstrations by giving admiring tweets to well armed militia to enter the theater of peaceful protests then President Trump is says joe biden actually for men to violence rather than help ease it now this is going to be part of joe bidens Ongoing Campaign hes come under criticism for being somewhat muted in his reaction to President Trump in recent weeks but with that Campaign Speech on this day he certainly changed that and made very clear that as President Trump has been attacking him joe biden is going to return those attacks in kind and right to mike hanna thank you very much. Still ahead on aljazeera voluntary mass coronavirus testing is underway in hong kong why activists and Health Care Workers are calling for a boycott that storys coming off. The push for a former president supporters back in exile the ivory coast leader who was acquitted of 4 crimes. Hello there all eyes are following very closely the progress of typhoon this is a massive very powerful typhoon the i very clearly on the south line as continue to head north towards already impacting there are beginning to have an impact through this western audience of japan as well sunny okinawa some warnings in place but as it heads north was it also begin to have an impact through the eastern areas of china now through choose a this storm system could have sustained winds of 220 kilometers an hour the waves are significant theyre warning of 13 meet a wave so as i say a very powerful and very dangerous typhoon this one will continue to have north is actually going to pick up speed as well as it moves north and thats not a bad thing however it will if a powerful again through wednesday the winds could weaken slightly but it is really set to make full wednesday into thursday and it will head into south korea so as i say old eyes watching that meanwhile throughout much of china is the most also across much of central japan then down into south asia the winds here vent fairly strong with some of the sun still is but Central Regions where weve seen the very heavy amounts of rain that is improving on tuesday. For pakistan also time tools as through carola talaga for the next couple of days some heavy rain again across much of bangladesh. Singapore. Or is being accused of expanding its costar and illegally dredged satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanished its a big business smuggling firm when they go to take the stand their influence the standard is ok you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so pleasant the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera. Q. Well weve got the top stories on aljazeera this hour and as well this president Nicolas Maduro is pardoning more than 100. 00 people including several of his political opponents the government says its a goodwill gesture but its seen as an attempt to boost participation in december as problem entry elections which some opposition politicians are boycotting. Hamas says its reached an agreement with israel to end the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar tongues as gaza struggles under a ban on fuel deliveries which have led to power cuts. U. S. President donald trump says the department of justice and Homeland Security are setting up a joint Operations Center to investigate what he called left wing civil unrest trump also said his democratic rival joe biden has given moral aides to vandals. Hong kong has begun a mass coronavirus Testing Campaign but activists and some Health Workers are calling for a boycott the testing has had a limited response from residents due to the involvement of chinese testing firms and doctors and many are concerned about mass d. N. A. Harvesting and they fear a mandatory Health Code System imposed like the one in the mainland lets get an update from sarah clarke shes joining us from hong kong so what are you seeing sara are people heeding that boycott call. The government says weve had a 3rd wave of crown of our fictions infections here in hong kong over recent months and as a result theyre pushing ahead with this Mass Testing Program thats just got on the way in the last 15 or so minutes where one of the 114 Testing Centers set up across the district here in hong kong now as you mentioned the government had hoped to get large numbers at this stage anyhow 5000000 people have registered now its going to take place over 2 weeks but we have the government had hoped to get about 5000000 people to register now its being undertaken or driven by a team of medical staff 60 at least from the mainland its been gifted to hong kong at the cost of around 20. 00 u. S. 20000000. 00 u. S. Dollars now the tests will all be connected here but they will be processed by trade mainland by supporters and thats where the questions have been right study by the critics the opposition parties the Political Parties concerned that the samples will be used not just for the quote the testing but for use for d. N. A. Samples for other research theyre concerned with is distrust about beijings increasing surveillance here in hong kong now the medical team some medical teams have questioned also the cost effectiveness of doing such a Mass Testing Program they suggested to be better off targeting those people who are showing symptoms all those people whove been associated with those people whove been infected a study some criticism that is the 1st time or not she was dissected the 1st of this mass testing but it certainly will be an ideal city a barometer of anti mainland sentiment here in hong kong to see how many people do register over the next next fortnight all right sara clark thank you for that update from hong kong. An investigation into witness tampering by colombias former president s are being handed over to the Attorney Generals Office the 68 year old is suspected of trying to silence allegations he had links to paramilitary groups to repay resign from his senate seat this month after becoming the 1st expresident to be put under house arrest his defense Team Successfully argued his case shouldnt be handled by the Supreme Courts. President donald trump has made another attempt to block the Manhattan District Attorney from getting his tax returns he filed a motion at a federal Appeals Court saying the handover would cause him irrepairable harm it will hear oral arguments on tuesday and if the Appeals Court does reject the delay then trump will then take his fight to the Supreme Court which has already denied him immunity to criminal prosecution the District Attorney is seeking 8 years of trumps financial records as part of a criminal investigation into his Business Practices supporters of ivory coasts exiled former president Laurent Gbagbo have put his name forward as a candidate in next months election along with the former rebel leader sorow hes taking on president Assad Ouattara and his bid for a controversial 3rd Term Research reports. For the supporters of former president Laurent Gbagbo nothing short of his candidacy will do dozens of them i hear you know be sure you find your ban on public gatherings to prevent coverage make. Inside the headquarters of the Election Commission see the opposition figures submit to know if you can shoot on the spot of. Lacuna would all go with. What we have done today signifies our will to project the exclusion of our candidate in the next election the Election Commission has a historic responsibility to the people of ivory coast to make it stand clear and make sure that whatever it does doesnt negate the constitution of our country. Lost the clinton president ial election to incumbent president Alassane Ouattara but his refusal to leave office led to a civil war that killed more than 3004 years. Without a valid passport to return who is still stuck in belgium after he was acquitted of war crimes by the International Criminal court the other candidate is. A formidable leader and Parliament Speaker was a close ally and Coalition Partner of president ouattara until the 2 fell apart of a succession plans hes now in europe after his plane was denied landing rights in ivory coast. On august 6th president ouattara announced hes running for 30. His decision followed the sudden death of his chosen successor former Prime Minister i want to conclude while the opposition says its unconstitutional his supporters say a 2016 constitutional amendment approved by 60 percent of the population peeve the way for his candidacy in this election this. One. Is allowed. To be it because. Of the fact of the. Need of it. Off and. A lot. Want to be easy. Creature area because. Thats already made too many did do in the next. 10 years. Also to shall do so. Now is that a lot of what that. Because you. Are rich are dozens of people have died in protest across ivory cost since that constitutional amendment of 2060 there are fears of more violence as to what the 21 president ial election grows in iraq im with you al jazeera thousands of opposition supporters have rallied in montenegro capital for a 2nd night claiming victory in sundays parliamentary vote the crowds gathered outside the main Serbian Orthodox Church in the capital had greta the church urged people to vote against the governing pro western party which won the most seats but not a majority the Opposition Alliance says it has enough support to form the next government. Russia says it will not send troops into battle because it believes the political crisis is under control thats the spite protest against the president which are now in their 4th week Alexander Lukashenko is accused of rigging elections and demonstrators are calling for him to resign both the countries have imposed travel sanctions on the ship. And other officials for weeks after a devastating explosion in the lebanese capital that led to the governments resignation the country has a new Prime Minister designate it was tough a db is the former ambassador to germany and one broad support from across the political divides zana whether it has more from beirut. He was not well known to the public until now most of a db has been chosen to form lebanons next government the former ambassador to germany is promising change at a time of deep crisis where we will choose a Ministerial Team with expertise and competency will also carry out quick reforms that will put the country on the path to recovery and end the dangerous Financial Economic and social bleeding. Got the majority of votes during parliamentary consultations the post is reserved for a son a muslim and the country secretary and based governing system that is why support from former Prime Ministers had to how d. D. O. Had the largest sun the block was essential to maintain National Unity factions from a divided Political Landscape came together before the arrival of french president a man while mccall. The country needs to embrace the initiative of president macron because the french president is working with the International Community to lift lebanon from underneath the rubble mccall returns to beirut less than a month after visiting the lebanese capital 2 days after the devastating porth explosion he has become a main power broker in the political crisis leading efforts to persuade politicians to fight state corruption and push through reforms and needed for an International Monetary fund bailout plan there is also support. For the ship or by france. Or has. A new role for the next. In his 1st act in office the new Prime Minister did what no lebanese official has done visited the neighborhoods damaged in the explosion we gaining the trust of the people wont be easy many accuse the Political Class who a. Pointed a deep for decades of corruption and unsafely storing explosive material after the port. Unlike his predecessor had. The resigned in the aftermath of the poor explosion has the support from the majority of Political Forces but like a db could be held hostage by a political establishment that has been reluctant to carry out state reforms that could threaten their interests but this time they may have little choice the state is close to collapse and the International Community says there wont be blank checks in the words of the new Prime Minister lebanon doesnt have time and this may be its last opportunity to save itself. Beirut. Sudans Transitional Government has signed a peace deal aimed at ending nearly 20 years of conflict the agreement was reached with various rebel groups and neighboring south sudan mediated the deal ever morgan reports in the capital khartoum. A historic day for sudan as its Transitional Government and the Opposition Coalition the Sudan Revolutionary front find a peace deal the agreement was reached after nearly a year of negotiations and aims to end fighting across different regions sudans government says is its top priority. The deal we signed today is a commitment from us and the armed groups that signed it to the sudanese people who have suffered from the consequences of war such as destruction displacement and theyre looking for stability and Better Living its also a commitment to get through the crucial times the country is currently going through the country is facing times which need real commitment to the post revolution needs and we hope sudan and its people have reaped the benefits of real change in this suffering. Various groups that make up the Sudan Revolutionary front signed the deal each representing a different region the groups some armed had opposed the previous government of ahmed bashir who was overthrown in april last year they say their regions have long been marginalized the new deal will give the groups 3 seats in the Sovereignty Council and a quarter of the seats in the executive council of the Transitional Government it also grants more power to local governments and autonomy to the Southern States of blue nile and South Kordofan their resources of the states will be shared between the local and federal governments it also paves the way for the formation of a Transitional Legislative Assembly with the Sudan Revolutionary front getting 25 percent of the seats today we presume that rudy is today. I distinguish i mean that resists i dont resist the roots of the crisis and hopefully you sit down and provide i think decisions and yeah. Id rather see. A new reforms under. Our governance. The war in the Western Region of darfur has been going on for 17 years its got 300000 and displaced 2000000 from their homes and its reports of burning of villages and human rights atrocities the deal paves way for compensations to those affected mediated by south sudan it will also restart the 39 month transitional period and it will allow for the rebels to be integrated into the Sudanese Army during this period but some rebel groups have yet to sign a deal with the government we certainly believe. That he looks really lucian. To sudan internal conflict is going to be a viable option. As. The leader of if country he made you. For im going for you. I must have found i was going to go to a country where little. Rejection of no use of force in resolving. It is going to be needed if. The deal is not the 1st attempt at peace in sudans conflict zones but the Transitional Government and the rebel groups say this time theres a political will to make it to work people morgan all just 0 hard to. Have again the headlines on aljazeera but as well as president has pardoned more than 100 opposition politicians and activists the government says its a move to reconcile the country but others see it as an attempt to boost purchase a patient in decembers elections with some of the opposition is boycotting. Says its reached an agreement with israel to end the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar comes as gaza struggles under a ban on fuel deliveries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has invited a delegation from the United Arab Emirates to visit israel thats after the 1st flight by its National Airline touched down in abu dhabi with white house adviser jared krishna and other u. S. And israeli officials on board a u. S. Brokered deal to open up relations between israel and the u. A. E. Was announced 3 weeks ago listing ians have denounced the pact as a betrayal. The 2 u. S. President ial candidates are blaming each other for violence at recent protests across the country donald trump has accused his democratic rival joe biden for what he called the left wing civil unrest biden said hes poisoning the nations values. Is a writers these are dangerous people these are killers they kill a lot of people and they dont even think about it they wake up the next one to get even think about it this is the extreme left agenda for america they want to appoint radical prosecutors judges and veteran of a shows who will say that criminals Free Hong Kong has began a mass coronavirus Testing Campaign but activists and some Health Workers are calling for a boycott voluntary test or an attempt to stop another wave of infections that began in june an investigation into witness tampering by colombias former president s over a rebase being handed over to the Attorney Generals Office the 68 year old is suspected of trying to silence allegations he had links to paramilitary groups youre up to date so the headlines more news after inside story. 25000000 people have now tested positive for covert 19 of on the well to but Health Officials are also battling against online conspiracy theories and untested claims so how do we fight a pandemic of misinformation this is inside story. Hello and welcome to this special edition of inside story in collaboration with the doha forum and unesco and. The corona virus pandemic has forced all of us to take a step back

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