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Election campaign in 2 swing states. One year on from a protest movement demanding change levanon remains in political and economic crisis. And you see as far as come into effect between armenia and azerbaijan its the 2nd attempt to stop nearly 3 weeks of violence it follows renewed fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh the 2 countries had agreed to a russian mediated ceasefire a week ago but that collapsed within hours Bennett Smith is in armenia as capital good of on. This information about the natures has come from the armenian side and its the armenians that have been pushing for a ceasefire in the last few days is the armenians that have been losing territory to these areas is areas have taken now we understand territory that is essentially in the buffer zone between the go on or care about. This is territory that armenia has controlled since the 1994 ceasefire armenia considers it a buffer zone a security zone but it is as airy territory for the last 26 years at least both sides armenia and azerbaijan have supposed have been negotiating the future of this territory as well as nagornokarabakh now its the armenians its the armenians who say that this is a security and a buffer zone is the azeris say that after 26 years nothing has been done theres been no solution theres been no resolution as to what to do with this territory and so with turkey support they have been moving militarily and they have succeeded in taking territory and the armenians and foozie out them to push for a ceasefire domestically here in armenia the government under enormous pressure because of a large number of casualties in terms of soldiers because of the loss of territory so it seems that the armenians have now with azerbaijan brokered another cease fire even though the previous one wasnt formally. Formally over and now well have to see if this one holds and they can go on to talk its the cease fire announcement follows an attack on the israeli city of concha at least 13 civilians were killed including 2 Young Children ill duck some media reports. It was a city asleep when the explosions ripped through the quiet of the night and ganja people here were already on edge their hometown has come under fire several times since the conflict was reignited 3 weeks ago. This attack was the most devastating so far so theres a lot of moving weve been living in fear for days we couldnt sleep at night we hid but that was no use we suffering a lot i wish we were dead but our children would have to live without us we believe in our state and president may god give us back karabakh. About an hour drive from the disputed region of the corner that azerbaijan and armenia are fighting over i mean at 1st denied it had the long range capability to hit as far as ganja but then in a statement it said that there were several as Syrian Military assets in and around the city that were legitimate targets here and back president ilham called the attack a crime against humanity and revenge will come under battlefield a few hours after the attack in ganja announced his forces which are backed by turkey have taken control of more villages in physically south east of nagornokarabakh one of 7 regions surrounding the un clave occupied by armenia since 1904 many here believe its time to areas return under. Our history is our future and we cant leave this problem to our kids. And we need to help them to my a relatives been living in that occupied region and i know the hardest so far there theyve been living in the as a refugee for the years here in vancouver and. This is the cant leave this problem for the our future future our Generation Next generation we need to resolve it now the capital of nagornokarabakh step and i cared was hit on friday a few hours before it again attack this was also not the 1st time that civilians came under attack there at least 600 armenians soldiers have lost their lives since september 27th as a by john has in made public the number of losses among its ranks but the toll among civilians is mounting a new humanitarian ceasefire is underway this one brokered by france to u. S. And russia but has already indicated is only temporary. And it would continue its offensive to retake the occupied territories but how many. Are United Nations arms embargo in iran has expired after 13 years that was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers United States withdrew from the pact in 2018 and its voiced strong opposition to any sanctions Iranian Foreign ministers have a setting while come the development calling it a win for Regional Peace and security. James patterson is a former u. S. Diplomat and a gulf specialist and says the trumpet ministration does want to deal with iran and welcome the comments by Iranian Foreign ministers of a 7th he said specifically that the unconventional arms weapons of mass destruction and a rapid purchases of conventional arms do not fit into a rand defense doctrine at the moment and probably also do not fit and surf a net. Situation. But the United States is very much aware of this and we are very eager the drop in the destruction is very eager to have a verifiable Peace Agreement with iran that totally excludes Nuclear Weapons and so i hope were all very hopeful that these discussions can take place as soon as possible whether its a trumpet or died and. The future of the u. S. With the ran that ad has to include strong human rights. Resolutions the restoration of human rights the people of iran and so i feel very very confident that in a theater negotiation. These issues will be resolved to the satisfaction of their great signatory. Donald trump has tried to reenergize his campaign with valleys and to swing states with just over 2 weeks to the election hes trailing in Many National polls made shortstops and michigan and wisconsin but his democratic challenger joe biden took the day off john hendren reports. Donald trump played defense returning to 2 battleground states he won by a whisker in 2016 truck took his campaign to wisconsin and to michigan where he criticized the states democratic governor 13 militia members were arrested just over a week ago in an alleged plot to kidnap or youve got to get your governor to open up your state was it was. And get just. Get used to it was supposed to have to be all right. That prompted a now familiar chant. As the president laid into michigans governor he was skirting the strict limits on crowd size as the she had set by calling his rally a peaceful protest with few masks and little social distancing among his supporters drops democratic rival joe biden pursued a cautious make no mistakes approach taking a break from the campaign trail on saturday instead he tweeted viral videos like this one i lose minnesota im never coming back teasing trump for threatening in state after state never to return if he loses the election may god to leave the country in posting the video biden writes promise bidens running mate come away harris spent the weekend quarantining after members of her staff tested positive for corona virus her office says she tested negative more than. 26000000 americans have already cast their ballots still in washington thousands gathered on saturday for the womens march urging women to vote on the issues that affect them it is not hyperbole to say that everything is on the line this november. We cannot afford 4 more years of this administration attacking our access to Reproductive Health care and rights with just over 2 weeks to go in the campaign trail fans at the rally in michigan taunted his critics for chanting 12 more years an amount that would violate the u. S. Constitution john hendren 0 washing. Thousands of people marched in lebanon i agree over the lack of political reform despite a year of antigovernment demonstrations the protesters are demanding change saying use of corruption and mismanagement have left their country in tatters zana called reports from beirut. The determination to fight for political change is still alive. Its been a year since what some lebanese call a revolution was born. 7 some year allows our says she hasnt left the streets Economic Hardship was what triggered nationwide protests it turned into a revolt against what many call a corrupt willing elite that has been in power for decades were not going to stop before. These people in power just leave and so we will make sure basically. So we we do this change and push them to design in any way because we will not go back to before up to over 70 in the leaderless and Spontaneous Movement was a turning point in lebanons history sects came together in this divided society and for the 1st time people rose up against their leaders in traditional strongholds but the numbers were. Werent enough they were up against the sectarian based power sharing system this bridge one of the capitals main arteries came to symbolize the bottle it is near the square where our tents were burned because we want to live together. Is a way to connect everyone together the bridge was a frontline between those calling for change and supporters of sectarian parties protecting the status quo the largely Peaceful Movement faced a counter revolution the ruling elite called the protesters foreign agents Security Forces clamp down hard on gatherings they made arrests and there was intimidation i was called to a geisha and this is one of their ways people to do. Their thing to think to do with saying. Meanwhile the economy continues to collapse people are hungry and more sink into poverty politicians who have blamed each other for the crisis are promising much needed reforms but they 1st need to agree on a new cabinet the government resigned after the explosion of beirut ports in august that killed 200 people it was blamed on negligence by officials. There is no conscious there is no responsibility there is no accountability and as you can see now life continues on for them and theyre back to their old ways as if none of us exist that is why people have returned to the streets they insist on being heard their peaceful resistance wasnt able to remove those entrenched in power but they are keeping the resistance a life sentence for their beirut still ahead on aljazeera. Its a good way to get people number life its not a good way an ethical way but its certainly effective on the ground years ago in guinea that ethnic divisions could turn into violence as people prepare for sundays president ial vote on one of the biggest election wins ever in new zealand now just send out dance friendly politics have brought contrast success. Will by and large the weather is so fair across a good part of the middle east that largely clear skies lotty hazy sunshine but we could just see a little bit of that weather pushing towards amman in the form of the system here the swirling across see arabian say there will just not just waits was a coastal fringes a few spots of right sunny a possibility as is the case for them all somewhat the weather sliding across to be moving for the black sea heading towards the caspian sea running across the caucasus elsewhere in between it is fine and dry with lots of hazy sunshine temperatures here in the house getting up to a pleasant 33. 00 degrees celsius sunshine is showers as per usual across central parts of africa but great changes here lots of plant their losses shall is there the signal rains doing quite nicely running down towards like victoria heavy downpours there just around the red fairly heavy showers still very much in place there just around the gulf of guinea all the way down into angola but to the south of that city its all about the heat tash day without lossy clear skies across a good part of Southern Africa and temperatures really ramping up a cent in the case into botswana northern parts of south africa temperatures here into the low to mid thirtys running a good 10 degrees celsius above the norm. Rewind return. With updates on the best of our geezers documentaries. Just back in their. Renditions inside libyas prison when the rebels came to tripoli their eyes had all sorts of feelings associated with gadhafi it was in the office of spy chief that found a stash of documents which revealed the collaboration between british and Libyan Intelligence Services on aljazeera. Youre watching out to see a reminder of our top stories this hour a new humanitarian ceasefire is now in effect between armenia and azerbaijan follows violence over the disputed region of mcconnell about a previous truce agreed a week ago failed to hold. U. S. President donald trump has held Campaign Events in 2 swing states just hours apart democratic challenger joe biden is leading in Many National polls with just over 2 weeks before the election. Protesters have marched in the long term market here since the start of mass until government demonstrations theyre calling for a complete overhaul of the political system after years of corruption and mismanagement. New coronavirus related restrictions have come into force in parts of france belgium and poland countries across europe have hit a new records for the number of daily infections theyve barker reports from london. And belgium the Coronavirus Crisis is deepening all bars and restaurants are closing for a month as infections double every week belgium follows from sin imposing a nightly curfew and doctors have warned of a shortage of intensive care beds within weeks the german chancellor prays for her governments handling of the 1st wave of infections told germans to prepare for hot days ahead as the number of cases there rises steadily each biased asking nick know how i ask you to refrain from any trip that is not absolutely necessary from any celebration that is not absolutely necessary i know that this not only sounds tough but in individual cases it is a severe sacrifice that we only have to do this temporarily and we ultimately do it for ourselves. Infections are soaring across europe with around a 100000 new cases a day and the continents power brokers seem increasingly powerless on saturday the Austrian Foreign minister alexander shall amber confirmed he tested positive for the virus raising fears an e. U. Meeting he had tended on monday may have been a socalled super spreader event the belgian Foreign Ministers also gone into isolation with suspected symptoms. It comes a day after 3 e. U. Leaders including the Prime Minister of finland were forced to drop out of a brussels summit as a precautionary measure most future meetings will now happen remotely more than half of englands now under tougher covert 19 rules in london and other areas a ban on households mixing inside including bars and restaurants came into force on saturday as the capital moves from being at moderate risk to high risk in the governments 3 tier system the county of lancashire in the north west moves to the top tier very high risk meaning no socializing outside a household bubble and the closure of bars or restaurants but the mayor of manchester the u. K. 3rd largest city is resisting the toughest restrictions warning of dismal consequences for the local economy. The new restrictions are all part of the governments localised response in dealing with the rising infection rate design so the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to avoid the misery of a full national law down but given that 28000000 people half the country are facing these new restrictions for many its already beginning to feel like 1. 0 london or new restrictions are also expected in italy the Prime Minister is set to announce them on sunday the governor of the Southern Company region has banned halloween parties to stop the virus from spreading and a curfew will be imposed on the region. Freeness city man of you. Im telling you in advance theyre telling that weekend in october will close everything at 10 pm its halloween weekend. This immense this immense stupid american extravagance that weve imported into our country that seat halloween is a monument to imbecility well since we have to face reality and since i feel people are already getting ready to have parties that we can develop toby from 10 pm it will be closed it will be a few. French prosecutors say an 18 year old man who beheaded a teacher in paris on friday approach students to help identify his victim parents and pupils have been laying floral tributes to the teacher on saturday prosecutors say the school had received multiple threats after the teacher showed a controversial image of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson about freedom of expression the attacker died after being shot by police. Theres been violence in haiti as the country marked its Independence Day antigovernment protesters blocked roads and set fire to tires in the Capital Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to try to break up the demonstrations protestors have been calling for president juvenal noisy to step down for the past year over corruption charges was the rules the country by decree after parliament shut down over a political impasse. Time protesters are vowing to rally again in the coming hours despite a ban on large gatherings. On saturday Police Closed main intersections and metro stations in a bid to stop the demonstrations dozens of people have been arrested or injured in 4 days of protests there demanding new elections and reforms to the monarchy. Koga stans new Prime Minister and acting president has promised there will be elections within the next 3 months supporters free decide the is up at all from jail 2 weeks ago during protests over a disputed parliamentary vote Charles Trafford has more from the capital bishkek we spoke to the new Prime Minister in action president of kyrgyzstan for their just powers from and 3 weeks ago was serving an 11 year jail term for kidnapping a crime that he says he never committed but he recognizes that he is yet to win the trust of many people in this country because theyre. Part of that there is a kurd saying that false travel faster than truth those people who are saying im a bad person that im connected with criminals and negative forces are saying that because they are scared the truth is that im going to fight against these corrupted schemes and i can see in the next 3 months there will be a lot of changes there will be president ial and parliamentary elections i will prove nothing by words but by real interventions that we are going to change and provide open and transparent elections. Fair elections depend not only on the Central Election Committee but on the corrupted interest of president or Prime Ministers of the past. We are looking for new ways to break this institutionalized corrupted system we will fight against those who buy or sell the vote new legislation we are pushing forward might put violators behind bars for 2 years were looking at amending the laws everything starts from the top so its important that high officials are not corrupt says that he will punish anybody that he says hes holding back kyrgyzstan or his path to democracy the countrys democratic progress hangs in the balance. Turkey says the amount of gas its discovered off its black sea coast is much bigger than it thought the gas field was 1st identified in august but further reserves have now been identified president s power to one says the gas will be ready for domestic use in just over 2 years turkey currently imports nearly all the gas it uses its also been exploiting splitting disputed waters in the Eastern Mediterranean angering greece and cyprus out of. The European Union is doing the most damage to itself by becoming captive to greece and Greek Cypriots the reliability of the European Union has already diminished because of the double standard the block imposes on our country at the cost of defying all the values it has been defending to this day if the e. U. Does not hold an unbiased stance in existing disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean this situation will be the official declaration of the end of the European Union supporters of ivory coast president and opponents have clashed head of the election it happened after opposition candidates called for a boycott of the vote for the end of this month president alice has rejected talks with viable parties and kicked off his campaign on friday is accused of violating the constitution by running for a 3rd term. In the coming hours people in guinea will vote in an election that seen violence in the lead up to the poll president s day is seeking reelection but the opposition says hes violating time limits nicholas reports. And down. These are lyrics to a Catchy Campaign forget hes president. For his opponents its a call for violence. We are not here to fight we are there to have fun were not here to go off to anyone. But opposition candidates. Otherwise in an interview with. Ethnic divisions. Given undertones of speeches there is a real risk of post electoral violence hes trying to mobilize people against those that have the same ethnic origin as use main challenger. Jello is full of make up the ethnic majority of getting population he was unable to campaign in eastern giving hope to the after the president supporters barred the road this supporter shouts they can go back home we are. Back. The end i will die for his party shortly after this interview holmes in business is owned by ethnic full on these in concow were attacked by police not only failed to stop the violence but stood by anyone but if a lobby has been a rallying call among alpha called the supporters doing what human Rights Groups describe as a divisive campaign. You know resorting to ethnicity resorting to. Its a good way to get people its not a good way to go away but its certainly effective on the ground and thats. After 30 people died in communal violence during februarys constitutional referendum the uns office for prevention of genocide expressed alarm and condemned Security Forces for their use of deadly force on protesters over 50 people were killed and scores were tortured many of them full on with a new vote underway come by sorry im a dinky is now worried. So i wish that even if jello wins this election that we can walk hand in hand unite as people politics shouldnt tear us apart. While some hope for change others for continue 80 many 1st time voters want to call out a culture of politics that is pitting getting ends against each other because hawking aljazeera. Prime minister. Has won the biggest victory in new Zealand Politics in decades the labor party secured a majority of seats in parliament the votes was delayed by a month because of coronavirus downs government has been praised for its handling of the pandemic with 25 deaths in a population of 5000000 during her acceptance speech on down has called on the country to remain united. We are living in an increasingly polarized world a place where more and more people have lost the ability to see one anothers point of view i hope that this election new zealand has shown that this is not who we are that as a nation we can listen and we can debate after all we are too small to lose sight of other peoples perspective olexiy why elections arent always great at bringing people together but they also dont mean to one another a path public on an as a strategic analyst 36th hour level assessments of geo political consultancy he says just send out dans positive politics helped bring her party to victory. Her leadership style can be characterized as killing them with kindness even though her opponents and her critics have often been very ugly in their conduct area about her including besides honest comments she is unflappable and has always responded calmly has always sought to behave in a civilized manner and what that did was it stood in stark contrast to the increasingly hysterical remonstrations of the National Party leadership which apparently towards the end decided that it would pull a page out of the trump book and went full populist harangue the Prime Minister on a virtually every subject and failed miserably and this is where this is more than just just seen are doing the labor party picked up 18 seats its unprecedented in the modern era for labor as a party including seats that are traditionally been stall war National Party seats this was a victory for the party as a whole and it just so happens that they have one of the most popular Prime Ministers in new zealand history. This is all to see over these of the top stories my new humanitarian ceasefire is now in effect between armenia and azerbaijan as well as violence over the disputed region of known okada back a truce had been agreed a week ago but it collapsed after just a few hours u. S. President donald trump has held campaign event

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