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Water kind of news against protesters in bellary state 20 for the president to step down and in your election. Cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan is under threat following new attacks in the conflict over to go to care about the latest fighting has killed at least 8 people and each side is blaming the other for not respecting the truce is very official say the city of gunja was struck by missiles in the early hours of sunday seen in Consumer Reports now from gonchar. The scene again just barely 24 hours since a cease fire was agreed between our mania and azerbaijans armed forces devastation despair and body backs i thank you for elative scree for their. 2 years and destruction appears to be all that is left for man as a reason again just as more bodies are pulled from that after. The pain of losing their children and other relatives is a comparing it with anger they say theyve all over the suffered enough in 30 years of the scum that. Will destroy them we dont want to see far they killed our children born through again just been hit by several me saw strikes in the past week but this one was particularly destructive neighbors said there are other civilians under the rubble one all that has been found and taken out from here some of the fence units are clearing they re of journalists for safety and to avoid any close up pictures of the possible bodies. That unsplit are made now for their suffering this family lives a few metres from where the missile hit i dont rally as i ses with her brothers help theyve barely managed to rescue her children who were about to suffocate under to rubble her mother amir the i was the last one to get out severely injured almost. Now going to kind of eyes also suffering its main city stuff thank you that was again under heavy fire overnight but Authorities Say its been calmer on sunday. And they report 429 Ethnic Armenian soldiers have been killed in the fighting so far yet another one was buried by his family in tears. As arbet john hasnt disclosed how many of his troops have been killed in the very very. Government the president youre absolutely correct he really supported the ceasefire this is a very important question very minimal. You know to do the humanitarian function and there are many serious humanitarian missions to the result in the cease fire was a brokered by the kremlin just 2 days ago it was expected to provide an opportunity to exchange dead and injured soldiers as well as prisoners the International Red cross says the prisoner swap scheduled for saturday never happened were actually in regular discussions the size of the nature of our involvement however far now the date for the operation to begin is in the hands of the size and the our International Committee of the right crossed and ready to. Support the sides. Against humanity there are no obligation to release the detainees the latest fighting between azerbaijan and armenia forces began to weeks ago hundreds of people have been killed since then and a worse escalation since the separatist war in a corner got up by ended in 1994 the region blocks are surveyed john but its controlled by Ethnic Armenian forces backed by our men as government during fighting in the past many lost trust in cease fires the latest hasnt got off to a hopeful start to now because although aljazeera can just reach out. U. S. President donald trump says he is free of coronavirus and is likely to be immune but questions do remain about his health a week after he tested positive troubles declaration comes as he gets ready to resume campaigning on monday the white house doctor says he no longer poses a risk of transmitting the virus but stopped short of saying if trump had tested negative so lets try and unravel this with a run as a correspondent who joins us live from washington d. C. Really not a great deal of clarity on this whether the president is positive or negative. Yeah thats true and theres a whole host of problems here but its left the whole thing is left a lot of uncertainty quite frankly primarily because its now been nearly 24 hours since we last received an update from president Donald Trumps doctor and even the last update there that you mentioned briefly there that was late saturday night was very basic and left a lot of questions rather than answers for example as you said has Donald Trump Tested negative or not and if those are simply questions we do not have answers to so given the vague information or lack of information from the doctors and giving no more information on sunday its left donald trump to tweet hes basically saying that he is fine that he can no longer get the virus hes claiming hes immune and that he can no longer give the virus to anyone as well and thats a very problematic or suspect statement and even twitter had to mark that tweet by the president of the United States as a tweet that in twitters words is misleading and could lead to a negative consequences when it comes to coronavirus so essential theres still still quite a few questions that remain to be answered but so far its been nearly 24 hours since weve gotten any other update from the president s doctors and so its left a lot of people to just assume that he has not come out and groove and that hes tested negative that he must still be positive for a president that certainly wants to give the impression at least that hes doing ok and that hes fine hes essentially telling the American People just trust me everything is ok right as we wonder how this whole episode is affecting trump says trumps reelection chances there are also new figures out so high on the set because just 3 weeks to go until the election in the latest poll by the Washington Post a. B. C. News suggests the Creative Arts pandemic is hurting told from who they trust more to handle the pandemic democratic kind of job i. Its called 55 percent which is 17 points ahead of trump and nationally biden has a 12 point lead over trump in the race for the white house among both registered and likely voters and its women who are giving him the advantage of biden is 23 points ahead among female voters and that is the widest margin among women for any president ial candidate in polling data all way back to 976 so the phrase to double trouble has little to do but weve been here before back in 2060. Thats right im glad you brought that up because well all the polls do indicate that joe biden is way ahead as you just indicated there a lot of people are might be looking at this and saying but yeah 4 years ago the polls were showing Hillary Clinton was way ahead too and we all know what happened there so whats different there is Something Different according to pollsters several things and its important that number one is pollsters say theyve changed the way that theyre doing these polls now to better take in this quote unquote quiets trump support so they say fundamentally the way theyre doing the polling is different now and they say that its better this is for all the major polling d agencies number 2 they say that there is no longer any 3rd Party Candidates running a significant 3rd Party Candidates i should say that are running in 2020 as was the case in 2016 there were a couple 3rd Party Candidates that were running and even though they got very small percentage of the vote it was enough to to to throw the election or at least in a couple states affect the election so thats number 2 there are no significant 3rd Party Candidates this time and number 3 according to all the pollsters there are very very few americans now that are undecided in 2016 it was different there were a lot of people who were undecided right up until the last couple weeks of the election poster say theyre taking a look at this now and. Are saying there are just simply so few people now that are undecided that thats why they think these polls are so different and thats why donald trump and his campaign are looking at this and theyre saying this is not looking good for donald trump its looking very good for joe biden nevertheless trump says that these polls are fake news and he says that hes internal polls from the Campaign Show that in his words hes winning big in several states well have to see well find out from the American People in just about 3 weeks from now when the results come in and americans go to the polls exactly the time between now and then to gave thanks very much a good will and is on the reporting lets hear now from eric whos a professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the university of North Carolina in charlotte he says the election poll results well they like context. It was a big week and weve seen a shift slightly in the poll towards biden what we dont know yet is whether thats a short term shift in reaction merely to the events of the week or whether thats a shift saying that some of the undecided voters have now made up their mind and theyre shifting in the direction of joe biden hopefully the polls this week and next week will help us sort that out we had the access Hollywood Tape in 2016 where President Trump was quoted as saying hed like to grab women by the generals there was a big shift in the polls but of course it didnt last so well see whether the shift weve seen over the last week gives more reaction a short term reaction to that news were whether its something permanent i will say the american pollsters have have learned what went wrong in 2016 and have made adjustments to the polls how they report them in order to try to avoid the mistakes that were made last time around so i would trust the results of this time to a large extent americans always are likely to rate the economy is the most important issue but i think the key for understanding whats going on is that the economy is running to overwhelmingly is the most important issue by republicans democrats and independents are more likely to really the viruses is more important so its more important what the swing voters are rating is the important issue rather than the people who are already going to vote for donald trump. Now i dont torricelli police unit has been disbanded in nigeria after days of nationwide protest a month ago an end to Police Brutality a special anti robbery squad is accused of unlawful arrests torture and murder this is the 4th time the unit has been dismantled but it just reports from a preacher. After 5 days of demonstrations that in some cases turned violent protesters are still using that victory. Protest began 6 days ago after a man was allegedly shot and killed by members of the police unit called the special and to robbery squad of sars. The police chief said dissolving the unit whose members are father turnage the image of the police was a necessity for a force that is in serious need of changes this patient a rogue rescored of the Nigerian Police and there was no nonsense. By design or formations did that is just it will use commands and the territory where they are currently is used so no new squad will be set up to tackle Violent Crimes and that Civil Society will now work with the police to identify and punish officers found committing abuses but Civil Society wants to see officers already accused of murder and other crimes be punished by their victory activists now want to push for more accountability from judges and politicians they do show you know corruption is through very you know high legislative corruption is going on and is the act of corruption is going on so definitely all the institutions or the Public Institution needs serious reform in order to respond to the aspiration of nigerians you cannot have an organization that is supposed to be run by a law and order and it is completely drained you know cut it out it activities with impunity. On the streets many say they have heard it all before. Is that it was time to end these government are being done size now bundy does not then sound i didnt come up again so what meal is not simply in the fact that nigerians can actually got their will and and so will cause actually and to do things that people who people know that we have a voice they assist dissolving the entrepreneur unit alone is not enough they want officers guilty of the crimes they have been accused of punished and that is what nigerians will be watching out for before the new Police Outfit is formed how many grease aljazeera a pusher. Still ahead here in ontario Turkish Cypriots can still vote for president as tensions grow over Gas Exploration in the eastern med. Evicted from their land now 20 years on white zimbabwean farmers are returning to work in a different role. Hello the rain hasnt quite ceased in japan and its the remnants of this whole line which contains the near typhoon of chan hama sham homes going away now with the rain is still in that line for home shouldnt same places where we had problems with flooding and landslides of the last day or so because the channel generally speaking there were seeing the change to quieter weather all the way west of the Korean Peninsula and china has been slowly cooling down but sort of plus 9 degrees or thereabouts is a bit of rain still in shan and thats spreading eastwards but generally not much really heavy stuff is down the sas china sea it might just catch hong kong as well while its definitely catching is vietnam and little tropical depression that colin for so its been named a stop to windies that Gale Force Winds the amount of rain is a significant thing already it is flooded extensively from Central Vietnam sure laos to cambodia and this is adding to it on monday and tuesday that a half a meter of rain could fall thats definitely not the end of the story. So that is where most of the right is for to Southeast Asia so our scene shows and i will fall carl shot struck by your internees here but that pretty well scott it was a good bit of sunshine between except maybe in the philippines. Stories a struggle stories of achievement. From opposite ends of europe contrasting past and stories of arab refugees seeking a new life abroad. Aljazeera world travels to australia and sweden meeting refugees and those who welcomed them. A place of refuge. And nichelle still on aljazeera. The author. And again youre watching her month about top stories this hour and a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan is under threat both sides accusing each other heavy shelling in civilian areas at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting in the disputed region called a card by. U. S. President donald trump is said he no longer has coronavirus and believes he is immune he made the comments today off his 1st public appearance since testing positive for the virus. Nigeria has dissolved and it lead to peace unitel to days of nationwide protests special and she wrote rescored is accused of actually judicial killings and torture. To government demonstrators in bellary keeping the pressure on president Alexander Lukashenko to step down they protested in the capital for 10th consecutive sunday despite a crackdown by police about literacy and Rights Group Says many people were detained its under bias as a face. Fleeing from tear gas and stun grenades similar scenes of chaos and panic across the capital scores of people detained in the most Violent Police crackdown seen in weeks several 1000 protesters dodge police who used water cannon and stun grenades tackled and beaten with batons by masked officers others seen injured and dazed on the ground. More than 13000 people have been detained in weeks of protests they say the president ial election in early august was rigged theyre risking it all. To demand president Alexander Lucas shank a resignation people want change and yes of course the weather mightst change things you know further as we approach the winter but at the moment i see still a lot of mobilisation and the fact that a lot of opposition figures have been either detained or pushed out of the country hasnt significantly impacted the the mobilization on the ground people are still coming out to protest by the fact that these protests and fact simply leaderless. And unexpected meeting held by lucas and go with opposition activists in a prison led to many doubting the strength of his position state media says he discussed constitutional reform with his political rivals. You know half of you here are lawyers and perfectly understand that the constitution cant be written in the streets and im trying to convince both your supporters and society at large that we must have a broader view towards these problems. But beyond those prison walls the deadlock continues with military vehicles and armed police still dominating the streets and protesters vowing to continue until they see real Democratic Change alexandra vires al jazeera. Voters in a self declared republic of Northern Cyprus will head to the polls again in one week to elect a president since neither of the candidates got more than 50 percent of the vote on sunday a runoff will be held but in baba has us. Hes the leader of a country that nobody but turkey recognizes and now turkeys leaders have turned against him to. Is hoping to be reelected as president of the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus with a population of no more than half a 1000000 people i can choose supports a federal solution for the Divided Island and hes keen for stalled talks involving the government in the south of cyprus as well as greece turkey and britain to resume. But many people here in the north favor a 2 state solution including the Prime Minister s. In touch whos backed by turkey. This week alongside turkish president are due on the tower announced the partial reopening of viral. Its a Holiday Resort abandoned by its Greek Cypriot inhabitants during the turkish invasion in 1984 the move to allow visitors back on to the beach was criticised by tatas rivals who saw it as turkish interference during kaiju morea teen in unfortunately the or thora g. s of the republic of turkey took a side in this election very openly they did this despite all my warnings all of you have seen this all of the society has seen and experienced this successive United Nations resolutions have called for the area to be transferred to u. N. Control un peacekeepers monitor the buffer zone between the 2 parts of the island and the reopening of the beach prompted protests by Greek Cypriots living nearby. It also led to a member of the Ruling Coalition in the north to quit in effect bringing down the government the u. N. Plans to call new multilateral talks on the future of cyprus after the election the upcoming negotiations will be basically by party. Between the 2 sides but also including a 3 so whoever is elected wants to work with turkey in order to formulate the best policies in the new. The election comes during territorial tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean cyprus and its ally greece have been pushing for International Sanctions against turkey for its exploration of undersea oil and natural gas meaning the vote in Northern Cyprus is being watched more closely than ever nadine barber al jazeera. So candy is underway into you can start where one of the worlds longest serving lead is expected to extend his 28 year rule president s and no money robin is running against 4. 00 of the candidates but hes widely expected to win another 7 year term election wanted to say there is a lack of genuine political competition country has no term limits a run one has been possums independence in 1992. A Major Oil Field in libya is set to resume production after the United Nations announced direct talks between the countrys rivals the un recognized government based in tripoli inboard who need to have to go to meeting she needs you next month the oil field has been closed for most of this year because of a blockade imposed by have to train in tripoli as more on the impact that it is. Now that sound youre hearing is the Power Generator Power Generators have become a common scene across libya and thats due to the long power cuts according to the national or corporation that power cuts are because of the lack of oil and diesel feeding into the power stations in a result of the oil flows now if you look if you look to the side you see this pharmacy here is closed and thats because the shop owner couldnt afford to maintain his generator so the really the residents the shop owners Business Owners are the ones suffering from lack of oil oil through the central bank. From 2013 to 2020 have resulted in a loss of revenue of over 180000000000. 00 thats money the government uses to pay government salaries to pay for Government Services including electricity and water so theres really been a theory of the Living Conditions here in the good we will now hopefully over the opening of else aurora will lead to their oil fields and other oil for opening and this way the government can help to rebuild the infrastructure. To the residents here. A number of groups in iraq have agreed to stop rocket attacks on u. S. Forces a spokesman for can tell you has below which is close links with iran says theyll stick to a cease fire but only if baghdad gives a timetable for the withdrawal of american troops the group is linked to iraqs security but has been accused of acting outside the formal chain of command its blamed for a siege on come in march which killed one british and 2 american soldiers. Spains Canary Islands have seen the highest refugees refugee surge in 14 years in the past 48 hours more than a 1000 refugees arrive politicians say the islands dont have enough resources to deal with a spike this comes as morocco increases security along its coast forcing refugees its a can more dangerous route into the Atlantic Ocean to reach europe. 20 is all to zimbabwes controversial land reform policy when thousands of white farmers were forcibly evicted some are returning to the land has tenants of black owners as harriman test reports now from a show in a land in East Province the government hopes their return will boost production and warnings that millions of zimbabweans a facing few choices. Zimbabwes government calls these collaborations partnerships or joint ventures some whites who were forced off commercial farms joining the Land Reform Program 20 years ago are coming back to work with black. Allowing other people whove got the money and the resources to partner us to the land has been just the best thing that has happened to us obviously we know we Work Together well. We also with a partnership the good thing about the partnership is the skills transfer. 2 decades after the government sees thousands of white owned commercial farms land and who it rightfully belongs to is still an emotive and divisive topic in zimbabwe and other parts of Southern Africa followings the land reform controversy when pharmacies from whites the barbarians of all races are now cautious about land agreements thats why those in these joint partnerships insist on legal documentation stating exactly how profits will be dividers. Some zimbabwean say the late president Robert Mugabes Land Reform Program was a partisan poses that favored a few elites and left the country struggling to feed itself some of the land grabs were chaotic and violent displacing the white farmers and their farm workers the Uns World Food Program warns more than 8000000 zimbabweans would not have enough food by december thats roughly 60 percent of the population others believe land reform was necessary to give back land to blacks the barbarians land that was taken by white settlers jus in the colonial years. And that it is what we now need is foremost a good bridge to the learned and there is a vision. That is looking for resources in order to compensate for the improvements only when they learnt. So the state state is going to pay more than 3000000000. 00 in compensation to whites who had been expropriated to resettle black families its difficult for any creditor tool lend you money when you have a feeling to clear what is going to be very difficult for government to raise unless government probably is going to impose taxes but again that a bit of your daughter we already i takes didnt economy people keen on running these farms as the businesses again want guarantees from the government there will be no more illegal land seizures and Property Rights will be respected but the country is constantly changing economic policies still make investors nervous president keeps saying is open for business the International Community and the locals are watching waiting to see if that is indeed. How do. Much of the land East Province is a bubbly tennis star on the dial has won his 13th title of the french open the spaniard was playing world number one novak joke which raced into a 2 set lead although he met some resistance from jock which the 3rd set up to the 6 love 6275 clinching that 20th grand slam title also puts the world on not par with roger federer. So. Far no great demand sorry for today. And i was. Couple of time ago. For me and. I want to say future congratulations. And your team and your family of course what you are doing on this core design believable not just this court throughout your income entire career youve been a great champion and today you show your show why you are king richly i have experienced it on my own skin. So this sounds are these are the top stories in a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan is under threat with both sides accusing each other of heavy shelling in civilian areas at least 8 people have been killed in the latest round of fighting over the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh a us President Donald Trump has said he no longer has coronavirus simply leaves hes immune he made the comments of day before resuming campaigning his doctor said hed taken a test showing he was no longer a transmission risk and its on to has more from washington d. C. Given the vague information or lack of information from doctors and giving no more information on on sunday its left donald trump to tweet hes basically saying that he has

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