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Seen anything like that in the history of debates it was more like a wrestling match than a debate so this one was more of a welcome return to the normal course of political debating scoring some points trying to come up with some verbal zingers i dont think there were any particularly memorable a lines in here that are going to be repeated over and over but i think the debate was much more cordial much more low key much more polite campbell how to reports that the president paid a little tax in 2017. Paid 750. 00 in taxes when i 1st heard about it i literally said you mean 750000. 00 and it was like 750. 00 we now know donald trump oh. And is in debt for 400000000. 00 and just so everyone is clear when when we say in that it means you owe money to somebody and it be really good to know who the president of the United States the commander in chief owes money to because the American People have a right to know what is influencing the president s decisions the American People have a president whos businessman its a job creator hes paid tens of millions of dollars in taxes payroll taxes property taxes hes created tens of thousands of american jobs the president said those public reports are not accurate and the president also released literally stacks of Financial Disclosures the American People can review just as the law allows donald trump has issued americans of his administrations response to the crowd a virus pandemic the us president was back in the oval office for the 1st time since he was released from hospital on monday i went in i wasnt feeling so hot and within a very short period of time they gave me regeneration its called regeneration and other things too but i think this was the key but they gave me regeneration and it was like unbelievable i felt good immediately i felt as good 3 days ago as i do now so i think this was a blessing from god that i caught it this was a blessing in disguise. I caught it i heard about this drug i should let me take it it was my suggestion i said let me take it and it was incredible the word work i want to get for you what i got and im going to make it free youre not going to pay for it it wasnt your fault that this happened it was chinas for john is going to be a big price what theyve done to this country china is going to pay a big price what theyve done to the world a former u. S. Police officer charged over the death of george floyd has been released on bail set at 1000000. 00 Derek Shelvin is facing murder manslaughter charges after nearly on floyds neck during his arrest in may floyd later died triggering nationwide protests to former british nationals accused of being members of a nice little cell of appeared in court in the u. S. Over a video link shafi have shaken and xander are accused of torturing and murdering captives including beheading 4 americans as well as citizens of the u. K. In japan in kyrgyzstan theres confusion about whos taking over as Prime Minister following back and also resignation a replacement was named after a parliamentary session on tuesday but opposition parties have nominated their own candidate it follows the an element of sundays parliamentary election which many say was rigged. Those are your headlines the news continues here now to syria after Jamal Khashoggi murder in a saudi consulate back with another full bullet and of news at the top of the hour so the stay with us. Nobodys heavy if we take back the bags and cut it into pieces it would be finished if the secretary shal animal and run he has racked. Were. Back again are trying to find out what happened to demolish saudi arabia from farms or to turn water mark or show them all going to show you from up. Some form of closure foreign minister saying this was all a terrible and the execution of Jamal Khashoggi your frequent critic of the shots on the regime and the side of the saudi consulate for 3 weeks trying to. The world here telling of josh of jane was a premeditated car monday the 1st of all 28. Everything seemed normal in the belgrade forest in the northwest of the took a city of his stumble. It was the beginning of the week and there were only a few visits is. Just before sunset surveillance cameras picked up a car belonging to the consulates of saudi arabia and istanbul it passed through a security gate before driving on through the forest. The took a shouts a bone newspaper would later be told that inside the car was the saudi military a tough shape. On what took you should intelligence gold a surveillance mission. According to. Has returned to his stumble from jeddah that day with a deadly plan to take out the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. On the 21st of june 2017 mohammed bin selma was made crown prince of saudi arabia. 2 weeks later a major diplomatic crisis blew up in the gulf between saudi arabia and 3 of its allies and catalog. Also that june another writer close to bin salmond advised Jamal Khashoggi either to take part in the campaign against qatar or to leave the country. Chose to leave saudi arabia. He flew from jeddah via london to the United States the pressure increased even to 14 or to 15 when he was writing minister of information decided to publish the letter from writing and i think you found that very very insulting you should remember the general ban from tweeting and writing articles why he. Because his dog or the speed. Of the. Conciliation we did work. For i think 100 when someone is there in. Version 230 no he just has to do it right or show jihad study journalism at Indiana State University in the us in the early eightys and worked for the saudi diplomat feisal while he was ambassador to the u. S. The show shes for children also had us nationality isnt this some. Footage that it looks to gather. All those numbers. All the massacre there are you see there are. A mixture us live without this formulation whats to. Do is im very happy he was worried he one time told me his 2 sons complained to him that they are held hostage because of him they couldnt travel so they were both bankers their work requires them to travel and they could not leave the kingdom their passports were confiscated and they were blaming him and that really caused lots of guilt. He told me he felt guilty that he is causing the. Stress and suffered. In august 27th teen ashaji tweeted for the 1st time from his self in the us i returned to writing and tweeting grateful to his highness the minister of information for his kind efforts gratitude and loyalty to the royal crown prince no free pain is broken and no tweet is silence under his reign. The tweet seemed confusing and contradictory and posed questions about his relationship with his native country. The saudi authorities had banned him from writing in a phone call from an adviser to the royal court so doubt qahtani. Ashaji later referred to this ban in a b. B. C. Interview shouted be a little. Bit early and must call your bluff will be a real hard if you will live any longer be the mini me the guitar. In september 27th seen a show she started writing for the Washington Post. This enabled him to communicate with a far wider audience and sphere of influence. For the saudis i think this was the scariest thing the guy writes for a paper thats already all over the world that are driven by Decision Makers in the us. Also my premise and mine in a safe family ecofin them for better than many men do a lot for but. More. By this time she wanted to legalize his status in the u. S. And in december 2017 was granted political asylum that offered him a degree of stability and he began to create a network between washington is stumble london and other world capitals holiday fori took the producers of this program to his friend jamals apartment in Tysons Corner virginia. They managed to contact a show she saw on the dollar but the call led nowhere. The phone. As we speak today there intellectuals under notice jill no nobody will dare to speak and criticize that inform delight saudi intelligence was closely monitoring her show she and his movements and briefing the new crown prince and heir to the throne of the one horn of the world. I mean. The saudis trying to tempt the journalist to return a source close to her show she said that the adviser to the roll call. Contacted him twice by phone. He allegedly said that mohammed bin cell mund trusted her show implicitly and that the doors of the rule court were open to him whenever he chose to return. The same source said that the saudi government maintained communication with. A made him several offices including managing a prominent saudi funded media network. Also so good you brought it with you has been there has been serving in the embassy in london the Saudi Embassy in washington was there carol von weapons verba and i think his knowledge of the regime added credibility took some corporation as a journalist when he spoke out. For show she kept up his criticism of bin salmoni and the Washington Post demanded spoke to me through this before because many of them that he is working with friends to establish a foundation for democracy in the art of wall promoting but out of them quasi among sleuth people and also fear thing some form of society after consideration. According to a Political Science researcher in istanbul show she was involved in projects named it countering saudi digital activity. The program produces contacted some of his assistants on one project but they were reluctant to talk in detail they said they didnt want to jeopardize the future of their new work. Meanwhile back in the saudi capital riyadh a small cell was formed to decide what to do about jim oh. It weighed up different options and as new information became available it formulated a course of action. It would silence show she. Permanently. On the evening of the 9th of september 28th seen her show she left the us for what would be the last time he took Turkish Airlines t k 8 from washington to istanbul where he arrived on the evening of the 10th of september. He planned to stay until the 17th of october as he had a major personal event to plan for his marriage to the turkish ph d. Student. Therefore the couple had 1st met at a conference in istanbul in may 2018 they kept in touch met again in july 28th scene and then jamal proposed to her t. J. And she accepted. Because he is about to get married he wanted to establish new life and they were still remember the flat that he bought the furniture to put in the flare and the fact that the scope of the consulate the goods from the comments and they joked with him and they said you are younger. Than i have seen before because you have a new love story and here. And then you said you know we need that so we may continue our struggle for. Generation and i thoroughly. Secure in. The shoji made a short interim trip to london and return to his stumble on friday the 28th of september landing at 4 o 7 am. At 924 the same morning ashaji and her teacher went to the Municipal Office in the factory a district of a stumble to check what paperwork they needed for their marriage. Bill or the ever bill did. The lack of the bialek muscle. That they really. Gave back that it. Allowed the bush on the are all that i did the whole health of the you know modern is part of chart. Its why we were in. So jamal and her t. J. Took a taxi to the saudi consulate. Therefore want to get a couple of active in our lives that are hopeful that our issue one should get a video listen up. And back to be without full on charge door to door and its called each other. In the form of. The island of the. Band the help of them all the talk about the. All no ecosystem 30. During his 90 minutes in the consulate or shows he was told that the necessary documents would be processed in the next few days. That same evening shows he flew back to lunch. Having spent less than a day in a stumble i was one of the last people to meet him for he disappeared he was here with me in this office we spent the day together we had lunch together and then he went to the airport i followed him the following day to some would cause he was opposed to appear on my t. V. Show. But by the time i arrived in somewhere he was gone and i can tell you that when we met here you know my love seemed quite comfortable and excited about the prospects of marriage we discussed. A project to hear how the mind and that is to set up a website to publish translations of reports an author calls and ellis is on the economic situations of the enemy and the region. In london shows he called the saudi consulate in istanbul and they told him his marriage papers were ready and that he should collect them on tuesday the 2nd of october 1 30 pm. So her show she left london again for a stumble his fateful final journey. On this visit the shoji decided not to stay in Istanbul Hotel but in the place he bought for him and her teacher to live after their wedding. A teacher had been busy installing furniture and other supplies only a few more items were needed and jamal planned to buy them after his return from the consulate but of course he never did. The teacher had breakfast at the restaurant inside the residential complex and there was a lot to talk about especially the wedding. Organiser that had neither. The charge of them before but that he opted almost. Didnt. Take the job that the other day i could. Buy them more than one but listen a bit about getting it to me. For further. Did not believe the mother. Of the. Good old out of the. Bit i. Called for. Meanwhile the men forming the saudi hit squad had begun arriving in istanbul in the early hours of that same morning. Free of mohammed bin selman special Protection Unit came on a commercial flight from cairo. To private jets from riyadh landed an hour apart on the private runway. H. Said s k one landed at 330. Carrying the head of the assassination team. Trip and they tell the men including 2 of the main players. The group checked into 2 hotels near the saudi consulate. Surveillance cameras in both hotels showed the men leaving at 940 and 10 50 am and cameras at the consulate monitored their arrival there. Took say leaked all the recordings that 2 planes came from so they are via to the Mission Airport of the church and 15 men. Checked in a hotel in istanbul and before. Arrived to consummate they entered the. Car we did feel that even though that you cannot see inside the fact that our team arrived in turkey the circumstances of what they actually did the timing is concerned and also the composition of those people in terms of their forensic expertise that ranking one at least is alleged to be a very senior ranking Intelligence Officer and the fact that its also claimed that at least 7 of that team are extremely close in terms of the security in a circle of the crown prince himself all of this is very strong circumstantial evidence it all suggests that not only were these people implicated in the whatever how has happened. It also suggests that what the intention actually was. 1 14 pm on the 2nd of october surveillance cameras showed her shoji entering the consulate they gave her teacher his mobile phone and left her waiting for him outside. The shop she has been missing for 5 days. We also reported his disappearance to turkish going shopping in washington very concerned about the whereabouts of running a prominent commentator on how the journalist was lawful in answering his countrys consulate in istanbul on tuesday and have until march since a t. J. Continued to wait but as the time pursed she became increasingly concerned and contacted some of jamals friend whose. Side would stand for much done for love as the going to be done. Done the job was. To be taken sort of our former boss of the former caucus here in the making to me either because of its off or back to come other well that i worked there although on the mitchell this to me on in all the large of our i cant keep on the phone im going to say or us are going to say go over means it and i will not sort of back to your article that gets me or he say old war machine may have us or the former you know the. Banjo when you break your heart with the hyla cup of the girl of whether you had a child you said no mother. Didnt sort of the one they each went to now for jobs. For the sake of the. They were for their own mother them however. With a default share cover the bigger they were sort of that they wanted to get in which one of a kind of thing shall fall for them for a couple that make them a the obama team in one of their copy got to go to a live picture from the capitol for a child or cafe open. While they try the q folks in about the become a debate on what we hope that it while to stab us at over the awesome a little bit. But. You will question. The snow to democracy which of course also accused the bush thought that. Their demands are more than just the problem of. Democracy. The problem all strictly geog the owners in the back to the bone have been. Here removed the net and out of the court they have women out of them getting out of the engine minister you have them in the same bush term how confident of. A coven the not of them. Got it the number. Of features and him yes you got them to work that you can and then they havent. That. Same question and theres no cable to sort this out of it which sounds so alone but on how can the have to have guests have their own children. On the way up mr davis no works not tom baer the truck stops here now michigan theyre. Getting yall good. Not enough how about. 2 for. The job. Of course from year. 7 thats about where what you want to mother polly mother. As international speculation about her show g grew one theory was that hed been kidnapped as part of an illegal operation to take him back to saudi arabia. The turkish government broke its silence the day after her showed his disappearance on wednesday the 3rd of october when it made this statement. Be they could be. Food what. Color. You stumble from a storm while president urged or one 1st commented publicly on sunday the 7th of october. Given that that investigation was led by the Turkish Intelligence Service who suggested that they had audio and even Video Evidence of what had happened inside the consulate. But publicly the turkish government seemed to be playing a longer game part of managing the delicate relationship with saudi arabia and crown Prince Mohammed bin cell man in particular. As well as his father king selma. It was a drip drip strategy in which the turks used leaks as a way of responding to the initial saudi statements about the hotshot g. Case and of dealing with the u. S. Government when it began to comment under increasing internal political pressure. Then you know that. She can come with. Coming up in part to saudi arabias continued denials. The american president s defense of the royal family. And the turkish strategy for applying political pressure on both countries it would appear to people such as myself anyway some kind of ongoing behind the scenes negotiation with the saudis and the americans as well and secondly of course in terms of perhaps not want to. Hear some future prosecution. Global community. Looks like the part of the debate you can jump into the conversation when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking. 3 targeting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just to look at this as a. Modern war all this dream on out is the euro. As it breaks the high i think battle to confirm it. Now to the republican controlled senate. With details covering governments across europe wrestling with a worsening Health Emergency economic crisis and fearless journalism from around the world today student protest is continuing the. Structural for the true change. There are people in the world who want all forms of verification to just go away so we need people fighting against reality trying to see if its a fake review may be in syria but in a different time they risk a great deal to find out the truth in very complex situations that include major global play as weve been told to 5 Cyber Attacks from russia theyre all dangerous and through this conflict kept. Troops in the post truth werent on 00. 0. Im sammys a down and down with a check of the headlines here now just here and now the u. S. Vice president ial debate between mike pence and camelot harris has taken place in Salt Lake City utah the past faced off over a number of issues with coronavirus at the heart of disagreements but overall the debate was more cool than between trump and biden. Was more. The thing about the president ial debate was that was such an outlier no one had ever seen anything like that in the history of debates it was more like a wrestling match than a debate so this one was a more of a welcome return to the normal course of political debating scoring some points trying to come up with some some verbal zingers i dont think there were any particularly memorable a lines in here that are going to be repeated over and over but i think the debate was much more cordial much more low key much more polite and on trump is a showing americans of his administrations response to the coronavirus pandemic he released a video filmed outside the white house where he calls in faction a blessing from god the u. S. President was back in the oval office for the 1st time since he was released from hospital on monday. A former us Police Officer charged over the death of george floyd is being released on bail set of a 1000000. 00 Derek Shaaban is facing murder and manslaughter charges after kneeling on floyds neck during his arrest in may floyd later died which triggered nationwide protests 2 former british nationals accused of being members of an eyesore cell of appeared in court in the u. S. Over a video link fair shake and Alexander Carter who are accused of torturing and murdering captives including beheading 4 americans as well as citizens of the u. K. In japan they have been held in u. S. Military custody since october last year in kyrgyzstan this confusion about whos taken over as Prime Minister following. Bottlenose resignation a replacement was named after a parliamentary session on tuesday but opposition parties have nominated their own candidate it follows the announcement of sundays parliamentary election which many say was rigged. Back to jeanne now murder in a saudi consulate stay with us here on aljazeera. Into live shows and dont notice jill no nobody will dare to saudi journalists travel for sure she will and left his native country in june 27th teen he went to the United States and began writing for the Washington Post where he was critical of saudi arabia and crown Prince Mohammed bin cell money in particular. In october 28th a visit at the saudi consulate in istanbul to collect some papers which would enable him to marry his turkish fiance the teacher jang gates but he never left the building. The saudi government initially denied any involvement or responsibility but the turkish authorities cleverly drip fed leaks of the evidence theyve collected inside the consulate of course where reliance upon what they are leaking or claiming elements within the Turkish Security establishment official and no doubt they have their own reasons for that that may depend on geo political reasons in terms of undoubtedly it would appear to people such as myself anyway some kind of ongoing behind the scenes negotiation with the saudis and perhaps the americans as well and secondly of course in terms of perhaps not wanting to damage the integrity or some future prosecution. The Turkish Foreign ministry summoned the saudi ambassador demanding clarification on the subject this triggered the 1st official saudi Statement Issued by the saudi consul general in istanbul on wednesday the 3rd of october it said that the consulate was monitoring media reports of the disappearance of the saudi citizen. After he left the saudi consulate in istanbul. Said the consulate was also following up and coordinating with the turkish authorities to discover the circumstances of her show shes disappearance. The Bloomberg News agency published a statement by mohammed bin cell man on wednesday the 3rd of october before the official Saudi Press Agency followed suit 3 days later m. B. s said quote my understanding is he entered and he got out after a few minutes or maybe one hour. Adding that he was not inside the consulate and that quote if hes in saudi arabia i would know that this is all a dark couples like me in the army take. Action look at all the big name in the army take a job when its hard to pick up this muscle there was someone there why didnt i get it thanks for the service or took the not by me but i thought my god youre an equal in. The bomb was for the thought of course i could maybe act im doing what i call forth all what the dishwasher the bus could be able to do me and for the other side i go to the other were scared to return or. The very 1st beginning of the event has been happen its the out of one or when the circuit on their skin the more authorities clearly show that he has left the consulate all the responsibilities belong to the so there are not or. The 5th day after his disappearance saw the 1st news story about to show you. A turkish official told reuters that the polices initial assessment was that he shows you had been intentionally murdered at the consulate and that his body had been moved abroad. The saudi government issued a denial an official source at the saudi consulate in istanbul also denied the reuters story that quoted turkish officials saying that her show she had been killed at the consulate he denounced the source of what he called these quote unfounded accusations. But i could i know the modern George Clooney would consider you were left. Out of use for india. On saturday the 6th of october mohamed el a table he invited reuters to the consulate and took them on a tour. To show that her show she was not in the building he denied that she had been killed insisting that he left but admitting he couldnt prove it because the consulate surveillance cameras hadnt saved the images. For why he would have a c. C. T. V. System that is working doesnt record seems. Impossible to believe the only reason why you have a recording system is a lack of money and this isnt something that afflicts saudi arabia for sure. On monday the 8th of october u. S. President donald trump made his 1st Public Statement about the case. At the same time the saudi ambassador to the us prince khalid bin selma in abdel aziz stated publicly that allegations that he had been killed or detained by the saudi authorities were completely false and unfounded. He then left for saudi arabia on the pretext of cities clarification. For what the king of saudi arabia the king firmly denied any knowledge of it. He didnt really know may be i dont want to get it is fine but it sounded to me like maybe he should have been. Here. From the photos they. Wanted to give an example from some of them some of course we know just formed by and of themselves and we know that from started speaking about him before even the saudi government with us so he wanted to give them the exit therefore they can use it normal to cover. This unfortunately was. A distraction. On monday the 8th of october the turkish newspaper. Reported that the Intelligence Services one airlines in the movement of 26 cause owned by the saudi consulate in istanbul it said they wanted to determine their whereabouts on the day her show she went missing. C. C. T. V. Cameras close to the saudi consulate showed to cause a black Mercedes Vito 34 c c 1865 and another miss a d salute 34 c c u 248 driving to the saudi consuls house an hour and 15 minutes after her show she had gone into the consulate. They were parked in the garage there for 3 days. On the 4th day they were taken to the car wash near the consulate where they were carefully. These pictures were obtained from inside the car wash itself showing the 2 vehicles being fairly clean. Turkish investigators believe that dismembered body was taken from the consulate to the consuls house in the Mercedes Vito. This c. C. T. V. Image shows the veto outside the house before Turkish Police searched it. And on tuesday the 9th of october the Washington Post published the now famous c. C. T. V. Video of jamal her shoji entering the consulate 1 14 pm on tuesday the 2nd of october. The 10th of october the b. B. C. Reported that the turkish media had published pictures and names of those they said were members of the hit squad. The New York Times also ran the story reporting that her show she had been cut with the bone saw 2 hours after its death and that the orders to assassinate him had been issued from the highest level in saudi arabia. I mean so more pictures and i dont. Realize that those guys are really members of the. Monster as a bodyguard. Let 11 days after her show shes disappearance on c. B. S. s 60 minutes donald trump was still insisting that the crown prince denied any knowledge of what had happened. But warned saudi arabia of serious repercussions if it were proved to her she had been killed. Is something youll be surprised to me say that theres something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case so were going to have to see were going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment if they go on to claim that these people were acting without the authority of the saudi government and of course they can prove that by. Relinquishing the diplomatic immunity of these people and actually writing them to turkey for trial but if that happens of course there is a very big risk that those people who are put on trial for this capital offense will name the people that made the decisions and that may not be convenient course to the saudi government. On the same day as the c. B. S. Trump interview the british french and German Foreign ministers issued a joint statement calling for an independent investigation. From. Found himself very pressed. His secretary of state mr bork to riyadh. Phoria you want to learn your realities they say so but i am not really sure whether he rants in order to investigate what has happened inside the kingdom also there of b. A or to fabricate a story. On that same sunday king solomon broke his silence on the case for the 1st time when the Saudi Press Agency reported that the king had spoken to turkish president on the phone and quote thanked the president for welcoming the kingdoms proposal to form a joint working group to discuss the disappearance of the saudi citizen jamal how charging. The king quote stressed the kingdoms keenness to protect its relations with ankara. The next day the Saudi Press Agency reported that the king had spoken to donald trump who had quote praised the progress in saudi turkish joint cooperation in investigating the disappearance of a short. Again on monday the 15th of october saudi and turkish officials and to the consulate a joint team led by the deputy general prosecutor in istanbul and agents from the turkish counterterrorism directorate. That evening the Forensic Investigation Team arrived. They worked 9 hours through the night until dawn on tuesday the 16th of october. The forensic teams left carrying samples of soil and a metal door from the consulate gone to. Media attention then quickly switched to the consuls house next for forensic inspection. While the saudi consul general himself mohamed el a tape departed is stumble amid rumors of his impending arrest by Turkish Police. Meanwhile the turkish government ramped up its pressure on the saudis. After all those friends each investigation. Made a couple of telephone calls with International Leaders including the king solomon of king the more so they are and after that the sunni arab media has realized that the publication story of question has left the consulate is incredible so they accepted that mr question has been killed inside the consulate. The film crew was able to monitor the movement of Saudi Security staff between the consulate and the consuls house from friday the 12th to when the say the 17th of october. The Program Producers later established that this included chemical expert dr made up villas easily and toxicologist khalid yaki granny this was the group that was reported to have deliberately destroyed evidence at the consulate and the consuls house it is possible to fully clean a premises of friends or governance but what you then leave is evidence that you have fully cleaned and therefore that also again is can be used and often is used as circumstantial evidence against the accused person. On saturday the 20th of october after repeated denials saudi arabia finally admitted that her show she was dead. A statement by the saudi Public Prosecutor announced the arrest of 18 saudis for questioning and suggested that the murder had occurred as a result of a quarrel. Recently a small act into law for the up to. 10 what do you believe. It. To do what she up mother. Then it was. Then the turkish Government Strategy of leaking evidence finally brought the saudi attorney general. To turkey to coordinate the operation of his investigators. He arrived in istanbul on monday the 29th of october by private plane. He held 2 meetings with his stumbles chief Public Prosecutor for done after which his office made a formal statement. It said that there was no tangible outcome from these 2 meetings quote despite all our efforts and good intentions to reveal the truth about the killing of her in his countrys consulate. The statement went on to say that immediately after entering the consulate the sharjah had been strangled as part of a premeditated plan and that his body had been cut up and disposed of. The Public Prosecutors statement crystalized each of the 3 main countries positions. The turkish authorities stood by their story. Saudi arabia continued to counter the leaks by the turkish government. And the Us Government continued to defend crown Prince Mohammed bin salmond anxious to protect american commercial interests. Some members of the u. S. House of representatives and senate took a more robust position criticizing trumps action and demanding that saudi arabia and n. B. S. Be held to account. Other arab countries commented very little. And that the ballot ground cracked mortared harder. Tattoo shop and theyre going to have to open accounting of how to write or. What have frank have found it and respond to. The audio recording shared strategically by turkish intelligence turned out to be graphic and incriminating. They were authenticated by the United Nations investigation which published its findings in june 29th teen. The recordings her show g entering the consulate or 1 15 pm on the 2nd of october and going to the consul Generals Office where mohamed el a tape was with the trip an officer from the saudi Foreign Ministry and the special god to mohammed bin salma they questioned her about his intentions of returning to saudi arabia and he said he did want to return in the future then they said they would have to take him back that there was an interpol order to that effect and that they were coming to get him. To show she said that there was no case against him and that he had people waiting for him outside the recordings then have a short fight followed by a conversation among the hit squad is here sleep hes raising his head keep pushing bushehr dont remove your hand pusher. According to the u. N. Investigation her show she was then injected with a sedative and then suffocated with a plastic bag. Then a doctor in the team cellar ultra baby started cutting up to show shes body. About 2 hours later the recordings pick up 3 different voices on the stairs. One ordered the visa lounge to be closed another appearing to be a technician transferred c. C. T. V. Data and reset the surveillance cameras. The 3rd was most to file murder any dressed as a Jamal Khashoggi lookalike of Jamal Khashoggi was a premeditated murder and they are now telling c. N. N. That they even believe the saudis went to the extent of sending the body double here mom police feel he was killed she is body to the fire ruby has denied any involvement in the airflow 2 years of now passed since the charges murder its still not clear what happened to his body. Did my hair arm or trip carry it in his diplomatic luggage when he flew on a private jet taking the hit squad to cairo and dubai the next evening. Was it buried at the yellow the palace which was inspected several times by Turkish Police. All scattered in the belgrade forest where the saudi military attache was seen before the assassination or dissolved in acid. Already even burned in a specially constructed oven at the consuls house some reports and testimony have suggested. That in the month after the shots his disappearance the International Pressure continued to mount on the saudi government to bring those responsible to justice. Then on the 15th of november 28th scene the saudi Prosecutors Office said that 11 saudi nationals have been indicted and charged with murdering her show j. Their trial began in almost complete secrecy in riyadh on the 3rd of january 29th teen. And none of the accused was named and the trial which many thought was purely for show would take almost a year. Meanwhile the un special rapporteur on arbitrary executions and u. S. Kalam are conducting an investigation into the murder and published reports in june 29th. It said that the saudi authorities were directly involved in what it called her show g. s extra judicial executions. And that there was evidence of high level involvement including by crown Prince Mohammed bin. I didnt know mr cashel i believe that we take great hope. In the fact that execution will never be repeated including by the state of saudi arabia to which he was so attached. Has continued to call on the Security Council of the u. N. Secretary general to conduct an International Criminal investigation. But the sharpest u. N. Reaction so far was at the recent General Assembly on september 2020 when denmarks ambassador criticized saudi arabia on behalf of 29 mainly european states calling for quote transparency and holding all those responsible accountable. But the saudi government always denied any direct involvement despite mohammed bin salmond once suggesting the buck stopped with him did you order. Absolutely not this was a heinous crime like this but i take full responsibility as a leader in saudi arabia especially since it was committed by individuals working for the saudi government. And thats what the court decided when in december 29th teen it found 8 of the 11 men accused of the murder guilty but the crown prince was in the clear. 5 were sentenced to death and 3 others to a total of 24 years in prison. Deputy intelligence chief cea was found to have overseen the operation but former high profile royal advise a saudi of qatar name was released without trial and the former consul in istanbul mohammed l a tape was found not guilty. However there would still be one more twist in the story of the saudi trial went on the 8th of september 2020 almost 2 years after her shortys death the saudi Court Dramatically overturned the 5 death sentences reducing them instead to 20 year prison terms. 3 others were jailed for between 7 and 10 years the un and human Rights Groups condemned both the trial and the revised verdicts the trial was a secret closed trial that there was no International Observers a manager of the victims or the accused were not published. And theres no more. Appeal possible so the nature of the evidence are every technical part of the trial or most has been questioned by. Internationally accepted judicial standards and yes calum are made her views known in a series of tweets she called it a parody of justice lacking in moral legitimacy. She said the verdicts were designed to protect mohammed bin sound man from any kind of scrutiny and amounted to what she called a whitewash. The saudi prosecutor said that this closed their case with no further rights of appeal. 20 saudi nationals are still on trial in their absence in turkey and on the 28th of september 2020 turkish prosecutors issued a 2nd indictment against 6 more saudi suspects in the case but many people believe that until there is a full un led criminal investigation with the cooperation of the saudi authorities justice in the case of Jamal Khashoggi will never ultimately be served. And. Plenty of sunshine once again across the middle east but still a fair amount of cloud up towards the caspian sea said look get some showers there around azerbaijan fading down into northern parts of terra but elsewhere thats fine and i quote a keen brace just coming in across the gulf on thursday perhaps popping up a touch more as we go on into friday the temperatures back to about 35 celsius or rather more moist direction this one of course that with the strength of that weight it shouldnt feel too humid im hopeful to syphon the north some rather wet weather there coming in to just around the western side of the black sea plenty of showers lots of wet weather across Central Africa really from the rift valley for that west was but even into somebody could catch a few spots of frights and wet weather coming in here as we go through thursday also some showers today for a time in see what tanzania plenty of showers there into the democratic republic of congo right the way across into calder into cameroon and indeed into northern parts of angola for botswana were seeing some heavy rain here recently we see them heavy rain too across northern parts of south africa the rain pushes up into zimbabwe as we go on through thursday with more showers for the south and cape. Frank assessments if American Public opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the repercussions if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break an informed opinion lucas and his dog anyway the protesters arent going anywhere either its a bullet with a revolution people in depth analysis of the days global headlines who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world we are really good in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise it feels that you were there. Facing off in the Vice President ial debate coming from mike pence class over the handling of the corona virus pandemic. And what the American People know from the very 1st. President donald trump has put the health of the American People have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any president ial administration in history and. My money in sight this is al

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