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Recovering from a major explosion and facing a severe economic crisis. Also his life was an inspiration for a hollywood movie critic of rwandas president is arrested on terror charges. Welcome to the program dozens of detained opposition politicians of walk free from prison in venezuela after being pardoned by president Nicolas Maduro some have been accused of attempting to overthrow the government theyve been released ahead of elections in December Latin america editor lucy in new delhi has more. The after months and in many cases years of imprisonment opponents of president Nicolas Maduro were reunited with loved ones after receiving an unexpected pardon lawyer in the reagan a deal would had a stroke in jail thank the government for letting him be reunited with his family while and bunya told by argued shed been unjustly imprisoned in the back and i told him until i was blue in the face that i had nothing to do with the accused me of that my only crime was being the neighbor of someone of interest pardons before elections arent new but the magnitude of these work the was they included scores of prominent government foes like robert the marital Opposition Leader idles chief of staff. For any give at out whos been in the Chilean Embassy for nearly 2 years was the savile hed been battle all Political Prisoners or opposition deputies in hiding or in exile all of them accused of treason and more. As a warm up to the pardons venezuelas most emblematic political prisoner of one click a sense was released late friday and put under house arrest still accused of plotting to kill president Nicolas Maduro which he denies that the list of pardons is long but excludes Opposition Leader one by the all and milk bottle opus both of whom a little has vowed to put behind bars for alleged crimes against the state the Government Strategy is obvious this tool if you will middle. Number one objective is to gain legitimacy for decembers parliamentary elections its essential even as russian and chinese yellows are demanding some sort of recognition of the poles so for that to happen there has to be participation in the elections from at least part of the internationally recognized opposition feliks a has says the. Maybe just a 1st major step to another concession could be to allow major parties in candid bargeman taking part in elections to run after all that could include twice president ial candidate. Who believes that boycotting the poll would be even worse the competing in an uneven Playing Field was one why though who is recognized by more than 50 countries has venezuelas interim president has given opposition parties until the end of the week to publicly join him in a united front to boycott an election that is widely considered uncompetitive not to be outdone the government has extended the period for registering candidates until friday is completely than israel into waiting to see what more concessions mughal may be willing to make to try to salvage an election that he may win at the polls but not in legitimacy unless his foes take part to see in human aljazeera the 2 u. S. President ial candidates are blaming each other for violence at protests across the country donald trump has accused left wing protesters for the unrest and claimed his democratic rival joe biden has given moral aid to the vandals but biden says trump is poisoning the nations values and creating an atmosphere of hate and Division Mike hanna has more from washington d. C. Reaction to the nationwide protests has defined the massive gap between the policies of President Trump and his Democratic Party opponent now that the president has described elements among the protesters of the black lives Matter Movement as looters and that has and has encouraged his supporters to hold counter demonstrations in a mob contrast joe biden tweeted a picture of himself taking a me with those protesting Police Brutality and racism and at a Campaign Meeting in pittsburgh by didnt painted a picture of an incumbent president seeking to foment violence for political game rather than exploring ways to end it because dollar trump adds fuel to every fire because he refuses to even acknowledge that theres a Racial Justice problem in america because he wont stand up to any form of violence hes got no problem with right wing militia white supremacist vigilantes with assault weapons often better armed with the police. President trance reaction was predictable claiming again that joe biden is weak on law and order. Has given moral aid and comfort to the veil those repeating the mantra that these were peaceful protests in a peaceful protest. Thats anarchy joe biden has spoken to the mother of jacob blake the 29 year old African American who was shot and paralyzed by police in can osha wisconsin last week she said she was trained for sun that she says something to be surprised she was trained for all police officers. She was already been trained for america even before her son was shot President Trump explained why he has not spoken to the family. With the pastor wonderful man the familys pastor and i thought it would be better not to do anything with their lawyers in the they wanted me to speak but they wanted to have lawyers involved and i thought that was inappropriate so i didnt do that the governor of wisconsin sent a letter to President Trump asking him to cancel his proposed visit to connote should this week in the letter the governor says and i quote i am concerned your presence will not only hinder our healing i am concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move Forward Together President Trump has brushed aside these concerns and confirmed that he will be traveling to can osha as planned mike hanna aljazeera washington. The president all trying purse made another attempt to block the Manhattan District Attorney from getting his tax returns he filed a motion as a federal Appeals Court saying the handover would cause him irreparable harm but also his arguments on tuesday if the Appeals Court does reject the delay trump will take his fight to the Supreme Court which has already denied him immunity to criminal prosecution the District Attorney is seeking 8 years of trumps financial records as part of a criminal investigation into his business practices. History and say to victoria recorded its lowest rise in corona virus deaths in 2 weeks and it hopes that the outbreak is being brought under control 5 people have died while 70 others tested positive for a 7 week low the state capital melbourne is beginning its 4th week in lockdown on wednesday economic figures will confirm australias 1st recession in almost 30 years sarah clarke has more from hong kong. Well one of the 114 centers that have been set up across 18 districts in hong kong where one child is a Queens College Testing Center we do know that at least 100 of those centers are fully booked up on the 1st day of mass testing the government had hoped to get around 5000000 people registered 600000 people have signed up so far but the testing will continue for about 2 or so weeks this is a basically to deal with a 3rd wave of infections of the crime that weve had here in Hong Kong Program is being led by a team of medical staff and Mainland China around 60 staff of come down from the Guangdong Province to drive this particular campaign in the specimen collection the processing will be done by 3 mainland based and thats where some concerns have been raised the critics of Health Care Workers have suggested that the dean i could be transferred to Mainland China theyve also said it could be used for other purposes not just for identifying a crowd of cases and its also some criticism that this concern that this increased fees of surveillance by beijing own hong kong as was a breach in your privacy no government has defended this program and theyve said its voluntary its a one off and says its peoples civic duty to go and get tested while this mass Screening Program is on the way up and sure that we do expect look at the registration numbers that will be an indication certainly a barometer of anti mainland sentiment. China has warned india over the disputed border saying it will inflict severe military losses not both countries accuse each others troops of crossing the line of actual control india says it disrupted what it calls provocative military movements by chinese troops in the east and the dark region overnight on sunday trying to encounters counters that Indian Forces violated its territorial sovereignty during an operation on monday lets get more on this with katrina you whos in beijing for us so what is china saying about indias statements because this tit for tat and war of words continues now does that between beijing and new delhi. Thats right so Chinas Foreign Ministry and its military spokesperson have both flatly denied what india said saying that theyre unfair accusations they both laid the blame solely at the foot of india saying it was the indian troops that actually quote crossed the line of control and that india is the one stalking tensions on the border and that china wants to maintain peace is maintaining dialogue so far with the indian side although we have heard a more aggressive response from Chinese State media got here the global news the global times which is the english language newspaper of the global times and the headline is about india saying that indian troops have made in a legal crossing in the area and quite aggressive editorial in this paper today on tuesday saying that india should. Do to withdraw its troops just to make sure that these tensions are deescalating saying that china will not hesitate to protect its sovereignty and will do everything to repel india and attacks if there is any agitation made by new delhi and also saying that india should be under no illusion that the Chinese Military is not willing and ready to take on india that china that india is simply nor match for the chinese side and according to the global times theyve also undertaken a survey of its readers saying the vast majority of chinese readers say that theyre tired of what its called hostile behavior from the indian side and that 90 percent would support military action should the Chinese Government saying that it is fair to do so but of course theres also been an acknowledgement from china that media is also a very important neighbor a lot of trade is done with india and they would like to maintain peace and analysts say india and china have been conducting talks for the last few months for every week almost but these talks seem to have been very limited in the amount of progress theyve been able to achieve so far for the. Thank you. Still ahead here on aljazeera we talked to 2 deejays who said valorise and trouble because of a soul that they played. A former president under scrutiny that could help his case and investigation into witness tampering those stories after the break. Hello that mostly wholesome dry throughout much of the middle east very warm it has been as well even through the eastern end of the mediterranean well simplicity skies meanwhile across the south in the southwest of yemen we have seen yet more showers and thunderstorms you can see has some rather dramatic pictures coming from the capital of santa and theres lightning flashes really lighting up the sky now theres a chance of a few more of those shoes they can say quite a little songs across the south and quite a lot of cloud as well throughout much of saudi but the temperatures still pretty warm in baghdad and q 845 celsius but the temperature comes come down really quite noticeably in doha 39 degrees and possibly even lower than that on wednesday however that also comes with an easterly wind in a very light breeze as well so feeling particularly humid the still the showers will continue across into yemen meanwhile into jerusalem time which is have come down but yes well they are set to rise again so well above the average and by friday we could be back up to about 39 degrees celsius then down into central and Southern Africa again have been fairly active weather over the last few days and this long line of cloud has been producing some very well scattered but very widespread thunderstorms throughout shes day is really going to be much of the south Africa Zimbabwe mozambique with a heavy and then wednesday stormy conditions across the cape. The story of long deception. And dan and israeli spy operating under deep cover in syria knowing that discovery would make certain that. Aljazeera well tells a gripping story of mossad spy elie coming up rated undercover in syria in the 960 s. Not dangerous career that ended in public executions illegal and mossad agent 80 on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching on to 0 it means the whole rama reminder of our top stories dozens of detained opposition politicians have been released from prison in venezuela after being pardoned by the president the government says is a gesture of goodwill but is widely seen as an attempt to boost participation in Upcoming Elections. The 2 u. S. President ial candidates are blaming each other for violence or protests across the country donald trump has accused his democratic rival joe biden of what he calls a left wing civil unrest biden says trump is poisoning the nations values. But hong kong has begun a mask rotavirus Testing Campaign but activists and some Health Workers are calling for a boycott many people are skeptical about the initiative because it involves chinese firms and doctors. But south koreas government says it will increase spending in the next few years to boost an economy battered by the corona Virus Outbreak the finance Ministry Says spending will grow by 8. 5 percent it comes as exports of fallen 46 straight months in august asias for the largest economy is struggling to contain another surge of covert 1000. 00 cases. French president manuel markov says a new government needs to be formed quickly in lebanon to tackle its political and economic crisis most of our deb who was named Prime Minister just hours before my court landed in beirut but before he met david mark rolle visited pharaohs one of the arab worlds most famous singers and the rest symbol of unity in lebanon its his 2nd trip to the city since an explosion killed almost 200. 00 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless. Is the former ambassador to germany and one broad support from across the political divide but winning the Publics Trust wont be easy to reports now from beirut. He was not well known to the public until now was the 1st a deep has been chosen to form lebanons next government the former ambassador to germany is promising change at a time of deep crisis where we will choose a Ministerial Team with expertise and competency will also carry out quick reforms that will put the country on the path to recovery and end the dangerous Financial Economic and social bleeding. Got the majority of votes during parliamentary consultations the post has reserved for a son a muslim and the country secretary and based governing system that is why support from former Prime Ministers had to how d. D. Who had the largest sunny bloc was essential to maintain National Unity factions from a divided Political Landscape came together before the arrival of french president a man while mccall. The country needs to embrace the initiative a president macron because the french president is working with the International Community to lift lebanon from underneath the rubble mccall returns to beirut less than a month after visiting the lebanese capital 2 days after the devastating ports explosion he has become a main power broker in the political crisis leading efforts to persuade politicians to fight state corruption and push through reforms needed for an International Monetary fund bailout plan. For. France. Or has. For the next. In his 1st act in office the new Prime Minister did what no lebanese official has done visited the neighborhoods damaged in the explosion regaining the trust of the people wont be easy many accuse the Political Class who a. Pointed a deep fried decades of corruption and safely storing explosive material after port. Unlike his predecessor had done yeah well resigned in the aftermath of the other 4 explosion has the support from the majority of Political Forces but like yeah a db could be held hostage by a political establishment that has been reluctant to carry out state reforms that could threaten their interests but this time they may have little choice the state is close to collapse and the International Community says there wont be blank checks in the words of the new Prime Minister lebanon doesnt have time and this may be its last opportunity to save itself then after their answers here are beirut. Saudi arabias king solomon her son to royals and several military officers over alleged corruption and a royal decree the king 5 prince 4 had been he was the commander of the coalition thats fighting in yemen his son was also removed theyre being investigated for suspicious Financial Transactions at the Defense Ministry over the past 3 years several royals and other officials have been detained for graft as part of crown prince bomb had been salons and Corruption Campaign russia says it will not send troops to belarus because it believes the political crisis is under control of the us despite protests against the president which are now in the 4th week Alexander Lukashenko is accused of rigging elections and traitors are calling for him to resign baltic countries have imposed travel sanctions and other fellow russian officials bonus with reports now from neighboring lithuania on some protesters whove sought refuge there. A few seconds of defiance against the government of russian president Alexander Lukashenko cost kirill got a lot of lost their jobs and their freedom i thought wed play the song 1. 00 of the bosses would come in and say what the hell are you doing and we would turn it off no problem and it would just be something irritating but we would be honest to ourselves and when in the future i look back i wouldnt feel any shame for taking part in this event with. State sound engineers whod been forced to play music at a government concert just before the president ial election. But they slipped in a famous song from 1986 used by anti soviet groups. I still have them then youre super want to do this the next moment there was this explosion of emotions people were singing along and i realized it would have risen and i knew id be arrested one journalist ran up to me and said give me the number of one of your relatives because you know now youll be arrested and asked the national the general kirill and vladislav were tried and found guilty of resisting arrest despite video released by minsk police showing engineers complying with the arresting officers they were jailed for 10 days they have a deal of credit for it and for all thats unfair. I spent 5 days in jail in a small cell that stank of chlorine made your eyes water it was so strong it was really hard to breathe properly and i didnt sleep at all now theyve been given visas by neighboring lithuania and theyre here with their girlfriends who wanted to come with them and yeah yeah yeah im happy that my friends and family can sleep well knowing that i was safe and no longer in danger i left the country because it didnt have any other way out so my 1st one was a car following all of them say they want to go back home to belarus but not while Alexander Lukashenko is there these are activists or politicians just 4 of the hundreds of thousands of people who have dared to dispute their president s claim that he want 80 percent of the vote in the election in early august the Baltic States of introduce largely symbolic travel bans on Alexander Lukashenko and other senior members of his administration the 66 year old leader is continuing to resist calls to step down and he seems to have the backing of the kremlin which on monday said the situation in belarus seems to be under control Bernard Smith aljazeera Vilnius Police in russia have launched a criminal inquiry after an opposition activist and blogger was assaulted here goes to call for the times by 2 people outside his apartment in moscow last year a court banned him from using the internet for 2 years after he took part in protests calling for elections and russian authorities of seize 460000. 00 from Bank Accounts belonging to an activist. Is a lawyer for the Anti Corruption Foundation Set up by Opposition Leader alexina valley whos in a coma with suspected poisoning in a hospital in germany a Court Ordered damages from last for her last year following an investigation into activities by a businessman closely linked to president putin. Guineas ruling party has confirmed that president arthur conde will run for a 3rd term despite months of protests against him conde push through constitutional change in march that critics say was designed to allow him to run again next month previously president s could only serve 2 terms in Office Protesters say the 82 year olds become increasingly authoritarian since he came to power in 2010. A man hailed as a hero for saving people during the 19941 genocide has been arrested on terror charges Paul Rusesabagina was or has been living in exile for more than 20 years now he won several human rights awards for his actions during the genocide when an estimated 800000 rwandans were killed in 100 days welcome web reports. Paul. Was paraded in front of journalist who ran this Investigation Bureau in the capital kigali 2 years its accused him of trying to attack rwanda through rebel groups something hes consistently denied wanted to give off the ground including terrorism. Financing terrorism. As fun kidnap. And murder up a bit to puppet tripped up again another in the front runner and 3 on the run pitted 20. It was hailed as a hero for saving more than a 1000 lives during rwandas genocide in 1904 he was the manager of an International Hotel where hundreds of people sheltered from massacring soldiers and militia about 800000 people died in the killings the majority of them ethnic to seize it is exciting his role was documented in the 2004 Hollywood Film Hotel Rwanda here hes seen attending a screening of the movie in berlin he won multiple humanitarian award but he became critical of the government of president paul kagame e he said it protects nearly minority have to seize it marginalizes the hutu majority and failed to bring justice for hutus who also massacred. The hotel rwanda narrative was once accepted in kigali but loyalists of president paul kagame e began to criticize it after restart a beginner criticized his government others who have disputed the official account of the genocide have been killed or jailed. Accuses me of impunity for crimes committed during the genocide this is the point where they cannot agree gummi says he didnt commit any crime and Everybody Knows as well as reset the bag that elements of his forces were behind the atrocities that took place from 990 and after 994. Beginning lived in exile for more than 20 years its not clear exactly how he ended up back in kigali in handcuffs. The Investigation Bureau said there was International Cooperation but gave no further explanation malcolm webb aljazeera. Overestimation into witness tampering and fraud by colombias former president is being handed over to the Attorney Generals Office critics say the move could help. Of our or e bay who is under house arrest on us under m. P. s he has more. The. Most powerful divisive and until recently untouchable politician former president. The countrys Supreme Court is expected to formally announce it will no longer handled investigation into alleged witness tampering and fraud in a case linking him to paramilitary groups but the former president currently under house detention resigned from a senate seat earlier this month to force a court that deals with criminal proceedings involving lawmakers to transfer his case to the Attorney Generals Office. A move critics say to place the case in a more favorable. The attorney general. A childhood friend of current president. Had repeatedly said the Supreme Court was biased against him. This decision shows the courts adherence to legality demonstrates it rolls according to the law and it doesnt have a political interest attorney general is now in a complicated position and any decision he will make will be closely watched and connected to case was. Controversial figure politics for more than 20 years. And he made security gains against rebel fighters in the countrys civil conflict but he was also marked by Human Rights Violations as right wing paramilitary groups and the army killed thousands of innocent civilians. Opposition senator even who accuses of falsely trying to link him to paramilitary groups said his lawyers will demand the attorney general recuse himself from the case. We took the decision to recuse the attorney general and his deputy because there is enough evidence and strong reasons to believe they cant offer guarantees of an independent investigation. On monday at the classified the United States memo was released showing that a high level pentagon official believed would even quote almost certainly had dealings with paramilitaries when he was a governor back in the ninetys this and the expected course decision will no doubt further cause controversy in a country still deeply divided tenure and its violent past and listen. To what your views are with me as a whole rob a reminder of our top stories dozens of detained opposition politicians have been released from prison in venezuela after being pardoned by the president the government says its a goodwill gesture but its widely seen as an attempt to boost participation in Upcoming Elections the 2 u. S. President ial candidates are blaming each other for violence or protests across the country donald trump has accused his democratic rival joe biden of what he calls a left wing in civil unrest biden says trump is poisoning the nations values is a rioters these are dangerous people these are killers they kill a lot of people and they dont even think about it they wake up the next morning there are even think about it this is the extreme left agenda for america they want to appoint radical prosecutors judges in vero visuals who will say that criminals free. The job of a president is to tell it straight from the shoulder tell the truth to be candid to face facts to lead not to incite thats why im speaking to you today you come a president is incapable of telling us the truth capable of facing the facts and incapable of healing he doesnt want to shed light he wants to generate heat and drug in violence in our cities hong kong has begun a mask rotavirus Testing Campaign but activists and some Health Workers are calling for a boycott many people are skeptical about the initial because it involves chinese firms and doctors the australian state of victoria has recorded its nose raised of virus deaths in 2 weeks but hopes that the outbreak has been brought under control 5 people died while 70 others tested positive joyous a week low now the state capital melbourne is beginning its 4th week in lockdown on wednesday economic figures will confirm that australias 1st recession has begun in almost 30 years. French president manuel microland says the new government needs to be full quickly in lebanon to tackle its political and economic crisis mr was named Prime Minister just hours before my car landed in beirut but before he met him he visited fairuz one of the arab worlds most famous. Those are the headlines counting the cost is next here on our sister. Frank assessment. And indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera. Hello im Adrian Ferguson this is counting the cost on aljazeera a look at the world of business and economics this week carving up the riches of the mediterranean could prove to be a costly mistake as a lebanese well comes up dry and all Companies Delay drilling could nations miss out on the oil and gas bonanza. Perus economy has tanked millions of lost their jobs as the government tries to stop the spread of the coronavirus people are desperately trying to make ends meet. At adapting to a changing economy why a University Degree may no longer be the key to success for many americans

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