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But donald trump and his supporters a defiant the president s showing no signs of conceding i will that affect the transition of power at the white house. And as a by this president says that his military is taking control of the strategic city of shusha in the disputed region of the border cut about. And in sport tell here is ability to stage an advance safely in the era of coronavirus has been put to this past gymnasts from 4 countries that had a friendly metas japan hopes to show the world it can carry out next year salary olympics. A promise to restore the soul of America Joe Biden is delivered a message of hope and unity just hours after the clearing victory of the president ial election he spoke of ending my. Racial unrest of bringing a new approach to dealing with the pandemic thats devastated the country but by will faced challenges President Trump is refusing to concede that its threatening legal action that he hopes will overturn results that secured by his victory we have 2 correspondents standing by 1st in a moment well speak to alan fischer is covering developments in washington d. C. And jamal shell is a job i hope stays in delaware but 1st a White House Correspondent kimberly wraps up events from the United States. Addressing the nation for the 1st time as president elect joe biden spoke to a divided america and appealed for unity. People of this nation have spoken. Theyve delivered us a clear victory we won with the most roads ever crash from president ial ticket in the history of the nation 74 marrying. He promised to be president for those who voted for him and for the more than 70000000 who did not its time to put away the harsh rhetoric lower the temperature see each other again mission each other again and make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies they are not our enemies there are americans. Wearing white in honor of the women who a century ago fought for the right for women to vote Vice President elect kala harris acknowledged her own historic accomplishment. But the very soul of america at stake and the world watching you ushered in a new day for america in january harris will become americas 1st female and. First woman of color to fill the office of Vice President but while i may be the 1st woman in this office i will not be the last. Outside the white house and in cities across the United States crowds shunned social distancing restrictions to celebrate biden promises as one of his 1st acts as president he will set up a commission to deal with covert 19. But for now biden supporters packed the streets to mark the historical significance of the moment the knowledge man of america back i care as a black woman that i matter. Speaks volumes to me sends a message to people. People voted for him youre hoping for something different. America decided after seeing 4 years of it you dont want any more World Leaders have congratulated the president and Vice President a lot 1st on Twitter Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to take on the worlds greatest challenges with biden President Trump was on the golf course when the election was called for his rival he remains defiant and insists there have been voting irregularities observers were not allowed into the counting rooms i won the election he wrote trumps Attorney Says the campaign will keep fighting she just about the 700000 votes that President Trump was ahead by 2 days ago that disappeared. And we have no way of knowing because we are deprived of the right to inspect it if a single one of those ballots is legitimate on monday the Trump Campaign insists it will launch a series of legal challenges for now it appears President Trump has no plans to conceit cant really help get aljazeera the white house live out of washington until i was here as fish out of just checked twice on no youve just on the same nothing from the president so far this sunday morning. Hes still refusing to concede wont will his advisors be telling him what. Well according to some reporting here in the United States which weve not been able to confirm there is a suggestion that Gerry Krishna who wouldnt be in the oval office any point on saturday he would have been observing the jewish sabbath he is intending to go to the president today and suggest that it would be a good idea for him to concede now theres also other reporting from fox news that donald trump would be willing to concede under some conditions and agree to an appropriate transfer of power just on that its not up to him he doesnt get to decide how he transfers powar the transfer of power will take place at midday or in january the 20th or 2021 its right there baked into the constitution and also the laws of the United States as for him conceding it seems unlikely at the moment he may well try at least a couple of level legal avenues the difficulty of the Trump Campaign has got and weve been saying this for a couple of days is that they keep seeing they have evidence of voter fraud the theyve had about voter tampering theyve had about dead people voting but they havent produced any evidence they set up a phone line and a website asking people to get in touch that hasnt worked quite as well as they hoped because the phone line has been besieged by joyful biden supporters taunting the Trump Campaign so they maybe havent been able to get as much from that as they hoped but donald trump was a feisty combative definitely defiant on saturday when a soon as joe biden was announced by the networks as the president elect he put out a statement saying that on monday they will prosecute every single legal avenue there are those within the trump or but who realize its over that hes lost that he should walk away that hes not going to be able to claw back or shore fraud to the extent that will claw back the votes. He is behind in a number of key states but there are also those the or the president who insists he has got to keep fighting until he has tried every single legal avenue and certainly bill stepien his Campaign Manager was telling donors and supporters on a call on saturday be prepared to be called to stand in the vents that we will organize in support of the president so at the moment and it could change its not over yet for him i dont many thanks to don official live in washington thats going to wilmington then delaware joe bidens home was a serious shell is everybody waking up after that massive saturday night party what are we expecting if anything to happen today that. Well you were d actually standing outside the church where joe biden president elect joe biden went to mass on election day its where his son beau is buried in a cemetery adjacent sure its there is a possibility or probability that he would come and attend mass service either here or in one of the other churches in his hometown or close by more than he gives a statement to the press. During gores leave so well wait and see in terms of practical steps he is now the president elect which means that he will be getting to work on trying to put together or formalizing a plan of action thats will be executed as soon as he is sworn in on january the 20th however hes limited in terms of the resources that he has he cant be meeting with states officials government officials yet because obviously hes not president however he has put together this covert task force which will be meeting we believe for the 3rd or 4th time maybe on monday maybe then well get some idea of exactly who will be running this task force what exactly he plans on implementing there were talks of he may be. Introducing a law making it compulsory for us for everybody in the u. S. To wear mosques on federal property so things like Public Transportation and stuff like that there would be difficult to implement it on everything because each state has its own individual guidelines but things that are under federal law like i say like you know Metro Services and buses not something that he can do in times of. Other things that were looking at we heard the messages that came out from biden throughout not just the speech that he gave yesterday but before that looking get trying to repair the damage that the past 4 years have done in terms of the social fabric in the United States the division and so forth but the. Its going to be a long hard indeed because as we heard from ireland then weve seen there are still millions of people who went out voted for trump and insists that they will continue to support him regardless of what happens but that is high on the agenda for our International Audience there is a lot thats on bidens mind in terms of what he would like to roll back on in terms of the policies that trump introduced primarily he said that you will sign up the United States back into the World Health Organization off the trump withdrew their membership there he will resign up to the paris treaty on the environment something that again trump was criticized for doing and that notorious muslim ban on visa entries for people from predominantly muslim countries were expected thats one of the 1st things that you also changed once in office in 2021 shell in wilmington delaware many thanks indeed. And as we mentioned president elect joe biden says that his number one priority is dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis and the economic fallout of the pandemic pulled in 2 137000 americans have died from covert 19 and nearly 10000000 have been infected by this promising to announce a task force on monday. Or were going to get through getting covert under control we cannot repair the economy restore our vitality or relish lifes most precious moments are going to our grandchildren our children our birthdays weddings graduation all the moments that matter most to us until we get it under control. On monday i will marry a group of leading scientists and experts as transition advisors. To help take the bright cares colored pravin converter into an actual blueprint that will start on january the 20th 2021 Jeff Stelling about she is director for the National Center of the Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University hes with us now jeff could tell you with us when that just by being says that as far as his Coronavirus Response is concerned hes going to follow the science what does he mean. He has so i think to a certain extent its how is this virus spread and what are the necessary things to put in place in order to combat that spread so weve seen in the current the trumpet ministration a lot of downplaying the virus a lot of saying whats not really getting that many people sick and and of course the evidence is to the contrary and saying well you know you shouldnt necessarily need to wear masks when we find that thats actually part of a very comprehensive set of measures that could be put in place needing to develop testing needing to make sure that theres a very transparent process in the back Scene Development an approval process all things that that could really be the different speed queen a very Effective Response than the one that were seeing today but with more than 230000 deaths in america maybe 10000000 infections one of the task force he sets up is going to be playing more just catch up with all day. Absolutely theyre really going to have to run theyre there theyre behind the curve on this boat literally and figuratively in the sense that theres just a lot of infection out there and so i think some early priorities are going to be one to put in the a very quickly a comprehensive governance structure in terms of how to manage this how to work with states and local governments but then also start to put in policies to help reduce transmission there is a bit of a Silver Lining here and that will probably also see more and more options come into the forefront theres more advances in treatments and back scenes in the pipeline and hopefully that will become available sooner rather than later to also benefit from a stronger government structure and hopefully an increasing level of public trust in how this is being managed in the early days of the pandemic we heard a lot about the playbook that the Obama Administration of which of course joe biden was a part. Of left for the trumpet ministration and that playbook was more or less an ignored elements of that playbook come come come back to the fore. I think they will mostly because they kind of have to in order to make it work so in the short run you know this playbook this sort of use of this team within the National Security staff was designed to work across the interagency in the United States all these various disparate authorities and different groups that you have to kind of bring together in kind of the messiness of the way that everything is currently legislated an organized without that playbook we see kind of what weve been seeing a lot of miscommunication inconsistent messaging and differences in the response and ultimately are not beneficial so in the short run that will need to come back and we probably will see some kind of elements of that in the long run this really does require legislation and working with congress and simplification of how we manage pandemics as a nation so we dont need these elaborate playbooks that are subject to the political whims of whoevers in office because we will see more pandemics and so we will need more than that these kinds of stop gaps but for this pandemic i do expect to see some elements if not most elements of that playbook come in come back and be used as part of the response and jeff will be Incoming Administration rejoin the World Health Organization and how much of this this covert 19 response will be will be in a federal level and how much will be. Down to the state level providing assistance to states. I think thats a really key point so to the to the 1st question the campaign almost immediately when the trumpet ministration signaled they would leave that World Health Organization said that if elected they would really enter into the World Health Organization so you know w. H. O. Is not without its challenges not without some of its own internal conflicts but that being said this is a Global Pandemic we need Global Leadership we need global institutions to your point this is experienced at the Community Level and within the United States within this federalist democracy a lot of that power in terms of mass mandates in terms of social distancing actually resides at the state governments and to a certain extent in the local government so very strong engagement of the federal government there are some things behind the scenes in terms of managing logistics. You know trying to reduce what the trumpet ministration has created a lot of Competition Among states for purchasing essential medical supplies to sort of streamline that and be more of an asset to the states rather than a barrier but a lot of this is going to continue to reside at the state local level and so one of the most important things will be for the federal government to have their backs and to engage with them on what are the most important things that theyre seeing and what kind of help and consistency and messaging can be provided to help with the state local response in addition to the federal and the Global Response really good so if you jeff many thanks indeed for being with us jeff flock about from could have Manchester Connecticut great thank you. This is the news hour from 0 to 0 still to come on the program irans Supreme Leader calls the campaign an example of moral decline well have International Reaction to the u. S. Election from tech runs across the region. And its forced profit out of his quest for his 1st of a Paris Masters title spradling details coming up a little later. The election of joe biden could mark a shift in u. S. Foreign policy governments across the middle east and beyond a revaluation relations with the worlds superpower we have 4 correspondents covering the story for us in a moment well go to some of the full team in baghdad. Is here for us in doha will talk to us had begun tell ron about hopes to revive the 2050 nuclear deal but 1st lets cross to assume cosi olu who is istanbul whos in istanbul in turkey. A mute response so far from keep what our leaders are saying see them. So far the 1st reaction came from the Vice President fox ai he was on a live show on a national t. V. And he said that turkey will definitely continue to continue to cooperate with its nato partners United States having to send the new president of the country and before that there was a reaction from the Main Opposition Party leader chemical sterile he tweeted and hey he sent his Congress Relations to the new president of the United States and he said that he was looking forward to work working with at the new president this is due on the reaction so far but of course were expecting turkish president president type our don also to come with comments probably after some evaluations and assessments that theyre going to be done within the presidency all right so what does all of this mean for us to relations in the future. Well for the last 5 years stylings relations between 2 nato allies have been actually problematic starting with syria policy during Barack Obamas time going going with the gold for oil for gore gold trade with iran which ended up saying the u. S. Sanctioning a turkish state owned bank also true key is in turkey trying to explore oil and gas and they stand mediterranean having de longest course the line and they still mediterranean turkey says it has rights as well also especially in the last couple of years erosion of some home and rights issues in turkey these are problematic issues between the 2 countries but when it when it comes to joe biden there is a problem because joe biden had a statement actually during a meeting with New York Times editors back in december 2900 he made a call saying that is some different approaches must be taken against turkey is present gone and the opposition must be back this is what he said to the editors and this was brought up the gen the in last august and the governments accuse joe biden for trying to intervene and of the mastic politics of country so he also said that the kurds they must be supported in syria and he was concerned about their guns a force of the kurds inside turkey these were not welcome by turkey but of course since he is the hes elected as the president and it turkey and United States have been allies for long times relations will continue but of course time will show whether turkey will be sanctioned especially because of russian as 400 system the sanction was actually prevented by the by donald trump so time will show whether these things are going to happen or not so because here are the reporting live from istanbul. Is here with us in doha for a look at what the impact by presidency will have in the gulf region castro was quick to congratulate joe biden on winning the presidency can we expect any sort of change of behavior by casaus neighbors particularly in relation to the blockade of kosovo. Well i do in very see this as an approach should it is that could ultimately pave the way to an and to the floor cave that was imposed into 1017 by saudi arabia the united arab emirates. And egypt for the simple reason that. President trump was a close ally to the to the emirate is a certain point particularly if you remember the 1st weeks of the blockade he was basically beholden to the political narrative that was presented by the saudis and by the later on when he was trying to step in and try to convince the saudis and the about is to stop the blockade they said no underbite in the saudis and the amenities will be more scrutinized than before and this could be an opening there could pave the way to an end to this market and i wouldnt be surprised personally to see steps taken now before generally that could ease tension of the could lead to the and of this blockade because what happens now is that with the international sentiment which is opposed to the blockade you have a new White House Administration which is definitely going to tell all the allies in the region for us to move forward we need to stop this blockade immediately many thanks indeed lets go work then live to teheran and to our serious big president rouhani has been speaking about joe bidens victory what did he have to say. He said that this was an end to the harmful and disastrous policies of donald trump that they had been denounced by people in the election and called on the new administration to return to the path of adherents and what hes talking about is the 2015 nuclear deal that donald trump pulled the United States out of and then impose sanctions on iran under his maximum Pressure Campaign now foreign minister javad zarif has also been speaking and he said that the world is watching and they will be watching to see if this new administration drops the disastrous policies of the previous regime and again calling on the United States to return to that you 1015. 00 nuclear deal and its an important deal for iran because theyve invested so much political a Political Capital into it now joe biden has said that he would return the u. S. To that deal but with a caveat he wants strict adherence to that deal now iran may say well we began to reduce our commitments to that deal because the United States pulled out you return to the deal 1st and then we will start to reengage joe biden also wants to extend some of those provisions to that deal essentially wanting more from iran more concessions that he may face some resistance from iran because theyve already committed to a lot as for us theyre concerned but theres nothing stopping another president coming along in 4 years time and doing exactly what donald trump has done so again the iran is looking to the United States looking to president elect joe biden to see what policy he will adopt now joe biden has said he wants to be tough on iran but wants to travel down the road of diplomacy but there hasnt been any messages of congratulations from iranian officials looking at that nuclear deal but out on the streets of iran there is some hope and expectation that hopefully the economy will get better its really been struggling. Under u. S. Sanctions and people just want some sort of relief out of there as i said big reporting live from tehran lets go to baghdad then someone a full team is there for us remember up to 3000 u. S. Troops if you to leave iraq by the end of this here some of the how to gauge this baghdad hope that the u. S. Will remain in iraq. Well several in rock hill leaders including the Prime Minister have come out to congratulate joe biden and also expressing hopes that the relationship between the United States and iraq will develop that the ties will be boosted because if you look back under the Administration Iraq ranked pretty low on the in terms of Foreign Policy priorities and in the few remarks the president mentioned iraq he talked specifically about u. S. Business interests here and he also talked about iraq as a base for u. S. Troops to counter irans influence in the region and this is of course something that has angered Iraqi Government officials because they have seen u. S. Unilateral action here on iraqi soil as a violation of iraq hes sovereignty so this is certainly something that they will want to see addressed in the future Foreign Policy they will also want to see the u. S. Administration broaden the scope of this relationship to focus more on the economy to help iraq emerge from the economic crisis the presence of the military presence and the presence of these 3000 soldiers that remain in iraq which President Trump has promised to entirely withdraw is really just one of the many issues that are on officials minds here and what is very interesting is that joe biden under president obama in 2011 he was in charge at that time of drawing the 150000 american troops that were present here in 2011 and of course some say that that contributed to a security vacuum which enabled the rise of isel so many will want to prevent the same mistake from happening again so what were hearing from officials is that they want to see a departure from from policies but also from obama era policies are serious about a full team that live in baghdad and he thinks dude. We are rapidly approaching the midway point in this news hour lets get a weather update now from evidence however that the weather is largely set fair across a good part of asia but not exclusively got some west of weather now making its way across japan some showers there on shore breeze through the sea of japan feeding those showers to that western side of honshu into her car as well as some of the showers will be wintry in nature temperatures will struggle a little its going to feel a little fresher than it has done recently 16 celsius there in tokyo a 12 but choose day at least in so light winds it wont feel too bad were into the mid to high teens across central and northern parts of china want to show it to the south of that towards taiwan and then we get into the real weather action where we got a couple of tropical systems in the process of developing Tropical Storm or depression that saddam has now weakened the final warning has been issued for that so not too much of an issue but were still feeling a fair amount of shabby rain towards the coast of vietnam another system punching its way through the philippines feta some very heavy rain to wards central and southern parts of vietnam as we go on through choose day and then on the other side of the philippines here we go again another developing feature which will feed some very heavy right into those flood hit parts of the philippines as we go warms through the way elsewhere across the region is the usual case of sunshine and chalice. Ever so many thanks still to come here all the new saab polls will close to me out of all millions though have been not been denied the right to vote in the election. That is false and we hear from the football icon is tries to these players are the champions for it with all the details a little later. With jealousy they spoke she just exquisitely shes very glamorous its part of our culture to look at our very very best for a special occasion and for that people we spend money everything you see on the catwalk they do it here. If there is going to be longevity they sold have to come in and tell me things hello to my nigerian on aljazeera. Gang life this was our foundation and what. I tried to do some to different when i met daisy it was the best day of my life. And i wish that day could have gone on forever. But my past caught up with me. And made us all pay the price and knock on aljazeera. It is good to have you with us hello adrian fenty going to here in doha but the news from aljazeera the headlines joe biden has delivered a message of hope and unity to clearing victory in the u. S. President ial election Vice President elect scum a harris is making history shes the 1st woman out of the noroozi to hold the job. President donald trump was playing golf when job ip was declared the winner of the election hes not conceded and says that hell go to court to make sure the election rules helped. Biden says his number one priority is to deal with the Coronavirus Crisis that is promising to announce a task force on monday more than 237000 americans died from covert 19 and maybe 10000000 but that infected. Lets stay with the fight against the the coronavirus pandemic the head of the World Health Organization has commented on the u. S. Election after a difficult relationship with President Donald Trump in a tweet to address other. Congratulated joe biden on beating trump he says he looks forward to working with the president elect has pledged to rejoin the World Health Organization in his 1st day in office w. H. O. Chief says the crises like because it by 900 pandemic show the importance of Global Solidarity lets go live now to the u. N. In new york our diplomatic editor james pays is that james diplomats dont normally get involved in politics what are we to make of this. Well i think that diplomats and officials and leaders around the world have been looking very closely at whats taken place in the u. S. And i think theyll of watched very closely that speech that joe biden made in wilmington you might say why would they be watching that closely didnt talk about International Affairs at all in that speech but i think the tone of that speech the decency the integrity the suit stability that came out of that speech will be noted in capitals around the world because it was the sort of speech you traditionally would expect a president elect to give the speech that weve always had in the past before donald trump for president elect and i think it signals that the u. S. Is potentially under joe biden going to return to a traditional role its going to care about human rights its going to try and lead in global institutions for example in the World Health Organization so i think its very no tutor around the world having said all that the new president faces phenomenal challenges on day one on a global scale 19 over a 1000000 people dead the worst recession this century a Climate Crisis that is only growing and of course nationalism growing around the world as well many challenges for President Biden and i think many governments now urgently trying to recalibrate for a very different sort of precedent diplomatic editor james bays reporting live from the u. N. In new york james many thanks or one major player on the global stage who has not yet commented as chinas leader xi Jinping Katrina here is in shanghai with more on what to expect with china u. S. Ties when joe biden takes charge. We may not hear from them until we have an official election result from the u. S. In joe bidens favor but certainly there will be many people in beijing who are breathing some thought i of relief the past 4 years of the tremendous ration have been really tough on the Chinese Government weve had in the trade war and those tariffs that just had there is very tough Technology Restrictions that have put a lot of pressure on the chinese economy and of course this year especially weve had attack after attack from the trumpet ministration on everything from her big 19 to the treatment we use in shin jiang in hong kongs National Security law and all of this has really brought the u. S. China relationship to the lowest point that weve seen in decades so many of us seeing biden presidency as a chance to reset the relationship between the u. S. And china theyre expecting want a return to a more conventional style of diplomacy a less confrontational less unpredictable approach and also the opportunity for time in the u. S. To potentially Going Forward to collaborate on issues such as the environment and Climate Change with beijing and biden do seem to see eye to eye that being said that doesnt mean that beijing is likely to celebrate this indeed during my and it is likely to present more challenges to china. In the sense that he has expressed an interest in strengthening ties with european allies for example they may build a bloc and use that bloc to pressure china to take some actions regards to the economy regards to trade that could be a room big challenge for beijing Going Forward. Other thing is if the o. P. s Prime Minister of the ahmed has ordered the immediate replacement of top government officials Foreign Affairs minister the head of intelligence the armys Top Commander of all been removed from office thats not yet been an official statement as to why the decision comes off that he ordered military action in ethiopias to grave region earlier this week that attack on a federal base there. Theres been an escalation in the conflict between as a by gendarme media and so by shots president ali have says that his troops are non control of shoe shop and thats one of the most important cities in the fight in the disputed region of the goto khattak so what makes capturing shusha such a big prize what tom has long played a pivotal role in that are going to cut about conflicts it overlooks the regional capital stop on a coast and its from there that as a by sean shell the city in the 1st the go to cut a back wall it also sits on the main highway connecting on media to the 2 sticks panic on medias capture of the town in 1902 was a turning point in that conflict and has been celebrated by armenians ever since we have correspondents on both sides of this story in a moment well get reaction from our media hub the hamid is in the out of and for us but 1st lets speak to some of in childhood in something of a party going on right now in the uk was someone tell us why. When adrian if you can hear behind us that these cars have been honking their horns and people have been raving their flags for the last. President and that the city of had taken to discuss that were joined by the spokeswoman for the biggest Foreign Affairs. Of the layover thank you very much for being with us this write to us why is this victory important and what happens next in the conflict well yes indeed today is a great day for all of us the us of a johnny people was waiting for this day for the 28 heroes and now today the president of the country made an announcement that the shusha is liberated its a great day and you are asking why is a very important for all of us about john she is a new story and a cultural fragile and center of azerbaijan many prominent people of azerbaijan persons have been born either be. And its indeed a very strategic place for us of our john as well so we have been waiting for this day its a great day and you can see that all of us of what john the people now in straits and what their high spirits and where i do my sure that we will be going to the end as the president said and well have a better way liberating all of the occupied territories of azerbaijan from occupation now this is being not accepted by the other side there are conflicting claims from armenia about whether these claims. Are true where are we in terms of diplomacy because people are suffering on both sides so how long the claws and is that a diplomatic solution when its not surprising that the other side is not accepting the victory of fuzzier but john they are spreading lies all over the time you know they are attacking civilians. Myside attacks and then they deny is that we did not do that so its not surprising to hear that now they are not accepting the liberation of shot by the us of what johnny army but as it has been stated by the head of the state we are ready even today to sit behind the negotiations table and start political settlement of the conflict but for these the important thing is that armenia make certain to take some commitment on the withdrawal of all its forces from the occupied territories of us a by john what the us what john army is doing now they are implementing the United Nations Security Council resolutions which demanded the withdrawal of the Armenian Forces from all the occupied territories of azerbaijan so we are ready. To sit behind the negotiation table and start political settlement of the conflict but again for this we need to eliminate the fact of occupation and to ensure the return of all the idea peace to the homelands thank you very much this is. The foreign minister. Spokeswoman talking to us about the reaction from azerbaijani than the other by danny elfman one in 10 people here in the other by john are supposedly displays because of the conflict so it is again both militarily strategically and politically by johnny government and seem a bit lost. Some of in java reporting live from. Some of us go to yeah. I mean you heard the Foreign Affairs spokesperson describing this as a great. Liberated whats the view in. Is quite different you wont hear any honking here. Basically i mean i did not confirm that. As they call it here has been taken away from them actually both the ministry of defense here in europe and the ministry of defense of the self proclaimed republic of nagornokarabakh have said that the fighting is ongoing but there is a realisation that this war is not going very well for the armenians it has lost already quite a substantial amount of territory. Regions around. To the south east to the south and to the southwest of the un play that it knows that it wont be able to retake anytime soon. What is going on in. From this side is that the battle is not over and that it needs to continue however also we have seen. Media videos of hundreds of cars leaving that. Area and then could switch. 10 kilometers away from. It which is considered the capital borne. So you do have civilians fleeing that area in big numbers we. Are told that the battle is still ongoing that not everything is lost but when you speak to people here and you ask them well well what if its lost what if you really lost it many would tell you that thats a disaster ok is media willing to sit down with as opposed to resolve this politically. Well you know both youve been hearing since the beginning of this conflict both sides saying that they were willing to sit down and have a conversation and then accusing the other side of not being serious about it now the reality is that as it were john has the upper hand when it comes to military confrontation underground as ever john has made to every tauriel gates i mean yet is in a very difficult position just for an example i mean this is the beginning of the conflict has been saying. Publishing how many people how many soldiers it had lost of the conflict well that stuff over the past week death of an indication that things have gotten worse for them over the past week but certainly this whole fight is having a toll and there is a feeling of loss here now as it were just position is very clear if we have a conversation where all what weve gained were not going to give back any more death the starting point of the conversation so is the point im seeing whether i would accept that to sit at any table there are indications that now armenia and azerbaijan as short of accepting the russian mediation but as a by gen had insisted that turkey would have a role in that and what were seeing is some reports some conversations off the record that ive also heard in back who before coming here that that is happening behind closed doors and they could be some breakthrough in the next few days or weeks something we have to wait and see but this is a realisation that at least here in armenia that things need to change to politically or militarily and militarily at the moment its very difficult for that to happen zeros how to abdulhamid their porting live from many thanks paula. The polls are now closed on the and last general election and 2nd since the end of direct military rule but actual link for democracy led by aung san suu cheney is expected to win a 2nd term but with a smaller margin than 5 years ago Florence Leary reports. This is what voting looks like during a pandemic mosques and physical distancing despite a surge in corona virus cases across myanmar voters were eager with some arriving even before polling stations had opened every Movement Even though the coverage 19 operate seems really bad right now i have made up my mind that i must vote in this election all my family members have voted to the National League for democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi is widely expected to win a 2nd term while her International Reputation has suffered because of her failure to speak up for the rich after they were targeted in a violent military crackdown in 2017 she remains hugely popular at home but the n o d is margin of victory is expected to be smaller this time Economic Growth has fallen short of expectations and ethnic conflicts persist in the country. The polls have been described as fundamentally flawed by Rights Group Human Rights watch more than one and a half 1000000 people mostly ethnic minorities want to be able to vote voting has been cancelled in more than 50 townships in areas the Election Commission says are troubled by unrest some ethnic Political Parties have accused the Election Commission of trying to block votes in constituencies dominated by apnic parties most of the ruling that minority are also excluded having been stripped of their citizenship and rights throughout the years. And whichever party wins theyll have to share power with the military which is guaranteed 25 percent of the seats in parliament enough to block constitutional changes but despite the challenges protests optimistic easy a little as i said i think this election is very important and everyone who is already 18 should vote because one vote can change a result so everyone should vote regardless of which party they support the n l d s main opponent in this election as it was in the last is the military backed Union Solidarity and Development Party Florence Li Al Jazeera not counting as a former British Ambassador as a me on my job as now fire skype from dublin mark good to have you with us 5 years ago there was great optimism about their mark 5 years on everyones a little bit disappointed especially in aung san suu cine what about the people of myanmar they as excited by democracy as they were 5 years ago well i suspect it would depend which part of me on my you were questioning if you are looking at the burman heartland it is nationalist heartland of the country i think they would be relatively content with unsanctioned shiv and i think she will win the election on the back of those votes they have seen what is the Economic Growth that see in a career rianne market existed before but of course if you were to ask the people around the fringes of myanmar the ethnic fringes you get a very different picture you see in the terrible violence against the indian youve seen many of the other ethnic groups disenfranchised during the last 5 years and some to cheers very much and as a buddhist nationalist politician so she still has tremendous support tremendous affection from the heartland but you get a very different answer from some of the other parts of the country and theres no effective opposition there either is there. There is and youve got the military part of the u. S. D. A. Which is a sort of relic of military rule so you know it is the only game in turn and the other side of this i suppose is that you hope the 2015 election was imbued with wonderful optimism it was exciting and sensitive she was coming to power up to just 2 years out of the house arrest the military was stepping back perks a country thats been under the yoke of military rule resign as manama has thats had ethnic conflicts raging is not going to move from that sort of blackshear white if you like its a transition thats going to take a long long time so maybe support an optimistic spin on things thats what were seeing at the moment the steady forward progress but lots more needs to be done to bring the ethnic conflicts to an end and to resolve many of these terrible human rights abuses but what about transition these describe any quicker under the by the ministration well america of course like all countries will be struggling with its own code it another problems but i think what you saw there under the trumpet ministration was really almost a green line to authoritarianism they were not interested in the promotion of democracy when you look around the world and you see manifestations of that from brazil to turkey to many other countries but i think in the behind he will try and if you look at his his speech in the last couple of hours i think he will try and restore america as a beacon of democracy so there will be that example that i think it would be unrealistic in the short term to expect so america to have a great deal of bandwidth to be pushing me and more in the right direction but they certainly will get more scrutiny than they have had for the last administration of us a really good story too many thanks indeed not counting that the former British Ambassador to the out. Indias capital new delhi is suffering from severe toxic air for a 3rd straight day due to increased stubble boating and vehicle emissions on saturday the overall air quality index crossed 441 scalar goes up to 500 the government has installed mt small guns across the state to spray water droplets into the air and a bit to reduce its delis absolution typically was. Due to farmers burning off stubble to traffic few fumes and windless days. Just ahead here on the news hour the worlds best gymnasts test tokyos ability to stage an event safely in the era of the corona virus far out here that are just moving. Around the World Council and cities are working to manipulate and influence us trolls books taking algorithms 13 developed and designed to push content that says click me every click we make use of thousands you just saw. One and in the 3rd of a 5 part series are you really is in mexico examining how propaganda and proper shape content will be algorithm on a jersey i. Held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied their right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent mark ne jame are saying his crime journalism. To demand my true links and voice solidarity with all taint journalists sign the petition. d free news saying. The. The old. Target talksport his for a major and thanks so much people around the world got a glimpse of what next years delayed Tokyo Olympics could look like on sunday japans capital staged a multination gymnastics competition its the 1st international than to the Tokyo Olympic venue since the games were postponed in march. There rena solve had a reduced capacity of 2000 fans had temperature checks and were encouraged to avoid shaving to reduce the spread of droplets foreign athletes arriving for the competition will require to test negative for corona virus within 72 hours of their waddle and japan. Took user group with philip. From this competition and they can help hold the cup and competition with other things going around and i think it would be a great environment to have going picks next year. Pick a president thomas bach says the event is an example of how a Sports Events can happen safely despite the pandemic for the games themselves organizers will be dealing with 15000. 00 olympic and paralympic athletes as well as thousands of officials and media the delay has sent costs spiraling the games are costing more than 12000000000. 00 and the delay will add an estimated 2. 00 to 3000000000. 00 more to that total and fans from abroad are worried they wont be allowed into japan the asian nation still has a ban on visitors from more than 150. 00 countries. Early with cultural and exports writer stuart where hes expecting a diluted version im against a go ahead next year i think thats a good will to make that happen when thomas barr the person that owns the. Last month spoke very passionately saying that there is just to support him there are many reasons to be optimistic im really confident we can deliver a certain successful in this game you could say that he was hurt or that short on detail but that her real well for the in the west we take the we are they have said that they will not be possible so its 2021 on olympics but before the issues are how do you keep people safe buffers also talks about massive amounts of testing of athletes and he is assuming theres a will he have acted so i think with the back thing without. Anything past results testing it isnt feasible but again i wonder if they will fight with use the numbers so that you dont have this 15000 People Living thats of germany a normal living is probably not possible and then theres the whole question the world is like it was merely good news is that this weekend there were gymnastics events in tokyo where it is the past decade but you know. In most of our small boat ball no other sport is currently operating without any like it as a whole and can you do it on the big without by curtis and then to all it sounds like the olympics as if its another that we think. German tennis player alexanders of red has produced a huge upset at the Paris Masters beating top seed rafa nadal in the semifinals so rather a 20 time grand slam champion in straight sets this is one of few top level titles that al has failed to win in his career so ram this years u. S. Open runner up is now on a 12 match winning streak and face russias Dale Medvedev in the final. And ive just been rafa with so that is never easy to do i think. I think the whole world will agree with that all the players will groom that and its going to be final and its the neil. Closer to dispose of tournaments are still left and im happy about it i think hes quite happy about it and were both not going to reach out anything to more and well see who can win medvedev overcame canadas neil also around its to reach his 1st final of the season the russian beating his opponent in straight sets 6476 madrid out will be going for his 3rd masters title. Terry henris montreal impact are looking to advance of the Major League Soccer playoffs a win against d. C. United on sunday would secure them a place in the postseason when charles recent form hasnt been great though theyve lost 5 of their last 6 games. So really it will mean a great deal if you can achieve that goal is you know we have to do is we not only in the league we have to do a bit more which will be nice. If we can win. Ok and that is all your sport for now back to you. It is just before 9 am in washington d. C. The president is about and has been tweeting. Will be talking about what hes had to say of course about the election about against foes of 4 years in washington d. C. In just a couple of moments so youre. Playing. In an election thats seen as a test of its frustum across a key elected government will vote for a new parliament faced with International Pressure over a military crackdown ever engine islams. Cheese National League for democracy hold on to its majority. On aljazeera. A story of love family and freedom go into my living years old you are at school you heard the sound of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me a midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i buy him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. On the our pricing. On al jazeera. Goes hand in hand with growing old. Refusing to be defined by their age mexican women are bringing out their dancing machine. And rediscovering the. One step at a time. By johnson hot part of the viewfinder and latin america see any. Easier. This underwater treasure is a risk of disappearing coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures. The Great Barrier strain the area the Cultural Heritage its iconic rhythm Industry Based bands this we will lose instantly if we have another. Of these. If this continues they just will be the opportunity for the corals to recover in between those mad. Scientists a calling for strong Climate Policy from the government to reduce emissions without this situation and they get worse. Thanks americans for electing him the 46th president and promises to bring back dignity to the white house. For the get this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a make america respected around the world again by promises to change the way that washington is handling Global Affairs as leaders from around the globe applaud his victory to. Relations with israel and the future of the 2 state policy how will the democratic win

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