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Curve at 19 infections. Sudan declares a 3 month state of emergency after some of the worst flooding in decades. The rescuers in beirut still old hold out hope of finding a survivor of the last months explosion. The Turkish Military is redeploying heavily Armored Vehicles to new positions on the border with greece a convoy of armored personnel carriers has been seen traveling from the Syrian Border its been months of rising tension between turkey and greece over gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean turkeys president of top of the one says that hes ready for all possibilities. True gaining can is you know there he has the power to discard met so documents imposed they will understand that ticky has the Political Economic and military might needed to cast off a moral mess and documents imposed by others we are ready to clarify this by going through what ever it takes no matter how painful it is with it at the negotiating table or in the battlefield we the people and the government are ready for all possibilities when it comes to any fronts want to go she ations we have said that we are ready to share rights according to fear agreements in terms. Of the ruffle assisted by for us with greek reaction but 1st lets cross to our Stephanie Decker is in istanbul stephanie whats turkey doing on the border between its in greece. Well that video emerged of armored personnel carriers according to reports in local newspapers that they are being deployed redeployed lets say from the border with syria to the border with greece we havent had any official confirmation of that the only thing that the officials have said is that this is within the planned activity the responsibility of the 2nd army now the 2nd army is responsible for the areas of syria iraq and iran so there is a question mark there but certainly if indeed this convoy is heading to the border with turkey which is the northwestern border not in the eastern remit of the 2nd army then of course its part of this diplomatic arm wrestling military arm westing if you will within what is a very tense situation at the moment remaining between the 2 countries turkey and greece turkey continues its military live fire operations in the Eastern Mediterranean until the 12th of september we have that rhetoric ongoing you just heard from turkeys president all the the words coming out of here is saying that they wont hesitate even going to a full on military confrontation when it comes to defending what they say are their just a minute rights so we had a brief moment where nature was saying that the 2 sides agree to sit at the table to discuss sort of de confliction line technical talks greece has backtracked from that so i think very clear that at the moment no sign that this situation is being close to being resolved or its so what is the significance of the fact that military vehicles we think bring to wards the border with greece. Well turkey has been long involved in the conflict with syria its redeployed a lot of its military hardware to that area over the last couple of years i mean if you read between the lines a 2nd army agent is responsible for syria iraq and iran so it should not be if you look at that just taking that on face value on the border with greece so i think were just going to have to wait and see to clarify 6 exactly where this convoy is heading if they are heading to greece and i think absolutely its sending a message even though the turks are saying that this is business as usual this was planned before any escalation you know the tension between the 2 countries of course nothing is by chance and nothing of these kinds of coincidences happen without some kind of political message so i think it would be sort of you know again arm wrestling military back and forth threatening it will but again i think many people who have been watching this will tell you that they believe and they hope that this will be resolved at some stage through negotiations however it will require a compromise but certain with as much military hardware when you talk about the Eastern Mediterranean can take continuously carrying out you know life fire drills military drills and of course the potential for some form of accident between 2 nato allies is very real stephanie thanks didnt 0 stephanie deccan istanbul lets bring in of zeros John Psaropoulos standen athens john how is the greek side likely to react to this. I dont think narron land between greece and turkey is. The greeks are especially concerned that the greeks have 100. 00. Tanks in their arsenal most of those a parked right there in that 130 kilometer long stretch so there is overwhelming. Opposition to Turkish Border there and i think that actually only serves the greek churches. Fears that the greeks feel very confident about what theyre less confident about is the last swath of the g. And c. And now Eastern Mediterranean sea which have become theatres of operations gradually over the past few years where the greeks have been caught wrong footed because after 8 years of recession and austerity measures imposed by their eurozone partners greece has the greeks have cut their Defense Budget by about ha its roughly 3 percent of g. D. P. At the moment. The greeks have traditionally spent very highly on defense they are now unable to keep up with turkey which has cuomo strip all the Defense Budgets of greece and theyre looking for very quick Term Solutions to make up certain shortfalls one of those possible solutions is negotiations said to be underway to purchase 18 or 20 rafael fighters those multipurpose fighter jets they carry all the latest french made precision guided surface to surface and air to air missiles. That can be used tactically and strategically they would planners here seem to believe give greece an edge in any operations in the open sea in the aegean. The other great area of need is that greece needs frigates because greeces boats are 30 to 50 years old they do carry very sophisticated enough to date equipment but in terms of their size and capacity to do new things they are limited so again theres a discussion apparently with the french government for the possible purchase of state of the art frigates here of course there is a great deal of competition because greece has traditionally bought from the United States as a as a nato ally and the french a clearly must. In on what is u. S. Procurement territory because once youve sold both an aircraft youre going to so all the consumables that go with them for decades to come but the french seem to be the only country that is willing to state that it is. Going to have a presence a military presence in the east closer alien in support of the greeks something that the americans obviously trying to very difficult to do at the moment supporting one Major Airline versus another so at the moment these are rumors discussions we dont expect anything to be confirmed yet but probably in a few days time perhaps on september 10th that the euro met summit in must say we will hear official announcements of greek procurements and french weapons are serious chance or operas live for us in athens john many thanks indeed iraq is warning that hospitals may lose control of the corona Virus Outbreak within days more than 5000 new infections were recorded on friday the highest daily number so far was down slightly on saturday though the Health Ministry is blaming much of the spike on a recent religious event and other gatherings where people were not Wearing Masks or observing social distancing how does it restore such a barrier reports from baghdad. Well theres a slight decrease over the past 24 hours as opposed to the numbers that came out on friday just over 4600 new confirmed cases across the country and 63 people have died in the past 24 hours as a result of code related issues but these figures are an indication that the shura gatherings which took place on august 30th in the city of karbala in southern iraq which commemorates the death of amman hossein whos the grandson of the it late prophets is the one of the main reasons that were seeing such a spike in these numbers over the past 48 hours across the country does the nearly 10000 new infections and those numbers are something this country has not seen just to give you an idea in neighboring iran its double the size a population of iraq and they have half the number of confirmed cases we also understand that these figures that we receive on a daily basis are not true indication of the actual number of people that are confirmed to have the virus because many people dont get tested or they are too afraid to go to hospitals many of the facilities and medical facilities in the country are not equipped to deal with the number of people that they should be dealing with on a daily basis. Just to the numbers weve seen of people who have contracted kovan 1000 votes go into a medical facility in baghdad alone over the past 48 hours has been just around 370 so this shows us that they really a number of people weve spoken to as well say even if they do get sick they do not seek medical help. Sudans government has declared a 3 month state of emergency after weeks of floods that have led to the deaths of nearly 100 people the mile has risen to levels not seen in a century but overall rates of flooding of rain exceeded records set in the 19 forties 980 s. 100000 homes have been badly damaged or entirely collapsed half a 1000000 people have been affected. By the power uprooted equipment is out of order and theres a high possibility they wont operate again needless to say residents are all gripped with fear and panic we have not slept for days there were flies mosquitoes are multiplying in huge numbers color may break out at any moment god forbid thats why weve planned an insecticide spring campaign. 07 morgan has more from Council Government officials in sudan are to meeting the reasons behind the level of the nile river to multiple factors they say one of them is Climate Change which has resulted in heavy rainfall in the if you can high lands and that water eventually comes downstream in the blue nile through the blue nile which contributes to 80 percent of the rivers now weve seen the banks of the nile flooding with homes destroyed neighborhoods completely submerged in water and ive seen people getting displaced as a result so dams government after declaring a 3 month state of emergency has called an aid organizations to try to help those affected and those displaced by the floods now the other reasons that meteorologists say it has resulted in the level in the rise of the 911 are the number of dams that have been built on the nile river over the past few years weve got 3 in dams here in sudan weve got one on the sudanese egyptian border the aswan dam and there is the ground if you printed on them that is still being built on the ethiopian highlands. On the top of the if you can highlands the source of the blue nile river. Get a weather update on aljazeera then its back to school for millions of children after months of closure due to the pandemic well look in particular at the challenges for students in afghanistan. And fighting to preserve the language protests in a chinese province where its 5th mandarin is being promoted ahead of mongolia. Hello once again the great change in the weather across the middle east at the moment more hot weather more dry weather the winds generally on the light side for many having said that we may well see the winds picking up around that aces side of the med its right where it does still remain well above average in terms of the hate 31 celsius in by right still getting up into the mid thirtys there into jerusalem and as we go on into monday still very much on the a warm side and i think thatll be the case for a good part of the new week show is that just around the coke assists between the black sea and the caspian sea possibility of some showers to just around that cell in the end of the red sea just around the western side of yemen more showers then making the way across the heart of africa central areas pushing over towards the gulf of guinea some very heavy rain well way down into a northern parts of the democratic republic of congo uganda seeing some very heavy rain heavy rain there too into that western side of kenya we have got a few showers just around the eastern pos of kenya before much of Southern Africa it is dry very wet weather though pushing its way across the southern cuyp epping up around the eastern cape as we go on through sunday pushing is why a little further east was inquiring down for monday. But. This lines of money and. P. P. P. Sions playground election season they say if you win in bond or youre big on their money let promises on made on votes on their holder for saying so youre paying them to vote for you not really real changes made their way to the lives of the people who want. Now on leave in. On are just you. The. Color get this is 00 lets remind you of the main news this hour the Turkish Ministry is redeploying heavily Armored Vehicles to new positions on the border with greece according to reports in progovernment media its been months of rising tension between turkey and greece over gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. Iraq is warning that its hospitals may lose control of the corona Virus Outbreak there within 5 days over 5000 new infections were reported on friday the highest daily rise yet. And sudans government has declared a 3 month state of emergency after weeks of floods nearly 100 people have died the nile river has risen to levels not seen in a century. The search continues for a possible survivor but he threw rubble of a collapsed building in beiruts sensitive scanning equipment detective site detected signs of breathing earlier this week rescuers have dug 3 tunnels into the building but nothing has so far been found aljazeera zana honda reports now from the size of that search. Day 3 of the search operation a body has not been found neither has a survivor there was hope but what we understand from engineers is. The possibility of finding someone alive is really unlikely its been 32 days and its not just that this is the machines that the teams from chile used to detect signs of life they detected it in the 1st group the 2nd group as well as the stairwell they didnt find anybody there theres only one place left and that is the 3rd roof but there is no sign of life there there is a possibility that there could be a dead body but no sign of life according to this engineer he said the dog because it was a dog really that alerted the teams to start to start the search off operations gave people hope but at the same time what the dog did really was expose a dysfunctional system really in reference to how the lebanese authorities the state didnt even search this building in this neighborhood which was badly damaged during that massive explosion on august the force the no theres not. The machine the dogs the machine and the adults under 30. 00 in the get it 1st or 2nd group that was we had nothing there. Nevertheless will go to the extreme and Forward Capabilities and remove the 3rd and this doc gave us hope but he also made fun of all this is the. U. S. President donald trump a spent the last 2 days to fend to give himself against allegations that he called americas war dead loses because the atlantic magazine closed on name sources for the story trump suggested that his former chief of staff john kelly may have been behind it was it was russell and jordan reports. On friday u. S. President donald trump called a press conference to talk about the economy and the kobe 19 pandemic but reporters wanted to know about the controversy that has been dogging trump all day and atlantic Magazine Article which says he has repeatedly disrespected the 2200000 members of the u. S. Military its a disgrace because you look at what ive done for the United States military i love those people the atlantic says in 2018 prop was supposed to visit a French Cemetery where thousands of u. S. Troops are buried he didnt go saying the weather was too bad but sources told the magazine trump was more worried about the rain messing up his hair trump reportedly also said why should i go to that cemetery its filled with losers the magazine then claims then called the marines buried their suckers and that probably didnt want wounded troops taking part in military parades saying nobody wants to see that the magazine also says that trump questioned the troops motivation to serve during a trip to Arlington National cemetery koch was there with john kelly the retired general who served 1st as his Homeland Security secretary and then as his chief of staff kelly son was killed in iraq the president stood at robert kellys grave and said to john i dont get it what was in it for them during his press conference on friday accused john calley of being one of the sources of the story i see anonymous but it could have been a guy like a john kelly because he was because its going to say he was a very you know look at some of his News Conference is what happened to him he got eaten alive he was unable to handle. The pressure of this joe bidens campaign quickly made this an issue really seeing this ad and the former Vice President call the allegations disgusting if true my son volunteered to enjoy the United States military as the attorney general went to iraq 3 year won the bronze star and other commendations he wasnt a sucker reaction on social media scathing this from overtire general when he met with the chairman of the joint chiefs general dunford his comment was thats a smart guy why is he in the military and from a Veterans Organization opposed to trial my message to donald trump is that this you have no right being the commander in chief donald trump has bragged about not serving in the vietnam war in the 2016 campaign not only did he insult the parents of a man who was killed serving in iraq but he also mocked prisoners of war now all of that did not affect a candidate tromp with his military supporters back then but in 2020 his democratic opponent is betting that such talk from the commander in chief could actually backfire on him ruslan jordan aljazeera alexandria virginia. Malis military has begun talks with opposition groups about handing over power on the leaders seize power last month at a put on the increasing International Pressures for restore civilian rule the military has pledged to step aside for a transition period of 2 years in Mexico School starts again at the end of august but many students are engaged in Distance Learning although everyone has the Technology Required to learn online so the government is helping them using t. V. And radio officer as manuel ruppel reports. Mexicos education secretary has vowed not to leave any children behind when it comes to the Emergency Education program put in place as a contingency for the cope with the ongoing outbreak here in mexico which is the 2nd worst in latin america 2nd only to brazil but Elementary Schools secondary schools here in mexico have been closed in many states since the month of march when the pandemic really started to gain steam here in mexico the government the federal government is betting on on Remote Learning something that a lot of schools have already been doing using apps like whats app and other software such as zoom to to to do classes over the internet but the government just recently announced signing a 20000000. 00 contract with several different Television Broadcasters here in mexico to broadcast learning programs again placing a lot of their bets on on television as you can imagine this is sparked a lot of criticism especially from folks who say that not enough people have access to to a t. V. Or too many children in one home for one Television Set or not enough access to education 4 out of 10 homes lack Internet Access here in mexico so there are a lot of obstacles that the government still hasnt announced how exactly theyre going to be fixing that but for poor and Rural Communities indigenous communities here in mexico there has been announcement that Education Programs will be done over the radio again there is this promise from the government not to leave any children behind. Schools across afghanistan have reopened after a closure of 5 modest years the coronavirus for now only the older students in Public Schools will be heading back but some teachers say that theyre confident theyll catch up on lost time reports. After 5 months school is back across afghanistan with many more rules and Public Schools like llama a shaheed only students in the last 2 years can return they Must Wear Masks sit apart and Hand Sanitizer on the table here they used to be 45. 00 goes to a class now its kept at half that what they were that. We are very hopeful after 5 months of closure we will try our best to get these classes back on track with their curriculum so their school year can be saved we have professional teachers and i are very confident they will be able to catch them up. Many students have tried to learn from home most read books and watched lessons on t. V. Broadcasts by the ministry of education only 20 percent of afghans have access to the into news so Online Learning was difficult for meaning. And 17 year old shabnam says shes happy to return to school but is worried about exposing the family to the virus i think its good if we are following the instructions that 1st of all of us has given us a for not following in that its dangerous for every student to come to school and to study i think health is more important. Coronavirus has been widespread in afghanistan the country has officially recorded 38000 positive cases but a sample Antibody Test of the population found one 3rd of afghans have had coronavirus thats 10000000 people shared names family has been vigilant staying home taking vitamins. And as you move fruits and vegetables. We were a lot about shabnam as most of the students do not follow the Health Guidelines we advise her to wash her hands use a mask and social distance we were a lot about her getting infected coronaviruses a serious disease and the school is a big gathering place. To start a concerned compound to continue my fam is also worried about me that im coming here to teach my students but. We have to come on we have to teach our students so far they take as many as possible of the men the students education must go on a show of bonus. Students and teachers in the all them chinese province of. Taking part in rare protests against a new policy requiring some classes to be taught in mandarin the government in beijing denies trying to phase out bilingual bilingual system activists they worry that their language will soon be extinct the trivia you reports. Videos of students shouting is our mother language and storming School Grounds are circulating on social media protests have been held across the northern chinese province of Inner Mongolia after a new education measures were introduced to reduce the use of the mongolian language in favor of mandarin that spoken nationally. Many parents have withdrawn their children from schools some have clashed with the local police. My fellow mongolians we may not know one another but if they arrest one of us lets all go to the Police Station authorities are offering 150. 00 in return for information on more than 100. 00 of them wanted by police for taking quarrels beijing says the protesters have a political agenda. And the new measures only affect certain subjects the mongolian language class hours remain unchanged the textbooks remain the same the language used for teaching remains the same and the existing bilingual Education System remains unchanged. But activists say the new education policy will see the regions main language of instruction changed to mandarin by 2022 the vast grassland province borders mongolia where one 5th of the population is ethnic magali and mongolian people are worried about. Their culture. Wiped out. In the past 70 years the Chinese Government implemented the series of policies. Which cultural life similar changes have taken place in tibet and she jungle where ethnic languages are now only taught its special classes the United Nations says minority cultures are being suppressed chinese. Communist party. Is anything. Coming. d through any organization. Any sort of. Diversity chinas leaders say promoting the majority had culture and nationalizing chinese language provides ethnic minorities with better economic opportunities. But many people are unconvinced and say they fear for the survival of their traditional way of life katrina you are just iraq. Going to hear the headlines on aljazeera the Turkish Military is redeploying heavily Armored Vehicles to new positions on the border with greece. And progovernment media is from rising tensions between turkey and greece over gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. True. He has the power to discard met sort documents imposed they will understand that ticky his Political Economic and military might needed to cast off a moral mess and documents imposed by others we are ready to clarify this by going through what ever it takes no matter how painful it is with it at the negotiating table or in the battlefield way the people and the government are ready for all possibilities when it comes to any fronts want to go she ations we have said that we are ready to share rights according to fear agreements in terms of iraq is warning that its hospitals may lose control of the corona Virus Outbreak there within days more than 5000 new infections were recorded on friday thats the highest daily number so 5 was down slightly on saturday the Health Ministry is blaming much of the spike on a recent religious event at other gatherings where people werent wearing mosques or observing social distancing sudans government has declared a 3 month state of emergency after weeks of floods that have killed nearly 100 people the niles risen to levels not seen in the century and the overall rates of flooding and rain exceed records set in lives in fortys and by 980 s. 100000 homes have been badly damaged or have collapsed entirely half a 1000000 people have been affected the search continues for possible survivors but he threw rubble of a collapsed building in beirut sensitive scanning equipment detected signs of breathing earlier this week rescuers have dug 3 tunnels into the building but nothing has so far been found. Malis military has begun talks with opposition groups about handing over power army leaders seized power last month at a bit under increasing International Pressure to restore civilian rule the military has pledged to step aside for a transition period of 2 years but police in the u. K. Of arrested dozens of Climate Change protesters in managed to delay the distribution of several National Newspapers including the sun and the daily mail theres the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera todays inside story with kim thanks. Thirsty wanted to leave both of them enough but now they and i dont know if its changed his mind thank you for the forth to make this u. Turn and what those messages dispute with his call tell us about football the contracts 50 and find still. No mom to the program im convinced its awful messy has been forced to back down in his attempt to leave his lifelong Football Club f. C. Both alone and the argentine ended weeks of speculation by announcing hes reluctantly decided to stay for one more say good bye

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