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We are in a brother. Of this nation this is the single most important election in the history of our country where the patient is not. Barrackers. The. Law their choice. To history is to live it up one of the most difficult moments because ever faced the worst person debbie could go 100 years the worst economic crisis since the great depression. The most compelling call for Racial Justice since the 6th. I will fight to protect you. I am your president of law and order murders an Inflection Point we are. Proud to get decent science democracy theyre all on the ballot and we will. Break this is a law. Speaking of which. This will return with one more time. As you can see from the top right of your screen the countdown is on to the 1st polls closing we have our team of correspondents across the us keeping an eye on all the races that matter from the white house in washington d. C. To joe bidens home state in delaware as well as texas illinois florida and california weve got you covered still stay with us over the next 9 hours special coverage of this pivotal election and we begin in the heart of the u. S. Capitol with kimberly honk at our white house correspondents. Paul a he came to washington to be a disruptor and donald trump did just that the question now will donald trump win reelection or will he go down in history as a one term president what we know is that 15 states participate in the u. S. Election but this year like so many years we know that this will really be decided by a bloc of battleground states that will ultimately decide whether donald trump spends another term in the oval office or will his challenger joe biden become president elect kimberly how can it at the white house the view now from the biden camp mike hanna is in joe bidens home state of delaware. The woman is the city that joe biden tend to as an 11 year old and one that used cold home full malt then 6 decades hes run for president twice before in 88 and in 2008 will this be 3rd time lucky. Mike hanna in wilmington delaware so those are some of the correspondents who we who will be with us in the United States ill be here in doha and here for the duration and house number cruncher back for a 4th u. S. Election but listen i think its going to be very different though it feels different already i hope youre comfortable i think were in for the long haul folly thank you hello everyone great to be with you for this as well this is a special 9 us election coverage we do it every 4 years it is no less exciting or challenging each time right now less than 2 hours away from the 1st polls closing which is when me and my team will swing into action it is in case you needed reminding the big showdown between donald trump and joe biden trump the republican incumbent seeking a 2nd term by then the democratic challenger in his 3rd shot at the presidency so what i want to do right now is take you through some of the types of the graphics and the terminology what youre going to see and hear from us so when things get busy later on it will all make sense this is the main board 1st of all we call it the state of the race right now the tallies all set at 0 all ready for us to start adding our projected win is in for each state and each candidate as always the magic number is up in the middle in greatest 270 the number of Electoral College votes needed to win the white house there are a total and thats what all these great stars represent 538. 00 up for grabs of course each state with a Different Number of Electoral College votes relative to its population i will explain all of that later we will also show you some more detail scorecards kind of like this one which will show you percentages of the popular votes which each candidate has won along with their Electoral College votes and the number of states they have won but of course not all states are created equal and these ones. The more important ones the swing states where the race will be decided again we will go into more detail later on but you can see a lot of the usual suspects there florida pennsylvania ohio iowa the likes of wisconsin up in the north of course which sent donald trump over the top 4 years ago and some new ones as well georgia texas would have seen those in previous years i bet one final point to remember is that these elections are of course happening at a time of a Global Pandemic so millions of americans have already cost their ballots counting those takes time so it is quite possible we may not know a projected winner on Election Night itself so i follow you i never know what you will over the world but its going to be a long night possibly a very long week yes and you will be here for their generation not leaving thank you now as we mentioned these elections are happening during a Global Health crisis on a scale we havent seen in 100 years daily infections are rising in 47 of the 50 us states and the death toll is higher than anywhere else in the world their response of the rival candidates and their plans to deal with a pandemic has been stokley different take a look at the virus theyre working hard looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warmer it miraculously goes away i hope thats true rob that is a tweet could somehow stop the crew of our wired news for donald trump like the rest of us this virus is not impressed by his tweets i think wearing a face mask as a great president s Prime Ministers dictator is kings queens somehow i dont see it for myself earned a mask is not a political statement its a scientific recommendation. Social distancing business political same its a scientific recommendation to see the disinfectant but not say that in a minute one minute it is a way we can do Something Like that. Injection. Or almost a cleaning as you say gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number of so be interesting to check i trust vaccines i trust scientists but i dont trust donald trump this moment the American People cant either im a mule and i could come down and so i just figure that. Every guy. That anyone is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of america so more than anything the race was defined by the pandemic to discuss this further lets welcome our 1st guest tonight jenelle king a republican analyst and cofounder of georgists speak and also with us that pramod democratic strategist former Democratic National Party Spokesman who served as barack obama spokesman welcome to you both thank you for being with us on Election Night joe now let me start with you more than 230000 dead over 9000000 people infected how is donald trump suddenly going to protect americans when he cant take the basic steps to protect himself. So 1st thank you for having me the president has done a tremendous job protecting america dr burke said it very beginning in this pandemic that if we saw our 200000 deaths which he clear one day is too many however its a virus so we knew that there will be casualties and dr bird said that we saw 200000. 00 it would be because we did everything perfectly right so i have around that same number in the. Show but efforts of our president but just last night sorry to interrupt you you mentioned dr burke said but just last night she contradicted the president actually went to get his strategy saying he needed to ramp up the strategy against a covert pandemic well you know i dont know how dr bird can can you know contradict a strategy bad she helped write she was a part of that way it was her strategy as well so shes also contradicting herself best when she said but i know what she said earlier on and based on that strategy and this is what it would be and so now hindsight is 20 twentieths a very easy to be critical after me look bad when you have a virus that was sprung on on on american on this world this nation and without any warning whatsoever and then you have a president who acted very swiftly by quote shutting down the borders as it relates to travel to china that was a huge step he was criticized for that cause enough and you know what he did that and he did it because he knew you had to protect the people here in america and im happy lets hear from dagshai now derek now says its very easy to be critical so how would joe biden approach this National Emergency that the u. S. Finds itself in. Yes a couple things one to think its not i think its its easy for to know to want to forget history because the history tells us that there was a pandemic playbook in place the time for ministration through that playbook out to the president wasnt honest and transparent the American People 3 key did not and still does not have a National Strategy to actually address the pandemic for he has not listened to his scientists so he has not was to dr prouty he has not listened to dr burkes he you know question science he questions facts despite him getting coated and so less than a month ago because he helmly that at the white houses supersport event hes continued to put his. Supporters at risk there are now 200 to your point probably theres no 200230000 americans that are dead because of the incompetence of this president there are now 9000000 americans who have contracted coat it because of the incompetence of this is ministration ok so thats idea that this just happened miraculously no damage or to your response so dad lets genoud to respond. Why did the president knowingly mislead americans about the threat of coronavirus its an important question to ask he did not mislead americans at all he was talking about the coronavirus nicaragua viruses being this but of anyway the flu he said he was just a little flu in the beginning didnt he. But you did not think just a little blue in the beginning that was not what you said at all when you said was we need to travel which we did the coronavirus has been in december but you know why it was no mean topic because the Democratic Party was trying to impeach the president over a russian hoax the bad why we didnt hear a lot about it on january minute back in the news on the day they told me why are bad what were your past the way it was ringback on 5 page news about the coronavirus ok well let me just its because the Democratic Party was too busy trying to use the president of the boat right so let me just ask you about the stimulus package derek how we could go on obviously about the strategy of each of the candidates and not agree on it millions of american derek are still waiting for congress to strike a stimulus deal that would provide additional relief and the republicans are saying theres no agreement because you know nancy pelosi and the democrats keep moving the goal post why why is that whats your response. Yes it was really interesting in look at the todays election day here in the u. S. Theres now 100000000 americans who voted early and i think youre seeing such a tremendous turnout because people recognize that the emperor has no clothes dont trump is not the master negotiator that he says he is he has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans because of his accomplice and so i think when it comes to the cinemas package the real question is you know why hasnt the president being been able to get his party to a place where they need to be supporting the working men and women of america and so what youre seeing right now is hundreds of millions of americans right now at least 100000000. 00 plus have said you know were going to make our voices heard and you know im im i would be very good if i were there who got my position if i were joe biden because of the president s failure to get a stimulus bill passed his failure to get this pandemic under control oh by the way you know we have now seen. Americans lose diction productions weve seen americans Lose Health Care protections ok weve seen americans lose. Derek said lets allow you now to have to respond to now your response what are we going to see if they miss package additional aid for americans. Well you know with all due respect i feel like there it sounds a little bit delusional i dont know what world or where hes been on this time the house and the control of his party but we want to get it to the senate so we can vote on it the house has passed it and even in the senate even in the senate when we presented our queen what we want to do is republicans hope the American People come out of this dark hole they were in as a release the pain that is endemic has and yet the president he did not cuckold it up in his backyard. That we have to pretend like he created this image but number 2 when it comes to the stimulus packages this in this package is should hell be only company in the slum business in america and it should not go towards illegal immigration or Illegal Immigrants it should go towards the Green New Deal not the other stuff the democrats want to pass inside and still in hiding disguise it as an help in relief for the American People that is what the Republican Party pushes back on helping you know finding a way to work well leave it there well leave it there guys we could go on obviously about the response to coronavirus and how it should be dealt with but ill be happy to speak to you a little later next hour about Race Relations and criminal justice in the u. S. And what the 2 camps strategy is a 2 Administration Strategy Going Forward thank you for the moment. Now swing states key states battleground say words that get us all over and over in every us elections so in a country of 50 states why are just few of them so important to winning the white house come on santa maria is back to explain. In short swing states where elections are won and lost they call this because voters here can sway from one party to the other depending on the candidate and the gear and the outcomes on the tory asli hard to predict were going to look at the last 5 elections where these states for the most parts have reliably voted for either the republican or democratic candidate red or blue but not these ones here 12 of them which have tended to switch sides since 2000 including ohio which is always picked the winning candidate since 960. 00 thing is Donald Trumps presidency has been completely unpredictable and so this year weve got a slightly different map were looking at 11 potential swing states youve got your traditional battlegrounds of ohio North Carolina youve got the likes of wisconsin michigan and pennsylvania where donald trump broke the socalled blue wall and narrowly won against Hillary Clinton in 26 stay in minnesota as well voting democrat since 972 but trump came close there as well there are a couple of surprises in the south look at georgia and even texas republican strongholds for decades but democrats have managed to make some inroads here and you can add arizona as well another republican stronghold where trump managed to win with a very slim margin over Hillary Clinton and finally we have florida the most coveted prize of all of these states with 29. 00 Electoral College votes all together we are looking at 189. 00 electoral votes in these states more than half of what is needed to win the race to the white house. Check in with. Castro who is live in Houston Texas texas a traditional republican state but its now a neck and neck race between donald trump and joe biden their Electoral College votes up for grabs in texas heidi with each election it seems its moving closer to going democrats good thats actually turned low in 2020. Perhaps fully and you know ive covered many of these elections and taxes and i can say this is the 1st time that being on the ground here you sense that real tension between these parties as both realize that perhaps for the 1st time in more than 4 decades each vote who would challenge this is a state that hasnt supported a democratic president ial candidate for so long but in 2016 President Trump lead over Hillary Clinton here was 9 points which was much smaller than the double digit lead that republicans would normally get then we saw 2 years later in the senate race here the incumbent senator ted cruz winning over his democratic challenger by just 2 points and now polls show joe biden within 3 points of reaching President Trump now that has democrats on the ground in texas very excited and there has been huge turnout the vote drives and weve seen the voter turnout shatter records from the past in fact more people cast their ballots in early voting in texas than all of the votes in 2016 and he is where the high drive of voter turnout is happening and were seeing more of this happening in the cities and in the suburbs where we know that demographic changes with more latino voting for the 1st time in more of the youth vote those are changes that favor democrats Fort Bend County which is a suburb of houston case in point announcing already more than 70 percent voter turnout that simply unheard of in texas a state where typically 40 percent of eligible voters would cast a ballot for president theres also been allegations of Voter Suppression levied against Texas Republicans those notably yesterday we saw a lawsuit filed by Texas Republicans seeking to invalidate 127000 votes cast here in very democratic leaning Harris County their argument was that because the votes have a cast in a drive through. Due to the pandemic that they should be tossed out well a conservative federal judge who heard that case actually threw it out of court which which was a win certainly for democrats but this is the 1st aired in a long time that there is some real for fans and learning what the outcome will be a real suspense and well find out in just a few hours the polls will close in texas say 2 g. M. T. So in just under 4 hours from now heidi castro in houston lets go now live to another crucial battleground states perhaps the most crucial in this election florida thats where we find and began again in miami so andy the question everyone is asking is will florida decide the president ial race or when it throw it into confusion as it did in 2000. World call in lets hope not nobody wants a repeat of what happened to 20 years ago and talk of hanging chads and weeks of uncertainty of course this is the king of all battleground states 29 Electoral College votes at stake here and when you look at the path to the white house it really is a must win state for president shot remember back in 2016 he won this state by just over a percentage point about 110000 votes no indications yet as to how this will go biden has been leading slightly in the polls for the past few weeks but it is within the margin of error of course there is an old saying here how florida goes so goes the nation because essentially this state is a microcosm of the entire country youve got about 20 percent of the population who are elderly voters a very large hispanic and latino population and a very large africanamerican population so this is the state that typically is the one you need to win to get to the white house incidentally no republican nominee for the president has got to the white house in almost a century without winning this state now we are about an hour and a half before the polls start closing in most of florida remember that the Florida Panhandle is an hour behind so we should get the results in pretty quickly because. Get this 9000000 people in this state voted early when you go back to 2016 and look at the total votes once everything was done that was only 9 and a half 1000000 so that shows you the level of enthusiasm the level of participation that this state has shown so those results because things are so well organized probably should start rolling in pretty quickly around the 8830 local time thank you for that gallagher now a state where we might not see results very early is pennsylvania its another of the states very likely to decide this president ial election christianson only is in philadelphia the biggest city in pennsylvania christian a lot of focus on florida but also on pennsylvania not just because of how people vote but how the votes will actually be counted. Yes absolutely and as in florida were seeing an unprecedented number of mail in ballots here in pennsylvania 3000000 have been requested thats about half of the total votes little less than half of the total votes that were cast in 2016 and the issue here in pennsylvania is that the board of elections vote counters cannot begin process and those ballots till today till election day itself and so this is expected to take a while in fact the state Supreme Court has ruled because of concerns about mail being delivered on time that they can continue accepting mail in ballots until 3 days after the election day that something president has been very opposed to and complained about weve also had just in the recent hours decision by a federal judge calling for a sweep of postal facilities about 2 dozen of them around the country including here in philadelphia where i am and in other parts of the state because of concerns that ballots were not being delivered on time so all of that adding to a lot of tension here in this crucial swing state and officials calling for calm saying that it may take a few days but the votes will be counted and you know weve been speaking to voters all around the state in the last week in the last couple of days and they are taking this very seriously theyre very engaged the candidates have been spending a lot of time here lobbying them the airwaves are full of ads from both candidates and we spoke to voters spoke to a woman who drove 13 hours because she didnt get her mail in ballot to be able to vote for President Trump and then the smarting i spoke to people here in philadelphia urban area the largest city in pennsylvania who also showed up very early because they were concerned about their vote not counting here what they had to say. Because of what trump is threatening to do with any of the mail in vote for the big leader i want to do my part to contribute to my vote and make sure the numbers for by them its literally like the right to vote i have my absentee ballot open with me on that and i think its important you know more than ever so many people are hurting because so much that. This is the one day that we can at least put some like to be. Told that what. And President Trump was in pennsylvania yesterday joe biden was here earlier today visiting his hometown the place where he grew up near scranton this state was won by President Trump in an upset back in 2016 he won by less than a percentage point 44000 votes and people accuse Hillary Clinton of taking working class voters for granted here no one can say joe biden has done that he has been traversed thing the state reaching out to them as well as urban voters who have been he has alleged disenfranchised by the trumpet ministration a lot going on here President Trump also trying to appeal to that base he really needs this state to when the fact that theyve been spending so much time here it tells you just how crucial it is but were going to have to wait a few days before we get the results thank you chris in philadelphia and so vain the air as now check in with another of our correspondents john hendren in chicago in the midwest which is home to the battleground states of ohio michigan wisconsin and iowa john i know its going to be a very busy night for you lets start with ohio the bellwether state its voted for the victor in every president ial election since 1964 whos got the edge in our. Well in the polls kate is neck and neck in ohio that is the one state in the midwest where its really too close to call there are some polls it is shown joe biden with a one or 2 percentage point lead or trump with similarly but those are all within the margin of error so whats going on in the midwest and the reason its so important is what christine was just talking about we used to have this blue wall donald trump was elected in 2016 saying he was going to build a wall along the southern border with the democrats already had a wall it was the upper northwest it was a bloc of democratic voting states that went pennsylvania ohio michigan wisconsin illinois and minnesota. Trump slipped most of those states makes all of them except illinois and minnesota in 2016 the democrats want their wall back and joe biden and Camila Harris have been working at that harris was in detroit earlier today trying to drum up the vote where were told turnout is about 50 percent its higher in this state of minnesota right here in chicago where i am now this is not a swing state in illinois but turnout here is predicted to be 70 percent which is remarkably high to give you an idea just how high that is the record was set in 1960 nationally with john f. Kennedy at 62. 8 percent thats an unusually high number and were seeing high numbers across the nation but one caution dont trust this state wide numbers as they come in early because in some cases those states are counting the early ballots that came in by mail those tend to lean democrat in some cases theyre counting todays voting those tend to lean republican so it could be a very long Night Mission in michigan to go late we expect wisconsin we expect to know about that in the morning in ohio show. Should be overnight we should have the news unless it gets really close there john hendren in chicago when of course be checking in with you throughout the night lets now cross over to the west coast and rob reynolds in Los Angeles California the state with the biggest number of electoral votes to 55 rob you know our side the Staples Center a stadium thats been turned into a Voting Center tell us about whats going on in your neck of the woods. Well as far as california is concerned those 55. 00 electoral votes are pretty much in the bag for joe biden the latest poll by the institute for politics at Berkeley California University say that the former Vice President leading here by 36 points the same is true for oregon with its 7 electoral votes and for washington with its 11 electoral votes the big action here in the west are in the swing states of arizona and nevada and there biden and trump are really running neck and neck the polls. Performed most recently by merest college are really all within the margin of error they show bort biden up very slightly but thats where were going to be focused tonight its arizona with its 11 electoral votes and nevada with its 6 electoral votes those could be very important if there is unexpected if there are unexpected developments in the midwest or in florida as youve been talking to my colleagues about and here in california again just like states all across the country of huge number of people have already cast their ballots more than 10500000 thats 72 percent of all the votes that were cast in the last election in 2016 and the same is true again in arizona. 2. 4000000 votes already cast thats thats a sizable portion of the votes cast in 2016 i just want to echo what john hendren said be patient because early returns cannot can be misleading because of the way votes are counted that that may not be a firm indication of which way the vote is going and also people who are candidates declaring victory that has absolutely nothing to do with the official vote count so again were going to need some patience it could be a long night or even more but well be here to sort it out for patience is a key word in this 2020 election rob reynolds in los angeles suppose were close in california at 4 g. M. T. To g. M. T. In our zona well of course have a rob bringing us the very latest on the results now as youve heard from our correspondents both candidates have tried to sell themselves as man of the people a man of the people particularly to blue collar working class voters who make up the most significant portion of the electorate aljazeera as my kind has more from washington running 10 rather in joe bidens home state of delaware. President trump launched his 1st run for president in the gilded confines of his spoke of a new hotel a suitable setting for a self professed billionaire who had inherited a huge estate from his land will i am a socially running. For president of the United States. Thats why the damn announcing my q. C. President of the United States joe biden to clear his candidacy online evoking a poignant vision of the america he grew up in where you start in life theres nothing you can achieve if you work. This is a throwback to his roots in the blue collar town of scranton the place of his. Birth with his father with no steady job eked out a sponsor existence. And on the campaign trail biden pointed to what he saw as the clear choice facing voters barks this election is a choice between scranton park avenue environs between Cleveland Park avenue and balance between alliance and park avenue values it was a message intended to resonate with the old rust belt a working class living in small struggling cities like scranton many are overwhelmingly republican so if youre buying it works your advantage to be able to call on your youre working class roots in a place like to try to cut into the republicans that advantage its a position that donald trump and his advisers recognized as a next threat and come travel too old for china scrantons use in a clear attempt to come to his opponents working class roots he left he abandoned pennsylvania he abandoned scranton he was here for a short period of time and he didnt even know it and today its amazing it goes around and certainly still doesnt know what the signature rallies are designed to portray the billionaire as a man of the people to convince them that he is on the best side if not one of them. Its also part of the american eastern reserve or mid service right you know americans like imagine themselves as being you know individualistic and an owner sells a stress well. Theres along with a Record Number of americans joe biden has already cost his vote as has donald trump i voted for a guy named truck who initially was to await the peoples choice that is Washington Hotel but will now be in the white house joe biden is here in wilmington delaware a city he came to as an 11 year old and one that hes called home for more than 6 decades and what is likely to determine the result is who voters perceive as a man of the people or whos mitt they recognize as fake mike hanna. Wilmington delaware. Over now to our d. C. Studio the standing by with a panel of guests to dissect hot button issues dominating american domestic politics we have as we saw in my town as report 2 very different candidates in terms of how they portray themselves. Right so lets begin with that over the next 9 hours or so i will have a variety of guests discussing a variety of issues from who exactly joe biden is to the polarization of america to black lives matter and so on uncovered but lets begin with donald trump than what we just witnessed over the last 4 years and what are his chances of winning again were joined from Cleveland Ohio Stephanie Brown james joins us from that hes cofounder and chair of the collective Political Action committee and former national africanamerican vote director for the 2012 obama for America Campaign and mongomery all about it we have Jack Kingston hes a former republican congressman from georgia and former Senior Advisor to Donald Trumps 2016 president ial campaign and joining us from bethesda maryland we have Allan Lichtman hes a professor of history at American University and the author of the keys to the white house a prediction system that has correctly predicted the outcomes of the u. S. President ial race since 1904 so but so whats fascinating for us are that this is a race that has been characterized by k. Genus even at the polls have been very consistent for such a long time you know one of the few people who has come out with a prediction based on your system trump will lose focus through that yes its a totally nonpartisan system that really did a pretty strong in 2016 i got this note for congrats professor good call you say the big shot the letters donald trump its a very different story this year although donald trump recognized by prediction he didnt understand the deeper meaning of the keys which is that everything changes when you are the incumbent by 13 keys to the white house thats been correct since 1904 and i predicted reagans reelection 2 and a half years ahead of time gauges the record of the party holding the white house of 6 all more of the keys go against the White House Party they are predicted losers well things were looking quite good for donald trump at the end of 2019 he was down only. For kids 2 key issues of defeat then everything changed in 2020 when we were hit with the pandemic and the cries for social and Racial Justice and rather than dealing substantively with those issues donald trump reverted to his challenger playbook and thought he could talk his way out of it it doesnt work when youre the incumbent he lost 3 more kids the short Term Economic he gauged by an Election Year recession the long Term Economic a because of the negative growth and the social unrest ski because of whats raging across the land so hes now down 7 keys one more than is needed to predict that he will be defeated and joe biden will be the next president and never in the history of the country has any party holding the white house experienced such a sudden and dramatic reversal of fortune in just a few months and trump has no one to blame but himself john king president said the buck stops there john king and thats the point where we keep on hearing about how trump this is a fantastical presidency but in the end he governed by the book beyond the brabant bought his wildest dreams but in the end he wasnt out of sight he just fulfilled a swimsuit gender the neo liberal economic agenda that weve seen over the last 8 years deregulation tax cuts and left everyone just isnt secure as they were before and may not have been enough for that Republican Base whod switch from obama so theyll move that swing voting base and switch from obama to return to biden but then we had convict which got which which dont trump is completely mishandled said the old trump he was he was exposed as actually being pretty establishment even despite all the all the all the nonsense and all the shouting. I have to say as somebody who served in congress for 22 years he went 100 percent against the establishment he did it all over over and over again thats what the late can republicans are is this is a group of people who got left out because they protect status quo he challenges them he challenges nader right off the bat. Challenge moving the embassy in israel from tel of the to jerusalem something by the way all Party Members at its board for decades he passed a tax cut which the democrats liberals that was going to be disastrous it brought us the one of the greatest economic booms in the history of the country historically low unemployment rights for hispanic americans for africanamericans for women and job creation and wages went up so that all of the line with the economic turndown we had before from from their borrowing is. Absolutely not i have a degree in economics thats a democrat talking point this not founded in any sort of facts i can tell you that it was de regulation it was Energy Independence and it was a lot of unwise is in some trouble in the midwest because he did under all the outsourcing he didnt stop the end of the of of the kind of manufacturing. Theres a problem he would he went to ohio and he went on a search i dont move away the factories went anyway because he would you know Something Else on that in our job creation was a strong as ever i mean i think if were going to debate economics it will be great because last quarter we had a 33 percent increase in the g. D. P. Joe biden has spent the last 8 months in his basement now hes decided oh i better get out and go to wisconsin and pennsylvania and michigan and because i got a scramble but before that i really didnt stay in his place but thats not leadership thats cowering donald trump has leaned into it when he got covered in the left wing establishment says oh its over with this is horrible he showed us you know what were going to wipe it out were going to because of it but you also have to boldly face it and live with it now that sounds horrible to democrats and liberals but thats the truth you cannot run a society you cannot run a nation from a basement running away from problems and joe biden by the way at the eat all of his words in the last couple weeks because now hes out on you know getting his. Insisting paypal to his rally says that. Well talk more about it in the coming hours were with it with another panel but Stephanie James there is that other argument that the reason why so many defected from obama to trump 4 years ago was because of the disappointment of obama because he didnt he didnt bring the hope and change he stopped by wall streets playbook as well. Didnt bail out main street and in many ways trouble is built on that from the drone strikes deportation. Into wall street attacks on journalists we used to do pieces about how it was most hostile to join this since nixon. Was still boasts about boosting Oil Production bilmes the climate climate catastrophe so in fact in some ways theyre just more of the same and if it wasnt for biden would have been trying to actually walk into downtown this densely not more of the same of president obama and im glad we mentioned facet of more. Taxes do matter the fact that the economy is tanking that it has tanked and the fact that president obama actually did inherit a Strong Economy president obama and joe biden that is just the facts and im not sure without the powers of talking about there wasnt and im in the midwest i can tell you i thought oh wow at a factory where people have been losing their jobs i mean those jobs being shipped overseas its not a Success Story we continue to see that low wage workers are not able to believe in ways we continue to try to get armored dollars consumers are still struggling to pay their bills so yet people are worried about the economy and they know theres so much of the economys going to be cut the good news that this President Trumps all government was it was our bottom line was outsourcing jobs with the Transpacific Partnership not renegotiating nafta as he had promised truck did green the goetia enough theyre not counts for a lot but obama and biden the other side was just. Carry go on without. That agenda from wall street and Global Corporations which meant that democracy had their chance on Economic Policy and that sacrificed loans across the midwest and if it wasnt for covert he did so in trouble despite his talk has just continued a lot of that a lot of those policies. And i think thats where were going to see him defeated tonight because on top of the poor response on top of how the economy is doing currently on top of this so our rest that we have in this country because he has not got burned in anything he has so divisions i think that the American Voters people who voted for trump in 2016 are saying that this is not the way forward there we need to have her in the next 4 years and we want to see a real change in leadership this evening president it is a fascinating backlash from the Republican Party itself even though trump with his charisma and his ability to destruct has managed to achieve long held republic stablish member run right wing establishment republican goals without anyone really noticing in some ways and yet theyre the ones turning against him its amazing coalition against john i think it looks too obvious perhaps across trump has violated everything that the Republican Party including the most conservative republicans have stood for but its a recent morality of personal responsibility but he goes i dont know im going to get it done for example is it just true is it to all of us to obviously the you know they would rather do it in the shower this. Right respect for traditional institutions forget it fiscal responsibility states rights limited government all gone under donald trump so the republicans are left with nothing but donald trump thats why they all have to line up behind him because there is no longer a principled Republican Party under this president not to mention the way hes cozied up to dictators that republicans have opposed traditionally so strongly that hes attacked democratic principles that republicans have stood up for over the decades theres nothing left but trump thank you all 3 will begin this again in the next hour joe biden this particular panel will join us in the next hour back to folly for the moment. Chap thank you very much now as we cover the president ial race its important not to lose sight of the battle for congress to chambers the house of representatives where the democrats are expected to keep away even expand on their majority radical hand looks at the senates which is currently controlled by the republicans. This is the man who could have almost as much control over what happens in the coming years as the us president senator Mitch Mcconnell the leader of the republicans in the senate the question is will he stay in the majority. 5050 or go either way the polls dont look good for his party 7 republican senators appear vulnerable and only one democrat is behind democrats only need to pick up 3 or 4 seats to take the majority and this matters if donald trump wins the presidency and the republicans hold the senate theyll not only support his policies theyll also likely continue to show themselves unwilling to criticize his impulses or questionable behavior but a former Vice President joe biden wins and republicans keep the senate bidens agenda would likely be fairly limited although if republicans lose control political Scientists Say expect big policies to Pass Campaign have indicated their main focus would be on our Pandemic Recovery you know focusing on the Public Health 1st and along with that comes economic recovery and so for joe biden if a joe biden presidency does materialize with a Democratic Congress i wouldnt dissipate that a pretty large infrastructure bill might actually be moving forward democrats say they will also tackle Climate Change strengthen health care and reform the tax system to focus on the wealthiest and corporations and Many Political analysts hope theyll go further reining in the power of the presidency closing loopholes exposed by president. People ask me all the time and trump do x. And thats really the wrong question a question is if he does or when he does x. It is there are consequences theres all kinds. The answer to the 1st question is yes he can do it and i think if we do have democratic controlled d senate i hope we will see a flood frankly or surge of legislation like we saw host watergate to sort of rein in the worst impulses of people in power at the end of this election americans man asked what they can expect from their government now the answer to that question will largely depend on what this mans job title turns out to be political gain aljazeera washington and of course well bring you the very latest on the congressional races as well as americans vote the world is watching particularly allies in europe such as the french and the germans in the u. K. And also bibles such as russia and china and eve on all can expect big changes to u. S. Foreign policy if theres a change in the white house or less discuss this further now and bring in our 1st Foreign Policy panel in stockholm we have col. Who is a former Prime Minister of sweden and the cole director of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Jacksonville Florida we have Nancy Soderberg she served as a u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations under president bill clinton and here in doha we have our senior political analyst marwan welcome to you all i look forward to speaking to you about various Foreign Policy issues of course lets start with the big picture and americas place in the world. Let me start with you you are the former of course a leader of your country you know how it works and at the top levels of government so what do you think top leaders and officials really think of the way donald trump has acted over the past. Well that might of course be the it odd one who has lowered it. By me and primarily able to craft the regimes here and there but if you talk about the traditional allies of the United States be that europe be that it nation i think it has feet well i know it has been sort of course wrong the difficulty is because for the 1st time weve had a u. S. Administration that has not sort of sought to lead the world on leading issues like climate door health the whatever and then sometimes even despise them lies in they too or do you have been union or otherwise so theres theres a lot of theres a lot of people now that look forward to the possibility at least of pushing gen the white house for difficulty is cabell says Nancy Soderberg joe Biden Victory would no doubt reassure most foreign made is that the chaos that weve seen at least over the last 4 years would be over but tao much us Foreign Policy would actually change and not just in style but a noxious. Well i have 1st of all thank you for having me and its an honor to be on. By mr built than others on this important event here in florida waiting for the outcome as the rest of the world is and i think if joe biden is successful i dont think well know this evening there will be a collective sigh of relief around the world everywhere but there are teary and dictators and so it is in the world. But i think people have to recognize that its not going to ever be like it was the day before dont chant to 2017 our allies are not going to quickly trust us again there are going to be other centers of power that are going to form coalitions because the world was shocked when we had a george bush presidency d the d. Sort of which unilaterally gave barack obama the Nobel Peace Prize just for getting elected and then we elected trump and so i think that trust is really never going to come back and i think over the last 4 years youve seen other centers of power rise which isnt necessarily a bad thing but i think well come back with a much more responsible d consultative d and Stronger Leadership style but to earn that trust back is going to d i think be very very difficult task marwan you know fonts Nancy Soderberg says to end the trust back its going to be difficult but how much standing has the us actually lost on the one stage. Well clearly. The u. S. Standing in the world has declined tremendously and the dont trump and the tragedy over it is is that hes intuitive denial or old what he actually thinks that the United States not was more respected than ever as he puts it. But in real terms of the United States did suffer in terms of its reputation for a long time the us since we had the choice between the example of its power and the power of its example as it were but for at least since the gulf war. The United States became less and less able to dictate conditions to various regional and International Powers whether it is iran turkey or whether its china or russia Even North Korea but under the un trump not only was the united systolic good able to dictate could dishes the United States was no longer a shining city on a hill if you will for many of its allies and enemies no longer the United States was a place where there is you know seville political life where honesty and decency is something to to to to opt for it no longer was of the free press something to be respected but its like something to be done were not used so a lot of the liberal ideas that the United States stood for all these years declined on the trot and hence the United States but that d the world really looks at the United States quite negatively and that that branding if you will will take a long time to be fixed cowbells your thoughts how long will it take for the damage to be undone do you think a Biden Administration can help america restore its place in the world how long would it take and what about americas partnerships where traditional lines there is like nato how much damage has been caused and how long will it take to establish the trust thing. Well one of the diamonds has undoubtedly been dominant but i think if there is a bite in precedence that there will be a deliberate attempt is that it was store relationships i think would be most appreciated the fallout from Everything Else by the leaders of the world is that that would be a fairly normal person in the white house that you get a fairly normal conversations with and then try to sort out things it is true the world has changed power relationships are different there are other acts just the u. S. Is not as powerful as it was a quarter of a century ago but that requires then in order to handle the global challenges that we face be that climate be they have be that security be that whatever you need to have friends you need to have allies you need to be the relationship should need to be in coalitions and there is no question that a by the or presidency would great to possibilities of doing that my dad a lot of a lot of issues are there but i mean the positives are handling them we have to be substantially improved my list speaking Nancy Soderberg i want to talk to you about the United Nations because a lot has been said about the u. N. And its role and its been criticized by donald trump of course this year marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations the us was one of the main architects off of the wild system of course after the 2nd world war the u. S. Has withdrawn from a number of treaties and weve seen with the coronavirus the problems laid bare with this system of multilateralism and so on do you think that the un the un and the United Nations is still fit for purpose in the world that we live in today it seems like theres a free un before and perhaps a post one what needs to change. Well i actually think that we need to look at this is an opportunity and the president by and slogan is build back better and he normally use that in a domestic frame but i also think the world can come together and make no mistake the world is still hungry for u. S. Leadership once the u. S. Decides people d either line up with us or against us but we know whats going and we can take advantage of this moment in history i like to look at it as afterward to that were all came together and created all these institutions they need an upgrade there are lots of problems i work with the u. N. For many years and have Great Respect for its only as good as its member nations let it be and so d why not expand the u. N. Security council so it looks like the year 2020 instead of 1965945 why dont we have a permanent members on the Security Council that represent Latin America Asia expand it to include brazil and india nigeria south africa as well as germany and. Others i think question. Whether we need these institutions we do and pulling out of the World Health Organization in the other pandemic not working with the u. N. In trying to address Climate Change iran all the things were going to be talking about tonight we need the rest of the world the reason we have global problems is that they can only be solved if we Work Together and i knew the law is and does not work so i look at this is not preaching to the im optimistic that the world will come back and build new institutions that are more reflective of the challenges that we cease day d and recognize my through seeing this in our own democracy we need to work these are cherished cherished institutions it needs work. Well leave it on a optimistic note. November on aljazeera. Following huge protests in the introduction of the beijing back National Security to carry lamson c hes maintained pretty solid support from within his Republican Party but as a covert 1000 pandemic worsened and polls that suggests a defeat several high profile republicans have distanced themselves from the president a social media report of the haunting is here leah some have gone even further they have folly several former republican officials and ex trump Staff Members have come out against the president the impact has even reached political ads some of the hardest hitting ones against donald trump have not come from the Biden Campaign but from a group of republicans they call themselves the Lincoln Project and are using decades of experience targeting democrats during elections to now go after the republican president on a prolife gun owning combat veteran and i can see trump for what he is a coward we need to send this draft dodger back to his golf course and the lives of our troops depend on it one of the 1st republicans to publicly go against trump was senator mitt romney earlier this year he was the only republican to vote to convict during his impeachment hearing in the last several weeks ive received numerous calls and texts many demanded in their words that i stand with the team i can assure you that that thought has been very much on my mind you see i support a great deal of what the president has done i voted with him 80 percent of the time but my promise before god to apply impartial justice record that i put my personal feelings and political bias sees aside then in september cindy mccain the widow of one of the most iconic u. S. Republican senators john mccain endorsed joe biden in interviews she even refused to say Donald Trumps name. I want you to know how deeply honored i am to endorse your oh yeah oh i do is it me as part of your campaign or youre part of doing whats right for this country and i feel good about it im not going to change my party and i believe that if you use the right things other lifelong conservative voters are also turning their backs on their party a group called Republican Voters against trump has hundreds of thousands of followers on twitter heres one of them i will to my everlasting shame confess that as much as i dislike trump and the way that he spoke i continue to support him until april 20th and april 20th was the day that the line in the sea and was crossed for me when

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